#Neon Eros. 霓虹愛神
fyeahcindie · 2 years
Lovely electro & vocal in this collaboration for the new Dark Paradise Records 派樂黛唱片 compilation, Binary Opposition.  =D
The piece is called 來去 loi11 hi55.  I haven’t seen a breakdown of the credits, but I’m guessing the music/arrangement is by Ruby Fatale 鹿比 ∞ 吠陀
Ruby Links: StreetVoice,  SoundCloud,  iNDIEVOX,  YouTube,  Instagram,  Bandcamp,  Spotify,  Douban. I think Ruby is (or was) a member of Neon Eros. 霓虹愛神. Credited as ‘Synth/Beat Maker’.
Vocal by 賴予喬LaiYuChiao aka AO Chi O (from 春麵樂隊ChuNoodle and 二本貓 UrbanCat)
YuChiao Links: 春麵ChuNoodle春麵ChuNoodle YouTube, (some clips at 葉超 Yeh Chao’s YT),  呂 LU XUE ZHENG YouTube, and Chaulin Pun YouTube), StreetVoice,  Spotify,  Instagram, Chiao Lai IG.
More electronic music from Ruby Fatale 鹿比 ∞ 吠陀:
That’s the song Antinomy from her 2020 Paramita album.
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summerbreeze1 · 5 years
試聴 / 購入: Metropolis 輝夜都市 Neon Eros 霓虹愛神
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Soft electro band 莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied   We linked to the StreetVoice demo a few months ago but it’s been posted to YT, so if you missed it before, don’t miss it now!  =D
大慶 Ral Chen-Vocal/Bass/Program, 楊先妤 Vio (Viona Yang)-Vocal/Percussion/Synth and 又銓 Sean Yu Chuan Chen-Drums/Perc. 
(Sean is also in Yellowback 野樂派 and Ral is also in 眠腦 Sleeping Brain)
And earlier today, they posted a new demo w/lyrics to StreetVoice.  I adore their unison male/female vocals and on this tune, the synths are more percussive than usual, kind of a steel drum sound.
Coming up on July 20th at PIPE Live Music: 神說愛她:霓虹愛神x莉莉周她說 莉莉周她說 Lily Chou-Chou Lied & Neon Eros. 霓虹愛神
Neon Eros. self-describe as 'Chillwave, Lofi Hip Hop, Vaporwave, Songwriter, 華語流行'  They have a soft electro sound as well, so let’s have a listen:
Sam Lin 林泓伸-Voc/Gtr, Ruby 鹿比 (Ruby Fatale / Ruby Fatale 鹿比 ∞ 吠陀)-Synth/Beat Maker, 歐易-Bass (also in 厭世少年 Angry Youth), 黃建勛-Gtr, 吳程笛-Drums (厭世少年 Angry Youth).  
The 4 demos were written by Sam w/ arrangement/production by Ruby. 
More links: StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram.  Checking out their photos, it looks like the drummer might use a full drum kit or play an electronic thing, depending on the venue(?), and the bassist will mix in an upright acoustic bass for certain songs.   =D
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
A bit of controversy...
Remember the other day, I linked to the TW Ministry of Culture 2020 subsidy/grant list?   
Well, I was premature in saying the list looked smaller than previous years, because MANY more were announced on Friday!   =D
KT 張凱婷 (fr. Elephant Gym) was part of the *jury that was deciding the 2020 grants, and it seems there was a controversy about the selection(s) of musicians/bands receiving subsidies?  I’m trying to use Google/Bing translate to figure out what happened, but 何東洪 was questioning KT approving a subsidy for fellow Kaohsiung band 淺堤 shallow levée.  (Elephant Gym’s Tu Chia-Chin 涂嘉欽 was the original drummer for 淺堤 shallow levée).  
*The subsidy jury included 江力平 Lee-Ping Jiang (fr. LTK Commune 濁水溪公社), 巫尚碧海, Fran Chen 法蘭 (fr. Frandé), 姚浚民 (fr. WonFu), 馬念先 Mars Ma (fr. Sticky Rice), 張凱婷 (fr. Elephant Gym), 張逸聖 (fr. 顏社 KAO!INC.)
UPDATE: A BIG THANK YOU to my Lim for his comment on the main FYCI page, this is so helpful to understand the context of the grant process: 
my Lim • 43 minutes ago:
“There has always been a lot of controversies with this subsidy things. To sum it up, the initial purpose of this subsidy was like an investment from the gov to help the industry to grow. The biggest argument here is that there isn't a systematic follow up whether if the money is well-spent or not. Issues when politics and nepotism in processing application, and the process of deciding who gets the subsidy lead to a debate that whoever writes the best proposal on paper are awarded rather than the one who creates the best music. Other arguments such as an artist's decision to record an album/ MV filming is relying upon if they receive the subsidy or not, lead to a gag that the Ministry of Culture is the largest record label of Taiwan. And then there were some cases like mainstream/well-established artist awarded (from another subsidy) for concerts/exhibitions, people argue that funding should be awarding younger talented artist that have much fewer resources. And another important issue is the criteria, should they award artist that has potential or already gaining popularity in mainstream/commercial success, or should they award to artists that focus on artistic value with a smaller chance of achieving high commercial success for example genres like post-rock/ambient/metal etc.”
Below are the full posts about the process and controversy:
何東洪 10 hrs: 
“淺堤拿了樂團補助70萬,加上先前獲同年度行銷補助150萬。首張專輯未發,就獲220萬補助。然而他們獲行銷補助的公司負責人是張凱翔, 樂團補助的評審團裡有張凱婷。不要誤會,我喜歡大象體操,但流行音樂的補助體制到底~”
KT 張凱婷 9 hrs:
“聽說錄音補助出來了。 趁著休團期間,擔任今年錄音補助的評審。在一個月裡面聽250個團是極度艱難的工作,我基本上每團上傳的每一首歌都聽了。一團大概是放4-6首,因此花費的時間很驚人(再加上看企劃書跟做筆記)。在接這個工作之前想說,我真的有這個資格跟資歷嗎,後來覺得,我的資格就是我的誠意,認真用時間聽作品的誠意。必須要說的是,這次拿到補助的名單中,有我並不欣賞的團、也有我很欣賞的團沒拿到補助,因為結果是由每一位評審用自己的價值眼光進行判斷之後,經由多數決綜合出來的結果。所以我很希望對我非常欣賞,但最終結果無法拿到補助的樂團說:我好喜歡你們的音樂,雖然沒有拿到補助非常可惜,但這只是極少數人的判斷,假設你在這次評審中其實獲得了八分之三的支持,那你在整個市場中也有機會獲得八分之三的支持,這才是你的發展性。補充如下: 1. 我自己是先聽Demo,作品好才會去看企劃 2. 錄音、混音的品質如果好的話,真的會加分,因為聽得到細節。 3. 編曲的完整度如果沒有出來、而是用企劃書補充的話,會令人有點難以想像,所以說服力會比較低。 4. 因為是樂團補助,所以很明顯是個人專輯、然後找樂手來報補助的話,我個人會比較遲疑(但這只是我的想法,並非其他評審)這次的評審都是樂手(而且都是我很欣賞尊敬的樂手),無論人們對補助的批評或期待為何,我們都盡全力的發掘自己心中的好音樂。雖然對於很認真做音樂、但沒有拿到補助的團懷有很深的愧疚感,但我必須說,我自己的團報補助也往往有沒拿到的時候,但我們還是會持續發表作品!”
何東洪 6 hrs:
“潑出前一則關於淺堤的短文後,不少朋友跟我聊起這些年來的補助等等。其實十多年來的問題真的不在個別樂團或是評審身上。我自己也當任過評審,我相信每個評審當下都是依著音樂本身做評斷。但這些年來,其實在各種意見與批評聲音下,政府的流行音樂政策好像一部疾行火車,就那麼繼續往前駛去。結果是,"雨露均霑",不管主流公司、藝人,或是小公司、樂團,都成為這個結構的"受益者"。我以淺提的兩項獲補助案起手,對於評審凱婷的角色,沒有查明就大意連結,在此向她說聲抱歉 (那篇波文後我方看到她波文說明評審的過程)。這個圈子很小,其實有不少怨言,或是針對政府單位,或是一些每年獲得很多項目補助的公司(光看名稱不准,背後有不少公司是同一批人)。問題是,十年摟,就在這些批評、不願搬上檯面的怨言之中(很多怨言者自己也是受益著,所以---),我們好像就這麼過了。這才是問題所在.”
KT 張凱婷 5 hrs: 
“跟何東洪老師聊了一下 若我真的有私心 我的私心就是去幫助還沒有知名度的好團 而不是去幫助已經走出自己道路的友團 淺堤今天拿到兩個補助,是因為其他評審所青睞的結果 今天何東洪老師基於他的猜測去發了之前的那篇文,因此我才覺得需要去解釋,因為猜測並非事實,也謝謝他願意再發這則文澄清。 今天我身為知道事實的人,我就有資格說您的猜測是有問題的,而且所有在場的評審都可以替我作證。謝謝您聽得進去.”
And here is the full list from today; I don’t know all of these bands, but you can see many familiar names and several FYCI favorites among the recipients:  =D  (I got many of these links from the Party Star facebook: 一起追星去)
Full (700,000) subsidies:
Acid Marie 微酸瑪莉 Osean樂團 Endtrocity 暴行終止 SBG Jazz Trio 純粹探戈樂團 Orquesta Siempre Tango 雨國樂團 雨國 Kingdom of Rain 淺堤樂團 Shallow Leveé 羅思容與孤毛頭樂團 問題總部 It's Your Fault June Pan 赤楊 食蟻獸 雷擎 L8CHING The WAiiT YK樂團 - YK Band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Wang Hui Chu 王彙筑 Everfor DoZzz 异境樂團 Spectro 7 Constant & Change 康士坦的變化球 逃走鮑伯 Dharma 達摩樂隊 參劈 TriPoets 打倒三明治 Sandwich Fail Neon Eros. 霓虹愛神 Ying-Da Chen 陳穎達 Frescø 樂團 Skaraoke 司卡拉OK大樂隊 13月終了 Undecimber Fin. I Mean Us JADE (this is not 孔雀眼 JADE EYES)  笑琴 Chill Qin Tonic 5 (林修身與Tonic 5樂團) 尋找尼歐Finding NEO Robot Swing 百合花 Lilium 三牲獻藝 風籟坊 windmill 當代電影大師 Modern Cinema Master Smaller grants (150,000) for EP recordings: 王品裙樂團 看日早晚 體熊專科。Major in Body Bear 才能有限公司 Talent You Shame Gongs MoonD'shake Channel 7, 第七頻道樂團 胭脂虎 RougeTiger 清醒夢 Wake Back To Bed 陳子彰爵士四重奏 Daniel Chen codie 萬龍 E V E a.k.a. 酷酷小乖乖 Everydaze 睡後故事 Close Your Eyes MANIA 我是機車少女 i'mdifficult 柔 米 Zoomie 石青羅林 Stoneboyz
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