#Neonatal Infant Care Equipment
coochiequeens · 8 months
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
JERUSALEM — Walaa didn’t expect the birth of her fourth child to spark abject fear. But by the time her contractions started, the whole family was frantic.
There were no ambulances to be seen in the streets of Gaza’s Rafah City, she said, now so crammed with displaced families that there was barely any food left available for the 27-year-old.
When her uncle Wissam, a doctor, reached the tent where she had lived for weeks in the cold, he said, he could see they had run out of time. “I’m having the baby now,” she kept telling him. It was dark, and she was scared.
His cellphone flashlight was all they had to see by.
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The humanitarian catastrophe caused by Israel’s three-month military campaign against Hamas in Gaza counts some 52,000 pregnant women among its greatest victims. As airstrikes push 1.9 million people into an ever-smaller corner of the besieged enclave, disease is spreading, famine is looming and levels of anemia are so high that the risk of postpartum hemorrhage has soared and breastfeeding is often impossible. Forty percent of pregnancies are high-risk, CARE international estimates.
Prenatal care is almost nonexistent — what remains of Gaza’s hospital network is on its knees, at 250 percent capacity and consumed with treating mass casualties from Israeli bombing. Far more women are giving birth outside of medical facilities — in displacement camps, even in the street — than inside them.
Damage to facilities and communications blackouts — the strip lost cellphone service for a week this month — have left Gaza’s health ministry unable to compilereliable data for infant or maternal mortality during the conflict. But doctors and aid groups say miscarriage and stillbirths have spiked.
“What we know about pregnancy-related complications is that it’s hard to prevent them in any setting, but the way that we save a woman and newborn’s life is we treat the complication quickly,” said Rondi Anderson, a midwifery specialist for the Project HOPE aid group.
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
The only place that Wissam could find to deliver his terrified niece’s baby was a spot of cold earth between the tents. Aid workers hung bedsheets to give the woman a modicum of privacy. No one had been able to contact Walaa’s husband, and her mother was so scared that at times she had to look away. They cut the boy’s umbilical cord with an unsterilized scalpel and they filled tin cans with hot water to keep him warm. He weighed 7 pounds and Walaa named him Ramzy.
The family spoke on the condition that only their first names be used because they feared for their safety in the event that Israeli troops entered the town.
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Baby Ramzy is 5 days old. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
They fled their home in northern Gaza so abruptly that no one thought to grab clothes for the baby. This week, Ramzy was swaddled in a onesie outgrown by another child in the camp. He wailed as Walaa, still in pain from tearing during the birth, gingerly pulled herself upright.
The 16-year blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas won control of Gaza had already made pregnancy and childbirth more difficult for expecting mothers. Before the current conflict, hospitals often lacked adequate equipment and training for neonatal staff, according to Medical Aid for Palestinians, and more than half of pregnant women were anemic.
Hamas fighters streamed out of the enclave on Oct. 7 to kill around 1,200 people in Israel and take another 240 hostage. Israel responded with a bombing campaign and ground war to eradicate Hamas, killing almost 25,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians, to date.
The South African legal team that accused Israel before the International Court of Justice this month of committing genocide during the conflict argued that the obstruction of lifesaving treatment since Oct. 7 amounts to preventing births.
A lawyer for Israel called allegations that it is obstructing the delivery of food, water, fuel and other supplies critical for Gaza “tendentious and partial,” and said it was working “around-the-clock” to help scale up the volume of aid making it into the enclave.
Hanaa al-Shawa, 23, gave birth to her first child, Ayla, during the coronavirus pandemic, and the little girl, she said, brought her family a “glimmer of hope.” Shawa and her husband Mustafa, 25, were ecstatic when they learned in July that another child was on the way. The war began in October, and the future they dreamed of fell apart. “I had felt overwhelming joy,” Shawa recalled. “I did not realize that this joy would turn into great suffering.”
Nearly 20,000 babies were born in Gaza during the first 105 days of the war, UNICEF reported Friday. Delays in the delivery of lifesaving supplies, the U.N. children’s agency said, have left some hospitals performing Caesarean sections without anesthetic. Spokeswoman Tess Ingram said she met a nurse at Gaza’s Emirati maternity hospital who had helped with postmortem caesarians on six dead women.
“Seeing newborn babies suffer while some mothers bleed to death should keep us all awake at night,” Ingram told reporters Friday. “In the time it has taken to present this to you, another baby was likely born, but into what?”
“Becoming a mother should be a time of celebration,” she said. “But in Gaza it’s another child delivered into hell.”
For the five pregnant women interviewed by Washington Post reporters, fear that mother or baby might not survive suffused their waking thoughts — and made appearances in nightmares, too.
Shawa and Mustafa left their home in Gaza City’s Yarmouk Street in the second week of October. The Israel Defense Forces had ordered 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to move south for what it described as their own safety.
“I was afraid that I would miscarry because of the power of the rockets,” she said.
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Displaced Palestinian families from the northern and central Gaza Strip evacuate toward southern Gaza on Oct. 13. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
Many pregnant women made the 20-mile journey from north to south on foot, their legs swollen and joints heavy as they carried their luggage, three women who made the journey told The Post.
When Ayla was born, her family had a room full of toys ready for her. The room in which Shawa’s second child, a girl, will spend her first weeks, in a friend’s home in the Tel al-Sultan area, is tainted with asbestos, she said.
“We carried Ayla here in just the clothes she was wearing, and we don’t even have anything warm for her,” Shawa said. “If I’m unable to provide for her, what will I do for my next child?”
Rising food scarcity and malnutrition can cause potentially life-threatening complications during childbirth and lead to low birth weight, wasting, failure to thrive and developmental delays.
Shawa said she had only eaten tinned food, with no access to fruit or vegetables, since she left her home three months ago. Doctors have said her iron levels are low and her blood pressure is high. Mustafa searches daily but has found no suitable medication to control it.
Saja Al-Shaer, 19, started to feel like she was too young to become a mother. Her weight had dropped below 110 pounds, she was anemic, and her husband had not managed to get her medication, either. “He spent three days knocking on the doors of pharmacies,” she said. “I do not know if I will see this child or not.”
In late December, doctors at the al-Aqsa Hospital, 11 miles to the north, received a pregnant woman whose high blood pressure caused eclampsia and bleeding to her brain, according to Deborah Harrington, a British obstetrician who volunteered at the hospital with a Medical Aid for Palestinians team.
The baby was delivered by a C-section, Harrington said. The mother was still on life support when the physician left two weeks later.
“These women are presenting it in much more extreme condition,” Harrington said. “They’re just not getting hypertensive treatment. They’re not being screened for diabetes. If they’re diabetic, they’re not getting treatment for their diabetes.
“They know that actually accessing care, as it often is for women in conflict, is really difficult and fraught with danger. At night, there is often no light, so moving around is really difficult. You can’t call an ambulance because there’s no signal. The women I saw were really frightened.”
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Walaa with her uncle Wissam, who helped deliver her newborn son. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
From the corner of the damp room where Walaa was tending to Ramzy on Friday, she worried about where they would find clean water or baby formula. Her family had looked everywhere for diapers, but come up empty. In Tel al-Sultan, Shawa was fixating on rumors that Israel’s army would direct them to evacuate again. The walking, the carrying, the sense that nothing around her was hygienic — it all frightened her.
But she had made one decision that no shortage or military orders could change. She would name her daughter after her sister-in-law, killed in an Israeli airstrike weeks earlier while trying to find shelter for her own children.
The girl, she said, would be called Heba. In Arabic, it means blessing from God.
Mahfouz reported from Cairo and Harb reported from London. Loay Ayyoub in Rafah contributed to this report.
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wolfgang1097 · 11 months
My own headcanons regarding Spy vs. Spy (Backstory and early years) (Part 1)
What's up folks? This is Ari, today I want to create my own headcanons regarding Black Spy and White Spy from the Spy vs. Spy franchise. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING I am going to be jotting down is NOT official, but is my own personal fan headcanon regarding their backstory, upbringing, and whatever.
While a lot of people do tend to ship both of the male spies, Black and White, quite frequently, I find it rather odd and somewhat ridiculous (and sometimes a tad disturbing), I would rather headcanon the duo as brothers.
Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, I am headcanoning Black Spy and White Spy as biological identical twin brothers (being only about three or four minutes apart, give or take) who were separated when they were still very young infants by two different sets of parents. Before I tell you about that story, maybe I should tell you about their birth first.
It all started when their biological mother called a cab to go straight to the ER due to having severe abdominal pain during the early evening hours. The onsite obstetrician had found that one of the twins was experiencing fetal distress that was bad enough that she was going to have to have labor induced as soon as possible (back in Black and White's day, Cesarean Sections were still not commonplace as of yet). She was in labor for about five or six hours. Two different teams of neonatologists and the labor and delivery staff available rushed in as soon as they could just as she was about to deliver. One of the twins was born only a couple of minutes before midnight while the other one (the one who was in distress and stuck in the complete breach position, so the obstetrician and neonatologist did a lot of cajoling just to get him into the head-first position and they did) was born about one or two minutes after midnight. So while they were technically born on different days, they were still only a few minutes apart.
Unfortunately, things were not all's well that ends well. The twins (Black and White) were premature and required an incubator as well as the necessary equipment that they were going to be dependent on for the first couple of weeks or so of their lives during their stay in the Intensive Care Nursery. Meanwhile, their mother suffers from a fatal stroke post-delivery. This was unfortunate for the duo because not only did they just lose their biological mother only minutes after birth, their biological father was brutally murdered while he was deployed in the Soviet Union right before they were born (so their biological mother ended up having to give birth to the duo all by herself). This ended up rendering the duo orphaned while being premature, no less. Right from the beginning, Labor and Delivery and the ICN (Intensive Care Nursery) staff made sure that it was visually easy to tell the duo apart since they were identical twin brothers. According to at least a few of the select staff as well as many of the Well Baby Nursery staff (where they were later moved to until they were officially adopted by their own respective set of parents), White had the powder blue ankle band while Black's ankle band was mint green, as a way to tell them apart easier as they obviously were topless as long as they were in their incubators.
Another baby that was admitted into the ICN that the twins had known all their lives, who was born only a few short days later, was Phillip "Phil" Dengler (my OC, the Spies' rather odd, ditzy, fun-loving, laid-back, kind-hearted hippie neighbor who is, of course, the same age as them and, apparently, a lifetime friend of theirs (usually more often with Black than White). I'll eventually get to him sometime in the near future.), a barely full-term newborn who was suffering from neonatal abstinence and fetal alcohol syndrome because his biological mother drank and smoked while she was pregnant with him and ended up having a placental abruption, resulting in her demise. Phil's biological father committed suicide less than a couple of months before he was born due to severe mental illness. So Phil was orphaned for the first few months of his life, as well.
After a couple of weeks have passed by taking care of the duo, one of the twins, Black in particular, began to express signs of colic while he was still in the incubator, just when his lungs were strong enough. Any nurse who would pass by would have to rush over to him whenever she would hear him let out a blood-curdling cry. It wasn't any help that Black and White also struggled with fairly high bilirubin levels where they have to have phototherapy done, even when they (alongside the aforementioned OC of mine, Phil) were well enough to be moved into the Progressive Care Nursery. White also had issues with colic shortly before being moved into the PCN (Progressive Care Nursery), but not nearly as much as Black (Phil, on the other hand, was the less colicky than both Black and White despite his issues). At this point, the twins no longer needed the equipment (especially the incubators) from when they were first admitted into the ICN, yet they still struggled with somewhat high bilirubin levels until they were about a little over a month old. Once their livers were deemed mature enough, they were finally well enough to be moved into the Well Baby Nursery (and so was Phil once his symptoms have subsided completely). Although they were in good health, the hospital's nursery staff had opted to make accommodations to take care of these babies until they are adopted by the different set of parents that would eventually separate them instead of sending them to an orphanage (considering that the nursery staff were shown to be significantly more nurturing and gentle with newborns and infants than the local orphanages).
Stay tuned for Part 2. Peace.
I do not claim ownership. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and Antonio Prohias. Phillip "Phil" Dengler (who I am going to be working on in the near future) belongs to me.
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shina913 · 2 years
Joon and Jooni (A Scions Story) | KNJ
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Joon and Jooni (A Scions Story)
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✼Scions Masterlist✼
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Pairing: Fem!Reader Sister + Kim Brothers; Namjoon x Fem OC (named)
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Siblings!AU; Marriage!AU; FWB!AU; exes to ?; Mom!Reader; Brother’s Best Friend; drama; angst; smut; fluff
Warnings: angsty fluff (is there such a thing?); lots of sentimentality; mentions of minor character death; vulnerable confessions; parenting fears; allusions to infidelity; cussing; marriage troubles; OC goes into early labor; mentions of childbirth but no explicit descriptions; mentions of C-section; newborn baby goes into NICU; lots of ultra-soft!Joon moments; terrible double-entendre about Happy Meals
Word count: 4,772K
Summary: Four grown siblings return to their childhood hometown after their father is declared to be terminal. They are forced to live under the same roof for days, along with their overbearing mother, to say their final goodbyes. It starts off nostalgic until some unresolved family issues along with an assortment of spouses, exes, and might-have-beens make things even more interesting.
A/N: This was meant to be a flashback insert for the actual next chapter of Scions but...things got out of hand, per usual 🤡 Anyway, a bunch of medical terms mentioned here. I am no expert--I just pulled a lot from my own birthing experience. If you’re in the medical field, I apologize for any inaccuracies! This also starts off on one scene from Scions 6 (when Joon rushes out).
Terms: Braxton-Hicks contractions. Also known as prodromal or false labor pains, are contractions of the uterus that typically are not felt until the second or third trimester of the pregnancy.
NICU. A neonatal intensive care unit, also known as an intensive care nursery, is an intensive care unit specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants.
Preeclampsia. A serious condition during pregnancy. Signs of preeclampsia are high blood pressure, protein in your urine and swelling.
VBAC. Acronym for vaginal birth after Cesarean.
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Days ago, Namjoon sat on a park bench overlooking the lake while he contemplated Victoria's news.
I’m here to let you know that I’m keeping it…You can be as involved as you want…or not.
Then he thought back to their conversation at the driveway before she left to return to the hotel.
“What does Jax think of all this?” Namjoon asked.
“I mean…” Victoria paused to let out an uncomfortable breath, “I don’t really expect anything from him. But you know, he’s…surprisingly supportive about the whole situation.”
Namjoon laughed bitterly. “Wow, supportive,” he repeats mockingly.
“Namjoon, please,” she begged. “I’m not here to argue or anything like that. I know that you wanted a clean break–I’m sorry that I fucked that up with this,” she gestured at her abdomen.
“I just thought that you had a right to know. And…frankly, when I heard about your dad…I thought that he could use…I don’t know, some light in the darkness? He treated me like his own daughter…more than my own dad,” she added.
Namjoon threw his head back and sighed. Even though his mom had reservations about Vee when he first brought her to his hometown, his dad had always been welcoming.
“Listen, if you want to talk some more about…I don’t know, logistics, about…the baby, living arrangements…I’m staying at the Hilton, room 912. I’ll be around…you know, until–” she stopped short of saying ‘until your dad passes on.’ She shook her head and instead said, “Just call me.”
Namjoon buried his head in his hands. He felt lost and confused. This was a less-than-ideal situation.
When he and Vee met, they seemed to have settled on the fact that neither of them had a strong desire to have children.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin to parent a kid since my own parents were never there for me. Why would I subject an innocent child to that, was what she used to say.
And he would respond with, I don’t think I’m equipped to be a parent. Plus, my mom and I always had trouble getting along…I was such a bad kid.
It wasn’t until after Jooni was born that things took an interesting turn for them.
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3 years ago…
“Oppa! Watch out!”
Namjoon narrowly avoids a cyclist, while he rushes through the city streets to get YN to the hospital. The day started off mundanely enough…oh, and it was also his birthday!
Victoria was in meetings most of the day but she made dinner reservations at their favorite restaurant to celebrate. YN decided to surprise Namjoon at his workplace right before lunchtime to bring him miyeokguk and a small cake.
As soon as he blew out the candles, she nearly dropped the cake when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.
This was her second pregnancy and she’s said a few times that it’s been more challenging than the first. On top of preeclampsia, she would feel waves of Braxton Hicks contractions–not that he would know much about that but by the way she sucked in sharp breaths at times and releasing them with near-guttural groans, he deduced that they were pretty bad.
The one that she got in Namjoon’s studio had her doubled-over in pain. She was only a day shy of 35 weeks.
“You’ll ruin your perfect driving record,” she gasped in between breaths.
“Do you really think that I care about that now while you’re going into early labor in my car?”
“I know, I know…it’s not time yet but…” YN paused to let out a deep breath as another contraction rolled. Once the pain had passed, she turned back to reassure Sam on the phone. 
“I’m sure they’ll still let me do the C-section. It’s too risky for a VBAC with my medical history…I know, I know…I’m okay. Namjoon-oppa drove me here and I talked to Joobin's teacher to let her know that Vee will pick him up around 5…Okay. Have a safe flight, yeobo. I’ll see you soon…Love you, too.”
As soon as she get off the phone with Sam, Namjoon comes back into the room. He was visibly annoyed.
He curses under his breath. “Why is it so difficult to get a nurse in here?”
She sighed and rested her hand on her stomach instinctively. “Joon, calm down.” She was in a meditative state, her deep breathing rocking the baby in her belly. “Someone will be here soon. And I just heard back from my doctor. She’s finishing up with another patient then hauling ass over here from the clinic.”
Namjoon nods, momentarily calming down until he catches a glimpse of one of the monitors that showed her blood pressure reading.
“Jesus–your blood pressure is crazy! Are you sure you feel fine? It’s at–”
“Oppaaa…” she drag out with her eyes closed, “I am fully aware and I don’t need to know what the reading is. It doesn’t help me.” She puffed her cheeks and let out another deep breath. “I feel fine…with the exception of…mmmppfff…the pain,” she groaned.
Just then, one of the nurses who hooked her up to an I.V. returns with an attending to check her vitals and how everything was progressing. The doctor introduces themself as Dr. Shin before lifting up the sheet to check how far along she was. The action completely takes Namjoon by surprise as he instantly turns his head away.
“Woah–doc, can you at least give me a warning before you do that?” He exclaimed, trying to shield his eyes with his hand.
“It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before,” the doctor says.
“Uhm–he’s not the dad, doctor,” the nurse corrects.
“He’s my brother,” YN says.
“Yes and I have no plans on seeing what goes on down there as far as my sister is concerned,” he added uncomfortably, making YN laugh.
After a quick apology, the doctor finishes the pelvic exam and says, “Alright, so–looks like you’re at 5 centimeters. We can give you the epidural now.”
“Uhm…” she hesitated, “I’m actually waiting for my doctor. She said that she was on her way here from the clinic. This is my second baby and I’m supposed to have a scheduled C-section–I don’t know if they filled you in–”
His eyes widened as if finally realizing something. “Ahhh, yes–I’m sorry. You’re Dr. Kwan’s patient, right?”
“Yes,” YN smiled nervously.
“So, I don’t know how long ago you spoke because she just paged me before I came in here to say that her current patient’s case is a bit more complicated…” he explains, “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me,” the doctor grimaced.
YN’s face falters with the thought of not having her doctor by her side. Most women who gave birth typically had whoever was on-call deliver their baby and she got lucky with Joobin the first time as Dr. Kwan called her in to be induced the next day on account of her being overdue by a week.
She didn’t think she’d go into early labor since Joobin was late. But this little girl–who has yet to be named–is impatient to make her debut.
Dr. Shin is reassuring. “Don’t worry–we’ll prep you for your C-section very soon. I’ll call the anesthesiologist to get you an epidural instead of the spinal block since you went into labor. That takes care of the pain you’re feeling for now and we’ll top you off once we get to the OR. Sound good?”
After a beat, YN nodded.
The doctor then turns his attention to Namjoon. “I don’t think you’ll want to be in the room while she gets the epidural,” he says in a considerate tone.
Namjoon shoots a glance at her and she shakes her head at him. “Yeah, no. It’s best that you don’t see all that.” He recalled Sam saying something about turning green while he watched them stick a big needle into her spine.
Namjoon steps out of the hospital room to call and check in on Victoria and Joobin.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey…how is she?”
“They’re doing the epidural right now. The nurse said that it’s something that might traumatize me so I’m out here in the hallway waiting for my mom to get here. How are you and little man doing?”
“Oh, we’re good right now. I got him a Happy Meal on our way home, so he’s pretty content,” she laughed.
Namjoon chuckled into the phone. “When do I get my Happy Meal from you?”
Vee laughs on the other line then lowers her voice. “I thought I always gave you a Happy Meal?”
A tired laugh rumbled from his chest. “Yeah, but it’s my birthday,” he teases.
She crooned into the phone. “Fine. I’ll make it extra happy for you when you get home tonight.”
Namjoon grins, even though he’s unsure of what time he’s getting out of the hospital. Then, he hears Joobin in the background. “Auntie Vee, can I talk to my mommy?”
Vee murmurs something back to Joobin in response before letting Namjoon know that she was switching her phone’s audio to speaker mode.
“Hey, buddy. Mommy’s resting right now but as soon as she wakes up, I’ll give Auntie Vee a call back so you can say ‘hi,’ okay?”
Joobin agrees and Vee tells Namjoon that returned to playing with his action figures.
Vee didn’t usually like interacting with kids. She tried to avoid them at all costs. When Joobin was born, she didn’t care much for him at first. But she surprisingly took to him, little by little. 
She wanted to hold him and didn’t mind giving him a bottle. She actually liked being around him, especially when he got older. Still, he considered it a huge ask for her to pick up Joobin to watch him for a few hours since there was no time to get a sitter.
Namjoon was about to speak but stopped short when he saw his mom rushing down the hallway. She happened to have a meeting with her agent closeby and drove to the hospital as soon as she was done.
“Baby, I’ll call you in a bit. My mom just got here. Thanks again for taking Joobin. I love you!”
“Just keep me posted okay? Love you, too,” she signs off.
“Hi, sweetheart.” His mom greets him with a hug. “What a birthday for you, huh?”
“Thanks,” he says wryly.
“How’s she doing?”
He shrugged. “Better now, I think. She seems happier since they’re giving her something for the pain. They said it was better for me to wait out here.”
“Oh, good. I’m guessing they warned you about fainting?”
Namjoon nodded. “And they told me that if I passed out that they would just leave me there.”
She chuckled. “Well, they don’t care about the men because their priority is the mom. Besides, if you happen to faint, you’ll wake up on your own eventually. No harm done!”
She pats his cheek gently before she walks into the room.
Namjoon fully intended to go home but after YN was prepped for surgery and the nurses started to wheel her into the operating room, he decided to hang around and wait. He thought that maybe he could catch a glimpse of the baby before leaving.
And he did. Namjoon lit up as he saw the bassinet coming in his direction with her face peeking out of her generic newborn beanie. After snapping a quick photo with his phone, he sees that his mom had a worried look on her face.
“We need to take her to the NICU for a bit. Something about the way her cries sounded—like she was having trouble breathing,” his mom explained.
“I-is she gonna be okay? How’s YN?”
“She’s fine. She’s in recovery right now but she’s still out of it.”
“Wait—she’s by herself?” He asked incredulously.
“Of course not. There’s a nurse there but I have to go and sit with the baby until they say that she’s well enough to join her.”
As if on cue, the baby lets out a garbled cry.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry to cut this family reunion short but we need to get this little one hooked up to a monitor soon,” the nurse interrupts.
Namjoon responded right away without giving it much thought. “I’ll stay with her while you can keep YN company.”
“A-are you sure?” His mom asks.
He nodded. “I’m sure YN will feel better if she sees family there when she comes out of anesthesia.”
They look to the nurse for approval.
“That’s fine. Just follow me, then,” she says in a rush to Namjoon, continuing to push the bassinet towards the NICU while his mom scurried back towards the recovery room.
Dull, rhythmic beeping fills the silence in the room. There was only one other baby there and their case seemed worse than his niece’s so the nurse hovered more closely.
After Namjoon was masked up and given a hospital smock, the nurse explained that his niece’s lungs contained a bit of fluid, which apparently is fairly common for babies born via C-section.
Thankfully, she didn't need additional oxygen. The nurse assured Namjoon that the fluid would just make its own way out. It just needed some time.
He sat next to her bassinet, watching the rise and fall of her chest. She looked like she was just chilling, with her tiny arms and legs splayed. The nurse dressed her down to just her diaper and a duck-shaped heart monitor stuck to her torso.
“You can talk to her, if you want?” The nurse urged when she approached to check on the baby’s readings. “All the parents do. It helps.”
“Oh, I’m her uncle,” Namjoon corrects her. “Her dad is on a plane making his way back, though.”
The nurse’s eyes crinkled, signaling that she was smiling through her surgical mask. “That’s okay. You can still talk to her.”
“Uh…w-what do I say?” He hesitated.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something, samchon,” she says before walking away.
Namjoon leaned in closer and gazed at his niece. How do you talk to a baby? How would you even begin? He barely remembers the time when Joobin was a newborn. He met him a couple of times but after that, Namjoon was deep into producing Jaxon’s album.
With one finger, he reached into the bassinet to touch her palm. On contact, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Hi,” he said softly. “I know you can’t understand me right now but I hope you can hear me.” He slowly ran his finger on her hand.
He scoots closer then reaches in with his other hand to caress her cheek.
“You are so cute,” he cooed in a voice that didn’t match his size. “You definitely got that from our side of the family,” he says confidently.
“Although…” He cocked his head sideways, as if to look at his niece from a different angle. “You kind of look like Taehyungie when he was a baby…But we don’t want him to know that so he doesn’t claim ‘favorite uncle,’” he adds jokingly.
He smiled and continued to stare at her affectionately. He continued to wrack his brain for anything else that he could say while she laid there, simply breathing in and out. 
He wasn’t quite sure why but his heart swelled with every breath she took. At barely a few hours old, he could see the fight in her. 
“I want you to know that Uncle Joonie will be right here until you feel better, okay? I won’t let go.” He pulled his mask down for a moment and lifted her little hand to his lips to kiss it.
When he sets it back down in the bassinet, she gives his finger a squeeze.
Namjoon left shortly after Sam arrived at the hospital, coming straight from the airport. He doesn’t stay long because YN asks him to pick up Joobin so he can take him home. Namjoon’s mom volunteers to stay the night with YN.
Two hours later, Sam shows up at their door and carries a sleeping Joobin into his car, thanking them for all their help.
After Sam leaves, Namjoon sinks into the couch, suddenly feeling tired. He just realizes that he was at the hospital for over eight hours. All that waiting around was draining.
Right before he drifts off, Vee emerges from the kitchen singing ‘happy birthday’ whilst holding a cake with a lit candle.
It may have been a long day for him but it wasn’t over yet. It was still his birthday.
Namjoon lets out a weak chuckle and sits up straight while Vee sits on the coffee table in front of him to hold the cake out for him.
He closed his eyes for a few beats to make a wish, then blew the candle out.
“What did you wish for?” She asked.
“Isn’t it bad luck to say your wish out loud?” He dipped his finger into the frosting and licked it off.
She laughed softly. “Only if you believe that kind of thing.”
“This day has given me a different perspective.” He paused to think about everything that happened today. This morning, he woke up feeling completely ordinary. It was just another year, no big deal.
She cocked her head sideways and set his cake down on the table. “How so?”
“You’re going to laugh but I found myself volunteering to sit in a room alone with my niece for a couple hours.”
Her mouth is agape, raising an eyebrow upon hearing that. “Really?”
“Yeah. They had to monitor her for a bit and…I don’t know, I just talked to her.”
Vee cracked a warm smile and moved closer to him. “You did?”
Namjoon nodded. “And I held her hand…” he smiled at the memory. “It was the best feeling,” he sighed happily. “I don’t think I held Joobin until he was at least 10 months old. And he was a hefty kid!”
She smiled endearingly at him. “And this is related to your wish…because?”
He stared at Vee quietly, the same way he did his niece. They were perfectly happy with their lifestyle: working, traveling, no kids to worry about. But something about the warmth that bloomed in his chest when he held his baby niece’s hand gripped him in a way that he couldn’t explain.
“I wished to feel that same feeling again except… for us…with our own baby,” he said slowly.
Vee stared blankly at him. This wasn’t in their plan. They both worked too much and were accustomed to going out at every chance they got.
Immediately, Namjoon tries to explain himself knowing full-well that he and Vee had long-established in their relationship that kids were just not at the top of their list of priorities. “I-I know what you’re thinking—“
He stops talking at the touch of her hand. She brushed her thumb over his cheek, smiling at him. Then, she pulled at his shirt, bringing him closer for a kiss.
“Why don’t we start tonight? I still owe you that birthday Happy Meal,” she laughed.
He beamed, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. “I won’t say no to that.”
It seemed like an impulsive decision but Namjoon was a whole bundle of love that day, all because of his baby niece. He knew right when she tugged at his finger, she had him wrapped up in hers.
The next morning, on his way to work, Namjoon decided to stop by the hospital. He cracked the door open, announcing his arrival. “Are you decent?” He asks, in case YN was nursing the baby.
“Yes,” she laughed from behind the curtain. “Come on in! We’re just having a little snuggle.”
He found her with her back reclined to the bed, the baby sleeping on her chest.
Namjoon bends a little to have a look at her while her head rests on her mom’s shoulder. “Wow, she already looks so different!” 
She agrees with him. “She does, huh? By the way, I heard that you were really good with her in the NICU. Watched her like a hawk,” she smiled.
Namjoon chuckled while he sat on the chair next to the bed.
“Do you want to hold her?”
The question takes Namjoon by surprise. 
“A-are you sure?” He was notoriously clumsy so he wanted to make sure that his sister knew what she was asking him to do.
“Of course!” She sat up gingerly, wincing as her incision site was still sore. Namjoon helped her out of the bed until she was steady on her feet.
“What if I drop her?” He panics.
“Oppa, when you love something this precious, dropping them is the last thing you’ll ever do,” she assured him. “Now, sit back down and I’ll hand her to you.”
“Uh…o-okay…” He nervously lowered himself into the seat once more. Holding the baby securely with one hand, YN grabs one of the extra pillows at the foot of the bed with her free hand and sets it under Namjoon’s elbow.
She instructed him to hold out his hands. He does so but keeps his elbows tucked to his sides.
She gently peels the baby off her chest, making her flinch at the loss of warmth. It doesn’t help Namjoon’s nerves.
YN sees Namjoon tense up. “You have to relax. Babies can smell fear,” she joked.
He scowls at her. “Not funny.”
There was no turning back now. The handoff is awkward, as expected, but he takes his niece, and immediately curls his arms inwards to hold her close to his chest. She whines a little and it makes him more nervous. YN tries to rearrange his arms on the chair, almost like a marionette, in what she thought would be a more comfortable but still secure position for him.
When he finally settled in, the baby instinctively nuzzled into his chest. It made him visibly relax. His shoulders sink into the chair while she falls back to sleep in his arms.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, right?” YN remarked.
Namjoon gives a vague hum and continues to stare at the baby. Without prompting, he dipped his head lower and lifted his arms slightly so he could brush the tip of his nose against her forehead. She lets out a little yawn, which endears him.
YN smiled warmly at the moment that just unfolded then quietly reached for her phone to snap a candid photo of them.
Without looking up at YN, he asks, “Have you guys thought of a name yet? I know you said that you were tossing a few around but decided to wait until you got a good look at her.”
“Yeah. Sam and I came up with it last night. Well,” she added quickly, “I actually suggested it first. He agreed and thought it was perfect.”
He finally managed to tear his eyes away from his newborn niece. “And?” He waits expectantly.
YN smiled knowingly at him. “Say ‘hello’ to–”
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“Jooniyah!” Namjoon called out to his niece. “That spot is all messed up. I don’t want you tripping over and hurting yourself.” The path, although paved, was dangerously uneven because of tree roots pushing up from under the concrete.
He paced around nervously, ensuring that Jooni moved away from that part of the playground before he sat back down. He volunteered to bring the kids to the park while his other siblings helped make arrangements for his dad's memorial.
Namjoon wanted the kids to feel some type of normalcy as a dark cloud hung over the Kim household. He thought that it was perfectly fine to take some time away from mourning their grandfather. They were still so little after all.
“Jooni! Come and get me!!!” Joobin giggled as he outran his sister.
Jooni gives up as her brother zooms around the playground. Instead of going after him, she runs towards the park bench where Namjoon sat. “I need to take a little break, oppa!” Jooni panted as he handed her a water bottle.
She takes a long swig. Afterwards, she says, “Uncle Joonie?”
“Yes, princess?”
“Is Uncle TaeTae gonna be okay?”
His eyebrows furrowed at Jooni’s concern for Taehyung. He hadn’t come out of his room since the mortuary took away their father’s body.
Namjoon paused to think of a way he could explain it to her in simple terms but he wouldn’t dare sugarcoat the situation. He knows that his niece and nephew were wise beyond their years and that YN always tried her best to talk about difficult subjects with her children as openly as she could.
He pulls Jooni close to him and cups her little face. “Uncle TaeTae is very sad that harabeoji is gone. He needs some time to process.”
“But we’re sad, too.”
“Yes, we are,” he agrees soberly. “But we all feel differently and we all deal with it in different ways. For example, halmeoni likes to clean and organize things. Uncle Jin stays close to Auntie Yoojung; your mommy likes to keep herself busy by cooking; while I like to go out to get some air and have some time to think. Uncle Tae…he likes to be left alone.”
Jooni pursed her lips. “I like to be alone sometimes, too.”
Namjoon’s heart lurched. Some days, he had to remind himself that Jooni was all but three-and-a-half. But her thought process, the way she felt things…she seemed more mature than most kids her age. Then again, he was biased.
He lifted her chin up then gave her a soft smile. “But you know that you don’t have to be alone, right? And if you feel like you need to, you can always talk to somebody?”
She twisted her lips wryly. “Yeah.”
Namjoon lowered his neck at her. “Do you want to talk to samchonie about it?” He asked with a small smile. 
She shook her quietly.
He nodded. “That’s okay. You just need some time…just like Uncle Tae.”
She nodded in return and not long after was suddenly distracted by Joobin flying down the big slide at the park with a loud whoop, landing on his butt on the ground.
Namjoon’s head snaps up in Joobin’s direction and runs towards him to check for any injuries.
“I’m okay, Uncle Joon,” he giggled, dusting his bottom off and turning the corner to go up the steps again.
Namjoon sighed in exasperation. “Aigooo…Joobinah! Don’t do that again. I’m going to get in trouble with your mom if I have to rush you to the ER,” he calls out to him but Joobin ignores him.
“Jooniyah! Come on!” Joobin waves to her from the top of the slide before pushing off down the structure.
Namjoon turns to look at Jooni. “Why don’t you go play with oppa?”
She shook her head. “I’m scared. It’s so high.”
“What if you and Joobin slide down together?”
She shook her head again. “He goes too fast! What if I fall?”
He wrinkled his eyebrows then squinted. Seconds later, he gets an idea. “Would it help if…we went down the slide together?”
She thought about it first. “You won’t let me go?”
“Of course not. I’ll hold on to you real tight, I promise,” he reassures her.
After a bit more hesitation, she acquiesces. “Okay.”
Namjoon grinned. Before climbing up the slide, Joobin asked to be spun around a sit-and-spin, to which he obliged.
They climb up the steps to the top of the big slide. Namjoon barely fit the structure but he promised Jooni that he would go down with her.
He waited while she took her place in between his legs, where he held her securely.
“Are you ready, princess?”
Sensing the hesitation in her voice, he gives her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Hey, remember, I said that you can hold onto me as tight as you want. And I promise that I won’t let go until we reach the bottom, okay?”
She gave him a small nod. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he reassures her. “On the count of three, we’ll push off. Ready? One, two, three!”
Down they went, Jooni’s fingers clutching onto Namjoon’s jeans as she let out a little squeal.
For a 3-year old, that slide went fast. And when they got to the bottom, Namjoon checked on her.
“Are you okay, Jooni? Are you still scared?”
She turned her head to face him, her lips curving upwards into a grin. “That was so cool, Uncle Joonie! Again!” She exclaims as she scrambles off his lap.
He laughs then runs after her. “Slow down! Wait for me!”
Though he still had some warranted fears about fatherhood, at that moment, he started to feel optimistic about it.
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yourmedicalfriend · 11 months
Explore Now the price of Silicone Resuscitator
A Silicone Resuscitator, commonly referred to as a “bag-valve-mask” (BVM) or simply “ambu bag,” is a crucial medical device used for manual ventilation. It’s typically employed in emergency medical situations to assist patients in breathing when they are unable to do so on their own. Here’s why the Silicone Resuscitator is important:
Emergency Ventilation: In critical situations such as cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, or during the recovery phase after surgery, patients often struggle to breathe effectively. The Silicone Resuscitator provides a way to manually deliver breaths to the patient. This is crucial in sustaining life, especially when the patient’s respiratory function is compromised.
Controlled Ventilation: The device allows medical professionals ambu bag adult precise control over the volume and rate of ventilation. This control is vital in adjusting ventilation according to the patient’s specific needs, which can vary greatly depending on their age, size, and medical condition.
Patient Comfort: Silicone Resuscitators are made from soft and flexible medical-grade silicone. This material is gentle and comfortable for the patient, which is essential when using the device over an extended period or with pediatric patients.
Latex-Free: Many patients have latex allergies, and exposure to latex products can lead to severe reactions. Silicone Resuscitators are latex-free, making them safe for a broader range of patients.
Wide Range of Applications: These devices are used across various healthcare settings, including hospitals, emergency medical services (EMS), intensive care units (ICUs), and neonatal units. They cater to patients of all ages, from infants to adults.
Precision: The integrated oxygen inlet in many Silicone Resuscitators allows healthcare professionals to control the concentration of oxygen being resuscitator delivered, which is critical during resuscitation procedures.
Portability: Their design ensures that they can be easily transported and used in various healthcare environments, both in and out of the hospital.
Silicone Resuscitator are vital tools in healthcare, ensuring that patients receive the life-saving ventilation they need in emergency situations. Their precision, patient comfort, and versatility make them indispensable in critical care settings, providing a bridge to life when every breath counts.
At GST Corporation Limited (GSTC), we take pride in offering cutting-edge medical solutions, and our Ambu Bag Valve Mask and Silicone Resuscitator Bag are no exception.
Key Features:
1. Ambu Bag Valve Mask (BVM): Our Ambu Bag Valve Mask, an essential tool for emergency ventilation, is designed to deliver life-saving breaths. Its premium quality and reliability make it a top choice for healthcare professionals.
2. Silicone Resuscitator Bag: Our Silicone Resuscitator Bag is built with medical-grade silicone, ensuring durability and adherence to rigorous safety standards. This resuscitator bag is available in different sizes to suit patients of all ages, from infants to adults, guaranteeing effective ventilation while prioritizing patient comfort.
Why Choose GSTC:
Our Ambu Bag Valve Mask and Silicone Resuscitator come equipped with integrated oxygen inlets for precise oxygen management. They are latex-free, making them safe for use by patients with latex sensitivities. Their portable design ensures accessibility in various healthcare settings, while their adherence to strict medical and safety standards guarantees reliability and safety during critical procedures.
When you choose GSTC, you opt for excellence in medical care. Explore our Bag Valve Mask and Silicone Resuscitator Bag range and experience unmatched quality.
Ambu Bag Used
In the realm of medical equipment, few tools hold the significance and life-saving potential that Ambu Bag Valve Mask (BVM) and ambu bag silicone do. These instruments are fundamental in emergency medical care, ensuring that patients in respiratory distress receive the critical assistance they need, especially when time is of the essence.
At GST Corporation Limited (GSTC), we understand the pivotal role that these devices play in healthcare, and we’re committed to providing healthcare professionals with the finest ambu bag valve. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve into the features, functions, applications, and benefits of these two indispensable instruments. Whether you’re a seasoned medical practitioner, an EMT, or just beginning your journey in the medical field, this guide will serve as your beacon of insight into these lifesaving tools.
Key Features of Ambu Bag Valve Masks (BVM):
Premium Quality: When it comes to saving lives, compromise is not an option. Our Ambu Bag Valve Masks are crafted with utmost precision and are a testament to unwavering quality. We recognize the trust that medical professionals place in these devices, and we honor that trust with top-notch construction.
Emergency Ventilation: Ambu Bag Valve Masks are designed for one crucial purpose – delivering life-sustaining breaths. They function with unparalleled efficiency to restore normal breathing patterns in patients, making them indispensable in scenarios involving respiratory emergencies.
Versatility: Our range of Ambu Bag Valve Masks is not one-size-fits-all. We offer a variety of sizes to cater to patients of different ages and conditions. From infants to adults, these masks are engineered to provide effective ventilation, ensuring that patient comfort is never compromised.
Resuscitator Bag
GSTC’s Ambu Bag Valve Masks and Silicone Resuscitator Bags come with integrated oxygen inlets that enable precise oxygen management during resuscitation silicone ambu bag procedures.
Their latex-free composition ensures safety for patients with latex sensitivities. These instruments are designed with portability in mind, allowing healthcare professionals to access them in a variety of healthcare settings. Additionally, their strict adherence to medical and safety standards guarantees reliability and safety, particularly during life-or-death situations.
BVM Bag Valve Mask
The ambu bag mask are not just medical instruments; they are beacons of hope for patients and lifesavers in the hands of healthcare professionals. Trust in GSTC to equip you with the tools you need to make a life-changing difference.
Key Features of Silicone Resuscitator Bags:
Medical-Grade Silicone: The foundation of a high-quality Silicone Resuscitator is the material it’s crafted from. At GSTC, we utilize medical-grade silicone that guarantees longevity, durability, and compliance with the strictest safety regulations.
Wide Size Range: Patients come in various shapes and sizes, and so do our Silicone Resuscitator Bags. These bags are available in a range of sizes to suit individuals of different ages. This ensures that efficient ventilation is delivered without compromising patient comfort.
Applications of Ambu Bag Valve Masks and Silicone Resuscitator Bags:
Both Ambu Bag Valve Mask and Silicone Resuscitator Bag are versatile tools that find applications across different healthcare settings.
Hospital Emergency Rooms: These devices are instrumental in resuscitating patients who have suffered cardiac arrest or are experiencing respiratory distress.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS): EMTs rely on Ambu Bag Valve Masks to provide crucial assistance during emergency calls.
Intensive Care Units (ICUs): In intensive care, the precise ventilation control of Silicone Resuscitator Bags is invaluable, especially when patients require assisted breathing.
Pediatrics and Neonatal Care: Our variety of sizes ensures that even the smallest patients receive the care they need, making these devices indispensable in pediatric and neonatal units.
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8866553223 · 1 year
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A radiant heat warmer is a type of medical equipment used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to provide warmth to premature or sick newborns. It is designed to help maintain the baby's body temperature by emitting infrared radiation without the need for direct contact. This equipment is essential in NICUs as premature or sick newborns have not yet fully developed their ability to regulate their own body temperature, making them vulnerable to hypothermia. The radiant heat warmer works by creating a warm environment around the baby, helping to stabilize their body temperature and prevent complications. The use of this type of equipment, along with other devices such as incubators, is crucial in providing optimal care for premature or sick newborns in NICUs.
PRODUCT LINK:https://bit.ly/3lNm9Q8
Bilicure LED phototherapy is a non-invasive medical treatment used to treat jaundice in newborns. Jaundice is a common condition in newborns where the buildup of bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause yellowing of the skin and eyes. Bilicure LED phototherapy uses special blue LED lights to break down bilirubin in the baby's bloodstream, allowing it to be excreted from the body more easily. This type of treatment is safe and effective, and is commonly used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to manage jaundice in premature or sick newborns. The use of Bilicure LED phototherapy, along with other medical interventions, can help prevent complications associated with jaundice and ensure the healthy development of newborns.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINK:https://bit.ly/37mOac2
A neonatal pulse oximeter is a medical device used to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood of newborn infants. This device uses a non-invasive technique that involves attaching a small sensor to the baby's skin, usually on the foot or hand, which emits light and measures the amount of oxygen in the blood by analyzing the color of the blood vessels. The pulse oximeter can also measure the baby's heart rate.
The use of a neonatal pulse oximeter is important in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) as newborns are more vulnerable to oxygen deprivation, which can lead to serious health complications. By measuring the oxygen saturation level, medical professionals can quickly identify any potential issues and intervene as needed to ensure the baby receives the appropriate oxygen support.
The neonatal pulse oximeter is a safe and non-invasive device that can provide valuable information to healthcare providers, allowing them to monitor the baby's oxygen saturation level and ensure that the baby is receiving the appropriate level of oxygen therapy.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINK:https://bit.ly/3orlDZG
The Vein See Neo is a neonatal vein finder device used to help medical professionals locate veins in newborn infants. It is specifically designed for use in neonatal units and is a non-invasive tool that aids in identifying suitable veins for various medical procedures such as intravenous (IV) access, blood sampling, and medication administration.
The Vein See Neo works by utilizing near-infrared light technology. When the device is held over the baby's skin, the near-infrared light is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood, while the surrounding tissues reflect the light. This creates a contrast between the veins and the surrounding tissue, making it easier for healthcare providers to identify and locate the veins.
The device provides real-time imaging, allowing medical professionals to visualize the veins beneath the baby's skin and determine the best site for vein puncture or catheter insertion. This reduces the need for multiple attempts and helps minimize discomfort for the baby.
The Vein See Neo is a valuable tool in neonatal care, particularly for infants with difficult-to-locate veins or those requiring frequent medical interventions. By improving the accuracy and efficiency of vein identification, the device can contribute to better patient care and outcomes in neonatal units.
PRODUCT CATALOG LINKhttps://bit.ly/3mRquD1
MFG.BY DOCTROID INDIA PVT LTD. (MAKE IN INDIA) 📧 [email protected] 📞.09510205430 📱08866553223 WEB:DOCTROID.COM
NICU PRODUCT LINK: https://bit.ly/37jJKDq
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mj2994-me-blog · 21 hours
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market
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Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/request-sample
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Share by Key Players
GE HealthcareNatus MedicalAdvanced InstrumentationsAtom MedicalPhoenix MedicalJW MedicalDAVIDFanemDisonMedipremaCobamsWeyerMedicorDraegerMedtronicLowensteinVyaire MedicalAcutronicHamilton MedicalSiemens HealthcarePhilips HealthcareAnalogic CorporationBDFisher & PaykelSpacelabs HealthcareArjoHuntleighNeoventa MedicalFujifilm SonoSiteEdan InstrumentsIbis Medical
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Segmentation
The report on Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Thermoregulation Devices
Phototherapy Devices
Neonatal Monitoring Systems
Respiratory Assistance Devices
Segment by Application
Pediatric and Neonatal Clinics
Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Maternal Infant Care Equipment Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-maternal-infant-care-equipment-market/buy-now
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darvingigev · 1 day
Comprehensive Emergency Medical Training in Pine Valley
Pine Valley, a small town in Southern California, is a community that values preparedness and safety, especially when it comes to life-threatening medical emergencies. Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) is a frontrunner in providing CPR training in Pine Valley, ensuring that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to respond quickly and effectively to cardiac and respiratory emergencies. CPR in Pine Valley is an essential skill that anyone can learn, whether you're a healthcare professional or a layperson.
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PDRE offers CPR Certification in Pine Valley, following the latest guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Red Cross (ARC). These courses ensure that participants are fully prepared to administer life-saving techniques, including chest compressions, rescue breaths, and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use. CPR Classes in Pine Valley are hands-on and interactive, providing a realistic approach to emergency situations. Participants gain the confidence needed to act swiftly in real-life crises, whether at home, work, or in public places.
In addition to CPR, PDRE also offers First Aid Certification in Pine Valley. First Aid is crucial for handling various medical emergencies, from cuts and burns to more severe injuries such as fractures and allergic reactions. This training teaches individuals how to manage situations until professional help arrives, making it a vital skill, particularly in rural areas like Pine Valley, where emergency services might take longer to arrive.
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For healthcare providers, (Basic Life Support) BLS in Pine Valley is a more advanced level of training that includes CPR, AED use, and team-based resuscitation techniques. BLS Certification in Pine Valley ensures that medical professionals are ready to handle emergencies in clinical and pre-hospital settings. This certification is required for many healthcare workers, including nurses, doctors, and emergency responders.
For advanced healthcare professionals, (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) ACLS in Pine Valley focuses on managing severe cardiovascular emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes. ACLS Certification in Pine Valley provides in-depth training on ECG interpretation, airway management, and drug administration, essential for treating patients in critical conditions.
For those working with infants and children, (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) PALS in Pine Valley is essential. This certification focuses on pediatric resuscitation, helping healthcare providers respond effectively to emergencies involving children. PALS Online in Pine Valley offers flexibility for busy professionals, allowing them to complete the course at their own pace.
Lastly, (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) NRP in Pine Valley is a specialized program for those working in neonatal care. It provides training in neonatal resuscitation, preparing healthcare professionals to manage newborn emergencies during the critical moments after birth.
Website: https://yourcprmd.com/sandiego/pine-valley-cpr-classes/
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
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tritonhospital588 · 2 days
Luxury Maternity Experiences: Top Hospitals in South Delhi for a Premium Delivery
Bringing a new life into the world is a special journey that every expecting mother deserves to experience in comfort, care, and luxury. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for premium maternity services that combine state-of-the-art medical care with luxurious amenities. South Delhi, a hub for medical excellence, houses some of the best maternity hospitals, known for offering top-notch care to mothers and newborns in a luxurious setting.
What Defines a Luxury Maternity Experience?
A luxury maternity experience goes beyond the clinical aspect of childbirth. It offers expecting mothers a range of services designed to make their experience as stress-free and comfortable as possible. This includes:
Deluxe and VIP suites with personalized services
Private delivery rooms equipped with the latest technology
Dedicated medical teams, including the best pediatric surgeons and obstetricians
Spa-like amenities such as prenatal massages, dieticians, and postnatal fitness programs
Advanced neonatal care units (NICU) for newborns requiring specialized attention
South Delhi is home to a number of hospitals that have made a name for themselves by offering these luxury experiences, without compromising on the safety and health of both the mother and child.
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Best Maternity Hospitals in South Delhi
Here’s a closer look at the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi known for their premium maternity experiences.
1. Triton Hospital, Nehru Enclave
At the forefront of luxury maternity experiences in South Delhi is Triton Hospital, located in Nehru Enclave, Kalkaji. This hospital offers a holistic approach to maternal care, providing comfort and advanced medical expertise in an elegant and serene environment. Since its inception, Triton Hospital has been a trusted name for expecting parents who seek not just affordable healthcare, but also a personalized and premium experience.
Why Triton Hospital Stands Out:
Specialized Maternal and Infant Suites: Triton offers a variety of room options, including deluxe suites specifically designed for mothers and their newborns. The suites are equipped with amenities that ensure comfort and privacy, allowing mothers to relax during their stay.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Triton is known for its advanced medical technology, providing world-class care for both normal and high-risk pregnancies.
Personalized Care: The hospital offers round-the-clock access to top obstetricians and pediatricians, ensuring that every step of the birthing process is smooth and well-supported. Triton boasts some of the best pediatric surgeon in delhi, giving parents peace of mind regarding the safety and health of their child.
Full Range of Medical Services: With an 8-floor, twin-tower setup covering a 24,000 sq ft carpet area, Triton provides comprehensive services from general wards to luxurious suites.
Proximity to Major Roadways: Triton’s location near the Outer Ring Road makes it a convenient choice for residents of South Delhi and NCR, offering easy access in emergencies or planned visits.
Whether you’re looking for affordability or splurge-worthy luxury, Triton ensures you don’t have to compromise on either.
2. Fortis La Femme, Greater Kailash
A hospital dedicated entirely to women’s health, Fortis La Femme is a top-tier maternity hospital known for its blend of luxury and world-class medical expertise. The hospital emphasizes creating a nurturing environment where both mother and child receive the highest level of care.
Key Highlights:
Private Delivery Suites: Fortis La Femme offers spacious, private delivery rooms designed to give mothers a relaxing and homely feel.
Personalized Maternity Programs: From prenatal yoga to lactation consultations and postnatal fitness sessions, the hospital caters to every aspect of a mother's physical and emotional well-being.
Top Pediatric and Neonatal Care: The hospital’s NICU is equipped to handle high-risk births, and their team includes some of the best pediatric surgeons in Delhi.
Mother Care Packages: Fortis offers specialized packages for expecting mothers, allowing them to choose services that cater to their specific needs, whether it be a natural birth, cesarean section, or luxury postnatal care.
3. Apollo Cradle, Nehru Place
Apollo Cradle is synonymous with luxury maternity care in South Delhi, offering a comforting and elegant environment for childbirth. Known for its personalized approach and cutting-edge medical care, Apollo Cradle combines luxury with expertise.
What Sets Apollo Cradle Apart:
Luxury Rooms: The hospital offers luxurious birthing suites designed to provide a five-star hotel-like experience. These rooms come with additional amenities like partner accommodation and room service.
Advanced NICU: Apollo Cradle’s neonatal intensive care unit ensures that premature or high-risk newborns receive the best possible care.
24/7 Medical Care: Mothers have access to some of the best obstetricians and pediatricians, ensuring that both the mother and baby receive immediate care whenever required.
4. Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research, Qutab Institutional Area
For those seeking a blend of luxury and evidence-based care, Sitaram Bhartia offers a premium birthing experience. The hospital is known for its team of experienced obstetricians who promote natural births, offering personalized care plans and minimal intervention.
Unique Offerings:
Comfortable Maternity Suites: The hospital’s maternity wing is designed to make mothers feel at home, offering spacious rooms with modern amenities.
High-Quality Care: With a team of skilled obstetricians, neonatologists, and pediatricians, Sitaram Bhartia ensures both mother and baby are in safe hands. It also has a strong focus on normal deliveries.
Postnatal Support: The hospital provides lactation consultants, postnatal fitness, and diet support for new mothers.
5. Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket
Known for its luxurious setting and exceptional medical care, Max Super Specialty Hospital in Saket is another excellent option for expecting mothers. It is renowned for providing comprehensive maternal and neonatal services, ensuring every birth is handled with the utmost care.
Why Max Super Specialty is a Top Choice:
Luxurious Birthing Suites: Max offers premium maternity suites equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment, along with luxurious amenities for the mother and family.
Advanced Neonatal and Pediatric Care: With a highly skilled team of neonatologists and pediatricians, Max ensures newborns, particularly those requiring special attention, are cared for in the best possible way. The hospital also employs some of the best pediatric surgeons in Delhi.
Comprehensive Care: Max offers prenatal classes, personalized birthing plans, and postnatal support, making it a preferred choice for families looking for a premium maternity experience.
Choosing the Best Maternity Hospital for Your Delivery
When selecting a maternity hospital in South Delhi, it’s important to consider both the medical expertise and the luxurious amenities on offer. With top-notch hospitals like Triton Hospital, Fortis La Femme, Apollo Cradle, and Max Super Specialty, expecting mothers have a variety of excellent options to choose from.
Whether you prioritize state-of-the-art medical facilities, luxurious suites, or specialized neonatal care, South Delhi offers some of the best maternity hospitals that cater to every aspect of your birthing experience, ensuring both you and your newborn receive the care you deserve.
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Best Child Hospital in Jaipur
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Best child Hospital in Jaipur: Premier Child Healthcare Services
Pediatric unit in Ganadhipati Purushottam Shekhawati Hospital is a unique, one-stop healthcare facility set up for the needs of all babies, children, and teenagers. We are committed to delivering top-quality medical services with great care and compassion. That’s why Shekhawati Hospital is one of the best Child hospital in Jaipur.
The institute provides complete, compassionate, state-of-the-art healthcare services for children from birth to adolescence who have special health care needs that are different from adults. The Pediatric department provides its expert services in child medicine & surgery. The hospital is well equipped to perform all kinds of pediatric surgeries.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:
We also have a highly well-equipped level 3 Pediatric intensive care unit. From the age of 28 days to 16 years, the unit takes care of very sick children.
The unit can ventilate up to three patients at once and is equipped with the most advanced ventilators and monitoring systems. Patients with a wide variety of critical illnesses are treated there, including septicemia, shock, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and renal problems. Small children are well taken care of in the unit.
It is well supported by all pediatric and pediatric surgical subspecialties including neurology, gastroenterology, nephrology, pulmonology, cardiology, endocrinology, and rheumatology 24 hours a day.
Handpicked nurses passionate about caring for children are highly trained. All critically ill children are monitored and managed by a team of one person for optimal outcomes.
A great deal of emphasis is placed on infection control at all levels, including ensuring that visitors wash their hands thoroughly. Infections have been well controlled with these measures. All referral areas have access to pediatric critical care transport services by ground transport or air ambulances round the clock.Some state-of-the-art facilities available in the unit are:
Cardiac Output monitoring
High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV).Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (Dialysis) for infants and childrenMolecular Adsorbent Recycling System (MARS) therapy for liver failureFlexible bronchoscopy for all ages
Why Choose Shekhawati Hospital for Best child Hospital in Jaipur ?
Shekhawati hospital is one of the best child hospitals in jaipur. The staff and doctors are highly trained and experienced in caring for children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers at the same time are also kind, supportive, and patient with a child’s needs.
We address various medical needs from birth through the child’s developing years at our facility in Neonatal, Immunization, and Lactation. The scope of pediatric specialties is supplemented by a multidisciplinary approach. We offer a wide range of services, including immunizations, well-child checkups, sick child visits, and more. So if you are looking for a great place to take your child for pediatric or neonatal care, be sure to check out Shekhawati hospital. You and your child will be glad you did.
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ashwani689verma · 8 days
Life-Saving Skills in Bonita CPR and Beyond
In the community of Bonita, Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) offers a range of life-saving training programs that follow the latest recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Red Cross (ARC). These courses are essential for ensuring that residents are prepared to respond to medical emergencies, from cardiac events to injuries.
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CPR in Bonita is a foundational skill that can save lives in critical moments. PDRE provides CPR Certification in Bonita to individuals of all backgrounds, ensuring they know how to perform chest compressions, provide rescue breaths, and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). CPR Classes in Bonita are designed to be practical and interactive, helping participants gain the confidence they need to handle emergency situations effectively.
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Beyond CPR, PDRE also offers First Aid Certification in Bonita. First Aid training equips individuals with the skills to manage a variety of emergencies, including cuts, burns, fractures, and allergic reactions. This training is especially important in a community like Bonita, where emergency medical services may not always be immediately available. First Aid Certification ensures that residents are ready to provide immediate care when it matters most.
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For those in healthcare or emergency services, (Basic Life Support) BLS in Bonita is a more advanced course that builds on CPR training. BLS Certification in Bonita includes AED use and team-based resuscitation, preparing healthcare professionals to respond to life-threatening emergencies in clinical settings. This certification is often required for nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers.
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For healthcare providers who work with children, (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) PALS in Bonita is essential. This course focuses on pediatric emergency care, teaching participants how to manage life-threatening conditions in infants and children. PALS Online in Bonita is available for those who need a flexible learning option, allowing them to complete the course at their convenience. Finally, (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) NRP in Bonita is designed for those working with newborns, offering specialized training in neonatal resuscitation.
Website : https://yourcprmd.com/sandiego/bonita-cpr-classes/
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
Youtube Video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDlcF1HQgz0
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kaurharleen · 8 days
Mamypoko Micro Preemie Diapers: A Gentle Touch for Tiny Treasures
Welcoming a micro preemie into the world is a delicate and heartwarming experience. These tiny infants require specialized care to support their fragile health and development. One of the most crucial aspects of their care is choosing the right diaper. Mamypoko understands the unique needs of micro preemies and has crafted their micro preemie diapers to provide the utmost comfort, protection, and support.
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The Importance of Micro Preemie Diapers
Micro preemies have incredibly delicate skin and require diapers that are specifically designed to meet their needs. Regular diapers are often too large and can cause discomfort or even harm to these tiny infants. Micro preemie diapers offer a perfect fit and gentle protection, ensuring that your baby stays comfortable and healthy.
Proper Fit: Micro preemie diapers are designed to fit snugly without being too tight, providing a comfortable and secure fit for your baby's small body.
Gentle on Delicate Skin: The soft, breathable materials used in micro preemie diapers are gentle on your baby's sensitive skin, reducing the risk of diaper rash and other skin irritations.
Secure Leak Protection: Micro preemie diapers offer effective leak protection, ensuring that your baby stays dry and comfortable, reducing the risk of infections.
Accommodates Medical Needs: Many micro preemies require medical support, such as tubes and monitors. Micro preemie diapers are designed to accommodate these medical needs without causing discomfort or hindering necessary care.
Key Features of Mamypoko Micro Preemie Diapers
Ultra-Soft and Breathable Material: Mamypoko micro preemie diapers are made from ultra-soft, breathable materials that are gentle on your baby's delicate skin. The soft-touch fabric ensures that the diaper feels comfortable against the skin, helping to prevent irritation and diaper rash.
Perfect Fit for Tiny Bodies: These diapers are designed to provide a snug yet gentle fit for the smallest babies. The elastic waistband and leg cuffs are specifically sized to fit micro preemies, ensuring that the diaper stays in place without being too tight.
Super Absorbent Core: Despite their small size, Mamypoko micro preemie diapers are equipped with a super absorbent core that quickly locks in moisture, keeping your baby dry for longer periods.
Easy to Change Design: Mamypoko understands the challenges parents face when caring for a micro preemie. That's why their micro preemie diapers are designed for easy changes, even with the smallest and most delicate babies.
Accommodates Medical Needs: Mamypoko micro preemie diapers are designed to accommodate the tubes and monitors often used in neonatal care, ensuring that your baby receives the necessary medical support without any hindrance.
Benefits of Using Mamypoko Micro Preemie Diapers
Protects Delicate Skin: The ultra-soft materials and superior absorbency help protect your baby's delicate skin from irritation and diaper rash.
Prevents Leaks: The snug fit and super absorbent core work together to prevent leaks, keeping your baby dry and reducing the risk of infections.
Supports Medical Care: The diapers are designed to accommodate medical equipment, allowing your baby to receive the care they need without any discomfort or inconvenience.
Comfortable and Secure Fit: The specially sized elastic waistband and leg cuffs ensure a comfortable and secure fit, providing your baby with the best possible comfort.
Choosing the Right Micro Preemie Diapers
When selecting micro preemie diapers, consider the following factors:
Softness: Look for diapers made from ultra-soft materials that are gentle on your baby's skin.
Fit: Ensure the diapers are specifically designed for micro preemies, providing a snug fit without being too tight.
Absorbency: Choose diapers with a super absorbent core that can lock in moisture effectively.
Accommodates Medical Needs: If your baby requires medical support, choose diapers that are designed to accommodate tubes and monitors.
Caring for a micro preemie requires special attention, and choosing the right diaper is a crucial part of that care. Mamypoko's micro preemie diapers are designed to meet the unique needs of the smallest and most delicate babies, offering superior comfort, absorbency, and a perfect fit. With features like ultra-soft materials, a super absorbent core, and a design that accommodates medical needs, Mamypoko ensures that your baby receives the best care possible.
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tyagisushant036 · 8 days
Essential Medical Training in Campo Be Prepared for Any Emergency
Campo, a close-knit rural community in Southern California, values preparedness, especially when it comes to life-threatening medical emergencies. Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) is a leading provider of CPR in Campo, offering essential training that equips individuals with the skills to respond to cardiac and respiratory emergencies. CPR is a life-saving technique that everyone should learn, whether you’re a healthcare professional or a layperson.
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PDRE’s CPR Certification in Campo follows the most up-to-date guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA), ensuring participants are fully trained in chest compressions, rescue breathing, and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use. CPR Classes in Campo are practical and hands-on, providing participants with the skills they need to act quickly and confidently during emergencies.
In addition to CPR, PDRE offers First Aid Certification in Campo. First Aid training is crucial for managing injuries and illnesses, from minor cuts and burns to severe medical emergencies. This certification ensures that residents are prepared to provide immediate care until professional help arrives, which is particularly important in rural areas like Campo, where emergency response times may be longer.
For healthcare professionals, (Basic Life Support) BLS in Campo is an advanced training course that builds on basic CPR skills. BLS Certification in Campo includes training in AED use, team-based resuscitation, and coordinated emergency response. This certification is often required for those in the medical field, ensuring they are ready to handle emergencies both in and out of clinical settings.
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For more advanced healthcare professionals, (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) ACLS in Campo focuses on the management of severe cardiovascular emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes. ACLS Certification in Campo provides in-depth training on ECG interpretation, airway management, and emergency pharmacology, preparing healthcare providers to handle critical situations.
For those working with children, (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) PALS in Campo is essential. This course teaches participants how to manage pediatric emergencies, including life-threatening conditions in infants and children. PALS Online in Campo offers flexibility for healthcare providers who need to complete their certification on their own time. Finally, (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) NRP in Campo offers specialized training in neonatal resuscitation, preparing healthcare providers for emergencies involving newborns.
Through these comprehensive training programs, PDRE ensures that the residents of Campo are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to respond to any medical emergency.
Website : https://yourcprmd.com/sandiego/campo-cpr-classes/
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
Youtube Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDlcF1HQgz0
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cocoonhospital · 12 days
Neonatology Excellence at Cocoon Hospital Jaipur: Where Every Newborn’s Journey Begins with Expert Care!
 So That God’s Most Precious Gift Arrives in Safe Hands
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14 Bedded Neonatology Department
NICU level III
High End Nursery
Vast Expertise in Handling : Premature Babies | High Risk Newborn Babies
Advanced Ventilator & Blood Gas Analyzers
Infection Free Environment
24*7 Availability of Neonatologist
Trained Neonatal Nurses
Baby Package
Separate Viewing Area
Advanced phototherapy Units and much more….
Neonatal Care
In Cocoon, the Level III Neonatal Care Unit aims to provide optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill and recovering neonates and infants. The highly qualified team of neonatologists with neonatal trained nurses who specialized in the care of the new born at Cocoon Hospital offers high-intensity neonatal care 24/7.
There is a step-down Special nursery unit to take care of preterm babies, who are feeding and growing rapidly but need monitoring until they are fit for discharge.
With our advanced neonatal screening programs such as retinal screening, OAE & BERA hearing screening and hip screening, Cocoon also offers the broad spectrum of Neonatology and Pediatrics super specialties for the newborns and their siblings –
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Orthopedics
Pediatric Endocrinology
Latest Technology in the NICU:
High-end Ventilation support –
Cocoon hospital is equipped with invasive and non-invasive ventilation services. We also offer advanced ventilation program in the form of High-Frequency Oscillation Ventilation (HFOV).
IND (Inhaled Nitric Oxide) –
Our hospital is dedicated to providing advanced therapy to babies with severe pulmonary hypertension.
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vihahospital · 14 days
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Find the best pediatric specialist in bhiwandi
Viha Hospital is the best pediatric specialist in Bhiwandi. Viha Hospital in Bhiwandi is a leading clinical advantages office known for its great pediatric idea, featuring a gathering of in a general sense qualified pediatric specialists. The hospital is revolved around providing wide clinical benefits changed to the original essentials of infants, kids, and young people, ensuring the most brilliant idea of care in a nurturing climate. The pediatric specialists at Viha Hospital are specialists in diagnosing and treating a monstrous number of energetic life issues and conditions. They bring extensive experience and thought information to the table, covering regions, for instance, neonatal idea, improvement and advancement monitoring, infectious issues, awarenesses, asthma, and persevering circumstances like diabetes and epilepsy. This broadness of dominance guarantees that every youth looks for a re-endeavored and possible treatment plan. Viha Hospital spins around a young person especially coordinated approach, creating a comforting air for energized patients and their families. The pediatric office is equipped with present day definitive and treatment working circumstances, enabling cautious and ideal clinical interventions. Preventive idea is correspondingly a key concentration, with specialists providing bearing on food, vaccination plans, and in ordinary wellbeing maintenance to help extended length flourishing. The hospital's pediatric specialists are gifted in clinical treatment as well as adroit at communicating with young people and gatekeepers, helping them regard the ongoing clinical issues and the means expected for recuperation. This smart idea model vivifies trust and backing, making the clinical thought experience less daunting for youthful patients and their families. For those seeking a perceived pediatric specialist in Bhiwandi, Viha Hospital offers an unmatched mix of clinical dominance, obvious level idea work environments, and a strong climate. The hospital relies upon promoting the wellbeing and improvement of adolescents, making it an inclined toward decision for pediatric idea locally.
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thanawalamaternity · 15 days
Why Thanawala Maternity Home is renowned as the best maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai
Thanawala Maternity Home is renowned as the best maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai, offering top-notch facilities for expectant mothers. 
The hospital boasts modern labor and delivery rooms equipped with advanced monitoring systems, ensuring the safety and comfort of both mother and baby. 
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is well-equipped for the care of premature or ill infants. 
The hospital provides comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care, including personalized birth plans and lactation support. 
With experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, patients receive expert care throughout their pregnancy journey. Additional amenities include spacious, comfortable patient rooms, 24/7 emergency services, and a supportive, compassionate staff dedicated to delivering high-quality maternal and infant care.
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motherhoodchaitanya · 16 days
Top Neonatology/NICU Treatment Hospital in Sector-44C – Specialized Care for Newborns
Discover the top Neonatology and NICU treatment hospital in Sector-44C, offering specialized care for newborns and premature babies. Our advanced Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides expert medical attention to ensure the best outcomes for infants with critical health needs. Led by experienced neonatologists, our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and compassionate staff for exceptional neonatal care.
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