#Nephrology Specialists in California
kidneyspecialists · 1 year
Reaching Your Work Goals While on Dialysis: 5 Tips to Help
You’ve been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and told that you’ll need to start dialysis to keep your kidneys functioning. This may seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of organization and planning, you can reach your work goals while on dialysis. Here are five tips to help you get started.
Set Realistic Work Goals
The best way to start is by setting realistic work goals. When you’re on dialysis, your body is going through a lot. You need to be patient and give yourself time to adjust. You don’t want your work goals to add any extra stress to your life.
Start by thinking about the type of job you want. Do you want to continue working the same job you have now? Or are you looking for a new challenge? Maybe you would like to try working from home.
Think about the hours you would like to work each week and what type of work schedule would be best for you. Don’t forget to take into account your treatment schedule and how many hours you can realistically work each week.
Working With Your Medical Team
Your doctor and renal social worker are your best allies when it comes to working while on dialysis. They can help you understand your treatment and what to expect, as well as advocate for you with your employer.
Be sure to keep them in the loop about any changes in your health or work situation. They may need to adjust your treatment or work accommodations as needed. And remember, they’re there to help—so don’t be afraid to ask for their guidance.
Take Care of Yourself First
When it comes to working while on dialysis, it’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost. Here are five tips that can help:
Make sure you’re well-rested. Dialysis can be exhausting, so make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
Eat a healthy diet. This will help you feel your best and give you the energy you need to work.
Take breaks when needed. It’s important to listen to your body and take a break when you need it.
Drink plenty of fluids. This will help keep you hydrated and make dialysis easier on your body.
Pace yourself. Dialysis can be tiring, so try not to overdo it in the beginning.
Practical Strategies for Working on Dialysis
It’s important to have practical strategies in place to ensure that you’re able to stick to your dialysis routine and still have time for work.
Make sure you have flexible work hours/willingness at your workplace: Find out if there are flexible working arrangements that can cater to your dialysis schedule, and if need be, consider asking for accommodation if your workplace is compliant.
Learn about remote working options: Depending on the type of job you have, there may be opportunities where you can do some or all of your work remotely. Doing this will give you more control over your schedule and could help you better manage your time between dialysis and work.
Don’t forget breaks: Breaks are essential when it comes to taking care of yourself, so make sure you take the time to rest. It’s perfectly ok (and recommended) to take breaks during a busy day—all it requires is a little bit of planning ahead!
Speak up about situations where you feel overwhelmed: This includes speaking up if something at work is impacting your health negatively or draining too much energy away from doing regular dialysis treatments. It’s important that everyone understands how much effort just staying afloat takes with a chronic illness like peritoneal dialysis, and work colleagues need to be aware that they can be part of the solution.
Resources and Support
It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey. There are resources and support groups available to help. It’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare team and dialysis center about how to balance work and treatments. They’re a valuable source of information when it comes to managing your schedule, as well as any potential health risks associated with working while on dialysis.
There are also programs specifically designed for individuals who are working while on dialysis, such as the National Kidney Foundation’s program called “Enhancing Life Through Employment” (ELTE). Through ELTE, you can find resources like job training and job search assistance, as well as support groups and counseling services.
These resources can make all the difference when it comes to managing work responsibilities and dialysis treatments, so don’t be afraid to reach out!
Reaching your work goals while on dialysis can seem daunting, but with these five tips, you can make it happen. First, be open with your boss and coworkers about your situation and what you need to maintain your treatment schedule. Second, make sure to take care of yourself and get the rest and nutrition you need. Third, set realistic goals and timelines for your work projects. Fourth, use your free time wisely to get ahead on your work. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. With these tips, you can reach your work goals while on dialysis and maintain your treatment schedule.
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Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Kidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.
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He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals.
Call Now: 0124-4141414 Visit: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
You can also search for: Child Kidney Specialist in India Child Kidney Doctor in IndiaBest Pediatric Nephrologist in India Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in Delhi
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ethanbabayyyy · 1 year
Alternative Career #3
I have always been passionate about working with kids. I was a camp counselor for fourth and fifth graders in high school and since then I’ve dreamed of becoming a teacher. Unfortunately, teaching doesn’t pay very much, so I have been deterred from pursuing education. 
The next best thing would be to combine my interests in medicine and working with children, and the perfect fit for that would be pediatrics. 
Pediatrics involves anything pertaining to the medical care of individuals ranging from infants to young adults. This includes treating acute or chronic illnesses and also engaging in preventive health services to manage the physical, mental, and emotional wellness of children. The whole occupation is dedicated to the reduction of infant and child mortality and the spread of infectious diseases while promoting healthy lifestyle decisions to prolong their lifespans. 
Pediatricians, as it can be seen, engage in the general care of children, so naturally they work closely with other medical specialists to help children with health issues like developmental delays, behavioral problems, injuries, infection, mental illnesses, etc. It is also possible to take on a specialty within pediatrics, which sounds equally enticing to me. 
Subspecialties in pediatrics include pediatric cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neonatal medicine, oncology and nephrology. The reason these differ from adult medicine is the physiological differences between children and adults. 
The work-life balance seems pretty appealing to me. Pediatricians work 43 hours per week, with 36 of them being patient-centered. Most pediatricians also work from home an extra day of the week to catch up on work.Though it sounds like a lot, 83% of surveyed pediatricians report career satisfaction and 71% report being satisfied with life. This is a lot higher than many of the more intense specialties of medicine, which I think is an absolute plus.
As for cons with pediatrics, it’s hard to connect with some children or difficult parents, which requires a lot of patience and empathy. But it’s also sad to see ill children suffer, so that builds on the stress you take on.
For training, I would be required to complete undergrad, med school, and three years of residency. Pediatricians in California make anywhere from $180 to $340K per year.
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What is Nephrotic syndrome? | Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia. Minimal change disease, the most common cause in childhood, generally responds to corticosteroids, although most patients experience disease relapses. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is usually resistant to corticosteroids and carries a significant risk of kidney failure, necessitating renal transplantation. Nephrotic syndrome may also be secondary to gene mutations and systemic diseases such as lupus. Clinical evaluation involves distinguishing primary and secondary causes and monitoring for disease complications, including blood clots and serious infections such as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Immunosuppressive medications are used to prevent relapses and treat corticosteroid-resistant disease.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Kidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals.
TAG- Paediatric Nephrologist in Delhi, Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in India
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Child Kidney Specialist in India, Child Kidney Doctor in India - Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar sethi - Child Kidney Specialist in India 
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tags - Pediatric Nephrology India, Child Kidney Specialist in India, Child Kidney Doctor in India For more infomation link - www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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Disparities in dialysis in children | Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Disparities In Dialysis In Children
HYPOTHESIS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with a pediatric incidence ranging from 19.3% to 24.1%. Treatment of pediatric AKI is a source of debate in varying geographical regions. Currently CRRT is the treatment for pediatric AKI, but limitations due to cost and accessibility force use of adult equipment and other therapeutic options such as peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD). It was hypothesized that more cost-effective measures would likely be used in developing countries due to lesser resource availability.
METHODS: A 26-question internet-based survey was distributed to 650 pediatric Nephrologists. There was a response rate of 34.3% (223 responses). The survey was distributed via pedneph and pcrrt email servers, inquiring about demographics, technology, resources, pediatric-specific supplies, and preference in renal replacement therapy (RRT) in pediatric AKI. The main method of analysis was to compare responses about treatments between nephrologists in developed countries and nephrologists in developing countries using difference-of-proportions tests.
RESULTS: PD was available in all centers surveyed, while HD was available in 85.1% and 54.1% (p = 0.00), CRRT was available in 60% and 33.3% (p = 0.001), and SLED was available in 20% and 25% (p = 0.45) centers of developed and developing world respectively. In developing countries, 68.5% (p = 0.000) of physicians preferred PD to costlier therapies, while in developed countries it was found that physicians favored HD (72%, p = 0.00) or CRRT (24%, p = 0.041) in infants.
CONCLUSIONS: Lack of availability of resources, trained physicians and funds often preclude standards of care in developing countries, and there is much development needed in terms of meeting higher global standards for treating pediatric AKI patients. PD remains the main modality of choice for treatment of AKI in infants in developing world.
About Dr.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar SethiKidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tags = Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in India, Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in delhi, Pediatric Nephrology India, Best Pediatric Nephrologist in Delhi
For more information = http://www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com/
See more blogs = https://child-kidney-specialist-in-delhi.blogspot.com/2022/06/what-is-nephrotic-syndrome-and-what.html
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graves22graves-blog · 5 years
Netflix Will Invest Up To $100 Million In A NYC Production Center
Home-based dialysis therapies are on the increase in both the establishing and also created worlds, however established nations appear to be relying on them much less frequently, according to a research study appearing in a future issue of the Journal of the American Culture Nephrology (JASN). NETWORK MARKETING (Multi Level Marketing) as well as Straight Selling fall under the larger umbrella of Network Marketing - It is among the most effective online company tools today. What I have actually seen is the majority of individuals thinking about being of service however never ever able to follow through on the moment commitment necessary for training. What is the best means to print business card, via the online services where you upload the image or discover a regional printer. It supplies a lot of important courses for several elements of service completely free. 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In Vitro Diagnostics Market is anticipated to witness growth at Asia Pacific 2024
Jan 25, 2021: Industry Insights
The Asia Pacific in Vitro Diagnostics Market was estimated at USD 12.5 billion in the year 2015. The increasing incidence of infectious and chronic diseases, rising awareness regarding advanced diagnostics solutions as well as technological advancements are expected to boost the in vitro diagnostic market in the Asia Pacific region.
The increasing need for rapid diagnostics, rise in healthcare spending, and rapid adoption of advanced technologies in the countries like India and China attributes to the escalating growth rate of the in vitro diagnostics in the region. Moreover, the increasing per capita income in these countries also has led to boost in the in vitro diagnostics market. The other major factors responsible for the growth of the market are increasing gross domestic products, and disposable income.
Download sample Copy of This Report at: https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/asia-pacific-in-vitro-diagnostics-ivd-market/request-sample
High population, cheap labor, unmet needs of targeted population, as well as escalating incidence and prevalence of infectious diseases have triggered major global players to enter the regional market. The increasing number of funds and more investments in the emerging economies has also helped to boost the demand for IVD products in the region. However, the strict regulatory policies are expected to the restraint the market growth of IVD.
Product Insights
On the basis of products, the segmentation includes reagents, instruments, and services. As of 2015, the reagents and kits segment accounted for the largest share in the region. Repetitive purchase of reagents and kits has led to the increasing demand of these products.
The instruments segment is anticipated to witness growth at significant rate during the study period. Introduction of advanced analyzers with low turnaround time is expected to flourish the regional market in the near future. For instance, in April 2017, bioMérieux announced that its new fully automated blood culture system, BacT/ALERT VIRTUO, received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Browse Full Report With TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/asia-pacific-in-vitro-diagnostics-ivd-market
Application Insights
On the basis of application, the market is classified into oncology, infectious diseases, HIV, cardiology, autoimmune diseases, nephrology, and drug testing. The infectious segment is estimated to be the largest among all due to high incidence rate of the infectious diseases in the Asia Pacific region.
Moreover, the increasing incidence of HIV has further led to the increase in demand for rapid IVD tests. In addition, the increasing awareness among the people regarding the new test methods has led to augment the in vitro diagnostics market in the Asia Pacific region.
End Use Insights
On the basis of the end use, the IVD market in the Asia Pacific region is classified into the hospitals, laboratories, homecare diagnostics, and others. Being the primary healthcare center, hospital held the largest revenue share in 2015.
Homecare diagnostics is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Growing elderly population base, rising demand for rapid testing, and increasing initiatives for reducing prolonged hospital stays are some of the key factors supporting market growth.
Regional Insights
The regional IVD market is classified in to Japan, India, and China. China is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the study period. The increasing per capita income and rising GDP are factors responsible for the growth of these markets.
Moreover, the developing economies such as that of India have attracted various companies to invest in these countries. The increasing population also has led to the increased demand of IVD in the Asia Pacific region.
Competitive market Share Insights
The major players include Affymetrix, Inc., Danaher Corporation, Alere, Inc, Abbott Laboratories, Roche Diagnostics, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Becton, Dickinson and Company, BioMerieux, Inc., Vela Diagnostics, Inc., Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc., among others.
In order to gain a competitive edge in the market, major players have undertaken several organic as well as inorganic strategies. Some of the key strategies include new product launch and development, geographic expansion, mergers, acquisition, and agreement among others.
Market Segment:
Asia Pacific In Vitro Diagnostics Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2013 - 2024)
       • Reagents
       • Instruments
       • Services
Asia Pacific In Vitro Diagnostics Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2013 - 2024)
       • Immunoassays
       • Clinical Chemistry
       • Hematology
       • Molecular Diagnosis
       • Microbiology
       • Coagulation
       • Others
Asia Pacific In Vitro Diagnostics Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2013 - 2024)
       • Infectious Diseases
       • Diabetes
       • Oncology
       • Cardiology
       • Nephrology
       • Autoimmune Diseases
       • Drug Testing
       • Others
Asia Pacific In Vitro Diagnostics End-User Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2013 - 2024)
       • Hospitals
       • Homecare Diagnostics
       • Others
Asia Pacific In Vitro Diagnostics Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2013 - 2024)
       • India
       • China
       • Japan
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simo852321 · 4 years
If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 25 Signs
If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 25 Signs Your kidneys play an essential role when it comes to keeping you healthy, filtering waste products out of your body and promoting the growth of healthy red blood cells. Unfortunately, despite how important healthy kidneys are to your overall well-being, the signs of kidney problems are often so subtle that many people don’t realize there’s an issue with these vital organs until it’s too late. If you want to stay healthy, read on to discover the symptoms of kidney problems you can’t afford to ignore. And for more ways to safeguard your health, make sure you know the 20 Most Commonly Overlooked Cancer Symptoms, According to Doctors. 1 Pain under your ribs While many associate kidney problems with lower back pain, it’s actually pain near your rib cage that’s more likely to indicate a kidney problem. “Your kidneys are actually higher than you think and anatomically positioned beneath your ribs,” explains Jennifer Linehan, MD, urologist and associate professor of urologic oncology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. 2 Side pain Kidney stones, which are hard deposits of salt and minerals that form inside the kidney, can be extremely painful when they pass through the ureter and bladder. The Mayo Clinic says that you’ll know the pain you’re experiencing is from kidney stones when it’s in your side and comes in waves. If your pain is caused by kidney stones in particular, “the pain can be very severe and usually changing position does help or hurt,” says Linehan. And for more pains to pay attention to, check out 25 Common Pains You Should Never Ignore. 3 Nausea When a kidney stone moves from your kidney to your ureter, it can block the passing of urine. When this happens, you may experience “swelling and pain, which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting,” says S. Adam Ramin, MD, a urologic surgeon and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles. 4 Blood in your urine If you notice blood in your urine or you notice it looks even a little bit red or brown, it’s important that you get to a doctor before any potential problems get worse. “Blood in your urine may indicate kidney stones, a tumor, a kidney or bladder infection, or irritation anywhere in the urinary system,” explains Leann Poston, MD, of Invigor Medical. And for more signals of serious health issues, check out 30 Warning Signs Your Heart Is Trying to Send You. 5 A metallic taste in your mouth When your kidneys stop adequately filtering toxins from your blood, waste products often show up in unexpected places, including some surprising symptoms north of the neck. In fact, “if these wastes build up in the blood, it may… make food taste like metal,” explains Poston. 6 Bad breath Similarly, Jennifer Schau, DDS, notes on her website that when your kidneys are unable to filter out the excess urea in your bloodstream, you may notice a “foul odor” being emitted from your mouth—in other words, you have bad breath. And for more about your oral hygiene, check out 23 Things You’re Doing That Would Horrify Your Dentist. 7 Gum disease A metallic taste and bad breath aren’t the only ways in which kidney disease can manifest in your mouth. According to Schau, kidney issues can also cause gum disease, “leading to the decay and loss of teeth.” A 2013 meta-analysis published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences found that patients with chronic kidney disease are far more likely to have periodontal disease, as well as other issues like overgrown gums and dry mouth, than those without serious kidney problems. 8 Swollen hands and feet Since the kidneys are responsible for filtering excess water from the body, when they aren’t performing this function properly, that excess fluid can redistribute, particularly in your extremities. “Swelling of your legs, ankles, and feet may be a sign that the kidney is not removing excess fluids or sodium from the body,” says Poston. “When the kidneys leak too much protein into the urine, swelling may result.” 9 Loss of appetite If your favorite foods have suddenly lost all appeal, that could be a sign of serious kidney problems. While Ramin says that early stage kidney cancer has few symptoms, when the disease is more advanced, “kidney cancer may cause sensation of fullness in the abdomen loss of appetite.” And if you’re noticing you can’t keep weight on, check out 11 Subtle Signs Your Rapid Weight Loss Is Something Serious. 10 Constipation According to oncologist Przemyslaw Twardowski, MD, kidney cancer can also cause “disturbances in body chemistry”—namely, an overabundance of calcium in the bloodstream, which can lead to constipation. If you’re experiencing this issue and think it’s a sign of a bigger problem, talk to your primary care provider about having your calcium levels checked. 11 Fever That high fever you’ve been battling may be more than just a symptom of a cold or flu coming on. “Infection of the kidneys usually cause flank pain and fevers,” says Ramin. He says that someone with a kidney infection will usually see their temperature rise and fall instead of staying constant. Want to protect your liver, too? Discover these 20 Warning Signs of Liver Damage to Never Ignore. 12 Confusion You might not associate your kidney function and your cognitive function, but if the former starts to decline, it may cause serious changes in your mental state. “Patients who develop sudden onset of kidney failure will have fluid retention and build up toxins in their blood such as urea nitrogen,” explains Ramin. He says that sudden kidney failure can cause both “mental fogginess or confusion,” so if tests have ruled out a neurological issue, ask your doctor for an assessment of your kidney health, too. 13 Anemia Your recent anemia diagnosis may not just be a sign that you could use some more iron-rich foods in your diet. Ramin says that in rare cases, it can be the result of kidney problems. “If blood testing shows anemia and/or if the urine is visibly clear, but under microscopic exam, blood is found in the urine, then a CT Scan is the best test to confirm presence of renal fracture,” Ramin explains. 14 Dizziness Feeling suddenly unsteady on your feet? It could be your kidneys telling you to get to the doctor. “Dizziness and loss of concentration can result from anemia brought on by kidney failure,” according to Dr. Lam Coaching, a team of licensed physicians specializing in adrenal fatigue syndrome. They explain that anemia reduces the amount of blood and oxygen going to your brain, causing that woozy feeling. 15 High blood pressure Those off-the-charts blood pressure readings might be a sign that your kidneys aren’t functioning at optimal levels. “Even though a person with kidney disease may have no symptoms and only discover their condition through bloodwork, there are some symptoms that definitely point to this condition,” including difficulty controlling high blood pressure, according to Dr. Lam Coaching. 16 Fatigue While the early stages of kidney disease may present with few symptoms, “fatigue is an often-experienced symptom of kidney disease, especially in the later stages,” write the experts at Dr. Lam Coaching. This is often the result of lower red blood cell production associated with kidney health issues, which leads to inadequate blood and oxygen supply throughout the body. “A reduced amount of oxygen to the cells leads to feelings of fatigue,” according to Dr. Lam Coaching. 17 Itchy skin That dry, itchy skin isn’t necessarily a sign you need to be more diligent about your moisturizing routine. “When kidneys fail, there is a build-up of waste in your blood, called uremia, that is known to cause your skin to become very itchy,” explains Alain Michon, MD, medical director at Ottawa Skin Clinic. In fact, a 2015 paper published in Seminars in Nephrology notes that up to 40 percent of patients with end-stage kidney disease develop pruritus, or chronic itching. 18 High blood sugar According to the National Kidney Foundation, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44 percent of new cases. Due to the toll diabetes takes on the kidneys as a result of the damage it does to the body’s red blood cells, diabetics are also at risk of developing diabetic kidney disease, a condition that further reduces kidney function. 19 Chronic nosebleeds Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a disease characterized by swelling of the blood vessels in the kidneys, nose, sinuses, throat, or lungs. According to the American Kidney Fund, the first sign of this condition is usually a runny nose or frequent nosebleeds. Though GPA doesn’t always affect the kidneys, any case that does can lead to chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure, so it’s important to speak to a doctor if nosebleeds become a regular occurrence. 20 Frequent urination If you find yourself heading to the restroom with increased frequency, it could be a sign that something is up with your kidneys. “If the kidney filters are damaged, it can cause an urge to urinate, especially at night,” says Renee Matthews, MD. Considering that frequent urination is also associated with health issues like diabetes and urinary tract infections, this symptom definitely merits a trip to the doctor. 21 Foamy urine Often when kidney function is impaired, your “urine has bubbles that won’t go away when you flush the toilet,” says Matthews. “This foam is similar to the foam you see when scrambling eggs because the protein found in urine is albumin, which is the same protein that is found in eggs.” 22 Swelling around your eyes According to the Mayo Clinic, kidney disease can create “extra fluid and sodium in your circulation,” which often leads to swelling around the eyes. In the case of nephrotic syndrome, in which too much protein is secreted through the urine, swelling also occurs due to lower levels of albumin in the blood. 23 Inability to eat meat and dairy Interestingly enough, advanced kidney disease can make protein-rich foods like meat and dairy taste absolutely terrible. According to the Kidney & Urology Foundation of America, that’s because these foods break down into nitrogen and creatinine, waste products that unhealthy kidneys are unable to filter out of the bloodstream. 24 Unintentional weight loss Weight loss isn’t always a good thing, especially if it’s unintentional. If you’re shedding pounds for no reason, it may be because your kidneys aren’t functioning properly. After monitoring nearly 4,000 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for nearly six years, researchers behind a 2018 study published in the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation found that “significant weight loss relatively early during the course of CKD.” 25 Shortness of breath When your kidneys aren’t properly filtering and excreting waste products and fluid, the Urology Care Foundation notes that shortness of breath can occur, particularly if fluid has built up in your lungs. https://read.2positivet.com/2020/10/30/if-your-kidneys-are-in-danger-your-body-will-give-you-these-25-signs/
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kidneyspecialists · 2 years
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Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.
To schedule an appointment With a Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon, please contact: Name: Pediatric Nephrology India Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001 Phone: 0124–4141414 Website: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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Nephrology & Urology Devices Market Report Forecasts Revenue Growth, Emerging Trends And Forecast By 2024
The global nephrology and urology devices market size is expected to reach USD 31.3 billion by 2024, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., exhibiting a 7.1% CAGR during the forecast period. Increasing prevalence of chronic kidney diseases is expected to fuel market growth.
This high prevalence of diseases can be attributed to unhealthy lifestyle habits of people around the world. Moreover, growing geriatric population, who are more prone to hypertension, obesity, diabetes, urinary disorders, and other kidney chronic conditions, is expected to fuel demand for nephrology and urology devices.
Advancements in device technology, such as inclusion of prosthetics in urology, percutaneous methods for stone disintegration and extraction, and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, are anticipated to boost the market over the forecast period. Furthermore, presence of highly advanced pipeline products such as bioartificial kidney is presumed to present the market with lucrative growth opportunities in future.
Increase in demand for minimally invasive techniques is also likely to propel the market in the coming years. Nephrology and urology devices facilitate early diagnosis and shorter treatment duration in most surgical procedures. Minimal pain, heightened cost efficiency, safety, efficacy, rapid recovery, and reduced hospital stay are other benefits offered by these devices. This is expected to boost adoption over the forecast period.
To request a sample copy or view summary of this report, click the link below: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/nephrology-urology-devices-market
Further key findings from the report suggest:
The global urology segment is anticipated to reach USD 21.4 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2016 to 2024
By type, the benign prostatic hyperplasia segment is anticipated to witness lucrative growth over the forecast period
Europe held the dominant revenue share as of 2015 owing to a large target population. Growth across this region is primarily driven by presence of prominent market players implementing extensive expansion strategies such as product development and mergers and acquisitions
Asia Pacific, especially countries such as India and China, is expected to observe remarkable growth in the coming years
The global industry is dominated by few players and is marked by extensive new product development and high-end investments in R&D. Level of competition is expected to remain high over the forecast period
Some of the key players in the market are Baxter International, Inc.; Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA; Boston Scientific; and C.R. Bard Inc.
About Grand View Research
Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and healthcare.
Contact: Sherry James Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Grand View Research, Inc Phone: 1-415-349-0058 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: [email protected] For More Information: www.grandviewresearch.com
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STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score | Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Sharing the ‘Research Letter’ published this week in ‘KI Reports’ on an attempt to find cut off scores for STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score from the TINKER group (a sub-section of PCRRT-ICONIC Group). There are multiple studies ongoing across the world to validate it in individual centres.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Kidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
TAG- Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in Delhi, Best Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi
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Pediatric Kidney Transplant Specialist in Delhi - Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
                                    Pediatric Kidney Transplant
‘Virtual PEDIATRIC Kidney Transplant Update 2021’ was a very successful meeting with more than 800 attendees from across the world joining together to learn! Thanks to all of you for making it a grand success!
                                   Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar SethiHe was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tags -  Pediatric Nephrology India, Pediatric Kidney Transplant Specialist in Delhi
For more information link- www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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Kidney Replacement Therapy In COVID-19 Induced Kidney Failure And Septic Shock | Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
The recent worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 has had a detrimental worldwide impact on people of all ages. Although data from China and the United States indicate that pediatric cases often have a mild course and are less severe in comparison to adults, there have been several cases of kidney failure and multisystem inflammatory syndrome reported. As such, we believe that the world should be prepared if the severity of cases begins to further increase within the pediatric population. Therefore, we provide here a position paper centered on emergency preparation with resource allocation for critical COVID-19 cases within the pediatric population, specifically where renal conditions worsen due to the onset of AKI.
About Dr.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar SethiKidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tag = Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi, Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon, Child Kidney Doctor in Delhi, Child Kidney Doctor in Gurgaon
For more information = http://www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com/
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urvashiela-blog · 6 years
Why are Sperm Donors Needed?
Numerous ladies can't have a kid without using gave sperm by manual semen injection. The dominant part of these will be lesbian couples or single ladies, whereby receiving gave sperm is the main choice of becoming a parent. Additionally infertile couples, where there is a male fertility issue, may likewise require gave sperm and may wish to pick an association administration, for example, Pride Heavenly attendant with the goal that they can meet the planned donor.
Sperm gift is a strategy in which a man gives semen — the liquid containing sperm that is discharged during discharge — to encourage an individual or a couple imagine a baby.
Given sperm can be injected into a woman's regenerative organs (intrauterine insemination) or used to treat develop eggs in a lab (in vitro preparation). The utilization of gave sperm is known as outsider generation. A man who influences a sperm gift to can be known or mysterious to the beneficiary. Sperm gifts made to a known beneficiary are called coordinated gifts.
Before you can give sperm, you should be screened for medicinal conditions and other hazard factors. It's likewise essential to understand the conceivable enthusiastic, mental and legitimate issues of sperm gift.
sperm donors are men from an assortment of foundations who share regular perfection. Some are understudies, a considerable lot of whom go to top-level schools*, for example, Stanford, NYU, Harvard, and USC. Others are experts in fields, for example, medicine, law, the physical sciences, or open administration.
Notwithstanding, what a potential sperm donor must understand is that meeting these fundamental necessities is just the initial phase all the while.
Once a sperm donor candidate meets these fundamental prerequisites he may then be requested to proceed onward to our capability screening process.
As a best sperm bank, California Cryobank capability process is broad; potential donors should hope to submit to physical examinations that include screening for infectious ailment, hereditary screening, examination of family history, and further assessments. All through the whole procedure, our donors will have the continued direction of the California Cryobank staff who will explain each progression altogether and answer all inquiries.
Eventually, acknowledgment into our donor program comes simply after potential sperm donors meet the exclusive expectations put forward in our capability procedure. Yet, once acknowledged, those in the program will realize that their sperm gift will change lives and make longs for family a reality. California Cryobank sperm donors change generally concerning ethnicity, culture and religious foundations, yet they are largely brilliant, legitimate and conferred.
In the event that you believe you have what it takes to be a Cryobank sperm donor, and live, work, or go to class adjacent one of our donor processing areas, we urge you to apply. It is difficult to be acknowledged into our sperm donor program, however definitely justified even despite the exertion!
*California Cryobank isn't associated or partnered with, nor embraced, supported, or bolstered by UCLA, USC, Stanford College, Harvard College, MIT or some other instructive institution. All outsider trademarks, including UCLA, USC, Stanford College, Harvard College and MIT are the trademarks of their particular proprietors.
Best Donor Sperm Centres in Delhi
Fortis India IVF Fertility Clinic
Built up in the year 2014, Fortis India IVF Fertility Clinic is extraordinary compared to other IVF focuses in Delhi . It is visited by Richika Sahay Shukla, an Infertility and IVF Master, is an all around qualified and trained proficient . Dr. Richika has wide understanding and has done broad training in the field of IVF-ICSI and Gynecological Endoscopy. Administrations given by Fortis India IVF Fertility Clinic are In Vitro Preparation (Unnaturally conceived child), Obstetrics and Gynecology, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Sperm Donor Program, Incipient organism Donor Program, Egg Donor, Clinical Embryologist and other infertility treatments.
Fortis Flt Lt Rajan Dhall Hospital, Area B, Pocket 1, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi
Ladlee Gynae Clinic and SCI International Hospital
SCI (Careful Focus of India ) International Hospital has been built up to give world class integrated medical services offices to all segments of the general public at a moderate cost while maintaining the elevated expectations of moral practice and expert competency. SCI (Careful Focal point of India ) International Hospital is a 80 had relations with Multispeciality Hospital enlisted with the Directorate of Wellbeing Administrations Govt. of Delhi, situated at M-4, More noteworthy Kailash, Section 1, New Delhi-I 10048, India.
It gives OPD benefits in Urology, IVF, Obstetrics and Gynae, Minimal Invasive Medical procedure, General Medical procedure, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Injury, Joint Substitution, Neurosurgery, Restorative medical procedure, Medicine, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Eye, ENT, Respiratory and Chest Illnesses, Nephrology, and Physiotherapy. Confirmation and Setback administrations, all around prepared Research center, High-Recurrence Radiography, X-Beam Machine with CR framework, Ultrasonography, Resound and Shading Doppler, Top of the line Urology Diagnostics. Every one of these offices are accessible round the clock. It gives OPD benefits in urology, IVF, obstetrics and gyne, minimally invasive medical procedure, general medical procedure, pediatrics, orthopedics, injury, joint substitution, neurosurgery, corrective medical procedure, medicine, dermatology, psychiatry, cardiology, eye, ENT, respiratory and chest ailments, nephrology, and physiotherapy.
M-4, M Square Landmark : Inverse Little Cupids International Have School More noteworthy Kailash Impact 1, Delhi.
Urogyn IVF Center
Urogyn IVF Center, set up in the year 1994, is a joint wander amongst urologist and a specialist in male infertility, Dr. Ashok K. Gupta and an IVF and Surrogacy Authority, Dr. Surbhi Gupta in the administration of infertile couples. In a joint effort with different related pros like gynecologist, Dr. Meenakshi Aggarwal and Boss Embryologist, Dr. Sushma Ved, the middle gives extensive administrations under one rooftop for finish assessment and treatment of infertile male and female.
The inside is authorize by different official and expert bodies and gloats of treating countless and International patients from nations like USA, UK, Australia and Center East. Notwithstanding Infertility, the middle has two related wings which give Urological and Gynecological administrations. Dr. Surbhi Gupta is Head of Gynae. Unit-III at Jaipur Brilliant Hospital, Rohini.
136 ,Pocket F/ - 22, Part 3, Rohini Avantika, Dividing Street Segment 2 and 3, Delhi.
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