#Nero Post Devil May Cry 5
vngful · 1 year
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the-phantom-otaku · 26 days
The nice and naughty cat of the week
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(I shouldn’t have had power in my back pocket)
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wyverncult · 1 year
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gaming with the nephew :)
full drawing below!
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dmc-questions-anon · 5 months
One of the most frustrating things to me is people acting like at the end of DMC 5 Dante and Vergil were wrong to go to hell and leave Nero in the human world, even thought they literally had to? It's not like they went to hell for the hell of it? It's explicitly stated that if they don't cut the roots down the tree will continue to grow and demons will continue pouring out into the human world?
I'm sure that them leaving did upset Nero and it's okay for him to be upset, but that doesn't mean they were in the wrong and I'm sure no matter what he feels, he knows that circumstances made how things went unavoidable.
I guess I can see the argument of they didn't both have to go or they could've taken Nero with them, but that wouldn't have been very logical.
Vergil absolutely had to go. He caused the problem, it'd be really fucked up if he didn't help fix it.
However, Vergil has only just now shown anything other than power-hungry intent, how can they trust him? It makes sense for the only person who can really match him in power to go with him to keep an eye on him. (Yes, I know Dante's main reason for going with Vergil is probably because of what happened last time Vergil went to hell alone, but we are approaching this from a logical standpoint, not an emotional one.)
Vergil, Dante, and Nero are the three most powerful beings on Earth, the two most powerful of the three are going to hell, and it only makes sense for Nero to stay and watch over the human world, especially considering it's quite possible that the Qlipoth has opened up the world to new demonic dangers. Dante even tells Nero: "It's because you're here we can go."
They didn't just abandon Nero and it's not the same as Vergil jumping into hell at the end of DMC 3, even if the two scenes do parallel each other. They did leave him, yes, but they had to. They aren't in the wrong for it. Both of them, especially Vergil, have hurt and wronged Nero but not by doing this. Dante and Vergil going to hell and Nero staying behind was the most logical thing to do.
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stickynotelovers-art · 7 months
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Devil May Cry is growing in strength in my brain and I've been desiring to draw the Sparda boys for a bit anyways.
I see some people have Vergil behave in fanfics and fanart as being extremely serious and cold, but I think people easily forget that he's just as much of a silly goober as his brother. He would definitely be an embarrassing Dad just because he thinks Nero's reactions are funny.
Dante and Vergil would both definitely find these shirts hilarious and wear them on lazy days, especially because Nico gifted it to them.
Besides the fact that Nico would buy the shirts for them simply because she thought it was funny, she'd also do it to mess with Nero.
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I wonder how many times Sin Devil Triggered Vergil's accidentally hit things with his tail. He's been through a LOT of forms throughout his life but the closest thing to a "tail" he's ever had was Nelo Angelo's cape.
     Just-- this is kind of hyper-specific but y'all know the scene from Robots where they first show Aunt Fanny (this one); I just imagine this is what it's like the first handful of times that Vergil uses his Sin Trigger. Just swinging his tail around by accident and hitting
     I mean, he wouldn't be so soft spoken as her but I think it would be the same vibe.      Small fic; ignore some dumb logic-- =      Rain heavily poured down onto the broken pavement as the three Sparda descendants stood together. It had been a long day and the targeted devil of today's contract was upon a high building, blissfully unaware of the death that was going to befall them.      A Sin Devil Triggered Vergil and human Nero were currently going over the game plan about how to dispose of said devil. Dante was acting as a sort of lookout, standing off the side behind Vergil.      Through a heavily distorted voice, Vergil spoke, "Are you sure about this?"      "Yeah," Nero nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets, "I'll be fine; it's not like I haven't flown before."      The plan was simple, Vergil was going to carry Nero up to the target where he'd snatch the devil with his "wings", dropping it right down to Dante; who would be waiting in his own Sin Devil Trigger.      Vergil turned to speak to his brother, pivoting around, "Dante--?"      A grunt left Dante's lips as he felt Vergil's tail whip into his middle, catching his clothes on the sharp scales and getting snagged stuck.      Confused, Vergil turned the other way, causing his tail to move as well. Dante did his best to try and unravel his shirt but was unable to. Loud hearty laughter came from Nero as he watched.      Dante shouted at his twin, "Would you stop moving?"      Freezing in place, Vergil flinched as he felt Dante gently tug the shirt free. Though the scales aren't sensitive, this was still a very new sensation to the blue devil.      Now free, Dante came around front, his shirt in ribbons, "You owe me a new shirt."      Tilting his head in confusion, Vergil waited for Dante to elaborate; completely unaware of his tail that was flicking about.      However, it was Nero who chimed in, "Should get a blanket too- or some bubble wrap- No, wait, I've got it!" He smiled with another loud laugh, "Pool noodles!"      Dante joined the laughter, "That's a great idea; we should get the bright-colored ones too-"      "Just to be safe," a thick layer of sarcasm filled Nero's voice, "His scales blend in so well with the environment, you know."      As the pair laughed, Vergil let out a low huff, crossing his arms, "What are you two on about?"      Dante walked over to his twin, placing a heavy hand on one of the silver-scaled shoulder pauldrons adorning Vergil's shoulder, "That deadly weapon that's coming out of your ass-"      "It comes from the middle of my back," a small huff left through his teeth, shoving Dante's hand away, "Perhaps it would be best not to stand directly behind me, Dante."      "Yeah- Yeah, sure," Dante gave a dismissive wave, "you still need to learn to control your tail, Verge-"      "I can control it just fine. Now," he continued straight through, not allowing the others to rebuke his statement, "could we get this over with? Or would you rather waste more time?"      Rolling his eyes, Dante shook his head, "You really gotta learn to loosen up, Vergil-- have some fun," with a smile, Dante Sin Triggered and awaited orders from the cranky blue devil.
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skrunksthatwunk · 19 days
devil marbly carbly ft me trying to figure out how to draw all of them in real time
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(the dubstep weed jacking off shirt is from a meme i would source if i uh. remembered it sorry </3)
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cheeriochat · 2 months
Disclaimer, this edition of headcannons will have darker content. if you don't feel comfortable with any of the topics I mention please don't read, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or upset. Not all will be bad but I just had some ideas and wanted to say them.
• Vergil has and will resort to cannibalism to get by. As a child if he couldn't steal or beg for food he'd starve til he came across demon attack sites and salvage what flesh he could off of people and other demons. Nowadays he doesn't need to worry since Dante makes sure he's well fed but I think when Vergil and Dante were in hell, Vergil was a little too quick to resort to eating demon carcass....
• Trish still definitely uses the fact she looks like Eva to get stuff out of Dante. From minor things like a small favour or lunch to bigger things like secrets and information Dante keeps under wrap from everyone. She feels bad about it sometimes.
• Lady hates cockroaches. Shes so scared of them to the point of almost pulling kalina-ann on a few. Dante also hates cockroaches but it's more gross-factor rather than fear (even through he looks like a cockroach in his dt)
• When Dante was younger, he often got gifted fancy cologne or other things by regular clients. He, of course, pawned these things off to help fund his rent and debilitating pizza addiction. This whole situation ended quite awkwardly when one of these clients found a bottle of Versace cologne in a pawn shop with a custom label reading "For Dante, as thanks for all your work!". He now keeps all client gifts well on display for them to see.
• Nero isn't actually a huge fan of video games. The closest he maybe got to ever playing one was doing the daily wordle. Kyrie however, LOVES video games and as soon as she was introduced to games from outside of fortuna she was hooked. She especially loves soulslike games. (She plays heavy weapons class builds)
• Going along the tech route, I feel like vergil would know how to use a computer, but only how to make Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Word documents. You couldn't explain how to use the internet let alone how to use a website to him. (He would love a kindle though, I just know it.)
• Dante likes Microsoft solitaire.
• V headcanon??? Shock!!!!! In the short time V was alive, he gained penchant for sweet drinks or anything sweet in a cup really. Milkshakes, iced chocolates, parfaits, soft drinks and soda floats (he especially liked melon soda floats). Nothing was off the table. Things in tall glasses with straws or long spoons were easier to hold and consume with a more easily fatigued body and the sugars definitely helped him feel a bit better. This love of sweet things ended up transferring over to Vergil, who, when alone, now orders ridiculously sweet desserts and drinks.
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vodger · 11 months
my magnum opus, i'm afraid.
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waibex · 6 months
I made a cringe love song for Vergil with ai.
⚠️WARNING: Cringe, Vergil⚠️
Fangirling done correctly.
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duvewing · 2 years
where are we
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vngful · 1 year
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tricksterik · 1 year
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OUR giant one fourth-demon boyfriend
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meow-super-cat · 1 year
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Happy Father's Day!
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dmc-questions-anon · 9 months
Stuck on if I want Patty and Nero to already know each other or not
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
Demonic Colds
--- DMC 3 ---
Lady: *sneezes*
Dante: You good?
Lady: Yeah, just as cold.
Dante: Oh, okay.
Also DT!Dante: Oh shit, she's going to spontaneously combust.
--- DMC 4 ---
Teen Credo: Sorry Nero, Kylie couldn't come play today. She's sick.
Tiny Nero: WHAT!!
Teen Credo: oh geez!..
--- DMC 5 ---
Dante: ~Devil May Cry~
Kyrie: Mr. Dante! Thank goodness you picked up.
Dante: Kyrie? What's-
Kyrie's Phone Background: SCCRRRREEEECCHH
Dante: What in HELL was that?
Kyrie: Nero.
Dante: Nero?
Kyrie: Juilo just threw up and-
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