#Nero ain't got no time or patience
of-pale · 5 months
Dante gives the vibes of a character that would use a lot of emojis when typing on a phone, that's if he ever got past using a rotary one from 1970 or something. He’d totally send a message that's only emojis and leave the other person wondering.
Dante: 😑🤌😒🎉🎄💯💥🦄😌🤠🔥👌🕔🗓️👀🤔
Nero: What the fuck Dante?
Dante: 🤷🤌🙈🗓️💥
Nero: What am I meant to make of that?
Dante: 💁
Dante: 🥰😘
Nero: Seriously thou, what do you mean?
Nero: Dante?
Nero: I swear to Sparda, if you don't respond in the next 5 minutes, I'm coming over all the way from Fortuna just to kick your ass.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
What does your character hate the most?
--Unsundered Etheryis, pre-Pandaemonium--
"I hate--" Ares begins angrily before Persephone puts a hand over his mouth.
"Yes, yes, I'm sure we could hear you go on and on all day about how much you hate your late sister-in-law and your brother and his life choices revolving around her, if we could afford the time." She replies nonchalantly. Her expression softens into a mix of sadness and exasperation. "Including how it all affected you and your reputation." She sighs.
Ares removes her hand for a moment. "Not Erich, though. I could never hate Erich. I need to point that out. His fucking parents, on the other hand--" Persephone's hand returns to his mouth with greater force.
"We do not have all day, you know. I will summon Mistress Venat to make you stop."
Ares starts frantically shaking his head.
"In case you were wondering," Persephone continues, "he is very capable of going on full-day rants about this and has done so before. I am very aware of what exactly he alludes to, but my poor Ares is...magically sworn to secrecy on speaking directly about it. I understand him enough to be able to figure it out, but for the sake of all involved, I can't speak of it much, either."
She grits her teeth as her expression turns into a grimace. "As for me personally, I've little patience for her line of thinking, after learning and inferring from Ares. On on a similar note, a certain Chief Overseer of Elpis has been getting on thin ice with me as of late after he turned our last conversation into an infuriating circle until he got called away. Even Councilors to the People can get frustrated."
--Sundered Etheryis, post-Endwalker--
"Zenos." Kouh'to answers without missing a beat, angrily snapping his book closed. "Don't need to explain why. (Reference: In From The Cold, Y'dehlya being his victim) Oh, and Archon Loaf. One time. Never again."
-Thavnair, Radz-at-Han-
"Don't call me a brute." U'reksh grumbles. "I ain't a brute. I'm not a 'barbarian', I'm not a 'savage', and I'm not a 'weapon', either. I'm me! I'm a person! So what if I didn't grow up with any advanced formal training? I'm plenty smart in my own ways, and I've learned so much so fast from so many people ever since my journey started!"
Y'dehlya reaches over to scratch him behind his ears before he can continue, and he lets out a long purr as his body relaxes. "And we're all so proud of you for how far you've come." She adds warmly. "Proving wrong everyone who ever doubted you."
He grins. "Yeah, I'm not great at meetings, but I'm trying to be. But everything else? Not only am I one of the star's strongest fighters, but I can make my own weapons!" He crosses his arms confidently as his grin widens. "I know almost as much as Cid and Nero when it comes to technology, and I kept up with Raha last I talked with him about Allagan tech! So there!"
Y'dehlya continues to scratch him. Her smile starts to fade. "I've very little patience for narrow-minded thinking." Y'dehlya tuts. "Reksh touched on it when he talked about personal attacks on his character, when people casually misjudge him just because of his background and attitude. It is what leads to wide divides amongst people that can and have snowballed into disasters. We've seen the destruction it's caused time and time again over the course of our journey, and we've had to painstakingly bridge such gaps, or at least start them enough." She lets out a sigh. "I admit, while I understand their concerns over sovereignty and the future of the nation, I still emphasize this harder to the Garleans I've met in Garlemald, because the propaganda still talks even though their system is no more. Though at the same time, the remainder of the world will also need to learn to peacefully coexist with the new Garlemald if we are to prevent further tragedies of this scale." She smiles. "I'm glad that Vrtra is having Thavnair take that first step."
(Prompt is here!)
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Leonard McCoy - Guilt
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♫ - Mars - Sleeping At Last
For @space-cowboy2227, I hope you enjoy and this is what you wanted! You lot as always, thank you for reading! Hugs! ♡
TW/CW: Survivors guilt and PTSD are running themes, if these make you uncomfortable then please skip this one! 
Vulcan had been your home for some while, though you were not Vulcan yourself. Your studies had granted you time on many different planets, there to study the way their society worked and culture as a whole. Though, despite your time on other planets, there was just something about Vulcan that drew you to stay. Once your studies were complete, you returned and had resided there since. Two years later and you had remained.
There was something about Vulcan that kept you there. So much about it was beautiful. The colours of the planet were all sorts reds, greens and browns. The natural environment was made up of jutted rock formations, most of its surface covered in large deserts and mountain ranges. Bodies of water and rivers broke up the land. Your favourite parts of the landscapes were the volcanoes, some active and some not, alongside the ancient ruins and lava fields.
These were all things you were forced to remember about the planet you had come to call your home. Distant memories were all you had left.
Fire and death had replaced every good thought you had about Vulcan. Needless bloodshed all for the sake of revenge. A less than understandable motivation, more so now than ever. You were there the day it happened, the day Nero had drilled into the surface all in the name of vengeance. People died around you, in front of you, Vulcans and non-Vulcans alike. You were told fewer than ten thousand people on Vulcan had survived; most of those you'd held dear were dead. Images of that day flashed through your mind each day, unable to escape the thoughts.
You had ended up aboard the Enterprise, a Federation starship sent by Starfleet in an attempt to help Vulcan stop Nero's attack. They did, they managed to destroy his own ship, the Narada, but just a little too late. The ship's doctor, a man named Leonard McCoy, was the man to treat your injuries.
"There, you'll be fine," his voice was low, not unkind. You failed to say anything, you hadn't since you got into sickbay, and the doctor was rather worried. "Are you alright, Y/N? I mean, I can understand you bein' quiet and all, but are you alright?"
His voice pulled you from your thoughts, and you feigned a smile at him.
"I am, thank you, Doctor."
"Yeah, you look it," he raised an eyebrow. In a sincere voice, Leonard spoke again. "I'm a doctor, not a psychic, but I can absolutely see you ain't alright. I'm here if you need anything, just come on in and I'll help you with what you need."
Each night was a struggle to fall asleep, to even get any form of relaxation; memories and recollections plagued your waking thoughts, and your subconscious was no better. You were unmotivated to do anything, barely leaving your quarters unless you had to. Feelings of sickness and isolation overwhelmed you at times.
The gravity of Leonard's words didn't hit you until your worst night. Waking up with a start, you were in tears, and decided to take the doctor up on his offer.
Making your way from your guest quarters, you navigated the ship as best you could, still a little unsure of what was where; you hadn't seen a ship the size of the Enterprise before, she was beautiful. You only wish you had been aboard for better, happier reasons. Eventually, you found yourself at the doors to sickbay, hoping Leonard was still in there. In your scared state, you failed to acknowledge that these were indeed sleeping hours.
Opening the door, you slowly padded in to see a small light in the office, making your way over with a light foot. Knocking, you waited for any answer from inside.
"Come in." A gruff, tired voice sounded, and you did so.
The door opened to reveal the handsome doctor, hunched over his desk with a dim light above him illuminating the room and setting a rather pensive mood. A pair of shining eyes made their way up to your own, eyeing you with a curiosity; Leonard most certainly wasn't used to visitors at such an hour.
"Oh," he realised he hadn't spoke, so he stood and motioned for you to enter, inviting you in. "Please. What can I do for you?"
As you stepped in, you sat on the chair that was free and now in the light, Leonard could see your tear stained face, eyes red and puffy. He looked down apologetically, kneeling down in front of you.
"I- I-" you stuttered, unable to get your sentence out for fear of your voice breaking. Luckily, Leonard interrupted you, saving both an awkward sentence and an uncomfortable silence.
"I know, I understand."
"It was horrible, doctor. I can't put it out of mind, every time I close my eyes all I can see is the destruction. I feel so guilty, Leonard, there were people I knew, people I cared about, that didn't survive. I lost everybody, and still I managed to survive. A part of me thinks I shouldn't have..."
Your string of words had fallen off its trail as Leonard placed a hand on your shoulder, noticing the silent tears that began to fall down your cheeks once more.
"You absolutely should be here, Y/N. Please, don't ever think that you shouldn't be. Survivor's guilt is not uncommon, especially when someone's gone through what you have. It makes you no less worthy to be here. We'll get through it though, right? Together."
You looked up from your lap and stopped twiddling your thumbs. Seeing Leonard give you a small smile, you nodded, albeit a little half-heartedly.
"Is there any getting through this?" Your words were whispered, and he frowned slightly, not liking seeing you upset. He brought his hand from your shoulder and took one of your own in his. The other came to rest on your knee.
"Yes, there is. It will take time, and a lot of patience, but you can do it. Hell, we can do it. I'll work with you for as long as it takes. There's steps for things like this, and I'm gonna make a promise to you now, that you'll be alright in the end. Fully healed and moved on? Perhaps not. But better and healthier? Certainly. You don't deserve this; none of you do."
Leonard had moved his eyes from yours and instead was looking at the hand he held in his. You looked at his face, and in the light, you could see how he felt. He was upset himself, almost pained, and you instinctively took his other hand.
"Are you alright, doctor? You yourself seem... a little down" you asked softly.
"I uh, I'll share something with you. I have a.. a friend," he began, still not looking up at you. "He's a Vulcan, and he works on this ship. He's just lost his mother. Now, we fight tooth and nail and we never agree on nothin', but I still don't want to see him the way he is. He's struggling, as much as a Vulcan will let on, but he refuses help, citing his own peoples traditions as coping mechanisms instead. So, if I can't help him then I'm damn well gonna help everyone else."
As he spoke, you could see in each word that he was serious. Very serious. You placed a hand on his cheek, drawing his head up to you. Your eyes were watery, and so were his. Leonard looked at you just as you had him when you first arrived. Bringing him forward, you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him close.
"I swear," he said quietly. "I swear I'll help you be alright."
Pulling yourself back, you looked him dead in the eye, eyes still brimming with tears as you let your emotions free. Cupping his face, you wiped some of the stray tears that fell down Leonard's face too, a side of himself he rarely chose to show. In the face of such tragedy, however, it was hard not to. Taking comfort in each other, you whispered your reply.
"Thank you."
You stayed with Leonard in his office that night, sitting whilst he worked, both of you taking solace in the other's presence. From that day on, you vowed to work on recovery, knowing that with Leonard's support, you could accomplish anything.
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airy-fairy-sparkles · 6 years
imagine dragons “origins” songs for the signs
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aries: west coast ♡
"one more day we'll spend together,let your eyes look up upon me for the better, oh, i know i'm worse for weather but, my love, i won't give up, spend my days cursing my soul wishing i could paint my scars and make me whole, oh, i know i could be better but my love, i won't give up. i ain't no superman, i ain't no holy ghost i'm just the one that keeps you up at night, you love the most. i'll be your strong man, i'll be your west coast, i'll be the sun, i'll be the waves, i'll be the one you love the most."
taurus: birds ♡
"two hearts, one valve, pumpin' the blood, we were the flood, we were the body and two lives, one life stickin' it out, lettin' you down, makin' it right. seasons, they will change, life will make you grow, dreams will make you cry, cry, cry. everything is temporary, everything will slide, love will never die, die, die. "
gemini: bullet in a gun ♡
"the roman king, the romulus, the precipice, born to change, the final days, the last embrace, augustus, nero, taking names, i'm high, then i'm low, low. stop, then i go, go. bipolar, oh. oh, yes, then i'm no, no. my time will come, i promise that, pull the trigger back, back. bullet in a gun, ut in the end, my time will come, like a bullet in a gun. blood, sweat, and tears to be the one."
cancer: only ♡
"... my disaster, you're my only answer, you got me thinking that i could be a master, pretty baby, you're my heavy ocean, weigh me down and give me your devotion... tell me the things that you want i give you all that i've got. open your eyes, then you will see it's just you and me. only throwing out the key, just living in a dream, it's just you and me, only listen to you breathe, just living in a dream, it's just you and me."
leo: burn out ♡
"patience only gets you so far, blood will get you further, pain will only make your heart hard,tossed in fury's weather,innocence is beautiful to see. won't you box it up for me? for me. oh, give me strength, and give me peace. does anyone out there want to hear me? it's just another downpour, don't let it get the best of you it's only up from the floor, light everything inside of you don't burn out, don't burn out on me."
virgo: natural ♡
"will you hold the line, when every one of them has given up and given in? tell me, in this house of mine, nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me, will the stars align? will heaven step in? will it save us from our sin? will it? 'cause this house of mine stands strong. that's the price you pay, leave behind your heart and cast awa, just another product of today... and you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a natural, a beating heart of stone, you gotta be so cold, to make it in this world..."
libra: zero ♡
"i find it hard to say the things i want to say the most, find a little bit of steady as i get close, find a balance in the middle of the chaos, send me low, send me high... but looking to the ways of the ones before me looking for the path of the young and lonely i don't want to hear about what to do i don’t want to do it just to do it for you. hello, hello, let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero. let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel like i’m empty and there's nothing really real, real. i'm looking for a way out. ...i find it hard to tell you how i wanna run away, i understand it always makes you feel a certain way..."
scorpio: stuck ♡
"i've been afraid, don't wanna fade out of my body, i've been astray, barely awake, floating above me. covered in gray, what can i say? i've been a zombie, i'm feeling like i've been locked in a grave, you were the laugh, you were the life, you were the party, you were the brave, i was the weak, you were the army, you were the faith, you were the truth, i was the sorry, i'm feeling like you've been taken away. time goes by and still i am stuck on you... oh, you, ooh... why did you leave? why did you go leaving me lonely? didn't you know you were the home, you were the only? where did you go? where did you go? where did you go? come back to me..."
sagittarius: love ♡
"it's been a long time comin’, comin', seeming like we all been runnin', runnin’, feeling like the wild west, gunnin', gunnin',listen to our elders shunnin', shunnin', flipping on the news beat talkin', talkin', all about the problems, shockin', shockin’, we put on our headphones walking, walking... where did we all go wrong? love, love, love, lo-lo-lo-love, love, love, where did we all, where did we all go wrong? all we see is faces, color, color, all the other races, other, other, why can’t you just be my brother, brother? we don't have to kill one another, kill one another... all around the world, we are one, we are one. ...so where did we all go wrong? love, love, love..."
capricorn: cool out ♡
"just before i go, yes, i know that i'm losing control and i want to take things slow. put my mind in cruise control, i know i'm always pacing and i blame it on the pressure i'm facing. i wanna take things slow, put my mind in cruise control... you're always saying that you read my sign and always wishing that i take the time but, you know that's not my speed, only believe what i can see, i live my life in black-and-white, i know that's not what you would like, that's all i know, i put my mind in cruise control. "
aquarius: machine ♡
"i'm not scared of what you're gonna tell me, no, i'm not scared of the beast in the belly, fill my cup with endless ambition, and paint this town with my very own vision. I'M NOT SCARED OF WHAT YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME NO I'M NOT SCARED OF THE BEAST IN THE BELLY, FILL MY CUP WITH ENDLESS AMBITION, AND PAINT THIS TOWN WITH MY VERY OWN VISION! 'cause i've been wondering when you gonna see i'm not for sale, i've been questioning, when you gonna see i'm not a part of your machine, not a part of your machine... i am the machine."
pisces: real life ♡
"she says that the world is a broken mess, and it's always on her mind, she cries at the news when the shots ring out, oh, every single time. ...she prays on her knees as the towers fall, to a god she does not know, she's begging him to stop the mess... she says, "how could i ever believe in something that would step aside and watch?" and i got no words to say 'cause i think i lost my faith, but i fake it for the day, oh, everything will be okay..."
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