#New Reploids
jade-everstone · 8 months
POV: Your partner is a New Englander
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based off a twitter redraw challenge
btw, the background image in Io's pic was taken by me a year ago during a boston trip. Initially for refrence use, but i guess it ended up here now
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moppy-art · 10 months
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I'm still high-key drawing random scenes from my fic in progress...this was gonna be a little doodle and then I just straight up forgot to actually stop working at any point.
But hey, that's a solid background. I don't usually do those so that's cool.
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zmeu-ra · 1 year
forever disappointed that the new-gen Reploid bosses in Mega Man X8 never actually use their copy chips for anything. like what if Burn Rooster started using Magma Dragoon's Hadokens? or Dark Mantis used Sting Chameleon's invisibility? Gigabolt Man-O-War drained your life like Launch Octopus? it could've shown how truly advanced they are, using special weapons just like X.
Lumine does it in his boss fight, but I would've loved to see references to past Mavericks in other bosses too.
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iiguess · 1 year
i mean isnt she a robot master? so like, probably maybe an inch difference
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" oh thank gosh. man, i almost forgot she's not human. at least there's no way she'll grow any taller than me—-not that i mind, but... still. "
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bowsnbots · 1 year
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//-You guys ever go to write a starter and just fall down a rabbit hole instead--
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lueduar01 · 13 days
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"The new generation Reploids have been awakened, and the new world is at hand!"
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you-cant-fuck-megaman · 3 months
do you think this is a question mega man robots get asked in-universe? does block man keep having to explain that turning INTO a head does not mean he GIVES head
it absolutely is, much to my surprise
while Rockman-san and Rockman-chan are comedy mangas, there's a surprisingly serious undertone to the development of human/robot relations in it. one part that's brought up for all of one line is that since roll grows up to be a beautiful woman, some people question her and why she was made
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now, the franchise is no stranger to flirting with troves of potential philosophy to write about. these guys often just open up a treasure chest and then just run out whooping because they found a cool new spoon inside the actual mounds of gold, but holy SHIT this is just a FUCKING MINEFIELD they casually uncovered and then ran the fuck away from
there's a LOT of road to cover between the streets of "women should be allowed to look how they want, and some women want to be pretty" and "female robots are often designed to be attractive because their creator wanted it, rather than it being their own personal choice", and this sort of shit can cause a spontaneous game of 52-car pickup
even down the timeline, i would genuinely be amazed if reploids don't have to deal with this shit in-universe. X8 brought us Toyota tits Layer and Alia let down her hair and drew some lines on her breastplate with magic marker to imply cleavage. how do people in-universe feel about THEM?
thankfully, i plan on surviving the wormhole that splits off the X timeline from the Classic timeline, even if i have to hang onto the edges of the Time Skimmer to do so.
i'm comin' for all you robofuckers in the future!!!!!! my red octagon cannot be stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shinysamurott9 · 3 days
I've had Ciel on my mind today and whenever I think of her, I can't help but think just how fucked her story and life is.
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Seriously, she's born as a test tube baby, genetically engineered to be more intelligent with the express purpose of making better weapons and reploids for the dictatorship that created her, likely meaning she didn't have proper parents and no real childhood.
She created Copy X, who then went on to commit straight up genocide, so you know that definitely took a toll on her. Oh yeah she was 9 when she did this. So yeah can't imagine that helped with coping.
She then goes on to try and find redemption by forming the resistance to save reploids that her creation wants to exterminate, becoming the enemy of effectively all of what remains of society as a result, with people constantly dying around her for being part of her organisation. It's to the point where they are on the verge of collapse by Zero 1, this desperation being the whole reason she tries to find Zero in the first place.
During this whole time, Ciel is also working to try and create an entirely new, renewable and clean energy source on the faint hope that Neo Arcadia would cease their genocide of the reploids. An incredibly daunting task for a single person to say the least. Unfortunately it goes completely down the drain by Z3 where giving Neo Arcadia, or really at that point Weil, the Ciel System is completely out of the question. It was naive beforehand of course but it just sucks for her that all her time and effort spent working on the system in hopes of bringing a peaceful resolution basically meant nothing in terms of resolving the conflict with Neo Arcadia at least.
Oh and this was also after the guy who she handed command of the resistance to, massively escalated the conflict with Neo Arcadia, got a bunch of their soldiers killed only for him to eventually go crazy and have to be killed himself. So yeah I can't imagine that was great for her.
Honestly laying it all out like this Z4 is comparitively not nearly as bad for her, until right at the very end where the conflict that she is at least partially responsible for sparking is ended almost entirely by Kraft nuking Neo Arcadia. Fun fact according to the Drama Track, Vile's Incident, included in the Z4 Remastered Tracks CD, Kraft canonically killed approximately 20 Million people when he hit Neo Arcadia so yeah make of that what you will.
And of course after all that, Zero goes up and destroys Ragnarok and himself along with it. We see how grief stricken Ciel is in the game but honestly, listen to the Drama CD version of Zero's final monologue and hearing Ciel's scream shows just how crushing this is for her. Seriously her voice actress screams like part of her soul is being destroyed in that moment.
Honestly considering she goes through everything she does here, well before she even properly reaches adulthood no less, it's a genuine wonder Ciel isn't just completely broken by Zero 4. Worst part is it doesn't even stop after that, shit keeps happening and by the time the ZX era rolls around she's completely MIA, likely still alive through cybernetic enhancements so she's old as hell now and is forced to pretty much exile herself clinging onto the vague hope that the biometals she created will be found and used by an actually good person.
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mekkanicalsol · 4 months
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new reploid oc
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nih-nih · 4 months
I like to think that the reason Axl is not in Zero series is that in the past, the virus that Zero carried evolved and it even affected the new-gen reploid like Axl. And in the end, Axl lost his life to it, I'd like to think that he knew he was turning into maverick due to the virus, so he chose to end his own life so that his parents seniors would not have to do it themselves. He knew they would be sad and maybe unable to do it.
Anyhow, Zero was depressed because of it, Axl's death is the final push that made him choose to seal himself away. In Zero series, Axl is not mentioned because X does not want Zero to remember that painful memory.
So yeah... I still want Axl to get a role in Zero series dang, I love him so much ; - ;
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kaifougere666 · 4 days
Here is my new megaman Zero OC. Her name is Cyber Angel, but also go by Cyber, angel and cb.a for short ^^
She doesn't have much of a lore yet, but basically, she got into Ciels's lab randomly (as if she teleported) with a lot of Cyber elves with her. She is basically a mix of a reploid and a Cyber elf (like Cyber elf X basically). She went to Ciel's lab because she felt some Cyber elves there, and now they work together ^^
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Her wings are holograms btw !
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I also made her in this more manga-ish style because I thought it fitted more. It looks closer to the mmz style
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She was originally made in a picrew haha ^^
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Likes, reblogs and comments always appreciated!
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tazma-art · 6 months
Hello! So this was originally going to be an ask but it spiraled out of my control and it got too long so here we are :D I hope you enjoy my ramblings. Also I'm not a writer so I'm sorry if I sometimes don't make sense (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Your legends reborn AU has given me brain worms and ideas and I would like to share them if you don't mind! :D
It's mostly about Zero.
So, in one of your posts you said that you view the guardians' animalistic traits as a sign of freedom and that got me thinking about Zero.
I'm not 100% sure on how you interpret him, or how you want him to be in the au but from what I've gathered you like to see him as a Creature™ and it's how i view him too most times!
I love your head cannon that Zero can go on all fours because was not only made to be the ultimate weapon but also the ultimate predator (or hunter I don't remember the exact word you used)
So I was thinking that in your legends reborn au, since it's a time of peace and he is not a war machine anymore, he's (mostly) not a weapon anymore! :D
So, his predator/ hunter side is more present which makes his animalistic traits more prominent then the guardians. He can run on all fours, has paws :3, I like imagining him using his hair/mane as a bed or a blanket, and maybe give him some wings to reflect the absolute armor and the mother elf a little since she was based on him. (I still think he wears armor though)
I just want them to represent how free he is in the new world. I see the world of megaman legends as being very freeing for a being like Zero.
I think he has always lived in very restricting conditions. As I said before this man is a Creature™ and I don't think Wily ever intended for him to be a social one or to live in crowded places like a city (cuz he was supposed to Destroy those). I imagine living in the hunters HQ with so many reploids never felt quite right to him.
And Sure he could act like other reploids and mostly blend in but his mind was still so different he had to work extra hard to fit in. (Basically he's had to mask so hard for most of his life)
I think the only time he felt most like he was in his natural habitat was in the Zero games when he was mindlessly destroying thousands of enemies in large spaces to achieve a goal, and mostly not talking to people. It was still not very fun for him though, since missing most of his memories, and missing people he did not remember did not feel nice.
Then he wakes up in a world where there is no war, no virus, no mavericks, no great or good he needed to die for. Only (relative) peace and a strange new body that needed to sleep and eat.
His body is hard to get used to. The prospect of hunting is not new to him, but eating definitely is, and sleeping is just as hard. Getting used to it is challenging enough that it distracts him from thinking about his situation too hard at first.
After a while, it starts to hit him that he doesn't have a purpose. He had always had something he had to do, something or someone to fight for. But now there was no one and the peace he and his loved ones had fought so hard for was achieved. Now his only purpose was to keep himself alive and help some of the people he finds in trouble, because what else does he do?
This makes him feel empty at first but then it's starts to feel so natural. To just exist, to hunt and help people he finds along the way, to learn about this new world and finally live.
He had never really lived before, not like this, his life was always dominated by being a weapon first. And later, accidentally adopting someone will really make him feel like he's alive.
He still misses X, Axl and many others terribly, but he tries to keep himself busy
Aaaa anyway, what I wanted to get at is that he's finally truly free. Like X is. And I like to portray that as him being able to be more wild.
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cutechan555 · 3 days
Hey Peppino is me Dr Doppler Reploid scientist How feel you re ok i so worry do you but I have a present for you recovery Peppino 🏆😊
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starlitskvaderart · 3 months
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Midori One Day One Page 178!
A character new to Art Fight: it's my Reploid girl Strawberry! I actually meant to add her last year but a lot happened and I didn't finish her ref until this year....
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randomlyfallen · 2 months
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Realized I never actually posted my other reploid oc fallen here in an official matter. They’re a thing, formerly my sona but they grew to be their own oc for me to comfortably call them a sona (a mini mascot? Idk what they are, he just showed up)
He’s based off of an old retro cartoon cat hence the lack of colour on his palette. The black on fallen’s design is pure black and does not reflect under the light whatsoever while the lighter parts of his armour can blend into the environment if he so chooses.
Fallen is around the 2nd wave of new gen reploids that can transform and take other reploids forms, however a major flaw of his pure black and white design is that whatever subject he transforms into they will end with the same colour palette as he does so he rarely uses it.
He doesn’t actually remember his official name since most of his former colleagues used to call him fallen for how much he’s tripped and fallen over due to the wheels on the back of his heels that he has a hard time balancing on, so he tends to stand on his toes for that reason. Also due to his weird bad luck he was mistakenly labeled as maverick due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time so rip bozo, behind bars meowing away. What a loser.
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What are carbons? Carbons are biomechanical beings that are “Artificial Humans” in a sense while having organic traits like humans like flesh, blood, etc. They are also part machines capable of replacing their limbs with robotic implants and parts with ease. These can range from simple implants to drastic full body overhauls. Carbons are more resilient than they look. This allows them to take more punishment than regular organic beings. However, in certain cases, Carbons can manifest unique variations that weren't there in recent times Some possess animalistic traits or abilities that are similar to their reploid predecessors but remain to be seen. They are also known to adapt to the environment of the island that they reside on, depending on the weather, state, etc. Like any other lifeform they can eat, sleep, contract diseases, get injured and die.
In terms of reproduction, where Carbons came from can actually vary. There are two types of Carbon creation: One method is when Carbons are born, similar to how lifeforms are born through conception by two parents. This type of carbon is called “Organic” because of how it is born, this type is basically the major population of Terra. The second method is more complicated than the first, which is artificial creation. Because of their robotic nature, they can be created from scratch using specialized technology and genetic coding known as "Anthro Unit." The Anthro Units are extremely rare because most of them are possibly found in specific ruins or, commonly, in Elysium.
There is a third method called RE:birth. It's more akin to anthro units being created, but there is a distinction as a form of resurrection rather than creating new life, it requires two key components: an empty carbon shell and a unique ancient artifact called a Biometal. The biometal must house the soul of an ancient warrior of the past in order for the process to be successful. What the process does is fuse the biometal to the carbon body, permanently giving the ancient soul a new body. The appearance of the individual is a reflection of the soul’s desire or resemblance to their past life. Currently, the knowledge of RE:birth and the methods is shrouded in mystery, as only The Master himself is the only one who developed this process of bringing Biometals to physical form.
Hence why they are “Biomechanical” as they aren't fully organic nor, at the same time, robotic. Essentially, they are a completely new species that completely destroys the line between man and machine itself.
On average, carbons are known to have a regular lifespan of 150 years if they remain in their organic form or longer if they decide to go full on machine.
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