#New blog tho so no one can track what my turtle blog was...
punkinroses · 4 years
Okay before I kinda log off this blog completely for my new account and bc I don't have any intentions on doing anything with the Avatar Lian/Zutara grandbaby au I'm just gonna leave my final thoughts on what it would have gone into for if anyone ever wants to do anything with it;
So Lians airbending master would have been Jesa obviously, as the two of them ran off together to go travel the world. They would have also been accompanied by a nonbinary character who was either gonna be a waterbender and healer to help Lian learn that side of her waterbending or a nonbender who was skilled with a sword. Her Earthbending teacher was gonna be a very patient and sturdy, very self reflective girl who would have helped Lian learn patience.
Her firebending instructor would actually have been a cousin of hers. Just...not a first cousin. It would have been Azulas grandson.
Azula had fled her own imprisonment and institutionalization and hidden in the Earth Kingdom, taking on the identity of being someone from the colonies. She lived out in either a small town or perhaps even Ba Sing Se where no one could find her, eventually found a partner tho he died when their only child was just a baby. She taught her child and grandchildren everything she could about Firebending but never revealed who they were to them.
Lian would have eventually found her and found out who she was and tried to learn Firebending from her because she knew how strong her Great Aunt was and figured it could werve to help redeem her and bring her back to their family.
This, however, is foiled and Azulas actually kidnapped by one of the antagonists and her grandson is begrudgingly forced to become Lians Firebending teacher while trying to track down his Grandmother.
One of the antagonists would have been the new head of a police force of Metalbenders -- a former student of Tophs who was banished from her school and he took whwt teachings he had gotten and used them to create a new take on the Dai Li -- who his father Long Feng had once been in charge of, a fact he kept hidden from the world. Since then they had become a privatized police force who spread across the Earth Kingdom qnd he was planning a bit of a coup to regain status for his family and even take over what would be Republic City.
He would, however, be working with a far bigger antagonist for his own gains.
I am talking about that Bitch; Zhao.
Zhao, while lost in the Spirit World, would find angry, dark hearted Spirits who had bitter feelings towards the Avatar, who was supposed to be the bridge and peacemaker between worlds, a Spirit themselves reborn every generation as a mortal human to keep the Balance.
(There would have been a whole storyline about this Spirit and I believe they would have been one of the Original Spirits, perhaps even having a connection to the original benders and the Lion Turtles, but was not going to be Raava and there was no Vaatu. Since this was an AU storyline, I was gonna go all in and go back to the scrapped concept the wiki talked about the Avatar being the Spirit of the Earth).
Zhao teamed up with one of the most powerful of the Dark Spirits who wanted power themselves and Zhao wanted out of the Spirit World to become a Conqueror. Essentially a Global Domination storyline using the advances in technology, going after the Original Benders and the last Lion Turtle, killing the Avatar while in the Avatar State, and finishing what Ozai started. Mostly because I feel like with there being Spirits still pissed off about what Kuruk and Yangchen had done (and hell you could even count Kyoshis era for the Father Glowworm thing) and Zhao just being left there it could have led to a very interesting team up and a threat of an antagonist and tying up loose ends completely.
Also him teaming up with the son of Long Feng who also wants power and status returned to his name and wants revenge becausr the Avatar and Azula fucked everything for his family. Why not go after two birds with one stone? And it shows the repercussions of some of these villains kinda not getting a full resolution as seems to be a pattern with some of the antagonists in Avatar.
Lian would have been forced to face all of this head on while still trying to figure out what being the Avatar means to her, learning how to bend the elements, running from the White Lotus who want to enforce how they believe the Avatar needs to be trained, and trying very hard on learning how to connect with Aang and her other past lives for help.
And mostly finding that guidance with Uncle Iroh after she gets stuck in the Spirit World on accident and he helps her out od that meditative state after a long cup of tea together bc he needs to spend time with his great great niece. I also think it'd be cool if she met Yue at one point.
And also when she takes down Zhao if she teamed up with the Original Benders. I am talking rainbow fire with the dragons. Getting help from the Badgermoles. Jesas Flying Bison helping wreck some shit. And most importantly her getting help from the Moon and Ocean Spirits and just. Absolutely going full Spirit Kaiju as a cinematic parallel to end Zhao. But that's just my thought process on that.
Messy, I know. And like there's a lot of thoughts I had I never wrote down or fully fleshed out but these were concepts I thought of while trying to work on the Lian storyline and just. I don't really feel up to trying to get all cohesive or in a proper fic or webcomic style so like. If anyone in this fandom wants to take this over and clean it up, be my guest, y'all can go fucking crazy with it if you want it. And if you don't, that's fine too.
Take care of yourselves guys. And if anyone wants my new blog, just shoot me an ask on here I may check back at some point on the messages.
Love y'all.
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ggukcangetit · 4 years
Long Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @ezralia-writes
tagging : anyone else
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
first song by bts that i heard was probably IDOL but what made me stan them was probably Boy In Luv lmao. the aggression that all the liddol bangtan babies had in the Boy In Luv performance + Tae in orange hair growling.  yup that was it.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
1) what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
idk if goals can be unrealistic lol. dreams may be unrealistic. but whatever. unrealistic goal 🤔 that i can change my sleeping and eating schedule in one fell swoop lmao idk
2) if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
that’s morbid lol. but i would’ve cleared my desk at my workplace. idk if i’ll ever go back and it has a lot of pictures of my friends and family there.
3) what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
okay full disclosure but im basically always prepared for a zombie apocalypse. so i carry a lot of things with me when i go out.
4) favourite type of plushies and why?
anything soft and not creepy looking idk???
5) favourite song right now?
Black Swan has been looping in my brain the last few days
6) something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
7) tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i was once asked to take my aunt and cousin around the city and we got tragically lost and this story basically never leaves me now lmao
8) headphones or speakers? why?
in public its obv headphones (what kind of question is that) but if im at home id always prefer speakers.
9) craving any food right now? what are you craving?
everything? lmao. but specifically food from home which i haven’t had in more than 6 months.
10) which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
i use itunes because its there. but maybe changing to spotify soon?
My Q’s:
what was the weirdest dream that you’ve woken up from?
if you were an ice-cream flavor, what would you be?
if you could meet a fictional character, who would it be?
what dish/food/meal do you hate to prepare?
would you rather live in the mountains or at the beach? why?
what’s the first thing you see in a potential friend?
which is your favorite Sherlock Holmes adaptation and why?
if you could play one sport with a celebrity of choice what would it be? and with whom?
what makes you the most angry?
if 2019 was a color, what would it be?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: cha
nickname: over here it is cha and cha only lmao
birthday: september
zodiac: virgo
nationality: Asian
languages: 3+
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
height: 5′9
inspiration for muse: movies/series sometimes make me super philosophical lol. plus i’d say people around me also inspire my creativity.
meaning behind my url: it is so hard to come up with a catchy bts related blog name D: but i wanted something with gguk because its super endearing.
blog established: 2 months.
followers: 84 i think 🤔 
favourite animals: turtles
favourite books: a thousand splendid suns by khalid hosseini is still one of my favs
favourite colour: shades of blue
favourite fictional characters: i love sirius black lmao. also death from sandman
favourite flower: i don’t like flowers ew
favourite scent: coffee + freshly baked bread/desserts
favourite season: summer
average hours of sleep: 6
cats or dogs: both?
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee (iced tho)
current time: 5.31 pm
dream trip: i really want to go to Seoul and Tokyo
dream job: i had a random dream of becoming a patissier. maybe i can do that later in life who knows.
hobbies: i’m bad at this. anything that i feel like doing at the moment i guess
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
last movie watched: the last thing he wanted (that anne hathaway movie on netflix which deserves to be thrown into the trash imo)
last song listened to: Yeah! by Usher
no. of blankets you sleep with: one
random fact(s): hmmmmmmmm i like to have something savoury after dessert. always wanted to be good at some sport. 
10 things i can’t stop listening to
Black Swan - BTS
Yeah! - Usher
In Silence - Janet Suhh (It’s Okay to Not be Okay soundtrack)
December, 1963 - Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons
Friends - BTS
Filter - BTS
Shove It - Santigold
Boy With Luv - BTS
Mic Drop (Steve Aoki remix) - BTS
Airplane pt. 2 - BTS
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tevaruje · 7 years
2017 in review
I got this idea from Alex Bracken, who got this idea from this blog; I love surveys!
What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about? My brother’s wedding, which was such a wild weekend. I mean, a mini tornado touched down on the wedding site, and I caught the bouquet. WILD.
If you had to describe your 2017 in 3 words, what would they be? Reflection, courage, doubt. Make of that what you will.
What new things did you discover about yourself? I discovered that I can exceed my own expectations. Also, that I like to take on things on my own, rather than asking for help (especially when I should ask for help)
What single achievement are you most proud of? NaNoWriMo! I honest to god never thought I’d hit my goal, but I did!
What was the best news you received? This is kind of sad and vague, but the best news was that I was not going crazy.
What was your favorite place that you visited in 2017? Seattle
Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year? Empathy
Who was your number one go-to person that you could always rely on? My best friend, Justine.
Which new skills did you learn? I learned how to play ukulele! I also learned how to deal with angry people.
What, or who, are you most thankful for? My family and friends.
If someone wrote a book about your life in 2017, what kind of genre would it be? A comedy, love story, drama, film noir or something else? Dramedy deffo. Finding light in a dark, dark, dark period of my life.
What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2017? Don’t go too hard on myself or others. There’s a difference between high expectations and unreasonable expectations.
Which mental block(s) did you overcome? How to ~write~
What 5 people did you most enjoy spending time with? Not about to limit myself to 5 people, so how about 5 groups? My family, my DE friends, my coworkers, my vidcon/podcon peeps, and anyone who oozes enthusiasm
What was your biggest break-through moment career-wise? This is kinda personal, but I opened up to both of my bosses, making my jobs a lot easier.
How did your relationship to your family evolve? It’s evolved to me acting as a caretaker to some extent. I’m definitely closer to them.
What book or movie affected your life in a profound way? So many! I read 40 books this year (not including rereads) and watched so many movies. I’d say Turtles All The Way Down, Tower of Dawn, Truthwitch, Eleanor and Park, Lord of Shadows, Wonder Woman, The Last Jedi
What was your favorite compliment that you received this year? Someone complimented my writing! Whaaaat???? Crazy, I know
What little things did you most enjoy during your day-to-day life? Books, tea, podcasts
What cool things did you create this year? I wrote stuff and I helped out with a lot of stuff
What was your most common mental state this year (e.g. excited, curious, stressed)? Anxious and depressed (but it’s okay!)
Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year? I traveled in the country by myself, wrote 25,000 words for the first time
What was your favorite moment spent with your friends? Any long dinners or hangout sessions. My friends fucking rock
What major goal did you lay the foundations for? My current WIP!
Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary? I don’t know about you, but my worries tend to be pretty accurate...seriously tho, I was worried that I wouldn’t meet my expectations for myself
What experience would you love to do all over again? Bookcon, Podcon, and my brother’s wedding!
What was the best gift you received? I gave myself tickets to see Anastasia on Broadway!
How did your overall outlook on life evolve? I think I’m more positive, though I still use sarcasm as a defense mechanism.
What was the biggest problem you solved? Without going into too much detail, I figured out why I’m so goddamn stressed all the time
What was the funniest moment of your year, one that still makes it hard not to burst out laughing when you think about it? I’ll be honest: I can’t pinpoint one moment, but I think of all the long talks I had with my friends. 2017 wasn’t too bad for me! Existentially??? 2017 was a shitshow.
What purchase turned out to be the best decision ever? Everything I bought from Elhoffer Design. Also, my 2017 Bookcon ticket.
What one thing would you do differently and why? My hair!
What do you deserve a pat on the back for? Surviving Vidcon 2017
What activities made you lose track of time? Reading, playing Sims, listening to podcasts
What did you think about more than anything else? Where I’m gonna be this time next year
What topics did you most enjoy learning about? The art of writing
What new habits did you cultivate? I run more often, aka once a week, but that’s better than nothing????
What advice would you give your early-2017 self if you could? Deep, cleansing breaths do help
Did any parts of your self or your life do a complete 180 this year? Not that I can think of, but I don’t think that’s necessarily bad.
What or who had the biggest positive impact on your life this year? Authors, my brother and sister-in-law, my friends, my dad, and my boss.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Trash Or Nawl: The 10 trash albums of the year
Welcome to Trash Or Nawl, a weekly column to help you weed through the Internet Muck. To do that, I’ll be breaking it down to a helpful binary: Is something trash? Or nawl? Topics here will involve sports and whatever else the hell I say is sports or sports adjacent. I’ll do my best to make sense of what's going on each week, but the thing to remember is no matter what I say, most of these things are still trash.
You might say this is simplistic, and hell yeah it is. This is how I make sense of the chaos. Professional grade hating restores power to my powerless stupid fan hands. I give a middle finger because I've given up clapping.
Trash or Nawl criteria: We will pick a topic. We will breakdown why or why it isn't trash. You can agree, you can comment or tweet your disagreements. Or we can fight. Really, it's up to you.
Good morning, hopefully y’all are hungover too. Today on a special edition of Trash Or Nawl, I’m finna discuss why y’all decided to make and praise these garbage ass albums. A lot of the blogs kept saying these tapes were fire, so we found out. Please enjoy this rare moment of where I put my Diddy hat and matching fur on.
“The inability to tell the difference between good pop and trash pop is the sign of a music philistine.” — My editor, Nate Scott.
With that in mind, I’m bout to fry tf outta all of the music Nate likes. [Editor’s Note: I don’t even like two-thirds of these albums and I’m not sure why I’m allowing this article to run, but whatever. Happy Holidays everyone.]
Lorde — Melodrama
I’m so muhfuckin tired of you internet people tellin me that Lorde, who basically only makes music that belongs on FIFA video game soundtracks, is making good music. This is some bullshit. Last night, I thought I was bangin out some whiskeys and was ready to party and tried out this wannabe Avatar background music. Woke up in a daze, night ruined.
And don’t you give me that “you a hating ass asshole I love Lorde” bullshit. I was gettin busy when “Royals” came out just like you were. And then whatever the hell “Green Light” is came on and ruined it. Lorde gon’ stop whisper singin’ on these tracks.
[Editor’s Note: This is one of the albums on this list that is objectively Good, and you need to understand that Tyler is just doing this to get a rise out of me and you.]
Also idk who told Lorde that this pop art album cover was litty, because this some diet Pablo Picasso ass shit. Ain’t fuckin wit it.
Haim — Something To Tell You
What the actual fuck is this? Most of these artists also just sound the same: like some weird version of whatever ‘80s movies made for white people were. Like, this easily coulda been the opening music for Pretty Woman. “Want You Back” doesn’t even make sense to me. Do you have a fear of forgiveness? Are you too proud? Are you blaming yourself?
We gotta stop telling our kids in grade school they can do anything they set their minds to because then we get shit like this. Seriously tho. I’m tired of the re-incarnation of Hall & Oates making pop music. I listened to “Founded It in Silence” five times by accident before I realized it was playing and not just my heater making noise.
Feist — Pleasure
Before “Pleasure” finally came on, I thought I got an album that didn’t have any music on it. Then when the song started and I spent the next minute not knowing what was actually said. The guitar was dope tho. Can’t hate on that. That fuckin guitar was dope as hell. But if I actually hear the word “pleasure” anymore in the way I have on this album that makes me think I’m in a Brooklyn dive bar with some round glasses ass hipsters wit they stupid turtle faces, I’m finna fight someone.
This album makes me feel like I’ve taken a lot of acid. I’ve never even had acid. Someone send me acid so I can know how I’m supposed to feel for listening to this album. [Editor’s Note: Please do not do this.] But, still. Can’t lie. This guitar is real real dope. Especially on “I Wish I Didn’t Miss You” but that ain’t gonna cut it, fam.
Charly Bliss — Guppy
I can fucks with a lil bit of some good rock music. But this fake ass Paramount [Editor’s Note: I think he meant Paramore but it’s a lot funnier as Paramount so I’m leaving it] sounding ass band wasn’t poppin. The drums was litty tho. New Indie Rock loves to do this thing where it remakes music that was born in the 80s but also the 90s now too. I felt like this coulda been played in Bring It On when Kirsten Dunst was hype because some bro made her a mixtape with his I’m Really Doing Something In Life struggle stubble. Also: Go Clovers.
Guppy wasn’t as bad as Lorde and Haim and Feist, but I just felt like someone was crying to me for 30 minutes. It also isn’t Future, Kendrick, SZA, John Legend, Migos, Badu or anything resembling it. Shit. This ain’t eem Plain White T’s “Hey There Delilah” level litty. [Editor’s Note: (Long, sustained sigh)] This ain’t making me pick up a guitar. Yeen head noddin to this. I can’t keep lettin y’all whine on a track and say you waxin poetic. I fuckin refuse. Empire wouldn’t even play this on they show.
Jason Isbell — The Nashville Sound
This is purely here because in a world where we’ve decided we ain’t fuckin with blatant white supremacy and nationalism (lol, this won’t last), I am triggered by a song titled “The Last Of My Kind.” Also, Isbell getting mad because folks laughed at him in college as a justification for this song is highkey highkey highkey the same reason people comment on Breitbart.
Photo by Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Country Music Hall Of Fame & Museum
He also made a song called “White Man’s World,” which, lol, y’all never really need to keep asking why folks don’t listen to country if this what y’all keep giving us. #WokeSZN #Resist #DumpTrump
[Editor’s Note: All the sportswriters of the world who are obsessed with this dude, please know that I had nothing to do with this section. Jason Isbell is great. Jason Isbell is the best. The Beatles? Beethoven? Fuck em. There is no one better than Jason Isbell, except maybe Bruce Springsteen, who I think you all also love for whatever reason. Please, for the love of god, don’t yell at me on Twitter.]
Margo Price — All American Made
A lot of you On The Internet Money Makin Whites love Margo Price. So because of that (and because OG Willie Nelson was making an appearance) I turned this on expecting non-pretentious and pompous ass country bangers I am accustomed to. Y’all told me this. Y’all told me she was the shit.
Somebody call Deputy Raylan Givens and whip up that good wild west bullshit because Margo sound like the soundtrack to Justified. Margo dropped some bars that say “a little pain never hurt anyone” which is a whole lie because I promise you I was reeling from this weak shit.
OG Willie was dope tho. Don’t worry about that.
Taylor Swift — Reputation
Y’all knew this was gone be here.
**re-adjusts collar**
I’m sad Future had to be dragged onto this album, but I know he owe Rocko a few Brinks trucks so I understand. I don’t know what Taylor keeps doing with these albums, tho. She’s always gonna get a few body rolls from me just because Future was featured here on some childish ass beats. But, y’all can’t expect me to think it’s pawpin for Tay Tay in the year of our lord 2017.
Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images
The New York Times, however, wants you to know this was super hot fire. Smh.
Katy Perry — Witness
Listen dog. I used to get it EXTREMELY LIT at high school mixers to some Katy Perry. Ain’t nobody gonna ever tell me Katy Perry wasn’t the white T-Pain at one point in my life. Left Shark is the hero this world needed at a time we didn’t know it. But the song “Swish Swish” which includes a line saying “Swish Swish Bish” featuring Nicki Minaj is one of the worst things created in a year full of some of the worst things ever.
The thing I didn’t expect: Nicki Minaj was actually the second-best thing about as much of this album as I was able to tolerate. Quavo yelling “KATY PERRY,” harmonizing with her in autotune, rapping many random “ayes,” yelling his own name, and randomly saying “Bon Appetit” on “Bon Appetit” is the best thing. [Editor’s Note: This is actually correct.] I need you to notice, the good things here have nothing to do with the person who made the music. If Space Jam and an elevator had a child and it grew to become a singer, it would make this album.
Macklemore — Gemini
Skylar Grey SANG her ass owf on this tape for “Glorious.” But Macklemore following up her vocals with “I’m feelin glorious, the crib lookin Victorian, you know we been goin in, since we hopped out that Dolorean, I’m gone, things are just things, they don’t make you who you are, can’t pack up a UHaul and take it wit you when you gone, we posted on the porch my family glasses to the stars, my grandma smiling down on me like OUU THAT BOY GOT BARS” is the most sickening thing I’ve ever had to take part in.
I don’t know if I’m more mad that another Macklemore album came out or the people who keep letting Macklemore let another Macklemore album come out. The sad part is: Macklemore actually gets some really fire ass beats. But we keep getting some fake ass Eminem verses because nobody gonna tell Macklemore either 1) he can’t rap that well or 2) he can’t rap that well about happy go lucky shit all the time.
Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
Mack also steps on Kesha’s angelic vocals on “Good Old Days,” Yachty’s assumed piano playing in “Marmalade,” and Offset’s ad-libs on “Willy Wonka,” which is just unconscionable. Also every single song on this tape except “Ten Million” had a feature. He reverse J. Cole’d himself. What world are we living in.
DJ Khaled & Friends — Grateful
I’m mad at Khaled for several reasons:
I followed him on Snapchat in anticipation to this album
His bit is lowkey tiresome at this point
Asahd is the most handsome baby in the world, which brings envy from my being
The album has 23 songs and is an hour-and-a-half long
The album was no where near any other Khaled bangers out
Khaled hyped this shit up for no good damn reason
That being said, this Khaled tape is probably the best worst tape of the year. “Shining” with Beyonce and her lil’friend is a fun song, and Qween has never made bad music. You’re welcome, Shea Moisture Twitter. “Wild Thoughts” still got me thinking about Havana fwiw even tho Bryson Tiller is the corniest dude alive next to Big Sean. “I’m The One” had me trine buy Bieber Merch and loudly singing said song at many functions. “I Love You So Much” was some cute Disney shit. “On Everything” had me jumpin on people’s couches.
But literally the other 80 percent of the tape is hot ass garbage. Which is super disappointing because a dude with the most Jordans in the world, prettiest baby alive, 18 mansions, superstar friends, and a call log that would envy the Lord hisself should be able to do marginally better than this.
Most times I think Khaled’s music is only good as an audio soporific. Sometimes that’s okay. Not this time. I’ve been deceived. To make up for this: Khaled plz send me some sneakers, Bellaire Rose and Jordan sweatsuits and all will be forgotten. [Editor’s Note: Khaled, don’t do thi... Actually, you know what? Khaled, do this. And throw in a sweatsuit for me.]
We’re good, Khaled. Because at the end of the day: You still better than Lorde.
If you disagree with these verdicts, comment below. As stated earlier, you can agree, comment, tweet through your frustration or fight. Really, it’s up to you.
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