virtualsonic · 4 months
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Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps E. a los N. E. de la A. de P. de Z. los N. P. de A. P.
Versión en Español
hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a dos de los policías más populares de Zootopia llevar a cabo un curso de ayudantía para los jóvenes policías que se integran en las filas de la Academia de Policia de Zootopia y que ambos chicos se ponen a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre arrestos policiales para enseñar a los nuevos estudiantes los nuevos protocolos que se siguen para arrestar a los criminales y que entre otras cosas busca reducir al mínimo los episodios de abuso policial que afectan no sólo en la confianza que la gente le tiene a las fuerzas policiales, sino que también permiten dar cuenta que existen reglas sobre los procedimientos de arresto policial y que toman en cuenta la manera que los criminales operan en terreno, haciendo que se necesite aplicar las leyes existentes en lugar de estar sólo creando nuevas normativas que terminan dejando a las fuerzas policiales atadas de mano y que no sepan el cómo proceder un arresto tras haber ocurrido un crimen en el caso de que el criminal aún esté presente en el lugar, bueno amigos, sin dar más vueltas presento a Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps Enseñando a los Estudiantes de la Academía de Policía de Zootopia los Nuevos Protocolos de Arresto Policial
Aquí vemos al joven zorro policía junto con su colega coneja policía estar dentro de un curso de ayudantía y que se hizo para los estudiantes que tienen las calificaciones más bajas dentro de la Academia de Policía de Zootopia y que una de las partes más complicadas cuando eres un policía novato es el tema de cómo llevar a cabo los arrestos y que la manera de hacerlo no sólo depende de la especie animal que sea el criminal en cuestión, sino que también las herramientas usadas para el arresto policial pueden cambiar dependiendo del tamaño que tenga la especie animal en cuestión y que como muestra de ello, tenemos al joven zorro mostrar las esposas que acostumbra a usar en el trabajo y que posee cinco tamaños diferentes con los cuales configurar, haciendo que pueda arrestar desde una especie pequeña como un roedor hasta una especie grande como un felino corpulento, mientras vemos que su amiga coneja se pone en posición para mostrar el cómo se colocan las esposas de policía al criminal y que el joven zorro es la única persona que sabe en dónde están las llaves para poder desposarlas y que estas funcionan sólo bajo un tipo de llave particular, haciendo que no sirva cualquier tipo de llave, mientras se observa que se pone a mostrar a los estudiantes de la academia de policía la manera en que se debe colocar las esposas para que el criminal no tenga opciones para escapar, así también le explica en qué situaciones se pueden usarse objetos como los roceadores de gas pimienta, los bastones de policía, las pistolas eléctricas y otros objetos de uso común en los arrestos policiales al ver que siempre es posible que existan criminales que se resistan a ser arrestadas y que lleve a tomar medidas drásticas para ello, pero que al hacerlo se debe resguardar de lastimar lo menos posible al criminal para evitar situaciones de abuso policial que puedan ser denunciadas en las redes sociales y que ello provoque que los policías involucrados puedan ser dados de baja si se confirma que no se haya respetado los protocolos de arresto policiales establecidos en los manuales que son de lectura obligatorio dentro de las academias de policías, mientras se observa que una vez acabado el curso se procede a liberar a la joven coneja y que ambos chicos puedan volver a sus labores tras haber estado un rato enseñando a los futuros policías de Zootopia el cómo se procede para arrestar a los criminales que siempre hay dando vuelta en algún rincón de la ciudad
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, al ver que un dibujo que hace un buen tiempo estaba pensado hacer y que quice hacerlo para mostrar el cómo nuestros protagonistas llevan a cabo sus labores usuales y que se observa a ambos chicos enseñar a los futuros cadetes de policía el cómo se hacen las cosas en una ciudad con una gran diversidad de especies conviviendo en paz y armonía como es Zootopia y que lo hacen al ver que ambos se encuentran entre los estudiantes con mejores calificaciones que se han podido graduarse de la academia de policía de la ciudad a pesar de que una tuvo que lidiar con una serie de pruebas y entrenamientos duros que no muchas especies pueden aguantar y el otro tuvo que lidiar con los fantasmas de su pasado para poder convertirse en un zorro policía, pero que pese a ello se han convertido en policías respetados por ciudadanos y criminales por igual, mientras vemos que se ponen a enseñar los protocolos que se siguen para que los nuevos estudiantes de la academia de policía sepan el cómo se debe arrestar a los criminales de manera adecuada y que ello permite que pueda mantener la buena imagen que tiene la policía en la ciudad de Zootopia, al ver que se va transparentando el cómo se llevan a cabo dentro de la academia de policía y así combatir con la desinformación que existe sobre la manera que los policías son preparados para no sólo combatir contra el delito diario, sino que también puedan ser personas a las que se les puede confiar y más cuando pasan situaciones que siempre ocurren como el hecho de tener un niño perdido en alguna parte de la ciudad o ser víctima de algún caso de maltrato y que signifique tomar medidas para evitar que la situación siga empeorando con secuelas para sus víctimas, mientra se suman más años de cárcel para los victimos responsables de ello, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush y Walt Disney Pictures
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present two of the most popular police officers in Zootopia carrying out an assistantship course for young police officers who join the ranks of the Zootopia Police Academy and that both boys begin to apply their knowledge of police arrests to teach the new students the new protocols that are followed to arrest criminals and that, among other things, seeks to minimize episodes of police abuse that affect not only the trust that people have in the police forces, but also allow us to realize that there are rules on police arrest procedures and that they take into account the way that criminals operate on the ground, making it necessary apply existing laws instead of just creating new regulations that end up leaving police forces tied by the hand and not knowing how to proceed with an arrest after a crime has occurred in the event that the criminal is still present at the scene, Well friends, without further ado, I present Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps Teaching the Students of the Zootopia Police Academy the New Police Arrest Protocols
Here we see the young police fox along with his police rabbit colleague being in an assistantship course that was made for the students who have the lowest grades within the Zootopia Police Academy and that one of the most complicated parts when you are A rookie police officer is the subject of how to carry out arrests and that the way to do it not only depends on the species of animal that the criminal in question is, but also the tools used for police arrest can change depending on the size of the animal. the animal species in question and as an example of this, we have the young fox show the handcuffs that he usually uses at work and that he has five different sizes with which to configure, allowing him to arrest from a small species such as a rodent to a large species like a corpulent feline, while we see that his rabbit friend gets into position to show how police handcuffs are placed on the criminal and that the young fox is the only person who knows where the keys are to be able to handcuff them and that These work only under a particular type of key, making any type of key not useful, while it is observed that he begins to show the students of the police academy the way in which the handcuffs should be placed so that the criminal does not have options to escape, and also explains in which situations objects such as pepper spray, police batons, stun guns and other objects commonly used in police arrests can be used, seeing that it is always possible that there are criminals who resist being arrested and that leads to taking drastic measures to do so, but that in doing so they must take care to hurt the criminal as little as possible to avoid situations of police abuse that can be reported on social networks and that this causes the police involved may be discharged if it is confirmed that the police arrest protocols established in the manuals that are mandatory reading within the police academies have not been respected, while it is observed that once the course is finished the person is released. young rabbit and that both boys can return to their jobs after having spent a while teaching the future police officers of Zootopia how to proceed to arrest the criminals who are always roaming around in some corner of the city
Well friends, I hope you like it, seeing that a drawing that I was thinking of doing a long time ago and that I wanted to do it to show how our protagonists carry out their usual tasks and that both boys are observed teaching the future cadets of police how things are done in a city with a great diversity of species living in peace and harmony like Zootopia and what they do when they see that both are among the students with the best grades who have been able to graduate from the police academy of the city even though one had to deal with a series of tough tests and training that not many species can endure and the other had to deal with the ghosts of his past in order to become a police fox, but despite this They have become police officers respected by citizens and criminals alike, while we see that they begin to teach the protocols that are followed so that the new students of the police academy know how to arrest criminals properly and that this It allows me to maintain the good image that the police have in the city of Zootopia, seeing that how they are carried out within the police academy becomes transparent and thus combats the misinformation that exists about the way the police officers are prepared to not only fight against daily crime, but also to be people who can be trusted and even more so when situations that always occur occur, such as having a child lost somewhere in the city or being a victim of some case of abuse and that means taking measures to prevent the situation from continuing to worsen with consequences for its victims, while adding more years of prison for the victims responsible for it, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush and Walt Disney Pictures
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eternalpolka · 4 years
Christmas Eve by littlepolka
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ameth18blog · 3 years
Unexpected Encounters. Chapter 8: The Search (Part 1)
A new day has begun in Japan. The inhabitants of Zootopia, Japan and Mobius were once again meeting in the same apartment today.
"Well, we have already decided how the groups are separated, as Retsuko, Fenneko, Haida, Ookami, Washimi and Gori are from this city, each of you will divide into group of two, and you will be accompanied by Nick, Judy and Finnick" Sonic said.
"Why should we be accompanied by them, can I do things alone?" Finnick said.
"Come on Finnick, you've never been to this country, much less outside of Zootopia," Nick said.
"Yeah, but I can work alone, that's no problem for me, so we could cover more ground that way," Finnick said.
"Are you sure?" Tails asked.
"Yes. 100 percent," Finnick replied.
"Well OK. That could be beneficial to us," Knuckles said.
"Well, to start: Nick, Haida and Ookami will go to the north of the city" said Sonic.
"Judy, Retsuko and Fenneko will go south," Amy said.
"Washimi and Gori will go east" said Cosmo.
"And finally Finnick will go west," Tikal said.
"While that happens, Jack will stay with us while we try to find out more about the whereabouts of the master emeralds and the missing chaos emeralds" said Tails
"While you children will be in the care of our children so that they are safe from any danger, so they will not have to worry about them" said Sonic.
They all nodded their heads.
"By the way, before you go have this" Tails held up a tray that had a large number of clocks on them.
"What are they?" Ookami asked.
"They are communicators. I created them so they can communicate with us, I made them look like watches so they go unnoticed. We have ours too," Tails replied.
Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cosmo, Knuckles, Tikal, Speed, Flora, Alex, Locke II and Pachacamac II raised their arms to reveal their wrists where their own communicators were.
The people of Zootopia and Japan had their own communicators and put them on, including the children.
"Okay. These communicators have both the option of speaking and the option of danger. When you need to communicate with someone, press the button on the right and then mention on behalf of who you want to speak to. Pressing the button on the left will send us a signal to warn us if there are problems with Eggman or some of the robots, so we will come to your aid. If another type of problem occurs that does not involve Eggman still call us to help with anything." Tails told them explaining the functionality of the communicators.
"That's it?" Fenneko asked.
"Almost. We discovered that the beings who were brought to this universe or to this city because of chaos control ended up absorbing into their bodies some of the chaos energy, which is inactive within them, but these communicators can capture that energy when they are close to you" said Tails.
"Well that will make things easier" said Gori.
"Well, with this, all you need to know is ready. Meet us again here at 4:00 PM," Knuckles said.
They all nodded and left.
Retsuko, Fenneko and Judy were in the south of the city, they had just got off the subway and was walking random streets trying to find whoever they had to find. Easier said than done, though, since they didn't even know who to look for in the first place. While looking they decided to have a conversation. Judy took advantage and told Retsuko and Fenneko how she met Nick and Finnick and the first big mission that she solved with Nick's help.
"I see that you experienced a dangerous situation" said Fenneko.
"It was, these days I miss solving cases like that. But with two children at home I cannot expose myself to so many dangers. Although it was not the only case that I solved of that magnitude "said Judy.
"Was there another?" Retsuko asked.
"Yes, when Nick and I were already working together in the police station, the chief entrusted us that we had to work together with Jack who had assigned a mission in which would have to work with the Zootopia police department to catch a criminal who was hidden in the city. At first Jack was quite distant with us, and he didn't talk to us unless it was something to do with the mission. After we asked Finnick to help him work as an undercover agent and find information on the criminal. When he found out and fled the city, the four of us went after him. When we cornered him, there was an exchange of gunfire where Jack was wounded. Nick and I got him out of the place while Finnick for his part managed to take care of the criminal" Judy replied.
"Wow, I guess that was a critical moment for everyone," Retsuko said.
"And how did Jack recover and become closer to you?" Asked Fenneko.
"While Jack recovered he explained to us that the reason he was distant with us was because in the past he carried out various missions with other companions with whom he became good friends, but he was always unlucky that each time that one died in the line of duty, Jack blamed himself for it. That was why he promised himself not to have friends and only to have professional relationships. After learning about it, we convinced him that it was not good to be alone, and that if his companions were here they would be disappointed in the lonely lifestyle that he decided to take. Jack fell silent and let several tears escape from his eyes. Nick, Finnick, and I could tell from his expression that it was the first time he'd cried in years. I gave him a hug to comfort him, he reciprocated it and it was clear that he really needed comfort at that time. After that event, Jack decided to return to live in Zootopia, since until that moment he lived in the agency. And he became a close friend of the three of us," Judy replied.
"At least everything ended well in the end," Retsuko said.
Suddenly the conversation was interrupted when their communicators began to blink, they looked to see that they were not calls or signals from Eggman. Which means that they are close to those who are searching. But as the place was packed with various city dwellers it would be difficult to locate them.
They were so distracted watching the communicator that they ended up accidentally crashing with two beings that were walking in the opposite direction. All three fell to the ground.
"You are fine," said a male voice.
"If we're okay" Retsuko replied.
When the rabbit, the red panda and the fennec looked up, they saw two lynxes in front of them. One was taller than them, almost the height of Nick, Haida, and Ookami. The other was shorter than the first, but taller than Judy.
The tallest lynx was white with red stripes on the ears, on the arms, on the lower part of the eyes, on the tail and on the chin. The fur on either side of his jaw looked like a short beard. He had quite thick black eyebrows. The pupils of his eyes were yellow while the irises were brown. His nose was red. The tip of her tail was hairy. His body was quite muscular build. He wore a sleeveless black T-shirt, black pants with a black belt, and brown boots.
The shortest lynx was yellow with brown stripes on the ears, arms, and tail. He had quite thick brown eyebrows. The pupils of his eyes were white while the irises were green. His nose was deep pink. The tip of his tail was hairy. Unlike the other lynx, his build was slightly slimmer. He wore an orange t-shirt with blue short sleeves, blue pants with a black belt, brown gloves, brown boots and a flat brown hat with her ears poking out. On his back he carried what appeared to be a silver-colored backpack, which strangely looked metallic.
"Let us help you" said the white lynx holding out his hand.
The yellow lynx also held out command of him to help them.
Retsuko and Fenneko got up with the help of the taller lynx, while Judy got up with the help of the shorter lynx.
"Thank you very much" all three said at the same time.
"You're welcome," said the shorter lynx.
"I guess they were worried about something they didn't see where they were walking" said the taller lynx.
"Eh well, we were looking for someone, but we don't know who he is exactly," Fenneko said.
"And how do you know who you are looking for?" the taller lynx asked.
"It's complicated, I can only say that they are not from here, but we know that they have been in this city for 3 months after a strange event happened," said Judy.
"You mean a white light that enveloped the whole place and that when it disappeared we ended up in this city" said the shorter lynx.
The rabbit, the red panda and the fennec were surprised to hear that.
"Yes exactly," Retsuko said.
"Did that happen to you too?" the two lynxes asked at the same time.
"Not us, but who sent us to look for you, yes" Fenneko replied.
"If you don't mind, we could ask you a few questions about what happened to you," Judy said.
"Of course, but not here. Let's go to another place not so crowded" said the tallest lynx.
While the tallest lynx was with the three girls, the shortest lynx was a little further behind when suddenly a voice began to speak to him.
"You're sure we should trust them," said the backpack on his back that turned out to be actually a small green-eyed robot, who contracted his limbs to pass like a backpack.
"Of course, they know those who can help us get back to our planet" said the shorter lynx.
Finally they came to a small cafeteria and ordered some coffee. Then they sat at the table furthest from the rest of the customers.
"So what are their names?" Judy asked.
"My name is Ratchet," said the shorter lynx.
"And my name is Alister Azimuth" said the tallest lynx.
The three girls showed up with the two linx.
"Where do they come from?" Fenneko asked.
"Well we were both born on the planet Fastoon, which is now in ruins," Alister replied.
"And before I got here I was residing on the planet Veldin" Ratchet replied.
"So you are aliens?" Restuko asked.
"Well, you could say that yes, our species is known as Lombax" said Alister.
"But it seems that we are quite similar to the inhabitants of this planet, so we go unnoticed," said Ratchet.
"Where are Fastoon and Veldin left?" Judy asked.
"Faston is located in the Polaris galaxy, while Veldin is located in the Solana galaxy," Ratchet replied.
"Both galaxies are close to each other, but unfortunately they are located very far from this galaxy," added Alister.
"And tell us, what were you doing before you got here?" Retsuko asked.
"I'm a hero who is in charge of defeating criminals and galactic supervillains, I had just returned home from a mission, it was night when suddenly the entire area where I live lit up white. When I found out, I had appeared in this city on top of a building. Fortunately there were no more inhabitants near where I lived because if they hadn't ended up here too," Ratchet replied.
"In my case, you may not believe it, but I'm not supposed to be alive right now. It was assumed that I had passed away a few years ago, in a sacrifice to save Ratchet and the universe, from an event that was going to happen because of me, and in the subsequent explosion I ended up dying. I don't know what happened before arriving on this planet, since I was deceased, but the first thing I remember was waking up on this planet again alive and with my body restored, and with Ratchet hugging me with joy that he was from I'm coming back" Alister replied.
"If it weren't for the strange things we've been through since yesterday, it would have been hard to believe them, but taking into account what we're going through, their stories don't seem strange to me. By the way, what's the name of your little robot friend that comes with you" asked Fenneko.
"What do you mean Fenneko?" Retsuko asked.
"Don't tell me you didn't hear Ratchet talking to someone on our way here and looking at his back as he did so?" Fenneko said.
Alister and Ratchet made her nervous, to notice that he noticed.
"Don't worry, we will be careful so no one notices," Fenneko said.
"Okay," Ratchet said, taking off what looked like a backpack and putting it on the table.
What looked like a backpack, then he took the form of a small robot of a shorter stature than Retsuko and Fenneko.
"Judy, Retsuko, Fenneko, this is Clank, he is my best friend and we have had many adventures together" said Ratchet.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Clank.
"The taste is ours" said the three girls.
"So you know what that light was that brought us here," Clank asked.
The three girls began to explain the story that Sonic and the others had told them. Once the two Lombaxes and the robot were finished, they finally understood why they got there, although still wondering why Alister came back to life.
"First of all, we have to tell those who sent us to look for them that we already found them," Retsuko said.
Judy took the communicator from her, pressed the right button, and said that she wanted to talk to Tails.
"Hi Tails, this is Judy. We already found the first group that was teleported here by the chaos control. Did you guys go out of town? Oh I understand. Don't worry, we can do that. Bye," Judy said.
"What happened?" Fenneko asked.
"They left the city, they found traces of the master emerald, so they went looking for it and Jack accompanied them" Judy replied.
"And what will we do now?" Retsuko asked.
"Well, they told me to take them to the apartment and wait for them to come back," Judy replied.
"They have no problem accompanying us" Retsuko asked the two Lombaxes and the robot.
"Of course not," Ratchet replied for all three.
After that, Clank hid his limbs from him again, Ratchet put it back on as if it were a backpack. They all paid for their coffee and left the cafeteria in the direction of Gori's apartment.
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quirky-middle-child · 5 years
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Fall is almost here and I can’t wait. So here is a picture of Nick and Judy enjoying the weather I am longing for. 
Zootopia (c) Disney
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inn0rt · 4 years
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Start the new art about Zootopia
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slazakgrzesiek · 6 years
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Nick’s Returning -  The day you won't be - part 51 I’m back for a while after last 2 months ;) Is there anyone willing to color one frame from that gif? Colors are not my strong point :P Judy, Nick, other main characters from the movie © Disney This comic, animations, scenario and OCs - © Ślązak Grzesiek.  
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finandnick · 6 years
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Finnick looks like his typical grumpy self.  Blame Nick for getting him into alot of things. Gosh danget. 
Fire some asks or any questions!
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mentaltich · 6 years
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coyotequarry · 6 years
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6/28/18 - Just a super fast Nick Wilde for today 🦊😎 #art #Disney #zootopia #nickwilde #anthro #nick_wilde
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camossdarkfly · 7 years
When you shake things up, things don't settle down the way they used to be. And sometimes, things go from bad to worse before they get better. Bellwether's plot has empowered some mammals to take drastic measures to cleanse the city of the ones they deem unfit for society. But even in the darkest of times, one only needs to turn on the light to shine a ray of hope.
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virtualsonic · 1 year
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Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps M. sus C. T. Ante sus C.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a un dúo de personajes que pertenecen a una muy querida película animada de Disney de la última década y que se ponen a posar para mostrar su trabajada apariencia física, además de que la musculatura que muestran dejan ver que son dos de los mejores policías que existen no sólo en su departamento, sino que también en la ciudad que viven, así que sin dar más vueltas presento a Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps Mostrar sus Cuerpos Trabajados Ante sus Compañeros del ZPD
Aquí vemos al joven zorro con su amiga coneja ponerse a entrenar una vez más en el gimnasio que tiene el cuartel policial del Departamento de Policía de Zootopia y se observa que los chicos deciden tomarse una pausa de sus usuales entrenamientos para mostrar la musculatura que ambos chicos tienen y que se los muestran principalmente a los miembros más nuevos que se incorporan al departamento de policía y que están comenzando a conocer las diversas actividades que se hacen dentro y fuera del cuartel policial y que deja ver el porqué ambos policías están entre los más queridos y populares de la ciudad, además de que a pesar de las diferencias que tienen ambos en cuanto a como llevar cabo su trabajo de policía, demuestran tener un grado de compatibilidad muy fuerte que lleva a que puedan llevarse bien y disfrutar del trabajo que hacen, mientras se ponen a enseñar a los recién iniciados lo que pueden obtener siguiendo una sana alimentación, mucha ejercitación física y mucho trabajo y dedicación dadas a su profesión y más cuando eres un novato en las labores policiales y no cuentas con gente experta que te puedas guiarte de referencia para ver si estás haciendo un buen trabajo o si estás haciendo un mal trabajo
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que ha pasado mucho tiempo que no había un dibujo de estos chicos y que además lo hago después de que hace unos meses tuviéramos la noticia de que hay una secuela trabajando y que se espera que se estrene dentro de unos años más, cosa que ha ayudado a revivir un fandom que parecía haber perdido fuerza y más considerando el tiempo pasado desde su estreno en un lejano 2016 y el cómo han cambiado mucho las cosas de ese momento hasta ahora y no siempre de manera positiva, mientras se observa que nuestros jóvenes héroes tienen un nuevo momento de reconocimiento que deja ver porqué son dos de los mejores policías que existen en la ciudad y que no se molestan en mostrar su mejor apariencia ante el interés de sus compañeros del cuartel policial que trabajan y que se pueden darse esas pausas cuando no están ocupados en su labor de patrullar las calles de la ciudad y atrapar criminales cuando tienen que hacerlo para resguardar la paz y seguridad de su querida ciudad, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Nick Wilde y Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush y Walt Disney Pictures
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing that I present to a duo of characters that belong to a much loved Disney animated film from the last decade and that are posing to show Their well-worked physical appearance, in addition to the musculature they show, show that they are two of the best police officers that exist, not only in their department, but also in the city they live in, so without further ado I present Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps Show Their Worked Bodies Before Their ZPD Colleagues
Here we see the young fox with his rabbit friend start training once again in the gym that has the police headquarters of the Zootopia Police Department and it is observed that the boys decide to take a break from their usual training to show the musculature that both boys they have and that they show them mainly to the newer members who join the police department and who are beginning to learn about the various activities that take place inside and outside the police station and that shows why both police officers are among the most loved and popular in the city, in addition to the fact that despite the differences that both have in terms of how to carry out their police work, they show a very strong degree of compatability that leads them to get along and enjoy the work they do, while they begin to teach the newly initiated what they can obtain by following a healthy diet, a lot of physical exercise and a lot of work and dedication given to their profession and more when you are a rookie in police work and you do not have expert people who can guide you reference to see if you are doing a good job or if you are doing a bad job
Well friends, I hope you like it, since it's been a long time since there was a drawing of these guys and I'm also doing it after a few months ago we had the news that there is a sequel working and that it is expected to be released within a few more years, which has helped to revive a fandom that seemed to have lost strength and more considering the time that has passed since its premiere in distant 2016 and how things have changed a lot from that moment to now and not always in a positive way , while it is observed that our young heroes have a new moment of recognition that reveals why they are two of the best policemen that exist in the city and that they do not bother to show their best appearance in the interest of their colleagues from the police station who work and that they can take those breaks when they are not busy in their work of patrolling the streets of the city and catching criminals when they have to do it to protect the peace and security of their beloved city, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps (C) Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush and Walt Disney Pictures
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foxyfennecfox · 7 years
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                       Nick and Finnick sharing a scarf cause Winter? I guess.  I got lazy but I'll be redoodling this again                  
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ameth18blog · 3 years
Unexpected Encounters. Chapter 7: Songgretopia - End Of The Day
Finnick closes his phone after making a call. He then looks at Nick, Judy, and Jack, who had Nicole and Jerry with them. "It's fixed, someone will watch Judy's parents and Nick's mother so they don't come here and remain safe in Zootopia."
"Well, that takes a load off our shoulders, but what will happen to our families," said Ookami holding Hana in his arms.
"Eggman could track us down and try to harm them as long as we hold on the remaining emeralds," Retsuko said, taking Koka's hand.
"You don't have to worry about that. That's what we're here for," said Amy.
"Eggman is always used to making appearances where he wreaks havoc to get our attention," Knuckles said.
"So I don't think he will try to kidnap any of your family, unless we are present, and if he does, we can rescue them in the blink of an eye," said Sonic.
"At the moment, all you can do is go to the police and show yourself as they are surely still looking for you and worried that something has happened to you after you escaped from the restaurant," said Tails.
At that moment, all the inhabitants of Zootopia and Japan realized that it was true, they spent so much time talking with the inhabitants of Mobius that they forgot that the authorities were still trying to find them.
"You go, we will stay here," Cosmo assured.
"The sooner you get to them, the sooner they can get back," said Tikal.
They all nodded and left Gori's apartment temporarily leaving the Mobius Heroes alone.
When they reached the ground floor, they left the building and went to the police station.
At first, their walk seemed completely normal, but on the way, they ended up being surrounded by a large number of reporters who began to take a large number of photographs, recorded them with video cameras, held microphones at them, and began to ask a lot of questions. While the adults had a reaction of surprise, the children had a reaction of fear, since the last time they were surrounded in that way they were about to die if it had not been for the appearance of Sonic and the others.
"Where they ended up when they escaped from the restaurant?"
"Where do those heroes come from?"
"Do you know their names and where they are right now?"
That amount of questions began to anger Retsuko who mentally began to sign Death Metal with all of her strength.
Just then, a group of policemen appeared at the scene and pushed the reporters back and made them leave the scene.
"We are sorry for that, I'm the head of the police department. We need you to accompany us to the station to detail what happened today."
"It won't be a problem, sir. We were on our way to the station anyway," Washimi said.
"Alright, follow me," said the chief of police.
After talking to the police, only Nick, Judy, and Jack were left talking to the boss while the others waited for them outside the office.
"According to reports I have, you, Mr. Wilde, and you, Ms. Hopps, are Zootopia police officers, while you, Agent Savage, are an undercover agent for an agency with ties to this country. And you are on vacation here, is it true?" the chief of police asked.
"Exactly," answered the red fox, the female rabbit, and the striped rabbit.
"I suppose you know where the beings that helped you escape are, right?"
The three of them fell silent.
"Come on, you can trust me. Our profession at the end of the day is to protect the innocent. And with that strange being that attacked a few hours ago, we must obtain the most important information that is known to stop him."
Nick, Judy, and Jack looked at each other. They knew that they weren't supposed to tell anyone about Sonic and the others, but it was their duty so that the police could have information about Dr. Eggman as well, so that they would also be of help in stopping him.
Once they finished counting everything except the location of the heroes and not mentioning their names either. So they don't know that they will still have contact with them unless it is really necessary.
"Well, that's all I needed to know, I'll stay in touch with you in case something important happens. You can go now."
"Thank you very much, sir," Judy said.
"No, thanks to you. One more thing, each of you will be escorted to your respective homes so that the reporters will not bother you again," said the police chief.
"That sounds good. Thanks," said Jack.
After they went out and met their friends once more, they told them what the police chief asked them.
"Are you sure it was a good idea?" Washimi suggested.
"Yes, after all the police could be of help in any case where people need to be evacuated," said Nick and then said in a low voice, "Apart from the fact that we didn't tell him where Sonic and the others are and we didn't mention their names."
"They also told us that they would escort us to our respective homes," Jack added.
"So we better decide what time we will meet tomorrow," Judy said.
After having a conversation, they agreed to meet at 9 in the morning at Gori's apartment.
Having decided everything, they then were told that the patrols that would escort them to their homes (hotel in the case of the inhabitants of Zootopia) so the group exchanged their goodbyes and separated into three groups.
When they got home, Haida (carrying Koka in his arms) and Retsuko entered, once the door was closed, Retsuko's mother and grandmother were already standing in front of them.
"Because they were coming in late, you don't see how worried we were, when we finished talking on the phone we expected you to come home immediately," said Retsuko's mother.
Retsuko's grandmother was just standing next to her daughter with her arms crossed without saying anything.
Everyone expected someone to say something after that, but Retsuko only walked over to her mother and her grandmother and then hugged them both at the same time as she let a couple of tears escape from her eyes. Despite the stress she had from the previous call, she was happy to see them in the person again, after that situation she survived, she was grateful that for the moment everything had ended and that she was at home with her relatives, although she also would have liked to be her father been there too, but she understood that for work reasons she had to be away, although she promised she would return as soon as possible.
Retsuko's mother and grandmother understood what she was going through at the moment they both reciprocated the hug. Haida, seeing the reaction of his wife, decided to comfort her, also bringing his son with him. In the middle of the family embrace there were the hyena and the four red pandas, which due to the size of the first one, he made the others were connected to the embrace.
When they finally broke away from the hug, Retsuko's mother and grandmother realized that it was best to let Retsuko relax for the remainder of the day.
"Well, we already prepared dinner, if you like, you can sit down to eat," said Retsuko's mother.
"And we made sure to prepare you your favorite food," Retsuko's grandmother added.
Hearing that, their spirits lifted a bit and they went to the dining room to see the food prepared.
Haida, Retsuko, and Koka sat in one side of the table, and Retsuko's mother and grandmother sat on other side of the table.
The five began to pray for the food for the day. Once they finished, they began to eat dinner in silence.
Ookami, Fenneko, and Hana had just got home. After what happened that day, they felt good to be home. It was time to rest from that exhausting experience. When they noticed, they realized that Hana had fallen asleep in Ookami's arms. Fenneko took her daughter gently, carried her into her room and laid her gently on her bed, wrapped the blanket around her, kissed her forehead, and then left the room, closing the door gently.
"Poor girl, she's very exhausted," whispered Ookami.
"At least she's safe at home now," Fenneko whispered.
"You believe that the children who came with Sonic from his world can protect Hana and the other children?"
"Of course, you saw how Speed faced Dr. Eggman's robots, he must have fought him several times despite his young age."
"I wonder what kind of world Sonic and his friends come from if they face situations lie the one we live in every day."
"I don't know, but I wouldn't mind going there one day, just to get out of the usual daily routine."
"Are you talking seriously?"
"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not."
"Changing the subject, you think that Washimi can convince the president of the company not to allow himself to speak about today's event?"
"Knowing her, she will achieve it on the first try."
Nick, Judy, Jack, Finnick, Nicole, and Jerry were in their hotel room, despite the comfort they felt when they got there that morning, it felt heavy now. Knowing that Eggman could attack at any moment, they had to be vigilant to protect the children, who at that moment were still scared that day. Judy took her two children in her arms and to calm them down, she began to sing one of Gazelle's songs. Both children were fans of hers and listening to her songs relaxed them.
"Mom, can we sleep with you and our fathers tonight?" Nicole asked.
"We don't want to be alone tonight," Jerry added.
Nick, Judy, and Jack looked at each other and nodded.
"Of course, you can stay with us," Judy answered.
Nicole and Jerry's eyes began to sparkle with joy as they said at the same time, "Thank you mom, thank you dads."
"And if any robot comes to bother us, I'll take care of them with this," Finnick said, waving a baseball bat that he had brought with him and was waving it from side to side. "I will throw them in one fell swoop into the ocean."
Nicole and Jerry started laughing upon hearing that.
"By the way kids, it's almost bedtime, you want to talk one more time with grandpa and grandmothers before going to bed?" Nick asked.
"Yes!" the children said in unison.
"Well come closer," Jack assured, taking the phone out of his pocket and dialing the number to make the video call.
Washimi and Gori were talking on the phone. Each had returned to their respective home.
"So while we were gone, they tidied up your apartment a bit and made dinner," Washimi recounted.
"Yes, they said it was a token of appreciation for letting them stay here," Gori added.
"And what are they doing right now?"
"Well after dinner, they locked themselves in the room I lent them. They are apparently discussing how to find Dr. Eggman's base."
"They haven't told you anything about that?"
"No, they just concluded that their base is not in the city, so it could be anywhere in the world."
"That is partly a relief as the city dwellers are safe from having him around, but partly it is concerning as you never know where he may appear from."
"They said the same in their discussion. By the way, do you think that the beings that they mentioned that come from other realities are good people like them?"
"If they haven't caused trouble and are in this city, then they must be peaceful beings as well."
"You think there are handsome boys among them, they might want to use my dating app."
"I doubt it."
"It's strange, even though Eggman took possession of four of the chaos emeralds, I can't locate them with the tracker," Tails growled.
"It's not possible, it should mark his position right now, unless Eggman has created a container similar to yours," Sonic pointed out.
"So it means we can't locate them," Amy said.
"That coward! It's going to be difficult for us to get back to our dimension," Knuckles growled.
Tikal and Cosmo noticed the rage spirits in their respective husbands and friends, so they tried to calm them down.
"You have to calm down, Eggman has had disappearances like this before," Cosmo pointed out.
"We are sure to find it before we know it," Tikal said confidently.
The other four sighed and calmed down, knowing that they were both right, as getting upset out of worry or anger would not solve their situation.
While that was happening; Speed, Flora, Alex, Locke II, and Pachacamac II were marking on a map of the city. They were trying to figure out where the beings that like them also came from different dimensions could be.
"So if we're not wrong, they must have appeared on the perimeter of this city," Speed said.
"I agree, apart from if they are equal to the other inhabitants of the city, we may never be able to find them," said Flora.
"We must not lose hope, if like us, they are separated from our dimension, they must still be disoriented from being in a different place," Locke II detailed.
"And for sure they are desperately trying to find a way to go home right now, as we are doing right now," Pachacamac II finalized.
As all that happened with the heroes the day finally turned to the night, and finally the inhabitants of Zootopia, Japan, and Mobius went to sleep after a long and exhausting day, knowing that tomorrow would be another long day.
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quirky-middle-child · 6 years
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I redid an old piece I did with a Calvin and Hobbes/ Zootopia crossover almost two years ago. I always wanted to redo some of my old works... do you ever look back at old projects and think it could be refined? The characters do not belong to me
Zootopia (c) Disney
Calvin and Hobbes (c) Bill Watterson
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inn0rt · 5 years
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Second step of my recent work. Background is ready and I’ll finish another painting soon
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spectra98 · 5 years
WildeHopps as both Foxes and Bunnies
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