#Nikola Skywode
witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 4 (SPRING 4/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: For once, not Kiara! This time I was called upon by one of the Bacchae adventurers, Maddi Windwake the druid.
Ailment: Phodothropy [curse*] [hair*] (T6) Got bitten by a cursed hamster while she was trying to befriend it. She spent the last full moon as a giant hamster, gnawing on the wheels of her party’s loot cart.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to banish the hair, Glittersnow or Fairy Dust to break the curse
Field Notes:
I readily found the Skeleton Dust I needed in Hero’s Hollow, after all the exploring I’ve been doing. Said hello to Bap for a little while, as well. They seemed tired today. On my way out of the dungeon I stopped in an ancient library and took some time to read a few dusty but useful old books, which were able to instruct me as to how I might collect some Ghost Goo. They were accurate, to my excitement!
I next traveled up the mountain to gather Glittersnow, and was startled by the approach of a hot air balloon. It landed directly in front of me, and inside was a strikingly dashing individual who introduced themself as Nikola Skywode. Without any further detail they immediately invited me into their balloon and offered to take me wherever I wished. On the one hand, this could have easily been a kidnapping….but on the other hand, I’ve never flown in a balloon before, and they were very dashing (if eccentric).
I accepted. We had a thrilling time, the details of which will remain private.
I meant to direct us straight back to the Apothecary cottage, but I admit I got a little too distracted by the beautiful view(s), and we ended up landing in the Glimmerwood instead. I was too embarrassed to correct this, and said my goodbyes - I figured it was close enough to walk home anyway. I also realized that Fairy Dust might be a little more appropriate for Maddi’s particular ailment anyway, so I set to finding some before I left. Just as I finished, however, I got hit with sudden vertigo, my vision went blurry, and a strange voice I couldn’t understand whispered like echoes in my mind. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the middle of a fairy ring in a completely different part of the forest. It was disorienting, but I was unharmed, and apparently the fairies weren’t too offended because they allowed me to keep my dust. I had to book it back to the cottage to keep good time, though.
“Fuzz-Away Dust”
Crush the skeleton dust into a fine powder
Mix thoroughly with raw Fairy Dust
Apply the mixed dust gently with a powder puff to the face, and inhale
Paid: 20 silver Maddi left looking as sparkly as crushed mica, but free of fur and free of the urge to chew on furniture.
Additional Notes:
This week I went to the Loch to visit Calliope Trippin & had lunch with her family. Afterward I did a little foraging - Shadow easily snatched the wig off a wigfish showing off in the shadows, while I explored a sunken wreck a little deeper in the water. I found a skeleton clinging to a treasure chest, but this one was definitely dead. After prying its prize away and dragging it to shore, I found a number of absolutely beautiful paintings inside. I gave them to Calliope for safekeeping until I decide where I want to put them.
I also found the sock that possibly belongs to the giant who lost the shoe, mostly buried in the sand along a very long stretch of beach. There were Dentist Crabs all over the site, and it was easy to gather a good amount. I then found some odd footprints, which I tried to follow, but before I found where they led I was harried by a flock of gull-drakes and had to retreat. They made me lose all of my Dentist Crabs, which was frustrating, and I backtracked to the site of The Sock to gather some more. This time I noticed part of a seemingly endless rope also half buried, which I first took as one of those huge sailing ropes, but I now suspect it might have been a shoelace.
OOC: Rep – 9 [Novice] Silver – 92 Tools – basics Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x3) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Dramatis Personae
(subject to change, may contain spoilers)
Witches & Co:
Harper Tobin — novice witch, ambitious and determined, used to being overqualified and understimulated
Shadow — Harper’s familiar, a large black panther raised from kittenhood, gifted by Edhaas
Kevyn (Orendal?) — the previous witch of High Rannoc; disappeared but left behind notes for his successor
Areidala Jackson — Harper’s cousin, a potter living in High Rannoc
Edhaas Tobin — Harper’s elder brother, adventuring scholar studying dragons; often brings home pets
Nana Dorea — Harper’s old master, the witch back home
Muffins the cat — Nana Dorea’s new pet, slightly accident prone
Ariadne Soriah — research scholar from the Cloud Isles in search of a lost underwater city
Ferrio Verdan — old ranger who often passes through Harper’s hometown
Hildahrafn — elderly barbarian woman; still goes out adventuring as much as she can
Maddi Windwake — druid adventurer, part of the adventuring group The Bacchae
Nikola Skywode — hot (indeed) air balloonist, eccentric and charming
Relissa Sparrow — novice adventurer, long red hair, somewhat gullible
Tybalt Potter — novice adventurer, easily peer-pressured
Illinois James — notorious tomb raider and treasure hunter, possible old flame of Nana Dorea’s
Alexander Pumel — tavern bartender
Calliope Trippin — eldest daughter of the elves running a bed & breakfast out of a giant’s shoe on the shore of Meltwater Loch
Granny Windwake — grandmother of Maddi Windwake; hobbyist gardener
Kiara the vampire — vampire child who works as a bloodletting assistant for the local physician
Susan Chert — local geologist
Tori Baggle — aggressive, claims to be a truffle hunter
Wilfred Foom — the elderly curator of the Lunar Tower in High Rannoc
Yolanda Harrison — antique dealer in High Rannoc
Other Local Denizens:
Bap the demon — disarmingly polite demon convict chained up in the depths of Hero’s Hollow
The Baron — haunted suit of armor; suave, arrogant, pushy, aggressive; old friend of Kevyn?
Bernard the giant — friendly, lives in a candy rock cave on Moonbreaker Mountain
Coral the merfolk — beautiful dancer, assumed to live around the Dreamwater Depths
Dwayne the golem — newly mended stone golem, now helping Harper at the Apothecary
Ezekiel (Zeke), ghost bosun— bosun of the ghost ship Capybara; dated an artist before dying in a pirate attack
Finneon the siren — mysterious but sweet siren living alone & flockless around Meltwater Loch
Io the sphinx — sphinx who’s very bad at riddles
Laurence, ghost captain — captain of the ghost ship Capybara
Nelofar (Nel) the naiad — shy but flirtatious, lives in a river in the Glimmerwood
Paul the skeleton — living skeleton in the dungeon of Hero’s Hollow, gets stepped on a lot
Raggen Gabbro — dwarf who loves fishing & foraging, very knowledgeable about Meltwater Loch Rufus the ?? — a fuzzy dungeon shopkeep of unknown species in Hero’s Hollow
Yeza — Dark Ruler of the Underlands and Master of Shadows
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