#Maddi Windwake
teas-masterlists · 7 months
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other fandoms
( updated as of 9.21.2024 )
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hollow knight :
ghost (the knight) :
hornet :
(hornet — redraw)
(hront + tea)
zote the mighty :
(the zote collection)
(grumpy (but he always is))
(who microsized him)
multiple / other :
(the holy trinity : ghost , hornet , zote)
(ghost and hornet cuss out zote : ghost , hornet , zote)
("it's the same picture" : ghost , phantump)
(silly bugs because!!)
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kirby :
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tloz :
(windwaker toon link)
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pikmin :
(pikmin doodles)
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animal crossing :
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super mario bros :
(mediocre doodles)
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pokemon :
(special bracelets <3 : mothim , blaziken)
(ice ceam : vanillite)
("it's the same picture" : phantump , ghost)
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dbh :
(hank anderson doodles)
(something malicious is brewing)
("dude these characters are so babygirl" : hank anderson , bug , teabag , price)
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please dont steal/repost anything of mine — (reblogging is fine!)
0 notes
witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 4 (SPRING 4/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: For once, not Kiara! This time I was called upon by one of the Bacchae adventurers, Maddi Windwake the druid.
Ailment: Phodothropy [curse*] [hair*] (T6) Got bitten by a cursed hamster while she was trying to befriend it. She spent the last full moon as a giant hamster, gnawing on the wheels of her party’s loot cart.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to banish the hair, Glittersnow or Fairy Dust to break the curse
Field Notes:
I readily found the Skeleton Dust I needed in Hero’s Hollow, after all the exploring I’ve been doing. Said hello to Bap for a little while, as well. They seemed tired today. On my way out of the dungeon I stopped in an ancient library and took some time to read a few dusty but useful old books, which were able to instruct me as to how I might collect some Ghost Goo. They were accurate, to my excitement!
I next traveled up the mountain to gather Glittersnow, and was startled by the approach of a hot air balloon. It landed directly in front of me, and inside was a strikingly dashing individual who introduced themself as Nikola Skywode. Without any further detail they immediately invited me into their balloon and offered to take me wherever I wished. On the one hand, this could have easily been a kidnapping….but on the other hand, I’ve never flown in a balloon before, and they were very dashing (if eccentric).
I accepted. We had a thrilling time, the details of which will remain private.
I meant to direct us straight back to the Apothecary cottage, but I admit I got a little too distracted by the beautiful view(s), and we ended up landing in the Glimmerwood instead. I was too embarrassed to correct this, and said my goodbyes - I figured it was close enough to walk home anyway. I also realized that Fairy Dust might be a little more appropriate for Maddi’s particular ailment anyway, so I set to finding some before I left. Just as I finished, however, I got hit with sudden vertigo, my vision went blurry, and a strange voice I couldn’t understand whispered like echoes in my mind. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the middle of a fairy ring in a completely different part of the forest. It was disorienting, but I was unharmed, and apparently the fairies weren’t too offended because they allowed me to keep my dust. I had to book it back to the cottage to keep good time, though.
“Fuzz-Away Dust”
Crush the skeleton dust into a fine powder
Mix thoroughly with raw Fairy Dust
Apply the mixed dust gently with a powder puff to the face, and inhale
Paid: 20 silver Maddi left looking as sparkly as crushed mica, but free of fur and free of the urge to chew on furniture.
Additional Notes:
This week I went to the Loch to visit Calliope Trippin & had lunch with her family. Afterward I did a little foraging - Shadow easily snatched the wig off a wigfish showing off in the shadows, while I explored a sunken wreck a little deeper in the water. I found a skeleton clinging to a treasure chest, but this one was definitely dead. After prying its prize away and dragging it to shore, I found a number of absolutely beautiful paintings inside. I gave them to Calliope for safekeeping until I decide where I want to put them.
I also found the sock that possibly belongs to the giant who lost the shoe, mostly buried in the sand along a very long stretch of beach. There were Dentist Crabs all over the site, and it was easy to gather a good amount. I then found some odd footprints, which I tried to follow, but before I found where they led I was harried by a flock of gull-drakes and had to retreat. They made me lose all of my Dentist Crabs, which was frustrating, and I backtracked to the site of The Sock to gather some more. This time I noticed part of a seemingly endless rope also half buried, which I first took as one of those huge sailing ropes, but I now suspect it might have been a shoelace.
OOC: Rep – 9 [Novice] Silver – 92 Tools – basics Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x3) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 137, January 2019
I’ve spent the last few days reflecting on 2018 and everything that I’ve achieved this year.  
2018 has been one of the most challenging years of my life. It's been both progressive and regressive as far as my goals are concerned. I've started to embrace what it's like to be an "Aspie" or a High Functioning Autistic person, joining in several groups and social functions by Aspergers Victoria. I successfully become a participant with the NDIS and have began using my funding for services with Mentis Assist and Everyday Independence.
My fitness goals took a tumble especially in the second half of this year. It was to be expected following the change of my antidepressant medication with shifts in mood, motivation, poor sleep, high anxiety and stress levels. But this is something I am determined to work on for 2019. I want to lose weight again and maintain some healthy lifestyle habits.
I think this year I've become much more honest at times. I'm still a very sensitive person and yet I know when to cut the cord and not take any bullshit from others. I've burned a few bridges that ended up being blessings in disguise. I've learned a lot of things about self-care, forgiveness and where I should be focusing my attention. To challenge my negative thinking more and to realise that I’m stronger than I think sometimes, especially in stressful situations.
Local gigs took a back seat but my support for independent bands has never been stronger. I continue to promote and support them in my spare time. In particular, Windwaker, Reside, Ebonivory, Driven To The Verge, RESIST THE THOUGHT, Tapestry, Ocean Sleeper, Stuck Out, ÂME NOIRE, Hollow World, Greyview, Spectral Fires. Hopefully in 2019, attending local gigs will be a bigger priority for me again.
To say that 2018 was a rough year would be an understatement but I've certainty grown as a person and achieved many goals including taking on my very first civil claims case at VCAT, participating in the Men of Doveton program, beginning small group fitness classes at CinFull Fitness, attending yoga classes at Level Up Yoga, writing reviews for Behind The Scene, applying for the Disability Support Pension at Centrelink, seeing a psychiatrist for the first time (Dr. Ricardo Peralta from OPTIMIND at Nepean Specialist Group).
I used to get myself so worked up and depressed over the thought of being alone (All by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself anymore) on New Year's Eve. Or even worried that I wouldn't have any plans and have nobody invite me to their gatherings or parties. Now as a thirty-something year old, I simply don't give a shit that I don't have concrete plans for NYE straight after Christmas. I go with the flow and if a worthy opportunity comes along, then I'll take it.
Which is exactly what I did when Rhiannon Razzie Vergoz invited me out to a small intimate social gathering at her place. It was a last minute thing and I didn’t have any other plans so I figured why not. I guess I did have some concerns about whether I would click socially and get along with her friends but I feel like 2019 will be more about taking more chances in life.
I had to catch a train from Belgrave station to Camberwell station. It was then I realise that there was no services stopping at Auburn station and so I decided to walk it to Rhiannon’s place from there. My reusable bag filled with drinks, my Stephen King novel, antidepressants , a phone charger, glasses case, plastic wine flute and a jumper was heavy as but the walk through Camberwell Junction and along Riversdale Road made it worth the effort.
The houses were mostly 1920’s double brick English-styled cottages with weatherboard facades and lead-light windows. The streets were lined with towering oak trees. Once I found  Rhiannon’s unit, I was greeted by their black cat named Maddy. The social awkwardness was already kicking in as I stood inside the kitchen while my friend was busy baking some spring rolls and cutting up a milo-chocolate brownie slice that she prepared earlier. Eventually I did go outside and introduced myself to Rhiannon’s friends and housemates.
This was a group of friends that I normally wouldn’t associate myself with being somebody who is quiet, shy, introverted, Gay and Autistic. Plus most of the humour was “blacker” than I’m used to, to the point where my mind questioned whether we should be laughing at those things.  And yet I was willing to go with the flow. We spent the night playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch, playing several rounds of Cards Against Humanity, chilling outside in the back patio area, eating loads of junk food and consuming lots of alcohol. There was also many weird and disturbing conversations had, nudie runs out on the street and the loud off-key singing of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and Cher’s If I Could Turn Back Time.
We briefly gathered outside the front of the street to celebrate the New Year and overheard the fireworks going off from the city. I passed out shortly after midnight as my body and mind were both clearly exhausted. I desperately wanted to fall sleep. I found a double bed inside the bedroom at the end of the hallway and swiftly collapsed into it. My thoughts did turn dark for a moment, wondering if the crew would notice that I’d gone missing or if my disappearance had gone unnoticed.
Thankfully they did and I was found very much mentally conscious but physically passed out. I was in some weird sleep paralysis like state where my body just didn’t want to move an inch and yet I was fine with that. Shortly after, Ben was sleeping beside me and I did my best not to move too much or disturb him from sleeping. But of course having sleeping problems of my own makes that almost impossible and I ended up tossing and turning anyway once the affects of the alcohol wore off.
Speaking up in a group filled with loud, wild extroverts proved far too difficult for me tonight. I also feel like I am capable of having decent conversations but it takes me a long time to finally open up and be comfortable enough with the people I’m around to do that. I think it’s hard blending in with ANY social group so I deserve credit for giving it a crack especially when I was meeting most of these people for the first time tonight. I could have snuck out during the night but I didn’t.
On New Years Day, I got myself out of bed around 9.30am, hearing birds chirping and a light breeze rustling the leaves outside the window. I was feeling slightly hungover and very groggy. I drank about 5 beers, a Jaggerbomb, a glass of champagne and 2-3 glasses of pink mascato. Everyone else was clearly feeling worse than me. Rhiannon and Ben cooked us up a lovely breakfast including rashers of bacon, hash browns, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. Talk about a great hangover cure!
We spent the morning flicking channels randomly from the CBS Today Show (featuring some painfully awful live performances of Hailee Steinfeld with backing dancers dressed up in raincoats) to the Morning Show Summer Series (featuring a highly disturbing segment with Larry Emdur trying to body roll with a group of male strippers at Sexpo) and a couple of episodes of Bondi Rescue (featuring dumb backpackers naturally!).
It certainly wasn’t a boring New Year’s that’s for sure and I was very grateful to be included within this small group of people. Did I feel uncomfortable and out of my comfort zone at times? YES! Am I glad that I spent NYE with friends rather than home alone though? YES! Sometimes risks are worth taking even if you don’t end with the desired outcomes. It was still an enjoyable adventure overall and I’m glad I went.
On Thursday morning, I decided to go for a walk around at Wilson Botanic Park Berwick. Unfortunately, it ended up being a brief stroll as my counsellor Ruth changed my appointment to an earlier time at the last minute. But instead of fretting and getting annoyed, I tried my hardest to appreciate the time I did have before 12 o’clock. I chose to walk around the lakeside track which passes by the Amphitheater and the lily pond near the entrance to the park. https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/facilities-hire/wilson-botanic-park-berwick
I only had about half an hour but it was a nice way to pass the time before my counselling session. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to plan things a bit better and have more time to spend exploring the other walking tracks and make a day of it. Plus the weather was heating up. Extreme heat always seems to have adverse effects on my ability to concentrate and function so I try not to stay outside too long when it’s 30 to 35 degrees or over. I also try to keep myself hydrated and wear a hat especially when I’m fully exposed to the sun. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/heat
On Thursday night, I did a Body Pump class with Sarah at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. Despite how warm it was outside, I still managed to motivate myself to come down to the gym tonight as I’d rather deal with mid-20’s than the scorching 42 degrees tomorrow. Sarah put us through release number 106 which features tracks including I Am Here by Pink, Tell Me You Love Me by Galantis & Throttle, Coco’s Miracle by Fedde Le Grand & Dannic vs. Coco Star and Revenge by Pink & Eminem. https://www.siphilp.com/bodypump-106-music-track-listing.aspx
It was a very challenging workout particularly the painfully brutal lunge track with far too many lunge pulses and no breaks. And it’s not wonder as most people would be feeling the same way post-New Year’s Eve. Sore and unfit. I wisely selected and use mostly lighter weights for that reason as I didn’t want to burn out too quickly. But at least Sarah made it entertaining and highlighted her own struggles with getting back into routine again. https://www.lesmills.com.au/bodypump
“Oh, I think I've landed. Where there are miracles at work. For the thirst and for the hunger. Come the conference of birds. And say it's true. It's not what it seems. Leave your broken windows open. And in the light just streams. And you get a head. A head full of dreams. You can see the change you want to. Be what you want to be.” Coldplay - A Head Full of Dreams (2016)
“And you can say what is, or fight for it. Close your mind and take a risk. You can "it's mine" and clench your fist. Or see each other as a gift. We're gonna get it, get it together I know. Gonna get it, get it together and flow. Gonna get it, get it together and go. Up and up. Fixing up a car to drive in it again. When you're in pain. When you think you've had enough. Don't ever give up.” Coldplay - Up&Up (2016)
0 notes
witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 10 (SPRING 10/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Maddi Windwake
Ailment: Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) Oh, Maddi, not you too! I implored her to reveal the culprit to me, but her embarrasment was too great and I didn’t want to push hard enough to upset her. All she did was shake her head and ask me to keep this a secret.
Patient #2: A banshee that usually haunts a hidden lake a few miles from where I was trained has actually come to Nana Dorea for help. She hasn’t given her name, but…
Ailment: also Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) How is this suddenly so common? Do all bards spread this affliction? It can’t be the same bard, traveling so far and frequently, can it?
Recommend: Shockfish soup for the both of them. Maybe I should make a barrel full at this point.
Field Notes:
I had a rough morning out by the Loch, being immediately harassed by gull-drakes looking for an easy meal to steal, but unfortunately for them I had nothing on me they could take. I spent as much time as I dared out in the water, but only managed to collect a single Shockfish for my efforts. I was eventually chased away by Bàs Bàta again, writhing up a storm in the throes of his agony.
I had no time to look for more. Thankfully, I still had an extra in the storeroom, as well as a few surplus Skullcaps I’ve been keeping. I whipped up one batch of Shockfish Soup for poor Maddi immediately (see earlier entry for recipe), but unfortunately there weren’t enough Skullcaps for a second dose to send to Nana Dorea for her banshee. After pondering this a while I decided to experiment with my Milkstone instead. It’s a much stronger painkiller than Skullcaps so it should get the job done, although I am sure the taste will end up very strange. Ah, well…perhaps banshees don't mind strange, milky-tasting fish soups.
Paid: 30 silver from Maddi Paid: 60 silver from Nana Dorea I kept a vigilant eye on the doorstep this time, in case the vagabond returned again to thank me, but after a few days of watchfulness I figured perhaps they had run out of money to tip. Soon after, however, I received an unexpected package delivered by mail coach, containing +40 silver and the familiar, ridiculously embellished note of thanks. Well played, sir or madame bard. Well played.
Additional Notes:
My encounter with Bàs Bàta this week has re-ignited my ferver to collect the ingredients necessary for his cure. I searched with determination in Hero’s Hollow, and thankfully was met with much more success than my last few attempts. I visited with both Bap (who was able to point me toward the new nap room for the vampires), as well as with the Dark Ruler, Lady Yeza, who invited me to dinner again so I could update her on my progress. I told her I hadn’t yet had a chance to explore the Strange because I was too busy trying to sneak up on sleeping vampires, and she immediately called one in wide awake and ordered him to allow me to extract some venom without a fight. It was both impressive and intimidating.
As I finished extracting a third dose from one vampire hiding in a room off the main tunnels, I nearly tripped over another fancy helmet, even more elaborate than the last. I put it on just for fun, and it must have made me look impressive because I was approached by a small group of very young and tired-looking explorers soon after, offering to pay me to guide them out. Money is money, so I accepted their +10 silver and led them all the way back to the entrance before turning around and delving right back in again.
My foraging for the week came to an end on the day I met the Baron.
On my way out of yet another vampire napping nook, I passed a long hall full of identical suits of decorative parade armor. One of them suddenly sprang to life and cornered me against the opposite wall, and I wasn’t sure if it was flirting or threatening at first, to be honest. The voice that came out was deep and sonorous and rather lovely, but the mood quickly soured after he introduced himself and demanded a duel. He had no face, I noticed, as his visor flapped. I don’t know if he is a ghost inside the armor or if he is the armor, but he calls himself “the Baron” (as you may have guessed) and he sounded suave and full of himself.
I’m not really the dueling sort, but he wouldn’t allow me to move on without facing him, and even forced a sword into my hands. He refused my forfeit and he berated me when he saw I tried to lose on purpose. Finally I gave in and did my best to bang him up a bit, but of course I was no good. He beat me soundly and only allowed me to leave, limping, after he’d scored a nasty blow on my leg. I’ve decided the Baron is a jackass, and I’m going to try and avoid him from now on.
OOC: Rep – 16 [Intermediate] Silver – 194 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper: getting settled
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x10) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 5 (SPRING 5/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: Wilfred Foom, the elderly curator of the Lunar Tower
Ailment: Baker’s Blisters [burn*] [pain*] He was trying to make midnight muffins and had a terrible accident, poor dear.
Recommend: Balm Tea should do the trick
Field Notes:
I searched in the village hoping to find some Hiker’s Helper without taking a longer journey, and was surprised to find none…but I did hear a rumor that an elderly woman on the edge of town had been trying to grow her own patch. I followed the rumor and found the herb; turns out the old woman is the grandmother of Maddi Windwake, and she was happy to share it with me after I introduced myself. While I was still visiting, Maddi herself returned from an excursion, and as a thank-you for curing her curse last week she gave me a gift she picked up somewhere called Blastfire Bog: genuine Amethyst Antlers. <3 I adore this particular reagent, both for its usefulness and its beauty, but it’s usually so very difficult to find in the woods. I should start looking into this Bog.
I quickly went back to the cottage and whipped up some Balm Tea for poor old Wilfred (see my earlier entry for instructions).
Paid: 24 silver Wilfred expressed his astonishment at the effectiveness of the tea, and said he’d never had such pleasant or immediate relief from a burn before.
Additional Notes:
I bought a sturdy coracle in town for 70 silver, for the purpose of someday exploring the Blastfire Bog that that Maddi told me about.
Traveled back to the Loch to hunt for Shockfish, as I found none the last time I visited, but this time I was actually successful. I called on Calliope to celebrate and we took a canoe out together to watch the sun set over the lake. All of a sudden in the ruddy light we could see the shape of a ghost ship rising from the depths, directly next to us! They were rowdy but merry, and invited us aboard to carouse with them a while. I asked the Captain (Laurence) what he knew of the other wrecks beneath the lake, and told him about the skeleton I found with the chest full of paintings. Turns out that was the body (or used to be the body) of their very own Bosun Zeke (short for Ezekiel), who went overboard during a fight with pirates. I told him he was a wonderful artist, and he said that all of those paintings were actually created by a lost lover of his. They lost their entire haul on the day the pirates attacked, but Bosun Zeke couldn’t let his beloved’s paintings go, and sunk along with them. It’s too bad we can’t give some of them back to him now - they would be ruined as soon as the sun rose and the ship sank back into the waves.
I went foraging in the Glimmerwood this week and was amazed to catch sight of an actual unicorn. It fled from me immediately, but in its wake I was able to catch a Princess Toad, so it must have been good luck. I briefly spotted it again that day as I was carefully harvesting Foot Fungus from the sleeping forest giant’s discarded boots. It was hiding at the corner of my vision, and fled again as soon as as I noticed, but perhaps it’s more curious than shy after all.
I visited the Lunar Tower again to tune up my foraging equipment this week. Wilfred was delighted to catch up, and I got a very good charge from the moonlight that night. I trekked up onto Moonbreaker Mountain with my freshly charged equipment and thanks to their fresh energy I had absolutely no trouble finding the Moon Moss I was looking for. It was growing up the shady side of the old abandoned shrine on the side of the trail. I don’t know who the shrine was originally dedicated to (I suspect it had something to do with the moon), but I left some of my trail rations as a thank-you offering.
Before I left the shrine, I spotted  an old book discarded in one of the far corners. It turned out to be a saucy romance novel (“Seducing The Stubborn Cleric”), and it looked well-loved, very battered and patched. It must have been lost by another traveler. On the inside cover I was surprised to find a note in the exact handwriting of the old witch of High Rannoc: “Property of Kevyn.” Kevyn, you spicy boy.
Later this week I was up on the mountain again, trying and failing to find a Jumpkin. I stopped to rest by the Wayfarer Stone and happened upon some unexpected company. Her name is Ariadne Soriah, and she claims to be a researcher from the Cloud Isles. I’ve only heard of the place, of course, never been, and I had a thousand questions for her. She in turn asked if I’ve ever heard of a place called “Deepwater.” I told her I haven’t. Apparently it’s supposed to be an ancient underwater city from long ago, and she’s on a personal quest to find and study it. I hope she does, someday. I like her a lot.
I finally spotted a Jumpkin as I descended back down the trail, but it ran and I had to chase it halfway around the mountain before I managed to catch it amidst a cluster of huge boulders. I was startled, then, to watch the boulders move and come together, forming themselves into a huge, badly battered stone golem. The poor thing looked so pitiful, I couldn't just leave it in such a state. I spent the rest of the day assessing the damage and doing what I could to start repairing it, and when I left I told it to stay put so I could find it again. I came back every day for the rest fo the week to continue my repairs. I feel like this is going to be a lengthy project, but it will be worth it to get my new friend functioning again.
OOC: Rep – 10 [Novice] — **I misunderstood the leveling process here, and assumed I could take on intermediate ailments after this point. I realized my mistake after it was way too late to retcon, but oh well. Silver – 46 Tools – basics / coracle Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) Golem repair progress – 2/10
**I’m flexing the rules a little with the timeline of events. I got extra exploring time during the “ailment” section of this cycle because it was an ailment without a timer, but it made little sense in-story to keep the injured man waiting, so I’ve decided most of that happened after I cured him.
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x3) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 11 (SPRING 11/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Tybalt Potter, that novice adventurer who got lost in Hero’s Hollow a few weeks back.
Ailment: Fae Wind [curse*] [mood**] An unfortunate prank that really shouldn’t be funny, but I admit it was a challenge not to snicker every time I heard the tiny giggles out of his rear end.
Recommend: Fairy Dust to break the curse & Princess Toad droppings to mellow his mood
Patient #2: Ferrio Verdan, an old ranger who often passes through my hometown.
Ailment: Restless Bones [magic**] [bones*] Perhaps he stepped through the same cursed place as Muffins the cat. I hope someone takes care of that soon.
Recommend: Chillixir Mix
Field Notes:
For once I had a smooth & successful run through Hero’s Hollow, gathering all the Coldrust I needed from the old library and collecting Hermit Snail shells from a corner of the ever-changing puzzle room. Took me a while to find my way out again, but all in all it was nice to avoid stepping into traps or onto complaining skeletons or battling past an overly competitive suit of armor. From there I took my sleek, unused little coracle and headed out with Shadow to explore the bog Maddi Windwake pointed me to.
Blastfire Bog is a unique and fascinating sort of place. The name really should have tipped me off, but I never expected it to be so hot. Plenty of new risks to navigate – but oh, so many interesting sights to see as well! I soo got the hang of the tiny boat and paddled myself deep into a dense tangle of squat trees trailing limbs like heavy curtains into the pungent soup of the bog itself. After exploring a while through their giant, twisting roots, I looked up and caught sight of what looked like ropes all wrapped up in some of the branches. I tethered my coracle so I could leave for a closer look – the trees were a little slimy but not too difficult to climb due to their size, and of course Shadow had no problems. High in the canopy of an old willow, I was absolutely flabbergasted to discover an enormous, nearly intact airship, nestled in a bent and broken slew of branches that it had apparently crashed into a long time ago.
I managed to pry open an outdoor door and make my way inside, awed by the pristine preservation of the interior. Upon a closer look, I realized the reason for this was probably because everything – and I mean everything – was coated in Fairy Dust. It was the most abundant amount of loose Fairy Dust I had ever seen, and I had no idea what could have happened to so thoroughly coat the interior of an airship. I could have kicked myself for bringing only one collection vial with the proper preservative spells cast on it for transport. I was aching to do a thorough exploration, but I had other ingredients to look for and limited time. Instead I only marked the area on my makeshift map and reluctantly made my way back to my boat, coaxing Shadow along with me (he doesn’t like the coracle, but I can hardly let him stay up in the trees in an unfamiliar place). We left glittering footprints and pawprints all along the tree as we descended, but I’m sure they’ll wash away the next time it rains.
Before I pushed off very deeply into the water, an odd shape caught my eye among the roots of the willow. Thinking it might be an exotic creature, I approached cautiously, but upon closer examination I realized it was a carved stone head thickly covered in moss and algae, rising from the rest of wat I assume was a statue beneath the water. After wiping off as much I could from the face, I saw it was a woman, screaming – which was a little unsettling. Inside her mouth was a Princess Toad, though, and I felt very pleased as Shadow was able to snatch it without difficulty when it tried to hop away.
Now that I’ve collected my necessary ingredients, I chose to linger a little bit in search of more of the Amethyst Antlers that Maddi brought me – assuming the deer are more abundant in the Bog than in the Glimmerwood, for some reason. Alas, all I met with was failure and frustration. The first new direction I tried brought me into an horde of very angry goblins, who I suppose I startled. They chased me off with rocks and insults shouted in a surprisingly crisp human tongue, and it took a good while for me to shake them off. Shadow wanted to attack but I held him off; it was my fault for alarming them, and there’s no need to make enemies of the locals.
I found a clump of enormous mushrooms upon which to moor my coracle so I could give my arms a rest from paddling. I’d barely settled for even a moment before I belatedly realized there was an absolutely gargantuan toad sitting among the toadstools, neatly camouflaging with their darkly spotted caps. When I say it was big, I mean I think it could have swallowed me whole…but thankfully it wasn’t aggressive, and to my surprise it began speaking to me with perfectly understandable words. I’m not exactly sure what its name was, or if it was a male or female toad – the voice was as ambiguous as its anatomy – but it spoke only in measured, rhyming syllables, as if reciting to me. It said:
“For hundreds or thousands of years, or more, Reigning over this land was a Dragoness fair, Casting terrible fear into man's very core ’Til along came a Wizard whom she couldn’t scare. The boy was fast The spell was cast And the Dragoness trapped within her very lair.”
My interest was absolutely piqued, and I waited for the rest, but the toad fell silent. After waiting a while to see if it would speak again and trying to greet it and prompt it to go on, I caught the sound of a low, gurgling snore. I think it tired itself out, the poor thing. I did my best to leave quietly.
I eventually found my way back to where I started – I could tell because I bumped into another statue, different than the first I found but with the same strange screaming motif. I tried to find a new direction to explore, but I accidently went the wrong way and once again ran straight into those agitated goblins. The only good news is that as I fled from them a second time, Shadow snatched at something beneath the water and flung it into the boat. After we safely escaped, I looked to see what it was, and there was a fully intact Amethyst Antler! Covered in mud and Bog slime, but I’ll take it. I considered it a victory and made my way home, giving my excellent, ingenious, talented panther as many cuddles and scritches as he desired.
“Settling Swill”
Crush Princess Toad droppings until texture is consistent
Add water and mix by shaking, not stirring
Sprinkle raw fairy dust
End result should be almost smoothie-like
Paid: 30 silver Tybalt was a little uncertain about the sparkling smoothie, but after one sip immediately calmed his stomach he was eager for the rest. I told him as he left me that he needed to learn to stand up to his friends more often, or they’ll just keep on taking advantage.
After he left I prepared a hardy dose of Chillixir Mix (see previous entry) for Mr. Verdan and sent it off with one of the ravens, along with a note of inquiry to Nana Dorea whether anyone had decided to look for the cursed area causing such trouble. Paid: 60 silver
Additional Notes:
At the beginning of the week I took what I intended to be a quick trip to Hero’s Hollow to gather a few more servings of Skullcaps, just in case another wave of Bard Boils crops up. I found a prolific patch of them just on the inside of the hollow, to my delight, growing on what looked like a pile of discarded papers. I collected enough for two doses, then rifled through the papers and found two decently legible maps drawn out of places within the hollow I had never been before. One was marked “The Larder of Suffering,” which honestly should have put me off, but the way it was phrased gave me an inkling that perhaps I’d want to take a look.
When I got to the marked place (after deciphering several wrong turns and other outdated notes), it was indeed a larder, but it looked to have been cleaned out of whatever used to sit on its shelves. There were a few empty bottles and a lot of broken glass bits. I did, however, notice the shine of something underneath one of the shelves, and managed to pull out one fully intact vial of Innocent’s Suffering – stored and labeled exactly like the one I’d picked up from the Bacchae’s campground a while back. So this is where they must have gotten it! Even better, there was another patch of Skullcaps along one of the higher shelves that I was able to collect.
It was an unlucky choice to linger so long, however, as the rattling clank of footsteps sounded behind me and I turned to see Baron Jackass making his approach from the hall. He challenged me, again, and I told him we’ve already been through this, but he only shoved an old sword into my hands once more and pretended not to hear me. He ended up making quick work of it, thankfully withdrawing as soon as he saw the first blood he drew from me. I suppose I should be grateful he only ever wants to duel, and not actually kill me.
I asked him what his problem was, and he asked me what MY problem was, for the first time dropping his boisterous speech and actually sounded a little petulant. He complained that my predecessor always knew how to have a good time, and could actually hold his own in a fight. This gave me pause, so I asked - “Do you mean Kevyn?” To this the Baron gave a woeful sniff – ridiculous, since he has no nose or tears – and just repeated the name “Kevyn” in a mournful wail before turning on his heel and clanking away at a distressed jog.
When I finally shook myself out of my stupefied shock, I bound my wound and left to follow the second map I took. It claimed to lead to a vampire nest, but it too was out of date, so all I found was a dead end and a patch of fungus. A closer look revealed it to be Foot Fungus, specifically, which I promptly took, and that made it all worth it I suppose.
Alas, on my way out of the dungeon I ran nearly face-first into the Baron again. He was hiding in a corner and singing softly to himself. I actually felt a little sorry for him, despite everything, and asked what he was singing. All he replied was “Kevyn used to love this song,” before he seemed to snap out of it and clamber to attention again, calling out the familiar challenge for me to duel him. I said no and turned to walk away, but of course he attacked anyway. I did a slightly better job of defending myself this time – possibly due to his distraction, as I could still hear him sniffling and humming brokenly every time he drew near – but I didn’t manage to escape before he hit me again, drawing a stinging gash down my arm. I called him a motherfucker, and he turned away without acknowledgment, singing and sniffling as he wandered back down the hall.
I think I despise him.
While treating my arm, I found another small patch of Skullcaps and gathered them up, but then I left, feeling extremely fed up with dungeons. I spent nearly the rest of the week mixing raw Slime Shells and Vampire Venom in a large vat, for the sake of hopefully healing Bàs Bàta’s broken tooth. I poured the concoction into a string of hollowed out coconut shells I collected along the beach, corked them all up, and sealed them with some beeswax I found lying around. With any luck, I’ll be able to deliver the remedy soon.
The entire end of the week was spent teaching Dwayne the stone golem how to read and write. Now that he seems to have gotten used to living here, I see him often watching passerby from the village and trying to interact with pantomime. I think he’ll like being able to communicate properly, once he gets the hang of it.
OOC: Rep – 18 [Intermediate] Silver – 284 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper: learning to read & write
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw) Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x2) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x2) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x2) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x4) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Dramatis Personae
(subject to change, may contain spoilers)
Witches & Co:
Harper Tobin — novice witch, ambitious and determined, used to being overqualified and understimulated
Shadow — Harper’s familiar, a large black panther raised from kittenhood, gifted by Edhaas
Kevyn (Orendal?) — the previous witch of High Rannoc; disappeared but left behind notes for his successor
Areidala Jackson — Harper’s cousin, a potter living in High Rannoc
Edhaas Tobin — Harper’s elder brother, adventuring scholar studying dragons; often brings home pets
Nana Dorea — Harper’s old master, the witch back home
Muffins the cat — Nana Dorea’s new pet, slightly accident prone
Ariadne Soriah — research scholar from the Cloud Isles in search of a lost underwater city
Ferrio Verdan — old ranger who often passes through Harper’s hometown
Hildahrafn — elderly barbarian woman; still goes out adventuring as much as she can
Maddi Windwake — druid adventurer, part of the adventuring group The Bacchae
Nikola Skywode — hot (indeed) air balloonist, eccentric and charming
Relissa Sparrow — novice adventurer, long red hair, somewhat gullible
Tybalt Potter — novice adventurer, easily peer-pressured
Illinois James — notorious tomb raider and treasure hunter, possible old flame of Nana Dorea’s
Alexander Pumel — tavern bartender
Calliope Trippin — eldest daughter of the elves running a bed & breakfast out of a giant’s shoe on the shore of Meltwater Loch
Granny Windwake — grandmother of Maddi Windwake; hobbyist gardener
Kiara the vampire — vampire child who works as a bloodletting assistant for the local physician
Susan Chert — local geologist
Tori Baggle — aggressive, claims to be a truffle hunter
Wilfred Foom — the elderly curator of the Lunar Tower in High Rannoc
Yolanda Harrison — antique dealer in High Rannoc
Other Local Denizens:
Bap the demon — disarmingly polite demon convict chained up in the depths of Hero’s Hollow
The Baron — haunted suit of armor; suave, arrogant, pushy, aggressive; old friend of Kevyn?
Bernard the giant — friendly, lives in a candy rock cave on Moonbreaker Mountain
Coral the merfolk — beautiful dancer, assumed to live around the Dreamwater Depths
Dwayne the golem — newly mended stone golem, now helping Harper at the Apothecary
Ezekiel (Zeke), ghost bosun— bosun of the ghost ship Capybara; dated an artist before dying in a pirate attack
Finneon the siren — mysterious but sweet siren living alone & flockless around Meltwater Loch
Io the sphinx — sphinx who’s very bad at riddles
Laurence, ghost captain — captain of the ghost ship Capybara
Nelofar (Nel) the naiad — shy but flirtatious, lives in a river in the Glimmerwood
Paul the skeleton — living skeleton in the dungeon of Hero’s Hollow, gets stepped on a lot
Raggen Gabbro — dwarf who loves fishing & foraging, very knowledgeable about Meltwater Loch Rufus the ?? — a fuzzy dungeon shopkeep of unknown species in Hero’s Hollow
Yeza — Dark Ruler of the Underlands and Master of Shadows
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