gobs-o-cs · 4 months
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"My people know little fear, but that makes them arrogant. There are threats out there that cannot be easily overcome through strength and numbers alone. Though they may laugh at ritual and shun magic, these techniques will make it easier to cut down those foes of a supernatural or magical nature."
Elfbane Hobgoblin Thaumaturge
Night Guard Background
Hobgoblin Blood Hunter, Order of the Ghostslayer
Lawful Neutral
City Watch Background
Pathfinder Hobgoblin Lore Compliant Version (ie: Hairless)
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(I actually don't dislike this look for him as much as I thought I might, but I'll still probably stick with the ponytail and goatee unless people are real sticklers for it)
Dice Set #288 - Ceanothus
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So, yeah, it's been a hot minute, eh? Such is the nature of hyperfixation, it flips wildly between things sometimes. Lately, it's been focused on various video games, but also especially jigsaw puzzles (both physical and digital). I'll try to get myself to do some more character updates/creation at some point here, but that will still require that needle to flip back over a little. It did feel pretty fun and natural to hop back into HeroForge to make this new character, though, which is always nice.
At any rate, in the meantime, my gaming groups' lives seem to have calmed down a little bit, and we figure we're just going to start up a new campaign and get a couple new folks in as well. And we're giving Pathfinder a go this time around, as you might imagine, with Nilzom being a Pathfinder-focused character. Of course, I've got the D&D roughest equivalent penciled in for him as well. I know that D&D Hobs are more likely to be orange-red skinned as opposed to the Pathfinder's blue-grey skinned. But, eh, he can fit into either setting. Including having some hair. As a treat.
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gobs-o-dice · 1 month
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Dice Set #288: Ceanothus
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