#Niobe She Tribe
geekynerfherder · 5 months
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'Niobe' by Jae Lee & June Chung.
Mid-campaign Kickstarter exclusive Variant cover art for 'Niobe: She Tribe' issue #1, published by Stranger Comics.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Thuso Mbedu and Sebastian A. Jones team for Niobe: She Tribe
Thuso Mbedu and Sebastian A. Jones team for Niobe: She Tribe #comics #comicbooks
Thuso Mbedu will author a one-shot comic titled Niobe: She Tribe along with Stranger Comics’ president Sebastian A. Jones. It will be part of Stranger’s “Tales of Asunda” series and will feature Niobe, the franchise’s star character, who was first introduced in The Untamed: A Sinner’s Prayer. Mbedu and Jones will work together in writing the Comic, set for release in spring of 2023. Stranger…
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comiccrusaders · 2 years
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delta7of96 · 6 months
‘The Woman King’ Star Thuso Mbedu is Getting into Comics – Black Girl Nerds
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raybizzle · 7 months
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deepsea-queen · 5 years
LFRP/Contacts - Niobe Ondine
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The Basics ––– –
Name: Niobe Ondine
Age: 25
Birthday: 21st Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon (March 21)
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Lilac, Long
Eyes: Crystal Blue
Height: 6′1″
Build: Thin
Distinguishing Marks: Light scarring encircling her throat, small scar on the lower-right of her stomach.
Common Accessories: None to note
Face Claim: Salon Maiden Anabel
Voice Claim: Erica Mendez
Personal ––– –
Profession: Beast Tribe Diplomat, Chief Director of Ashcrown Agency
Hobbies: Reading, Scribework, Dancing, Anthropology
Residence: Goblet
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle(?)
Religion: N/A
Patron Deity: Althyk
Fears: Failure, Apathy
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Other Relatives: Unknown
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: None
Alcohol: Only on Casual Outings
RP Hooks ––– –
Beast Tribe Affairs -  Do you agree or disagree with Niobe's take on the Beast Tribes' reintigration into Common Society? Let's discuss ICly! She will happily listen to positive or negative takes.
Adventurer in Need -  Need help? Niobe is more than willing to stop what she's doing to assist someone in need.
Sophistry - Philosophy is a strong part of Niobe's being a Diplomat. Let's debate our ideals!
Investigators Unite - Niobe is the head of an agency that dabbles in the world of Investigation. Let's work together, or against one another!
Food, glorious food!! - Niobe can often be found in any of the Adventurers' Guilds, random taverns throughout Eorzea, or any eatery!
Target on her back - Niobe is well aware of how controversial her ideals are, and how many oppose them with gusto. She almost expects it!
Contact Information  ––– –
I prefer to RP in game first and foremost, but I am not against discord RP; Niobe Ondine on the Balmung server/Crystal DC. Despite my being shy and anxious, and having occasional disassociating bouts, I’ll try my best!  If you would like to reach out to me, my Discord is  Niobe#3200 !!  And alternatively, if you would like to learn more about Niobe before approaching, I have an RPC page! https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Niobe_Ondine
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ofbloodandfaith · 5 years
Day 5 0f 30 Days of Apollon
Members of the family – genealogical connections
Apollon is a twin, he has an older twin sister Artemis. His mother is Leto a Titaness, a goddess of motherhood and his father is the king of the Gods Zeus.
Although his stepmother Hera according to myth sent monsters after his mother Leto while she was pregnant with the twins so she will never find shelter, once the twins are born and declared Olympians she doesn’t seem to have a problem with them.
Obviously, there is a difference between myth and cultus (what people actually thought of the gods through religious experience) so this may not have happened
He had a great relationship with his brother Hermes who win Apollon over with his gall as an infant.
Through his father Zeus he has many other siblings, some that are also Olympians these are:
Divine Siblings of Apollon
AGDISTIS A Hermaphroditic God born when Zeus accidentally impregnated Gaia the Earth. Fearful of this strange creature the gods castrated it, and it became the goddess Kybele. [Agdistis and Kybele and their parents were Phrygian gods later identified with Greek counterparts].
AIGIPAN (Aegipan) A rustic god, son of Zeus and Aix or Boetis (the wife of Pan).
ALATHEIA The goddess of truth was a daughter of Zeus.
APHRODITE The goddess of love was, according to some, a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione (most accounts, however, say she was born in the sea from the severed genitals of Ouranos).
ARES The god of war was a son of Zeus and his wife Hera.
ARTEMIS The goddess of hunting and Protectress of Young Girls was a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Leto.
ASOPOS (Asopus) The god of the river Asopos in Argos (Southern Greece) was, according to some, the son of Zeus and Eurynome (most accounts, however, call him a son of Okeanos and Tethys).
ATE The goddess of blind folly and ruin was, according to some, a daughter of Zeus (others say she was born fatherless to Eris).
ATHENE (Athena) The goddess of warcraft, wisdom and craft was sprung directly from the head of Zeus. Her mother was the Titaness Metis whom Zeus had swallowed whole in pregnancy.
BRITOMARTIS The goddess of hunting and fishing nets was a daughter of Zeus and the Nymphe Karme.
DIKE The goddess of justice, one of the three Horai, was a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis.
DIONYSOS (Dionysus) The god of wine and debauchery was a son of Zeus and Semele (or in a few unorthodox accounts, of Zeus and Demeter or Dione).
EILEITHYIA The goddess of childbirth was a daughter of Zeus and Hera.
EIRENE (Irene) The goddess of peace, one of the three Horai, was a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis.
ERIS The goddess of strife and warfare was, according to some, a daughter of Zeus and Hera (most, however, say she was a daughter of Nyx).
ERSA The goddess of the dew was a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene.
EUNOMIA The goddess of good governance, one of the three Horai, was a daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Themis.
HARMONIA The goddess of harmony was, according to one author, a daughter of Zeus and the Pleiad Elektra (the usual account makes her a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite who was only fostered by the Pleiad).
HEBE The goddess of youth was a daughter of Zeus and Hera.
HEPHAISTOS (Hephaestus) The god of smiths was, according to some, a son of Zeus and Hera (though many say Hera conceived him without the assistance of Zeus).
HERMES The god of merchants, shepherds and messengers was a son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia.
HORAI (Horae) The three goddesses of the seasons--Dike, Eirene, and Eunomia--were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis.
KABEIROI (Cabeiri) The gods of the Mysteries of Samothrake were, according to some, sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope (most, however, call them sons of Hephaistos and Kabeiro).
KAIROS (Caerus) The god of opportunity was the youngest divine son of Zeus.
KENTAUROI KYRPIOI (Cyprian Centaurs) A tribe of Kentauroi (Centaurs) native to the island of Kypros (eastern Mediterranean). They sprang from Gaia the Earth when Zeus accidentally impregnated his failed attempt to make love to Aphrodite.
KHARITES (Charites) The three goddesses of grace, beauty and mirth--named Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thaleia--were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Eurynome.
KORYBANTES SAMOTHRAKIOI (Samothracian Corybantes) The orgiastic demigods of the Samothrakian Mysteries were sometimes described as sons of Zeus and the Mousa Kalliope.
LITAI (Litae) The elderly goddesses of prayer were daughters of Zeus.
MELINOE A fearsome goddess of the underworld, whose body was half black and half white. She as a daughter of Zeus and Persephone.
MOIRAI (Moirae) The three goddesses of fate and destiny--Atropos, Lakhesis and Klotho--were, according to some, daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis (others say they were daughters of Nyx, Ananke or Khaos).
MOUSAI (Muses) The nine goddesses of music and song--named Kalliope, Terpsikhore, Kleio, Euterpe, Ourania, Thaleia, Polyhymnia, Melpomene, Erato--were daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne.
NEMEA A minor goddess-nymph, daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene.
NYMPHAI (Nymphs) Nymphs in general were sometimes called the daughters of Zeus.
NYMPHAI THEMEIDES Three goddess-nymph daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis.
PALIKOI (Palici) Twin gods of the geysers of Palikoi in Sicily (southern Italy). They were, according to some, the sons of Zeus and Thaleia (but others say they were sons of Hephaistos and Aitna).
PAN The god of shepherds was, according to one author, the son of Zeus and Hybris (but others invariably call him a son of Hermes).
PANDEIA A minor goddess-nymph, daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Selene.
PERSEPHONE The goddess of the underworld and spring renewal was a daughter of Zeus and Demeter (or, according to one account, of Zeus and Styx).
PHASIS The gd of the river Phasis of Kolkhis (eastern Black Sea) was, according to some, a son of Zeus (other say he was a son of Okeanos and Tethys like the other Rivers).
ZAGREUS A divine son of Zeus and his own daughter Persephone. He was slain by the Titanes, but Zeus recovered the child's heart and fed it to Semele and Zagreos was reborn as the god Dionysos.
Mortal Siblings of Apollon
AIAKOS (Aeacus) A king of the island of Aigina (southern Greece). He as the son of Zeus and the Nymphe Aigina.
AITHLIOS (Aethlius) The first king of Elis (southern Greece), son of Zeus and either Protogeneia or Kalyke.
AKHEILOS (Acheilus) A Lydian boy (Asia Minor), son of Zeus and Lamia, who contested with the goddess Aphrodite in beauty.
ALEXANDROS (Alexander the Great) An historical king of Makedonia (northern Greece) and later Conqueror of much of the known world. He was, according to legend, a son of Zeus born to the Makedonian Queen Olympia. [This is a unique example of an historical personage bestowed with mythic origins].
AMPHION A king of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). He was a twin son of Zeus and Antiope.
ARGOS (Argus) The eponymous first king of Argos (southern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Niobe.
ARKAS (Arcas) The eponymous king of Arkadia (southern Greece), son of Zeus and Kallisto.
ARKEISIOS (Arceisius) A king of the islands of Ithaka and Kephallenia (central Greece). He was a son of Zeus, or according to others, of Kephalos and Prokris.
ATYMNIOS (Atymnius) A lord of the island of Krete (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Zeus and Kassiopeia.
DARDANOS (Dardanus) The first king of the Troad (Asia Minor). He was a son of Zeus and Elektra, born on the island of Samothrake.
DIOSKOUROI (Dioscuri) Twin princes of the Spartan kingdom of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece) who were hatched from an egg laid by Queen Leda. One of the pair, Polydeukes, was fathered by Zeus, but the other, Kastor, was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus.
EMATHION A king of the island of Samothrake (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Zeus and Elektra.
ENDYMION A king of Elis (southern Greece). He was the son of Kalyke, either by Zeus or her husband Aithlios.
EPAPHOS (Epaphus) A king of Egypt (North Africa), son of Zeus and the much-suffering Io.
GRAIKOS (Graecus) The eponymous first king of the Graikoi tribe of the Pindos Mountains (northern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Thyia.
HELENE (Helen) A queen of Sparta (southern Greece), wife of Menelaus, who eloped to Troy with her lover Paris. She was a daughter of Zeus by Leda or the goddess Nemesis.
HELLEN A king of northern and central Greece and eponym of the Hellenes (i.e. the Greeks). He was, according to some, a son of Zeus and Pyrrha (though others say his father was Pyrrha's husband Deukalion).
HERAKLES (1) (Heracles) The greatest of the Greek heroes. He was born in the Boiotian city of Thebes (central Greece) to Alkmene who was seduced by Zeus in the form of her own husband.
HERAKLES (2) (Heracles) A son of Zeus and Lysithoe. According to some, he was a hero who was confused with the younger Herakles (1).
HEROPHILE A Sibylla prophetess of Libya (North Africa) and later of the oracle of Delphoi in Phokis (central Greece). She was a daughter of Zeus and the Libyan queen Lamia.
IARBAS A king of the Moors (North Africa). He was a son of Zeus and an African Nymphe.
IASION A prince of the Island of Samothrake (Greek Aegean) and Chief-Priest of the Samothrakian Mysteries. He was a son of Zeus and Elektra.
KEROESSA (Ceroessa) A nymph or princess of Byzantium--on the Bosporos Strait separating Europe and Asia. She was a daughter of Zeus and Io, and mother of Byzas, the eponymous founder of the celebrated city.
KOLAXES (Colaxes) A lord of the Tauric Khersonese (north-eastern Europe), son of Zeus and the Nymphe Hora.
KORINTHOS (Corinthus) The eponymous king of Korinthos (southern Greece). He was a son of Zeus (or, according to others, of Epopeus).
KRINAKOS (Crinacus) A king of Olenos, Akhaia (southern Greece). He was a son of Zeus.
KRONIOS (Cronius) A lord of the island of Rhodes (Greek Aegean), one of three sons borne to Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia.
KYTOS (Cytus) A lord of the island of Rhodes (Greek Aegean), one of three sons borne to Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia.
LAKEDAIMON (Lacedaemon) The first eponymous king of the Spartan kingdom of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and the Pleiad Taygete.
LATINOS (Latinus) The first eponymous king of Latium (central Italy), son of Zeus and Pandora.
MAGNES The first eponymous king of Magnesia in Thessalia (northern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Thyia (or, according to others, of Aiolos and Enarete).
MAKEDON (Macedon) The first eponymous king of Makedonia (northern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Thyia.
MANES The first king of Lydia (Asia Minor), a son of Zeus and Gaia.
MEGAROS (Megarus) The first eponymous king of Megara (southern Greece), son of Zeus and a Sithnid Nymphe.
MELITEUS The founding prince of the town of Melite in Phthiotis (northern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Othris.
MINOS A king of the island of Krete (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Zeus and Europa.
MYRMIDON A king of Phthiotis in Thessalia (northern Greece) and Epynom of the Myrmidones tribe. He was a son of Zeus and Eurymedousa.
ORION A giant who was born in answer to the prayers of the childless Boiotian (of central Greece) King Hyrieus. He was conceived by three gods--Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon--who urinated upon a bull's hide and buried it in the earth, to grow an earth-born infant.
PELASGOS (Pelasgus) The eponymous first king of the ancient Pelasgian tribe of Arkadia and Argos (southern Greece). He was a son of Zeus and Niobe (though others calls him a son of Poseidon and Larissa or an Autokhthon (Earth-Born).
PEIRITHOUS (Pirithous) A king of the Lapithai tribe of Thessalia (northern Greece) who, according to some, was a son of Zeus and Dia (though most authors say the father was Dia's husband King Ixion).
PERSEUS A hero and later king of Mykenai in Argolis (southern Greece). He was the son of Zeus and Danae.
POLYDEUKES (Polydeuces) A prince of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece) who with his twin-brother were known as the Dioskouroi. Polydeukes was the son of Zeus and Leda, while his twin brother was the son of Leda's husband Tyndareus.
RHADAMANTHYS A lawmaker of Krete (Greek Aegean) and later resident of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). Rhadamanthys was a son of Zeus and Europa.
SAON The first king of the island of Samothrake (Greek Aegean). According to some he was the son of Zeus and a local Nymphe (but others say he was a son of Hermes and Rhene).
SARPEDON 1 A king of Lykia (Asia Minor). He was a son of Zeus and Europa.
SARPEDON 2 A king of Lykia (Asia Minor) who fought in the Trojan War. He was a son of Zeus and Laodameia.
SPARTAIOS (Spartaeus) A lord of the island of Rhodes (Greek Aegean), one of three sons borne to Zeus and the Nymphe Himalia.
TANTALOS (Tantalus) An impious king of Lydia (Asia Minor), son of Zeus and the Okeanis Plouto.
TARGITAUS The first king of the Skythia (north-eastern Europe), son of Zeus and a daughter of Borysthenes.
TITYOS (Tityus) A giant of Orkhomenos (central Greece) who was, according to some, a son of Zeus and Elare (though others say he was a fatherless son of Gaia the Earth).
ZETHOS (Zethus) A king of Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). He was the twin brother of Amphion and a son of Zeus and Antiope.
Apollon, of course, had offspring of his own both mortal and divine
Divine Offspring of Apollon
ARISTAIOS (Aristaeus) The patron god of beekeeping, olive oil manufacture, and the Etesian Winds. He was a son of Apollon and the nymph Kyrene.
ASKLEPIOS (Asclepius) The god of medicine. He was the son of Apollon and Koronis (or Arsinoe).
KHARIKLO The nymph wife of the kentauros Kheiron was a daughter of Apollon.
KORYBANTES SAMOTHRAKIAI (Samothracian Corybantes) The spear-clashing, dancing daimones of the Mysteries of Samothrake were, according to some, sons of Apollon and the nymph Rhetia or the Mousa Thaleia.
SKYLLA (Scylla) The monstrous Sicilian sea-nymph was, according to one unusual account, the daughter of Apollon and Hekate. (She was usually described as a daughter of the sea-gods Phorkys and Keto.)
Mortal Offspring of Apollon
AGREUS A lord of Dirphe on the island of Euboia (central Greece) or king of that whole island. He was the son of Apollon by the Lokrian princess Amphissa (or Euboia or Isse).
AMPHIARAUS A prince of Argos (central Greece) and seer, the son of Apollon and Queen Hypermnestra (though according to others King Oikles was the father). He was swallowed up by the earth during the war of the seven against Thebes and transformed by Apollon into an oracular daimon.
AMPHISSOS (Amphissus) A king of Dryopia (Ozolean Lokris) (central Greece), son of Apollon and Dryope.
AMPHITHEMIS or GARAMOS A king of the Garamonian tribe of Libya (in North Africa). He was a son of Apollon and the Kretan princess Akalle.
ANIOS (Anius) A king of the island of Delos (Greek Aegean), son of Apollon and the Naxian Princess Rhoio.
APIS An early king of Argos and the rest of the Peloponnese (southern Greece). He was a son of Apollon.
ASKLEPIOS (Asclepius) A physician-prince of Oikhalia in Thessalia (northern Greece). Asklepios was the son of Apollon and Koronis--though according to the Messenians he was a son of Apollon and the Messenian princess Arsinoe. After his death Asklepios was granted immortality and became god of medicine.
BRANKHOS (Branchus) The first of the priests of the oracle of Apollon at Brankhidai. He was a son of Apollon.
DELPHOS (Delphus) A eponymous founding lord of the village of Delphoi in Phokis (central Greece) and eponym of the town. He was a son of Apollon by Kelaino, Thyia or Melaina.
DOROS (Dorus) A king of the Kouretes tribe of Aitolia (central Greece). He was one of the three sons of Apollon and Phthia.
DRYOPS The eponymous king of Dryopia (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon.
ELEUTHER A bard of Boiotia (central Greece). He was the son of Apollon and Aithousa.
EPIDAUROS (Epidaurus) The eponymous founding king of Epidauros in Argolis (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon.
ERIOPIS A princess of Messenia (southern Greece). She was a daughter of Apollon and Arsinoe.
ERYMANTHOS (Erymanthus) An Arkadian (southern Greece) lord for whom Mount Erymanthos was named. He was a son of Apollon who earned Aphrodite's wrath by reporting her rendeavous with Adonis.
HILAEIRA A princess of Messenia (southern Greece) who was, according to some, a daughter of Apollon by the wife of King Leukippos (most, however, say Leukippos was the father).
IAMOS (Iamus) A seer of Arkadia and Elis (southern Greece). He was a son of Apollon and the nymph Euadne.
IDMON A seer of Argos (southern Greece) and one of the Argonauts. He was, according to some, a son of Apollon and Kyrene (most however call him a son of the Argive Abas).
ILEUS A lord of Troy (Asia Minor), son of Apollon by the nymph Ourea.
ION A prince of Athens and later king of Akhaia (southern Greece) and eponym of the Ionians. He was a son of Apollon and the Athenian princess Kreusa (though according to some, his father was Kreusa's husband Xouthos).
ISMENOS (Ismenus) An oracular priest of the shrine of Ismenios near Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon and the Okeanid-nymph Melia.
KENTAUROS (Centaurus) A lord of the Lapithai tribe of Thessalia (northern Greece). He was a son Apollon and Stilbe.
KEOS (Ceos) The first eponymous king of the island of Keos (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Apollon and Melia.
KHAIRON (Chaeron) The eponymous founding lord of the town of Khaironeia in Boiotia (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon and Thero.
KORONOS (Coronus) A king of Sikyonia (southern Greece). He was the son of Apollon and Khrysorthe.
KYKNOS (Cycnus) A man (presumably) of Hyria in Boiotia (central Greece), son of Apollon and Hyria. He was transformed into a swan by Apollon when he leapt off a cliff.
LAPITHES The eponymous first king of the Lapithai tribe of Thessalia (northern Greece), son Apollon and Stilbe.
LAODOKOS (Laodocus) A king of the Kouretes tribe of Aitolia (central Greece). He was one of the three sons of Apollon and Phthia.
LEUKIPPIDES (Leucippides) Two princesses of Messenia (southern Greece) named Hilaeira and Phoibe who were, according to some, daughters of Apollon by the wife of King Leukippos (most authors, however, say Leukippos was the father).
LINOS (1) (Linus) A bard of Boiotian Thebes (central Greece). Linos was the music-teacher of Herakles who was slain by the hero in a fit of rage. According to some, he was a son of Apollon by the Mousa Kalliope or by the Mousa Ourania (though in other versions, his father was not Apollon but the Pierian King Oiagros by Kalliope; and the hero Amphimaros by Ourania).
LINOS (2) (Linus) A prince of Argos (southern Greece), son of Apollon and Psamathe. As a baby he was torn apart by dogs while left unattended by his shepherd foster-parents.
LYKOMEDES (Lycomedes) A king of the island of Skyros (Greek Aegean), son of Apollon and the Samian princess Parthenope.
LYKORAS (Lycoras) The eponymous founding lord of the town of Lykoreia in Phokis (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon and the nymph Korykia.
MELANEUS A lord of Oikhalia in Thessalia (northern Greece) and skilled archer. He was a son of Apollon.
MILETOS (Miletus) A Kretan lord and founding eponymous king of the city of Miletos in Karia (Asia Minor). He was a son of Apollon and Akalle (or Aria or Deione).
MOPSOS (Mopsus) A seer of Kolophon in Lydia (Asia Minor). He was a son of Apollon by the Theban sibyl Manto (though, according to some, his father was Rhakios).
ONKIOS (Oncius) A lord of the region of Onkion in Arkadia (southern Greece). He was a son of Apollon.
ORPHEUS A bardic prince of Pieria (northern Greece) whose music possessed magical properties. According to some, he was a son of Apollon by the Mousa Kalliope (however this was contrary to the usual tradition which said he was a son of Kalliope and the Pierian King Oiagros).
PARTHENOS (Parthenius) A princess of the island of Naxos (Greek Aegean) who, according to some, was a daughter of Apollon and Khrysothemis (others say her father was Khrysothemis' husband Staphylos).
PHAGROS (Phagrus) A Malian lord (of northern Greece). He was a son of Apollon and the nymph Othreis (of Mt Othrys).
PHILAMMON A king and bard of Phokis (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon and Khione-Philonis (or Leukonoe).
PHILANDEROS (Philanderus) A lord of Elyros on the island of Krete (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Apollon and the Nymphe Akakallis.
PHOIBE (Phoebe) A princess of Messenia (southern Greece) who, according to some, was a daughter of Apollon by the wife of King Leukippos (most, however, say Leukippos was the father).
PHYLAKIDES (Phylacides) A lord of Elyros on the island of Krete (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Apollon and the nymph Akakallis.
POLYPOITES (Polypoetes) A king of the Kouretes tribe of Aitolia (central Greece). He was one of the three sons of Apollon and Phthia.
PYTHAEUS A priest of Apollon who introduced the cult of his father to the Argives and others (southern Greece).
SYROS (Syrus) The eponymous founding king of Assyria (Asia Minor). He was a son of Apollon and Sinope (the nymph eponym of the Assyrian city on the Black Sea coast).
TENEROS (Tenerus) An oracular priest of the shrine of Apollon on Mt Ptous in Boiotia (central Greece). He was a son of Apollon and the Okeanid-nymph Melia.
TENES The eponymous first king of the island of Tenedos (Greek Aegean). He was a son of Apollon and Prokleia.
TROILOS (Troilus) A prince of Troy (Asia Minor). He was, according to some, a son of Apollon and the Trojan queen Hekabe (others say his father was King Priamos).
TROPHONIOS (Trophonius) A prince of Orkhomenos (central Greece), the son of Apollon and the wife of King Erginos. He was swallowed up by the earth and transformed by his father into an oracular daimon. (Some say his father was King Erginos).
ZEUXIPPOS (Zeuxippus) A king of Sikyon (southern Greece), son of Apollon and the nymph Syllis.
Most of these, however, were only linked to him with the briefest of genealogical references. Some were assigned his parentage to emphasize their skill as bards and seers. Others were the mythic founders of historical noble houses and priestly clans.
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accras · 6 years
“The central-focus franchise face of the Asunda mythology to date has been Niobe Ayutami, an orphan girl born of two nations, conceived through violence and raised in Oasis, a tiny desert town. The character was introduced in The Untamed (with art by Peter Bergting), which was collected in graphic novel form in 2014. Niobe’s backstory: Her father was a king in a country that Jones modeled on England and Europe, while her mother was the kidnapped female chief of a nomadic tribe of elves who roam a jungle region that corresponds to West Africa. Hunted by all, Niobe will search for her ancestors and the courage to bind them against an ancient enemy. Her adventures have been chronicled in comics form in titles such as Niobe: She Is Life and Niobe: She Is Death.”
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The myths defined which god or goddess to turn to in times of need. For example, for a safe sea voyage, they would pray to the god Poseidon or the Roman God Neptune.
Poseidon (Neptune) was known to be the god of the Thalasses (=seas), Seismoi (= Earthquakes), Kataigides (=Storms), and Hippous (=Horses/Equines). He was considered to be one of the most bad-tempered, moody, and greedy Olympian Gods. He was known to be vengeful when he would be insulted.
He was the son of the Titan Kronos and the Titaness Rhea and was swallowed by his father along with Hades, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera. However, in some of the myths, it is believed the Poseidon, like Zeus was not swallowed by Kronos. It was believed that his mother Rhea concealed him among a flock of lambs, and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which would end up being devoured by Kronos instead.
After the gods were defeated by the Titans, the world would be divided into three. The three brothers (Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon) drew straws in order to decide which they would rule. Zeus drew the skies, Hades the Underworld, and Poseidon the Seas.
–          Poseidon was not only notably the God of the Sea, but he was also the protector of all waters, sailors relied upon him for safe passage.
–          It stands to reason as well, that due to his influence of the waters, he would be worshipped in connection with navigation.
–          Poseidon was also worshipped as a fertility god.
–          His name means that he is also the “Husband”.
–          He wielder the Triaina (= Trident or three-pronged spear, and this image of him is reflected in art.)
–          Poseidon could strike the ground with his trident to produce an earthquake. This earned him the nickname “Earth-shaker”.
–          Poseidon was known to possess a palace that was made of gems and corals that was located on the ocean floor. He was at Mount Olympus though more often than his palace.
–          Poseidon was also moody by nature: his temperament was unstable at best, and his emotional fluctuations often resulted in violence.
–          In terms of his womanizing, he was similar to his brother Zeus, in that he liked to exert power over women, and flaunt his rugged masculinity. At times, however, his efforts were appreciated. Poseidon saved Amymone from a satyr.
–          His primary means of transportation was a chariot that was pulled by horses.
–          According to Homer’s Iliad, Poseidon assisted the Greeks in the Troikos Polemos (=Trojan War). However, Zeus commanded him to withdraw from the battlefield, and he reluctantly obeyed.
–          His grudge against Odysseus is the main theme in Homer’s Odyssey.
–          Poseidon was the husband of Amphitrite, who was a Nereid (= a nymph from the water). Their union produced Triton, who was half-human, half-fish. One of the original mermans.
  –          Poseidon also had a union with Medusa where he conceived the flying horse, Pegasus, one of the many known mythological creatures.
  –          He was also the biological father of Orion, Polyphemus, Pelias, and many other.
  –          One of his most notable dalliances involved his sister Demeter. She refused his advances by turning herself into a mare. He then transformed into a stallion and pursued her. Their relations would produce a horse, Arion.
  –          He and Athena also competed for the possession of the majestic city of Athens. To sway the people in his favor. Poseidon made it spring at the Acropolis. Athena, on the other hand, gave them the Elaiodentro (Olive Tree). With it, she won the contest.
  In order for the Greeks to have a successful hunt, they would pray to the goddess Artemis, also worshipped as the Roman Goddess Diana.
Artemis is known as the goddess of the hunt, and is one of the most respected of all the ancient Greek deities. It is thought that her name, and even the goddess herself, may even be pre-Greek. She originated from Zeus, king of the Gods, and the Titaness Leto and she has a twin brother, known as the god Apollo.
Not only was she the goddess of the hunt. She was also known to be the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, and virginity. She was the protector of young children and was known to bring and relieve disease in women.
In popular culture and art, she is depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrow.
Artemis was a Parthena (= Virgin). She drew the attention and interest of many gods and men. However, it was only her hunting companion, Orion, who won her heart. It is believed that he was accidentally killed by either Artemis herself or Gaia, the primordial goddess of the Earth.
In one version of the stories about Adonis, who was a late addition to Greek mythology during the Hellenistic period, Artemis send a wild boar to kill Adonis after he continued to boast that he was a far greater hunter than her.
–          It is believed that Artemis was born a day prior to Apollo. She was then served as a guardian to him, which provided a context for her desire to protect and nurture.
–          The Arktos (= bear) was sacred to her.
–          She guarded her virginity carefully. Actaeon and Orion tried to dishonor or rape her, but anyone who threatened her purity would meet a violent end.
–          When Callisto was seduced by Zeus, Artemis transformed her into a bear, and created the constellation in honor of her name.
–          She was sometimes associated with the goddess of the Selene (=Moon).
–          Artemis acted out in anger whenever her wishes were disobeyed, especially if anyone transgressed against the animals that were sacred to her.
–          She punished Agamemnon, when he killed a stag in her sacred grove.
–          Apollo and Artemis teamed up to kill the children of Niobe. Niobe bragged that she had birthed more children than Leto, who was the mother of Apollo and Artemis. The twins then hunter her children and killed them with their bows and arrows.
–          The temple of Artemis in Hallicarnassus was built in her honor, and became one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”.
–          At least two festivals were celebrated in her honor of Artemis: Brauronia and the festival of Artemis Orthia.
Soldiers who warned victory in battle would pray to the Greek god Ares or the Roman god Mars.
The god of War. He is one of the Twelve Olympian Gods and the son of Zeus and Hera.
In literature, he represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war, which in contrast to Athena, who represents military strategy and generalship as the goddess of intelligence.
Although Ares embodied the physical aggression necessary for success in war, the Greeks were ambivalent toward him because he was a dangerous, overwhelming force that was insatiable in battle.
According to legend, he is known to be the lover of Aphrodite, who was married to Hephaestus. Ares did play a limited role in literature, when he does appear in myths, he is typically facing humiliation.
In one famous story, they are exposed to be ridiculed by the gods when her husband Hephaestus traps them both naked in a bed by using a clever device he makes.
The Roman counterpart to Ares is Mars, who is known to be the Father to the Roman people. Because of this, he was a less aggressive and physical form, revealing a more calm and understanding demeanour.
Ares was also often characterized as a coward in spite of his connection to war. He responded to even the slightest injury with outrage.
Ares was never very popular – either with men or the other immortals. As a result, his worship in Greece was not substantial or widespread.
Ares originated from Thrace, home of a fierce people in the northeast of Greece. (NOTE: In later culture, Xena of Amphipolis, who was the warrior Princess originated from the same areas.)
His bird was the Gypas (= Vulture.)
The Amazons, who were a tribe of warrior women, were his daughters. Their mother was a peace-loving nymph named Harmony.
Otus and Ephialtes, who were twin giants, imprisoned Ares for a lunar year by binding him with chains of brass; he was eventually rescued by Hermes.
In Homer’s Iliad, Ares always took the side of Aphrodite in the Trojan War. He fought for Hector (a Trojan) until Achilles pierced him with a spear that was guided by Athena. He then departed the battlefield in order to complain about Athena’s violence.
Eros (Cupid) was the offspring of Ares and Aphrodite.
Tereus, was another offspring of Ares, known to have inherited his father’s abhorrent qualities.
Ares was also the biological father of at least three of Hercules’ enemies during his labors: Cycnus, Lycaon and Diomedes.
He also had a sister named Eris, who was the goddess of Discord. She was most famous for setting the Apple of Discord, during the Trojan War.
Hebe, was another sister of Areas, who was the Goddess of Neotita (= Youth).
He was also often associated with two other war deities known as Enyalius and Enyo.
In popular literature and art, he is generally depicted wearing a spear and a helmet.
THE SACRED MYTH PART 2:   3 OLYMPIANS – POSEIDON, ARTEMIS, ARES The myths defined which god or goddess to turn to in times of need. For example, for a safe sea voyage, they would pray to the god Poseidon or the Roman God Neptune.
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verbjectives · 7 years
basic info about my little rangers of pelor team because i love these kids
teru: half elf. monster slayer. favorite enemy: dragons. favorite terrain: mountains. background: urchin
the rookie. a bit of a punk, but he’s driven and is incredibly determined to be strong enough to kill the dragon that killed his parents. 
natasha: human. hunter. favored enemy: elementals. favored terrain: arctic. background: outlander.
the heart of the group and the most balanced and in tune with nature. probably would have been a druid had she not been the sole survivor of her tribe’s destruction. 
pennie: halfling. beastmaster. favored enemy: giants. favored terrain: grassland. background: folk hero
physically probably the strongest of the rangers. her companion is a wild boar named barnabas and she rides on top of him into battle. she favors close quarters combat.
varis: drow. gloomstalker. favored enemy: aberrations. favored terrain: underdark. background: hermit.
the brains. he doesn’t talk much, though he does have the talent of communicating without saying a word. he needed to have special glasses made (ie, sunglasses) so that he could be useful above ground.
niobe: tiefling. horizon walker. favored enemy: fiends. favored terrain: desert. background: guild artisan.
the one who isn’t socially inept. her parents made a deal with a demon in order to ensure the success of their jewelry business and now that demon owns their souls. she’s determined to win them back.
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geekynerfherder · 2 years
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'Niobe: She Tribe' by Tehani Farr.
11" x 17" print for $19.99.
On sale now through Stranger Comics.
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The tears of our stone Mother.   It is said that the mortal Niobe was the first mother of the humans and particularly of the Greek tribes, she also appears to be the first mortal lover of Zeus. Niobe, a queen from Boeotia, is famous inside the mythical realm for her many children, some say she had twelve of them, six daughters and six sons, others claim that Niobe had fourteen, eighteen, nineteen or even twenty children, it depends on the narration. Niobe was a good friend of the mother of Apollo and Artemis, Leto, at a time when gods weren’t separated from humans. We can find her subsequent tragic story in Homer*, her twelve children, six daughters and six sons all vanished. Apollo killed the six sons of Niobe with his silver bow while Artemis killed her girls. Niobe had enraged the children of Leto by boasting that she had given birth to many children, while Leto had only borne two. That meant hybris. Nine were the days that the children of Niobe were laying unburied and no one was there to bury them cause Zeus had transformed the people there into rocks. The tenth day the heavens themselves buried the dead. Niobe, all distraught inside her tears was transformed into a rock but she still suffers for the fate of her children. That is the will of the gods. Now, that is a story demanding further contemplation. Niobe and her Children by Anicet Charles Gabriel Lemonnier, 1770.
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richincolor · 8 years
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Comic Review: Niobe: She is Life
Title: Niobe: She is Life Author: Amandla Stenberg, Sebastian A. Jones, Art by Ashley A. Woods Genres:  Comic Book, Fantasy Pages: 35 pages each Publisher: Stranger Comics Review Copy: Purchased Availability: Available Now
Summary: “What becomes of the child who has lost her spirit?”
NIOBE: She is Life is a coming of age tale of love, betrayal, and ultimate sacrifice. Niobe Ayutami is an orphaned wild elf teenager and also the would-be savior of the vast and volatile fantasy world of Asunda. She is running from a past where the Devil himself would see her damned… toward an epic future that patiently waits for her to bind nations against the hordes of hell. The weight of prophecy is heavy upon her shoulders and the wolf is close on her heels.
Review: Before I get into my review, I have to say that the Niobe: She is Life series is the first ever comic book I have ever purchased. I’ve read graphic novel adaptations of books, but never a comic book series and I was unsure of what to expect. That being said, I wonder if some of my feeling of “incompleteness” has to do with the storytelling structure of comics, or with the series itself. Therefore, I’m glad that I chose to buy the entire 4 book series instead of just the first issue, as I got a deeper understanding of the story with each subsequent issue.
Niobe: She is Life drops the reader in the middle of the story as Niobe is literally running for her life. We gather that she’s running away from her father, and that she wants to kill him, but we don’t know why. Intriguing way to start a story, definitely, with the hope that the rest of the series will fill in the blanks. It somewhat does, but also introduces some ideas that make the story a bit confusing. The comic takes place in a fantasy world called Asunda that is filled with all sorts of different humanoid species such as elves, dwarfs, orcs, mythological beings, and gods and goddesses. I was unsure how all the beings related to each other in the world as there was clearly tension between the young men of the monastery that Niobe finds herself in, however the series did hint at some war between the Orcs and the Elves that I wasn’t too sure was over or was still being fought, and this monastery was some sort of oasis for young people without a home. I feel like I would have love to receive a bit more world-building to the series to fully understand the mythology of the world, the different civilizations/peoples that exist in the world and how they all coexist amongst each other. Niobe is often called “She tribe” and aside from her being a young woman, I wasn’t exactly too sure why the young men called her that. Is that how all Elvish young women are called? Small details such as that, which I can understand might be hard to do in a comic series, would have helped with my enjoyment of the series. All of that said, I still did enjoy the series. The writing and storytelling got stronger with each subsequent issue and by the end I was truly rooting for Niobe.
Niobe is a quiet, but headstrong character who is discovering who she really is and what role she plays in the world. Because of her lineage, she is half-Elvish half something to be determined, she hated but at the same time feared. She is willing to stand up for what is right and is a fierce warrior. When Niobe finally accepts her destiny and gives in to her power, it is truly a great moment with a wonderful unexpected twist that I as totally here for. I loved seeing the main character, a woman of color, fully become and own being the hero to save the day. She is a character that fantasy comics so desperately needed so I’m glad that Stranger Comics decided to publish this series.
Lastly, I must mention the artwork..it is absolutely stunning. The colors are bright and rich which visually brings the world of Asunda to life. Not only is Niobe an intriguing story, the series is also a work of art. Ashley A Woods whose depictions of all the different types of people, their costumes, the animals, the deities, etc, are so detailed and beautiful that it makes the world very real. Woods artwork gives Asunda a mystical quality, almost, as there are many scenes where her brush strokes makes the reader feel as if we are looking at an old world before time.
Recommendation: Overall I enjoyed the series and am looking forward to the sequel that is to come. I will definitely by the next series. And if you want to support WofC authors and artists creating powerful heroines, then go out and buy this comic (buy all 4 issues!)
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hereticaloracles · 8 years
New Moon in Aquarius- Surge
I got no prosperity but yo I’m a piece of it. So let the guilty hang in the year of the boomerang. And now it’s upon you.” – Rage Against the Machine, Year of Tha Boomerang
Effective Date: January 27th 2017
Helios’ Astrological Angle on the New Moon in Aquarius– Can’t stop this flow… Can you feel the currents churning within you? Our world is changing, and we are changing along with it. We are not the same people we were a month ago, and tomorrow we will not be the same as we are today. Everything is happening so fast that there is no way to keep track of it,  and it is becoming harder and harder to keep your head above water. When this happens there is only one thing to do- Dive.
Artemis’ Tarot Take on the New Moon in Aquarius-  Welcome to the twilight zone.  Here, in the year of the Star – which is ruled by Aquarius – we reach a land that is upside down.  Or is it right side up?  We emerge from the Year of the Tower alchemically transformed.  We have seen our nightmares manifest, our beliefs disintegrate and erupt from the ashes as new entities – fiery inspired phoenixes ready to burn away the outdated trappings of dusty old paradigms.  We started the first day of Aquarius season with one of the largest protests to ever grace American soil take place against the new emperor of the “free world.”  And the planet of the libertine, Uranus, has swung direct, letting us know that his influence has been highly prevalent in what has transpired for us collectively.  Do not forget that the outer planets influence the collective.  This full moon in the Uranian sign of Aquarius is here to make it very clear; give me change or I will become the agent of change myself.
  The Sun, Moon and Neptune– I tell you one thing, this Moon is PISSED. This whole chart reeks of the Sacred Feminine rising up to correct a grave error- And you know I tend to avoid even mentioning anything woo-woo like that (I say as an astrologer… *rolls eyes). The protests that we have seen take the world? That’s just the opening act. With Neptune here you would think that this would be a potent Lunation, but this is coming together in a different way- Neptune is the dream that fuels this whole chart, enabling the Sun and Moon to get things done. This configuration (and the chart in general) is indicative of some seriously major change incoming. This is the real change, change from the ground up. No matter where this Moon falls in your chart, you will feel this in your life. Those obstacles to your success will start to crumble, one by one. This is the time to move forward with your efforts. Quit trying to half-ass your progress, keeping one eye fixed on the past. That is only weighing you down. You need to be free from the fetters of your feelings, and nostalgia to the way things used to be is cutting you off at the knees. Focus on what is, focus on the now. You keep trying to retreat to your nest- That is the LAST thing that you need to do. You need to get out there! Get into the world, shake things up for yourself. I don’t know how many times I have to keep telling you that no one is going to do it for you, but apparently it bares repeating. You will be amazed at the doors that will open should you only be open and communicate your hopes, dreams and challenges to others. There may be someone listening that has a solution- or even better, you might be theirs! (Minor Planets used: Mors-Somnus, Circe, Isis, Pandora, Lachesis, Eros, Osiris, Asclepius; Asbolus, Chariklo, Altjira, Diana, Hybris, Orpheus)
The Sun (Ace of Swords), The Moon (Queen of Pentacles), Neptune (9 of Swords)-  Fuck yes, Ace of Swords.  6 months ago, during the Aquarian full moon, we were given the weapons we needed to battle the jabborwocky in our personal lives.  Now we are being given a weapon to defeat the collective’s phantoms.   Eclipses have a bit of a staggered effect.  Whatever you manifest into your life during one will pop out 6 months later during the next lunation in that sign.  That means whatever efforts you put into place – whatever demons you slayed and whatever demons you let escape – will karmicly manifest now.   During the Full Moon Aqua back in August, we had a giant cluster of planets sitting in Virgo.  Inversely, we now have a cluster of planets sitting in Pisces.  The nitpicking and correcting of the late summer has now allowed us to learn how to manifest.  It is now our duty to manifest.  We are all ready.  Can’t you feel it?  There is electricity in the air, and we are all plugged the fuck in.  Smoke signals are being sent by the tribe, and we must answer them now.  The Moon is directly channeling the Queen of Pentacles, the mother of the earth, and the nightmares we have manifested due to our faulty paradigms must be tackled.  This is a very revolutionary moon, and definitely the marker of the times to come.  The key to the next 6 months will be the Ace of Swords – truth.  We must all trust in each other and in ourselves, that we are more than capable of demolishing the old world and birthing a new one collectively.  Remember, order is an emergent property of chaos…  At this time, we have the opportunity to create a new world.  We just need to do it together.  Aquarius is the rivers and tributaries that connect the larger bodies of water.  Start networking; networked revolution.  This is the Leo/Aquarius polarity; when our leaders fail us, we rise up as a collective to fix the imbalance.
Mercury and Pluto– It’s another Magic Moon! Mercury and Pluto together have this fascinating ability to transform literally anything. I call them the Philosopher’s Stone aspect. You are putting in the work that you need to, and that is great; The only problem is that the changes you see happening are minuscule, and not taking place nearly quick enough. You must be patient, more is happening beneath the surface than you can see. Keep on your work, in fact double down on it- Change your mindset and the way you are thinking from waiting on the magic to work into living your life like the changes already have happened. Yes, this is another fake-it-til-its-real trick, but once you put it into action, and if you convince yourself, then all of a sudden the changes you want to see will catch up to you. But them that’s magic for you! (Minor Planets used: Bienor, Panacea, Phaethon, Karma, Heracles; Echeclus, Deucalion)
Mercury (King of Pentacles) and Pluto (4 of Cups)-  So this essentially tells me, “Quit whining about what could have been and start manifesting what could be right now.”  The planets are brimming, absolutely spilling with opportunity for us right now.  We are looking at all of the things that are going to shit right now (and trust me, that is a lot of stuff in both our personal lives and in the collective).  But what we must realize is that in this chaos we are being offered an opportunity we should not refuse; to manifest our own destiny.  We are at the precipice now, Heretics, where we must choose either to continue handing our power over to the puppets of our collective shadow, or to take responsibility and duty back into our hands.   This idea may be spreading around to everyone’s minds right now; how can I provide for my friends?
Oh, and never forget – resistance is necessary for flight.  
Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus– Remember how I said the Sacred Feminine was pissed? Well its gobsmackingly obvious here as well. It literally reads like the women of the cosmos are abandoning the men because they have overwhelmingly had it with the boys’ shit. Who can blame them? They only have two true aspects represented in the sky, The Moon and Venus, aka The Mother and The Consort. That isn’t enough– Not when then men have the Scholar, the Teacher, Warrior, Golden Child, Elder, Inventor, Magician and the Tyrant! Well I guarantee that even though they have less seats at the table, their strength is that they have all the backing of the thousands of female asteroids and minor planets standing behind them. Their voices ring in unison, compared to the fractured shouts and squabbling of the boys. And what is it that they want? They want liberation, and so do you. No matter what your gender or race, whether you are able-bodied or who you love, everyone has faced some form of marginalization, and this configuration makes it so you want your struggles to be heard. This is a big aspect, and a potent one. You see the possibilities around you and you see an opportunity to create something different for yourself, AS WELL YOU SHOULD! There is nothing wrong with trying to change your station in life, and reaching upward is so, so human. Do not allow yourself to feel guilt for wanting more from your life. The interesting thing is, you can just have it- Don’t listen to Saturn. He respects a well-thought out plan. Jupiter and Uranus are more concept guys, and when they are together you can make some serious magic happen. You cannot force Jupiter, nor should you ever try- In working Jupiter, you kind of have to ignore him. Impress him with your own efforts first and then he will come to shower his golden gifts upon you. Once that happens, you have to capitalize on them, boldly and fearlessly. That needs to be your approach to this time. Fear has no place in your future, and you must defeat it now, with grace. (Minor Planets used: Sedna, Astraea, Atropos; Eris, Niobe, Atropos, Narcissus, Damocles; Haumea, Siva, Hephaistos; Chaos, Hygeia, Magdalena)
Venus (Page of Swords), Jupiter (Page of Wands), Saturn (Hangman), and Uranus (Empress)-   Venus is embodying the political activist of the tarot; the page of swords.  Her values are in the collective as she burns through the final degrees of Pisces – heading into her fiery, Aries version next.  When you speak out right now, you are speaking out with the force of generations behind you.  This can also be extremely useful in your personal life.  If there was a time for art, it is now.  Especially art that has a political bent to it.  Saturn is looking away right now, letting us manifest destiny as we please.  If you needed a worm hole to another dimension, it is surely right now.  Jupiter is manifesting new projects left and right; allowing you the creative fire you have been desperately clawing for.  He is a proponent of the arts, and a social life stirrer during this time.   You will be graced with even more opportunities if you put your energy into your creative projects, and the renaissance we spoke about in our Jupiter in Libra post is signaling that it has in fact begun.  Look around you, this chaos is the perfect soil to plant our intentions.  Uranus is The Empress, implying that the revolution will come from the earth itself, the sacred feminine, the arts, and our collective need to care for each other.
Mars– The Warrior is all alone, out in the cold. You probably feel shunned right now, having gone into kind of a self-imposed exile. You feel that you are unwanted and unloved, and that you are nothing but a burden to those around you. You feel that they are lying to you when you are brave enough to confess this to them and they try to assuage your fears. No one feels secure in their place right now, as if at any moment we could all be swept out to sea. With Mars at the Anaretic of Pisces, no one is sure of who they are or where they belong, and indeed this can cause you to hermit pretty severely, or change your group of contacts drastically. Your values and your moral code are undergoing a rehaul right now, and after it happens you may not recognize your life. You will have a challenge to face, and you are your own opponent. You have to kill what is old and has outlived its time within yourself. To do this, you must seek solitude even though you want to be surrounded by those who care about you- you are not in a position to return that love at this point. Defeat yourself so that you can rise again. (Minor Planets used: Varuna, Quaoar, Salacia, Vulkanus, Siwa, Persephone, Achilles, Apophis)
Mars (Magician)-  Well well well, it looks like we are being given a super power.  So this New Moon happens literally the day before Mars moves into Aries.  This is it, it’s time to let your old dreams die and start using the tools you have been given.  Again, we are being told that we are in a state of chaos so that we can create.  Use that anxiety that has riddled your life and channel it into the energy needed to birth your dream into existence.  We have all felt like we are floating in the ocean, unaware of where up is or down is.  We are panicking and clawing at our throats, freaking out over the fact that we can’t figure out which way to invest our energy to find the air we need.  At this time we must remain still and trust in our intuition to push is through this lunation.  If we push in the wrong direction, it can be disastrous for us.  Aim for your target using your heart, because right now we are blindfolded to our future direction.  Aim true, because once Mars goes into Aries the day after this lunation, the chariot begins its roll through the battlefield.
New Moon in Aquarius- Surge was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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deepsea-queen · 6 years
Looking for Roleplay: Niobe Ondine (Balmung)
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Age: 24 ALIAS: Nobi.  Birthday: 21st Sun of the Second Astral Moon Race: Viera Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Long white hair with black highlights, playing into her fondness for the Duality.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6′0″
Build: Thin but built frame. Well-toned Calves.
Distinguishing Marks: Aside from the scar across her face, there is not much else of note that can be seen. Has a gash-like scar in her stomach, however, as well as a well-hidden scar across her throat. 
Common Accessories: None to note!
Personal ––– –
Profession: Diplomatic Liaison for the Beast Tribes, Bridge-builder(Pontifex) for the Adventurer’s League of Eorzea, Chronicler. 
Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Archery. Singing, if you catch her with her guard down.
Languages:  Common, Dalmascan, some Hingan, Xaelic.
Residence: A small cottage within the Lavender Beds
Birthplace: Unknown to her! 
Fears: Not leaving her mark on the world. Failing the many Beast Tribes she represents and holds a fondness towards.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: A recently-passed mother. Father is.. A complicated anomaly.
Siblings: Unknown.
Other Relatives: Her fellow Viera, in her mind.
Pets: A rabbit from Eureka that has since taken to her and followed her home.
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
RP Hooks ––– –
✔ - Viera. Niobe has spent much of her life as a city girl. Only recently did she learn properly of her heritage and actively seeks to learn more of her culture, meet more of her kind. 
✔ - Beast Tribes. Niobe’s careered life has been directed to making the Beast Tribes’ lives more manageable, seeking equality for them. Are you in support of or do you oppose these ideals? She welcomes all, and is more than willing to educate.
✔ - Stories. Niobe has a keen interest in history. Not so much history of the past, but she is always interested in hearing one’s tales. 
✔ - Adrenaline Junkie. Niobe won’t outwardly admit it, but she finds much enjoyment from fights and anything that gets the blood boiling. To what extent? Why not test her and find out~
✔ - Flexible Innocence. Niobe is and has always been a more positive alligned character, but understands full-well that sometimes morally gray acts are necessary. She tries to keep on the up-and-up, but given her work history, she is prone to falling into the wrong crowd.
✔- Hunting. Over the past summer or so, Niobe has been honing her native skills as a hunter. Though, she still has much to learn.
Friends above all else! But ultimately I’m hoping to find Plot-driven RP, Long-term RP, Romantic partner would be a potential plus. Past relationships, chance encounters, you name it, I’m for it! 
Out of Character  ––––
Very introverted, and sometimes will just stop responding. Not intentional, I’m usually very keen on conversations, but sometimes I need a nudge and reminder that I have yet to respond. More often than not, I’ll have something typed up and just forgot to press enter. 
A smidgen awkward until I feel comfortable with people.
I like to write a LOT, but often get discouraged in big groups. Starting out, I’d like to keep things one-on-one until I get more comfortable with everything.
Eastern Timezone! 
I’m very meme-y and clingy when I get comfortable with someone. Not like overbearingly clingy. Just.. I enjoy when I make friends, and I like having them close.
Either here or on @oddityoffates
​Twitter -  @OddityOfFates
Discord: Oddity#7403
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