game-weaver · 2 years
Headcanon: The Courts
The fae realm is separated into nine courts with a focus on balance and order.
The seasonals, which reside and rule over the seasonal changes, their power grows and fades with the flow of the year and each court has specialty magic they tend to be strongest in. For instance magic regarding growth and nature tends to be a specialty of Spring and Summer while frost and illusionary magic is specific to Autumn and Winter.
Spring- Queen (currently unnamed) Summer/Seelie- King Oberon Autumn- Erlking Winter/Unseelie- Queen Mab
((this ended up being far too long so I’m putting the rest under read more to keep the dash tidy))
Then there are the Celestial courts with keep balance with the passage of time. These courts are older than the seasons, older than many of the already long-lived fae remember, including the current ruling Royals. Their power is much stronger as they are ancient and draw strength from what they are connected to. Day to the sun, Night to the moon, etc.
Day Night Dawn Dusk
Lastly there is the youngest of the courts. It is not held by the same need for balance and order as the others. Indeed, it manifested with the rise of humans and the fading out of many magical beings. 
Clockwork- Queen Lorelei 
Once iron and humans became a larger threat than they anticipated to the lives of the fae, the Clockwork court came into being. These fae are unnatural as they don’t have a weakness to iron like the traditional old fae do, they seem to be an amalgamation of organic and brassy contraptions. Their only duty is to protect the other courts from humans and other threats that pose a risk. 
Many creatures that once were abundant and have now faded to myth and legend also left the human realm and sought safety in the fae realm. Many creatures also fall under one specific court that they call home. For example, the Wulver fae which inspired a lot of werewolf myths stay in Winters kingdom and are the main guards there, while Centaurs are main border guards for Summers kingdom. Likewise, Night is a ruler of dragons, so dragons tend to stay in his kingdom, and so on and so forth. 
TLDR: There are nine fae courts, each with specifics to them and many creatures, not just fae, now call the fae realm their home. It has become a mixing pot of magical creatures all with the purpose of being protected from humans. It’s its own entire world parallel to and separated from humans so they can survive.
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noctisday · 5 years
Fire and Ice
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“Mab,” Oberon looked up as the Queen sauntered her way into his palace. He stood tall, head high before offering a customary tilt of the head in greeting. He noticed her son was at her side. His own had appeared as well but only stood at his side briefly for introduction. He knew this was difficult for the new prince, so he would not push him into the limelight. 
“I hope the food the to your liking.”
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invitiia · 5 years
Queen Mab in all her finery strode through Summer’s door as if she owned the place. If anything, confidence was key in any royal gathering. Even if she was weakest now, even if the drain on her strength made her feel shaky...
She had decided not to yield such a long time ago.
With more reason now since, at her side, her son and heir stood once more.
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historias-multorum · 6 years
Green (Sailor Pluto)
🎨 20 colour asks
green - do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? which is your favourite flower to smell?
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“Well I don’t mind either one, but if I have to choose one? I’d pick indoors. Jasmines are my favorite, I find them very beautiful and I love the smell.”
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fleuromanie · 6 years
BATILLIAT, Marcel, Chair Mystique, 1897/ Illustrations : The Sensitive Plant, study, Sir Frank Dicksee
"Le jardin enchanta Marie-Alice, avec ses corbeilles de roses dont le parfum orgueilleux l'emplissait tout entier d'une ivresse vaporeuse et subtile. Chaque matin elle venait en cueillir pour les porter dans leur chambre d'amour, à profusion, sur les vieux meubles tout imprégnés du charme attendrissant des années depuis très longtemps révolues. Il y en avait de rouge-sang, clamant la gloire de leur éclat triomphal parmi la simplesse des petites feuilles vertes qui les nimbaient d'une sertissure sinopline ; d'autres, moins grosses et plus pâles, dont une roseur infiniment tendre paraît la délicieuse carnation : de jaune-clair, d'un jaune de jolie chlorose diaphane ; de toutes blanches aux pétales niveux ainsi que des lis. Les autres fleurs, aussi, les petits myosotis bleus qui bordaient les allées, les jacinthes aux couleurs stridentes, les oeillets dont la sveltesse s'enluminait encore de rosée, toutes les corolles d'or, de feu et d'émail, Marie-Alice les aimait comme elle aimait les trilles clairs des fauvettes, le ziziement des cigales, l'irradiation des jours ensoleillés, le cadre féerique dont s'emparadisait son bonheur. [...] Il trouvèrent des coins ravissants, tout exubérants de la vie renaissante, sous l'éclat vert des feuilles ensoleillées. Parmi les confuses harmonies du bois, les imprécises fleurances du vent, la déhiscence (ouverture naturelle des organes déhiscents) multicolore des calices, vaguait un érotisme immense, où ils retrempaient leurs énergies défaillantes en la lassitude des matins. Et ils devinèrent, comprirent, adorèrent la vie intense de la nature, dont la luxuriance leur sembla le symbole même de leur presque démente passion. Tour à tour charmante et tragique, la forêt surtout les impressionna: ils la virent toute pâle, fraiche, nimbée d'argent et endiamantée, ivre de l'apothéose de son réveil ; ils la virent exultant en la splendeur des midis d'azur et de feu ; ils la virent incendiée du colossal empourprement des soirs, et engendrant une telle émouvante mélancolie que tous deux frissonnaient, délicieusement attristés par la mort de l'Astre. Mais, surtout, ils l'admirèrent en la mystérieuse obscurité de la nuit, frémissante d'une vie prodigieuse parmi laquelle ils perdaient, en extase, la conscience même de leur bonheur. A l'unisson de la vie extérieure vibrèrent leurs âmes, et ils comprirent l'Ame des choses. Ils surent les mélancolies de l'eau et l'éternelle angoisse des étoiles. Et Marie-Alice se rappela la jolie fée rose entrevue naguère, aux mauvais jours, dans des rêves extasiés, ― la blonde apparition consolatrice qu'avaient idéalisée sa virginale névrose et son besoin d'aimer. C'était elle, peut-être, qui maintenant faisait éclore à leurs lèvres des baisers brûlants, elle qui les ravissait tous les deux en l'assomption des sensations extra-humaines, elle qui, parmi les hymnes virtuels et le rayonnement des couleurs inconnues, animait les éléments et les espaces, afin que toute la nature proclamât autour d'eux la magnificence glorieuse des outrancières amours."
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(encore un livre qu’il faudra que vous lisiez, @wilhelmyna. C’est une réécriture de Tristan et Yseult. )
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helloteaparty · 9 years
Happy b-dayI hope it's the best birthday ever c:
Haha thanks so much!
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game-weaver · 2 years
Headcanon: Guard
Yugi finds it hard to sit still a lot of the time, especially in spring and summer so he tends to go on runs or hikes to burn some of his energy. Often times when he does, he is accompanied by what could only be described at a glance as a very large silver dog. But upon closer inspection you would notice that it is indeed a wolf. 
Each fae court has a selection of protectors, guards, if you will. And the Unseelie/Winter court tends to have Wulvers as theirs. Wulvers are a wingless variant of fae that can shapeshift. They’re highly protective and many choose to stay in their wolfish forms, living comfortably in either form.
Ash was brought in by Yami ( @niveux ) to help keep an eye on things and protect himself and Yugi while they stay in Domino. Though at first Yugi wasn’t used to having essentially a body guard around his home or himself, Yugi has grown increasingly fond of him and loves when he joins him on his walks.
He’s also a comfort when he has to go important gatherings in the fae realm. Yugi still isn’t used to or comfortable with being treated as a royal or noble of any kind and finds the functions exhausting. It’s a comfort to reach down and touch Ash’s soft ears or even curl up with him when he needs some quiet time away from other nobles pestering him.
Though he wonders if he can convince him sometime to turn into his human form and dance with him....
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game-weaver · 2 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill- Atem, Atem, or...very controversial please hear me out, Atem
He pouted. "Why are you saying Atem's name three times, just so I have to say I'd kill him some how?" He crossed his arms.
"Fine. Marry Atem (@niveux), fuck Atem (@sennenpharaoh), kill Atem (@macabre-shackles). Because he can't die anyway."
Sorry Arcane (@arcanelight)
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game-weaver · 1 year
Does your muse get jealous easily?
((It...Depends. If there is open communication and he doesn't get completely pushed to the side, then no, he doesn't. He and his canonical Fae Atem (@niveux) are very comfortable in their relationship and let others into it as well. The fae are very open and fluid when it comes to their relationships and desires, after all they live incredibly long lives and like to try things.
But if it were to happen that, for instance, someone slides in with the sole purpose of taking someone he loves away from him, or at least their attention, in a more malicious way and he get completely ignored, then yes. He would get jealous. There is that spiteful streak in him as well and he can get territorial if the situation calls for it.
It's all about communication and understanding one another with him.))
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game-weaver · 5 years
Fae: ‘ it struck me that i don’t show my feelings for you enough. ’
He tilted his head before smiling gently and brushing Yami’s bangs out of his eyes. “That’s okay, I’ve come to know you over these years. I know your body language, even if you close down and get quiet, I know you still love me.” 
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“You don’t have to show it all the time. I love you too, you know that?” 
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noctisday · 5 years
The Princes Return
Oberon paced and paced, the ceremony was drawing close and he had still not received definitive word that his son would even attend, let alone stand with him. Then there was a knock and when he turned, he felt a lump form in his throat. How like the prince he looked...
He was a prince. His son, half human or not, was of his blood. And while he looked similar, he could see the differences now. This was no trick and no cruelty. It was a chance at a new start.
He held out an arm and the new prince stepped forward, practically shaking with nerves. The King placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"It will be just fine," he promised softly. "You will do great."
And so they stepped out together to face the crowd.
"Everyone!" He raised his hands to quiet them down. "We all know that it has been difficult, losing a young princeling. Grief...Has made it hard to move on. But over the last couple years I have come to the conclusion that now is the time to finally do that. To take steps forward, instead of always looking at the past."
He let out a sigh, pausing as his eyes glanced over the Queen of Winter and her son. "For more than just us." He finally continued. "Those years ago we lost not just one Prince but two. In different ways, but two kingdoms felt a loss. And for that, I am truly sorry." There were murmurs until he held up his hands again for quiet.
"But now is even more a time to celebrate than just merely the turn of the season. For not just one prince has returned, but we are gifted with the arrival of another." He turned to his son. "Unknown to me for all this time, I had a son. But now, now he is found. And he has come home."
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game-weaver · 5 years
Mab walks in and Yugi just
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game-weaver · 5 years
You know kisses go both ways...
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Of course they do. So Yugi will pull him close and down into a sweet and tender kiss. Letting him go after a moment so the fae prince could flutter up and cup his face in his hands and give him a kiss of his own. For Atem was held so dearly in both of their hearts.
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game-weaver · 5 years
Think about it...
The dirt was soft in his fingers as Yugi sifted through the pot. Gently he worked, transplanting plants to larger homes so they could continue to grow, planting new seeds, new flowers and vegetables and herbs. It was a relaxing project for him and something he enjoyed doing around this time of year.
But the peace didn't seem to last and he sighed, taking the earbuds out of his ears without looking up. "You're in the middle of the city, you're going to get sick."
"...You are getting better and sensing me." Oberon looked around the rooftop garden that his son had nurtured and grown over the course of years. "What is all this?"
Yugi still didn't look at his father as he finished transplanting a lavender plant. He debated even answering. "Well there isn't much for plant life in the city unless I go to the park or the woods, so I started planting my own. It...makes me feel better."
"You miss nature." It wasn't a question.
"You can't exactly miss something you never had." He answered without hesitation, casting a glance at him as the king almost winced. "I've lived here all my life, Oberon, in this city. So I would say it's more of a...desire. Longing. I go to the woods whenever I can, but that doesn't always work. So, I come up here. It's just a knack I found I have, growing things."
"That is in your blood, whether you admit to it or not." Oberon gestured to the plants. "Growing, nurturing. Spring might be for regeneration and growth after the death of winter, but Summer...We are light and life and warmth."
Yugi sighed and sat back, looking at him. "Is that why you're here? To lecture me about what I should be?"
The king looked at him, shoulders falling before he, too sighed. "No, that is not why I am here. Listen I...The change of the season is coming soon. In our world we have a festival, a very big celebration when the seasons pass power to one another. And I wanted to invite you to it. Along...With Winters Prince."
That got Yugi's attention and his mouth almost dropped open. Slowly he stood. "This is a trap..."
"No, no it is not."
"It has to be. So you can get him when he's weakest." He was immediately defensive, gold markings flashing across his skin as he backed up.
"No, Yugi listen to me," Oberon held up his hands, showing he meant no harm. "Son...Look at me."
The halfling held his breath but he did meet his gaze.
"No more tricks, no more traps. No more...Hunting." Summer held out his hands, a crown of vines and flowers forming in his hands, shimmering gold. Setting it down on a box by Yugi's beloved plants he sighed, looking rather...Broken. No longer the lustrous, regal king. "The only thing I want, Yugi, as I have told you, is to know you, to know my son. And to apologize. The era of my wrath? It is over, I promise you that."
"Just...Think about it, okay? That is all I ask."
Before Yugi could speak, he was gone, the crown being the only evidence of him being there. The plants nestled around it growing greener and brither than ever.
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game-weaver · 6 years
"How was your nap?" He asked, nuzzling him gently and trying to help keep him steady. "There's a fresh loaf of bread on the counter if you want some. "
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game-weaver · 5 years
Winter's prince had heard the shout and had already been moving towards their living room when he heard the thud. "Yugi?" He poked his head around the corner, then fell quiet as he tried to peace together what he was looking at. "Yugi...?"
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“At--Yami?” Yugi looked up when he heard his voice, falling back to using his name only when they were in private together. But then....Was this person a stranger? No, not really. He was him, wasn’t he? He...He was so confused and felt so....Weak as he sat next to the other who was only just now waking up. 
Gold flecked eyes blinked, slowly focusing on his surroundings as he propped himself up, wings rustling. He looked up as Yugi gently touched his shoulder. Oh...Him. Himself? But he was weak...No this wasn’t right, they were one and the same...
The fae turned his attention slowly to other who entered the room. Another fae. His fae. 
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