#No Dream still didn't tell him his name even when he was only half amnesic because he knows there must be a reason ™ why
achillesuwu · 2 years
I'm just saying that just after 1789 (or 1889 for the angst?) Dream should have amnesia, be as happy as he was millennial ago and discover his power like the first time.
Basically gremlin Dream running everywhere with Hob trying to hard to not lose him
Also : dream doesn't know his own name so they are basically
Dream : so you are my friend?
Hob : yeah!
Dream : wonderful!! What is my name?
Hob : so– hum—
WHAT IF Constantine is trying to catch them and dream just basically yeet himself and Hob through the window (Hob does not want to talk about his scream thank you very much) and dream make. them. FLY. with his SAND (which Hob find fucking awesome because HE IS FLYING!?!)
Dream creating his first little nightmare 🥺🥺 it's a very small spider that can steal your face and make you eat your own hand, he explains, he find it so cute 🥺🥺🥺 ( Hob disagree, that shit if fucking terrifying) He calls it Flower 🥺🤧
(hob very much want his old wizard friend back, he was never young enough to deal with a young wizard thank you very much but what the fuck.)
What if they go see a play about orpheus and dream began to silently cry :(
He doesn’t know why but he says things like : he was taller, his hair was lighter, his smile was larger, his voice shofter
Everything about this play feel so wrong but he doesn't want to go :(
But also, if it's after 1889 and if Dream gradually get his memory back (like first love & first betrayal of Desir (idk I didn't read the comic but I think Desir played with Dream feeling at one point), his marriage and then the death of his son (where Calliope said it's his fault))
Like, Hob and dream are talking one morning and then Dream suddenly seems to light up, his mouth open in amazement and he says to hob "Nobody has loved me enough to seek me out before but, but I remember know, someone does, my friend" then he gets up and Hob is SO confuse. His friend talk about someone he is in love with he seems so happy, he says he needs to go, he needs to find her.
(Dream power are blocked here, he can't go back go the Dreaming before getting all of his memory back)
Then he suddenly stop, joy is remplaced by pur anger and madness. He stop speaking, stop trying to get out. He just walk inside and stay 3 days in his room.
When he finally come out of his room, he acts like nothing happen. Like centuries happened in 3 days and maybe it's the case for him.
Anyway, time pass, then one day his friend smile again softly and said "I'm married, we have a son". He looks so proud, so pleased. Hob is happy for him (but a part of him wonder, if you are married, then why didn't they find you yet?)
((((to answer a part of this question Jessamy is trying very hard but she can't sense her lord anymore D: ))))
Hob is proved right the next evening, he sees a flash of anger passing through his friend's eyes, he sees chock, he watch as his friend's hands began to tremble then he sees sorrow, so, so much sorrow.
Hob knows that one well. He doesn't need to ask, he knows
Tears floods from his friend's eyes, "He is dead, she left" is all he says.
When Hob try to take his hands Dream steps back "You said you are my friend, you said you like me, how can you when I bring nothing but doom?" but just like before memory seems to come back to him, like a wave, anger (barely hiding the sorrow under it) flash "I do not need you" and then he is gone
Hob is very sad at the moment :( he understand (now he has 100 reasons to make his stranger knows that they are friends 😤😤) but also he is worried about his friend (even if he is more mature than his "young wizard version", Hob knows how hard it can be). Meanwhile Dream goes hidding somewhere, he stays there and he get his memory back. However it's Death that makes him come out and getting back to his friend 😤
Just imagine 🥺 : Dream knocking on Hob's door, not looking at him in the eyes at first then when they do, he does his micro smile and "I apologise, my friend" Hob smiles at him with relief.
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