#No you are the one who doesn‘t use tags correctly!!!
juliiidaniii · 2 months
Here‘s me when i‘m not reaching milestones.
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
Liar Pt. 8
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Pairing: Taehyung(Jungkook)x Reader
Genre: Angst
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You woke up to the sound of your kettle whistling through your apartment. Looking outside of the window you saw that the sun had already disappeared behind the hills as you felt a cold breeze blowing inside causing you to close the window quickly. Rubbing your arms you felt the soft fabric of your best friend‘s hoodie against your skin and were immediately reminded of the past events.
You frowned walking into the kitchen only to discover a very concentrated Taehyung standing there preparing two mugs of steaming coffee. A smile spread across your face as you watched the scene in front of you ignoring the fact that he had been an asshole not too long ago.
You weren‘t sure if you could trust him completely but the way his brows were knitted as he carefully filled the mugs with the hot content made you feel warm inside. He was so focused on the task at hand that he didn‘t even notice you standing there.
Taehyung‘s mind was floating around the words Jungkook had told him a few hours ago as he poured coffee into the mugs. Just when he wanted to take the mugs to the living room he stopped in his tracks noticing your eyes that were calmly fixed on him. His heartbeat quickened looking at your messy hair and sleepy eyes, you looked absolutely stunning to him. He secretly imagined sharing a home with you being the one who gets to wake up to your sleepy look every day and it made him feel all nervous and giddy inside. Biting his bottom lip he tried to hide the blood from rushing to his cheeks but it was too late anyway. Smiling sheepishly he walked over to you handing you the mug which you gladly took with thanks.
You both walked back to your living room sitting down on the couch as the apartment was filled in a comfortable silence the only sound being the ballad music that Taehyung had put on in the background. His eyes were fixed on you but his mind was racing thinking about what he should say to you.
You, on the other hand, were lost in your own thoughts thinking about the missed call as you contemplated whether you should confront Jungkook about this or not. Eventually, you came to the conclusion that he was the one who had to apologize and you were not going to run after him if he was so set on avoiding you. You would wait for him to come up to you to talk like a responsible grown-up.
„Is everything alright?“, Taehyung‘s deep voice interrupted your train of thoughts making you turn your head towards him. You nodded not wanting to annoy him with your personal problems but Taehyung saw right through you. Setting down his mug he leaned closer to you to look right into your eyes close enough to take your breath away. You could see your pale reflection in his big eyes and suddenly looked away shifting in your seat uncomfortably causing a little distance between the both of you.
You didn‘t want to talk about Jungkook now and it was messing with your mind and heart to be so close to Taehyung. The silence around you suddenly became unbearable as you wished for him to say something to break it.
„Relationship problems?“, he finally spoke but his voice was merely a whisper and you thought you didn‘t hear him correctly.
You almost laughed out loud thinking back to the last encounter at the restaurant where Jungkook had lied about being your boyfriend to get rid of Taehyung. And yet he was now sitting on your couch but your best friend was the one who had left you alone. You felt the sadness crawl back up inside you but you tried to ignore it faking a smile for the boy in front of you.
„He‘s not my boyfriend, he just wanted to get rid of you“, you confessed mindlessly not even realizing the magnitude of the impact your words had on Taehyung. His eyes had doubled in size as he looked at you in utter disbelief not quite comprehending that you were in fact still single.
All of the things he dreamed about and thought were just hopeless daydreams now seemed to have potential to blossom and he wanted nothing more than to fall on his knees and confess everything to you. But he quickly found his composure again taking a long sip from his now lukewarm coffee trying to calm his mind down. But maybe caffeine was working against his plans then he suddenly couldn‘t sit still next to you. His heart was racing and his mind was clouded as he got lost in your eyes that were staring at him in confusion.
„I... I think I should go. It‘s getting late.“
You looked up at him but nodded in agreement as he got up from your couch. His face had the color of paper as he grabbed his jacket and headed to the front door. Turning around one last time he stared at you for a while as if he wanted to add something but then changed his mind last minute.
„I‘ll see you around“, he spoke lowly looking down at you as you just nodded with a weak smile which he returned. He couldn‘t tell you that the reason was that he was about to lose his mind over you if he kept sitting next to you for another minute. The little control he had over his actions was slowly disappearing after hearing your words and he had to leave before it vanished altogether and he would do something that could destroy everything all over again. He wanted to make things right this time.
Meanwhile, Jungkook was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling completely drowned in his own thoughts. He had his phone tightly pressed against his chest fighting the urge to call you again but he knew that you needed your space now and that you would call him when you were ready to talk. After all, he had made the first move and let you know that he wanted to explain things to you. So now he had to be patient and wait for you to reach out to him.
That was what his mind was telling him but his heart was bleeding inside because of the void you left behind. He wanted to hear your voice again, even if it was just you calling him an idiot. He wanted to see you and hold you again even if it was just a friendly hug. Not being able to walk into your apartment that was basically like his second home felt like never-ending torture to him. He wondered if it was so easy for you to stay away from him.
Didn‘t you miss him at all?
But in the end, it was all his fault he thought to himself feeling a single tear roll down his cheek.
He was afraid that you‘d already given up on him...
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A/N: Okay I know I promised more action but we‘re getting there. Just wait for it pls🥺😉
Poor Kookie I feel bad for him😔
Sucks being the second male lead doesn‘t it? 😩
I srsly don‘t know how long this series is going to be but we‘ll see where the story will lead us☺️ but until then fasten your seatbelts bc it‘s gonna be a wild ride!!🥳😛
Tags: @tangledsparkles @apurpledheart @tahaing
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