daydreamerprincess4 · 4 years
As I was saying:
I was stunned yet aware, I hadn’t really tried to focus on anything, so maybe it was my fault. I was angry, sad, worried, let’s just say my mind was the plot of Inside Out. So I wonder how am I, an average person, supposed to make my dreams come true? It’s not like I can put an average on my resume and start getting calls for companies to want me. Now, this is the sad and hard part of being average, all you really have to show is how much you yearn for a dream and that you will work 1000% to learn. Is that enough? Sadly, no it is not. Although in my heart I yearn for my dream job and how I will put every minute, every strength, and work hard if I had my dream job; the only thing I will get is rejection. Why? Well, is this world “putting your heart on line” or “putting 1000%” doesn’t get you that promotion or that acting gig you dream of. As I am writing this, I realize how negative it sounds but that is not my purpose. My purpose with this is to fight and give average people a fighting chance. Insane, right? You can call me crazy but us, average folks deserve a chance to take a dive in our dreams. I’m not saying that we will be perfect or amazingly great but you never know. It’s easy to look at someone and tell them straight up you have a talent or you don’t, but what if you’re wrong? What if you cast aside the average person solely for the reason that you believe they don’t have talent. I’ve always pondered how humans could easily decide who has a talent and who doesn’t. I even ask God the same questions. There are days in which I can’t get past the idea of why God, life didn’t give me a singing voice, or the smooth moves, a funny bone, or something. Anything! Again, I was stumped and torn. All I wanted was a chance, just once singular, a moment of a chance.
So what have I concluded after all this jargon, is that as an average person I implore everyone to try, to continue trying. I know that there is going to be “the” moment for average people. A day when average becomes the new talent or the new awesome. Would that be cool? I know you are thinking of why would anyone give opportunities to those that are average? Here are three:
Work Non-stop: Us average people want to continuously grow as a person but also intellectually, so we will work, work, and work. Even when our bodies and mind say no more, we will continue
Clear Mind, Clear Heart - What in the cheese does this mean? Well us average people don’t look for fame or popularity, we look to make not only ourselves happy but to make those we love proud. In order to do that we need a clear mind, no malicious thoughts or selfish acts, but a motivation of who we want to be and work towards that goal.
Loyal - Us average people don’t trust easily and when we do, we never let go of those that have put their faith in us. So, trust in me that we are loyal and will be by your side. Please do expect us to offer our opinion but never force it on you. We want the best for those we care for.

So, have I made my case? Whether or not you are an average person to the world, please don’t look down on us. We are searching and trying as hard as we can to achieve our goals and dreams. I can’t tell you the numerous times, days, and months I have cried wishing I was something, someone great. I don’t know if I will ever be a “somebody”, maybe it’s my destiny to just be average but all I know is that I’m going to fight for a chance. Even if it's just once, that’s all I ask. It is all we, us, average folks yearn for. Whether you loved this or hate it, it is out there and I don’t have any regrets. Average folks don’t have time for regrets and if you do, all you get is five minutes to whine about it and that’s all.
Sorry about the long post...but I hope it's something that made you all think and appreciate all your talented and non-talented selfs. Continuing being safe! We all have something great to offer :)
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girlwithapassport · 5 years
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It's a seat at the table for everybody. Even if you're not talented. That just means you have to be clever!!!! :) . . #notalentpress #notalentjustheart #notalentshow #notalentpunkart #notalentgeneration #notalentneeded #notalenttattoos #notalentinho #notalentnofish #notalenthere #notalentin #notalenttalentshow #notalentallguts #notalenthacks #notalentassclown #notalentim #notalentatall #notalents #notalentphotography #notalenthack #notalentrequired #notalent #notalentnoproblem #notalentcrew #notalentjusthardwork #notalento #notalentwhatsoever #prilaga #notalento👌 #notalentass https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpfF2aFWQ4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m98djvu4ysjy
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reddit-lpt · 6 years
LPT: When going somewhere solo, act knowing that friends, family, or people you know are joining in at a later time to ease loneliness and anxiety
LPT: When going somewhere solo, act knowing that friends, family, or people you know are joining in at a later time to ease loneliness and anxiety No text found by notalenthere via reddit
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