#Noah Andrew Ringer
hazyheel · 5 years
NJPW Best of the Super Juniors 2019 Day 8 Review
From main event to curtain jerking, El Phantasmo took on Ren Narita. Phantasmo quickly overpowered Narita, putting him on the mat toying with him. This was a rough match for Narita. Normally he could kinda hold his own, but Phantasmo was kicking the shit out of him. Narita was able to hit the high belly to belly, but once again couldn’t bridge. The closest Narita got was a bridging german suplex, but only a near fall. This time around, Phantasmo got the win with a big frog splash. Phantasmo: 10, Narita: 0
Grade: C+. Decent match, not a lot of back forth, but this was a fun little extended squash. Not great, but I like seeing Phantasmo being a cocky dick.
Then we had TAKA Michinoku vs. Titan. The two were grappling quite a bit, with both really being able to stand up to the other. The two chopped the hell out of each other, and Taka tied him up in knots early on. Titan got the advantage once he started to speed up the match, using his high flying to keep him on his toes. Taka was able to fight back a bit, forcing Titan to the mat for submissions, but Titan could fight out of it. Titan was actually able to get a quick win with a Michinoku driver of his own, followed by tying his legs for a submission. Titan: 4, Michinoku: 0.
Grade: B-. A weak B-, because of the super weird finish, but they had a pretty good match. I liked how Titan really had to work to create space, while still resorting to his technical wrestling ways to fight out of certain holds. I’m bummed that Taka still hasn’t gotten a win, and this really felt like his most winnable match, so I hope he gets something soon. 
Next up was Robbie Eagles vs. BUSHI. Bushi started with a flying dropkick after his pose, and they were off to the races. Once again, Bushi used the belt to whip Eagles on the outside a little bit, keeping a strong advantage in the early stages. Eagles of course worked over the leg, Eagles fought hard in the match, hitting the turbo backpack, and reversing the kickout into the Ron Miller special. Bushi fought back into the match with a couple codebreakers, and then the MX for the shocking win. Bushi: 4, Eagles: 6
Grade: B. Pretty good stuff, I think that these two are blending together really well. Bushi is getting better and better as a singles star, and this tournament is only proving that more and more. I like how Bushi is resorting to bending the rules more and more to win, and he is getting those wins. This is a big deal for him, given that Eagles is one of the front runners in Block B. I don’t know if Eagles is falling out of one of those top spots, it certainly doesn’t seem like it. But it is exciting to see him lose. 
Into Jonathan Gresham vs. Tiger Mask IV.  The two shook hands, and began on the mat as we all thought they will. Tiger Mask also kept up pressure using quick strikes, and really assaulted his midsection with strikes. Picking up the speed seemed to favor Gresham, but Tiger Mask’s experience allowed him to continue to slow things down with holds. As the two fought on the ground, grappling, Gresham had Tiger Mask in a headscissors when he hooked the leg, and got the pin. Gresham: 6, Tiger Mask: 4.
Grade: C-. I wasn’t too into this. The wrestlers didn’t seem to play much to their advantages, wanting to work a striking angle. I think that this would have been much better if they kept things on the mat. I don’t think Tiger Mask is all that great in a striking contest, but I liked the finish, and I was happy to see Gresham get another 2 points.
Then we had DOUKI vs. YOH. Douki of course attacked before the match, and threw Yoh all around the arena. Douki took a page out of Bushi’s book at one point, choking Yoh out with his own jacket. Yoh really sold his ass off for Douki during his match, making it seem like absolute agony to fight this guy. However, Yoh fought back, focusing on the leg as he normally does. Douki locked in a necktie choke, and he couldn’t really do much to get out of it, not even by tapping. There was an interesting dynamic here as they both looked for a full nelson in order to get their respective dragon suplexes. In the end, Yoh broke out of the suplex de la luna, skinning the cat on the bottom rope for a huge superkick and then a dragon suplex for the win. Yoh: 6, Douki: 2.
Grade: B-. I think this was interesting, but not overly good. I like the dynamic between both guys looking for the dragon suplex. I also think that Douki’s matches suffer from not being brawls, so a match against Yoh wasn’t going to be his best just yet. 
Next up was Marty Scurll vs. SHO. Scurll came out with his actual head and neck taped up, from the goddamn ringer that Takagi put him through last night. However, he was faking it, and he attacked Sho before the bell. Sho went to work on Scurll’s arm, ringing it out to soften it up for the armbar. Scurll attempted to keep the match in striking territory, as he could not contend with Sho’s raw strength on the mat. Commentary pointed out that Scurll was not targeting the head or arm here, but rather Sho’s cauliflowered ear. And while Scurll tried to keep things in striking, Sho proved that he can go blow for blow with him. At one point, Scurll hit almost a pumphandle michinoku driver onto the knee for a near fall. At another point, Sho actually fought out of a chicken wing with nothing but his raw strength. Scurll tried to counter the strength by breaking the fingers, but that didn’t stop Sho from using his arms for lariats. Sho was then able to nail a last ride to the knees for a near fall, followed by Shock Arrow for the win. Sho: 4, Scurll: 4.
Grade: B+. Best match on the show up to this point. They did really well together on a stacked card. Scurll didn’t outright cheat during the match, but he certainly didn’t play fair. However, Sho got a second wind, and fought back to win the match. While it is unlikely that Sho gets the actual win for his block, he can still finish on the higher end.
Now, possibly the most important match in the tournament (according to the competitors) Rocky Romero vs. Ryusuke Taguchi. Not only was this for two points in the tournament, but the winner became the head coach of New Japan. I don’t know what that means, but it is important to them. Rocky came out with basketball gear on, while Taguchi was in his classic rugby. The match actually started with Taguchi making a basket in his arms so Rocky could shoot, but the ball hit him in the head, followed by a slam dunk with the ball to the floor. So this was a goofy one. Taguchi beat him up using his ass. The two traded clotheslines and hip attacks running between the corners, the crowd loved it. It took Taguchi a while to go for the ankle lock, despite Rocky’s injured leg from his match with Yoh. Rocky went for the arm in response, and at one point, Taguchi tried to pull Rocky out of an armbar for a powerbomb, but he didn’t have enough strength. Rocky countered the Dodon into a rollup, and after a few counters, Taguchi got the pin. Taguchi: 8, Rocky: 2.
In the end, the two ended up splitting the coach responsibility. They even posed together. This is so dumb, but I’m smiling.
Grade: B. The match was alright, I wasn’t a huge fan of it. I don’t think that they leaned far enough into serious stuff nor comedy wrestling. I think it would have been better if it had gone either way. But it was a fun little match with funny moments that made me laugh.
Then we had Taiji Ishimori vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru. The two had some history from Pro Wrestling NOAH, where Ishimori has never been able to beat Kanemaru. Puts an interesting slant on this match, as Ishimori is still undefeated. Kanemaru jumped before the bell. Kanemaru quickly countered a springboard kick attempt by kicking out the arm, before dragging Ishimori into the crowd. Kanemaru tried to get the same win as last night by chucking a chair at Ishimori to get the countout, but Ishimori jumped it and made it back. Kanemaru continued to bend the rules, constantly using the ref as a weapon. Kanemaru had the whiskey, but Ishimori caught him. Ishimori was going to use the whiskey, but Red Shoes was back up and took it, only for Kanemaru to reveal that he had held onto the whiskey, and spit it at him, and a roleup for the win. Kanemaru: 4, Ishimori: 8.
Grade: B-. This was just shenanigans city right here. Kanemaru just did all his cheating spots until one stuck, and that entertained me. Ishimori’s first loss of the tournament came at the hands of a guy who patently refused to follow the rules, and it serves as some comeuppance, albeit at the hands of another heel. I liked it, although it was too short and one sided to get much more than a B-.
Into Bandido vs. Will Ospreay, a rematch from an Indie show over Wrestlemania weekend that was really good. This was for sure one that I was looking forward to. Started with a handshake, Both fliers were incredibly strong for their weight and speed, which led to an interesting match that included both power moves as well as flying. Bandido hit an awesome gorilla press into a falcon arrow, followed up with a low dropkick to the back of the head. When the two began striking, they were really beating the hell out of each other, with strikes that thundered in the arena. Bandido targeted Ospreay’s neck in striking, and Ospreay seemed to be fighting on the backfoot during this match. At one point, Osrpeay had Bandido up for a powerbomb, but Bandido countered into a reverse rana, followed by a springboard shootng star press to the outside. Another time, Ospreay hit a stundog millionaire, shoutouts to Mark Andrews, an old friend of his. At another point, Bandido drilled Ospreay with a superkick and a spike rana, only for Ospreay to roll through for a near fall. As Bandido went for the 21 plex, Ospreay held on, so Bandido hit a GTS and tried again, only for Ospreay to completely flip out of it. Bandido hit the shooting star slam, but Ospreay grabbed the bottom rope. Finally, in the finish, Bandido went for a moonsault, but Ospreay caught him on his shoulders, and it a stormbreaker out of nowhere for the win. Ospreay: 8, Bandido: 4.
Grade: A. Holy crap this was so so good. This may be my favorite match of the tournament so far. This was awesome. They flew around at crazy speeds, they beat each other into the ground with their strikes, and Ospreay nearly lost, but was able to pick up a shocking counter for the win. Bandido did great too, showing off some of his unbelievable strength and striking. They just clicked super well, and delivered a great match once again. Match of the night.
And in the main event, Dragon Lee took on Shingo Takagi, in another match that I couldn’t wait for. Lee was looking for a handshake, as he had everyone else. Takagi took it, but then pulled him in to start the match. Lee tried to kick things into another gear, but Takagi simply overpowered Lee with a hard slam. Lee wanted to go strike for strike, but interspersed that with fast paced flying. At one point, Lee went for his rana off the apron, but Takagi actually caught him and hit a Death Valley driver on the apron. Lee hit his usual corner dropkick, but it looked so painful as he connected with the side of Takagi’s head. Lee tried to go strike for strike with Takagi, this time with a knee lift and a huge lariat. Lee then hit a suicide dive, emphasis on suicide as Lee launched about 12 feet into the crowd. Takagi was hurting after that, struggling to hit the Noshigami and a pumping bomber, only getting a near fall for a lot of effort. As Takagi went for last of the dragons, Lee countered with a crucifix bomb for a near fall, and then hit a brutal running knee. Lee then hit an awesome combo, of a German off the ropes, a knee lift, a reverse rana and another knee for only a 1, and then he followed up with another running knee for a near fall. Lee almost hit desnucadora, but Takagi fought out and got last of the dragons for the win. Takagi: 10, Lee: 6.
Grade: A. Another great match to end out the night. They destroyed each other during this match, and Lee looked goddamn phenomenal. Even in losing, he came the closest to beating Takagi out of anyone so far. Takagi best the champion, as we thought he would, but he went through hell to do it. Definitely a must watch match.
Overall Grade: B.
Pros: Eagles vs Bushi; Scurll vs Sho; Rocky vs Taguchi; Ospreay vs Bandido; Takagi vs Lee
Cons: Gresham vs Tiger Mask; could’ve used more comedy for coach vs coach
Losses: Taka Michinoku, BUSHI, Ren Narita officially cannot win Best of the Super Juniors 26.
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scarletnews · 2 years
What happened to Noah Ringer? Where is he now? Biography
What happened to Noah Ringer? Where is he now? Biography
Read the full post of What happened to Noah Ringer? Where is he now? Biography here. What happened to Noah Ringer? Where is he now? Biography Who is Noah Ringer and where is he today? Noah Andrew Ringer was born in Dallas, Texas USA, on 18 November 1996 – his zodiac sign is Scorpio, and he holds American nationality. He’s an actor and a martial artist, who’s probably still known best […]
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b-reads-books · 7 years
I read 230 books in 2017.
Down fifteen from last year...I am a math genius and initially miscounted by ten somehow, so I though I had hit 240...this was not so. The fluctuations tell you when I was studying for exams. (I’m done with all my fall exams now so I only have one scheduled for next year!) I did not make a new year’s book-of-the-month resolution and did not really expand into audiobooks more either. Oh well. This was a tough year for me all around and I’m hoping for a better one to follow.
Sorrow’s Knot, Erin Bow
Strange the Dreamer, Laini Taylor
A Conjuring of Light, Victoria Schwab
The Hating Game, Sally Thorne
Always and Forever, Lara Jean, Jenny Han
Thick as Thieves, Megan Whalen Turner
The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
Now I Rise, Kiersten White
History is All You Left Me, Adam Silvera
Genuine Fraud, E Lockhart
Less, Andrew Sean Greer
In the Wreckage, Hailey Turner
Far From the Tree, Robin Benway
Complete list with more favorites in bold below the cut.
January – 23
The Lovely Reckless, Kami Garcia
The Quiet Gentleman, Georgette Heyer
Bad Blood, Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Soundless, Richelle Mead
Trouble is a Friend of Mine, Stephanie Tromly
A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray
Rebel Angels, Libba Bray
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling *
The Sweet Far Thing, Libba Bray
Beautiful, Christina Lauren
My Sister Rosa, Justine Larbalestier
Take the Key and Lock Her Up, Ally Carter
Timekeeper, Tara Sim
The Operator, Kim Harrison
Sacrifice, Cindy Pon
Declare, Tim Powers
Zinnia, Jayne Castle
Orchid, Jayne Castle
Trouble Makes a Comeback, Stephanie Tromley
The Hogwarts Collection, JK Rowling
After Dark, Jayne Castle
After Glow, Jayne Castle
Armed and Magical, Lisa Shearin
February – 21
Of Fire and Stars, Audrey Coulthurst
Infini, Krista and Becca Ritchie
Ghost Hunter, Jayne Castle
The Ghoul Vendetta, Lisa Shearin
Blood Red, Snow White, Marcus Sedgwick
Sorrow’s Knot, Erin Bow
The Infinite, Lori M Lee
A Darkly Beating Heart, Lindsay Smith
Dragon’s Bait, Vivian Vande Velde
By These Ten Bones, Clare B Dunkle
Girls on Fire, Robin Wasserman
The Trouble with Demons, Lisa Shearin
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Mark Haddon
Magonia, Maria Dahvana Headley
Blood Vow, JR Ward
Cherry, Lindsey Rosin
The Female of the Species, Mindy McGinnis
Ella Minnow Pea, Mark Dunn
Cousin Kate, Georgette Heyer
King’s Cage, Victoria Aveyard
The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden
March – 15
The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide, JR Ward
Before the Fall, Noah Hawley
The Killer in Me, Margot Harrison
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling*
Bewitched and Betrayed, Lisa Shearin
Difficult Women, Roxanne Gay
Our Own Private Universe, Robin Talley
One Blood Ruby, Melissa Marr
The Swan Riders, Erin Bow
Passenger, Alexandra Bracken
Silver Master, Jayne Castle
Dark Light, Jayne Castle
Etched in Bone, Anne Bishop
Cowboys Are My Weakness, Pam Houston
Strange the Dreamer, Laini Taylor
April – 13
Aerie, Maria Dahvana Headley
Into the Fire, Jeaniene Frost
Obsidian Prey, Jayne Castle
Midnight Crystal, Jayne Castle
Canyons of Night, Jayne Castle
A Conjuring of Light, Victoria Schwab
Listen to the Moon, Rose Lerner
Beheld, Alex Flynn
Wayfarer, Alexnadra Bracken
The Song Rising, Samantha Shannon
Silence Fallen, Patricia Briggs
Because of the Sun, Jenny Torres Sanchez
The Hating Game, Sally Thorne
May – 19
Big Little Lies, Lianne Mortiarty
Crown Duel, Sherwood Smith
Spindle, EK Johnston
Always and Forever, Lara Jean, Jenny Han
The Bone Witch, Rin Chupeco
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling*
Empress of a Thousand Skies, Rhoda Belleza
The Thief, Megan Whalen Turner*
The Queen of Attolia, Megan Whalen Turner
The King of Attolia, Megan Whalen Turner
A Conspiracy of Kings, Megan Whalen Turner
Thick as Thieves, Megan Whalen Turner
Tales of the Peculiar, Ransom Riggs
It Ends with Us, Colleen Hoover
Hunted, Meagan Spooner
The Chosen, JR Ward
The Girl from Everywhere, Heidi Heilig
Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
A Crown of Wishes, Roshani Chokshi
June – 23
Girl Out of Water, Laura
Radio Silence, Alice Oseman
The Lost Night, Jayne Castle
Caraval, Stephanie Garber
Cold-Hearted Rake, Lisa Kleypas
Starfall, Melissa Landers
Marrying Winterbourne, Lisa Kleypas
How to Be a Person in the World, Heather Havrilesky
Devil in Spring, Lisa Kleypas
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling*
Stranger in My Arms, Lisa Kleypas
Grunt, Mary Roach
Again the Magic, Lisa Kleypas
The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
A Court of Wings and Ruin, Sarah J Maas
The Cold Eye, Laura Anne Gilman
Secrets of a Summer’s Night, Lisa Kleypas
It Happened One Autumn, Lisa Kleypas
The Devil in Winter, Lisa Kleypas
A Scandal in Spring, Lisa Kleypas
Stiff, Mary Roach*
Damaged Like Us, Krista and Becca Ritchie
Deception Cove, Jayne Ann Krentz
July – 19
White Hot, Ilona Andrews
Now I Rise, Kiersten White
The Distance Between Us, Kasie West
As You Wish, Cary Elwes*
Wintersong, S Jae Jones
Our Dark Duet, Victoria Schwab
A Wallflower Christmas, Lisa Kleypas
The Hot Zone, Jayne Castle
Not Your Sidekick, CB Lee
All-American Girl, Meg Cabot
Indigo, Beverly Jenkins
Mine Till Midnight, Lisa Kleypas
Unnatural Deeds, Cyn Balog
Avenged, Amy Tintera
The Upside of Unrequited, Becky Albertalli
Seduce Me at Sunrise, Lisa Kleypas
Tempt Me at Twilight, Lisa Kleypas
The People We Hate at the Wedding, Grant Ginder
The Ship Beyond Time, Heidi Heilig
August – 15
History is All You Left Me, Adam Silvera
Love in the Afternoon, Lisa Kleypas
Frogkisser! Garth Nix
Dating You, Hating You, Christina Lauren
Wildfire, Ilona Andrews
Swarm, Scott Westerfeld et al
Split the Sun, Tessa Elwood
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Mackenzi Lee
Night Hawk, Beverley Jenkins
Unleashed, Sophie Jordan
Masquerade, Laura Lam
The Wish Granter, CJ Redwine
In Other Lands, Sarah Rees Brennan
Married by Morning, Lisa Kleypas
Gem and Dixie, Sara Zarr
September – 14
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, JK Rowling et al
The Angel of Losses, Stephanie Feldman
David, Johnny Worthen
Down Among the Sticks and Bones, Seanan McGuire
Carve the Mark, Veronica Roth
Slammed, Colleen Hoover
Silver Silence, Nalini Singh
Genuine Fraud, E Lockhart
Girl Mans Up, ME Girard
Dreaming of You, Lisa Kleypas
Crazy Rich Asians, Kevin Kwan
Then Came You, Lisa Kleypas
When Dimple Met Rishi, Sandhya Menon
Topaz, Beverley Jenkins
October – 15
Vanguard, Ann Aguirre
The Pearl Thief, Elizabeth Wein
The Ruby in the Smoke, Philip Pullman
The Debt, Karina Halle
Point of Retreat, Colleen Hoover
Crystal Storm, Morgan Rhodes
The Courtesan Duchess, Joanna Shupe
The Harlot Countess, Joanna Shupe
The Lady Hellion, Joanna Shupe
Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
Good Behavior, Blake Crouch
Sunshine, Robin McKinley
Warcross, Marie Lu
Someone to Watch Over Me, Lisa Kleypas
Lovers Like Us, Krista and Becca Ritchie
November – 26
The Scorpio Races, Maggie Stiefvater
Tower of Dawn, Sarah J Maas
Iron Cast, Destiny Soria
Lady Sophia’s Lover, Lisa Kleypas
Worth Any Price, Lisa Kleypas
Where’s My Hero? Kisa Kleypas et al
Roar, Cora Carmack
Somewhere I’ll Find You, Lisa Kleypas
China Rich Girlfriend, Kevin Kwan
Less, Andrew Sean Greer
Because You’re Mine, Lisa Kleypas
All the Dirty Parts, Daniel Handler
Jane, Unlimited, Kristin Cashore
Where Dreams Begin, Lisa Kleypas
The Shadow in the North, Philip Pullman
In the Wreckage, Hailey Turner
10% Happier, Dan Harris
Archangel’s Viper, Nalini Singh
Suddenly You, Lisa Kleypas
The Possible, Tara Altebrando
In the Ruins, Hailey Turner
Before the Devil Breaks You, Libba Bray
Ringer, Lauren Oliver
When Strangers Marry, Lisa Kleypas
Terminal Alliance, Jim Hines
Only with Your Love, Lisa Kleypas
December – 27
The Way I Used to Be, Amber Smith
Want, Cindy Pon
Midnight Angel, Lisa Kleypas
Rich People Problems, Kevin Kwan
Dress Codes for Small Towns, Courtney Stevens
Prince of Dreams, Lisa Kleypas
In the Shadows, Hailey Turner
The Knowing, Sharon Cameron
Release, Patrick Ness
A Line in the Dark, Malinda Lo
Love, Come to Me, Lisa Kleypas
Con and Conjure, Lisa Shearin
Always Hungry? David Ludwig
One Dark Throne, Kendare Blake
In the Blood, Hailey Turner
Rosemary and Rue, Seanan McGuire
The Language of Thorns, Leigh Bardugo
Heat Wave, Karina Halle
Far From the Tree, Robin Benway
All Spell Breaks Loose, Lisa Shearin
The Girl in the Tower, Katherine Arden
A Local Habitation, Seanan McGuire
An Artificial Night, Seanan McGuire
Late Eclipses, Seanan McGuire
One Salt Sea, Seanan McGuire
Wedding Bells, Magic Spells, Lisa Shearin
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan
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fletchingandnock · 7 years
& Sons by David Gilbert | Review
I was but a child when I bought this book. A pretentious adolecent who had just read The Catcher in the Rye and now, at that age when you start drinking wine at dinner, I fancied myself an intellectual, a young Hemingway destined for philosophical discussions on parisian balconies and deep, fiery love affairs in the heart of Havana. In keeping with this fantastic life that spotty, slightly overweight developing alcoholic had envisioned for themself, I bought a book, not too fat, not too thin, with pretty picture of the Manhattan skyline on the cover. That’ll look great on my shelves, I thought to myself, and it did, for many years, until I grew up and actually read the damn thing.
Incidentally, it was & Sons, Gilbert’s last novel to date, that brought these cringe-inducing memories back to me, as I’m sure that if that young cretin I was had their way, I would inevetibly turn out like a far less successful Andrew Dyer, the main focus of the book; a beloved novelist in decline, both in his career, his physical well-being and his familial bonds, as well as the author of acclaimed coming-of-age novel Ampersand (a piece of punctuation that also appears in the title of Gilbert’s novel, I am yet to discover whether this has any signicance; perhaps there’s something in the fact that the ampersand is literally put before ‘Sons’), which, in the novel’s universe, rivals Catcher in terms of popularity. There’s even a paragraph or two comparing the two books. The story is told through the narration of Philip Topping, aspiring novelist, middle-class trainwreck and son of Andrew’s deceased best friend, who follows the lives of the reclusive writer and his titular sons: a recovered addict, an obsessive film-maker and a sexually-frustrated teenager, apparantly the illegitamate child of Andrew and a swedish au pair. Philip’s apparently all-knowing narration delves into the other character’s most intimate moments and consciousnesses, providing the reader with an omniscient but still grounded platform from which to view the events taking place in the novel. In my opinion, it is the sharp and charming narration that is the highlight of the book, although it often sinks into pretentiously complex literary fumblings (What exactly is a ‘dyslexic sunset’?).
Gilbert is clearly influenced by Salinger, but not in the sense of his literary style or technique. Salinger’s influence is far more explicit; Andrew is assuredly an analogue for Salinger himself, the reclusive author of an iconic bildungsroman. His youngest son, Andy, is a dead ringer for Holden Caulfield, a somewhat neurotic smart-ass, young and aimless in New York, minus the hunting cap. There’s even a moment where Andy finds himself at the Central Park Carousel. The many references and comparisons to Salinger often read as a love-letter to the novelist, and can even become grating. Happily, however, the book doesn’t rely on the presumption that you’ve read Catcher, but stands on its own work, the references to the influences merely being subtle nods to the fans of Salinger’s work.
I fell for this book terribly quickly, burning through the first half in a matter of hours. The writing is lyrical and comedic, yet still possessing a sense of solemn beauty throughout. Each character feels fleshed out, each with their own set of issues that are certainly connected their family but not dependent upon them. It feels real and raw, but still lighthearted and sparkling. It puts me in mind of the 2017 Noah Baumbach film The Meyerowitz Stories, a true gaze into the subtle rivalries and complicated relationships we have with our families. Beauty and melancholia, but still rooted in the everyday to which we can all relate (Aside from a plot twist in the middle of the novel which I will not reveal, but will say abruptly brings the tone of the novel to a silent and awkward halt). An underrated work of contemporary realist fiction, that I can assure you is as good as it looks on your shelves.
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junker-town · 4 years
The 2020 NFL mock draft database
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Jeff Okudah, Joe Burrow, and Tristan Wirfs are three names near the top of every mock draft.
Joe Burrow to Cincinnati and Chase Young to Washington are givens. After that, it’s anyone’s guess.
While the majority of the sports world has grinded to a halt due to the spread of coronavirus, the NFL machine has raged on.
The 2020 NFL Draft is still scheduled for April 23-25 — albeit a modified one that won’t take place in Las Vegas. With the draft coming soon, experts are trying their best to predict how it’ll all shake out.
Almost everybody believes it’ll be LSU quarterback Joe Burrow who gets picked first by the Cincinnati Bengals. The vast majority think Washington will use the second pick to take Ohio State pass rusher Chase Young. Every pick after that is up in the air.
Here at SB Nation, we’re rounding up mock drafts from all over the internet, chewing them up, and spitting out the most popular results for each team. In a survey of 42 mock drafts, these are the results (this will be continually updated ahead of the draft):
1. Cincinnati Bengals
LSU QB Joe Burrow (97.6%)
Oregon QB Justin Herbert (2.4%)
2. Washington
Ohio State Edge Chase Young (83.3%)
Alabama QB Tua Tagovailoa (11.9%)
Trade down (4.8%)
3. Detroit Lions
Ohio State CB Jeff Okudah (54.8%)
Trade down (28.6%)
Ohio State Edge Chase Young (9.5%)
4. New York Giants
Clemson LB Isaiah Simmons (26.2%)
Louisville OT Mekhi Becton (21.4%)
Iowa OT Tristan Wirfs (19.0%)
5. Miami Dolphins
Alabama QB Tua Tagovailoa (42.9%)
Oregon QB Justin Herbert (28.6%)
Trade up (14.3%)
6. Los Angeles Chargers
Oregon QB Justin Herbert (45.2%)
Trade up (26.2%)
Alabama QB Tua Tagovailoa (11.9%)
7. Carolina Panthers
Clemson LB Isaiah Simmons (35.7%)
Auburn DT Derrick Brown (31.0%)
Ohio State CB Jeff Okudah (14.3%)
8. Arizona Cardinals
Alabama OT Jedrick Wills (40.5%)
Iowa OT Tristan Wirfs (31.0%)
Georgia OT Andrew Thomas (7.1%)
9. Jacksonville Jaguars
Auburn DT Derrick Brown (31.0%)
South Carolina DT Javon Kinlaw (28.6%)
Louisville OT Mekhi Becton (7.1%)
Oregon QB Justin Herbert (7.1%)
10. Cleveland Browns
Georgia OT Andrew Thomas (31.0%)
Louisville OT Mekhi Becton (23.8%)
Iowa OT Tristan Wirfs (16.7%)
11. New York Jets
Alabama WR Jerry Jeudy (21.4%)
Oklahoma WR CeeDee Lamb (14.3%)
Alabama OT Jedrick Wills (11.9%)
Alabama WR Henry Ruggs III (11.9%)
Louisville OT Mekhi Becton (11.9%)
12. Las Vegas Raiders
Oklahoma WR CeeDee Lamb (38.1%)
Alabama WR Jerry Jeudy (33.3%)
Utah State QB Jordan Love (7.1%)
Florida CB CJ Henderson (7.1%)
Alabama WR Henry Ruggs III (7.1%)
13. San Francisco 49ers (via Colts)
Oklahoma WR CeeDee Lamb (26.2%)
Alabama WR Jerry Jeudy (26.2%)
Alabama WR Henry Ruggs III (23.8%)
14. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Georgia OT Andrew Thomas (33.3%)
Louisville OT Mekhi Becton (11.9%)
Iowa OT Tristan Wirfs (11.9%)
Alabama OT Jedrick Wills (11.9%)
15. Denver Broncos
Alabama WR Henry Ruggs III (40.5%)
Alabama WR Jerry Jeudy (11.9%)
Oklahoma WR CeeDee Lamb (11.9%)
16. Atlanta Falcons
Florida CB CJ Henderson (33.3%)
LSU Edge K’Lavon Chaisson (33.3%)
South Carolina DT Javon Kinlaw (14.3%)
17. Dallas Cowboys
LSU Edge K’Lavon Chaisson (31.0%)
Florida CB CJ Henderson (28.6%)
LSU CB Kristian Fulton (9.5%)
18. Miami Dolphins (via Steelers)
Houston OT Josh Jones (23.8%)
Alabama S Xavier McKinney (16.7%)
USC OT Austin Jackson (11.9%)
19. Las Vegas Raiders (via Bears)
LSU CB Kristian Fulton (14.3%)
Oklahoma LB Kenneth Murray (9.5%)
Alabama S Xavier McKinney (9.5%)
LSU LB Patrick Queen (9.5%)
20. Jacksonville Jaguars (via Rams)
Alabama CB Trevon Diggs (19.0%)
LSU CB Kristian Fulton (14.3%)
Alabama S Xavier McKinney (9.5%)
21. Philadelphia Eagles
LSU WR Justin Jefferson (40.5%)
Clemson WR Tee Higgins (11.9%)
LSU LB Patrick Queen (9.5%)
Trade up (9.5%)
22. Minnesota Vikings (via Bills)
Baylor WR Denzel Mims (14.3%)
TCU WR Jalen Reagor (11.9%)
LSU WR Justin Jefferson (11.9%)
23. New England Patriots
Utah State QB Jordan Love (26.2%)
Iowa Edge A.J. Epenesa (11.9%)
LSU LB Patrick Queen (7.1%)
LSU Edge K’Lavon Chaisson (7.1%)
24. New Orleans Saints
LSU LB Patrick Queen (26.2%)
Oklahoma LB Kenneth Murray (23.8%)
Alabama CB Trevon Diggs (11.9%)
25. Minnesota Vikings
Penn State Edge Yetur Gross-Matos (16.7%)
TCU WR Jalen Reagor (11.9%)
LSU CB Kristian Fulton (11.9%)
26. Miami Dolphins (via Texans)
Georgia RB D’Andre Swift (28.6%)
Alabama S Xavier McKinney (21.4%)
Houston OT Josh Jones (11.9%)
27. Seattle Seahawks
Penn State Edge Yetur Gross-Matos (33.3%)
Iowa Edge A.J. Epenesa (14.3%)
Houston OT Josh Jones (7.1%)
Wisconsin LB Zack Baun (7.1%)
28. Baltimore Ravens
Oklahoma LB Kenneth Murray (31.0%)
LSU LB Patrick Queen (19.0%)
Wisconsin LB Zack Baun (7.1%)
Penn State Edge Yetur Gross-Matos (7.1%)
29. Tennessee Titans
Houston OT Josh Jones (14.3%)
Iowa Edge A.J. Epenesa (14.3%)
Penn State Edge Yetur Gross-Matos (9.5%)
30. Green Bay Packers
Baylor WR Denzel Mims (14.3%)
LSU WR Justin Jefferson (11.9%)
Arizona State WR Brandon Aiyuk (11.9%)
31. San Francisco 49ers
TCU DT Ross Blacklock (16.7%)
Alabama CB Trevon Diggs (14.3%)
Clemson CB A.J. Terrell (7.1%)
Trade down (7.1%)
32. Kansas City Chiefs
Georgia RB D’Andre Swift (14.3%)
Clemson CB A.J. Terrell (11.9%)
TCU CB Jeff Gladney (7.1%)
Michigan C Cesar Ruiz (7.1%)
Auburn CB Noah Igbinoghene (7.1%)
Trade down (7.1%)
Mock drafts used:
Dan Kadar, SB Nation | Eddie Brown, San Diego Union-Tribune | Ryan Wilson, CBS | Chris Trapasso, CBS | Pete Prisco, CBS | Josh Edwards, CBS | Chad Reuter, NFL.com | Charley Casserly, NFL.com | Nate Davis, USA Today | Luke Easterling, Draft Wire | Brad Biggs, Chicago Tribune | Sam Farmer, Los Angeles Times | Todd McShay, ESPN | Mel Kiper, ESPN | Maurice Jones-Drew, NFL.com | Tom Fornelli, CBS | Joe Marino, The Draft Network | Jordan Reid, The Draft Network | Eric Edholm, Yahoo Sports | Danny Kelly, The Ringer | Steve Palazzolo, Pro Football Focus | Matt Miller, Bleacher Report | Vinnie Iyer, Sporting News | Peter Schrager, NFL.com | C.J. Doon, Baltimore Sun | Michael Middlehurst-Schwartz, USA Today | Josh Norris, Rotoworld | Evan Silva, EstablishTheRun | Kevin Hanson, Sports Illustrated | Charles Davis, NFL.com | Ben Raven, MLive | Carmen Vitali/Scott Smith, Buccaneers.com | Dave Birkett, Detroit Free Press | Will Brinson, CBS | Sean Wagner-McGough, CBS | Henry McKenna, For The Win | Geoffrey Arnold, OregonLive | Mark Inabinett, AL.com | Tim Bielik, Cleveland Plains-Dealer | Clarence Hill, Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Ryan O’Halloran, Denver Post | Mike Kaye, NJ.com
0 notes
rtell1 · 5 years
Love is Courage
A complete compendium of all footnotes referenced in the journals.
Koresky, Michael. “Transitory Figures: One Scene from Before Sunrise.” The Criterion Collection. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/4427-transitory-figures-one-scene-from-before-sunrise. 
Lim, Dennis. “The Before Trilogy: Time Regained.” The Criterion Collection. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/4445-the-before-trilogy-time-regained. 
Kaplan, Carla. The Erotics of Talk: Women's Writing and Feminist Paradigms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. 
Archer, Ina Diane. “Review: Pariah.” Film Comment. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://www.filmcomment.com/article/pariah-review/. 
Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah I. "The Black Ecstatic." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 24, no. 2 (2018): 343-365. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/696685. 
Taylor, Ella. “A Good Daughter, But A 'Pariah' Among Her Own.” A Good Daughter, But A 'Pariah' Among Her Own | WBUR News. WBUR, December 29, 2011. https://www.wbur.org/npr/144382846/a-good-daughter-but-a-pariah-among-her-own. 
Badiou, Alain. In Praise of Love. Serpents Tail, 2013. 
Wenders, Wim. “An Attempted Description of an Indescribable Film.” The Criterion Collection. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/1289-an-attempted-description-of-an-indescribable-film. 
Wings of Desire. Directed by Wim Wenders. Germany: Road Movies Filmproduktion, Criterion. 
Reeder, John P. "Benevolence, Special Relations, and Voluntary Poverty: An Introduction." The Journal of Religious Ethics 26, no. 1 (1998): 3-15. www.jstor.org/stable/40015252.
Marriage Story. Directed by Noah Baumbach. United States: Netflix. 
Oord, Thomas Jay, and Frans De Waal. The Altruism Reader: Selections From Writings on Love, Religion, and Science. Conshocker, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2008. 
Ebert, Roger. “Blue Valentine Movie Review & Film Summary (2011).” RogerEbert.com, January 5, 2011. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/blue-valentine-2011. 
Field, Tiffany. “Romantic Breakups, Heartbreak and Bereavement—Romantic Breakups.” Psychology 02, no. 04 (2011): 382–87. https://doi.org/10.4236/psych.2011.24060. 
Kelly, Emma. “The Priest's Speech about the Awfulness of Love in Fleabag Finale Is Perfect.” Metro. Metro.co.uk, April 9, 2019. https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/09/priests-speech-awfulness-love-fleabag-finale-us-feelings-9136354/. 
Betancourt, Manuel. “'Phantom Thread' Is the Love Story for Assholes We've All Been Waiting For.” Electric Literature, March 15, 2019. https://electricliterature.com/phantom-thread-is-the-love-story-for-assholes-weve-all-been-waiting-for/. 
Rosner, Helen. “‘Phantom Thread’ Is the Best Food Movie in Ages.” The New Yorker. The New Yorker, March 3, 2018. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-gastronomy/phantom-thread-is-the-best-food-movie-in-ages. 
O’Malley, Sheila. 2018. “Love, After A Fashion.” Film Comment 54 (1): 24–29. Http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy1.library.jhu.edu/login.a spx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=126976695&site=ehost-live&scope=site. 
Cox, Jamieson. “Avril Lavigne: Let Go.” Pitchfork. Pitchfork, December 16, 2018. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/avril-lavigne-let-go/. 
Krznaric, Roman. “The Ancient Greeks' 6 Words for Love (And Why Knowing Them Can Change Your Life).” YES! Magazine, December 27, 2013. https://www.yesmagazine.org/happiness/the-ancient-greeks-6-words-for-love-and-why-knowing-them-can-change-your-life. 
Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Directed by John Cameron Mitchell. United States: Killer Films, Criterion. 
Dowd, A.A. “Wim Wenders' Paris, Texas Is Less about America than ‘America.’” Film. Film, September 14, 2018. https://film.avclub.com/wim-wenders-paris-texas-is-less-about-america-than-a-1798267666. 
Matthews, Christopher. "Love at First Sight: The Velocity of Victorian Heterosexuality." Victorian Studies 46, no. 3 (2004): 425-54. www.jstor.org/stable/3829668. 
Orr, Christopher. “The Movie Review: Closer.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, January 19, 2011. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2005/03/the-movie-review-closer/69613/. 
Said, SF. “Start the Year 2005 Film: Perfectionist Driven by the Power of Love.” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, January 1, 2005. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/3634164/Start-the-year-2005-film-Perfectionist-driven-by-the-power-of-love.html. 
Lindholm, Charles. "Romantic Love and Anthropology." Etnofoor19, no. 1 (2006): 5-21. www.jstor.org/stable/25758107. 
Ebert, Roger. Roger Eberts Movie Yearbook 2009. Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel Pub., 2009. 
Henderson, Odie. “If Beale Street Could Talk Movie Review (2018): Roger Ebert.” RogerEbert.com, December 10, 2018. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/if-beale-street-could-talk-2018. 
Dargis, Manohla. “'If Beale Street Could Talk' Review: Trusting Love in a World Ruled by Hate.” The New York Times. The New York Times, December 12, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/12/movies/if-beale-street-could-talk-review.html. 
Freeburg, Christopher. “Baldwin and the Occasion of Love.” Chapter. In The Cambridge Companion to James Baldwin, edited by Michele Elam, 180–93. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. doi:10.1017/CCO9781107337725.013. 
Before Sunrise. Richard Linklater. United States: Columbia Pictures, 1995, Criterion. 
Dowd, A.A. “Call Me by Your Name.” The A.V. Club. Accessed October 15, 2019. https://www.avclub.com/there-arent-many-summer-love-stories-as-rapturously-bit-1820662005. 
Schneider, Susan. "The Philosophy of 'Her'". The New York Times Blogs (Opinionator). March 2, 2014 Sunday.Https://advance-lexis com.proxy1.library.jhu.edu/api/document?collection=news& \id=urn:c ontentItem:5BN1-MTK1-JBKK-53MB-00000-00&context=1516831. 
Zacharek, Stephanie. “Her: ILove, American Style.” The Village Voice. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://www.villagevoice.com/2013/12/17/her-ilove-american-style/. 
Syrek, Ryan. “Love Hert-z.” The Reader, March 13, 2019. https://thereader.com/film/herreview. 
Jenkins, David. “Her Review.” Little White Lies. Accessed December 15, 2019. https://lwlies.com/reviews/her/. 
Wong, Brittany. “Are Men Really Having A 'Friendship Crisis'?” HuffPost. HuffPost, November 6, 2019. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/men-friendship-crisis_l_5dbc9aa7e4b0576b62a1e90f. 
Collins, K. Austin. “'My Own Private Idaho' Is a Queer Masterpiece.” The Ringer. The Ringer, September 29, 2016. https://www.theringer.com/2016/9/29/16043752/my-own-private-idaho-gus-van-sant-520b847ed1f. 
Popova, Maria. “C.S. Lewis on True Friendship.” Brain Pickings, November 29, 2018. https://www.brainpickings.org/2014/09/08/c-s-lewis-four-loves-friendship/. 
My Own Private Idaho. Directed by Gus Van Sant. United States: Fine Line Features, 1991. Criterion.
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
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Noah Ringer Bio, Movies, Martial Arts, Relatonships, Height, & Net Worth Actor and martial artist Noah Ringer photo Quick Facts of Noah Andrew Ringer Full Name Noah Andrew Ringer Net Worth $2 million Date of Birth 1996 /11 /18 Nickname Avatar Marital Status Not Married Birthplace Dallas, Texas, US Ethnicity White Profession Actor Nationality American Active Year 2010-present Eye colour Dark Brown Hair colour Dark Brown Height 5 feet 5 inch Children No Horoscope Scorpio …
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solarfilmworkshops · 8 years
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The Last Airbender 2? GET IT RIGHT, SHYAMALAN! Or maybe YOU could LIGHT & SHADOW: 2-Day Directing Workshop FEB 25-26 http://www.solarnyc.com/workshops/ Join us, ADAPTATIONS DESERVE BETTER!
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babaalexander · 7 years
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Great Birthday Wishes to Actors Born November 18 Nathan Kress Owen Wilson Jake Abel Damon Wayans Mathew Baynton John Karna Ahmed Helmy Oscar Nunez Nate Parker Pedro Infante (1917-1957) Noah Ringer Andrew Jacobs Romany Malco Luke Youngblood Pablo Lyle Jimmy Essex Delroy Lindo Jameson Parker Robert Kazinsky Dennis Haskins Steven Pasquale Alfie Clarke Randy Martin Abir Chatterjee Joseph Ashton Jose Maria Galeano Nick Chinlund Dan Bakkedahl Gor Hakobyan John McMartin (1929-2016) Ahmed Zaki (1949-2005) David Hemmings (1941-2003) Tim Guinee Eric Pierpoint Lau Dan Goran Kostic Arthur J. Nascarella #NathanKress #OwenWilson #JakeAbel #DamonWayans #MathewBaynton #JohnKarna #AhmedHelmy #OscarNunez #NateParker #NoahRinger #AndrewJacobs #RomanyMalco #LukeYoungblood #PabloLyle #JimmyEssex #DelroyLindo #JamesonParker #RobertKazinsky #DennisHaskins #StevenPasquale #AlfieClarke #RandyMartin #AbirChatterjee #JosephAshton #JoseMariaGaleano #NickChinlund #DanBakkedahl #GorHakobyan #TimGuinee #EricPierpoint #LauDan #GoranKostic #ArthurJNascarella
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allbestnet · 8 years
146 more books to read;-)
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4D Leadership: Competitive Advantage Through Vertical Leadership Development - By Alan Watkins
Wicked & Wise: How to Solve the World's Toughest Problems - By Ken Wilber and Alan Watkins
Voice Training: Get A Deeper Voice In 7 Days Or Less! Get Women Using Power, Influence & Attraction! - By Robert Moore
Voice Lessons: Vocal Training for Improving your Speaking Voice - By L. K. Fisher
Raise Your Voice - By Jaime J. Vendera
Complete Handbook Of Voice Training - By Richard Alderson
Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence - By Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins
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The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance - By Tony Schwartz, Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy
The Power of Story: Change Your Story, Change Your Destiny in Business and in Life - By Jim Loehr
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The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace - By Pedram Shojai
Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now. - By M.D. Masley Steven and PhD Bowden Jonny
The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet: The 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula That Resets Your Metabolism To Lose Up to 5 Pounds a Week - By Yuri Elkaim
Always Hungry?: Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells, and Lose Weight Permanently - By David Ludwig
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What to Do When its Your Turn (and its Always Your Turn) - By Seth Godin
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Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? - By Seth Godin
Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way - By Steven Pressfield
It's Not All About Me: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone - By Robin Dreeke
Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness - By Alan Garner
Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions - By Guy Kawasaki
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Life Mastery: How To Unleash Your Hidden Potential And Achieve Everything You've Ever Wanted - By Stefan Pylarinos
F.U. Money: Make As Much Money As You Damn Well Want And Live Your LIfe As YOu Damn Well Please! - By Dan Lok
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains - By Nicholas Carr
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The Art of Peace: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido - By Morihei Ueshiba
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From Beginning to End - By Robert Fulghum
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The Five People You Meet in Heaven - By Mitch Albom
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence - By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence - By Jacob Lund Fisker
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Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything - By Victor J. Strecher
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Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World - By Adam Grant
Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life - By Amy E. Herman
Grit: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up - By Martin Meadows
Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts - By Susan Cain
The Art of People: 11 Simple People Skills That Will Get You Everything You Want - By Dave Kerpen
The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence - By Dacher Keltner
Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average - By Joseph T. Hallinan
How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life - By Caroline Webb
Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire - By Paul Smith
The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness - By Todd Rose
Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire - By Paul Smith
Budget: Small Changes, Big Rewards - By Heidi Farrelly
Understanding the Messages of Your Body: How to Interpret Physical and Emotional Signals to Achieve Optimal Health - By  Jean-Pierre Barral D.O.
The Importance Of Living - By Lin Yutang
Profit First: A Simple System to Transform Any Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine. - By Mike Michalowicz
Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy - By Robert H. Frank
Simple Success Secrets No One Told You About - By  John Carlton
The Entrepreneur's Guide To Getting Your Shit Together - By John Carlton
White Horses: A Spiritual Journey along the Path of Happiness - By John Aston White
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do - By Sarah Knight
Simply Rich: Life and Lessons from the Cofounder of Amway: A Memoir - By Rich DeVos
The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users - By Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick
Spin Sucks: Communication and Reputation Management in the Digital Age - By Gini Dietrich
What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles that Separate the Best from the Rest - By Denise Lee Yohn
Decoding the New Consumer Mind: How and Why We Shop and Buy - By Kit Yarrow
Hello, My Name Is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick - By Alexandra Watkins
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products - By Nir Eyal
Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing - By Douglas Van Praet
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