#Noelle Kaitlyn
foreverlilmeowmeow · 11 months
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Title: I've Always Loved you Pairing: Park Jimin x f!reader Word Count: 3k+ Genre: Fluff, Holiday au Summary: You haven't seen Park Jimin in over three years and now your walking into his house to celebrate the spooky season of Halloween. Your feelings mixed as you try to avoid him, but find out he's everywhere. Will you admit your feelings or leave with rejection, find out in this Halloween special! Warning: drinking, kissing, making out, thoughts of feelings on someone else, heartbreak, I never know how to label these things...
Notes: Hello everyone! I hope you all had a very spooky Halloween and that you all stayed safe! I know I ended up staying home cause it started snowing, but with the season of Halloween I decided to write this little drabble and hope you enjoy it! Notes 2: Anyway, this is my first time writing something for BTS so sorry if the guys sound a bit out of character... I was trying something new so feed back is always welcome! Anyway, enjoy the rest of Halloween if your in the states, if not Happy November first! Byeee!!!
“What do you mean ‘you're not going’? You said you would go with me and you promised you would be there.” Your best friend Kaitlyn said as you and her were heading to Jimin’s house for a halloween party.
“I’m. Not. Going. How confusing is that?” you replied as you were laying in bed scrolling through your socials. You hadn’t seen Jimin in what felt like years, and going to this Halloween party meant bumping into him since the party was at his house.
“It's not, but you promised, so you're going. Now get dressed, or I’ll pick out the costume you're wearing, and you know which one I’d put you in.” Kaitlyn said as you gave her a look.
“I am not wearing that costume, and you know my reasoning. Why are you being such a bitch today?” 
Kaitlyn shrugged, “Don’t go back on your promises and I won't be a bitch, simple as that.” She said with a huge grin on her face. You groaned knowing that this party could last all night, but being around the others did bring a slight smile to your face. You had gotten close to Hoseok and Seokjin that maybe going to the party wasn’t such a bad idea. You just had to avoid Jimin. How hard could that be?
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☽◯☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
“I already hate it here.” You said as you looked at your friend and then at the large house in front of you. The yard and house was packed to the brim. People littered the front yard like Jimin was throwing a yard sale or something and the music that was coming from the front door seemed loud and annoying. Why in sam’s hell did you agree to come to this thing?
Kaitlyn chuckled, "Come on, let's go get a couple of drinks and we can go find Hoseok or someone. You know a ‘familiar face’ so we don’t feel so weirded out. I know I don’t like big crowds, but it was the only party that was happening tonight and we all know that Jimin can throw parties that are out of this world. We’ll have fun. Just relax okay?” Kaitlyn said as the two of you slowly made your way up to the door. You decided to dress up as Diane from The Seven Deadly Sins. Thighs out, boots up to your knee, and a similar hammer attached to your back just in case you needed to beat someone’s ass if they got too touchy. Your friend, Kaitlyn, decided to dress up as Noelle from Black Clover. She said she didn’t want to show too much skin, but if she got drunk enough you knew that she would be naked in a heartbeat. Your eyes rolling in your head as when you entered the house, it was decked out in halloween theme decorations. Fog machines, spider webs, skulls, bats, and pumpkins littering the shelves and tables that you honestly thought the house looked nice. It just made you upset because it was all at Jimin’s house and you didn’t want to be here because you hadn’t seen him in what felt like years.
“You made it! I’m surprised you got her to come!” Hoseok said as he came up to you and gave you and Kaitlyn a hug. 
“Took a lot to get her here, but she’s here and she’s not going anywhere since we took my car instead of hers.” Kaitlyn said as you huffed but hugged Hoseok back as you were happy to see him. 
“Well, come in! Lets go get you ladies something to drink! I saw Jimin spike the punch with vodka but if you have something else you want to drink, you should have brought it yourself.” Hoseok laughed as you couldn’t move to the kitchen fast enough. You swore you could hear Jimin talking to someone nearby and your heart was racing.
“Y/N! You’re here! OMG! I’m so happy you're here!” Taehyung smiled as you could tell he had already started drinking. 
“Hey, V, how are you doing?” You asked as the four of you made your way to the punch bowl and started pouring drinks. You didn’t really want to drink, but Kaitlyn said it would help you relax more so bottoms up and pray you’ll have a good night.
“I’m doing wonderful! Have you said hi to everyone? Did you lock lips with you know who?” Taehyung asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
You scrunched up your nose and shook your head, “No, I didn’t ‘lock lips with you know who.’ I have yet to see him and hope to god I don’t see him. I’m sure he had long forgotten about me and to be honest I’m okay with that.” You said as you heard some shuffling around behind you and then a voice. That voice bringing a shiver down your spine as it always sounded a bit high pitched, but not in an annoying way, more like a bell or a choir singing to you. The voice was magical that you wished you could hear the voice more often. You just didn’t know if tonight was the night you were going to confess. You and him haven’t talked for over three years. Three years of him going off to college in Seoul and you staying in Busan working because you couldn’t afford college. He had said he would visit, but as time went, he became nonexistent, which in the end broke your heart.
“Don’t see who? Were you trying to avoid someone?” Jimin asked as you all turned to see him dressed up as a vampire. His silver hair tucked back, and his beautiful brown eyes were now red from a pair of contacts you assumed he bought on Amazon.
“No one, don’t worry about it.” You said as you grabbed your drink and decided to explore the house some more. You had to get away from Jimin as your heart started to pound deep within your chest. You were scared. You were breaking. He looked more beautiful than the day he left, and you were sure he wasn’t the pure innocent boy you knew all those years ago.
“Y/n! Wait up! Don’t leave me alone with these assholes!” Kaitlyn said as Taehyung pouted slightly. He was probably the softest out of the small group that was forming in the kitchen. He was cute and funny, always knew when something was wrong, but drunk Taehyung was someone you had to watch out for. He didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, and honestly, how you were feeling, you didn’t need to have him blab about all the thoughts that were running in your head.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☽◯☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
“Wow, nice costume, didn’t think you had it in you, but fuck… you look great!” Jungkook smiled as you were now outside hanging with Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook.
“Thanks! It took some getting used, too, but I think with the tights on under the costume, I kinda feel more confident. Not walking around in a bathing suit and feeling half naked, ya know?” You smiled as Yoongi elbowed Namjoon, who seemed to have his mouth open from being in shock at how beautiful you looked in Diane’s clothing.
“You're welcome, where’s Kaitlyn? Did she come with you?” Jungkook asked as he and her sorta had an on and off relationship.
“She’s somewhere. Last I saw, she was with Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung. Who’s to say where she is now.” you replied, sipping on the weird concoction Jimin had made in the punch bowl. 
“Ah, think she’ll wanna talk?” Jungkook asked as you shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t know, she was the one that dragged me to this party. Honestly, I wanted to stay home and just watch horror flicks, but here I am…” you said as Namjoon smiled.
“Well, I’m glad you're here. Honestly, I missed seeing you around.” Namjoon spoke as your cheeks reddened from his compliment.
“I miss being around too. It's weird being back here, though. After Jimin left for college, I didn’t think any of us would hang out. I mean, Yoongi got that record deal. You went off to college as well, but stayed here, Jungkook started working along with I.” You began as you honestly didn’t want to remember the night Jimin told you he was leaving and that he wouldn’t be back until he finished. He might visit during the holidays, but when that first christmas came around, you didn’t see him, and you sure in hell didn’t see the others.
“Yeah, life just kinda got busy, but hey, three years isn’t that long, and honestly, having the party here meant there was no way Jimin was skipping this one. I mean, have you seen his place? Its fucking huge!” Namjoon said as a slight shiver went up your spine as the wind picked up out of the blue.
“Here, take this. You’ll feel warmer.” Jungkook said as he gave you his blazer. 
“Thanks, Kookie, but I’m okay. I was thinking about heading inside and seeing if I could find Kaitlyn. Think you could come join me?” You asked as everyone sorta shared a look.
“Uh, sure, I can come with you. Is everything okay?” Jungkook asked as you nodded your head. You didn’t know why but just having one of the others nearby gave you comfort. You didn’t see Jimin as a threat, but just having one of the other guys with you while he was around gave you a safe space. You were eventually going to talk to Jimin, you just weren’t ready yet and you didn’t know when you would be ready. You just needed time.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☽◯☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
“There you are! I was beginning to think you walked home. Hi! How are you?” Kaitlyn asked as you couldn’t believe she was drunk if not close to being drunk.
“Fine, hey uh, where’s Jimin? I need to uh talk to him.” You said as it was about eleven o’clock when you found your friend.
“He went upstairs with some girl who said she wasn’t feeling well… as if… honestly if she wanted to get into Jimin’s pants she could of just said ‘hey I wanna fuck you’ or something, not pretend to be sick just so she could get him alone. I mean would you do something like that? Would you pretend to be sick just to get into Jimin’s pants?” 
You shook your head, “No, because I don’t see him that way… and how many drinks have you had already? Where is Taehyung and Hoseok? Weren’t they with you last?” You asked as you looked around for your friends.
“Hobi is with his girlfriend and Tae went to go look for you. Said he really wanted you to go talk to Jimin before it was too late, whatever that means. I know you lik-” You covered Kaitlyn’s mouth before she could talk anymore. Your heart pounding in your chest again as you didn’t need the others and whoever else was around to know you liked him. Sure, you and Jimin were best friends growing up but who’s to say he didn’t find someone while he was off to college. He could have settled on a girl in his class and just couldn’t make it tonight. You just had to find some way around it so your heart could calm down.
“Well, here’s your boyfriend, try not to make a scene okay?” You said as Jungkook smiled at Kaitlyn and then watched as you disappeared upstairs where you were honestly afraid you were going to run into Jimin fucking some random girl, breaking your heart even more.
“So, do you really like her? I mean she’s been avoiding you since she showed up. What kind of person does that?” you heard someone talk as Jimin spoke next.
“Someone who is scared to admit their feelings, but I get it. I just hadn’t had the chance to talk to her since she got here because everyone keeps bothering us. I’m sure we’ll talk eventually but for now…” Jimin paused as the person he was talking with started to giggle, “You need to lay down and get some rest, I’ll come check on you in a little bit.” 
The person spoke once more as you felt your heart sink knowing he had been wanting to talk to you since you got here, but everyone kept bothering you two so you were both never alone.
“Well, if you do talk to her, Jiminie, tell her she’s stupid. Tell her the truth and tell her what you feel, because truth be told I feel like you're wasting your time with her. You could be doing so much better and I do mean better…” you rolled your eyes as you knew the person he was talking about was talking about themselves. 
“I know, but my heart is set on her and her alone. I just have to get her alone… I just don’t know how..” Jimin said as the floor creaked from underneath you and the door moved just enough for you to see who he was talking to.
“Oh, y/n, hi… um… it's not what it looks like I promise!” the girl in bed said as Jimin was sitting next to her leaned over as if he was going to give her a kiss.
“Right.. Um.. can we talk?” You asked looking Jimin right in the eyes as you felt your heart thud against your rib cage.
“Of course… just give me a second.” he said as you nodded. You walked further down the hall waiting for him. The voices in the room hushed as Jimin walked out and closed the door. His head turned in your direction as the next thing you knew your lips were against his and his arms were around his waist.
“How long?” You asked as the two of you made out in the hallway.
“How long for what?” Jimin asked as he was confused on why he was making out with you, his best friend.
“How long have you liked me?” You questioned one more time as this time you could hear the gears clicking and then a slight whine as you bit his lower lip.
“Since the day I left for college… I knew it when you said your goodbye that I knew my heart belonged to you and only you.” He said as his hands moved up your sides and slowly caged you against the wall you were now pinned against.
“Then why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you come and visit me during the holidays? Why did you stay away?” 
“Because I was scared you didn’t feel the same. I know we had joked about dating and being each other's significant other, but to be clear, it's kinda hard to not fall for… I mean look at you…” He stopped kissing you as he eyed your Seven Deadly Sins costume, “You look stunning in this… you could probably wear anything and look beautiful in it.” 
You blushed, “But what if my feelings for you were the same? I mean I just kissed you. Did that not mean anything to you?” 
Jimin arched his brow but frowned, “It does, but you have also been drinking and I don’t want your feelings getting mixed because you were under the influence. I mean… if you do like me then I must be the luckiest boy in the world, but if you don’t then I’m in deep shit because I took advantage of you…” 
“But I do like you… I’ve always liked you… Why can’t you accept that..” you mumbled as you saw what he meant by being under the influence.
“Because you're drunk, y/n… I know sober you wouldn’t be all handsy on me… you would have rather talked to me than make out with me. I just…” he pressed his forehead against yours as his lips slowly ghosted over yours softly. You could taste the vodka and orange juice but what you were also tasting was his emotions.
“So you're saying you would rather talk about this sober than with alcohol in our systems? That makes sense.” You said as you pushed yourself away from him, making him back up just a bit, “But will you remember this when you are sober?”
Jimin nodded, “Of course… I just hope you do too.” 
You frowned looking at him. You swore you didn’t have that much to drink but for being here almost close to midnight and a few drinks in, you could tell that you weren’t completely sober, but you weren’t also drunk either.
“Well, now what? I mean I clearly can’t go home, and I’m sure Kaitlyn is tongue deep in Jungkook’s mouth… Did you want me to catch a cab and talk to you tomorrow?” you asked as your heart sank knowing you could have just had a one night stand and not see Jimin after this all happening.
“No, You can uh… stay here for the night. I just have to kick Veronica out of bed so you have some place to sleep. If not, there's always the guest room.” 
You nodded your head, “Will you come hang out with me until I fall asleep? Just so I’m not alone and someone takes you know… advantage of me?” 
Jimin looked at you with questionable eyes, “No, but I’ll stay near so I can watch the door, how does that sound?” 
You pouted, “Fine, but you better keep a good eye on the door. I don’t want some creep coming in, you hear me?”
Jimin chuckled, “I hear you, I hear you. Let’s get you to bed.” he said as he took you to the guest room and smiled, “I hope you do remember this… I hope you and I can start a new chapter in our lives as a real couple, and I hope you know I do love and care for you..” 
“I love and care for you too, Jimin, I-” You were cut off by Jimin’s lips as he smiled. He walked you into the guest bedroom and laid you down as he tucked you in like a child and kissed your forehead telling you good night. The last thing after that was his smile and how you said I love you one more time. You were madly in love with him. Sober or not. You were going to remember this, you just hope he did too. 
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sporadiceagleheart · 1 month
Thursday edits for angels surrounded by angels Shan'ann Cathryn Rzucek and Bella&Nico and CeCe, Candela Sol Rodriguez, Alyssa Jane West, Emma Nicole Speer, Avielle Richman, Ava Jordan Wood, Leiliana Wright, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Lucy Morgan, Mercedes Losoya, Norah Lee Howard, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Judith Barsi and Heather O'Rourke, Makenna Lee Elrod Seiler, Eliahna Torres, Jackie Cazares, Mary E. Sullivan, Olivia Grace Thompson, Lester Stillwell, Alexis Brianne “Lexi” Stempien, Blake Lee Stafford, Emma Grace Stacks, Kelly Doyle Sparks, Christy Lea Sparks, Kelsey Shelton Smith-Briggs, Michael Daniel Smith, Alexander Tyler “Alex” Smith, Laura Ashley Skinner, James Asa Rudder, Ashley Nicole Romer, Jennifer Jailene Rodriguez, Angel Divine Randall, Miakailah Renee Ramsey-Franklin, JonBenét Ramsey, Kelli Shay Powell, Allyceea Mabel Brynne Ennis, Janet Carol Pierick, Patricia Sue Phillips, Pete Peterson I, Kaitlyn Nikol Pukatsch Parsons, Cheyenne Rose “Chey Chey” Newton, Emanuel Wesley Murray Jr., Maud H. Munn, Doris Denise Milner, Bruce Edward Miller, Ruby Miller, Lucille Miller, Gwenyth Marie McWethy, Natallie Elizabeth McNelly, Minnie E. McKendrick, Bradley Gene McGee, Joanne Ena Lynn, Jessica Marie Lunsford, Brittani Lynn LaFollette, Eva Gladys “Gladys” Kincaid, Elisa Izquierdo, James Alan Ray Hubbard, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Janessa Micheala “Nessie” Horner, Nina Viktoria “Tori” Bashenova Hilt, Angela Dawn Harter, Michelle Heather Guse, Lori Lee Farmer, Anna Katherine Grudziecke, Edith Clare “Edie” Grierson, Aiyana Emily Gauvin, Thomas Edwards Gallagher, Gerald Alfred Gaddy, Annie L Foster, Leah Foster Whitacre, Julie Alliot, Rowan Damia Ford, Kathy Fiscus, Mary Ruth Davis, Ettie E. Davis, Joan Angela D'Alessandro, Tessara Kate “Tessa” Crespi, Samantha Joy “Sammie” Crespi, Nina Craigmiles, Lacy Cheyenne Cook, Eleanor Emily Cook, Edward Parsons Cook, Dakoda James Clapper, Nevaeh Amyah Buchanan, Hayley Renae Reasor Briggs, Noelle Elizabeth Braun, Skylar Mark Brady, Edna Louise Blank, Celeste Elizabeth Berg, Teri Earlene Bender, Katherine Marie “Kathy” Beets, Barbara Ann Barnes, Bessie Barker, Baylee Almon, Marivel Mercedez Alvarez, Jessica Anders, Elli Grace Perez-Speer, Adilynn Holmes Speer, Anniston Noel Speer, Ciara Nicole Floyd, Nelani Ciara Koefer, Jade Nicole Simmons, Elizabeth Ann Byrd, Story Wren Worth, Abigail Elizabeth “Abby” Fedosoff, Kezia Mason, Isabella Sara “Bella” Tennant, Avery Lana Linda Brown, Sadako Sasaki, Sarah McKayla Brooks, Jessica Scatterson,Jessica Marie Bock, Layla Salazar, Emma Catherine Grace Thompson,
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Descendants OC Masterlist L-Z
( A - K )
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Name: Lani of Atlantica
Story: One Foot In The Sea (And One On The Shore)
Parents: Melody
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love interest: Harry Hook
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Name: Lawson Henry
Story: Impossible Dreams
Parents: Laurence Henry
Face claim: Milo Manheim
Love interest: Evie
Summary: Every VK had the same complaints about the Isle — terrible parents, terrible resources, they’dnever broken the law, every day was a battle for survival, you get the idea.  But Lawson Henry had another complaint.  He was lonely.  He may have been a part of Mal’s crew in the loosest of terms, an insignificant ally whose father was only a henchman. But he was alone, forgotten.  He never expected that to change, until a letter came from Auradon.  Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos would be going to Auradon Prep, the children of the four most feared villains on the Isle — alongside Lawson Henry, son of a bumbling servant who failed his only job.
He’s sure that it’s a mistake.  He’s sure that he’ll get to Auradon and they’ll tell him that they got it wrong, that they wanted a real VK.  Someone smart, someone powerful, someone like Uma or Harry or Celia.  Instead he’s greeted by an overenthusiastic not-princess, whose own mother was once tricked into almost marrying his father.
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Name: Lovetta Garou
Story: Hungry Like The Wolf
Parents: Big Bad Wolf
Face claim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Lucette LeFou
Story: The Wrong Monster
Parents: LeFou
Face claim: Giorgia Whigham
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Uma
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Name: Mae
Story: More Than A Dream
Parents: Fairy Godmother
Face claim: Danielle Rose Russell
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Name: Maisie
Story: Who Is The Monster (And Who Is The Man)
Parents: Esmerelda & Phoebus
Face claim: Medalion Rahimi
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Name: Maria Frollo
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: Claude Frollo
Face claim: Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary:  Maria Frollo hated her father.  It wasn’t an uncommon sentiment on the Isle, but it was still true.  She hated him.  More than she’d ever hated anyone.  Lucky for her, she met Queenie and Helena in the marketplace one day and found herself being taken under their wings.  She knows that she isn’t tough, not like they all, but if there’s one thing she learned from her father, it was how to rain hellfire down on her enemies.
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Name: Marnie Fitzwater-Hood
Story: The Weight Of Living
Parents: Maid Marian & Robin Hood
Face claim:  Ellie Bamber
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Name: Melia
Story: Scorched Earth
Parents: Hades & Maleficent / Hercules & Megara
Face claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Mireya Madrigal
Story: Waiting On A Miracle
Parents: The Miracle / Candle
Face claim: Isabela Moner
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Name: Myra Frollo
Story: Hellfire
Parents: Claude Frollo
Face claim:  Emma Myers
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Name: Nasira
Story: Running On Raindrops
Parents: Raya & Namaari
Face claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Natalia Of Maldonia
Story: Dig a Little Deeper
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim: Sofia Wylie
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Name: Nerina Sparrow
Story: Never Shall We Die
Parents: Jack Sparrow
Face claim: Anya Taylor Joy
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Name: Nerissa
Story: Lost Things
Parents: Pixie Hollow
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love interest: Chad Charming
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Name: Nettie Tremaine
Story: Sweet Nightingale
Parents: Anastasia Tremaine & The Baker
Face claim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee
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Name: Niamh
Story: Compass
Face claim: Sydney Sweeney
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Name: Noelle of Arendelle
Story: Only Love, Only Hate
Parents: Elsa
Face claim:  Kiernan Shipka
Love Interest: Ben
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Name:  Queenie Hearts
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: The Queen Of Hearts
Face claim: Madison Davenport
Love interest: Helena
Summary: First there was Mal, then there was Uma.  Mal had defected, turned good, abandoned the kids on the isle who desperately needed her help.  Uma’s martyr complex and desperation had long since outweighed her ability to come up with a real plan.  But someone needed to protect the children, needed to keep the major villains in line, needed to run the Isle with an iron first.  And that person is going to be Queenie, no matter the cost.  And if anyone objects to her revolution, well, off with their heads.
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Name: Raina Gold
Story: Deal With The Devil
Parents: Rumplestiltskin 
Face claim: Katie Douglas
Love Interest: Harry Hook ( poly sea three? )
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Name: Raisa Rasputin
Story: Bury A Friend
Parents: Rasputin
Face claim: Sophia Anne Caruso
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Name: Rini
Story: People Are Strangers
Parents: Ringmaster
Face claim: Jenna Ortega
Ship: Carlos De Vil?
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Name: Robin Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Roisin Spriggins
Story: Children Will Listen
Parents: Red Riding Hood & Jack The Giant Slayer
Face claim: Sadie Sink
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Name: Rosabelle Legume
Series: Anti-Hero Series
Story: A Rose By Any Other Name; Kiss With A Fist; You Should See Me In A Crown
Parents: Gaston Legume
Face claim:  Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Prince Ben; Harry Hook; eventual Ben & Harry
Summary: There were many reasons that Rosabelle Legume didn’t want to go to Auradon: the Beast might have her executed, she didn’t want to leave her big brother, her crew needed her, and she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Harry or to whatever relationship they had.  But there was one very good reason for her to leave: it would get her away from Gaston.  So she packs her bags and goes to Auradon with Mal and her gang - fine, whatever, she’d help them get the wand and everything would be fine.  But she wasn’t expecting to need to get close to Prince Ben to do it, and now Ro has an even bigger choice to make: Ben or Harry, Auradon or the Isle, good or evil?
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Name: Roslyn “Marcie” Hood
Story: Civility
Parents: Robin Hood & Maid Marian
Face claim:  Zoe Colletti
Love Interest: TBD
Summary: Roslyn Hood never wanted to leave Sherwood Forest.  And why would she?  She loved her life there, it was all perfect.  She had her family and she had her freedom, what more could anyone want?  But unfortunately for her, not everyone was as happy about it as she was.  And just before her sixteenth birthday, in one of his last decrees as king, the Beast King made a proclamation.  In exchange for their freedom within the forest, the people of Sherwood Forest would have to send one child — Robin Hood’s own daughter — to Auradon Prep.
Forced out of her home and into a school where no one pretended to want her around, Roslyn had to adapt.  She started going by her middle name, Marcie.  She stopped running around barefoot.  She stopped climbing up to the roofs of the school.  She bided her time, waiting until she could leave.  But when Prince Ben brings over a new group of students, she finds that her time may have come sooner than expected.
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Name: Rylan Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Saoirse Smee
Story: Awfully Big Adventure
Parents: Smee
Face claim: Millie Bobby Brown
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Name: Savina Stromboli
Story: War Of Hearts
Parents: Stromboli
Face claim:  Diana Silvers
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Name: Sloane White
Story: Ties That Bind
Parents: Snow White
Face claim:  Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Chad Charming
Summary: Sloane White had a plan.  Actually, Sloane White had several plans.  And backup plans, and backup plans for her backup plans.  She had plans for her relationship with Chad.  She had plans for the future of Bavaria, and for how she would hold title of both Queen and High Protector.  She had plans for her Aunt Evie, and for Ben’s dream of Isle reformation.  Sloane White had a plan for everything.  Except for Ben publicly proclaiming his love for one of the VKs.
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Name: Taryn Porter
Story: Strangers Like Me
Parents: Tarzan & Jane Porter
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Jay
Summary: Let’s make one thing clear, no one wanted Taryn Porter at Auradon Prep.  Well, no one except for Ben, and no one was willing to go against the prince over bringing a civilian to their school.  Her dad grew up in a jungle, raised by apes and her mom was a scientist.  Taryn absolutely, most definitely, did not belong at Auradon Prep alongside children of princes and princesses.  Maybe that’s why, when Ben decides to bring four villain kids to the school, Taryn is the only person who’s genuinely excited about more outcasts joining the student body.
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Name: Topher Charming
Story: The Weight Of Living
Parents: Prince Charming & Cinderella
Face claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Evander Grimhilde
Summary: The problem with founding a kingdom when the ruling family has no children is, of course, figuring out the line of succession.  That wasn’t the first problem with the founding of Auradon, to be fair, but it was the first one that concerned His Majesty the king.  But, in a stroke of great fortune, a royal baby was born soon after.  Christopher Charming II, son of Ella and Kit Charming, prince of Gevaudan.  And, until such time as Adam and Belle have a child of their own, the heir to the United Kingdoms of Auradon.
Fortunately, Belle and Adam have a son the following year, and Topher is bumped down to being the spare.  But unlike the spares of old, there is no room for Topher to be anything less than perfect.  He’s the eldest royal child in Auradon, the blueprint upon which every other child’s future will be mapped.  A modern day Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, but a sacrifice that he made willingly so that no other royal child would have to.  Along with being the perfect prince himself, Topher took his responsibility as Ben’s right hand incredibly seriously.  Whether that be coaching him in all of the skills that a prince should have, or tutoring him on matters of policy and protocol, or helping him draft his first official decree as king.  Whatever it may take, Topher would do anything to protect and support Ben, to help him be the best king he could be without having to sacrifice his childhood.  When Ben brings five children from the Isle to Auradon, Topher volunteers himself to help them adapt to their new home.  But his determination to see Ben’s plan succeed is put to the test when he meets Evander Grimhilde, the unfairly attractive son of the Evil Queen.
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Name: Trina Tremaine
Story: Heartless
Parents: Lady Tremaine
Face claim: Lana Condor
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Name: Tristan Of Maldonia
Story: Dig a Little Deeper
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim:  Jordan Fisher
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Name: Viatrix
Story: Love Struck
Parents: Viatrix
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Love Interest: Griffin
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Name: Violet Kingsleigh
Story: Lavender Haze
Parents: Alice & The Hatter
Face claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Cian Hearts
Summary: Violet Kingsleigh loved growing up in Wonderland, she really did.  She loved spending mornings in her aunt’s - the queen’s - gardens; she loved fighting lessons with her parents and reading with Absolem; she loved playing with the Tweedles and hide and seek with Chess; and, of course, she adored her dad’s infamous tea parties.  Yes, Violet loved everything about Wonderland.  Especially that it wasn’t in Auradon.  It was perfect.  And then the queen is cursed, and all of Wonderland knows that Auradon is to blame.  But they can’t declare war without proof, so suddenly their young princess is being sent to Auradon prep to investigate.  Violet knows her mission.  Violet is absolutely and entirely focused.  Violet is most definitely not prepared for the boy-king to have invited a group of teenagers from the Isle Of The Lost to start school on the same day as her.
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Name: Winnie Pan
Story: Where Dreams Are Born
Parents: Wendy Darling & Peter Pan
Face claim:  Haley Lu Richardson
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary: When magic was shut off from Auradon, Neverland was shut away, no one could come or go.  Unfortunately for Peter Pan, he was on the wrong side of that barrier.  Stuck in Auradon with a fully grown Wendy Darling, he had no choice but to grow up, and in fact the vanishing of the magic that had kept him young didn’t just make him age as normal, it pushed him into immediate adulthood.  And with adulthood came children.  A daughter, Winnie Pan.  Winnie was raised on Peter and Wendy’s stories about Neverland and she had long since fallen in love with it.  But it was inaccessible, she’d been told, she could never see it.  And as much as she hated it, she understood.  Until Prince Ben lets four villain children through their barrier into Auradon.  And Winnie has a realization: if one barrier can be taken down, so can the other.  And Winnie Pan will follow the second star to the right to the home she should have had, or she’ll die trying.
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Name: Winona Sykes
Story: Hungry Dogs
Parents: Bill Sykes
Face claim:  Milly Alcock
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seiwas · 11 months
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ABCD — #aali.🥣 ⨾ #aims.☁️ ⨾ #aleks.🦖 ⨾ #alexis.⭐ ⨾ #amber.🐻 ⨾ #amira.☀️ ⨾ #anne.🌻 ⨾ #andie.✨ ⨾ #angie.💎 ⨾ #ali.🐶 ⨾ #ari.🦝 ⨾ #art.🌺 ⨾ #augustine.🍂 ⨾ #autumn.🌦️ ⨾ #bea.🐁 ⨾ #bee.🪻 ⨾ #birdie.🐦 ⨾ #biscuit.🍥 ⨾ #bitti.🍞 ⨾ #bunny.🐚 ⨾ #caitie.🙈 ⨾ #carla.🌊 ⨾ #char.🐭 ⨾ #chu.🧁 ⨾ #ci tag ⨾ #cielo.💫 ⨾ #dilly.🐰
EFGH — #ej.❤️‍🔥 ⨾ #ellie.🍧 ⨾ #emmie.🧸 ⨾ #emu.🪻⨾ #erika.🦇 ⨾ #hannah.🫖 ⨾ #hash.😺
IJKL — #inez.🪼 ⨾. #iris.🐥 ⨾ #jade.🌟 ⨾ #jordan.🦊 ⨾ #kady.🕸 ⨾ #kae.🕊️ ⨾ #kaitlyn.🍯 ⨾ #kaelyn.🦖 ⨾ #katie.🦥 ⨾ #kendall.🍸 ⨾ #kc tag ⨾ #kit.⚡ ⨾ #kit.🪩 ⨾ #koi.🎏 ⨾ #kurisu.🦔 ⨾ #leah.🪩 ⨾ #lems.🍳 ⨾ #lia.🍓 ⨾ #lin.🪡 ⨾ #liv.✨
MNOP — #maeve.🌟 ⨾ #mai.🐣 ⨾ #medusa.🐍 ⨾ #midi.🥔 ⨾ #mimi.🍒 ⨾ #miriko.🦢 ⨾ #mitzi.💟 ⨾ #mocha.🍩 ⨾ #moni.🌸 ⨾ #monty.🧶 ⨾ #moss.🪲 ⨾ #nessa.🦥 ⨾ #nia.🥨 ⨾ #niku.🥩 ⨾ #noelle.🥦 ⨾ #noos.🎐 ⨾ #nova.🪐
QRST — #rina.🌙 ⨾ #riri.✨ ⨾ #roma.🎀 ⨾ #saint.🫀 ⨾ #sami.🧋 ⨾ #sav.🥝 ⨾ #selene.🌔 ⨾ #sera.🪷 ⨾ #somi.🫧 ⨾ #sua.🦦 ⨾ #t.🍓 ⨾ #tallulah.🦔 ⨾ tee.🌻 ⨾ #tina tag
UVWX — #venus.🦕 ⨾ #willow.🌱
#nonie.🫧 ⨾ #nonie.zuro ⨾ #nonie.🌻 ⨾ #nonie.⚽️ ⨾ #nonie.⭐ ⨾ #nonie.🍵 ⨾ #nonie.💌 ⨾ #nonie.🍸 ⨾ #nonie.💥 ⨾ #nonie.🍧
please let me know if i'm missing anyone/if you don't have an emoji yet or if you want to be removed!
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batllethinker · 6 months
Aston Villa Doms and Subs:
Doms: Rachel Daly, Kenza Dali, Lucy S, Mayumi, Danielle T, Rachel C, Adriana L
Subs: DVD, Anna L, Sarah M, Anna P, Lucy P, Noelle M, Jordan, Freya G, Ebony S, Simone M, Kirsty H, Miri, Alisha L
NC Courage Doms and Subs:
Doms: Marisa B, Hensley H, Haley H, Estelle J, Rikako K, Kaleigh K, Denise O, Landy M, Victoria P, Bianca SG
Subs: Malia B, Sydney C, Julia D, Mille GJ, Tyler L, Manama M, Maya M, Narumi, Casey M, Brianna P, Felicitas R, Ashley S, Meredith S, Natalia S, Danielle W, Ryan W, Olivia W,
Portland Thorns Doms and Subs:
Doms: Janine B, Bella B, Meghan K, Christine S, Hina S, Gabby P, Meghan N, Izzy D (switch), Shelby Hogan
Subs: Katherine A, Sam C, Payton L, Jessie F, Kelli Hubly, Lauren K, Marie M, Isabella O, Nicole P, Sophia S, Morgan W, Reyna Reyes
Gotham Doms and Subs:
Doms: Michelle Betos, Cassie Miller, Sam Hiatt, Mandy F, Sinead F, Esther G, Lynn W, Katie S, Crystal, McCall
Subs: Margaret Purce, Maitane, Rose L, Yazmeen, Kristen E, Emily S, Delanie S, Taryn T, Jenna N, Maycee B, Tierna D, Nealy M, KO, Bruninha, Abby S
San Diego Wave Doms and Subs:
Doms: Kailen S, Abby D, Emily VE, Amirah A, Sofia J, Alex M, Kristen M, Savannah M
Subs: Naomi G, Hannah L, Sierra E, Jaedyn S, Kennedy W, Makenzy D, Kaitlyn T, Mya J, Kyra Carusa, Christen Westphal, Hillary B (switch), Elyse B, Danielle C, Morgan M
Seattle Reign Doms and Subs:
Doms: Lauren B, Nikki S, Angharad J, Jess F, Sofia Huerta, Ryanne, Veronica L, Laurel Ivory
Subs: Claudia D, Alana Cook, Quinn, Bethany B, Jordyn H, Olivia A, Julia L, Lily W, Sam M, Phoebe M, Tziarra, Shae H, McKenzie W, Maddie M, Ji So-Yun
Canada Doms and Subs:
Subs: Jordyn H, Quinn, Jessie F, Sab, Julia G, Marie-Yasmine, Amanda A, Simi, Tanya, Gabrielle C, Sydney C, Rylee F, Vanessa G, Anna K, Devon K, Clarissa L, Marie L, Jordyn L, Lysianne P, Emma R, Deanne R, Jade Rose, Jayde R, Zoe B, Victoria Pickett, Olivia S, Sarah S, Evelyn S, Sura Y
Doms: Cloé L, Adriana L, Janine B, Kadeisha B, Allysha C, Melissa Dagenais, Ashley L, Bianca SG, Nichelle P, Kailen S, Desiree S, Shelina Z
Damn, this is honestly impressive. I mean, very few of these names mean anything to me but share y'alls thoughts or wtv
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purplesimmer455 · 4 years
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I switched over to the Feldman-Lewis household, after aging Noelle up, and had the family hang out together. Noelle chatted with her older sis Tess, and Angie invited Maya, Abby and Kaitlyn over to hang out with her and Olivia
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falllpoutboy · 3 years
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harmonytre-reblogs · 3 years
“This is how I think of “shipping”: When you start shipping someone, it starts out as a little sailboat. As hints are seen (in the actual show, movie, book, game, etc.), the sailboat slowly grows larger. When it becomes canon, the boat becomes a giant pirate ship with cannons (get it?). If the people suddenly break up, that means the ship ran into a giant Broken-Love-Iceberg.“
-me (HarmonyTRE)
(P. S. All of these I ship platonically too, and the younger couples are only wholesome. NONE of these I ship in more than romantic ways. And some of them I don’t ship now, but shipped when I was younger so they feel nostalgic. So if the ship seems odd, it’s probably that asdfghjkl.)
Fandom/show/movie/game/short film/etc.
Never Draw
Commission Only
Other Media (short films, comics, etc.)
Live Action
Steven Universe AUs
Undertale AUs
Not Finished/Caught Up
(long, so I’ll put under the cut)
Never Draw:
Frisk/Sans (fr.ans)
Keith/Lance (kl.ance)
Shiro/any of the minor paladins
Papyrus/Chara (?)
Papyrus/Sans (fon.tcest)
Steven/gem ships
Steven/Pink Steven
Commission Only (won’t do for requests, challenges, etc.)
Lance/Allura (Allurance, Cotton Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Blue Lion)
Au Sanses (unless listed, and only if they have clearly different personalities, appearances, and names)
Allura/Shiro (Shallura)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
!Pidge/Lance (Plance)
Keith/Allura (Kallura)
Hunk/Shay (Hunay)
Romelle/Matt (Romatt)
Pidge/Hunk (Punk)
Hunk/Romelle (Hunelle)
Keith/Axca (Kaxca)
James/Ina (Leiffin)
Keith/Pidge (Kidge)
Ryan/Nadia (Kindia)
Lotor/Allura (Lotura)
Krolia/Tex (Krolidad, Krolitex)
Zarkon/Honerva (Zanerva)
Krolia/Kolivan (Kolivan)
James/Veronica (Jamonica)
Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
!Marinette/Ladybug/Adrien/CatNoir (Love square, Marichat, Adrinette, Ladynoir, Ladrien)
!Alya/Nino (DJWiFi)
Mylene/Ivan (Myvan)
Penny/JaggedStone (Jaggenny)
Plagg/Tikki (CheeseCake)
Nathaniel/Alix (Nathanix)
Steven Universe
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP) {Double Trouble, Glimmer, Entrapta, Wrong Hordak}
!Glimmer/Bow (Glow, Glimbow)
Seahawk/Mermista (Seamista)
Entrapta/Hordak (Entrapdak)
Catra/Adora (Catradora)
Scorpia/Perfuma (Scorfuma)
Spinerella/Netossa (Spinnetossa)
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Marco, Janna, Tom, Star}
!Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas/Isabella (Phinabella)
Candace/Jeremy (Candermemy)
Baljeet/Ginger (Baljinger)
!Ren/Nora (Renora)
Sun/Blake (BlackSun)
Pyrra/Jaune (Arcos)
Weiss/Neptune (Iceberg)
Velvet/Fox (Zootopia)
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Troy/Benson (Trenson)
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
The Dragon Prince
My Little Pony (MLP)
!Fluttershy/Discord (Fluttercord)
!YonaYak/Sandbar (Yonabar)
DerpyHooves/DoctorWhooves (DerpyWhooves)
PinkiePie/CheeseSandwhich (CheesePie)
Ember/Thorax (Emberax)
Sunburst/StarlightGlimmer (StarBurst)
HTTYD (How to Train Your Dragon) (any show besides Race to the Edge, because I haven’t seen it)
Hiccup/Astrid (Hiccstrid)
Fishlegs/Heather (Feather)
Toothless/Nubless (Nightlight)
Pokemon {seen all but seasons 8-15, 21+}
!Jessie/James (Rocketshipping, KojiMusa, JAJL)
Ash/Misty (Pokeshipping, Sakashipping, Gakishipping, Bikeshipping, Sushishipping, AAML, Twerpshipping)
!Serena/Clemont (Geekchicshipping)
Lana/Sophocles (Sparksurfershipping)
Butch/Cassidy (Neoshipping)
Serena’sSylveon/Clemont’sBunnelby (Fairybunnyshipping)
Brock/Lucy (luckshipping, squintshipping, blushshipping)
NurseJoy/Nicholas (from Celebi episode)
May/Drew (Contestshipping, ShuHaru, DAML, Mew, Day)
Togedemaru/Pikachu (SpikyPika)
Brock/Wilohmena (Sissyshipping)
Glitch Techs
Zahra/Five (?)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Sokka/Toph (Tokka)
Zuko/Katara (Zutara)
Katara/Aang (Kataang)
Suki/Sokka (Sukka)
Rise of the Guardians
Big Hero 6
Gogo/Fred (Gogozilla)
HoneyLemon/Tadashi (Tadahoney)
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
A Silent Voice
Leap! (Ballerina)
Victor/Felicie (Felictor)
Inside Out
Anger/Disgust (Angust)
Wreck-it-Ralph (and Breaks the Internet)
Felix/TamoraCalhoun (Hero’s Cuties)
Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Hotel Transylvania
Jonathan/Mavis (Jonavis)
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Judy/Nick (WildeHopps)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
SamSparks/FlintLockwood (Sparkswood)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Megamind/Roxanne (Megarox)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
!Toriel/Sans (Soriel)
Undyne/Alphys (Alphyne)
Muffet/Mettaton (Muffaton)
!Nice Cream Guy / Burgerpants (Nicepants)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Asgore (Kingdings)
Toriel/Asgore (Asgoriel, Torigore)
Asgore/Rudy (?)
Grillby/Muffet (?)
Royal Guards
Noelle/Susie (Suselle)
Henry Stickmin
Henry/Charles (Chenry, Stickvin)
Riddle School
Other media (short films/comics/etc)
Live Action
Juliet/Shawn (Shules)
The Space Between Us
The Goldbergs
The Greatest Showman
The Librarians (tv series)
!Cassanda/Ezekiel (Casekiel)
Eve/Flynn (Fleve)
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Alex Inc.
JD/Elliot (Jelliot)
The Office
Pam/Jim (PB&J)
Drop Dead Diva
Stranger Things
Mike/Eleven (Mileven)
Nancy/Jonathan (Jancy)
Joyce/Hopper (Jopper)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Steven Universe AUs
Feral Beast Steeb
Pink Steven AU
Cactus Steven AUs Blog
LISTEN ALL NIGHT (suf-fering)
Undertale/Deltarune AUs
Timetale AU (Punny Skele-scientist, Allesia the Hedge)
Sans/Alphys (Salphys)
Paper Trail (lynxgriffin)
Susie/Noelle (Suselle)
Overtale (yuramec version)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Napstablook (Napstasans)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Payryus/Mettaton (Papyton)
Alphys/Undyne (Alphyne)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Alphys (Bi-entists)
Rain/Imposter (platonic)
Not finished/caught up
Fruits basket{season 2}
Tohru/Kyo (Kyoru)
Wild Kratts {quite a lot to catch up on}
JimmyZ/Koki (Joki)
My Hero Academia/Boku No Hiro Academia {recent season}
!DenkiKaminari/KyoukaJirou (Kamijirou)
IzukuMidoriya/OchakoUraka (Izuocha)
EjirouKirishima/MinaAshido (Kirimina)
ShoutoTodoroki/MomoYaoyoruzu (Todomomo)
FumikageTokoyami/TsuyuAsui (Tokotsuyu)
MashiraoOjiro/TooruHagakure (Ojitooru)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) (TMNT) {half of final season}
April/Donatello (Apritello)
Leonardo/Karai (Leorai)
Mikey/Renet (Renetangelo)
The Flash {recent 1-2 seasons}
Barry/Iris (Westallen)
!Kaitlyn/Cisco (Snowmone, Snowvibe, Killervibe, Frostvibe, Vibefrost)
Joe/Cecile (Joecile)
Digimon Tamers {missed quite a lot because my brother watched without me}
Juri/Takato (Jurato)
Rika/Ryo (Ryuki)
Kingdom Hearts
Once Upon a Time (OUaT)
CaptianHook/EmmaSwan (CaptainSwan)
Belle/Rumpilstiltskin (Rumbelle)
Regina/Robin (OutlawQueen)
Doctor Who
TheDoctor/Riversong (Twiver)
Amy/Rory (Ponds)
God Friended Me {just part of 1st season}
Heroes {just starting season 2}
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purewhitewolf · 3 years
Kaitlyn can probably be a big werewolf but that would be very easy for you, wouldn't it?
"Sure let me find my old ripped up clothes, fluff up my fur, and sharpen my teeth."
"Hmm... I can also dress up as that new popular big shot character...hmm... Spamton was it? Or was it Jevil? Maybe even do a Noelle or Susie..."
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Waiting for Godot - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Opening Night) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aidan Gemme (The Boy), Billy Crudup (Lucky), Ian McKellen (Estragon), Patrick Stewart (Vladimir), Shuler Hensley (Pozzo)
War Horse - West End - February 27, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Sion Daniel Young (Albert Narracott), Josie Walker (Rose Narracott), Alistair Brammer (Billy Narracott), Alex Avery (Captain Nicholls), Steve North (Ted Narracott), Tom Hodgkins (Arthur Narracott) NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas as part of National Theatre Live, Includes interval interview and documentary. 
War Paint - Broadway - March 11, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Some changes for Broadway from the previous Goodman Theater production. Excellent performances from the entire cast with clear picture and great sound throughout; very good video. 2 DVDs. A War Paint - Broadway - April 29, 2017 (Matinee) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: The master gets caught during Face to Face. You can hear someone say “TURN IT OFF”. Blackout during that part. Wasted - Southwark Playhouse - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Jacobs Morgan (Branwell Brontë), Molly Lynch (Anne Brontë), Natasha Barnes (Charlotte Brontë), Siobhan Athwal (Emily Brontë) We Are The Tigers - Off-Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Lauren Zakrin (Riley Williams), Wonu Ogunfowora (Cairo), Jenny Rose Baker (Kate Dalton), MiMi Scardulla (Reese), Kaitlyn Frank (Annleigh), Cathy Ang (Mattie Wheeler), Celeste Rose (Chess), Zoe Jensen (Farrah), Sydney Parra (Eva Sanchez), Louis Griffin (Clark) NOTES: Starts at the beginning of "I Just Wanna" and missing part of "Mattie's Lament." The theater was really full tonight so there are a good number of heads in this video, but they are worked around to the best of my ability. This is a super small theater (less than 160 seats) and at times the cast members were definitely singing to the camera and honestly giving their best performances because of it. All of the things on the upper level (the bathroom, the pathway, and the kitchen) are captured perfectly, and the zooms on the lower level (the living room and bench) look good as well. Obviously because this is a murder mystery kind of show the lighting can get a little bit dark, but my camera handles low lighting incredibly well. This is honestly the best video you could expect from this venue We Will Rock You - Germany (Cologne) - August, 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Melcher (Galileo), Vera Bolten (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen), Martin Berger (Khashoggi), Michaela Kovarikova (Meat/Oz), DMJ (Brit/J.B.), James Sbano (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Harald Tauber (Teacher), Willemijn Verkaik NOTES: Multicam proshot We Will Rock You - Utrecht (The Netherlands) - October, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Vooijs (Galileo), Marjolein Teepen (Scaramouche), Pia Douwes (Killer Queen), Paul Donkers (Khashoggi), Floortje Smit (Meat/Oz), Ruud van Overdijk (Brit/J.B.), Rutger le Poole (Pop/Buddy/Bap) NOTES: Good capture. Heads in the way, but also a lot of good close-ups. Dubble DVD! We Will Rock You - West End - February 11, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzner (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap) The Wedding Singer - Broadway - April 1, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephen Lynch (Robbie Hart), Laura Benanti (Julia), Matthew Saldivar (Sammy), Kevin Cahoon (George), Rita Gardner (Rosie), Amy Spanger (Holly), Richard H Blake (Glen), Felicia Finley (Linda) NOTES: Includes pictures of outside of the theatre and playbill. This was before the changes were made to the production. Blackouts throughout the show. The Wedding Singer - Off-West End - March 1, 2020 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Clifton (Robbie Hart), Rhiannon Chesterman (Julia), Ashley Emmerson (Sammy), Andrew Carthy (George), Sandra Dickinson (Rosie), Tara Verloop (Holly), Jonny Fines (Glen), Erin Bell (Linda), Lori Haley Fox (Angie), Andy Brady (David Fonda), Nathan Ryles (Harold Fonda), Jordan Crouch (Donnie), Aimee Moore (Tiffany), Simon Anthony (Shane McDonough), Paris Green (Donatella), Vanessa Grace Lee (Donatella’s Mother), Morgan Jackson (Mookie), Ellie Seaton (Crystal) NOTES: 38 minutes of act 1 of the closing performance, unobstructed. Welcome To The Club - Broadway - April 8, 1989 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Avery Schreiber (Milton), Bill Buell (Gus), Jodi Benson (Betty), Marcia Mitzman (Carol), Marilyn Sokol (Arlene), Sally Mayes (Winona), Samuel E Wright (Bruce), Scott Waara (Kevin), Scott Wentworth (Aaron), Terri White (Eve) NOTES: Filmed during previews. Well filmed from the balcony. Mostly a full stage shot. Some generational loss. Wenn Rosenblätter Fallen - Oberhausen - June 13, 2016 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Rose), Anton Zetterholm (Till), Annemieke van Dam (Iris)  
West Side Story - Hollywood Bowl - July 19, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Tony), Solea Pfeiffer (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Matthew James Thomas (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Drew Foster (Action), Jose Moreno Brooks (Chino), Anthony C Chatmon II (A-Rab), Kyle Selig (Baby John), Mike Schwitter (Big Deal), Jeff Smith (Diesel), Kevin Chamberlin (Krupke), Jennifer Sanchez (Rosalia), Erica Dorfler (Consuela) NOTES: This concert version of the show is abridged with shortened scenes, simple costumes, and no sets or choreography, but Jeremy, Solea, and Karen are absolutely phenomenal with soaring vocals and emotional performances. Very well captured with no dropouts, no obstruction, and no washout. The stage is filmed directly most of the time; the screens are occasionally filmed, usually when the actors are not onstage. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. West Side Story - Leicester Curve - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jamie Muscato (Tony), Adriana Ivelisse (Maria), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Anita), Ronan Burns (Riff), Jonathan Hermosa-Lopez (Bernardo), Isaac Gryn (Action), Damian Buhagiar (Chino), Ryan Anderson (A-Rab), Alex Christian (Baby John), Dale White (Big Deal), Michael O’Reilly (Diesel), Beth Hinton-Lever (Anybodys), Darren Bennett (Lt. Schrank), Christopher Wright (Krupke), Christopher Wright (Doc), Darren Bennett (Glad Hand), Mireia Mambo (Rosalia), Abigail Climer (Consuela), Thea Bunting (Graziella), Katie Lee (Velma), Richard Appiah-Sarpong (Pepe), Dominic Sibanda (Indio) NOTES: Missing 7 minutes at the beginning. No dropouts and no obstruction. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2009 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Cody Green (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Curtis Holbrook (Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Ryan Steele (Baby John), Tro Shaw (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Greg Vinkler (Doc) NOTES: Stunning production of this revival. Josefina and Karen still steal the show. The cast was on fire and there was a lot of energy in the audience as it was the first performance on Broadway. There are some changes from the DC run, which work better. Beautiful production and capture with no obstructions. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - November 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Wes Hart (u/s Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Eric Hatch (u/s Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Brendon Stimson (u/s Baby John), Joshua Buscher (Diesel), Mike Cannon (Snowboy), Kaitlin Mesh (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Mark Zimmerman (s/b Doc), Lindsay Estelle Dunn (Velma), Michael Williams (u/s Pepe), Kaitlin Mesh (Zaza) West Side Story - Third Broadway Revival - January 6, 2020 (Preview) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Jordan Dobson (u/s Tony), Mia Pinero (u/s Maria), Yesenia Ayala (Anita), Corey John Snide (u/s Riff), Amar Ramasar (Bernardo), Dharon E Jones (Action), Jacob Guzman (Chino), Kevin Csolak (A-Rab), Matthew Johnson (Baby John), Tyler Eisenreich (Big Deal), Ahmad Simmons (Diesel), Daniel Ching (Snowboy), Zuri Noelle Ford (Anybodys), Thomas Jay Ryan (Lt. Schrank), Danny Wolohan (Krupke), Daniel Oreskes (Doc), Pippa Pearthree (Glad Hand), Lorna Courtney (Rosalia), Gabi Campo (Consuela), Marissa Brown (Francisca), Alexa de Barr (Graziella), Madison Vomastek (Velma), Gus Reed (Gee-tar), John Snide (Tiger), Carlos Gonzales (Pepe), Ricky Ubeda (Indio), Roman Cruz (Luis), Israel del Rosario (Anxious), Michaela Marfori (Nibbles), Marc Crousillat (Juano), Sheldon True (Toro), Stephanie Crousillat (Teresita), Marlon Geliz (Estella), Satori Folkes-Stone (Margarita), Uni-Seng Francois (Minnie), Jennifer Gruener (Pauline) NOTES: Wideshot. Stage right is slightly obstructed due to where the master was sitting. Good audio. SD M4V (567.0 MB) West Side Story - UK Tour - May 23, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Tony), Hazel Gardner (u/s Maria), Jayde Westaby (Anita), Edd Post (u/s Riff), Dan Burton (Bernardo), Aki Omoshaybi (Chino), Ged Simmons (Lt. Schrank), Martin Chaimberain (Krupke) When We're Gone - Joe's Pub (2014) - March 12, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (Todd), Jeremy Kushnier (John), Luke Wygodny (Ashton), Hannah Whitney (Rosie), Eric William Morris (Colin), Bradley Dean (William) NOTES: Concert performance.   
The Wild Party (Lippa) - Encores! Off-Center - July 17, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Queenie), Steven Pasquale (Burrs), Brandon Victor Dixon (Black), Joaquina Kalukango (Kate), Miriam Shor (Madeline True), Talene Monahon (Mae), Ryan Andes (Eddie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture from the Encores Summer Series! The cast was terrific and full of energy giving everything they had. Great to see these songs performed again by this caliber of talent! A The Wild Party (Lippa) - Off-Broadway - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Murney (Queenie), Brian d'Arcy James (Burrs), Taye Diggs (Black), Idina Menzel (Kate), Alix Korey (Madeline True), Charles Dillon (Oscar d'Armano), Kevin Cahoon (Phil d'Armano), James Delisco Beeks (Max), Todd Anderson (Reno), Jennifer Cody (Mae), Kena Tangi Dorsey (Dolores), Felicia Finley (Rose Himmelsteen), Peter Kapetan (Sam Himmelsteen), Lawrence Keigwin (Jackie), Charlie Marcus (The Neighbor), Kristin McDonald (Nadine), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Eddie), Steven Pasquale (Cop), Megan Sikora (Peggy), Ron Todorowski (Kegs), Amanda Watkins (Ellie) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Witches of Eastwick - UK Tour - April 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: James Graeme (Clyde), Marti Pellow (Darryl), Poppy Tierney (Jane), Rachel Izen (Felicia), Rebecca Thornhill (Sukie), Ria Jones (Alex) NOTES: Beautifully filmed from the balcony, with a great mix of close-ups and full stage shots. Crystal clear. Widescreen. The Wiz - NBC Live! - December 3, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Shanice Williams (Dorothy), David Alan Grier (Lion), Ne-Yo (Tinman), Elijah Kelley (Scarecrow), Uzo Aduba (Glinda), Queen Latifah (The Wiz), Mary J Blige (Evillene), Stephanie Mills (Aunt Em), Amber Riley (Addaperle) NOTES: A live production of the 1975 musical The Wiz produced for television; excellent video. A+ The Wizard of Oz (Webber) - First National Tour - September 28, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Danielle Wade (Dorothy Gale), Jamie McKnight (Scarecrow/Hunk), Mike Jackson (Tin Man/Hickory), Lee MacDougall (Cowardly Lion/Zeke), Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (The Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Gulch), Cedric Smith (The Wizard of Oz/Professor Marvel), Robin Evan Willis (Glinda the Good Witch), Charlotte Moore (Aunt Em/Munchkin Barrister), Larry Mannell (Uncle Henry/Philippe/Head Guard) NOTES: Nice capture of Andrew Lloyd Webber's re-imagined classic; no obstruction and very little washout; a few quick dropouts in act one and a couple in act two, only last about three minutes all together; filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums,and close-ups. The Woman in Black - West End - July 8, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Ravenscroft (Arthur Kipps), Sebastian Harcombe (The Actor) The Woman in White - Broadway - November 30, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Brazier (Walter Hartwright), Angela Christian (Anne Catherick), Jill Paice (Laura Fairlie), Lisa Brescia (Marian Halcombe), Michael Ball (Count Fosco), Ron Bohmer (Sir Percival Glyde)  
The Woman in White - West End - February 25, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maria Friedman, Michael Ball, Adrian der Gregorian (u/s), Oliver Darley, Jill Paice, Elinor Collett (u/s) NOTES: Nice video with good closeups and zooms and great sound. Woman of the Year - Broadway - March 27, 1982 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lauren Bacall (Tess Harding), Harry Guardino (Sam Craig), Eivind Harum (Alexi Petrikov), Roderick Cook (Gerald), Grace Keagy (Helga), Jamie Ross (Larry Donovan), Marilyn Cooper (Jan Donovan), Rex Everhart (Maury) NOTES: Good color video with clear sound with some generation loss, but a nice video. B+ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - December 29, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show.
  Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - January 2, 2011 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show. Wonderful Town - Television Production - November 30, 1958 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rosalind Russell (Ruth Sherwood), Sydney Chaplin (Robert Baker), Jacquelyn McKeever (Eileen Sherwood), Joseph Buloff (Mr. Appopolous), Dort Clark (Chick Clark), Jordan Bentley (Wreck), Cris Alexander (Frank Lippencott), Jack Fletcher (Night Club Patron), Michele Burke (Helen Wade), Ted Beniades (“Speedy” Valenti), Isabella Hoopes (Mrs. Wade), Ray Weaver (Shore Patrolman), Gene Carrons (Violet), John Wheeler (Officer Lonigan), Don Grusso (Fireman) Wonderland - Broadway - March 23, 2011 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Very limited trade 3:1 at the master's request. Wonderland - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Beautiful bright capture of this short lived show that only played 31 previews and 33 performances. I thought this show was very enjoyable and fun with great music. Great performances and voices from the cast! A+ Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - UK Tour - June 10, 2017 (Matinee) (bestworstcase's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rachael Wooding (Alice), Francesca Lara Gordon (u/s Mad Hatter), Naomi Morris (Chloe/Ellie), Dave Willetts (The White Rabbit), Wendi Peters (Queen of Hearts), Stephen Webb (Jack the White Knight), Kayi Ushe (Caterpillar), Dominic Owen (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Ben Kerr (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: DVD menu states June 6 2017 matinee, but all other evidence, even the master's weebly claim it's June 10 2017. Good video! Wonderland (Beth Steel Play) - Hampstead Theatre - July 14, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Unknown NOTES: Livestreamed April 2020. The Worst Witch - West End - August 22, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Danielle Bird (Mildred Hubble), Rosie Abraham (Ethel Hallow), Molly-Grace Cutler (Miss Bat/Piano/Guitar/Cello/Dulcimer), Meg Forgan (Fenella Feverfew/Bass Guitar), Rachel Heaton (Miss Hardbroom), Rebecca Killick (Maud Spellbody), Emma Lau (Drusilla Paddock), Megan Leigh Mason (Miss Drill/Guitar/Drums/Percussion/Clarinet/Bass Guitar), Polly Lister (Agatha/Miss Cackle), Consuela Rolle (Enid Nightshade), Lauryn Redding (Griselda Blackwood/Sax) NOTES: A very good show! It’s a show aimed more toward kids so there was a lot of kids in the audience. An amazing performance by Polly Lister as Agatha/Miss Cackle in particular. The Wrong Man - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP3 (untracked) CAST: Joshua Henry (Duran), Ciara Renée (Mariana), Ryan Vasquez (Man in Black), Amber Pickens, Anoop Desai, Debbie Christine Tjong, Julius Williams, Libby Lloyd, Malik Shabazz Kitchen, Tilly Evans-Krueger NOTES: Near perfect HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show with fabulous performances by the whole cast. There is some wandering throughout but overall a very centered orchestra video with extremely vivid colors. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 6, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ruben (Matthias Lubanski), Vera Bolten (Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt. Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), Patrick A. Stamme (alt. Bruno Lubanski), Elisabeth Hübert (Anette Ackermann), Florian Soyka (alt. Paul Ackermann), Robin Brosch (Sepp Herberger(Bohse), Jogi Kaiser (Tiburski/Putzfrau/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic/Franziska Trunte/Esther Mink (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Mark Weigel (Fritz Walter), Dennis Henschel (Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Hendrik Schall (Toni Turek), Matt Cox (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Giuliano Mercoli (Josef Posipal), Fabian Kaiser (u/s Karl mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: This video was recorded right after some changes on the show were made (doesn't include the new song which will be published on 11th July, 2015). Full show; beautiful picture quality and nice close-ups but rather shaky in the beginning/end of both acts Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 23, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tanja Schön (u/s Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), David Jakobs (Bruno Lubanski), Shari Lynn Stewen (alt Anette Ackermann), Patrick A Stamme (alt Paul Ackermann), Mark Weigel (Sepp Herberger/Bohse), Michael Ophelders (alt Tiburski/Putzfrau im Hotel/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic (Wunderfräulein), Amaya Keller (Wunderfräulein), Franziska Trunte (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Florian Soyka (alt Fritz Walter), Hendrik Schall (alt Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Fabian Kaiser (Toni Turek), James Cook (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Pasha Antonov (Josef Posipal), Adrian Fogel (Kar Mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: "Julius" as Matthias Lubanski. Full show. Great picture quality and beautiful close-ups, though some little obstruction due a railing. The last few minutes of both acts are shot blind without zooms but still capturing the action on stage
11 notes · View notes
doubleattitude · 4 years
Radix Dance Convention, Concord, NC: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Belle Arauz-’Believe’
2nd: Kayleigh Smith-’Fathers and Daughters’
Mini Solo
1st: Kaylee Schwamb-’Birdsong’
2nd: Noelle Gockerell-’Finding My Way’
2nd: Journey Lockhart-’Stuff Like That There’
3rd: Corinne Larson-’White Foxes’
4th: Alex Tucker-’Bridge Over Troubled Waters’
5th: Liberty Kerr-’Jeepers Creepers’
6th: Lauren White-’Damaged’
7th: Katherine Harmston-’No Way’
8th: Annabelle Hernandez-’The Most Beautiful Things’
9th: Genevieve Stitely-’Hold Back the River’
9th: Sydney Stox-’Velma’
10th: Naomi Walker-’Ray of Light’
Junior Solo
1st: Lorelai Watchous-’After the Storm’
1st: Gabriella Dunham-’Empty Space’
1st: Maely Weaver-’Staggered In A Configuration’
2nd: Grace Woodbury-’Pas De Trois’
3rd: Havanah Chmiel-’Amen’
3rd: Emma Claire Carroll-’Home’
3rd: Annabelle Pritchard-’Take It Easy’
4th: Abigail Hodges-’Earth’
4th: Madelyn Belsky-’Hollows’
5th: Addison Bradley-’Dynamite’
5th: Savannah Robey-’For Me, It’s You’
5th: Callum McKenna-’Walk The Moon’
6th: Khloe Green-’Pray’
7th: Michele Kotay-’Piece by Piece’
7th: Claire Anderson-’September’
7th: Madeleine Larson-’Stupid With Love’
8th: Hayden Porter-’Experience’
9th: Brynleigh Bullington-’Grow’
9th: Kaylah Harrison-’I Gotcha’
10th: Anhelina Lezhachova-’Rain’
Teen Solo
1st: Samantha Melillo-’Airmail Special’
1st: Valadie Cammack-’Dethroning The Queen’
2nd: Ella Jones-’Familiar’
2nd: Savannah Manning-’Line Thickness’
3rd: Kaitlyn Winnell-’Last Light’
3rd: Tierney Denny-Lybbert-’Lean Back’
4th: Sarah Beth Coburn-’For You’
4th: Brooke Phillips-’Spiral’
5th: Kaitlyn Knight-’Colour Me In’
5th: Noah Ayden Grady-’I Just Want To Be There Again’
6th: Ariana Flanagan-’She Used To Be Mine’
6th: Niyah Smith-’Unchained Melody’
7th: Samantha Bell-’Dynamo’
7th: Peyton Bly-’Jealous’
7th: Sophia Hunsicker-’Take Flight’
8th: Nyka Wilson-’Last Dance’
8th: Heather Lauchengco-’The Violent Sky’
9th: Paris Moore-’Allegiance’
9th: Miranda Saliva-’Inside’
9th: Ella Howell-’Nothing’
10th: Kate Spangler-’Beloved’
10th: Emmy Fuller-’Maybe’
10th: Seth Hendley-’On The Street Where You Live’
10th: Kennedy Hodges-’The Call’
Senior Solo
1st: Ashton Eatchel-’Compression and Release’
2nd: Rosie Ryan Kennel-’Impossible’
2nd: Madeline Underwood-’Power of Love’
3rd: Emi Johnson-’Deviate’
3rd: Savannah Folding-’Heart Shaped Birthmark’
3rd: Riley DeChellis-’Reconnect’
3rd: Destiny Patterson-’What Good Am I?’
4th: Karsen Gresham-’I Bet You Don’t’
4th: Harley Jacobs-’In This Moment’
5th: Lamonte Sadler-’Amen’
5th: Kennedi Knoble-’I’m Going Down’
5th: Taylor Hunt-’Ready for Love’
6th: Reaghan Given-’Tis The Season’
7th: Cameron Bryant-Saxon-’Gravity’
7th: Alexis Reese-’Heroes’
8th: Tristin Edsel-’And So It Does’
8th: Julianna Holland-’Not Another Love Song’
8th: Brooke Melillo-’Tell Me Where To Look’
9th: Riley Campbell-’Alright’
9th: Makayla Davis-’Listen’
9th: Jalen Scriven-’Time’
10th: Sydney Law-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
10th: Mikayla Moore-’Who Will Remember Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Level Up’
2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Cha Cha Heels’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Someone You Loved’
2nd: Lux Dance Project-’Suffocate’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Independent  Woman’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’What Is That Sound’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Before You Go’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Bag Lady’
3rd: No Limits Dance Center-’Konstantine’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Always Together’
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’I’m Here’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’It’s Not All About You’
2nd Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Weak’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Song For You’
Rookie Group
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’
2nd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’
2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Candy Shop’
Mini Group
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
2nd: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Worksong’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
Junior Group
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Crazy In Love’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Dive In The Water’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Love Myself’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Run It’
3rd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Iced Out’
Teen Group
1st: No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Give Me A Reason’
1st: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Together At The Center Of...’
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Falling Into You’
3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Mans World’
Senior Group
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tides of Lamentation’
3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
Mini Line
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bop Till You Drop’
3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Joy’
Junior Line
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Vogue’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Off The Rails’
Teen Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Here’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’
Senior Line
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’How Low’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Human Nature’
Teen Extended Line
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A 90′s Throwback’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
Teen Production
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’This Particular Dream’
2nd: In Motion Dance Center-’Rise Up’
3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’East to West’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Candy Shop’
Rookie Tap
CC and Co Dance Complex-’Mr Sandman’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
Mini Jazz
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Girlfriend’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Love Shack’
Mini Ballet
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Concerto in D’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Lose Control’ 3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Get Like Me’
Mini Tap
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Up All Night’ 2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’That Man’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bop Till You Drop’
Mini Contemporary
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Worksong’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Brave’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Daughters’
Mini Specialty
CC and Co Dance Complex-’Joy’
Junior Jazz
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Crazy In Love’ 1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Like An Egyptian’ 3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Meet Me’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Vogue’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Run It’
Junior Tap
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’One Two Step’ 3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Bloom’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Off The Rails’ 2nd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Go Do’ 3rd: Lux Dance Project-’Be Alright’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Dive In The Water’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Swan’
Junior Specialty
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Love Myself’ 2nd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Hallelujah’
Teen Jazz
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’ 1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A Thousand Doves’ 1st: No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’ 1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tokyo Drift’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Can’t Hold Back’ 3rd: In Motion Dance Center-’Black and Gold’
Teen Ballet
Lux Dance Project-’In The Dark’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A 90′s Throwback’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Yonce’
Teen Tap
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Mans World’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’I Love Tap’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Sorry’
Teen Contemporary
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Here’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Spirit Bird’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Give Me A Reason’ 2nd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Together At The Center Of...’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-��Embrace The World’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Carry the Weight’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Welcome to the Moulin Rouge’ 3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Take Off With Us’
Teen Specialty
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Falling Into You’
Senior Jazz
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Human Nature’ 2nd: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Fever’ 3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Sparkling Diamonds’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’How Low’ 1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Make It Rain’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Senior Lyrical
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tides of Lamentation’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Home’ 3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Deep End’
Senior Musical Theatre
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Might as Well Be’
Senior Specialty
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’They Don’t Care About Us’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Everything You Are’ 3rd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Best of Radix:
CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’
Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Lose Control’
Havilah Dance Company-’Up All Night’
NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Spirit Bird’
In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’
Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’
No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’
CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Studio Standout:
Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’East to West’
NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
Lux Dance Project-’#eeeooowww’
In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’
Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
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emboop · 5 years
name archive
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cakesunflower · 5 years
if it does get turned into a movie, who's your dream cast?
oh dear GOD. obviously i mean none of the boys bc i doubt those fuckers can act within an inch of their life.
but i can’t imagine anyone being Noelle other than Zoey Deutch, who is her face claim. Zoey’s sister Maddie is also an actress as well as the face claim for Beverly, so there’s that. Kaitlyn Dever as Andrea, i think! 
as for the boys......oooof i have no idea. for some damn reason the first person who popped in my head to step into Calum’s role was Avan Jogia??? idk why he doesn’t even fit how i vision the character but like. there’s that LMAO. OHHHH FUCK OR MAYBE David Castañeda!!!!
rest of the boys....hmm...i dont know! i’ll get back to you on that LMAO
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batllethinker · 6 months
The submissions masterboard
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Overview: a mix and mash of several different teams, now including wbb teams
Warnings: ageplay, bd/sm, d/s relationships, agere
Doms: Rebecka, Poppi, Dominique, Svenja, Merle
Subs: Lena, Lynn, Jule, Ewa, Sveindis, Vivien
Doms: Michelle Betos, Cassie Miller, Sam Hiatt, Mandy F, Sinead F, Esther G, Lynn W, Katie S, Crystal, McCall
Subs: Margaret Purce, Maitane, Rose L, Yazmeen, Kristen E, Emily S (switch), Delanie S, Taryn T, Jenna N, Maycee B, Tierna D, Nealy M, KO, Bruninha, Abby S, Ella S
Aston villa:
Doms: Rachel Daly, Kenza Dali, Lucy S, Mayumi, Danielle T, Rachel C, Adriana L
Subs: DVD, Anna L, Sarah M, Anna P, Lucy P, Noelle M, Jordan, Freya G, Ebony S, Simone M, Kirsty H, Miri, Alisha L, Maz, Sabs
NC Courage:
Doms: Marisa B, Hensley H, Haley H, Estelle J, Rikako K, Kaleigh K, Denise O, Landy M, Victoria P, Bianca SG
Subs: Malia B, Sydney C, Julia D, Mille GJ, Tyler L, Manama M, Maya M, Narumi, Casey M, Brianna P, Felicitas R, Ashley S, Meredith S, Natalia S, Danielle W, Ryan W, Olivia W
Portland thorns:
Doms: Janine B, Bella B, Meghan K, Christine S, Hina S, Gabby P, Meghan N, Izzy D (switch), Shelby Hogan
Subs: Katherine A, Sam C, Payton L, Jessie F, Kelli Hubly, Lauren K, Marie M, Isabella O, Nicole P, Sophia S, Morgan W, Reyna Reyes, Janine (switch)
San diego wave:
Doms: Kailen S, Abby D, Emily VE, Amirah A, Sofia J, Alex M, Kristen M, Savannah M
Subs: Naomi G, Hannah L, Sierra E, Jaedyn S, Kennedy W, Makenzy D, Kaitlyn T, Mya J, Kyra Carusa, Christen Westphal, Hillary B (switch), Elyse B, Danielle C, Morgan M
Seattle reign:
Doms: Lauren B, Nikki S, Angharad J, Jess F, Sofia Huerta, Ryanne, Veronica L, Laurel Ivory
Subs: Claudia D, Alana Cook, Quinn, Bethany B, Jordyn H, Olivia A, Julia L, Lily W, Sam M, Phoebe M, Tziarra, Shae H, McKenzie W, Maddie M, Ji So-Yun
Doms: Ash N, Molly B, Martha T, Amanda N, Becky S, Eveliina S, Drew S, Matilda V(switch, cg), Ramona P, Luana B, Amy T, Celin (Graces)
Subs: Grace C, Beth E, Charli C, Celin B, Rosella A, Barbora V, Kit G, Olga A, Wang S
Iowa State
Doms: Molly Davis, Sydney Affolter, Kylie Feuerbach, Kennise Johnson, Jada Gyamfi, Sharon Goodman
Subs: Taylor McCabe, Gabbie Marshall, AJ Ediger, Ava Jones, Addy O’Grady, Hannah Stuelke
Switches: Kate Martin, Caitlin Clark, Monika Czinano, Megan G
Doms: Aubrey Griffin, Aaliyah Edwards, Dorka Juhász, Caroline Ducharme, Amari DeBerry, Ayanna Patterson, Jana El Alfy
Subs: Paige Bueckers, Azzi Fudd, KK Arnold, Quadence Samuels, Ashlynn Shade, Inês Bettencourt, Nika Muhl (switch),Lou Lopez Sénéchal, Ice Brady
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The 20th Annual Bryan Awards - The Major Nominees Part II - Supporting & Younger Acting
The Supporting and Younger Acting Nominees for the 2020 Bryan Awards.  Winners will be announced in late September.
Supporting Actor, Comedy: Louie Anderson - Baskets (F/X) Alan Arkin - The Kominsky Method (Netflix) Alec Baldwin - Saturday Night Live (NBC) Sterling K. Brown - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Dan Levy - Schitt’s Creek (Pop) James Marsden - Dead to Me (Netflix) Tony Shalhoub - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime)  Kenan Thompson - Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Supporting Actress, Comedy: Gillian Anderson - Sex Education (Netflix)  Alex Borstein - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Lauren Graham - Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (NBC) Emily Hampshire - Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Marin Hinkle - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Jane Lynch - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Kate McKinnon - Saturday Night Live (NBC) Annie Murphy - Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Supporting Actor, Drama: Jonathan Banks - Better Call Saul (AMC) Billy Crudup - The Morning Show (Apple TV+) Kieran Culkin - Succession (HBO) Giancarlo Esposito - Better Call Saul (AMC)  Josh O’Connor - The Crown (Netflix) Mandy Patinkin - Homeland (Showtime)  Tom Pelphrey - Ozark (Netflix) Bradley Whitford - The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Supporting Actress, Drama: Helena Bonham Carter - The Crown (Netflix) Laura Dern - Big Little Lies (HBO) Ann Dowd - The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu) Julia Garner - Ozark (Netflix) Janet McTeer - Ozark (Netflix) Thandie Newton - Westworld (HBO)  Sarah Snook - Succession (HBO)  Meryl Streep - Big Little Lies (HBO) 
Supporting Actor, Daytime: Chad Duell - General Hospital (ABC)  Max Gail - General Hospital (ABC) Mark Grossman - The Young and the Restless (CBS) Wally Kurth - Days of Our Lives (NBC) Chandler Massey - Days of Our Lives (NBC) Paul Telfer - Days of Our Lives (NBC)
Supporting Actress, Daytime: Camryn Grimes - The Young and the Restless (CBS) Courtney Hope - The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) Chloe Lanier - General Hospital (ABC) Annika Noelle - The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) Suzanne Rogers - Days of Our Lives (NBC) Cynthia Watros - General Hospital (ABC)
Supporting Actor, Limited Series/Movie: Tim Blake Nelson - Watchmen (HBO) Jim Parsons - Hollywood (Netflix) Jake Picking - Hollywood (Netflix) Jesse Plemons - El Camino (Netflix)  John Slattery - Mrs. America (F/X) John Turturro - The Plot Against America (HBO) 
Supporting Actress, Limited Series/Movie: Rose Byrne - Mrs. America (F/X) Toni Collette - Unbelievable (Netflix)  Allison Janney - Bad Education (HBO) Patti LuPone - Hollywood (Netflix) Margo Martindale - Mrs. America (F/X) Jean Smart - Watchmen (HBO) 
Younger Actor, Daytime/Primetime Series/Limited Series: Iain Armitage - Young Sheldon (CBS) Asante Black - This Is Us (NBC)  Asa Butterfield - Sex Education (Netflix) William Lipton - General Hospital (ABC) Casey Moss - Days of Our Lives (NBC) Noah Schnapp - Stranger Things (Netflix) Marcus Scribner - black-ish (ABC) Jackson White - Mrs. Fletcher (HBO)
Younger Actress, Daytime/Primetime Series/Limited Series: Millie Bobby Brown - Stranger Things (Netflix) Kaitlyn Dever - Unbelievable (Netflix) Olivia Rose Keegan - Days of Our Lives (NBC) Katelyn MacMullen - General Hospital (ABC) Eden McCoy - General Hospital (ABC) Jade Pettyjohn - Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu) Megan Stott - Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu) Lexi Underwood - Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)
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purplesimmer455 · 5 years
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Some cute simblreen poses* that I got as a treat 🧡💛❤ 
Oh man, I forgot to give Kaitlyn and Noelle the pumpkin accessories in two poses 🤦‍♀️😅
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