sweeetestcurse · 1 year
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Luke Goss as Jared Nomak in Blade II 01/??
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 12 days
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Thanks for the asks/suggestions for this round. Feel free to keep sending them. I plan on starting another one this week. :P
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myfairgame · 11 months
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stroebe2 · 1 year
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omanxl1 · 1 year
rafi:ki / mixtape 012 / instrumental hiphop mix / abstract hip hop beats / trip hop 2014
Digital Crate Digging Continues on what I refer to as a Terrible / Terrific Tuesday where things can play out either way! As I previously mentioned we always claim the terrific outcome, celebrating in advance as we pull out the drum! O-Dog Day Partying / Afternoon Jazzing  as we let the music play!! Deceiving you and me? I mentioned the antics of the devil and his advocates so what more can I…
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katrinegrey · 2 years
Raum: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Ash: Spear. Raum: BLOCKED.
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shelvs · 10 months
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doodles and works in progress. Not much to share, but checking in.
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jadesdumbstuff · 2 years
Landscapes that are flourishing
With cherry blossom winds
Fond of Koi ponds
Watch the day as it begins
Watch the night before it bends
Boomerang effect
Return for what's next
- “Geishas in the Days” by Nomak feat. Pismo
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thenexusofsouls · 3 months
“You don’t look like the rest of them. The Master is not your creator, is he?” (Quinlan for Nomak; @mxrvelouscreations
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Nomak was perplexed by what he saw, and even more confused by the scent of this... person. He was no regular vampire, nor was he a reaper, and yet... his scent was something of both. And somehow also like neither. What exactly was he looking at here?
"What master? I serve none," Nomak said harshly. If the other was referring to his father, Nomak definitely would never have referred to Damaskinos as his master. "I was not created, I was born a vampire... and then reborn as something terrible. A failed experiment of my father's." His head canted. "You... Are you one of his experiments as well? If so... I pity you."
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ruthscarabae · 1 year
Listen, Blade II's lowkey incestuous vibes walked so Hellboy II's Nuala/Nuada plot could jog so Crimson Peak's entire plotline could run.
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sweeetestcurse · 1 month
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Luke Goss as Jared Nomak in Blade II 05/??
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佐々木 ほのかは、日本の女性アイドルであり、女性アイドルグループ『アップアップガールズ』のメンバー。好きな色は赤。 特技はダンス・空手。 福岡県出身。公式ニックネームはほーちゃん。YU-M エンターテインメント所属。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 2006年1月30日 (年齢 18歳), 福岡県
事務所: NoMaKe; (2010年頃 - 2016年); YU-M エンターテインメント(2018年 - )
愛称: ほーちゃん
現年齢: 18歳
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myfairgame · 1 year
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burningexeter · 5 months
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In my own insane (but somehow way less insane) take on the infamous (is it infamous, I just want to know that) Tommy Westphall Universe fan theory which claims not only are 500+ shows are in the same universe but they all take place in the mind of a twelve year old autistic boy with a snowglobe (yes, this is a real thing, blame St. Elsewhere), I propose that in this case for me not only are a decent handful of media are set within the same universe as each other but they all take place within the mind of the deadly, morally grey, femme fatale and early 20s sorceress Charmcaster — the Alien Force and Ultimate Alien Charmcaster to be specific.
How I see it is this is the Where The Magic Happens Trilogy Charmcaster (the pitch I did) specifically the second and third series Charmcaster where she's not only way more mature but a lot more darker, sinister, calculated and ruthless where she took all the lessons she's learned and built upon them and grew from them but not in the good way you think of at first. Obviously, as the second and third series go on, she redeems herself and this is teased throughout because in all three shows Charmcaster has a code, refusing to hurt people that she doesn't have to, expressing regret and disgust at herself for [SPOILER ALERT] decapitating Gwen when they first met, going back to when she doesn't need to to save Gwen and her friends when left behind etc.
She's torn between being a hero and a villain.
But here's where her secret universe within her mind comes directly into play, at the end of the first series, a now changed completely Gwen - no longer the spoiled, know-it-all, mean brat she was at the beginning of the series - gives Charmcaster a special snowglobe that originally meant a lot to Gwen when she was only little and in the words of her Aunt Sandra "finally being able to walk".
It turns out in the second and third series, it's a prized possession of Charmcaster that she won't let anyone else get near or even touch even Gwen who gave it to her in the first place.
How I see it is this is where Charmcaster's universe begins, all of the following are figments on her "imagination". Stories in her mind that only she knows of, it's her own personal secret that's all her fun and her fun only. One day when they're married, she'll tell her wife Gwen but for now, this is hers and hers only. That way, it makes her finally telling Gwen more special.
The connecting theme here are a total of three things which fits them despite being tonially and stylistically different from each other:
1). They focus on distinct but very unconventional types of protagonists and even ensembles having to not only fight the odds but face the highest stakes and the highest threats there is. At the same time, the protagonists aren't generic action heroes or the type who'd be the heroes of these scenarios but they have moral codes or just codes in general even if they're not always "good people" and always end up doing "the right thing". Way less of Tony Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Frank Dux from Bloodsport and Steven Hiller from Independence Day and WAAAAY more of The Stranger from High Plains Drifter, The Driver from Drive and Michael "De Santa" Townley from Grand Theft Auto V.
2). The villains or main antagonists are always never one-dimensional or generic stereotypical bad guys. They're all fully-fleshed out or just fleshed out in general villains with their own personalities, histories and motivations. Some of them are genuinely tragic villains out of Shakespeare and some who are full-on villainous are dangerous and intimidating. Hell, some have codes too. They fall straight into the morally grey area with that if they have that. Way less Tonraq from The Legend Of Korra (ugh, that whole show sucks), Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Senator John McLaughlin from Machete and WAAAAY more of J. Nomak from Blade II, Davy Jones from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest/At World's End and Thaddeus Sivina from Shazam!.
3). All of the events in them are either caused by, advanced and forwarded by or sometimes both by the protagonists. They make life-altering decisions that whether good or bad, whether they did or didn't do the right thing, will have massive repercussions. It's never something random as all hell happening to a certain individual, it's the opposite where they did something that caused or triggered this event to happen to them so they really have no one else to blame but themselves.
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• The Mummy (1999)
• Saving Private Ryan
• Overlord (2018)
• Inglourious Basterds
• Thief (1981)
• Heat (1995)
• The Long Kiss Goodnight
• The Invisible Man (2020)
• Upgrade (2018)
and that's just too name a few, there's much more to it than that but this gives you a great idea on what's going on in the mind of everyone's favorite teenage sorceress Charmcaster.
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australiancarisi · 4 months
Olivia Benson x Sonny Carisi ~ Halfway House
A little benisi drabble. All fluff. Based on 17x19. @homerjacksons enjoy Warnings: I haven't written anything for like a year. I also just wrote this, haven't checked it lol Words: 687
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Liv was going through the mountain of paperwork on her desk when Amanda came storming into her office.
“I told you we should of pulled him out” Amanda said as Sonny followed her in. Sonny was currently working undercover at a halfway house for sex offenders after there had been a strong of rapes in the area.
“What happened?” Liv asked standing up
“Nothin’” Sonny waved her off
“It’s not nothing Carisi! Nomaks attacked him!” Amanda exclaimed. Liv’s eyes widen and looked to Sonny. When he didn’t say anything, Amanda continued “Him and some of his friends recognised Sonny and attacked him with baseball bats as he was walking back to the halfway house”
“Carisi you are holding your back are you sure you don’t need to go to the ER?” Liv asked concern written all over her face.
“No, I’m fine okay? It’s just a bruise it’s not broken” Sonny said sitting down at the chairs in front of Liv’s desk while Amanda sat on the couch in the corner. “Think they were just trying to scare me”
The three continued to talk about Sonny’s undercover work but Liv was only half listening, her mind going back to Sonny being attacked. The pair had been dating in secret for the past 6 months, no one knew besides Barba, Tucker at IAB and McCoy – it was a need-to-know basis. When Sonny had offered up to go under cover Liv was not a fan. Sure, it wasn’t an overly dangerous assignment but seeing the man she loves slumming it in a halfway house with known sex offenders was not her idea of a good time. Liv’s attention was brought back when Fin came in and updated them on an eyewitness.
“He told me he was with his wife when Sofie got raped” Sonny said
“He told me the same thing; we’ve left her messages” Amanda added
“Okay so go see her” Liv directed to Amanda and Fin who quickly left her office, shutting the door on their way out “And Carisi you’re ‘friends” with Caskey now? Get friendlier”
Sonny nodded and headed towards the door. Just as Liv thought he was about to open the door to leave, he closed the blinds on the windows, giving them more privacy. Liv sighed.
“Stop worrying, I’m fine” Sonny smiled at her.
“Do not tell me not to worry. You’ve just been beaten up by a victims family because they think you are a sex offender. You shouldn’t even be in that house” Liv moved around the desk to stand with Sonny. “How bad is it actually?”
“It’s tender okay” Sonny rolled his eyes as Liv lifted the back of his hoodie up to get a look. She pressed her hand to his lower back, making him hiss quietly.
“I don’t like this Dominick” She whispered
“I know but who else was gonna do it?” Sonny moved Liv’s hand out from under his hoodie and spun around to face her. He won’t deny that he loves how concerned Liv is about him. Every time he’s come into the precinct the last couple of weeks he cane tell she worrying more and more. “If it gets too much for me, I’ll let you know okay?”
“What if it’s too much for me?” Liv whispered, looking down at their hands which had now become intertwined.
“Hey now” Sonny lifted Liv’s chin to look up at him “it was a couple of baseball bats, I’m completely fine. Trust me”
“You know I do, I’m just worried”
“I know” Sonny lent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead “I can’t wait to be back in a comfy bed”
“Noah misses you”
“Just Noah?” Sonny smirked
“Of course not… as soon as I can get you out of there I will” Liv leaned up and found Sonny’s lips for a quick kiss. Even though the blinds were closed she was worried, anyone could walk through the door. “Be safe Dominick”
“Always am” Sonny kissed Liv again. “I love you”
“I love you too” she said as Sonny headed back out to the halfway house.
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let me know your thoughts!
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extraordinarygrrls · 1 month
For @thenexusofsouls
This place used to be a private practice, just a small medical facility, back in the 1980s, June had gathered. Difficult to do out of an apartment, but it was a loft at least. This was a place of healing, once. It was a place of healing again, at least for one patient. She had been put here, the once abandoned practice now retrofitted with research tools, computers, anything June might need for remote scientific work for shadowy organisations. Living was secondary. The work was all that mattered, and now Nomak was all that mattered to June.
She never could tell when her handlers would drop by with something for her, or to check her vitals, she was lucky that her Reaper friend was out hunting at night, or asleep and hidden away during the day. After all, if they found out that their latest creation was serving their first... But this time, she caught his eye as he reentered the apartment from the balcony, and gave him a frightened shake of the head: Do not come in. Hide.
Still, he could hear through the open window cold and dismissive words, sustained cruelty. "These files on your desk. This is our work, old work." "Y-Yes?" "What are you doing with our outdated work, June?" "I was... Researching, for further stimulation, I wanted to see if I could-" "Could what? Fix it? Of course, you're phase two, you're better than us." "I-I'm not better." "Don't bother with it, it's useless. Human genetic sequencing and engineering is one thing, but vampires are an entirely different beast. We tried to warn that old fossil not to use a fully grown test subject, and now, so I've heard, it's become an even bigger mess." The man spoke with a hiss in his voice, venom on his tongue. He clearly had no love for his creation. And no care about what happened to the vampire they caused so much pain, nor for the human they currently traumatized. "What became of the... Test subject?" "Don't know, don't care. We abandoned the project after concluding that it, along with finding a cure for the new strain, was impossible. We moved to human subjects, much easier to control." "Onto me." "And after you, sooner rather than later if you turn out to be our second mistake." He left, pushing June to the side, dumping more paperwork on her already flooded desk, and slammed the door. She leaned on the wall, took a shaky breath, tried to collect herself. Before quietly saying to the hiding Reaper.
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"You can come in now."
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