#Nor did we intentionally set out to use OSV
bonefall · 1 year
Advice for clanmew speaking structure: just say it in a Yoda voice. If it vaguely sounds like Yoda's speaking structure you did it congrats
This is accurate because that is actually how they make Yoda sound so odd. OSV (Object, Subject, Verb) word order is the rarest default order of all languages, to the point where it was once thought it didn't exist.
It does exist though! In some Amazonian languages, AND in some sign languages. But, anyway, point being that it's so rare that it's almost universally odd.
So if you make a character use OSV, like the writers usually do with Midnight in canon, you can tell there IS grammar, but that it isn't "normal." Either that they're not speaking their native tongue or wording their sentences in an uncanny way.
English, and Lakemew, are SVO. Clanmew is OSV.
English/Lakemew: Midnight teaches math
Midnight is the Subject, the thing that is doing. Teaching is the Verb, what she is doing. Math is the Object, the thing being done unto.
Clanmew: Math Midnight she-teaching.
See how they have swapped? And how there is a pronoun attached to the verb? You are ALWAYS expressing your relationship to the Subject in a Clanmew sentence. Their language is built around affirming in-groups and out-groups.
(Honestly she probably forgets about the lack of a first person pronoun pretty often and accidentally refers to herself in the third person a lot... making a mental note to self.)
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