#Nora seems like she has that authority figure/leader energy
rotund-wild-pokegirls · 4 months
Wild Pokemon List Pt.4
Normal Type
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Pokemon: Nidoqueen Name: Jessica Description: Jessica is a majestic Nidoqueen with a physique that's both imposing and alluring. Her thick, robust body is covered in a luscious blue scales with a subtle sheen that catches the light. Her breasts are a marvel of nature, large and plump, with a gentle swell that's both captivating and intimidating.Her eyes are a deep, piercing black, with an air of wisdom and authority that commands respect. Her long, powerful legs are strong and sturdy, ending in sharp claws that can tear through even the toughest materials. Jessica exudes an aura of confidence and power, moving with a slow, deliberate grace that's both mesmerizing and intimidating. Type of Growth: All but she prefers Boob and Thigh Expansion.
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Pokemon: Kangaskhan Name: Katherine 'Kat' Description: Katherine, or Kat as she's affectionately known, is a stunningly curvy Kangaskhan with a robust physique. Her thick, strong hide is a mesmerizing shade of brown, and her bust is a sight to behold - a testament to her nurturing nature and dedication to her family. Her strong arms and legs are designed for carrying and protecting her precious cargo, which typically includes her adorable young one. Kat's eyes are warm and comforting, with a deep red that seems to hold a world of wisdom and love. Her gentle smile can calm even the most anxious of spirits, and her caring demeanor makes her an absolute joy to be around. As a mother, Kae is fiercely protective of her family and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety and well-being. In short, Katherine is a true embodiment of love, strength, and nurturing energy - a true motherly figure in the Kangaskhan community! Types of Growth: All but prefers Belly Expansion Rock Type
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Pokemon: Onix Name: Destiny Description: Destiny is a behemoth of a Onix, standing at an impressive height of 20 feet and weighing a massive 5,000 pounds Her thick, armored body is a deep, foreboding grey, with a subtle sheen that hints at her incredible strength. Her enormous eyes glow with an intense, electric blue light, illuminating the dark surroundings as if she's the only source of illumination. Destiny most striking feature, however, is her astonishing physique.Her bust is a behemoth of its own, with a pair of pendulous breasts that rival the size of small cars. Despite her intimidating appearance, Destiny has a deep sense of loyalty and justice. She is fiercely protective of her friends and allies, and will stop at nothing to defend them from harm. Type of Growth: All but she prefers Boob Expansion.
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Pokemon: Tyranitar Name: Jade Description: Jade is a formidable Tyranitar with a physique that commands respect. Her body is a masterpiece of muscle and bone, with a thick, chiseled physique that seems to be carved from the very earth itself. Her scales are a deep green as they glisten with a subtle sheen that hints at her incredible strength. Her breasts are notable not only for their impressive size, but also for their shape and structure. They are like two mighty boulders, thrusting forward from her chest like a declaration of her dominance. Each breast is adorned with a delicate pattern of dark black scales that seem like it gives her an air of primal power. Despite her intimidating appearance, Jade has a quiet intelligence and a deep sense of empathy that makes her a formidable leader and protector. She is fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and will stop at nothing to defend them from harm. Type of Growth: All but she prefers Butt and Thigh Expansion.
List of Girls who can Mega Evolve 1. Jade the Tryanitar 2. Destiny the Onix 3. Ava The Alakazam 4. Roxxy The Aggron 5. River The Blastiose 6. Valkyra The Salamence 7. Luna The Gardevior 8. Amber The Blaziken 9. Ruby The Scizor 10. Nora The Garchomp 11. Zoey the Sceptile
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kingangelrose · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 3 Recap
“Strings” -----------
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Ruby’s Team manage to travel through the tubes from Snowshoe Shipping to the Schnee Dust Company. Nora apologized to Weiss for accidentally pushing the button and putting her through the tubes first, all while Weiss pinches and pulls Nora’s ear, Nora also told Weiss that it was a once in a lifetime experience, Blake, while being the last to make it through the tube, says that’s a good thing, because she never wants to do it again.
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May asks Penny, calling her “robogirl”, which way they should go, Penny uses her robotics eyes to zoom and scan the area and automatically get the directions, she tells the team that they need to go. Penny says that they need to cross the bridge then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left and left, all while gesturing the directions, getting the rest of the team confused, Penny then tell May that he name is Penny and not “robogirl”, Ruby looked smug at May afterwards.
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May turns the team and herself invisible as they were on the elevator, two Atlas guards entered the elevator while the team was in it, but they couldn’t see them, May puts her finger on the mouth, to signal the team to stay quiet. The guards have a conversation about the situation outside the kingdom, the female guard says that the Grimm situation is creepy and they might get attacked, the male guard tells her to not say that, and to not cause a jinx on them, Penny slowly lead the team out of the elevator when the door opened, Nora quietly pressed all the buttons to the elevator floors on the way out with a mischievous smile on her face.
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The team made it to a door that needed hand authorization, Penny turned her finger tip into a port, placing into the scanner port, she managed to get the scan authorized as Pietro and got the door to open. May asked Penny where to go next, and when Penny pointed to Central Command, there were a lot of people in the area.
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May says that she can’t maneuver the team through that crowd, but Penny says they won’t have to, explaining that Ruby can use semblance on herself and the team to maneuver them all through the crowd without being detected, Ruby was confused and surprised on how she knew, Blake asked Ruby did Penny figure that out before she did, Ruby then said to Blake that Penny knew that she was a faunus before she did.
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Meanwhile, Ironwood entered a room where he apologized for being late, and says today was “busy”, that someone was Arthur Watts who was assisting Ironwood against his will, Ironwood walked towards him and asked how was the progress going and that he would hate to have to “motivate” him again if he told him otherwise. Watts says that given what they’re after, he has all the motivation he needs, he says it doesn’t make taking down Penny any more cumbersome, Ironwood says that he trusts that Watts will come up with something, Watt sarcastically says that the trust is palpable, all while four guards point their guns at Watts.  Watts sees an alert on the screen and asks Ironwood that if he knows that Pietro is gallivanting around his military compound, or someone else using his credentials, Ironwood then announces an intruder alert in the compound, that any personal to use lethal to handle the “threat”. 
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Penny says that the tubes have been shut off due to the lock down, trapping them, May says that she can hijack one of the airships for them to escape, Penny says that they can still succeed, saying that they are so close, Nora then gets an idea, using May’s invisibility, she trips an intern with hot coffee in his hand, causing him to fall and trip, and drop the hot coffee on an Atlas workers lap, as well as the keyboard, this distraction gave Ruby a chance to use her semblance to fly past the workers and upstairs, doing a Sailor Moon type pose at the end, Blake, a bit scared says that this is another thing that she doesn’t wanna do again.
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Ruby’s team made to the area where the terminal is, Penny walked over to the computer, then contacted Pietro, saying that she was ready, she then took a deep breath and he eyes changed color, Pietro was speaking through Penny herself saying to Ruby, who was surprised by this, that this was a little complicated process, so he would be remote Penny in from Amity Coliseum, Pietro then began the process as Ruby watched on.
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While waiting, Blake says that she hopes the others are okay, that being Team Yang, and that she’s never seen Ruby and Yang fight like they did at the hideout, Weiss tells Blake to not worry , saying that they are sisters, and sometimes sisters have very different ideas about what’s right, Nora agrees, saying that they’ll be fine, saying that Jaune is a great leader, Oscar has grown a ton and Yang is more than capable of protecting them in fight. Weiss and Blake both notice that Nora left out Ren, Nora goes on to say that she doesn’t know what Ren is, saying that they’ve been together their whole lives, yet she thinks understands him less more than ever, and she doesn’t know if its his fault or hers. “When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while, they become a part of you, but that’s just it, they’re apart of you, don’t forget about the rest” - Blake Belladonna Nora responds by saying she doesn’t know who she is without Ren, Weiss says to Nora that she can take this opportunity to find out and do something only she can do, Nora asked if that was to be strong and hit stuff.
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Pietro was downloading the code imprint, saying to the team that when Penny makes it to Amity, they can run the launch sequence, and Amity computer will find a connection to the generals terminal, but get Penny instead, Penny switches back and says that after the launch, she’ll return to help Ruby and the others with the evacuation, however, Pietro suggested that she should stay with him and Maria after the launch, Penny says that they need her there, she then asks Ruby if that was the case, Ruby says that if Penny stays far away from Salem’s reach than she can’t open the vault or get to the relics, Weiss says that maybe it is for the best, as they were going to the hanger, Penny says that maybe they all have to do things that they rather not do, but then when Penny opened the door, they were greeted by Aces Ops, confronting them.
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Harriett says to Penny that it’s time to come home, Weiss asks the Ops if their first time losing to them wasn’t enough, Marrow responds by saying that they were holding back, Vine then steps forward, trying to reason with Penny, saying that he knows he was doing the right thing when you obtained the maiden power, but with Salem here, things have changed, Penny responds by saying if Ironwood plans to leave Mantle behind, then nothing has changed, Vine says that he thought was supposed to protect the people, and not hurt them, Penny says that she would never hurt anyone, Elm tells her that Winter is in critical condition because of her, Harriett then tells Penny that she repays Winter by stealing the power that she was meant to obtain and if she keeps refusing to do the right thing, everyone in Atlas and Mantle will die, Marrow then says to Penny that she can stop all of this and save Atlas, if she just opens the gate and hands over the relic to them. Ruby says that it won’t save Atlas, saying that Salem will find her way to the relic, no matter where they go, Harriett, irritated says that if she says another word, she’ll throw her in jail with Qrow, that angered Ruby, Penny stepped in front of Ruby, telling Harriett to leave her alone, then ready to fight, Harriett asked what she was going to do about it, calling her a tin can, and when Penny walked away from the door, Harriett used her scroll to close the door and barricading it with an electric field, locking Ruby’s Team in and Penny out, but Penny was ready for a fight.
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Penny used her maiden powers to emit an wind like aura and pushes back the Ace Ops with a gale force wind, Harriett used her speed to push forward while Vine used his aura vines to hang on to the railing, Penny told the Aces that they won’t hurt her friends as she summoned her Floating Array against Vine, Harriet used her quick speed to attack Penny, left and right, until Penny stopped her in tracks countering it, Penny was blasted from behind by Elm’s rocket, then gets up quick to fight against both Marrow and Harriett, managing to hold her own against them both for the time being, Penny used her powers to form a hail storm, forcing Marrow to block it and giving her the chance to kick him away, almost off the platform, until Vine grabbed him for the save. Vine signaled Harriett to go in for another attack, for extra pressure, Harriett hopped onto Elm’s hammer head and used her speed and the swing power of Elm to charge at Penny, delivering a fury of punches, Penny tosses the arrays at Harriett, only for Harriett to dodge out of the way and bait her into getting struck by a powerful hammer toss by Elm, Vine swooped down for an attack, but Penny dodged it all while parrying Harriett’s attacks with her arrays, but then suddenly, Elm uses her brute strength to grab Penny from behind, making it seem like she was stopped as the gale force winds and lowering her arrays down, but then Penny used her maiden powers to break free from Elm’s grip and pushes the Ops back with a energy wave of wind, Harriett gave the order to Marrow to toss his boomerang sword at Penny, knocking her off the platform, but then floated right back, attempting to hit a blast attack, however, Marrow used his Freeze Command to stop Penny in her tracks, giving Vine the chance to pull her down to the ground with his Aura vine.
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Meanwhile, inside the room, Ruby’s Team tried to break through the electric fielded door, even using Weiss’ giant summon knight to help, but it had no effect, Weiss called the Ops cowards for facing Penny four on one. However, Nora said that they had to get out there and help Penny.
“Be strong and hit stuff....” - Nora Valkyrie
Weiss tells Nora to wait, but Nora didn’t listen as she placed her hammer onto the electric field, Nora can absorb electricity, so she could take it through her body and turn it into power, but in this case, her body was being overcharged as it made her hair stand up and electricity lit up all around her body, and all that energy gave her the boost she needed to break down the door open in an explosive force, pushing back the Ace Ops as well, with an overcharged hammer strike, the power started fade as a tired and spent Nora said that was awesome before her aura was depleted and she fell to the ground, Penny went to check on her afterwards, as Ruby, Weiss and Blake were ready to fight.
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Ironwood was about to call for backup after looking on at the fight, but Watts says that he wants to send a message to his operatives, The Ops are given the orders from Ironwood, Harriett wanted him to change his mind, but Marrow said that he understood and the Ops carried out their new objective, Penny, Ruby, Weiss and Blake charge at the Ops, then Vine used his aura vines to know the three off the platform, only for Ruby to use her scythe to hang on the edge with Weiss and Blake holding on below her, Penny and Harriett faced off once more, but then as Penny parried Harriett’s attack with the arrays, Harriett uses her speed to grab one of  the array that was hanging by a threat and tore it off of Penny’s back, Ruby managed to use her semblance to pull Weiss, Blake and herself back on the platform, only for the Ace Ops to retreat with one of the arrays, Marrow looked back at Ruby’s Team, distraught. Penny went to check on Nora, she was still unconscious, and her hammer was so overcharged, not even Penny could grab it.
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Ruby’s Team, with an unconscious Nora in Penny’s arm, meet up with May in the hangar, where she had the airship in her invisibility cloak field, Penny then blasted a hole in the wall, giving the team a way out they all flew in the airship away from the Coliseum, Penny laid Nora down on the floor of the airship and apologized, Ruby and Penny had one last hug as they had to part ways for the time being, Penny said that she had to go, Ruby responds by saying that they will see each other again real soon, she promises. May then opens the ceiling of the airship, and after give one last salute to the team, Penny flies away.
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Meanwhile, Ironwood says good work to the Ace Ops for retrieving the array, Harriett says that “good work” would’ve been capturing Penny, Ironwood then hands the array to Watts. “Well, you know what they say, if you can’t beat them, then make them join you...” - Arthur Watts ---------- No doubt about it, Penny is getting hacked for sure.
How will the heroes deal with that?
Did that overcharge give Nora a new power? I wonder.
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