#Not A Legend { OOC }
raycatzdraws · 6 months
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Slingshot Proficiency!
+bonus doodle drafts
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melzula · 3 months
hi! i don’t know if you take requests for Korra, but if you could do a short blurb with her flirting (with a girl) please?
a/n: i am now realizing i have never actually written for korra before which is crazy to me so ty for requesting this!
summary: Korra works her charm in hopes of scoring a date with you
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Despite being a good friend of the Avatar, you seem to be the only one oblivious to her feelings for you. Korra isn’t exactly the greatest at being subtle, so it’s a wonder to your friends you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s almost painful to watch, actually, as your group of friends observe her attempt at flirting.
“Hey, y/n, didn’t see you there,” Korra notes casually despite being the one to approach you first. “Whatcha up to?”
“Just catching up on some reading,” you say with a polite smile. “Tenzin let me look through the Air Temple library. I figured it would help pass the time while I’m staying here.”
“Reading, huh? I usually pass the time by training. You know, Avatar stuff,” she shrugs nonchalantly before making sure to flex her muscles. “I’m getting pretty good at this air bending thing.”
“Really? Because Jinora told me you got your butt kicked by Meelo at airball yesterday,” you note with a teasing smile. Korra’s confident demeanor immediately deflates at your words, and she’s left sheepishly tugging at the collar of her shirt.
“I was just going easy on them,” she quickly corrects you. “Didn’t want to go too hard on the kids.”
“Of course,” you laugh, and the sound is music to her ears.
“Listen, if you’re not too busy reading, I was thinking maybe you and I could grab a bite to eat? I-If that’s okay with you.”
“I’d love to!” You agree with an eager nod. “Bolin was just telling me about this great water tribe spot in town. I’ll go ask him if he wants to come with!”
“Oh, but I-”
You’re already gone in search of Bolin before she can protest, and Korra is left to stand there in defeat. She thought getting dates would be easy considering she is the Avatar, but it seems to you she’s just Korra.
“You know it’s going to take a lot more than just flexing your muscles to get y/n to go out with you, right?” Mako interjects from beside her with an amused smirk on his face. Korra only scowls in response.
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be!” She accuses harshly before stomping off. Mako can only shake his head in response.
He could make things much easier for her by telling Korra that you also have a crush on her, but who is he to interfere?
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beezii · 11 months
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Mineru for last month's patreon character poll ✨
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tvlandofficiall · 6 months
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understood. i, your humble servant, will follow you to the utmost...
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artemis-entreri · 1 year
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[[ Scenes of Menzoberranzan by Sean Vo. ]]
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areyousanta · 4 months
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airteacher · 4 months
//Just imaging startling an Airbender and them jumping back a 100 feet like a cat.
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iowacosediments · 1 month
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I always remember what Malons father said about his wife, Malon will always be a Gerudo in my heart ❤️
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misteria247 · 1 year
I've just discovered something called Linked Universe and omfg?????? Twilight Link and Wild Link being besties???? Who would kill for each other???? Means everything to me you don't understand???? And Time Link being a tired papa to all these different versions of the legendary hero??????
I'm in love with this concept.
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lethica-nightborne · 1 month
*Lethica lays out snacks, soaps, makeup, and nail polish (many courtesy of her secret admirer). She is wearing a simple purple nightgown. Her hair is still up, but in a much looser bun. Her mask is still on. Bag is there, eating some hot chips*
Save some for the party, bag
*the hands take two more chips before darting back inside the actual bag part. lethica waits for her guests to arrive*
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sirmariusrenathyr · 2 months
Lethica's really gorjust
How do you spell jorgus???
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spaceistheplaceart · 11 months
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more of my modern au which im going to name "The Legend of Zelda: The 11:59 Deadline" bc tbh that really encapsulates this whole au
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the-kutlass-kratch · 17 days
( @billythewitchesbane )
“..Is that a cat.”
*He approaches, he’s wearing his secret pants, the black waistcoat over a button up, and the lighter of his two coats. He looks slay as fuck.*
“Hello…little guy.”
*Briggsy mrrps in confusion, and then is equally confused at the noise he made. Upon seeing Billy, the fur along his spine starts to bristle in fear*
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gourmet-gator · 2 months
*As Kremy drifted off to sleep, everything snug and safe in the Carnivale, Magnolia making friends and having fun, everything juuuust fine...*
*A dream began. It wasn't quite a proper POV, it was more like he was watching from a distance, a scene begins to unfold before his eyes. He didn't feel he could alter it, just made to watch like one of the audience members in his Carnivale.*
*It was Agwe, his crime-ridden, swampy hometown; it was very far from perfect, but it was home. The vision was focused on a particular area of Agwe, a rather shady section, people bustling about, and others tucked away in the many buildings.*
*Then...a familiar sight came into view; or at least, a partially familiar sight. A little Gatorfolk girl skipped into view, using a stick to spin a plastic hoop along beside her as she giggled. She had tannish green scales, and a flowing golden dress with a bow tied around her waist, and a wide-brimmed hat adorned with a magnolia.*
*It was his daughter, certainly, but she was alive - and that's probably about the time Kremy'd begin to realize what exactly this vision would be showing him.*
*Kremy blinks, his movements feeling slow and sluggish, as if trying to move through the swamps back on Agwe.*
*His focus is turned to the little girl in the golden dress. His eyes narrow in confusion before widening in recognition. Magnolia? In scale, flesh and blood?*
*Was this a memory of hers? Maybe the Baron was showing him something? His head swirled with questions as he attempted to move towards the girl, though it felt as if he couldn’t even lift his foot.*
*He spoke, and the sound reverberated unnaturally over the hustle and bustle of all the other passer-bys.*
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goopi-e · 5 months
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"Another one of those Outset traditions," Tetra smirked, slurping the juice off of a freshly-cut hydromelon slice. "Let him have it".
"Yeah, we do that all the time!", Link started signing so enthusiastically he completely failed to notice the slice offered to him, "When you taste the first fruit of the season, someone gotta pinch your ears, otherwise it just doesn't count! Ha, if only Grandma was here, she'd tear my ears off by now".
Ganondorf considered the tinging eartip for a moment, and then suggested nonchalantly:
"Hm. Must be why your sister has ears pointier than what half of Hylian nobility used to have".
The kids exchanged brief looks of bewilderment, only to drop on the sand, giggling and hollering, as if it was the best joke they've ever heard — and the joy in their laughter was so infectious, Ganondorf couldn't help but feel the corners of his own mouth raise ever so slightly. Thankfully, the smile was easy enough to hide by biting into his own piece of hydromelon.
The boy was right. The produce from their island was the sweetest the ocean had to offer.
Behold! A piece I've been working on on-and-off since September, if not August. As y'all probably know, I rarely go for backgrounds, and almost never bother with shading, so this was quite a challenge for me... But I am incredibly pleased with the final result.
The whole ear-pinching thing is a real tradition we have in our family! Probably a regional thing, not sure. Either way, I thought it fit the setting well, with how much ado is usually made over ears and whatnot.
Consider this a teaser for my AU ;^).
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torenchao · 1 year
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h . happy birthday. grimace.
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