#Not gonna lie. sometimes i struggle to drink actual water instead of soda
chartreuxcatz · 1 year
the whole “water tiktok” hate thing is really pissing me off actually. Damn these people can’t fucking hydrate in peace? Don’t act so worried about their health. I know you never gave a shit about the affects of sweeteners until now. You don’t know why they’re doing it, and frankly you don’t need to. Whether it’s for a health reason or just because they like how it tastes, it’s flavored water for fucks sake. Shut up.
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strawberryfiction · 7 years
Two Tones (part 4)
Pairing: Raywod
Warning: heterochromia!Ryan
Summary: Ray was working nights at probably the safest bar in Los Santos. ON night a man comes in not looking for alcohol, and its the first thing Ray’s never seen int he bar before. The second is the mans eyes, one green and one blue. They haunt Ray until he meets the man again in different circumstances.
Ray stepped in quickly, “And Michael is drunk! Video games, less talking!”
Ray could hear Michaels heavy sigh of anger, his line of questioning wasn’t done, but Ray wasn’t mentally prepared – and he bet Ryan wasn’t either. Ryan struggled to start a conversation without looking nervously at Michael who looked like a rubber band about to snap.
“Michael can I talk to you?” Ray had paused the game.
Michael shrugged, “Sure.”
“What the fuck?” Ray hissed.
Michael shrugged again as the two stood in the kitchen.
“Why are you giving Ryan the third degree?”
Michael smirked, “Someone has to play the father figure.”
Ray clammed up quickly.
“Gavin likes everyone, just have a conversation with the guy. If they have a pleasant conversation Gavin automatically gives them the seal or approval. I’m here to be on your side.”
Ray shook his head, “I don’t need anyone on my side.” He rolled his eyes.
Michael leaned in on the counter, “Ray, you’ve never liked anyone like this before.”
Placing his elbows on the counter Ray leaned in towards Michaela, “I’ve had crushed before.”
Michael shook his head, “Not like this, you’ve never talked to them or asked them to hang out. Usually they fizz out in a week tops. I just don’t want your first relationship to be your worst.” He gave a half smile showing off his dimple.
Ray sighed rocking back on his heels holding on to the counter, “You’re right, thanks.”
A ringing phone cause Michael and Ray to turn their heads back towards the couch. Ryan stood up looking sheepishly back tot hem a sleek black phone in his hand.
“Uh, where’s your bathroom?” Ryan asked his smile tight.
“Down the hall on the right,” Ray answered.
Ryan hurried towards it.
“What do you think that was about?” Gavin watched Ryan jog towards the bathroom.
Michael opened a new beer, “We could find out,” he winked.
“No,” Ray snapped waging his finger, “No.”
“Come on Ray snoop a little, why is he so secretive?” Michael pushed, “What is he hiding?”
“It’s not my business,” Ray groaned.
“Snoop!” Michael shouted.
Ray pushed him, “He’s going to hear you.”
“Ha! You’re gonna do it!”
“Are we ever going to finish this game?” Gavin waved his controller in the air.
“You guys play a round without me.”
“Love bring me a beer,” Gavin requested.
Ray crept towards the bathroom praying none of the boards would creak. As he slid up to the bathroom he strained to listen feeling a pit start in his stomach. Snooping wasn’t Ray’s MO.
“I’m sorry, look” Ryan sounded distressed and out of breath.
Ray held his breath getting closer to the door. He was an inch away from pressing his ear up to the wooden door.
“I swear I can get it. Give me time, you know I can.” Ryan’s voice lowered to a harsh whisper, “I can get the money.” He hissed.
The pit in Ray’s stomach became instantly bottomless. It sounded like Ryan was in some sort of financial trouble. Then he could hear water running from the tap, Ray flinched when Ryan’s hand slapped the countertop. Taking that as the cue that Ryan had finished his phone call Ray scrambled down the hallway back to the kitchen.
“Find out anything juicy?” Michael snickered.
Gavin was still focused on the game, “Does he have a secret life?”
Ray bit his lip which caused Gavin to actually look back at him.
Ray’s mouth fell open; he wasn’t sure what to say. Before a word could fall out though Ryan had returned a smile on his face.
“Sorry, work is a pain in my ass sometimes, but I love it.” Ryan rolled his shoulder causing a pop.
“And the party continues,” Michael tossed a controller to Ryan and one to Ray, which Ryan caught for him.
While game night was fun Ray couldn’t help finding his mind wander to the conversation he had overheard. Maybe the business was under paying Ryan, but what kind of trouble could he be in financially? The man seemed to innocent for gambling debts, and he seemed like he paid everyone on time if he borrowed money. Ray was slowly realizing that he didn’t know as much as he thought about the man with two different colored eyes. This is how he was going to change it though.
Game night ran smoothly, Ray and Ryan were an unstoppable team – though Ray was the backbone. Ryan had a dark murder side when it came to GTA, he seemed to enjoy the chaos. Though Ray and Ryan dominated in team kills Gavin was taking home the gold in races.
“The R and R connection will not stand for this!” Ray jumped from his seat.
“The what now?” Ryan asked.
“It’s our team name,” Ray shrugged looking down at his feet., “They have a team name.” he grumbled.
Ryan rose an eyebrow at Michael and Gavin.
Michael wrapped his arm around Gavin putting him in a headlock, “We’re team nice dynamite.” He said while Gavin squeaked.
“What?” Ryan looked to Ray.
“They’re inseparable” it was the only answer he could give.
Ryan’s two toned eyes looked Ray straight on and his smile crept up, “I accept the team name.”
Ray could have exploded on the spot. Instead he chose a gentle smile to match Ryan’s.
“Okay stay with me here,” Ray was leaning over the bar, he’d shown up early just to talk to Geoff.
Geoff was finishing cleaning before the night crowd showed up, “I’m listening, but only sort of.”
“You liked Ryan,” Ray started his pitch.
Geoff shrugged, “Seemed like a good guy.”
“We don’t have a bouncer for the night shifts.”
“Ray,” Geoff dragged out the name narrowing his eyes.
“What if you hired Ryan,” Ray spoke slower.
“You’re kidding; we’ve never needed a bouncer. There’s rarely trouble here. I was joking.” Geoff hung up his apron and the conversation was over.
Ray panicked, “I was attacked a week ago out by the dumpsters,” the words tumbled from his mouth in a haze.
Geoff’s eyes were on him clear blue searching for a lie, there was no way something bad could happen in their safe haven. By the way Geoff’s eyes fell to the bar Ray knew he accepted the truth.
“Fine,” Geoff gave in, “He starts tonight.” Geoff balled up his apron.
Something felt broken between Ray and Geoff now, like Ray had betrayed him. He was just telling the truth, but it hurt Geoff’s believe of a safe haven paradise. Ray was staring at his cellphone, maybe it was the fact Ray had kept the attack from Geoff, like he didn’t trust him. Calling Ryan was a hollow victory.
Three rings in and Ray was afraid after his subtle battle with Geoff he wouldn’t even get his prize. That would cause a whole new line of issues - like Geoff hiring someone else to watch Ray – like a real babysitter.
“Hey Ray.”
Ray couldn’t stop the sigh of relief from his lungs, “Ryan.”
“Are you okay? You sound panicked.”
“I didn’t think you’d pick up,” Ray was leaning against the bar on his left hand as the right held his phone to his ear.
“It’s your lucky day,” Ryan’s smile was audible in his voice.
Ray forced himself not to sound too excited, “What do you think about coming to work more or less full time at the bar?” he rushed through his statement, “At night as a bouncer.”
Ryan said nothing.
Ray sat on the other end of line listening to breathing. Seconds ticked by.
“Ry-“ Ray couldn’t handle the silence.
“I can’t just leave my job.”
Ray’s heart was sinking, “Can’t you just give it a try?”
“Ray no one bothers you in there, I think you’re pretty safe,” Ryan had the same tone Geoff had of a finalized conversation.
Ray griped his cellphone harder, “You don’t know that, what about the skull mask guy?” He hated sounding like he was begging. Why did he care if Ryan took the offer or not, he had other ways to see him besides flirting at work. He’d already made a stink at Geoff though and brought the older man to the idea. He knew he would feel like a fool if Ryan didn’t come in at all.
Still the other end was quiet.
“Okay,” Ray was ready to hang up with the taste of shame in his mouth.
Ray heard the voice from the receiver as he pulled his cellphone away form his ear.
“I’ll do it,” Ryan had agreed.
Ray could feel himself shooting towards the moon.
“Goodnight Geoff,” Ray gave his usual farewell to the man. His chest felt sore when Geoff gave him a worried look before saying his goodbye.
“He said he’d do it,” Ray told Geoff, but he knew he was reassuring himself.
After twenty minutes of being alone in the quiet bar Ray felt panic in his heart. As if the man in the skull mask would be the one to barge into the bar. The thought made his heart race, and Ray told himself he was being ridiculous. His eyes watched his fingers drum on the sleek wood of the bar. The door opened and Ray’s heart stopped.
Ryan stood there with a lopsided grin, “Sorry I didn’t bring flowers.”
“This isn’t a date you’re on the clock,” Ray got a glass form under the bar.
“If I’m on the clock why am I getting a drink?” Ryan leaned against the wall next to the bar.
“There’s no alcohol,” Ray grabbed the soda sprayer, “You’re aloud some soda.” Ray paused, “And hey maybe food!” He darted back to the kitchen. Sure enough a sandwich and a side of macaroni was waiting for him.
Ryan rose his eyebrows.
“Bruce is the cook. He always leaves me something, because according to him I’m going to waste away to nothing,” Ray emphasized with air quotes.
Ryan took a sip from his glass, “I’m on Bruce’s side here.”
Ray held out a sandwich slice, “Want it?”
Ryan shook his head, “Nah, you look like you need it.”
Against his better judgment Ray flung macaroni at Ryan.
“Come on,” Ryan warned stepping away from the cheesy mess.
Ray shrugged, “Not sure why you’re complaining I have to clean it up.”
“So like where should I stand? By the door?” Ryan called to Ray while he was digging in the supply closet fishing out the mop from behind the gazillion buckets they seemed to have stock piled.
“I don’t know, where’s the best vantage point to spot a shady looking guy?” Ray pulled the mop from its hiding spot.
The night rolled by with light conversation, only a few costumers with sleepy looks in their eyes. Ray poured Ryan five glasses of diet coke before the night’s end. Something about having Ryan there made the night go by so much faster, and the car ride to his apartment was so much better than walking.
Again Ray invited Ryan to spend the night looking into the mans two toned eyes, again he declined. One day, Ray sighed to himself as he stripped down to his boxers. At least he got to see Ryan more.
Getting ready for work Ray practically danced around his apartment playing the latest Starbomb album. He hummed along combing his hair, and checking his teeth in the mirror for bits of lunch his monster didn’t wash away. He looked pretty good. Winking to himself and giving finger gun Ray knew he was ready or work. Headphones in and he was off before it even got dark.
It was Ray’s fourth day working with Ryan, and he’d noticed how much busier the bar had gotten with an official bouncer. Ray wasn’t sure if it made the place look more official or if girls just wanted to take more selfies with the new employee. He hoped he wasn’t missing his romantic chance, but he couldn’t see the bumbling girls being Ryan’s type. Still he wanted to make a move on Ryan, he’d talked to Michael about it and Michael didn’t think he was being obvious enough. Ray’s hints were too subtle and friendly if he wanted Ryan to know his heart was available he’d have to be more obvious. The only issue Ray had was the possible tremendous back fire. What if Ryan didn’t see him that way or just plain wasn’t even into guys? Time and time again Michael kept reassuring Ray that his radar was tingling, and to make the move.
Taking a deep breath Ray walked into the bar as Geoff was taking off his apron and cleaning up a few stray dishes. Ray picked up a plate from a table as he walked across the hardwood floor.
“Missed one,” Ray held out the plate.
Geoff nodded as he took it to be placed in the dishwasher, “You’re early, couldn’t sleep in till the last minute?”
Ray’s face heated up as he looked at his shoes, were there still ovens on?
“It looks like you even combed your hair,” Geoff teased.
“I had some time,” Ray shrugged moving past Geoff to put on his apron.
“Still can’t be bothered to iron that shirt though huh? Even to impress someone.”
“I don’t own an iron,” Ray grumbled.
Geoff shook his head, but he smiled, “I don’t know how you guys are doing it, but you’re drumming up more night traffic.”
Rays hands were shaking, “We’re a good team.”
“Keep being a good team,” Geoff twisted the end of his mustache, “Have a good night.”
“Night boss,” Ray tied his apron around his waist, how did Geoff put it together before Ryan?
Cleaning off glasses and sweeping the floor Ray got ready for the night crowed to stir in, all he needed was Ryan by the doors and he was golden to go. While rubbing down the bar ray heard the door open.
Excitedly Ray lifted his head.
Ryan stood there giving a half wave. Ray could feel the heat in his cheeks while Ryan crossed the bar floor. He was stunning and Ray had to check for drool.
“You’ll never guess who shrunk their work shirt,” It was Ryan opener.
“So I’m not the only one who owns only one good shirt. Geoff always teases me about that.” Ray smiled wide.
“Hey,” Ryan held up his finger, ‘I do own more than one nice shirt, they’re just not all black.” He paused, “That’s you’re only nice shirt?”
“I had another one,” Ray rolled his eyes, “I just happened to leave it in the laundry mat and it got stolen. Course I left it there for two days.”
Ryan threw his head back in laughter not even trying to hide it.
As usual the night was perfect with only one altercation by a group of drunk twenty-one year olds celebrating a buddies birthday.  Ryan was in there in seconds practically threatening time out to the drunk squabbles. They both tucked their tails between their legs. While Ryan had the guys under control girls were another story. Ray watched one of the guests from the party hang on Ryan, and Ryan had no firm voice when it came to girls. He seemed to practically beg her to let him work. With a sigh Ray put his own tough guy act on.
Leaving the counter Ray went in to rescue Ryan from the shadow he had acquired.
“Miss please,” Ryan’s voice was gentle and almost nervous.
“Hey, s’cuse me,” Ray tapped the girl on the shoulder, she frowned like she expected someone else, “You’re kind of keeping our bouncer here from doing his job. As you can see we’re packed tonight, and I need him on his toes.”
The girl looked Ray up and down giving him a sneer.
“Maybe you guys can chat after his shift,” Ray looked at Ryan he’d have a plan for keeping her away. “Ryan can you come help me with some boxes?”
Ryan nodded, a look of relief in his multicolored eyes. The girl reluctantly let go and Ray cut through the crowd with Ryan in tow.
Shutting the door to the kitchen Ray snickered to himself as Ryan let out the biggest sigh of relief Ray had ever heard.
“Thanks for that.”
Ray shrugged, “Sometimes a guy has to be his bouncers knight in shining armor.”
Ryan crossed his arms, “I’m not your personal body guard you know.”
“I got you the job, protect me as a thank you.” Ray laughed.
Ryan rolled his eyes.
Ray was going to crack another joke when Ryan leaned down closed eyes. Lips pressed against Rays, and his mind was spinning he was still looking cross eyed at Ryan wondering if he was still sleeping in at home. When he willed himself to close his eyes he could feel his shoulders fall and warm hands place themselves on top of his bony joints.
With the new found leverage Ray felt Ryan remove himself from the kiss.
“Thanks again,” Ryan turned on his heels walking back out to the crowd.
Ray stood there feeling like he should have thanked Ryan, his body was shaking and walking felt impossible. Breathing in he tried to compose himself, he couldn’t wait to tell Michael and Gavin.
“Best late night shift I’ve ever worked!” Ray fell back over the arm of the couch.
Gavin made a high pitched squeak sound while letting his own body rest along Michaels knees on the love seat.
“Score one Ray,” Michael raised his beer, “Cheers to saving the damsel in distress!”
Ray could feel his face heat up, he put his arm over his eyes, “Pick a movie already.”
“Something romantic for Ray so he can take notes on what to do next,” Gavin cooed.
“Please something with explosions,” Ray hopped the two couldn’t see the smile creeping across his face.  He’d really done it, Ryan and him weren’t official yet, but Ray certainly hadn’t pulled away from the kiss.
They decided on a comedy as a medium between the three, something mindless. It let Ray’s mind come in and out paying attention wasn’t needed. If anything he was on his phone more than anything. He’d been texting Ryan on and off. Now that they worked together a lot of things became a lot less awkward. There were either hour long pauses between replies or they happened in seconds there was no in-between.
‘Got room for one more on your couch?’ Ryan had texted.
Ray’s reply was one of the ones that happened in seconds, ‘Are you asking me to come over?’
“Ryan asked to come hang out!” Ray shouted quickly replying yes.
“The shows on the road,” Michael shouted.
“Open a beer!” Gavin jumped off Michael and headed to the fridge where the two kept their hang out stash.
“How do I look?” Ray asked before heading to the door when he heard the bell ring.
Gavin winked, “Like a champion.”
Ray put on his biggest smile before opening the door, “Ryan!” his smile fell an inch, “What happened to your face?”
Ryan rubbed the back of his head shrugging his shoulders his smile sat sideways on his face under his purple eye, “Accident at work, I hit myself in the face while pulling out a stubborn weed.”
Ray tried to stop the chuckle from erupting out of his mouth, but he couldn’t. It came out in small hiccups, “Sorry,” he inhaled, “I – would you like some ice?”
“I think the damage is already done,” Ryan shrugged.
“Oh,” Ray examined the shiner under Ryan’s green eye, “It’s hardly noticeable.”
Ryan gently pushed past Ray getting into the apartment, “I think I look tough.”
“I knew we should have watched an action movie,” Michael smirked.
“What are you guys watching?” Ryan took a seat on the couch.
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