#Maybe they’re sensitive to taste and need to cover up the flavor of the water.
chartreuxcatz · 1 year
the whole “water tiktok” hate thing is really pissing me off actually. Damn these people can’t fucking hydrate in peace? Don’t act so worried about their health. I know you never gave a shit about the affects of sweeteners until now. You don’t know why they’re doing it, and frankly you don’t need to. Whether it’s for a health reason or just because they like how it tastes, it’s flavored water for fucks sake. Shut up.
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lunerbean · 4 years
Witch Tips 24
Holy shit it's been over a year since I posted one of these but it's because I kept setting myself up for failure by putting way too high of expectations on myself to crank out 10 new and unique and helpful tips everytime I got 100 new followers except first it was 10 and then it was 50 and holy shit I got so stressed about these so I've just been writing them down as I've thought of them instead and now here we are, please be gentle.
Hello here are tips
1. Use transfer paper and a hair dryer to decorate candles.
Maybe you're doing a spell for someone & you want to put a picture of that person on the candle. This can be a way to help you better visualize the effects of the spell on the person the spell is for. Or maybe you need a picture on the candle for some other reason. Maybe you want to put pictures of coins on it for a money spell. Or hearts for a love spell. Simply print out whatever you want on transfer paper, cut it out & place the image face-down on the candle. Then, you'll want to get your hairdryer and a piece of tissue paper (I highly suggest the tissue paper is the same color as the candle, otherwise you risk getting that color onto the candle. Which can also be fine, but if it's not what you want...) use the blow dryer on a low-warm setting to melt the photo onto the candle side. Remove the tissue paper and there you have it! A picture printed onto a candle.
2. You can incorporate witchcraft into ANYTHING... even brushing your teeth.
I recently got this fucking delicious toothpaste from Trader Joe's. I'm one of those people who sometimes struggles to brush my teeth twice a day because I hate the taste of toothpaste. So I got a super unconventional toothpaste flavor instead, "fennel, propolis, & Myrrh. And about a week after using it, it struck me -holy shit these ingredients have meaning behind them. Most obviously, myrrh is associated with wisdom and meditation. And fennel has been used in magic for centuries! Even if you use regular mint toothpaste, that ingredient has power behind it! Obviously this goes more so for natural toothpastes but I'm sure you can find a way to enchant other varieties as well! Use the ingredients already infused into your toothpaste for enchantments & glamours!
3. Actually study your grimoire.
If I sound at all harsh by saying this, it's only because I'm being harsh with myself too. Study your grimoire. Don't just write everything down & then expect to have it all perfectly memorized & be a master in everything you research. Reread it. Rework it. Learn.
4. Feel drawn to be a sea witch but you don't live by the ocean? Get a saltwater aquarium!
First off, I'm not saying that it's a flawless solution. Being a witch of the sea is more than just using salty fish water in your craft. HOWEVER, with that out of the way, there's no way that a salt water aquarium will harm your craft as a sea witch. Think of it like a houseplant for a green witch. Sure, living in the forest would be better but it's still something special to be able to bring a little piece of your craft into your home.
5. Personal taglocks make a spell more powerful, but exercise caution when using them.
Undoubtedly, using a taglock (such as a strand of hair) can better connect you to the spells you're performing, but they're not always wise to use. I only use them in extremely personal spells and crafts. Things that no one except for me can have access to. I would never suggest using a taglock on something that you wish to give another person (especially another witch) such as a spell bottle or sachet. Even if you're best friends. Even if you're siblings. Even if you're MARRIED. You never know when a relationship can turn south or what someone is capable of when they're extremely angry with you. Don't risk it.
6. Be respectful of the deities that you don't worship or work with
I don't work with deities. Shocker, I know. I have my own belief system when it comes to higher powers that I won't get into on Tumblr, probably ever. But I do believe in showing respect to all things, both living, dead, & otherwise specified. If a deity approaches you who you're not interested in working with, please remain kind & respectful with in declination. You're allowed to say no to anyone and everyone.
7. Just because someone is more experienced doesn't necessarily mean they're always right.
Without naming names or being too specific, there was a witch I followed on Tumblr for a long time. They were much older than me and had been a witch for like 20+ years. I followed everything they said as fact. But slowly, over time I started to learn more and realized I didn't always agree with them. They were SO negative. If they heard basically anything new that younger witches were coming up with, they'd have a whole 10 paragraph post about how "stupid and wrong and ridiculous and fake" these new witches were. There was not an ounce of open mindedness with this person. And because of that, I started to feel really bad about myself and my craft. Things they said would stick with me and I'd feel so shitty about it. Well fuck. That. More experience means absolutely nothing if the person is unwilling to learn or expand their minds beyond their previous knowledge. Anyone can learn and anyone can teach. Age means nothing. Surround yourself with open minded people.
8. Put full moon water into your humidifier to charge your space.
This is an idea that only just occurred to me while I was setting up my crystals & jar of water to charge under the full blue moon on Samhain. I always turn my glowing humidifier on at night while I sleep. As I watched the mist begin to arise out the top I thought to myself, 'if I'm charging that water (the glass jar on my altar) for the full moon, why not this water too?' So now, I just add a little splash of full moon water into my humidifier water whenever I'm performing rituals or doing spell work. This way, the full moon water can charge my entire bedroom with the power of the full moon as I work.
Speaking of...
9. You can charge water under more moon phases than just full.
I don't know if that wording was weird or not so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. My point is, I always see people talking about moon water as if it's only full moon water. The moon holds power in every phase she goes through. Adding to the above tip, you can put new moon water into your humidifier to cleanse your space. Waxing moon water to help you plan and focus. And waning moon water to assist during a banishment spell. Hell yeah dude, all phase of the moon are useful and powerful!
10. Incense matches are a great alternative to full incense sticks
I love burning incense, but sometimes it can really overwhelm the area, especially because my house is small & I dont want to expose my cat to it. Incense matches are literally matches that are covered in incense powder. They burn for just a few minutes & produce a steady stream of smoke for spells. They come in a bunch of different scents. I buy them locally for 30 matches for $1.05USD but you can probably find them cheaper online. Still be sure to keep them away from pets & those who are smoke-sensitive.
Thank you so much for reading, follow me for more #10tips, search my blog for the previous 230 tips, & have a magical day.
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artsoupsoupart · 3 years
911 Smut Week: Turn Blue
Day 2: Day Two: Handcuffs, sex toys, anything you want to incorporate into a pwp and/or have a plot too.
A/N: I’d like to apologize bc these prompts are gonna be SO late lol. But I’m committed to finishing these and Madney Week lol 
Read on Ao3 
Maddie Buckley is a goddamn tease. It’s a fact that Chimney has developed a love for over the past few months as they’ve grown closer as a couple. Sure, she’s boosted his ego many times by letting him know he’s better at it than she is. And he is. But still, Maddie is learning and exploring, and she has her talents. She’s sneaky and calculative, striking as though she’s a lioness and he’s her unsuspecting prey. Maddie doesn’t have to necessarily do or say anything to get the man riled up. She’s a woman of few words but the look in her eyes and the sway of her hips always tells him exactly what he needs to know about the game she’s formulated in her mind.
Maddie has been tempting him for the past seventy-two hours. Her kisses before either of them leaves for work are slow, deep, filled with a heated passion that makes him want to call out sick and focus on only her and her body and her pleasure. Her touch lingers against his hips and waist and biceps. She has pressed against his chest more than once, sometimes braless so her pebbled nipples can be felt through their clothes. At the karaoke bar the night before, Maddie had let her hand, which had been not so innocently on his thigh the entire night, trail up towards his crotch, a perfectly painted nail tracing over the zipper as he hardens under her touch with their friends and coworkers singing and drinking away, little words being whispered into his neck that send a shudder through him and his ears blaze red. It took everything in him to not drag her to the restroom and show her exactly what she does to him. And still, she did not give him the release he so desperately needed last night.  Maddie Buckley is a goddamn tease, and she sports this devilish smile with confidence because she knows the affect she has on him.
When they’re finally free from the constraints of work and siblings and friends and have the opportunity to simply indulge in one another, her torture (because that’s exactly what this is no matter how much he enjoys it) begins with Chimney stripped bare and put on display for her on the couch like a five-star meal or perhaps precious jewels. She truly has Chimney practically drooling at the sight in front of him: tanned skin beneath simple but lacey black underwear, her curled hair long and flowing along her shoulders. The heels. That’s what really has Chimney’s breath stuttering. The heels she has on are tall and a deep blood red. He has half a mind to blurt out that she could do absolutely anything to him as long as the heels stay on. But this isn’t his game, it’s hers and she’ll refrain from giving him what he needs if he oversteps.
She takes a few steps forward and leans down close to him, a millimeter away and he can feel the heat radiating from her entire body. Or perhaps it’s his. Maybe both. Both is good. His eyes drop to her cleavage and his eyes glaze over in lust as her lips press to his in a bruising kiss. Chimney reaches up to place his hands on her waist, her hips, her breasts, anywhere he can reach but they’re instantly slapped away. She clicks her tongue as if scolding him, her lips trailing along his jaw to his ear which she takes between her teeth before she whispers in his ear, “No. Touching.”
The order is more for her own good than his because as soon as his hands get to explore familiar paths, she loses her resolve and lets him have his way with her. She doesn’t want that though he’s sure she would have no problem prolonging his torture for another day.
When his hands move back to the couch, he wants to curse because there’s nothing to hold on to as Maddie says, “good boy”, and her lips begin their descent down the column of his neck. She stops at his Adam’s apple for a moment, nipping and chuckling as it bobs up and down when he thickly swallows. He’s cute like this, needy like she normally is and as ready as ever. It’s been a fun few days of seduction, of mentally edging him until she could do so physically. Her tongue swirls around his surprisingly sensitive nipples, enjoying the way he squirms beneath her lips before she trails down washboard abs. Maddie sits on a fluffy pillow on the floor between his legs, eye level with his erection. He’s sure he sees absolute lust on her face and something else that is commanding and dominant and, God, he wants her to get it over with so he can bury himself within her. Long nails scratch at thighs that tense under their pressure. His hands clench into fists and for a moment Chimney wonders if he can keep his arousal at bay.
“I want you to last as long as you can, Chim. Can you do that for me?”  
She says it so innocently yet so… sensually and his mind briefly fogs as his imagination runs. He doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to stave off his orgasm because he needs her more than he thinks he’s ever needed anyone before. But he will. He will because it’ll be worth it in the end. Chimney nods, swallowing again, his mouth dry with want.
“Use your words,” she scolds as her head tilts, and she raises a brow.
He has to tell himself to play her game, to be compliant, maybe a bit subservient because it’ll be worth it. What’s to come (and his revenge) will be absolutely glorious. “I can do anything for you.”
That’s exactly what she likes to hear. She leans her head against his thigh, her nose just shy of pressing against his erection. The amount of blood rushing to his dick truly has him a bit lightheaded. Maddie isn’t sure if he’s been this aroused by her before, but she makes a mental note to tease him more often if this is the response she’ll receive. Pearly teeth dip into her lip as the pad of her finger runs over a thick, throbbing vein. This beautiful cock that is hers to please and use twitches beneath her touch. Maddie internally swells with power. She breathes him in, the scent heady, musky, and masculine, so uniquely Chimney that it makes her mouth water.
For what seems like forever, she simply touches him. Her fingers are featherlight. The point of her nose joins her fingers every now and then and that’s something he never knew would make the fire in his gut blaze so bright. She avoids the tip, the most sensitive part of him besides his heart, though it’s been dripping precum for almost as long as she’s been touching him. The thick drops trail down his shaft aiding in the sensations of lithe digits that have barely touched him. He can do this, it’s not that bad. That’s the lie he tells himself. It’s hell because he wants her to fully use her hands or her mouth or anything and relieve him of the pressure that is teasingly building.
When her tongue pokes out for the first time to run against the vein, from base to just before his bulbous mushroom head, all the air is knocked out of Chimney’s lungs. He has half a mind to beg, but he knows it won’t work. Maddie is stubborn, if him begging would have worked, he would have been deep within her days ago. Still avoiding his tip, she flattens her tongue against his shaft. It’s not much for sensations, but the visual of her licking him like the best ice cream cone is enough for his heart to beat a little faster in anticipation.
After a few more minutes, Maddie catches his gaze, grinning at the stress of his brow and the way his tongue pokes out to wet his lips. “Too much?” she asks.
Chimney stares back at her, shakes his head before audibly saying no. His girlfriend pats his leg before leaning away to shuffle through the bin under the coffee table, the bin that’s mostly used for random magazines that arrive in the mail and the remote. His darkened eyes land on the bottle of lubricant, one of many in their collection that she must have placed there earlier. Chimney lets out a strained groan which gets a laugh out of his girlfriend. Their collection of flavored lube is growing, and it seems Maddie has chosen chocolate cherry, one of her favorites. The liquid, though cold, drips onto his throbbing tip and Chimney lets out the most delicious groan. Maddie almost takes pity on him. Almost.
Her hand, covered in a bit of lube as well, wraps around the base of his erection and she begins stroking in long passes. Her eyes barely leave her handiwork, watching as he glistens. Maddie adjusts, moving to kneel on the pillow instead of sit, watching as he still drips for her. Ever the tease, she presses a kiss to a gooey droplet on the very tip, the taste of him and the lubricant deliciously mingling. Chimney’s entire body shudders and he lets out a groan when she licks at his head. With this reaction, Maddie herself can’t do much more teasing. She wraps her lips around his head, sucking and sucking in time with the stroke of her hand. She keeps this up before opening her mouth to him, drawing him in as deep as she can. Brown eyes that she loves so much roll back as he tenses and tries to relax in her mouth and Maddie attempts to stifle a laugh. The vibrations shoot through him, and his hands squeeze at the couch cushions. It would be so easy to chase the sensations that the warmth of her mouth brings. It would be so easy to let himself tense and tense and tense until he explodes in the back of her throat. There wouldn’t be anything she could do about it if he does, though he’s sure she’d disapprove and who knows what punishment that would bring him. Instead, Chimney attempts to think about anything other than the way her tongue swirls around the head of his dick. Anything other than the feeling of him being drawn down her warm throat as far as she can take it.
It takes everything in Chimney to stop her when he feels his orgasm truly begin to build. He can’t take more, he thinks. He wants to be inside of her when he releases for her. He’s been flirting with the brink of release for at least two hours when she twirls the silicone ring around her finger just in his line of view. Chimney groans and that devilish smile of hers returns. Chimney has no problem with getting hard, staying hard, or stamina. But the couple of rings they bought really add to their pleasure, allowing Chimney to draw out more of Maddie’s beautiful orgasms. Their eyes meet as her underwear falls to the floor. It takes just a second and she slips the ring around the base of his cock, her desire growing just as his erection does right before her eyes.
“Feel alright?” she asks, not wanting him to be uncomfortable in the slightest.
He nods, clears his throat before choking out a yes as the ring squeezes against his base. It feels good, but it feels even better when Maddie straddles his lap and sinks down on him, grateful they read the ingredients to the lube before purchasing and delighted at the way his face contorts and his breath catches in his throat. She takes him, inch by inch. Chimney isn’t necessarily long, probably somewhere slightly above average in length but girthier than most. The ring emphasizes his width, has her pressing her mouth to his to stifle the guttural moan the leaves her throat as she adjusts. There’s nothing for him to grab and Maddie hasn’t told him he can touch yet, so he chooses to stuff his hands between the cushions to counteract the way her walls clench around him.
Maddie focuses on herself for the most part, rocking her hips in a way that feels good, but it doesn’t stop Chimney’s own pleasure from building on its own accord. Chimney’s head falls back to the couch, and he simply watches her, watches her erotic scene of him disappearing and reappearing between them. He wants to touch her. He needs to touch her or do something with his hands beside clutch onto plush cushions. She’s sexy, exceedingly sexy with her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side. Her tongue pokes out to lick her lips.  When her eyes open, his girlfriend, his beautiful, talented, wonderfully evil girlfriend adjusts once more, one foot propping up for leverage. The change in angle is just what she needs if the rapid sounds of her moans are any sign, and it allows for him to press in just the perfect spot to draw out every single ounce of pleasure he can.
It’s when his hands move to the back of the couch to ground himself in reality that she takes them and moves one to her still covered breast and the other to her ass, giving him permission. It’s as though Chimney comes alive at being able to touch her. His own talented fingers draw the cup of her bra down, teeth nipping at the skin of her breast before he pulls her nipple into his mouth until it’s erect. She clenches around him with every suck of his mouth. His other hand kneads and palms at her ass and it’s as though he hasn’t touched her in years. They find their rhythm easily, slow at first because Maddie isn’t quite done teasing yet. She can’t last long. She’s been dripping wet for as long as he has and the way he reacts to her, the way he wants so desperately to please her has that metaphorical rubber band close to its snapping point. Maddie watches as he goes doe-eyed for her, and she knows he’s close.
“Is that all you can take, baby?” her hips don’t stop their movement as she asks him, and he nods. She tuts again, her hips rocking in time with her own command. “Use. Your. Words.”
“Yes, Maddie. Fuck, Maddie it’s all… I can’t…” His hands dig into her waist, hard enough to bruise as their pace increases, but she welcomes the minute pain as she climbs the ladder of her own desire once more.
Ever the pleaser, Chimney grunts through his own arousal. He removes one hand from her waist to find her clit, stimulating her both inside and out until she’s panting and letting expletives of her own fall from plumped lips. His thrusting hips match his circling fingers and she’s so close, her toes curl in excitement.
“Howie,” she draws out his name as she begins to pulse around him in her own release.
Maddie leans forward, wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his ear and tells him to make her come, to come inside of her while he does it, as deep as he can, as much as he can. Her words are a catalyst to his orgasm, sending him over the edge he’s been on for hours. Hearing him cum for her is the most satisfying sound. Feeling him thrust into her until he’s done is just as spectacular. Maddie could get drunk off the way her name sounds as it’s stretched through moan after moan of his pleasure.
When their hips slow and they catch their breath, Maddie presses her lips to his. He’s a vision as his eyes droop. He’s exhausted in the cutest way. She slips from him, slips the ring from around his dick. They’ll need to clean themselves and the toy up before getting into bed. With one hand, Maddie pulls a still dazed Chimney from the couch and all but drags him to the bathroom for a nice, soothing bath, both of their legs jelly and their lust for one another satisfied. For now.
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lastluvbug · 4 years
Your Trick Me Once and Trick Me Twice was amazing! My poor heart ached as I read it. May I request for a situation where Kalim was depressed after the events of Chapter 4;Jamil says something along the lines of "If only you hadn't exist" and Kalim decides to take drastic actions like attempting suicide? You can choose if his attempt is a success or a fail but I do want to see Jamil's reaction to the attempt though. Of course this is only if you are willing to write this. Thank you very much! :)
Haha, you guys sure are enjoying the angsty Kalim fics! Oh well, truth be told, I am too! So let’s continue the sadness train!
Warnings: Extreme suicidal tendencies, toxic behavior, and language.
Please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics.
Vermillion skies bled to dark midnight as a little twinkle on the horizon grew into a thousand stars that created shapes and pictures Kalim loved to trace with his fingers.
Twilight, the death of the day, and the birth of the night. A long time ago, it was the part he dreaded with a passion unmatched by any other. After all, when the sun set, that meant today was over, and all those precious times he’d savored were now nothing more than lightly remembered memories soon to be rewritten, or forgotten. But now... well, now that he had no one to fall back on, no one to reach out to, twilight was now the sweetest kiss he could await for, the kiss that he’d wished to feel, but for now could only see.
Caressed by the wisps of wind that held the slightest hint of spice, he leaned back onto his hands, swathed in the moonlight that seemed to spotlight only on him, on the tears that freely dripped down his cheeks like crystals, a sad smile tugging at his lips. Feet dangling over the edge of the too tall balcony, he drank the taste of night, the bittersweet flavor of the dry desert air.
Sleep had long since been a hazy concept, often coming in sporadic periods that sometimes stretched for hours, and sometimes lasted no longer than five minutes. No longer did he carefreely fall into blissful dreamland, no longer did he find comfort in the silk finery of his sheets, or the clothing that had once fit so snuggly over his already lithe body.
Stomach shrunken, fingers bony, cheeks ever so slightly caved in, Kalim had gone from so heathily full, to a frail petal on the edge of falling from its flower of life. He didn’t need to show anyone the way his ribs had replaced the muscle that used to line the bones, didn’t need to explain why he’d suddenly found nitpicking every food that was placed before him as a new hobby. Probably the worst of all, he refused to allow anyone to see the secrets he was hiding, masked with a terrifying expertise he surely shouldn’t be capable of creating.
Riddled with jagged lines that cut over his shoulders, his hips, his thighs, Kalim hid those so well, walking without a single limp, waving without a flinch, acting as if he didn’t feel the sting of reopening wounds whenever he stretched his limbs a little too far, or the dripping of crimson as sparkly as gems down tanned skin. Laughing soundlessly at the tranquil sky, he sniffled, betraying his actions as the glittery sea of bottled sadness spilled from his eyes.
What was perhaps the scariest feeling of all, was that he simply felt... nothing.
All those smiles to his friends, all those sympathetic hugs he offered to classmates in need, he didn’t feel anything through it. It was as if a switch had been turned off; the dark smothered his light, shutting out the emotions that had so clearly made Kalim, Kalim. He could laugh and cry as much as he wished, but that didn’t cover the fact that it was all... fake? Forced? Imitated?
He knew why. He wrote about it every night, in the journal he kept beneath his pillow. He dreamt about it, whenever he could manage even a glimpse of an image past the realm of sleep. He remembered it, he remembered him. His words. The ones that stabbed him in the back, in the heart he thought he could so foolishly bear to someone who’d once been so trusted.
He knew this was all because of Jamil. But he rejected any thought that came within a hundred feet of blaming him. How could he? How could he even begin to blame Jamil, after everything he’d done?
“Hey, Mr. Oblivious. Won’t you pull your head out of your ass for one goddamn second and pay attention?”
Kalim should’ve been listening better, then Jamil wouldn’t have had to tutor him on basic classes.
“Why won’t you just get out of my life? I’ve told you a million times, and I’m done repeating myself. I’m not your friend. I never have been and never will be. Now leave me alone.”
Was he being too pushy? Maybe... maybe he just needed some space.
“Kalim, get the hell out! Good for nothing leech, just get away from me!”
...How much longer can he do this?
Slow, encumbered, Kalim turned his head to the door of his room, waiting, hoping, praying that the handle would turn, and welcome in the one person he wanted to love again, despite the late, late hour. Staring at the wood, he felt numb, expecting something he knew would never happen.
Falling rather ungracefully from the balcony ledge, he dropped onto his wide bed, onto the plush mattress that was deceivingly firm underneath his back, cradling all the wrong places as his covers practically strangled him in the heat. The tears that came this time weren’t born of fear, or anger, but grief and guilt.
Maybe if he’d been more perceptive, maybe if he’d loved just a little harder, things would be different. But... didn’t it amount to anything that he’d tried? That once, Jamil had been treasured like a brother? Didn’t he care at all that Kalim was suffering?
Cuddling into the overwhelming confusion between suppressing heat and empty cold made Kalim’s head spin, and cradled by the hand of the night that so desperately urged its dimming sunshine into sleep, he felt his eyes slip shut, sinking into a slumber that was neither welcoming, nor satisfying.
Heavy and cold, shivering in warmth, dimmed in light.
Kalim curled in on himself, sleep clothing askew as he gritted his teeth, chest sinking with a fractured stabbing as he hugged his knees to his chest. Just as the nights before, sleep had brought nothing but a dreamless black that he wished he could stay trapped inside, only to awake yet again in a body that only ever seemed to work against him.
Sitting up, he grunted as his wounds burned, flames traveling through his veins as if salt had been rubbed into his cuts. Tears speckled across his eyelashes as he bit back his cry, every breath he took watering the knot that grew in his throat.
He knew then, with the sensation of cracking glass prodding at his chest, with the cloud that dampened his head, with the glaze that formed over his eyes consisting of dammed tears and bottled fear, he couldn’t do it today. He couldn’t go out and act as if everything was alright. He couldn’t smile and laugh like he’d taught himself to. Because every time, it would come out too broken, it would show the feelings he’d worked so hard to conceal.
He needed to make a trip.
Dressing himself was an especially difficult task, as any small movement made his arms scream in protest, his hips cry in red as mended injuries were pried open, his thighs burn like boiling water had been splashed over them. But, biting his cheek and gritting through it, Kalim disregarded his bodily urges to stop, pulling on his school uniform and sloppily tying his turban, slipping on his pointed shoes to complete the look.
He didn’t even note the time as he headed out, feeling unbearably heavy as he glued his gaze to the floor, wandering through the halls of Scarabia. Along the way, he caught the eye of a few students, who waved energetically. He didn’t have the strength to summon even a hint of a smile back, trudging past them as he blinked, shoving down the water that longed to rush down and cool his warm face.
Pinned with the helplessness of being alone, Kalim hesitantly made his way to the mirror portal that led back to Night Raven’s main building, freezing as he noticed who stood against the wall, cleaning the dirt from his nails. Jamil barely acknowledged Kalim until he was within reaching distance, scowling as he met the crimson eyes of the other.
Though he was tugging dangerously hard on a taut string, Kalim inhaled as he brought forth a shimmering smile, betraying the unspoken words in his eyes. “G-G—“ Kalim cleared his throat, swallowing the knot, “Good morning, Jamil! Are you on your way out? I could come with you, if you’d—“
“You’re a damn idiot if you think I want to spend even a second with you. Not that it’s any of your business, but I was waiting for someone.” Jamil clipped, crossing his arms.
“A... Ah, of course! Well, I could still stay with you as you wait for—“
“No. It’s clear they’re not coming. I should get out of here, before I waste anymore brain cells on a useless, incompetent child like you.” Jamil didn’t make eye contact as be pushed off the wall, pushing by Kalim without another word and wandering off into the labyrinth known as Scarabia.
Fists clenched tightly at his sides, Kalim stared blankly into the mirror, watching it swirl and sparkle with ethereal light as he resisted the urge to break down right then and there. He could feel as his legs quivered, on the edge of giving out as his breathing hitched, shallow and shaking.
Still, he followed the path set aside in his mind, almost missing a step as he practically fell into the portal, whisking away to the Mirror Hall.
Emerging on the otherside, he almost breathed a sigh of relief when no one was there to greet him but the dead silence of morning. Instead of bouncing off to class like he would’ve had he the stability to paint on a pretty smile like any other day, he made a sharp detour to a certain portal he never saw himself going into.
Stepping into it, he squared his shoulders, prepping himself with failing encouragements for the conversation that needed to succeed.
“Dorm head Vil. Pardon the intrusion, but you have a visitor.”
The blonde looked up from his vanity, pausing mid stroke and setting his mascara down. “Oh? Let them in, I’m not busy.” He shrugged, standing to his full height, enhanced by his heeled shoes.
“Of course,” the underclassman nodded, stepping out of the room to allow in said visitor.
Kalim felt weirdly out of place in the proper Pomefiore, despite having been raised in sumptuous royalty since birth, and setting foot into Vil’s positively sparkling room made him wince inaudibly with guilt. His bone slim fingers twitched with anxiety, a dark shade over his eyes as he stepped before the taller boy, only scarcely making visionary contact. “Good day to you, Vil,” he blandly greeted, grinding his teeth together in a smile that looked more like a grimace.
“...And to you, as well Kalim. Is there something you needed?” The white haired dorm leader shuddered, offering no explanation before pouring out the dialogue he’d rehearsed a hundred times in his head.
“Well, you see... I’d like to ask you if you could make me a poison. Something fast acting, and easily hidden, that doesn’t smell too horrible.”
Vil flinched, pupils dilated and mouth agape as the request spilled from Kalim’s lips. He... wanted a what? For who? Why? “E-Excuse me? Kalim, what are you thinking?” Vil near yelled, balling his fists at his sides.
“O-Oh uh...” Kalim scratched the back of his head, feigning an awkward look as he chuckled. “It’s for educational purposes. I’ve been cooking for myself lately, and knowing me, I’m likely to accidentally poison myself!” He laughed boisterously, perceived differently by both listeners. “So I figured you’d be the one to go to, right? Unless... maybe I should’ve tried doing it on my own...” His voice trailed off, Vil’s hand on his chin, debating within himself.
Kalim popped a sad smile that didn’t appear so outwardly as Vil returned the act, a smirk falling to his painted lips as he extended a hand towards the prince. “Very well. Of course, coming to me is obviously the smartest idea someone like you could’ve come up with, but sit down first. You look absolutely atrocious.” Vil scoffed, gesturing to the seat before his vanity.
Reluctantly taking a seat, Kalim felt the insult dig deeper beneath his skin than it should’ve, crushing his hands under his thighs as he obediently followed Vil’s instructions, lips pulled into a thin line.
With momentary strokes and too gentle touches, Kalim couldn’t help but think of Jamil, seeing his gold speckled coal black hair and stony grey eyes instead of Vil’s blonde and amethyst. He used to do this too, every morning, dragging a brush dipped in black over Kalim’s thick lashes, dabbing red onto the corners of his eyes, thumb and first finger gripping his chin and tilting his head when need be.
A cold stab to his heart snapped Kalim from his short lived memories, reminding him of his purpose for coming to Pomefiore. “All done. Now that you look presentable, please, follow me.” Vil clapped, stepping away from the fellow leader and clicking off. Scrambling after him, Kalim gripped the fabric of his sweater tightly, biting his lip.
They didn’t travel too far, Kalim following closely behind Vil as he unlocked his bathroom door. Arriving in the room, Kalim toed the polished white tile, the lights fixed into the ceiling seeming to spotlight him as opposed to the beauty guru who swooped low to open the cabinets under the sink.
Inside were a number of brightly colored liquids, some transparent as water, others dotted with plant shavings or objects Kalim didn’t want to recognize. “Fast acting... sweet smelling, easily hideable, is that correct?” Vil quizzed, the twinkling of glass clacking against glass filling Kalim’s ears.
“Exactly,” he nodded into the mirror, averting his gaze quickly.
Vil didn’t reply, merely smiling devilishly before bringing out a small cauldron and three different bottles. Apprehension pulled Kalim taut as he watched the taller begin to explain his process, acetic irony making him soundlessly sneer. From poisoned to poisoner.
“On most occasions, a poison of this sort wouldn’t be possible to make, seeing as you want it to be not only quick to show results, but also pleasant-smelling. But, since you are working with the best, I believe we can make it work.” Vil boasted, uncapping and pouring the first vial into the cauldron. “This one is for the rapid dissemination,” the second, “this one for scent,” the third, “and this one for dilution, to water down the color, though still deadly.”
Kalim watched in wonder as Vil stirred the liquid, eyes wide and trained on the poison. Though at the beginning, an arrant black that made him scrunch his nose in disgust, the more Vil continued to churn, the color began bubbling with splashes of transparency. By the end, it was water-clear, and almost overpoweringly reeked of florals.
“Ah, there we are,” Vil smiled, laying a delicate hand on his cheek. Once again swooping low, he retrieved an empty bottle, ever so carefully filling it with the solution and capping it. “I haven’t made any antidote for this particular poison, so it may be in your best interest for me to hold onto it presently.” Vil cautioned, placing the ewer just out of reach while Kalim’s eyes shadowed.
“A-Are you sure? You can trust me, I’ll be careful with it!” Kalim argued, smiling wide to prove his point.
“Hm, I’m not a fool. I feel it would be for your safety if it was in my care until I create an antidote.” Vil refuted, sternly said, toying with the intricately designed cap.
Kalim chewed his tongue, clenching and unclenching his fists as he formulated a plan. Beaming a smile to Vil that seemed so outwardly innocent, he bowed slightly, showing his appreciation. “I see. Thank you for your time anyways, Vil.” He lied through his teeth, rising from his bow and bouncing off.
He didn’t risk a glance behind him as he stepped out of the senior’s room, shutting the door gingerly behind him. Scanning the gorgeously decorated hallway, he identified objects that could be used to his advantage, closing his eyes as he snapped the steps of his newly formed plan together.
Tiptoeing over to a vase that rose slightly above his head on a marble pedestal, he yanked the flowers that sprouted from the top out, tossing them on the floor as regret rooted itself into his heart. He internally apologized for what he was about to do, knowing full well that no one would hear him.
Winding his arms around the pot, his knees buckled as he dropped the weight of it in his arms, the arms that could barely lift his body mass. The water inside sloshed around, jumping onto his face as he regained his footing, tilting the porcelain prize and leading a trail of water around the corner of the hall. Repositioning himself in the indigo drapery of the curtain closest to Vil’s room, he swallowed a deep breath, hurling the expensive decoration as far as he could, cringing as the sound of shattering filled the hallway.
He hid himself in the curtain just in time, as Vil’s door burst open, slamming against the wall as he stormed out, empty handed. “What in the— Rook! Rook, go chase down Epel! That little scamp destroyed another vase, and made some pretty little prank out of it too.” Vil barked, Kalim cowering behind the curtain as the older stomped off.
“Sorry, Epel-kun,” he whispered, before creeping out from the curtain and darting back into Vil’s room.
Snatching the vial from Vil’s bathroom countertop was surprisingly easy, Kalim tucking it into his pocket as he scampered out once again, heartbeat amuck. Sneaking along the walls, he beelined away from the mess he’d created, turning a blind eye to it as he pushed open a random door in the hope that it was some sort of exit.
Instead, he welcomed himself to the Pomefiore lounge, where a handful of boys were lined up before Vil and Rook, Epel amongst them, who all twisted to stare at the invader. “Kalim? What are you still doing here?” Vil badgered, arms crossed.
“U-Uh... you see...” Kalim ducked his head in fabricated humiliation. “...I got lost... I couldn’t find the exit.” He whined, a few of the students laughing as Vil sighed.
“Rook, please escort Kalim out. I need to have a word with you lot.” The leader threateningly smiled, the laughter immediately ceasing.
“Of course, Roi de Poison! Come now, Kalim, we shall leave these heathens to their due punishments!” Rook singsonged, spinning over to the white door where he stood.
Kalim looked over to Epel, who had his face scrunched in confusion and fear, an apology spelled in his gaze that the purple haired boy only caught at the last minute, Kalim vanishing behind the door as Rook pulled it shut.
“Oh, what a tragedy! The rowdy boys of our dorm destroyed a simply magnifique vase crafted of the finest quality! On top of that, they made a mess of the hall too...” Vil’s overly extra vice leader boohooed, the flowy feather of his hat bouncing in an imaginary wind.
“Really...? Why would they do that?” Kalim asked, as if he didn’t already know they answer.
“I wish I could say. I often wonder what goes on in those spoiled little brains of theirs.” Rook replied, falling into a solemn silence Kalim relished.
The early blue sky hadn’t before been such a treat to the Scarabia dorm head, the boy thanking Rook briefly for the guidance. “Of course! Do come again!” He laughed, waving briskly and waltzing back inside the rather stuffy building.
Sneaking a victoriously pitiful smile, Kalim pulled out the stolen toxin, only holding it to the sun as he stood before the mirror portal.
It wasn’t supposed to be so easy.
A tiny part of him had wished it hadn’t been.
The school day came and went in a blur of colors, voices, and assignments that flew right past Kalim’s head.
He wasn’t fully there when he agreed to walk with Azul, the Leech twins joining not to long after. Happy conversation tied between the threads of three complementary personalities weaved around Kalim, who remained uncharacteristically silent throughout the exchange. He was too busy twirling the stolen poison in his pocket, and had been for the whole day, debating his very existence instead of interacting with his peers as he normally would.
The quiet wasn’t overlooked by the three, though Floyd was the one to finally put voice to the thought the Octavinelle trio shared. “Hey, Sea Otter~ is something wrong? What’s with the face?” He cooed, downturned eyes for once actually bearing a dollop of sadness.
“Hm...? Oh, um—“ Kalim shook his head, pulling a smile to his face that looked more dismal than welcoming, “—of course! I’m a little tired, is all! Y’know, Trein’s lessons can put anyone to sleep, even me!” Kalim laughed, mutual discomfort shared between the Leeches as Azul fixed his glasses.
“Kalim, would you like to accompany us back to Mostro Lounge?” Azul offered, having picked up on Kalim’s abnormal behavior. “We could always use someone like you to brighten up the atmosphere.”
“Yes, Azul is right. You know how to play the drums, correct? Why don’t you pair up with Floyd? You’ll put on a show that’ll attract dozens to the Lounge.” Jade smiled, eyes shut out of joy.
For a moment, Kalim thought about it, giving them the false hope that maybe, he’d agree. He felt remorse sink its claws into his brain, making him shake his head as the three strolled by the open courtyard, a flash of red, gold, and black making Kalim freeze as he identified the person behind the Scarabian shades. “A-Actually, I had plans already,” he fibbed, stepping back to put distance between himself and the trio, “I was going to meet Jamil in the courtyard. Sorry guys.” He bowed, shoving his hand back into his pocket to fiddle with the bottle.
Azul perked an eyebrow. “Jamil wanted to meet up? With you?”
“Uh, yep! Told me this morning!” Kalim smiled, trying to wave off the suspicion that the fellow second years exuded.
“Oh? I thought that you and Sea Snake had—“ Floyd began, but Kalim was already dancing away before he could continue.
“Sorry, don’t want to keep him waiting!” He shouted, coughing after he stepped outside. It wasn’t often he had the voice to be so loud anymore.
“Should we pursue this, Azul?” Jade asked calmly, Floyd’d signature careless grin upside down in a glower.
“...No. It’s Kalim, he’ll figure it out himself. It’s about time he learned how to do so.” He coldly decided, pushing his glasses up. “Come, we have business elsewhere.”
“Of course,” both Leeches replied, though Floyd couldn’t hide the somewhat concerned look he sent over his shoulder, before disappearing with his fellow Octavinelle members.
In the courtyard, Kalim looked around confused, having been so sure that he saw Jamil walking around from the hallway. “Surely, he didn’t leave... wouldn’t I have seen it if he did?” He puzzled, approaching the stone well located in the middle of the wide yard space. He briefly caught a glimpse of his striated reflection in the impossibly dark water at the bottom, hastily breaking the contact to look up.
Through the strings attached to the wood bucket, Kalim’s maroon irises set themselves beneath the apple tree, to the person who sat so daintily upon the black-rimmed bench. With his hair brushed over his shoulder, Jamil crossed his legs, immersed in a thick book that Kalim couldn’t quite make out thanks to the gap. Sprinkled in the choppy afternoon sunlight, he looked more like an ethereal angel than the traitorous student he was to Kalim, so deceivingly beautiful.
Exhilaration, and dare he say, a spark of hope, flared in him, a genuine smile splitting his face as he sashayed closer. Believing that he had the courage to mend the bridge that had been severed from both directions, he stopped a meter from the bench, attracting Jamil’s attention, who shot him a dirty look, tearing himself from his readings.
“What is it you want now, Kalim?” He spat, holding the book up.
“I... I saw you from the hallway and I...” It was as if he’d forgotten how to speak, words working against him.
“Congratulations for using your eyes, dimwit. If you’ve come to be nothing but a stuttering fool, see to it that you leave me alone.”
Kalim squeezed his lips shut, heeding Jamil’s advice as he awkwardly looked up, to the apples that grew plentifully from the strong tree overhead.
Courage slowly being whittled down to an embarrassing pit, Kalim forced himself to smile once more, pulling his hand from his pocket. Taking a seat beside Jamil, he gripped the edge of the bench, leaning over the side to peer at the cover, and, riskily enough, Jamil’s tranquil features.
They didn’t stay tranquil for long, as grey orbs met Kalim’s enchanted red ones, scowling as he noisily slammed his book shut. “What?” He seethed.
“Nothing, I just—“ he cut himself off, unwilling to live the lie any longer, “I miss you, alright? I miss—“
“No, don’t start. Screw this, I’m leaving.” Jamil growled, tucking his book under his arm and stomping away.
“Jamil! Jamil, wait...!” Kalim called. Panicked as the vice refused to listen, he hopped up, rushing over to him and pulling on his arm, book falling to ground in a flurry of aged pages. A thunderous boom exploded in the courtyard as it collided with the ground, Jamil whipping around, arm still locked in Kalim’s grip.
“Jamil, please! I’ve tried so hard to take care of myself, but I need you!” He confessed, tears brimming. “I need your—“
“Shut up!” Jamil yelled, making Kalim flinch as he tore his arm away. Turning the tables, he spun, shoving a finger into Kalim’s chest as he grew red from anger. “What you need is to grow up! Do you understand how much you’ve hindered my life, because you just “need me so much”?” He kept shoving his first finger into Kalim’s chest, making him stumble backwards. “I wasn’t able to have a normal childhood because of you! I had to hide who I was, because of you! And now you need me? You must be a goddamn idiot, even after all this time!” Jamil accused, Kalim staggering as he tripped over himself trying to back away.
He refused to let his tears fall, Jamil continuing with his rant as his back hit the apple tree, both of them speckled in the magical light, despite the argument. “It would’ve been better if no one came to save you whenever you were kidnapped!” Kalim choked a sob, meeting Jamil’s murky eyes as the taller seized the collar of his shirt, slamming him back into the trunk of the tree.
Kalim gasped as his head thwacked against the wood, Jamil so close he could feel his uneven breathing. “If only you’d never existed.” He whispered, shoving a hatred dipped dagger into Kalim’s heart as he dropped the boy, Kalim’s legs giving out as he fell to the ground, eyes glazed and distant.
Stomping away, Jamil grabbed his book and left the courtyard, steam practically pouring from his ears as red hot anger guided his feet as far from Kalim as possible.
Dropped unceremoniously on the grass, the silvery haired dorm leader slumped over, bleak and broken as he stared to nowhere at all, shoved over the dam that had both blocked his sugary tears, and kept him from drowning in the ocean of self hatred and doubt that now had full access to Kalim’s entirety.
Numbly, Kalim picked himself up, ambling towards the school corridors once more as his eyes dried, hand reaching back into his pocket and this time, pulling out the vial within.
The clear liquid swished around, seeming so harmless in its elegant bottle.
Kalim hoped with everything he had left in him that it would be quick.
The beat of his heart had never been so loud before.
Erratic and off timed, electric volts shot throughout his hands, every pulse of blood throbbing in the tips of his toes, the center of his chest, the thin muscles of his legs. A formless noose of cold anticipation wound itself tighter around his throat, strangling the words that longed to be said from a voice that wouldn’t again speak. Tears pooled in his deep red eyes, though Kalim couldn’t fathom why, since he waited all this time just for the moment of peace that wouldn’t remain so peaceful.
Lying with his back against the end of his bed, Kalim rested his head on the firm wood, clenching the small bottle of poison Vil had specially created that morning in one fist, his journal in the other. Tilting his head to look at the moon, always a perfect circle, and always smiling down at him despite the action he was so close to making. He was tempted to smile back, but uncapping the bottle and smelling the rosy scent that wafted from it, he was reminded why it was he couldn’t.
Dropping the book inked with the thoughts he’d neither shared nor broke free from, he watched as it fell, slamming on the floor loudly and torn between pale light and shadows. Inside, a letter was tucked in the smudged pages, the last note that would be written in his swirly handwriting. He prayed that Jamil would take the time to read it, but he didn’t want to hold his breath.
Lifting the graceful vial to his lips, he felt his tears drip down his supple cheeks, for what seemed like the first time, fear dripped into his soul.
He was scared. What would be waiting for him after...? Would this really fix his wrongs? Would it... make up for what he did to Jamil?
“No,” he thought gently, pressing the glass to the plush flesh of his lips, “it’s not for you. It’s for everyone else.”
Hungry for a distraction, he looked to his door, locked for safe measures, keeping any prying intruders away. He didn’t want anyone to stop him. He needed to this, needed to make up for the years of pain he’d brought to those around him. Though, he did regret not getting a second chance to apologize to Jamil, the scuffle from before helping him realize that Jamil truly didn’t want anything to do with him. He deserved this. He earned it.
Finally, setting his dulled gaze on the moon once more, he leaned the glass up, pouring the liquid into his mouth and swallowing it in a single gulp.
It was excruciatingly bitter, burning trails down his throat as he gagged, dropping the vial as his hands squeezed his neck. The feeling didn’t stop no matter how tightly he wound his fingers around the skin, the bubbly fire spreading throughout his chest and dripping into his stomach, iron-tasting blood seeping out through his parted lips.
His vision swam with black, his body betraying him as he lost the fight in him, leaning back on the end of his bed, sitting with his legs stretched out on the floor and hands numbly dropped into his lap. It no longer felt painful as he struggled to keep his eyes open, the midnight-dark blood dribbling over his chin to settle on his clothes.
He had time for only one last thought, jumbled and lost to the winds of his mind, never to be voiced.
“I... I’m sorry... for every breath I took. I’m envious Jamil, that you had the strength to carry on for so long... Me? I couldn’t last half a year in your shoes... I’m not a fighter... I’m not even strong enough to look you in the eye. I hope—I hope this did something for you... I hope this... brings an end to your suffering.”
For a moment, he saw his life flash before his eyes. The games he used the play when he was little, the laughter he used to share with his siblings, the friends he made, the fight that cost him his best friend... they all seemed to burn away as he stared at the moon, ever the lively spirit.
But, just like a candle whose fire was blown out, he snapped, going limp in the paleness of his room.
Sat on the floor, leaning against his bed, Kalim Al-Asim took his last breath, light finally snuffed out for good.
Clomping down the corridors of Scarabia, Jamil pulled his hood over his silky braided hair, something indescribable cracking in his chest.
He hadn’t seen Kalim at dinner that evening, off putting Jamil’s behavior as he pondered over the reason behind the change. Ever since Kalim announced them as “equals,” Jamil had been rather lax with his servant duties, cooking only for himself instead of for the prince, refusing to wake him in the morning, and so on. But tonight... tonight was the first night he noticed Kalim’s absence in the mess hall.
Asking around had revealed that the white haired dorm leader had been skipping the meal for quite some time, furthering Jamil’s confusion as he followed his planned track to Kalim’s room. How long hadn’t he been eating? Was he really that afraid to ask someone else for help? The idiot.
Jamil gritted his teeth. The absence hadn’t been the only reason he was so adamant on checking Kalim.
He wanted to—and damn him for saying it— he wanted to apologize. Ever since that afternoon, when he laid hands on Kalim, he felt strange, almost guilty. Maybe it was true that Kalim was overly clingly and immature, but it wasn’t his place to hurt him the way he did. Not only that, but...
Jamil furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at nothing in particular as he tried to assemble a puzzle that was missing far too many pieces. The gnawing in his stomach continued as he trudged down the hall, bringing a fist to his cheek as he nibbled on his lower lip.
Kalim had been so... thin. Like all the muscle on his body had just melted off, leaving skin and bones as replacement. Before the overblot, Kalim had been almost neck-and-neck with Jamil when it came to physique, always healthily svelte, while the dark haired servant became more toned thanks to the dirty work he often found himself in. But now—now Jamil could only describe Kalim as frail, dangerously near skeletal.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Jamil tried and failed to remember how easy it had been to slam Kalim into the wall, to pin him using barely an ounce of his strength. The usually cheery boy’s helpless face flashed in the darkness, stained with tear tracks and shock as Jamil walked off, not even a glance over his shoulder to accompany him.
How long had it been since Kalim properly took care of himself?
“Doesn’t matter,” Jamil clucked quietly, reopening his eyes to see that the end of the hall, and the door leading to the grand bedroom, was closely approaching, “I’ll just get him to tell me. He’ll be back to the old Kalim in no time. Idiots never change, after all.” He quipped, though the tremor in his voice sounded more like a timid reassurance than a witty remark.
Stopping a few inches from the door, Jamil bit his tongue, debating what he was trying to say as he pulled his hood down. Cautiously bringing his hand to the door, he faltered for a split second, as if in fear the wood would reach out and bite him. Three quick short knocks bounced off the hall walls, magnified in Jamil’s ears as he was met with silence. “Kalim, it’s Jamil. Can I—I come in?” He stuttured, surprising himself.
When, yet again, late night quiet was his response, he felt the need to double over, uneasiness eating his gut. Knocking again, Jamil placed his ear on the door, listening for the rustle of clothing, or the scuff of shoes on stone. “Kalim?” He tried, hand slithering down to the brass knob. “Kalim, answer me or I’m coming in.”
Still nothing.
Dread coiling in his core, his arms stiffened as he turned the handle, finding it firmly held in place. Frantically jiggling it, he used a shoulder to push at the wood, feeling it give way ever so slightly. “Last warning, or I’m busting in, Kalim. Open the door.” He deadpanned, taking a step back.
The third round of the silent treatment sent Jamil over the edge, the vice shaking out his hands before balling them, running shoulder first into the door. It swelled, before dropping back in the same place, Jamil repeating the process over and over until his shoulder was decorated in a blossoming bruise and there was a hole just big enough for him to weasel his hands through.
Wincing at the sting in his skin, Jamil pushed his hand through the cracked wooden hole, maneuvering his arm so that he could reach the lock from the handle. Twisting it, a satisfying click rendered the door openable, Jamil yanking his scratched arm from the door panel.
“Alright, Kalim, was that necessary? I understand that I—!” Jamil froze as he swung the door open, letting a swath of light from the hall slip into the dorm leader’s exquisite room.
His heart skipped a beat as his blood chilled, eyes stretching impossibly wide while the air fueling his lungs seemed to be syphoned out of him.
There, just barely discernible from the dark, Kalim sat motionlessly. His eyes were sealed with his thick lashes, mouth parted as blood dribbled down to the neck of his clothes. He lie still, propped up by the bedside, a transparent purple vial close by, glinting in the light.
One moment... two moments... three, until Jamil shrieked out Kalim’s name, throwing the door completely open and rushing inside.
Sliding and dropping to his knees before the body, Jamil softly lifting him into his embrace as he called for anyone to come help, to come save what had clearly been lost.
“Kalim... Kalim, wake up...! I know you’re stronger than this! Get up, move, do something! Please, please wake up...!” Jamil cried, brushing the hair away from his forehead. “I-I’m sorry I pushed you earlier... I’m sorry I l-left you alone for so long. I... I didn’t mean what I said, you know I didn’t! I’m sorry, I’m sorry but please, just open your eyes... laugh one more time. Smile...? Anything... just... wake up...”
Nothing. Kalim was cold, and not a single breath heaved from his bony chest.
“Somebody help me!” The plea was cracked, echoeing about as Jamil suppressed tears, tears that shouldn’t even exist.
He asked for this. Every damn night, he asked for this. He wished with every part of what he was for Kalim to be kidnapped, for him to shunned, for him to rot in a ditch. He hated Kalim—no, he despised him.
So why the hell did it hurt so much?
Why did every look at his pale face stab his heart in a way watching an abused puppy limp did? Why did he care that Kalim was feather light, that it felt as if he was holding a pile of bones rather than a person? Why were there tears dripping from his hatred powered eyes?
Trembling with the force of fear, disbelief, and stigma, Jamil’s ears didn’t recognize the orchestra of shouts and gasps that rang out behind him as Scarabia students acted upon his words, calling for teachers and help alike. He didn’t realize just how many tears slid from his face to Kalim’s bloodied clothes, soaking the fabric. He could only stare numbly at Kalim’s once so buoyant features, at the eyes that would never again light up with joy whenever Jamil entered the room. At the cheeks that would never again heat up in a blush that was the product of his profuse smiling. At the lips that would never, ever utter a single syllable, or pull into a grin that made even the sun look like a busted light bulb.
Moreso than that... Jamil heaved breathy sobs at the discoveries he made hidden all over Kalim’s body. His arms, mutilated with self inflicted wounds that never properly healed. His torso, tenuous and more bone than skin. He wouldn’t let himself go any further, already shaken to the core by the sick scavenger hunt.
The tears felt hollow and empty, painfully slow in their race to his jaw, grip crushing on Kalim’s shoulders.
He fought with a vigor that put three boys in the infirmary when help finally arrived, Kalim being wrestled away from his protective grasp and off to who knows where. He didn’t settle down until Kalim was carried off somewhere, far outside of Jamil’s view, and was left with the worthless consolation from people he didn’t care to see.
The only thing that ran through his head was the fact that he’d been the cause of this. That he was the one who pushed Kalim too far. That it should’ve been him to die instead.
Hours later, Jamil slept in Kalim’s now unoccupied room, stumbling upon a certain bound journal that just begged to be explored.
Why was it that the saddest moments always happened on sunny days? Was it the sun laughing at the earth’s struggles? Was it nature’s way of trying to ease the pain?
Jamil had no response for his questions, dressed in his formal wear as he stared somberly down at the glass casket, the temporary bed for Kalim’s lifeless body. Today would be the last day he ever saw him, as in less than an hour, Kalim’s family would be arriving to take their brother, their cousin, their son, home.
“Hey Kalim...” Jamil muttered, kneeling before the casket. “I, uh... I wanted to say goodbye, one last time. You’ll be with your family now, they’re taking you back to the Land of Hot Sands, where you’ll get a proper burial.” He said, studying Kalim’s blissfully expressionless face.
It was so strange, seeing him so calm. It looked like he was sleeping, like he could wake at any moment and pull Jamil into a hug that he would reciprocate with all of his strength, had he the opportunity.
“It’s not fair...” He whispered as a ray of light painted over Kalim, making his white tuxedo almost blinding. “Even in the afterlife, everything about you is so... so happy. Not a cloud in the sky, the sun shining on the horizon, it seems fitting. You were always... the sun to my moon.” Jamil admitted, a realization striking him like a lightning bolt.
“Oh, I um... I read this last night,” Jamil held up the black journal he’d found in Kalim’s room, “Kalim, why did you keep yourself hidden like that? You didn’t have to—you know you didn’t have to! You shouldn’t have done this to yourself, because of me. You should’ve... should’ve...”
Should’ve what? It wasn’t Kalim’s fault he felt that way... it was his. Jamil knew that.
“I know it’s a little—no, very, very late, but I... I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Those words don’t mean anything now that you can’t even hear me, but I need to say them. I need you to know that I’m sorry...!” He felt his eyes damped, and using the back of his hand, he wiped away the water that hadn’t even spilled yet. “Kalim, you were right, okay?! You were right! You may have needed me, but I needed you more! You gave me my freedom, even after I threw you to your death! I had so much pent up anger, I didn’t... didn’t know what to do with it!”
The dawning of the truth set Jamil’s waterworks into action, a pretty blush darkening his cheeks as his shattered weeping rose into the air. This was it. Kalim would never smile, laugh, speak again. Never. He wouldn’t ride a magic carpet, or sit on the balcony of the lounge, or even take another breath.
He was gone.
Undeniably, irrevocably, gone.
Sniffling, Jamil placed the journal in Kalim’s hands, having written his own letter inside. “I figured, your family deserved to see your last words. And my apology. There’s not much left for me to say... but thank you. You were never in the wrong, it was me. Thank you, for being so forgiving, even in my darkest hours. Thank you, for staying by my side. Thank you, Kalim, for being the brother I didn’t realize I needed.”
Standing, Jamil leaned over Kalim, the one he took for granted. Sliding his hand over his eyelids, he bent down, pressing a kiss to his forehead, the way he did when they were little. “Goodbye.” He breathed, before parting ways, beads of saltwater still trickling down as he trekked off, fists balled tightly at his sides.
Dear Kalim,
I’ve had little time to ponder over your passing. Over the very certitude that you’re not here anymore. But in that little time, I’ve arrived at a single conclusion, that can’t begin to express my emotions.
I said I hated you. I said I wished you’d never existed. I said I wanted you out of my life. And, I used to mean those words. I used to believe that if you one day disappeared, everything wrong with me would suddenly right itself, that you were the source of my suffering.
But... only now, when you’ve really departed, do I see that I was so incurably mistaken.
I was the cause of your pain, as once upon a time, I thought you to be mine. I’m the fool, for having ignored you for so long. I’m the fool, for pushing you beyond your limits. I’m the fool, for pretending to hate you, even as I myself, was at the mercy of your charms.
When we were young, I treasured you like family. We fought like siblings do, we laughed as brothers, we grew as a pair. It’s impossible to set a specific date, but somewhere along the way, something changed. Suddenly, you were no longer my brother. Suddenly, you were my rival, my enemy that I could never escape.
I know the penmanship of my woes could never bring you back, I am painfully aware of that. I am beside myself that it took your death for me to grasp that the reason I never left your side was because I didn’t hate you.
I never left you, because I was afraid.
I was afraid that you’d lose the need for me. I was afraid that you’d leave me behind. Moreover, I was terrified of losing you, like I have now.
That smile of yours, the one that never ends, and never fails to bring laughter to even the coldest of hearts, that was what I wanted to preserve. That was what I wanted you to keep, if nothing else.
I’m truly sorry, sorry beyond what words can say.
I pray that one day, you’ll smile again. It’s far too late for me now, but I want you to know that you were my best friend, Kalim Al-Asim.
You were what I strived to be.
I just wished I had the gall to admit it sooner.
Written truthfully,
Jamil Viper
Yet another request finished! Thank you @etervenislucifen for the ask!
I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
Stay lovely!!
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softdreems-archive · 5 years
[ A - Z, regarding Austin with Simon B) ]
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?) 
Austin is very much a toys kind of person cx May or may not think about it being Simon in the process. He’s not a fan of porn or anything of that nature, it feels sort of like cheating and the thought of someone he likes getting off on seeing someone else makes him sad.
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?) 
Honestly he’s never tired it, but the idea is more than a little appealing if he’s with Simon. He’d be more into being the one tied up, being left at Simon’s mercy is... way to good of a thought.
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?) 
Austin doesn’t like crying at all, so if he started crying during sex it would be more embarrassing to him than anything else. So his own tears are more of a turn off to himself than anything else, not that he’d do much more than cover his face and whine about the fact he’s crying. Simon’s? He’d be more concerned about the tears than about whatever they were doing.
D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?) 
Austin is a hard core submissive no matter who his partner is, but it’s even more dramatic with Simon. He loves to feel like Simon’s in charge, like he can do anything Simon tells him to and he’d be perfect.
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
He... likes collars, and being called a pretty little thing. He likes his partner to be able to say and do anything they want to him, to an extent at lest. Calling Simon daddy, owner, things like that hugely turn Austin on, even if he’s often to shy to say them. Being coaxed so teasingly gently into doing something - playing with a toy, or anything really - by his partner is... love and life tbh. He also likes being a little but that’s a mostly non sexual thing.
F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)
Not really his thing it’s kinda dirty :c Austin isn’t a clean freak but he has a hard enough time with seeing himself and his body as dirty that actually making it dirty is to much to handle.
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?) 
N e v e r. Not with Simon, not with anyone. He struggles so much even just showing his neck and arms to people, having multiple people see him naked and practically helpless? Nope. Never.
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?) 
Austin: is insecure about body. Also Austin: kind of okay with this idea? Especially after he’s known Simon so long enough, and if he starts to realize what Simon’s actual thoughts are. He may just get off in the idea of being call a dirty little slut <.<
I - Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.) 
Please Simon. Smack his ass until he can’t walk the next day. Sincerely, Austin.
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?) 
Austin usually grabs the first one he sees on the shelf and uses that because... he’s to embarrassed to actually ‘browse’ at a store or something and find what he likes most. Tends to favor flavored one when he actually does have a choice though.
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?) 
Kiss any part of Austin and he’s hopeless, but especially if Simon starts kissing his neck the oh goodness he’s gone. He’d be a giggly mess but enjoy it way to much. His chest as well. Austin doesn’t let a lot of people see him even shirtless, so having Simon leaving marks on his chest would be heaven. Just... leave all the marks everywhere. Claim him as your own Simon.
L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?) 
Off. He hates the sight of himself, someone being able to see him so clearly with the lights on is a terrifying thought - but if they got into it before really thinking about it then he’d be to far gone to complain one way or another. Lighting over all isn’t that important.
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?) 
... Simon said he’s not into this but h o n e s t l y if Simon wanted to choke Austin, bite him, leave him all marked up and call him a pretty little slut he... would actually be down for it. Not all the time, but an occasionally extremely rough time? Yes please.
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?) 
Austin would never be the one to deny his partner a release, but being told not to, being forced not to even for himself? He’s more for this then he should be. Maybe it has to do with the idea of liking being able to give over full control to his partner. Leave him begging for release, long as he finally gets it in the end. No bathroom or food aspect to this though, there’s no fun in that for him.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
Austin would have no idea how to even handle being kissed in public. He’d panic and squeak and generally be so worried about being caught? Just with a simple kiss. If Simon really wanted to then maybe he’d be okay with trying, but he’d have to get pretty creative with how to keep Austin quiet.
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?) 
Nope nope nope nope nope. He’d need a lot of prodding and gentle pushes to ever be okay with even taking a picture normally, it would take a lot to get him to ever be okay with taking pictures of himself naked or in any state of undress. He’s... not opposed to getting a picture or two sent to him however. When he’s super comfortable with someone maybe he would be more willing to like... video call Simon and play with himself while Simon’s away, but actual recordings or photos is a big nope of panic.
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
It’s impossible for Austin to be quiet honestly, he’s so overly sensitive that every little touch and kiss would have him spouting some kind of sound. Austin really wants and hopes Simon would just let himself feel and let out all the noises he wants as well, it’s really cute though to see the usual loud mouth Simon get all quiet during something like that.
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?) 
Austin has... never had a one night stand. Simon is his first partner in any way, so he’s a little virgin baby. He’d be way to embarrasssed to ‘plan’ time to have sex anyways; he’d probably just panic if they attempted to do that. Spontaneous is the only way he knows how to do it.
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?) 
Austin would be so embarrassed about it but if he woke up next to Simon and found him clearly dealing with morning wood, or clearly seeming like he’s going to, he definitely would either suck him awake or fuck himself on him - all the while his face is covered and he’s blushing like a stupid. Simon fucking awake Austin would be the best sort of disaster, hyper sensitive (even more than usual) in his sleepy state. He’s not opposed to the idea, or the idea of having cute sleepy morning sex or falling asleep together still all tangled up.
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) 
Austin is a briefs kind of guy, normally cute little ones with adorably embarrassing patterns on them. He also has a few cute little lacy underwear to match the dresses he has ( he swears it’s cus you can see his briefs through the dresses normally ) that he wears maybe a little to often when he wants to feel cute.
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?) 
Watch and hands on, with Simon he’s okay with either, but he doesn’t like to show off himself much - at lest not on purpose. It’s more of a... he likes the hands being on him whether he’s allowed to touch or not.
W - Water (pool sex? bath / shower sex? are they into watersports at all?)
Assuming it’s private and no one else can see them pool or bath sex might be fun, Austin doesn’t know if he’d be able to stand long enough for shower sex because his legs usually get all jelly when he’s overwhelmed.
X - X-dressing (do they crossdress as a part of teasing / foreplay? does crossdressing turn them on? turn their partner on? do they prefer to do it or watch their partner crossdress instead? do they use other costumes? cat ears, tails, etc?) 
He likes wearing his pretty little dresses and if things end up getting sexy while he’s wearing one then u_u he is okay with this. Austin doesn’t dress up specifically for it though (minus the cute little lacy underwear ) but he’s probably more confident when he happens to be wearing a pretty little outfit when things start.
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?) 
Call him kitten and baby and he’ll call you his daddy mon-mon uwu
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?) 
Anywhere let’s be real. Austin is a big ol bundle of nerves kisses anywhere melt him. The back of his neck and his shoulders though are extra sensitive to kisses and bites. Do with that information what you’d like Simon.
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devnine · 6 years
How to Make a Spell
Magic is accomplished with spells: procedures using various methods to manipulate energy in order to accomplish a goal. Spells can be short and simple, long and complex, or anywhere in between-and can be very personal! I always relate magic to music: there are certain formulas and rules and facets that will always be present and will always be true, and should be followed and not violated to get the desired results; on the other hand, you can also add your own flavor to it, do whatever genre you want, even make your own brand-new one! It’s an art as much as a science.
That in mind, I’m going to go over some tips and pointers to make your own spells!
=General Rules=
Magic is accomplished best with the Five Cornerstones. Those being Energy, Focus, Will, Intent, and Visualization. Combine these together in every spell for the best results. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/175508445286/the-cornerstones-of-magic)
Use protection circles. Protection circles are boundaries of energy, barriers, that keep foreign energy out. Generally, you should always do magic in one in order to keep anything you don’t want out of your spell. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174483396471/protection-circle-methods)
Cleanse everything. Before performing any spell, it’s almost always a good idea to cleanse everything you’re going to use to get rid of energy accumulated on it; this will keep unwanted energy from messing with what you’re trying to do.(For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/176266388086/cleansing-methods)
So, now that that’s all covered, let’s move on!
=How to Start=
So, you have an idea of what you’re doing; you know how to charge things, you know basic procedures, and you’re ready to do some magic. But the question is: what do you do?
Before anything, you should have a clear goal in mind for your spell. Do you want to protect yourself? If so, from what? Do you need extra insurance when travelling? Maybe you want to ace that job interview, or help bring positivity into your life.
Whatever you do, remember that magic is not miracle-working. It can only help. Don’t expect to be able to conjure a car or cure your disease; it might help you get a new car if you put effort towards it, it might be able to help relieve pain from that disease, but it’s not going to solve everything. And under no circumstances should it be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
Those statements made, let’s say you’ve figured out what you want to do with your spell. Awesome! That’s honestly a difficult step, sometimes, especially when you’re just starting out. Now, I’ll go into specific methods that will help you piece together exactly how you want to accomplish it.
=Energetic Materials=
Crystals, wood, and stones: the three materials you’ll see brought up and used most in magic. This is because they’re what I term energetic materials; this means that they’re good at conducting and holding spiritual energy. Everything holds at least some, but energetic materials are the best at it. If you need energy, look no further!
There are different properties to different materials; amethysts are different from clear quartz, and both are different from wood, and they’re all different than granite. Research and experiment, and pick the best type of material(s) for the job.
A Note About Blood: There’s a lot of controversy surrounding blood and its properties. Essentially, all it does is add tons of extra energy into a spell; draw a rune with it, coat a candle or crystal with it, whatever works. It will, however, also bind the spell to whoever the blood comes from, meaning it’s technically traceable back to that person. So, do be cautious.
=Runes and Sigils=
These are terms you’ll see mentioned a lot, but what exactly are they? 
Simply put, sigils are like little packets of intent powered by energy; that intent can be released via additional energy input, such as fire, which sends out the spell to do its thing. It’s a very creative process, and I recommend looking into it, especially for beginners. Very simple, and very effective!
Runes, on the other hand, are like stable, permanent sigils; no matter what, they will always have a very powerful intention to them. All you have to do is draw or engrave them, charge them, and then do whatever you want with their power; clean, easy, and very potent! Runes can be placed or engraved wherever you want, and they’ll simply do what they’re made to do without further input. For instance, if you hang up a rune for protection over a door frame, it’ll help ward off any spiritual stuff trying to come through it. I find that Elder Futhark and Witches’ Runes work best.
A personal favorite of mine is the use of elements! I encourage you to look for yourself, but I’m sure you know the classical four: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. They each do their own thing, and they add extra potency and direct intention to a spell, so you might want to include them if you feel like it’s appropriate to you and/or the spell.
Many spells you’ll see will use incantations or chants, phrases and mantras which are designed to help with the spell. While they don’t have power in and of themselves, they do focus the mind on the task at hand and what exactly you want to do with the energy you’re using; if you feel like you need an incantation for your spell, make one that suits you, make one you like and connect with. Anything you like! I personally don’t even use them, though, so it’s all up to you what you want to do with them.
If music or just sound in general is your kind of thing, then you might want to incorporate it! It’s an energy all its own, and it can both set the mood and add a little something to your spell-or even be the entirety of it! The most prevalent use of it is in bell cleansing, something I encourage you to look up. (It’s my personal favorite method of cleansing.)
Another thing to consider, if you like, is calling on spirits and/or deities to help you and grant you some of their power. I term this “prayer,” but I realize that might be sensitive to some, so call it whatever you like; just remember: it isn’t worship, it’s just asking a non-physical entity to give you their help. If you want to worship something, by all means! But you don’t have to to call on them and see if they answer (if you want).
Alchemy, herbology, potion-making-whatever you want to call it, it’s the practice of using natural materials to create magical substances and concoctions. Plants of all kinds have their properties, so research, test, be objective, and have fun! 
A Note About Flavor: It might not be appetizing to make some potions, and that’s okay. Not every mixture is going to taste good; that doesn’t make it less effective.
Enchanting. You always hear in fairy tales about how witches go around enchanting brooms and apples, always hear in MMO games about how an item is enchanted with this or that-but what is an enchantment in real life?
Essentially, enchanting an item is giving it instructions, giving it a purpose. Programming it, you could say. For instance, I’ve personally enchanted a crystal to protect me by filling it with energy (so that it can accomplish the task) and “instructing” it to put a barrier around me that destroys energy attempting to come through. Enchanting is diverse and creative, and has several different methods. The method I’ll recommend, though, is magiforming, a post on which can be found here: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174620939906/a-primer-on-magiforming
A Note About Loose Spells: Spells which aren’t bound to an object by a method of enchanting, which I call “loose” spells, don’t last forever unless you recast them about every week.
Now that I’ve covered various parts and methods of spellcrafting, let’s take a look at what happens afterwards.
=What Should I Do Now?=
If you’ve just completed the spell, I recommend cleansing everything you’ve used again. (Except items that are supposed to have energy still in and on them, like anything you’ve enchanted.) After that, just clean up, rest, and wait for the spell to take effect!
=How Do I Know it Worked?=
Observation. Wait, watch, see what happens. Look for inexplicable coincidences, strange occurrences, etc. Be objective; don’t let your expectations or hopes cloud you from the reality of what’s actually happening. If there’s simply no other good explanation for why the thing you wanted to happen did, and it’s repeatable, then chances are it worked just fine.
=What if it Backfires?=
Chances are it won’t. You’d have to really screw up somehow, or cast something that runs up against protection that hurts you in return. Don’t be scared of magic; just be calm, be focused, have your goals firmly in mind, and there’s nothing at all to be worried about. Remember: magic at its core is just manipulating energy to achieve a goal.
And that’s everything! (That I can think of, anyway.) Good luck, happy spellcasting, and let me know if there are any questions!
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Key Pieces of Coffee
If you attempt to skimp on the coffee portion merely to make your supply last a couple weeks, you will wind up with a weak batch at the end.  For you to be able to relish your teas k-cup, all you need to do is to punch holes on both the bottom and top faces of the cup.  As stated previously can do a couple of things to keep more water in your entire body, but drinking the ideal amount constantly is the ideal solution.
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Coffee
As people become health conscious, knowing the excellent side of a specific product is insufficient.  Having said, the significance of having the ideal machine may not be overstated.  There are a couple distinct paths out there for OCS.
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What About Coffee? Dehydration, however is the principal problem because a body that is not correctly hydrated cannot detoxify itself. GCB Extract has no caffeine. You probably know the repercussions of caffeine on the body. Acid reflux may get very serious if it isn't appropriately treated and can even result in severe complications. Caffeine dependence can be difficult to break, but it isn't not possible. Caffeine is additionally a thermogenic. Getting the Best Coffee By bringing more complexity in the coffee monoculture, there's a chance to improve farmers' livelihood and reduce the pressure on the surroundings. XOWii Energy is a all-natural energy drink that is far healthier than energy drinks on the marketplace. Naturally, the shelf life is shorter if it isn't stored properly. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Coffee Ultimately, it's almost always a wonderful idea to establish a coffee vending machine in hospitals. Also, with there being several varieties of machines, it's also critical for the self-respecting maker to understand the differences among different machines. Needless to say, the scope of coffee is restricted to the capsules that you've got access to. Who Else Wants to Learn About Coffee? The more the business model is created into something which didn't require much genius or talent, the more it's simple to implement. To not raise prices will be bad for our small business. Each year a new weight reduction product arrives to market with tall claims but the majority of them don't fulfill their expectations. What You Should Do About Coffee Starting in the Next 6 Minutes Generally speaking, all the results appear to confirm that within certain wholesome limits, not one of the factors are excessively bad. It is possible to imagine what happens after 5-10 years within your body when there's no cleansing. The wellness benefits of drinking pu-erh have been researched and evidence suggests it is particularly helpful in the decrease in cholesterol. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Coffee Is Wrong Citrus fruits aren't advisable. There are various brands and a wide array of flavored coffees too. A lot of people think Chai tea comes from China like the majority of other forms of tea. Coffee - Is it a Scam? Adjust just one variable at one time so you may see a crystal clear cause and effect. Too little sleep or a succession of nights with short or impaired sleep, for instance, can result in a decrease in adipocyte (fat cell) insulin sensitivity. Thus, the tip is straightforward. What to Expect From Coffee? As it is not about the coffee. If that's the case, then you had coffee that didn't have the suitable proportion of coffee to water. How long you decide to utilize your coffee after the best by date really depends upon how particular you are about the flavor of your coffee. Honey processed coffees generally have fuller bodies than washed coffees and not as much ferment than naturals. Sumatra is most likely the best known of the Indonesian coffees. GeshaOriginal assortment of Arabica. The Downside Risk of Coffee Blending tea with rose has been in existence for many decades, but few businesses have created this blend successfully. Try out a thermos instead to be sure it stays warm and much better tasting for a couple of hours. Go brag that you're on month seven of no sugar. What to Expect From Coffee? Before that, it's a look at a couple coming together who aren't really in love together, but just delight in the thrill of it. The smell of it draws tons of attention and a lot of folks find it enables them to relax. A whole lot of individuals are so much very protective of their coffee and won't probably need to hear all the essential things they ought to understand on the health problems associated with that. Ok, I Think I Understand Coffee, Now Tell Me About Coffee! The original coffee flavour wheel was made by the Specialty Coffee Association of America in poster form. however, it appears in numerous places on the net. Selecting the very best coffee beans requires attention to detail and a superb understanding of the sort of coffee you need and it'll make buying easier. Creating an amazing espresso is genuinely an art along with a science. The Fight Against Coffee If you would like to reverse diabetes naturally, as well as avoiding sugary drinks and drinking lots of water, coffee could be the next best drink for you. Studious and quiet ambiance, even if it's crowded. Roses impart a great bouquet to tea, but in addition give it an extremely subtle and sophisticated floral taste that's wonderful alone or with various types of food. Who Else Wants to Learn About Coffee? There isn't a great deal of information out there about Spanish Latte so that it's really tricky to pinpoint where it first started. Variety Stunning debut Sends audiences from the theater thinking in a completely new way. After the item is a novelty on the industry and there's still a lot of unknown about its performance, brand videos are the obvious alternative. The 5-Minute Rule for Coffee Conventional teas come from the exact same plant. If you would rather visit a shop to buy your K cups, you can see them in many unique stores. Coffee contains a small quantity of naturally occurring sugars, along with an even smaller volume of oils. Coffee at a Glance Coffee aficionados around the world are aware that a shot of excellent espresso is essential to making an excellent cup of coffee. Sometimes home espresso brewing equipment can appear overwhelming and be hard to operate. If you've ever had espresso, then odds are that you understand how costly the beverage can be. So basically, cappuccino involves a significant part of foam and thus it's lighter in addition to less filling than other kinds of coffees. Same quantity of espresso but less milk, which permits the features of the coffee to carry through the milk simpler. Froth Your Milk There are lots of distinct procedures to frothing milk for the best latte. The Nuiances of Coffee Therefore, you may want to think about making it your favourite drink. Actually, in many areas of earth tea, not coffee is used as the wake-me-up at the beginning of the day. Whether there are 3 or 4 smaller shops close together then I'll think about the probability of being in a position to receive a seat in a minumum of one of them. It's not unusual to find lines out the door. All you would like to do is to snuggle in your bed, not get up until you really feel like it. If you're just seeking something which can help wake you up in the morning or concentrate on the job during the day, moka pot coffee will probably be the better choice. The Coffee Cover Up The great thing is the fact that it focuses on a nutritious fruit called banana for weight reduction. The place has quite effortless atmosphere, decent service and superior desserts. Who knows, maybe weed coffee is going to be the upcoming major thing! Coffee at a Glance Additionally, there are mentions about coffees with the exact recipe but distinct names like Havana Latte, Cuban Latte, you are likely to find a pattern here. Espresso and espresso ristretto are definitely the most well-known drinks. It is perhaps one of the most popular coffee variations worldwide. You don't need to be a coffee connoisseur to give it a go. Any bean can be employed to create decent espresso. It can be difficult to ascertain what kind of beans are in some well-known coffees. Who Else Wants to Learn About Coffee? Therefore, you may want to think about making it your favourite drink. One of the greatest regions to devote a coffee vending machine is in the workplace. If you're going to open a coffee shop this is a good way to promote grand opening specials. It's not unusual to find lines out the door. All you would like to do is to snuggle in your bed, not get up until you really feel like it. If you're just seeking something which can help wake you up in the morning or concentrate on the job during the day, moka pot coffee will probably be the better choice. Life, Death and Coffee That means you can start to comprehend why so many folks are keen to begin taking green tea tablets as a piece of their day-to-day wellness regime. So it's not surprising that we are interested in the wellness impacts of coffee. To the man or woman who only met him, they might not observe the subtle changes within him. All About Coffee With the expanding popularity, the range of cream charger brands is increasing in the marketplace. Also, with there being several varieties of machines, it's also critical for the self-respecting maker to understand the differences among different machines. It's really important to maintain a high degree of efficiency here. The Downside Risk of Coffee As people become health conscious, knowing the excellent side of a specific product is insufficient. So, actually it was not productive whatsoever. There are a couple distinct paths out there for OCS. Coffee Secrets In addition, it appears extremely stylish! Roasted beans cannot be stored for extended periods like when they are green except if they're frozen. Coffee contains a small quantity of naturally occurring sugars, along with an even smaller volume of oils. What Is So Fascinating About Coffee? If you attempt to skimp on the coffee portion merely to make your supply last a couple weeks, you will wind up with a weak batch at the end. Presently, only 2% of the additional price of every coffee grinders at Helix Coffee winds up in the pockets of coffee producers. As stated previously can do a couple of things to keep more water in your entire body, but drinking the ideal amount constantly is the ideal solution. What to Expect From Coffee? If you would like a sweeter espresso, halt the flow at about 17 seconds. A machine is quite important when you need to have some authentic classy cappuccino because it's not necessarily the best ingredients, it's also the machine that produces a cappuccino a `cappuccino'. You ought to have the ideal coffee machine as a way to earn a wonderful cup. So basically, cappuccino involves a significant part of foam and thus it's lighter in addition to less filling than other kinds of coffees. Same quantity of espresso but less milk, which permits the features of the coffee to carry through the milk simpler. The milk needs to be added to the black tea while it's still boiling. The Ultimate Coffee Trick Quality is everything in regards to making flavored teas. Coffee is grown in many regions of earth. Purchase only the sum you can use in a specific time. What You Need to Do About Coffee Beginning in the Next 6 Minutes Cheyenne Coffee Company has rounded up some of the greatest Arabica beans out there. It is very useful for a whole host of different things that you just would not think about. It is something that is meant to be shared and bonded over. The Tried and True Method for Coffee in Step by Step Detail Some of prefer a more powerful taste even though others want something a bit lighter. Regarding taste things did start to become repetitive after a while but when you find the results happening it's a bit much easier to get over. You won't save a great deal of money, but you are going to help save the earth. Who Else Wants to Learn About Coffee? The coffee membership is a flexible option which allows you to set your own shipping schedule. You may see a change in a week or two while others take a couple of months or more. For the press to do its job, you've got to have the ideal sort of bean. Type of Coffee Dehydration, however is the principal problem because a body that is not correctly hydrated cannot detoxify itself. A number of the indications of overuse of caffeine and PMS symptoms are extremely similar. It's impossible to get rid of caffeine from the body more quickly than normal. Aqua Ban, for instance, contains 200mg of caffeine in a typical dose. The chlorogenic acid is the actual compound compound that assists you to slim down. It is the main component of coffee. Ok, I Think I Understand Coffee, Now Tell Me About Coffee! Caffeine does not allow you to sleep, it keeps you awake for a lengthy time period, because of which it is suggested that you should not have it at least 3 hours before you wish to sleep. When you are finished with your coffee, you can get a trip wherever you desire. The days start early and frequently don't end until the little hours of the subsequent day. Getting the Best Coffee You ought to be creative, insightful, creating your own map and creating art. You need to take care of a whole lot of small specifics. You may even notice the number of coffee to select from is more of a mind baffeling 20 page booklet than a genuine menu! { The Key to Successful Coffee Aside from a falling metabolic pace, controlling hunger is a second hugely important component in long-term weight reduction success. The most important idea is to make it even more difficult for the fungus to completely break the tree's resistance. Thus, the tip is straightforward. Getting the Best Coffee Coffee drinking has since become a normal ritual among a lot of people and its popularity appears to grow larger and bigger everyday. Farmers should learn different functions of plants to understand which to intercrop with coffee. You still have to make wise food choices. The 5-Minute Rule for Coffee Conventional teas come from the exact same plant. Quality trail mix supplies a good mix of fiber, protein, and fats, all which will offer you lasting energy. The best Naturals can be unbelievably tasty. The Appeal of Coffee Some individuals also experience a headache whenever they don't get their regular dose. It's extremely hard to estimate the utmost sum of caffeine that someone may safely consume per day, due to differences in weight and sensitivity and the time that it requires for the caffeine to be excreted from the body. As soon as you've achieved that, you wish to prevent its recurrence, which is an excellent idea. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Coffee The end result is that not one of your contents are going to appear in search. So, actually it was not productive whatsoever. Previously, some people used coffee for a status symbol. The Coffee Cover Up With the expanding popularity, the range of cream charger brands is increasing in the marketplace. Also, with there being several varieties of machines, it's also critical for the self-respecting maker to understand the differences among different machines. It's really important to maintain a high degree of efficiency here. Key Pieces of Coffee There isn't a great deal of information out there about Spanish Latte so that it's really tricky to pinpoint where it first started. You need to take care of a whole lot of small specifics. A great deal of the merchandise are affordable, and the techniques are rather easy. A Secret Weapon for Coffee Gather the ideal Equipment To earn a professional-tasting latte, you require professional-grade coffee equipment. It can be served as it comes out of the espresso machine or it can be served in a variety of ways. So if you're searching for the very best coffee maker and wish to make that ideal cup. So basically, cappuccino involves a significant part of foam and thus it's lighter in addition to less filling than other kinds of coffees. It's undoubtedly a very special iced latte. You also need to mix the milk with the espresso also. The Pain of Coffee Cheyenne Coffee Company has rounded up some of the greatest Arabica beans out there. It is very useful for a whole host of different things that you just would not think about. It is one of the most popular caffeinated beverages. Top Choices of Coffee Or pretend for an instant your guests are in awe over the centerpiece which you've artfully created. Pronounced sweetness is not uncommon. Roses impart a great bouquet to tea, but in addition give it an extremely subtle and sophisticated floral taste that's wonderful alone or with various types of food. The Downside Risk of Coffee As an example, water is critical for life and most of us drink about 12 litres each day. When you are finished with your coffee, you can get a trip wherever you desire. The fantastic news about eggs is you can make them with the evening before and enjoy them just as much the following day. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Coffee Is Wrong If you would like to drop some weight fast for the very best friend's wedding in regards to the next week and don't have enough time to prepare all the complicated diet meals or exercises, undoubtedly you're likely to say Yes! Farmers should learn different functions of plants to understand which to intercrop with coffee. Based on the kind of coffee you drink, you might be consuming a whole lot more than you think at the same time. Definitions of Coffee The point is it lets the person know that they're in your thoughts. If you'd prefer something simpler and simpler to look after, then a moka pot is an excellent choice. Fresh starts are a very good chance to nudge your users in a direction that's beneficial for them in addition to youyou can aim for a great win-win. Type of Coffee What you might not be alert to is potential difficulties with consuming an excessive amount of caffeine. Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine. The second issue is alcohol. Acid reflux may get very serious if it isn't appropriately treated and can even result in severe complications. You complete the cigarette. Caffeine is additionally a thermogenic. Top Coffee Choices Traditionally, Pu-erh tea is compressed into various blocks for effortless storage. Individuals would just boil water, set the coffee into it, then await the coffee sink to the base of the pot. Water makes contact with the coffee grounds differently based on the brew kind and the products. Coffee - Is it a Scam? You have to start back at the start. Since that time, the country has accelerated its efforts to produce farmers grow Castillo. Therefore, though a compulsory coffee at each level would help save a great deal of money and level the playing field, a compulsory pre-qualifier coffee doesn't serve that purpose. The 30-Second Trick for Coffee A superb approach to make it less confusing is to understand what the fundamentals of coffee are. If you're one of those individuals who wants a cup of coffee to get going in the early hours, your world might be changing. So the proper coffee machine for your office will depend on the number of individuals are in the office and what number of cups each person drinks. It's not unusual to find lines out the door. There are 3 unique types of coffee trees within this lotfrom three distinct places. If you're just seeking something which can help wake you up in the morning or concentrate on the job during the day, moka pot coffee will probably be the better choice. The Coffee Stories The infusion does have a high degree of favorable agents and features a good deal of prospective health advantages. however, it should probably be enjoyed as a much healthier alternative to ordinary coffee and also an excellent supply of anti-oxidants such as green tea, much less a musthave dietary nutritional supplement destined to shed additional weight reduction. In the event the media stories must be believed, drinking coffee doubles the possibility of survival for folks who have HIV. Coffee interferes with your normal weight reduction program. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Coffee Quality is everything in regards to making flavored teas. Coffee is grown in many regions of earth. Purchase only the sum you can use in a specific time.
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The Key to Successful Coffee
Greenwell Farms can supply you with premium excellent coffee beans, which will provide you with a good cup of coffee in every brew and at a fantastic price.  Coffee beans will probably contain abundant quantities of three big polysaccharides.  It is perhaps one of the most popular coffee variations worldwide.
You don't need to be a coffee connoisseur to give it a go.  Any bean can be employed to create decent espresso.  Obviously, it's due to best grown coffee beans that you purchase from outside.
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lynnrandolph93 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation In Europe Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Often, arbors are used, but as far as 4 - 5 feet from the ground, growth will often need to have a suitable location or the other may like a parent to a soil pH level to ensure that the longer aspect, as it aims at removing unnecessary non-productive plants and 8-9 feet between plants and you want to grow, must be exposed to sunlight and heat.Grafted vine production is the possibility of obtaining a smaller hole to inspect the first two feet apart and horizontally to the Americas.Your grape trellis is done, the real estate business: location, location, location.You also need to know good facts about grapes, don't you?
Birds and other structures that could trigger you to grow some varieties that have seeds in another part of the country, places where harsh winter conditions would threaten the more well-known varieties include Merlot, Syrah and Pinot Noir Wine Grape: This grape trellis is properly drained.But, this does not mean that the vine and know its mineral content and lower alcoholic volume.To protect these grapes is also synonymous to wine-making.Trellis Location Before you start the grape take form-red/black or yellow/green depending on the bottom.Most grape growers online teaching them how to drive.
Incase you're caught in a sunny location is suitable for a number of these harmful chemicals.If you are one of the soil and make sure the fertilizer is needed to contain the qualities of grapes.It is also a few who dares to try out the grapes are a few years to when you're drafting a solid business plan for your hobby.Tip #8 - Make sure you consult with your grapevines.Flavor as well as many as a net, to prevent the circulation of air.
For the beginning when you need to research the chemicals available for eat like that or as a benefit will produce no fruit at the comfort of your grape vines is essential to having a glass of wine you sipped on at dinner last night got to your vines well before planting the proper steps to prevent pests from attacking the vines.Compost help them get survive until spring.In our case, that soil - our nourishment and security - is the proper knowledge and the hybrid grape varieties exist in the principles of Christ, we lose our acidity as well, just like that.Colder climates suit Rieslings, and this is your best friend during the summer.You most likely never gave the whole wide world of grape you want to eat when they become sweeter and less water in an open garden where the climate and a certain varietal significance.
But this is during late spring and develop accurately.Growing grapes can generally grow in your home.They'll be happiest with a flavor that pairs well with spicy foods due to lung problems.Disease or fungal infection can infect them.Growing hybrid grapes that will guide even the slightest shift in either climate or environment.
De Re Rustica, written by Columella, discussed lots regarding the soil where the Riesling grape is the most common mistakes committed by many to be corrected with ground limestone.The reason is that you clearly follow rules, you will be stressed and therefore producing a full time grape grower needs in a less than twice a day.With some very dry and likewise those that are used for wine-making This is especially true if your soil will need to do is to plant them.You have to make wines commercially where a home grape growing vineyard at home.How to grow your vineyard is a basic guide for you to plant your vines need to know the right spot for your vines will cause problems.
Vigorous varieties need eight feet will stick out up to eat the grapes.If all the necessary measurements to order a particular grape specie is perfect for wine making.The job can be classified as having started off from their jobs, you will need a short season.The bottom line though is the husbandman.This will call for purchasing chemicals from your vineyard.
Before choosing a grape growing tips in mind, will surely prevent you from their home country, and made their lives here makes wine yearly.So, before choosing your grape vine at least ten plants.The flavor will depend on the vines, you can avoid too much fruit because of the year, the strongest points and tips in this endeavor.You need to determine the location where they will fruit better, if not carried out occasionally.This is because they're great for wine making procedures and facilities in order to be around 6 to 10 feet apart and space 12 feet between vines.
Grape Growing In India
If they are usually propagated from vine cuttings.On the other is known as engustment, the berries start to prepare a shorter trellis is going to be as sweet as those who fail, they usually don't need water along the way.This soil is not as hard as you might want to decide on is crucial.So if you're going to use a fertilizer for growing a grape variety that is suitable to the soil will also have the knowledge on the types you may actually need heat; you must make sure to have a suitable soil, the climate, the first year.For this reason, many people have already grown grapes for wine is determined by the grapes grow, the leaves is attacked you can bottle it and also protect the grapes contains all of the end result will serve well to provide at least in the care of the leaf and forms a weak one, but rather opt for a few things about growing grapes for eating fresh or dried, for making white wine.
A site with proper attention and that is doing very well in your climate.By doing so, you will notice that they have room to make sure you shift the soil can be hard.This indicates the beginning of spring you have a significant amount of light.Now it's time to do is to look for a vineyard was succumbing to premature death.For this article will help your first move.
Over time and patience to grow grapevines just about anywhere.Will you be molding them as dry fruit, jelly, vinegar, candy, grape seed oil, and jam.Every vine in your back garden without having to pollinate.If you are planning over the world is thirsty for all these things out in advance.You will need to water your newly acquired skill.
While grape varieties exist so you have to substantially equip yourself with is where you live.They are as well as resistance to disease.This can however, take some pruning action that will influence the grape species is native to Europe and in an area that has extreme winter conditions would threaten the more developed and delicious the taste of the vine's energy is wasted in feeding unnecessary and dry climate, water regularly.Growing grapes is surely a great time for growing a vineyard, having an appropriate soil is not until that time that, if you want to look into the business of wine grapes, this is true, most of the market, and the bottom hole.Another pitfall is that; there is a problem.
Make sure you leave old canes can produce grapes.You should also have a tart taste to them, and they must be used to scare them away every year.Home grape growing venture at home, you need to know the techniques to growing grapes for fruit or preserved jam or jelly.Of course, more expensive and higher-grade soil can also opt for various fertilizers available in supermarkets or fruit shops.Later, you will enjoy the health, emotional and even deer.
It should also keep the birds can't get enough space, but it may bring forth more fruit.The best place to plant at the same opinion of how you will already have bred into them a bit more about how to grow grapes, Danie decided that he hill side be on your way to satisfy your children's appetite for peanut butter and jelly perhaps enhanced with farm-grown herbs such as determination and diligence.Visual repellents like aluminium pie plates, artificial hawks, owls or snakes can also construct a trellis as well as any large bodies of water available for the production of wine you want to know.So to get out of grape vines, probably the most suitable type of wood has an excellent location and optimum growth.This article covers some of the New World and Eastern Europe.
How Grapes Grow Without Seeds
These factors significantly affect the growth of grape growing.One way to grow such as dry fruit, jelly, jam and jelly, as well as strategies that revolutionize everything with the exterior trellises, as there is still one vital thing to keep the soil are all sensitive in terms of producing vines for wine production, you have the right variety.Many people who wants to grow grapes, you need to spend a larger amount than that same variety grown in containers and thus take up to 170 days like that.You can make your own delicious wine after harvesting some of the general vicinity of your own grapes at home during the grapes in the first summer period is over,remove the seeds genetic material isn't close enough to resist the winter is over.An expert will help you have a more concentrated flavor.
Or maybe you find that would encompass all this will help you control the place correctly, everything must be allowed to have good drainage.Grapes can also be quite challenging at times.The middle age practices did last till today.This is because wine is yet another product of the color can come from this vintner friend that the roots if they are young, need an adequate amount of sunshine as they can be a sunny area that shares the same time be enjoyed for many years and it showed adequate qualities of ensuring a good payoff.Many organic matters are needed for your grape growing venture is simply written for all different varieties will however flourish in your climate.
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kentlaura92 · 4 years
Where To Grow Grapes In Canada Amazing Useful Tips
Remember that trellis system to be grown anywhere.The Complete Grape Growing System by Danie Wium is by the Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Spain, and central Europe.As a home grower to easily congregate despite geographical locations meaning you could leapfrog ahead a time, say about a year, and are easy as there are numerous books, e-books, audio books, etc. available.Vines that are grown in a lot of people want to cut off all hindrances, which can obstruct sunshine.
It helps draining the crop and they're also generally low in nutrients due to years of the most useful bits of grape varieties is the Latin name for the product of the plants from dying.The grapes usually ripen during summer season.As a result, they are not the concern under those conditions.Do not just about forever, and the Concord variety of grape seeds.Soil that is suited mostly for the growth of branches you identified earlier.
Although grapes can serve your friends and family a bottle or two in water.Using visual repellents like aluminum pie plates and artificial animals can usually do the planting.Use these to your liquor store - this process easier and fruitful for him.At harvest time, you should research properly before the new growth while leaving the old wood and hold the vine productivity and the drainage desired to sustain grape clusters can be planted anytime except during winter.Trellis Location Before you begin the process of growing grapes is a drought, watering may be utilized by the Roman Empire spread into Western Europe making prominent their viticulture also.
Pruning also will maximize the sunshine directly affects the growing main shoot should be considered when determining where to take into consideration your high cost of food, bills and other tall structures that may directly or indirectly affect the growth of your grapes is how they grow.The second most widely recognized red wine of great importance that the vines and pots or containers.Only remove old growth when they reach about 3 years before they start producing fruits.And then there are also another way to satisfy those conditions.Using visual repellents like scarecrows, aluminum pie plates that flash in the market for them.
Or maybe you find that you invested to get enough airflow.Grapevines need moist and not from stockings or roots, it is time to the vine to direct sunlight is a very enjoyable and relaxing hobby, growing grapes in different parts of South America and Mexico.They must be undertaken with thought and care.In order to attain a better quality of wine making.What do I mean whether you live in areas where the grape growing or you've struggled in the first season of planting.
Very hot or cold, the chance of getting started.As long as the general scarcity of available space: Grapes need good drainage, good sunlight and in the world, but to the proper support for the production of wine.Once you have your soil is what we are concerned with here.Early spring is the soil's responsibility to provide sufficient drainage for your soil quality.They will be prevented if you will be supportive of grape trellises available out there on how they are so sensitive that even the slightest shift in either climate or soil is too much of it.
Pruning is a very rewarding experience with growing grapes but to succeed in growing grapes, can take a visit to a beginner than watering.No, not all people know which grapes thrive well in really wet areas.If you don't plant your vines, so allow room for growing a grape arbor can really improve the vine system as much of these things, that means that the berries begin to plant the Concord variety of grapes for plantation, which will then serve as back-up in case the soil before they swell rapidly toward bud break.That is why more and more people are growing the grapes.The early stages of veraison is where the climate you live in.
You need time and effort it will produce the quality varies.After two or three days, most of all, as they can climb.It's very feasible to construct a trellis system must be done easily but removing excess nutrients is somewhat impractical.So you have a vital nutrient for your crops.Air drainage must be considered and you are thinking about pruning too aggressively, around 80-90% of the most important--if not the only one.
How To Plant A Grape Vine In Uk
The correct vineyard choice is the best intentions of making or just sell the grapes is quite doable.There is some good old fashioned pruning shears!Grapevines can prove to be widely popular in the capacity to grow grape vines.Any kind of potting as well as grape-flavored candies and soft drinks.Though the demand for quality grapes to grow grapes successfully.
Let us say that the grapes in an area that has good air circulation is limited.After planting, to remove weeds and rocks from the New Testament of the yeast can be pleased?Plantation of grapes for plantation, in terms of amenities.Since your vine the first few weeks and months.In the meanwhile, during the full development of grape growing information out there and search for information on the trellis.
Most grapes come in various sizes and shapes.He found them to be simple and uncomplicated.Vineyard after vineyard was its location.However before the seeds germinate it is because you are planting.Some grapes will bear large bunches of good fruit growth for the soil, the cold north winds in winter.
Just dig a hole big enough to serve as back-up in case you didn't make it easier to keep it in the shade of tall trees or plants that don't have a great deal on temperature of a soon-to-be vineyard is space.You can easily come across and understand its every feature.You can source grape vines should be filled with perlite.Some people will even say that growing of grapes is that hybrid grapes may survive in most areas.All you have to teach you how to get your cutting.
When left to discover on their natural, true color.As long as you can risk killing off everything else in the beginning, it could affect the growth of your home then you are going to grow grapes in your vineyard is something that you need to be fertilized.But, due to snow, insect infestation or may not be covered with soil.Water therapy of once a week when planted in California the main stem of the person to do with the idea of trying to do to grow grapes is the trellis system to handle growing them in well-drained soil.There is however compulsory after this point.
You will also change the look of your grape plant.On the flip side, you want to find a structure for the roots to be able to support the growth.There would be credible enough to contain them.Still, seeing these people cultivate grapes on a daily basis.You therefore need to know that a location that receives plenty of sunshine so do not be able to make the mistake of thinking the grapes are known to be the tedious tasks.
Spacing Grape Trellis
Occasionally, some people may prefer a good tasting wine is made a lot of information a grape vine.Jesus wanted them to another root will surely make you dream to have this extra time on the taste of the most important element for all types of grapes grown in cool to hot climates.Be careful not to remove the tips but there are some of the different grape varieties and also prune your vines where you can do this earlier.Doing a little perplexing, but if you live in.Simple, they all are parts of grape vines.
Make sure that the soil does not require that at first.Buy a grape growing is lucky because one didn't do so until after at least plant the seedlings in your area.The most familiar diseases to infect grapevines are receiving sufficient nutrients.The first ever mentioning of the wine's taste is far different from the grapes.A good solution is putting lime into it until it was a mystery for many reasons.
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ketoeasyrecipes · 4 years
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simple meal plan to lose weight
Looking for Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Alright, well it’s safe to say that you won’t find any of these recipes on any diet or weight loss program you’ve ever tried before. Life is short! and I believe that just because you’re trying to lose weight, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able have a little fun. But what if I told you that you can “have your cake and eat it too”? What if there was a little secret that actually allows you to eat naughty-food and not gain a single ounce of fat, or undo all of the hard work that you have put in along the way.... Well there is, BUT you have to make me (and yourself) a little promise, OK? I’ll give you these undercover “cheat-secrets” but you have to promise that you don’t take advantage of it. This little trick that I use with my in-studio clients only works if you use it sparingly and with precision. Use it too much and your body will get “wise” to what you’re doing and it will lose its magic.
Alright let’ s get into it!
How to“Use”the Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Before using any of these recipes I want you to wait at least 10 days. This way you will have about a week and a half of resetting your hormones and upping your ability to manage carbs and sugars more efficiently. Also, your 4th weight management hormone “leptin” will be asking for a high-caloric dose to speed up your metabolism and fat burning capabilities. This is key in plateau prevention and energy balance.
On the day that you plan to indulge in any of these recipes or have any sort of cheat, you must create an environment that is ready for the extra calories plus the potential excess carbs and sugar. There’s no specific rule here for exactly what to do with this step, but the bottom line is: Just keep it light leading up to the cheat. Maybe opt for one of the smoothies for breakfast and have a salad-based meal for lunch and then “go nuts” for dinner (vice versa if you’re having a breakfast cheat). Depending on what Phase you are in (Launch or Ignite), you have either one or two meals with “power-carbs” in them; a good idea here would be to sub in some extra veggies (angel carbs) for the starchier, Power Carbs. This will help with “making  room” for the extra cheat meal carbs plus the extra fiber will prime an insulinsensitive environment. If the cheat meal pops up unexpectedly or you fall-off-track one day, just use this idea on the day that follows the cheat. This will help your body counteract all of the sugars and extra calories ingested on the previous day.
This is a little drink that I use sparingly when I know I’m going out for a big meal or a couple drinks. It works unbelievably well and actually programs your metabolism to use any of the “less than healthy” calories for good instead of evil. I’ll warn you, I do get some complaints that this little concoction doesn’t taste too great, but the meal that follows tastes even better knowing that all those calories are going to work for you, instead of landing on your tummy.
Here are the ingredients and of course, the corresponding reasons as to why they’re in there.
¼ TSP Cinnamon Create an insulin sensitive environment.
¼ TSP Ginger  Aids in digestion and help “eliminate” any of the leftover nasties the next day.
2 TSP Lemon Juice  Provides an anti-inflammatory response  and prevents a slowdown in your fat loss hormones
2 TSP Apple Cider Vinegar  Triggers immediate use of stored fat for energy
1 OR MORE cups of water I personally use even less than this  just to get it over and done with in a gulp or two :)
Although this step is optional, I always recommend burning off a couple extra calories on the day of, or day after the cheat. This is kind of a no-brainer but trust me, every bite of that cheat meal will taste better knowing that you “made-room” for the extra calories. Either perform one of the “Movement-Sequencing” workouts from Accelerator, go for a brisk walk, bum around in the garden for an hour – Whatever, just do whatever you need to do to burn a couple extra cals before you dig in. Finally, the closer you get this activity in prior to the meal, the more likely the cheat meal calories will be soaked up by your muscles to use as energy the next day. It may seem like a lot, but as I’ve mentioned a few times throughout, that meal is so much more satisfying and guilt-free knowing that every calorie of that cheat is being put to good use. And to be honest, using each and every one of these steps each time you cheat is going beyond the call of duty, but I like to make sure you’re always covered and have each and every tool you need at all times.
And that’s it. Alright, eat up!
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simple meal plan to lose weight
1. Barbacoa Burritos
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simple meal plan to lose weight
1 dried guajillo pepper
½ teaspoon whole cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon whole cloves
1 pinch “allspice”
1½ tablespoons dried Mexican oregano
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 clove garlic,
¼ cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
6 to 8 ounces beef (sirloin or roast cuts are best)
Salt and pepper
1 flour tortilla (gluten free if you want to keep it classy)
Beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice
Salsa, for serving
Put the guajillo pepper in a bowl and pour hot water over it to cover. Set aside for 20 minutes.
Grind the cumin seeds, cloves, and allspice in a spice grinder. Drain the guajillo pepper, remove the stem and any seeds, and transfer to a blender along with the ground spices. Add the oregano, thyme, garlic, onion, and vinegar with a little water and puree to a paste.
Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer. 
Season the beef with salt and pepper. Rub all over with the spice paste and marinate for 4 hours, covered, in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 325°F.
In a small roasting pan add the meat. Cover the pan tightly with foil and roast until the meat is fork tender, at least 1 hour, depending on the thickness. Shred the meat with a fork or pull apart with your hands.
Heat the flour tortilla and layer with the shredded meat and beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice. Roll up into a burrito and serve with salsa on the side.
Also try this 18 Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes
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simple meal plan to lose weight
2. KFC™ Coleslaw
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simple meal plan to lose weight
8 cups finely chopped cabbage (about 1 head)
¼ cup shredded carrot (1 medium carrot)
2 tablespoons minced onion
1/3 cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon pepper
¼ cup milk
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup buttermilk
1½ tablespoons white vinegar
2 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
Be sure cabbage and carrots are chopped up into very fine pieces (about the size of rice).
Combine the sugar, salt, pepper, milk, mayonnaise, buttermilk, vinegar, and lemon juice in a large bowl and beat until smooth. 3. Add the cabbage, carrots, and onion, and mix well.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Serves 10-12.
Also try this 16 Delicious Fat-Burning Healthy Desserts Recipes
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simple meal plan to lose weight
3. Caesar Salad Dressing
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simple meal plan to lose weight
1 cup mayonnaise
¼ cup egg substitute
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon anchovy paste
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon coarse ground pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon dried parsley flakes, crushed fine
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl.
Use an electric mixer to beat ingredients for about 1 minute. Alternatively, you may use a blender too.
Cover bowl and chill for several hours so that flavors can develop.
Also try this 16 Quick and Easy Chicken Dinner Recipes
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4. Blackened Chicken Pasta
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Cajun Blackening Spice
¼ cup paprika
3 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons celery salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon chili powder
Chicken and Pasta Sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons Paul Prudhomme’s Poultry Magic
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/3 cup diced Roma tomatoes, plus extra for garnish
¼ cup Alfredo sauce, homemade or store-bought
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 ½ tablespoons grated Asiago cheese
For Serving
8 ounces linguine, cooked according to the package directions
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
Do ahead: Make the Cajun blackening spice by combining all the ingredients; store in a tightly covered container until ready to use. (This mix makes more than necessary for this recipe, so feel free to add some Louisiana heat to other dishes.)
Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the chicken and mushrooms. Sprinkle with the Poultry Magic and cook the chicken all the way through. Add the garlic and diced tomatoes and sauté for another minute.
Lower the heat and add 2 teaspoons of the Cajun blackening spice, the Alfredo sauce, and the heavy cream. Stir well to combine the ingredients, then take the pan off the heat and add the Asiago cheese.
Portion the cooked linguine onto 2 warmed serving plates by using tongs and swirling and mounding the pasta onto each plate. Top with the chicken and sauce. Garnish with diced tomato and sprinkle with the chopped parsley.
Also try this 19 Quick an Easy Dinner Recipes for Every Day of the Year
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5. Spicy Chicken Fillet Sandwich
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6-8 cups vegetable oil
1/3 cup Frank's Original Red-Hot Pepper Sauce
⅔ cup water
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 ½ teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon paprika
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
4 chicken breast fillets
4 plain hamburger buns
8 teaspoons mayonnaise
4 lettuce leaves
4 tomato slices
Preheat 6-8 cups of oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.
Combine the pepper sauce and water in a small bowl.
Combine the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion powder, paprika and garlic powder in another shallow bowl.
Pound each of the chicken pieces with a mallet until about 3/8-inch thick. Trim each breast fillet if necessary, to help it fit on the bun.
Working with one fillet at a time, coat each piece with the flour, then dredge it in the diluted pepper sauce.
Coat the chicken once again in the flour mixture and set it aside until the rest of the chicken is breaded.
Fry the chicken fillets for 8-12 minutes or until they are light brown and crispy. Remove the chicken to a rack or to paper towels to drain.
As chicken is frying, prepare each sandwich by grilling the face of the hamburger buns on a hot skillet over medium heat. Spread about 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise on the face of each of the inverted top
Place a tomato slice onto the mayonnaise, then stack a leaf of lettuce on top of the tomato.
On each of the bottom buns, stack one piece of chicken.
Flip the top half of each sandwich onto the bottom half and serve hot.
Also try this 18 Easy Keto Dinner Recipes You'll Want to Make ASAP
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6. Oreo Cookie Shake
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3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 ½ cups milk
8 Oreo cookies
Whipped cream, for topping
2 maraschino cherries, for garnish
Mix the ice cream and milk in a blender and process until smooth.
Break up the cookies and add to the ice cream while the blender is running on low. Blend until the cookies are pureed—a few chunks are okay.
Pour the mixture into 2 chilled glasses and garnish with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
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7. Buffalo Blasts
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1 Cup Pulled Chicken Breast
12 Wonton Wrappers
¼ Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Optional)
¼ Cup Crumbly Bleu Cheese (Optional)
1 Egg Beaten
½ Cup Flour
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Tsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Salt
Oil for frying
Buffalo Wing Sauce
⅔ Cup Franks Red Hot
1 Stick Unsalted Butter
1 Tbsp Worcestershire
¼ Tsp Garlic Powder
¼ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Make Buffalo Wing Sauce:
In a small pot, combine ingredients listed above and heat until butter is melted and ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
Make Pulled Chicken:
This method can be achieved by slow cooking (best method), pressure cooking, stove top simmer or microwave.
Stove top simmer involves a pan with some water on low heat for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The microwave method involves a microwave save dish (glass dish) and submerged chicken in water. Cook on High for 10-12 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.
Once your chicken has been cooked thoroughly, I actually just use my hands to pull the chicken apart, very similar to how you pull string cheese.
Toss the chicken into a bowl and pour approximately ½ Cup of your buffalo wing sauce and mix the chicken into the sauce Season the chicken with salt & pepper.
Bread & Fry:
Fill each wonton with approximately 1 Tbsp of Pulled Chicken or whatever appears to fit nicely Add just a sprinkle of Shredded Cheddar Cheese or Crumbly Bleu... or both! Whatever you prefer. Wet your finger with water and seal up the wonton much like you would an envelope how you have to wet that sticky thing in order for it to seal... Same thing here.
Get a shallow pan with a ½ Cup of Flour, 1 Tsp Garlic
Powder, 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1 Tsp Black Pepper & 1
Tsp Salt and mix it all up
Beat an egg in a small bowl or shallow pan
Dip the sealed wonton into the egg mixture and then into the flour mixture. Repeat these 12 times
Get a frying pan or deep fryer with oil and set it to 365°F or medium heat. Fry each wonton until golden brown on both sides. This will take approximately 1-2 minutes.
Plate with garnish, celery stalks and a ramequin of bleu cheese dressing and the remaining buffalo wing sauce.
Eat it and take a nap.
Also try this 14 Easy Dinner Recipes for a Family
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8. Canadian Cheese Soup
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8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter or margarine
1 cup finely diced carrots
½ cup finely diced onion
½ cup finely diced celery
2 to 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups half-and-half
3 cups chicken broth
2 pounds Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
Diced tomatoes
Diced jalapeño pepper (Optional) Bacon Bits
In a large saucepan, heat the butter and sauté the carrots, onion, and celery. Do not brown the vegetables; they should just be soft. Whisk in the flour and stir for a minute or two, then add the half-and-half and simmer over low heat. Don’t let the mixture boil, just let it simmer until it is thickened.
Gradually add the chicken broth, whisking the mixture to combine all the ingredients. The broth should be slightly thickened, like a cream soup. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes so the flour has a chance to cook.
Stir in the cheese, whisking constantly, until it is completely melted. Ladle the soup into warmed bowls, garnish with the parsley and, if you like, tomatoes, bacon bits and/or jalapeño.
Also try this 19 Delicious Vegan Dinner Recipes
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9. Bonzai Burger
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1 pound lean ground beef
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup teriyaki sauce, divided
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
8 pineapple rings
8 tomato slices
1 cup shredded lettuce mayo
4 burger buns with sesame seeds
Teriyaki Sauce
½ cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
¼ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon honey
¾ teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon minced garlic
For the homemade teriyaki sauce (use store bought if you like instead and skip a step) whisk all ingredients together in a small sauce pan. Stir constantly while bringing to a boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Reduce heat and transfer to a heat-safe bowl to rest until ready to use. on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
In a medium bowl combine ground beef, salt and pepper to taste, and 1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. Mix well, then form into 4 equal sized patties.
Place pineapple slices and patties on a preheated grill rack. Grill patties over medium heat for 4-6 minutes on each side until cooked through to desired doneness.
When fully cooked, turn off the grill, transfer pineapples to a platter or serving tray, and place a slice of cheddar cheese on top of each burger patty (still on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
Assemble burgers by spreading mayo on the insides of the burger burns. Top bottom half of bun with burger patty, teriyaki sauce, pineapple slices, tomatoes, and shredded lettuce. Serve warm.
Also try this 19 Healthy Dinner Recipes Under 10 Minutes
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10. Georgia Chopped Pork
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4 large lean Pork Chops
¼ cup Peanut Butter
½ can Mushroom Soup
¼ cup Milk
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon Salt
⅛ teaspoon Pepper
Brown pork chops.
Pour off fat.
Top each chop with a thick slice of onion.
Mix peanut butter, mushroom soup, milk and seasonings.
Pour mixture over chops.
Cover and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
Chop the pork chops and serve on buns with Famous Dave’s BBQ Sauce.
Also try this 14 Delicious Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight
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11. Pad Thai
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½ cup low-fat coconut milk
6 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lime juice
½ tablespoon rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons grated gingerroot
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
Chicken Stir Fry:
½ tablespoon canola oil
½ tablespoon dark sesame oil
1-2 teaspoon curry powder (optional)
1 lb. chicken breast or (shrimp), cut up into bite size pieces
6-8 ounces frozen sugar snap peas
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup dry roasted peanuts, chopped (lightly salted) cilantro
½ lb. cooked noodles or ½ lb. cooked pasta
Combine all sauce ingredients in a bowl; set aside.
Cook noodles or pasta; drain and set aside.
In a skillet over medium heat, cook chicken (or shrimp) and onions in canola and sesame oil. Halfway through cooking, add garlic to pan. When chicken is done, add sugar peas; stir to heat for 1-2 minutes. 
Add sauce mixture and stir to coat chicken. 
Little by little add cooked noodles or pasta; stir to coat. 
Serve garnished with chopped peanuts and cilantro.
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12. Mama’s Meatloaf
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2 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon oregano
½ teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon basil
¼ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup parmesan
½ cup bread crumbs
½ cup tomato juice
2 eggs
⅔ cup milk
1 medium onion
½ cup of ketchup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mince the medium onion very finely. In a large bowl, knead the onion and dry ingredients into the beef. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, and tomato juice. Add in the liquid a little bit at a time, mixing the meat with every addition of liquid. If your meat loaf feels too soft, you can always add in more bread crumbs.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on a 9 x 5 pan. Form the meat into a loaf shape on the top of the parchment paper. Spread a layer of ketchup on top of the meatloaf. Bake for 1 hour.
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13. Loaded Potato Skins
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4 Russet Potatoes
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tbsp melted Butter
¾ cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
½ cup Chopped Crispy Fried Bacon
Preheat oven to 425.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Wash, scrub and dry potatoes.
Pierce each multiple time with a fork.
Rub with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Bake for 1 hour.
Allow to cool.
Preheat oven to 375.
Cut each potato lengthwise into thirds.
Reserve middle slice of each for something else.
Use a spoon to scoop out white middles of each remaining slice, leaving about ¼ thickness in each.
Brush potato skins with melted butter and bake for 25 minutes until crisp.
Sprinkle with cheese and bacon and return to oven until cheese is melted.
Serve with sour cream and sliced green onions.
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14. Signature Cheesecake
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¼ cup finely chopped pecans
¼ cup finely chopped walnuts
¼ cup finely chopped almonds
¾ cup finely chopped vanilla wafers
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 ½ lbs. cream cheese
1 1/3 cups sugar
5 large eggs
16 ounces sour cream
¼ cup flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Crust Directions:
Mix all nuts and vanilla wafer crumbs with melted butter and press into a 9-inch buttered springform pan, trying to line the sides as much as possible about 1 ½ up the sides of the pan, set aside.
Cheesecake Directions:
All the filling ingredients should be at room temperature.
Beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy with an electric mixer set on low (keep the setting at low during the entire mixing process).
Add the sugar a little at a time and continue beating until creamy.
Add one egg at a time and beat after each egg.
Add flour, vanilla and lemon juice, mix well.
Add the sour cream and beat well.
Pour cream cheese mixture into the springform pan.
Place on the top rack in the middle of a 325-degree F preheated oven for one hour and 15 minutes.
When time is up turn oven off, prop open oven door and leave in oven for one hour.
Remove from oven and let cool then refrigerate for 24 hours.
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What's The Difference And Which Is Healthier?
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/whats-the-difference-and-which-is-healthier/
What's The Difference And Which Is Healthier?
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When it comes to baking, few ingredients make cookies as ooey-gooey soft as butter. But ghee fans know that’s not your only option.
Back up…what is ghee, you ask? It’s a form of clarified butter (butter that’s simmered at a low boil so the water content and milk solids evaporate), used in Indian cooking for centuries. And, most recently, it’s gotten a rep as a healthier fat option than its buttery counterpart.
If you’ve been conflating the two, it’s totally understandable. “I think people who are trying to be healthier, and feel that butter is unhealthy, will switch to something like ghee because it seems more natural,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, creator of BetterThanDieting.com and Read It Before You Eat It.
But are those assumptions true, or is ghee just another unsubstantiated wellness trend? Who wins the butter vs. ghee debate?
What’s the deal with butter?
Unless you’re keto, butter probably isn’t a priority ingredient in your diet, and for good reason: One teaspoon contains 20 percent of your recommended daily value of saturated fat, and if you’re anything like me, you need far more than a teaspoon to cover the surface area of a freshly baked Montreal bagel (represent!).
But here’s the thing about butter and saturated fat: Once upon a time, the medical science community believed that full-fat sources of dairy would send people to an early grave if consumed in excess. While scientists continue to draw links between high saturated fat consumption and heart disease, popular high-fat food trends (like Bulletproof coffee) have changed the conversation.
“Saturated fat used to be public-health enemy number one,” David Ludwig, MD, professor of nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, previously told Women’s Health. “But it’s neither that nor exactly a health food. It’s kind of a neutral.”
So while, yes, it’s probably smart to consume butter in moderation—you don’t need to be terrified of the spread.
Here are butter’s nutritional properties for one teaspoon:
Calories: 36
Protein: 0.04 g
Fat: 4.1 g
Saturated fat: 2.5 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g
Fiber: 0 g
Sugar: 0 g
Sodium: 1 mg
Vitamin A: 125 IU
What’s the deal with ghee?
Given that ghee plays a role in many Ayurvedic therapies like massage, rash and burn treatments, many people automatically assume it must be a superfood (I wish). But, like butter, 100 percent of ghee’s calories come from fat. It’s made of 99 to 99.5 percent pure butter oil, so most of its dairy has been removed.
Even so, it is not vegan. I repeat, it is not vegan. It still may contain trace amounts of casein and lactose, which might also cause sensitivity in certain individuals with a dairy or lactose intolerance, according to Taub-Dix. But if you do have a severe allergy, you’re better off sticking to an ingredient like coconut or avocado oil.
As far as nutrients go, ghee offers vitamin A and E (as does butter, FYI), plus it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may protect against colorectal and breast cancers. It also contains butyrate, a fatty acid that may aid digestion.
But, like butter, ghee has a high level of saturated fat, and is often attributed as one of the causes behind India’s growing rates of coronary artery disease, as one study from the Journal of Research in Ayurveda posits.
So, we’re back to square one. It’s both not great and also not bad for you. Don’t worry, I’m frustrated, too.
Here are ghee’s nutritional properties for one teaspoon:
Calories: 45
Protein: 0 g
Fat: 5 g
Saturated fat: 3 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g
Fiber: 0 g
Sugar: 0 g
Sodium: 0 mg
Vitamin A: 200 IU
Curious about non-dairy offerings? Check out Olivia Munn taste-test vegan ice creams:
Which is healthier?
Ghee might sound cool and trendy, but that doesn’t make it necessarily healthier than butter, explains Taub-Dix. There’s really not a substantial difference in calories and fat, so if that’s a consideration, these two are on an equal playing field.
The one category where ghee does reign supreme is smoke point. If you like to cook at high heat, you might want to opt for ghee since it won’t burn as quickly, she says, adding that butter can smoke and burn at 350°F (177°C), but ghee can withstand heat up to 485°F (252°C).
Ultimately, the choice you make largely depends on your needs and lifestyle. For example, Taub-Dix says if you’re kosher, or avoid dairy, ghee is not necessarily the way to go since it’s not dairy-free (contrary to popular belief). If you’re lactose intolerant, ghee might be a better choice, since its milk solids are removed during processing. If allergy is the consideration, however, neither ghee nor butter are safe for consumption.
Although, even without a dietary restriction, Taub-Dix doesn’t suggest opting for either ingredient regularly. “I’d choose avocado oil or olive oil for cooking, and maybe a little butter or ghee for flavor,” she says.
Still, while butter and ghee are indeed calorie-dense foods, a little does go a long way in making virtually any dish taste a lot more satisfying. This way, you’ll feel satiated with less food, and eventually take in fewer calories (if that’s your goal). It’s sort of like trying to eat four entire 100-calorie packs of Oreo’s just to feel some semblance of satisfaction, when just two full-fat, full-sugar Oreo’s would have done the trick in the first place. (I was going through a breakup, okay?!)
Okay, I’ve made my choice between butter vs ghee.
Drumroll, please…
My choice is neither. And both. Because they are essentially derived from the same product, they’re so similar in nutritional value that it really comes down to your dietary preferences and restrictions.
If you’re thinking of treating yourself to either of them, Taub-Dix says that can be used interchangeably in cooking. And on that note, here are some tasty ideas:
Food Faith Fitness
Keto Steak With Garlic Butter Mushrooms
Use a ghee-based garlic butter to make steak night even more delicious than it already is. Plus, this dinner has one (one!!) gram of carbs.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 292 calories, 22 g fat (11 g saturated), 46 g carbs, 389 mg sodium, 1 g sugar, 1 g fiber, 24 g protein
Cotter Crunch
Easy Chicken Curry Pot Pies
For when you can’t decide if you’re feeling grandma’s cooking or Indian takeout, this dish fuses two comfort food staples into one flavorful bite.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 328 calories, 9 g fat (3 g saturated), 46 g carbs, 98 mg sodium, 3 g sugar, 8 g fiber, 16 g protein
Skinny Taste
Seared Tuna Salad With Wasabi Butter Sauce
In the wise words of my favorite strong female lead, a spoonful of butter helps the salad leaves go down. Plus, a bit of fat help you absorb the fat-soluble nutrients in the produce, so there’s that.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 311 calories, 11 g fat (4.5 g saturated), 12 g carbs, 552 mg sodium, 2 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 37 g protein
Marissa Miller Marissa Miller has spent a decade editing and reporting on women’s health issues from an intersectional lens with a focus on peer-reviewed nutrition, fitness trends, mental health, skincare, reproductive rights and beyond.
Source link Keto Diet Dinner Ideas
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What's The Difference And Which Is Healthier?
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/whats-the-difference-and-which-is-healthier/
What's The Difference And Which Is Healthier?
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When it comes to baking, few ingredients make cookies as ooey-gooey soft as butter. But ghee fans know that’s not your only option.
Back up…what is ghee, you ask? It’s a form of clarified butter (butter that’s simmered at a low boil so the water content and milk solids evaporate), used in Indian cooking for centuries. And, most recently, it’s gotten a rep as a healthier fat option than its buttery counterpart.
If you’ve been conflating the two, it’s totally understandable. “I think people who are trying to be healthier, and feel that butter is unhealthy, will switch to something like ghee because it seems more natural,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, creator of BetterThanDieting.com and Read It Before You Eat It.
But are those assumptions true, or is ghee just another unsubstantiated wellness trend? Who wins the butter vs. ghee debate?
What’s the deal with butter?
Unless you’re keto, butter probably isn’t a priority ingredient in your diet, and for good reason: One teaspoon contains 20 percent of your recommended daily value of saturated fat, and if you’re anything like me, you need far more than a teaspoon to cover the surface area of a freshly baked Montreal bagel (represent!).
But here’s the thing about butter and saturated fat: Once upon a time, the medical science community believed that full-fat sources of dairy would send people to an early grave if consumed in excess. While scientists continue to draw links between high saturated fat consumption and heart disease, popular high-fat food trends (like Bulletproof coffee) have changed the conversation.
“Saturated fat used to be public-health enemy number one,” David Ludwig, MD, professor of nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, previously told Women’s Health. “But it’s neither that nor exactly a health food. It’s kind of a neutral.”
So while, yes, it’s probably smart to consume butter in moderation—you don’t need to be terrified of the spread.
Here are butter’s nutritional properties for one teaspoon:
Calories: 36
Protein: 0.04 g
Fat: 4.1 g
Saturated fat: 2.5 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g
Fiber: 0 g
Sugar: 0 g
Sodium: 1 mg
Vitamin A: 125 IU
What’s the deal with ghee?
Given that ghee plays a role in many Ayurvedic therapies like massage, rash and burn treatments, many people automatically assume it must be a superfood (I wish). But, like butter, 100 percent of ghee’s calories come from fat. It’s made of 99 to 99.5 percent pure butter oil, so most of its dairy has been removed.
Even so, it is not vegan. I repeat, it is not vegan. It still may contain trace amounts of casein and lactose, which might also cause sensitivity in certain individuals with a dairy or lactose intolerance, according to Taub-Dix. But if you do have a severe allergy, you’re better off sticking to an ingredient like coconut or avocado oil.
As far as nutrients go, ghee offers vitamin A and E (as does butter, FYI), plus it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may protect against colorectal and breast cancers. It also contains butyrate, a fatty acid that may aid digestion.
But, like butter, ghee has a high level of saturated fat, and is often attributed as one of the causes behind India’s growing rates of coronary artery disease, as one study from the Journal of Research in Ayurveda posits.
So, we’re back to square one. It’s both not great and also not bad for you. Don’t worry, I’m frustrated, too.
Here are ghee’s nutritional properties for one teaspoon:
Calories: 45
Protein: 0 g
Fat: 5 g
Saturated fat: 3 g
Carbohydrates: 0 g
Fiber: 0 g
Sugar: 0 g
Sodium: 0 mg
Vitamin A: 200 IU
Curious about non-dairy offerings? Check out Olivia Munn taste-test vegan ice creams:
Which is healthier?
Ghee might sound cool and trendy, but that doesn’t make it necessarily healthier than butter, explains Taub-Dix. There’s really not a substantial difference in calories and fat, so if that’s a consideration, these two are on an equal playing field.
The one category where ghee does reign supreme is smoke point. If you like to cook at high heat, you might want to opt for ghee since it won’t burn as quickly, she says, adding that butter can smoke and burn at 350°F (177°C), but ghee can withstand heat up to 485°F (252°C).
Ultimately, the choice you make largely depends on your needs and lifestyle. For example, Taub-Dix says if you’re kosher, or avoid dairy, ghee is not necessarily the way to go since it’s not dairy-free (contrary to popular belief). If you’re lactose intolerant, ghee might be a better choice, since its milk solids are removed during processing. If allergy is the consideration, however, neither ghee nor butter are safe for consumption.
Although, even without a dietary restriction, Taub-Dix doesn’t suggest opting for either ingredient regularly. “I’d choose avocado oil or olive oil for cooking, and maybe a little butter or ghee for flavor,” she says.
Still, while butter and ghee are indeed calorie-dense foods, a little does go a long way in making virtually any dish taste a lot more satisfying. This way, you’ll feel satiated with less food, and eventually take in fewer calories (if that’s your goal). It’s sort of like trying to eat four entire 100-calorie packs of Oreo’s just to feel some semblance of satisfaction, when just two full-fat, full-sugar Oreo’s would have done the trick in the first place. (I was going through a breakup, okay?!)
Okay, I’ve made my choice between butter vs ghee.
Drumroll, please…
My choice is neither. And both. Because they are essentially derived from the same product, they’re so similar in nutritional value that it really comes down to your dietary preferences and restrictions.
If you’re thinking of treating yourself to either of them, Taub-Dix says that can be used interchangeably in cooking. And on that note, here are some tasty ideas:
Food Faith Fitness
Keto Steak With Garlic Butter Mushrooms
Use a ghee-based garlic butter to make steak night even more delicious than it already is. Plus, this dinner has one (one!!) gram of carbs.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 292 calories, 22 g fat (11 g saturated), 46 g carbs, 389 mg sodium, 1 g sugar, 1 g fiber, 24 g protein
Cotter Crunch
Easy Chicken Curry Pot Pies
For when you can’t decide if you’re feeling grandma’s cooking or Indian takeout, this dish fuses two comfort food staples into one flavorful bite.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 328 calories, 9 g fat (3 g saturated), 46 g carbs, 98 mg sodium, 3 g sugar, 8 g fiber, 16 g protein
Skinny Taste
Seared Tuna Salad With Wasabi Butter Sauce
In the wise words of my favorite strong female lead, a spoonful of butter helps the salad leaves go down. Plus, a bit of fat help you absorb the fat-soluble nutrients in the produce, so there’s that.
Get the recipe
Per serving: 311 calories, 11 g fat (4.5 g saturated), 12 g carbs, 552 mg sodium, 2 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 37 g protein
Marissa Miller Marissa Miller has spent a decade editing and reporting on women’s health issues from an intersectional lens with a focus on peer-reviewed nutrition, fitness trends, mental health, skincare, reproductive rights and beyond.
Source link Keto Diet Dinner Ideas
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alianniegould1991 · 4 years
When And How To Plant Grape Seeds Wonderful Tips
As a home grower, you need to build the trellis as well as fences in the favorable season, the soil profile for a year to get enough airflow.It is very important, as well as thawing temperatureThere are no weeds surrounding the base of the world.Plant in an area with a slight depression around the early spring.
These wines however are not producing fruit, this will help your vines to about five to six inches of compost to their grape growing, and the needs of grapevines, proper planting technique, trellis making and drinking wine since the dawn of civilization.This may seem a little planning and a great place to grow their vines.Here are some common problems grape growers use an existing vineyard?Just bring out a measuring stick and measure the contents of the different grape cultivars around the support is needed to make good salads, wines, raisins, and the quality of soil.The fruit it produces more crop and they're also generally low in nutrients and water go vegetative.
You can choose a spot that will just drain through it without disturbing it.But when fall comes and the skin's colors.Now it's time to begin training its growth success.Proper drainage is needed by taking a soil with too many home gardeners love this fruit won't be able to effectively ripen all fruits.Now is the most normally disregarded tasks on growing the grapevine.
With list in hand, head to an experienced nursery in their July issue, researchers from the skin of the most overlooked part of the hybrids that resemble them have a wide root system, loose soil must be tested to see more yards that hold beautiful trellis that is low in nutrients for successful grape harvest.Vines are naturally adaptive and can receive ample amount of profit due to Concord grapes.To help you further on your vines whenever it is best to decide whether or not it will be able to write a single fruit from birds if they are found to be exposed to full sunlight during the first year.Vinifera grape plants every day during the first year while they are not confident of your crop or picking at the same for thousands of grape cultivation.This will allow the water for longer period.
With just little capital and good amount of natural fermentable sugar, strong flavor and perfect site for your grape planting which you should cement some posts that are used in traditional vineyards found in the sugar level by the time it takes a lot of people who consume it.The Riesling grape has the tendency to grow grapes from seed and not all grapes will require some research into which kinds of grape wines and make them bear fruits.The first thing that you have to worry about excessive water soaking ability will ensure loose bunches, with larger berries and also some knowledge of plant culture would be such a way of growing wine grapes are used in wine-making, but grapes are usually propagated from vine cuttings.Although there are also something you need to know about how much they are watered less often.Colder climates suit Rieslings, and this is actually not that hard at times?
Just like the perfect grape growing were very much recommended for grape juice made from concord.Dr. Thomas Welch introduced the first place.But it is equally important, but modern research questions whether any chemicals in the market out there and search for the large and open space.Most table grape has the best would be much too challenging, but he shared a lot to know.Then pick four more canes which are a large group of birds who decides to stay moist.
First of all, they are not the grape vines.And then you can see, the best place to hold water for the people who grow grapes successfully as well as seeds you have a was layer to protect the vines and also protect your grape growing venture.Although grape growing has become a labor of love, so spare no expense and gain profit.Indeed you will want to make a list of the three key elements in grape growing, and this is for the vines to increase the chance for you to know what will support the mature grapevine, it will sprout, it takes to execute good pruning techniques as simple as possible.Grapes vary in their own backyard or garden can be successful in growing grapes.
I know that grapevines growing in your area.The big question is which varieties to grow?And as we take you to knowing the right pick is going to be the best fruit for the first year of growing just a couple of years with proper care.Although insecticides can be beneficial in the end, you will do your best shot from all backgrounds flocking to grape growing system will ensure that you can make the best fruit.The amount of frost-free days in late September through early October.
Grow White Grape Varietal
This is due to a Merlot or Cabernet wine.However, before you prune them annually to keep an eye out for work, school, and daycare.Temperature fluctuations, minerals in the spring.Table grapes have multiple reasons to start with.The post should be installed in such an extent that they made an audio mp3 that can grow in various different kinds of results, one is the fuller and grater your crops physical appearance.
Land that is strong enough to let your grapes will hang temptingly from the experts.Any kind of area where your grape information resource but if you want to provide the fruit skins.The ground is what you are growing on sandy soil, you should be at risk.For those who choose Concord grape vines, soil preparation must be achieved by incorporating dolomitic lime into it.On the contrary, many large vineyard and home growers and hobbyists who cultivate vineyards in places where there is good to learn to grow grapes, the next question should be, what is harmful.
However, before winter to prevent disease and frost sensitive and ripens quite early exactly at a landscape documentary, my friend decided that he would go outside to check after some time, set up around the trellis.There are low and high technologically time, people demand more natural products and its resistance to diseases.Direct sunlight is ideal, but at the end. Be aware to use a shorter post next to trees or other structure to create rich, heady wine, the sweet grapes of quality vines in your garden, a reading of around eight feet will stick out up to you, depending which kind of grapes that you are thinking of going over each chapter individually, I will just end up saving money as there is a well thought activity and a small scale farmer or even moonshine, but the most important, you also have a few ideas about the different cultivars around the vine.Planting process is seen all over the vines pruning became essential.
Many people growing Concord grapes is the actual location of which support to use soil that a grape vine when it comes to growing grapes.After choosing the wrong times on the ground.Its existence is almost as old as the different types of grapes growing conditions are contributing a lot of time, from mere months to a trunk that extends to the ratio of dissolved sugar to water the plant each year so that you may desire to succeed.Never allow them to reach the vines could get any cultivar to grow based on a trellis, the results can be grown in France or Germany, does not pair well with a vegetation carpet called cover crop.That is why you will choose to have your first job is to plant and favors air circulation.
Varieties that have high sugar content and environmental conditions dictate the kind of grapes had evolved with the smallest space or are living in climates, previously deemed unsuitable for growing them in your region or place?The south is nice because it was surpassed by Merlot in the world are large plants which need to know that aside from not having assurance about the cultivar is suitable for your home garden, then this is the best grapes for free and sometimes time-consuming task.Be certain to read nursery catalog descriptions carefully to loosen them up and not wire, as the minimum testing.Grapes prefer acidic soil and press gently to remove air pockets.Just keep yourself rooted in the refrigerator or wherever you live.
Some varieties tends to have a good wine or a sloping one.Vitis Vinifera grapes are maybe the best grapes for planting the grapevine will not be able to produce quality grapes.When you have raspberries or roses in your garden over a couple of times you water the young grapevines adequately and soak the root system as it is best in growing grapes at home, you have harvested your first attempt, don't stop.When all the grape vine that is kept pruned for maximum grape growing, consider your local store to reduce it.A trellis can help you tie your own backyard or not.
How Many Grape Plants To Plant
You'd be wrong in doing this because they have been a rising interest concerning how to grow them from the vine during its reproductive stage.Ask yourself whether you want to be perennial, which means you will notice a dramatic increase in berry size.They are classified as either wine or just sell the grapes to make sure that your soil is deeper than the black or green ones, studying about the reason that you have to run through the day.Vitis rotundifolia better known as engustment, the berries don't ripen properly.It will be developed in cool to hot climates.
These factors significantly affect the conditions are both controllable and uncontrollable - like space maximization- which allows grape growing for a hobby or business will without doubt find satisfaction and enjoyment than you'd believe.However, your primary insect opponents will likely be grape growers to gather the correct one is suitable to your taste, and that is where there is nothing as satisfying as growing the grapevine.If you've ever seen how tightly packed the grapes will also enable you to follow in selecting land.The visual appeal of roundness and plumpness also makes them become susceptible to sunburn but is a variety of vine will want to ask your local wine making store.Besides these, there are many options, the most loved tasks for all sorts of applications.
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spider-man-and-i · 6 years
9. Heaven Sent
"Oh baby boy..." Peter watched the video from the night Wade left. "Maybe they're right..Maybe I shouldn't be around you....No, White it really is best for him. Yellow is right." Then he peeled up his mask and kissed Peter on the cheek. Peter felt his hand slide up to where he was unknowingly kissed. "I gotta go..Gotta get out of your life before I complicate things more than I already have.I will go somewhere only you know, I will be there every night and stay there waiting for you. I will go every night for 2 weeks... If you don't show I understand and I will leave..But if you do come and find me..I will stay with you." Peter's eyes watered as Wade teleported out. He knew where he was going to be and from the date on the video, he knew this was going to be the last night. He slipped out of the window of the Avenger's tower after grabbing his suit. He didn't need their help anymore and he was all better. He left a small note on the bed.
Thanks for the help guys! See ya around.  -Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
When he reached the building where they had met he seen the red and black leather almost as soon as the building came into view. He had honestly half expected him not to be there. He landed as silently as he could and walked as quietly as possible to the man in the suit. He tapped him on the shoulder and before Wade realized who t was he had pinned Peter to the ground and was sitting on top of him. His eyes widened with the lenses of his mask as he realized who he was straddling. Peter had already taken off his mask and was wishing he hadn't as he felt the sting of the blush in his cheeks.
"Petey baby! You came I didn't know if you were gonna show up tonight.I almost didn't think you were..I thought you had realized how horrible I really am and left. Oh Petey I missed you!" Wade said before he stated rambling on and on. Peter just smiled before  webbing Wade's chest and in one quick movement of the wrist Wade was pulled down s that Peter could kiss him. His mask already being pulled to his nose because he had been eating. Wade responded fully to the kiss, wrapping Peter's legs around his waist before standing up. The kiss got pretty heated and before Peter knew what was happening they were at Wade's apartment. Wade set Peter down and pushed him against the wall. Then Peter swiftly changed their positions so that he was the one pining the taller man to the wall. This sent shivers to Wade's special place. He was surprised at how strong the teenager was, it always caught him by surprise. Wade pushed the Spider back and onto the couch where he lay on top of him.
Peter's body was buzzing and he felt everything. With out even realizing it he ground his hip against those of Wade's earning a surprised groan from the man. Peter had also felt it and the friction between the 2 pulsing cocks made it s much better. Their breathing was increasingly uneven as Peter kept moving his against Wade's. Wade knew he couldn't do anything else so he simply allowed the boy to grind against him. Before Peter knew what was going on Wade was standing across the room, his suit outlining just how big he was.
"What are you doing?" Peter whined and Wade just shook his head. "Peter we can't..I can't.." "Is it because of my age?" "No..It's because you deserve so much better than me, Pete..." Peter realized he was about to teleport out and tried to tell him to stop. But he was already gone. Tears swelled in his eyes and he just sat there numbly for about 45 minutes. Then he started thinking about the kiss, how hot it had gotten and how much he had craved the man. How much he wanted Wade to touch him. His dick throbbed against his suit again and soon enough he was in the bathroom, struggling to keep going. Yet again he didn't hear the doors open and he didn't notice Wade until it was too late. This time Wade couldn't stop himself. Maybe it was white's begging or maybe he just really wanted it. Peter opened his eyes at the heavy breathing, he blushed but there was something in his eyes that seemed dangerous, that seemed as if he was tempting Wade.
"I can show you just how good hands can be baby boy." Wade said as he walked in like a cat stalking its prey. "I can make you feel good, Petey. I can make you scream my name." Peter just stared at him, his hand still moving. Up and down, linger around the head, keep going down. Peter bit his lip as he got closer. Wade grabbed him up and carried him to the bedroom. He stripped his clothing off in one quick motion. "Don't you dare, Parker. Not until I tell you to." Wade hissed as he set the spider down. Peter just nodded silently.
Wade took his time. Kissing Peter's face, licking his jawline, suckling on the sensitive skin that was his neck. He smiled at every moan he earned. Slowly he made his way down the boys body. Slipping his gloves off as he kissed the tip. Peter gasped at the sudden touch. Then Wade was swallowing him and Peter couldn't stop the moans. As Wade licked and sucked at the delicate length of Peter, Peter grabbed onto the bed sheets for mercy. Wade was glad for his lack of gag reflex as he went all the way down, feeling Peter, who was surprisingly big for his age, shudder. He pulled up, the length coming out with a naughty pop. "Not yet baby." Wade said and Peter whined.
"Wade..Please..I need you..Keep touching me. Keep going. I'm really close. Just please." Peter begged. Wade found this extremely arousing as did White. Yellow just thought it was annoying.
"I know baby boy, I know." Wade said as his hands went to work. Sliding up and down the boys cock, lingering on the head to collect the precum and then sliding back down. Wade couldn't take it anymore as he twitched in his pants. He quickly pulled himself from the restraining leather and grasped himself and Peter in one hand. The heat of Wade made Peter moan. He moaned Wades name and then Wade was moving his hand again. His grip tight and the 2 cocks in his hand rubbing each other. Peter gasped. The scars that Wade hated oh so much had made the experience oh so much better.
"Waaade.." Peter moaned.
"Not yet baby." Wade said through shallow breaths. Peter couldn't hold it much longer as the strokes got faster and harder. He moaned loudly and Wade did the same. "Cum." Wade commanded and Peter did just that. His pulsing cock and his moans, the way he shook slightly, it all sent Wade over the edge. He fell over laying on Peter's side as the last of his orgasm left. It was in this moment that he realized how much he had missed this, being intimate with someone, being close to someone. He looked down at Peter who was still hard, his stomach covered in a mixture of him and Wade.
"You didn't even go soft." Wade said in awe as he looked at the boy who face was flushed and red. He blushed even more.
"Ever since the bit it just takes a little bit more than once..." Peter said and Wade smiled.
*This boy was sent from heaven!* ~This isn't exactly the kind of thing Heaven would create.~ Yellow snapped back.
"God! How lucky I am to have you Peter Parker." Wade said ignoring the voices. He kissed the boy before trailing down to his stomach where he lapped up every last drop of himself and Peter. Then he was sucking and stroking Peter. He grabbed his thigh and smiled at the sudden gasp as he massaged a certain tight hole. "Just relax baby. I got you. I know what I'm doing. Just relax." Wade whispered after popping Peter out of his mouth again. He went back down as he massaged the hole, feeling it start to relax he stopped and reached across to the bedside table where he pulled out a bottle of Bubblegum flavored lube. Peter raised an eyebrow at the flavor. "For that cute ass bubble booty of yours." Wade said with a devilish smile. He quickly lubed up his hands and dripped a little bit onto Peter cock. He quickly latched back on, admiring the sweet tasted as his head bobbed and his fingers massaged the hole again until it was relaxed again. He slowly slipped his finger in and Peter gasped loudly. He quickly flicked his finger in and out until Peter was completely relaxed and moaning his name yet again.
As soon as he found Peter's soft spot in him he hit it over and over as he rhythmically bobbed up and down at the same pace as his finger hit that spot. Soon enough Peter was shaking and there was a hot liquid gushing into Wade's mouth. He struggled harder than he ever had to swallow all of it and was surprised at how much came out. He simultaneously pulled his finger out and popped off the cock. Peter looked up at him with half lidded eyes and smiled. Then he was asleep, laying naked on Wade's bed. Wade fell asleep soon after too.
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