#Not me finally deciding what Manny used to do before he died... before domino fucked him over...
c1tyhaunts · 7 months
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Thinking of Manny for a quick sec, I do wanna highlight his business partner and frenemy turn enemy, DOMINO HURLEY. Manny met Domino as Manny was starting out in doing telemarketing sales young, when Manny was 18-years-old, ready to become the business man his grandparents wanted him to be. Both him and Hurley were the new kids on the block, and both of them had a firey, competitive spirit that led to a deep seeded rivalry between both young men for years in their shitty job.
Eventually, after a couple of years of working the dead end job, Hurley recommended an idea that Manny bought into: both men felt like they had the smarts, wit, and grit to establish a TRAVEL AGENCY, building travel packages fit for the high and mighty. Hurley saw money in the bored rich people that called into their telemarketing gig, and Hurley can only trust someone who had the same drive for money like he did. And while both men did not like each other, Domino & Manny became a match made. D & M Travel Services was born, and the boys became co-owners to a very, very successful Travel Agency. They were the first Travel Sales Agents, and will always be the last.
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