#Not only does the robot speak to me despite my wishes with words I didn't give to it
chaos-has-theories · 5 months
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*fuming with anger*
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
skk in fifteen fr
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I am desperate to analyse this one section of Fifteen.
You can't tell me that this isn't important.
My overarching point for this post is Chuuya seeing Dazai as a person despite him doing the most dehumanising shit.
Dazai is literally speaking in a flat voice, "despite being attacked by the enemy and hitting the ground and buildings". Despite being ambushed and clearly going through some painful shit, he's like a robot, soulless. Chuuya gives him a choice of killing him after he gets information, or just killing him then, to which he's like "Yeah go on, do it now then. Kill me." and Chuuya is taken aback. But, instead of being like "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a freak." he realises that underneath him is a human guy. "The figure was silent for a moment. Then he finally saw Dazai, and realised that he was dealing with a person that had personality." Like??? Chuuya babes, that's not how you react to that. But, I am glad he did. Because it just shows that, unlike everyone else, Chuuya sees Dazai's death wish as a human part of him. Yes, the other aspects of Dazai that Chuuya hates he does view as inhuman and dark, but the one aspect of him that everyone else sees completely different, Chuuya does a wholeass 180 on it. He registers him as a person, a living breathing person, and this is so important to me. I can't remember if I posted it or not, wait I no no I didn't, I was about to post it and it all deleted itself, oh fuck. Anyways sorry, I wrote a whole rant about Chuuya and Dazai's humanity and how it's such a crucial part in their relationship and themselves respectively. Being perceived as human is very important to the both of them, moreso Chuuya. Chuuya actively tries to be compassionate and is a caring person, whereas Dazai is cold, but doesn't understand why everyone else sees him as a bad person. Much like Ranpo, he is unsure of how to feel or be in the world, but is not as open to criticism I guess? Once again, I can't remember which rant, whether I posted it or not, but in one of them I made a point about when Chuuya punches Dazai when he talks about the Colonel's death, and how important Dazai's reaction is, before and after the punch. When he says "Right?" after he talks about the executive position, it almost seems like he's asking Chuuya for guidance if this is right, but he's Dazai and obviously motherfucker does not know how to go around that. Dazai doesn't feel anything for when people die or get hurt, he's accustomed to violence. However, he genuinely seems a bit at a loss here. And, when he confronts Shibusawa, his feelings on the matter flip? He tells Shibusawa that he "can't forgive him for the Colonel's death". Maybe Chuuya did have an impact on him, maybe he felt that way all along. Anyways, this scene (Fifteen) is so important to me and how Chuuya recognises him as a human lying underneath him. To Chuuya, not only is he not responding to pain the way normal people should, but he apparently also has a twisted death wish and asks Chuuya sincerely to kill him. Despite the shock that would initially come with this, Chuuya decides to recognise that "oh, he's a person with depth". One of my favourite lines is "The figure was silent for a moment. Then he finally saw Dazai,…" because it's just him being shocked and a bit like "the fuck?" but then the "he finally saw Dazai" like in that one moment, (which it did) it started a bond that neither of them could sever even if they wanted to. From that moment, they were bound for life, because he saw him. I can't at all articulate how I feel about this line, I know I always say that, but this time the words actually aren't processing like they're in my brain there I know what I mean, but I can't type it. Anyways, that ends this short little rant, even though I do have many more thoughts on this stacked in my scattered brain but I can't release them unless I am prompted to release them :') Anyways, thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night <333
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reading-hub · 5 years
Dandy And The Jet 🚀 [3] To Boobies, Baby!
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- Space Dandy x reader -
[part 2]
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The digital transmission hidden underneath your jacket that was made by Bea so it was easy to update on the mission with Admiral Perry. You were explaining the events that were leading up to today, from that one-sided crazy bar fight, being able to escape said bar fight, having the opportunity to escape with Dandy's crew inside the "Aloha Oe" to now.
“So, you’ve already made your way to his inner circle?”
You hid within the hallways, luckily nobody hadn't woken up yet. Although that little wheeled robot named QT had this obsession with cleaning early, so your not exactly in the clearing yet...
"Yes, I have. His crew was surprisingly welcoming despite them being alien hunters.." You responded, remembering your last experience with some alien hunters in the past...
"I don't care about them! What about the target, how's is he taking in your presence? Has he suspected anything about you since your arrival?" Admiral was obviously cautious about you being found out in a short time. You rolled your eyes slightly.
You sighed and answered. "Well, he was questioning my position when I took the wheel, but nothing really about me.” Admiral sighed in relief, guess that's good news?
"Very well, just keep pursuing on the target at all times, don't let him slip through your fingers. We're so close yet so far." The burning skeleton commanded. "I will, sir." You agreed, transmission ended.
"Hello miss [f/n]!" You jumped slightly, turning around to see the little robot QT and his broom. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! Did I startle you?" QT said in a worried tone. The robot really was the sweetest.
"Don't worry, er, I was just looking around the ship..." You smiled looking at the inter-galactic gears and such.
Now that I mentioned it, this ship is pretty huge, this must've cost a fortune, maybe Dandy is a successful alien hunter after all if he was able to afford such a ship and all...
You shrugged it off and looked at QT. "So uh, you clean up around the ship when everybody's asleep?" You asked, continuing the conversation with the little robot.
"I clean up anyway, even if everyone's awake or not." Saying in their autotuned voice, which is a bit adorable. "I really like cleaning," QT said simply.
"That's one hell of a favorite thing to do. I rarely ever hear someone say that sentence, ever." You chuckled a little. "So anyway, what exactly is the schedule around here?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Schedule?" QT said confused. "Oooh!" The male robots autotune sang in harmony. "To be quite honest, there really isn't one." They shrugged, your eyes quirked a little in surprise and confusion. "The only real mundane place that Dandy likes to go to most of the time is a place called Boobies," QT answered.
"Boobies?" Your whole facade went full-on confusion with what the innocent robot said so casually. "Yeah, it's this restaurant that Dandy really likes going to a lot but the paycheck is more than what we normally have so its tough for Dandy to accept when we don't have enough to go." The robot explained.
Huffing a little in response, "Judging by the name of this restaurant, I can tell why Dandy would like going there." Both QT and You laughed right after.
"Geez, you giggling pre-teens woke me up." Looks like your quality conversation with QT is over thanks to a grumpy pompadour. Speaking of pompadour, Dandy was hiding his hair using his blanket that he dragged along the floor without a care.
"Now if you excuse me, girlies, I gotta take a shower. This hair ain't gonna fix itself!" Dandy boasted proudly as if you were gonna swoon over him right when he gets out.
"We should probably check and see if Meow is awake, though I highly doubt it," QT grumbled as we walked to the main room of the ship. "How long does it usually take for everyone to be awake by?" You asked jokingly. "I'd say around 02:00 in standard time," QT answered quickly, looking at his watch that miraculously appears out of nowhere!
"It's nine-forty." You questioned immediately. “How long does it take for Dandy to finish up in there?" The robot rolled his screen eyes thinking of Dandy's precious timing.
"I'd say two hours, one if today's a lucky day." QT hoped.
"Dang." Was all you could say to that. The guys that you use to know hated when a woman took too long getting ready and didn't really care for their hair products. Needless to say, this Dandy guy was something else and nobody you’ve met before.
After talking with QT for two hours or so, you both sat at the dining table, if you call it that. You can easily tell by the crew that they didn't seem the type to eat breakfast together in a table.
QT was nice enough to make you a single cup of coffee. Luckily he was able to find some coffee beans after looking up and down in the cabinets. Wasn't a lot but you could manage either way. You wondered if he was able to have any human-like food?
You both shared a few things, like past stories. QT shared a lot about the past adventures him and Dandy have been through. A booby monster, plant people, and said something about zombies but I kinda lost track since all them were just bat-shit crazy all on their own.
You on the other hand only shared ones that were pretty tame when compared to theirs. Warning the robot that your adventures aren't really exciting to tell compared to what they told.
QT seemed interested with what you told him anyway, but you also didn’t want to overshare too much.
"What are you guys talking about?" The yawning came from Meow who was shuffling his feet, he must be still tired even though he's slept longer than the rest of us combined.
"[F/n] has been telling me about her adventures.” The robot said with glee, you couldn't help but smile in embarrassment when QT showed some exciting interest in your stories. "Whoa really?" Meow was obviously interested. All you could do was shrug in embarrassment.
It has been a while since people actually listen to what I had to say...
Meow just asked upon millions of questions each time you telling more and more details of the time you able to hold your own against the likes of humanoid monsters and crazy ex’s throughout the galaxy.
"Does that mean you know some close combat?" QT asked politely. "Yeah, and a bit of gun firing as well," You replied.
"So are you like some kind of superhero?" Meow smiled and pulled out his phone. “I'm not even close to a superhero."
True, you really weren’t . You were basically the big, bad, villain's accomplice, you know the ones where they trick the good guys into thinking that she's one of them now and then double-crosses them saying how "I am not who you think I am!" And then they laugh evilly.
The sad truth is that I don't think I can laugh evil.
"Is Dandy out of the shower yet? I really need to use the restroom." You said, obviously frustrated. QT grumbled, "Eh, probably putting his hair gel right about now..." You didn’t care, You just stood up and just tell Dandy to step out real quick so that you can go!
Storming off back to the hallway where you had that transmission call with Admiral and then that talk to QT later on.
Stopping your tracks, you noticed that the bathroom door had a small crack open. You could only guess Dandy got out and is probably changing back in his room? You hoped, otherwise he's gonna think you’re peeping on him, which he'll probably find flattering, you however were not intending on that.
Slowly walking towards the steamthat was seeping through the cracked door, Lights full white, You were hoping he forgot to turn off when he left...shit!
Peering through and - goddammit! - he's there! Oh well, at least he has a towel on, even if that towel is low cut and will probably fall off easily...fuck!
He was drying up his hair with another towel. The towel was off from his head, and you got a clear view of his shaggy natural hair!
Your eyes went full surprised. He really wasn't that bad looking without the hair gel, You certainly didn’t understand why he has to hide it...
Oh well.
You felt as though you were peeping a little too long.. you just booked it outta there! Maybe you should hold your bladder until he actually leaves the bathroom next time...
Sprinting back to the lounge, you know what you’ll just call it that since you refuse to call it a "dining room" or a "kitchen".
Meow and QT were still hanging around where you last talked to them. "That was quick," Meow said in surprise. You took a few breaths and replied, "Yeah, turns out I didn't really need to go." You said in relief.
A few minutes later, a wild Dandy appears behind you! "You're finally out of the shower?" You said in a bored tone. "You know if you wanted to take a shower with me, you could've asked?" He suggested slyly. Sadly, he had his pompadour back, kinda wishing to see his hair down. QT decided to change the subject.
"Nevermind that, where are we going, Dandy?"
Dandy's attention was at the robot. "To boobies, baby!" He boasted proudly. "Boobies, you mean that ‘breastaurant’ that QT was telling me about?" I jumped in with air quotes.
Dandy's face freaked a little. "QT, YOU TOLD HER ABOUT BOOBIES!?"
"Don't pin it on them, since I agreed to be apart of this crew, I was probably gonna find out anyway, no use of hiding it.." You said in defense. "She's got ya there, man.” Meow commented on the sideline.
All Dandy could do was have his lips curl, pouting like a child because you had a point.
"Alright, just don't take the fun out of Boobies for me, ok?" Dandy whined slightly at me. You shrugged it off, "Don't plan on it."
"Hey QT, how much we got for Boobies?" He called out to the robot. "Hm, probably enough. But Dandy, I thought we were going to spend this money for--" QT was cut from his words by Dandy.
"Nevermind that QT, we could always just hunt for a rare alien and get double the money back!"
Something tells me that this is just gonna be one those days...you know, the ones where shit gets fucked and it could've been avoided by just listening and following the obvious from earlier.
The four of you have arrived at Boobies. You really didn’t have an expectation of what this breastrant would look like, but seeing it right in front of your very eyes, it hit the nail on head.
You weren’t one to judge. We all have our guilty pleasures in life. Some like eating a bag of chips on a slow day, some like the smell of a certain candle that keeps them at ease, and some like a ditzy waitress who dresses little to the imagination to take their order while also small talk to on a daily basis.
You took a seat between QT and Meow, Dandy sat across from you. Small tension was between you and Dandy for a full two minutes. Dandy obviously not a fan of you being at Boobies with them. You couldn’t care less what he thought about you at that time, you just wanted to eat something, pay half of the check, possibly tip the waitress, and go back to the ship.
Before it can be anymore silent—
“Hey boys, how are we doing today?” You looked up, only to see a young blonde waitress, eyes looked as if full of innocence. She was quite pretty, you admit to yourself. “Oh my, I’m sorry, and how you today, miss?” Her wide eyes immediately directed towards you. Her tone was that of surprise and joy. Possibly because of how rare it is to have female customers here, you guess.
“I’m okay, thank you though.” You replied, smiling faintly at the blonde. “Yeah, we’re good today, too.” Dandy said after, his palm holding his jaw in boredom. The blonde beamed happily. “Dandy, who is she? Is she a new friend of yours?” She egged him on. Obviously curious about who you were. You’d think that this waitress is close friends with Dandy, given how easily she’s able to hold a conversation with him.
“No Honey, me and crew met her yesterday.” He explained, smirking with confidence. “Although an initiation of the Space crew in the talks.” In talks? You could’ve sworn he agreed to you being apart of the crew the first day you two met. You looked at him sideways, just what is he trying to get at?
“An initiation? That must be so fun! When is it??” Honey looked at him with answers. Dandy slumped on the booth, smug as all hell. He’s gonna get punched so bad when we get back to the ship. “Actually, initiation starts today.” He boasted.
“It is?” Honey asked excited.
“It is?” You reiterated sarcastically, wondering where this was going.
“It is.” Dandy conceded.
Before Dandy could be anymore proud of himself of having you put in a tight situation, hook line and sinker...
“Since when did we propose for an initiation for future crew members?” QT popped up with a sudden question out of nowhere. “We didn’t have one for Meow now that I think about it...” the robot added, while Dandy’s eyes widen, nervously.
“It’s a new thing I made up!” Dandy interjected. “I forgot to tell you and Meow about..” he explained, hoping the damn robot keeps thier mouth shut. “Okaaay, what’s the first stage of initiation then?” QT asked after.
Meow looked up from his phone, seeing what was unfolding right in front of him.
Dandy could only grind his teeth, thinking of one on the top of his head and try not to look stupid. Than, a light switched on his head!
“[f/n], our lovely new recruit here has to pay for the check.” Douche. That was all that popped in your head soon after.
Well, I have space skeleton demi-god and a pimp gorilla looking over me like vultures, I’m being labeled as a last resort plan to capturing Dandy, and being apart of his crew is the only shot I can get to getting closer to finishing my mission. No pressure.
Ok Dandy, I’ll play along.
“Well, if it’s what I have to do, than so be it.” You agreed, getting a little too confident.
“Alright!” Dandy rubbed his hands together in anticipation. This was too fun for him.
The food orders were now final.
Dandy made it easier by just having you pay for the ‘Captain’s Meal’, aka Dandy and yourself. Meow just ordered for soup and a soda, QT just wanted some juice. You wondered if the robot could actually consume foods...
Your order was that of a space meat fillet that you thought looked good on the menu and your choice of two sides.
However, Dandy knew he had you by his finger and went all out. Two large chucks of meat, topped with chili, cheese, a ramen bowl, and a slushee that was most likely child size.
He looked as smug and pampered as they came at that moment. The food came in.
Meow’s and QT ‘s came first since their orders were small and simple. Your’s came second. Dandy’s was last, the meal was so huge that Honey needed another waitress to help her bring it to the table.
You rolled your eyes at how Dandy was making a big deal out of this.
Meow and QT were done with thier orders a long time ago. You just finished your own meal. Dandy on the other hand, still had halfway to go. I guess Dandy didn’t think though how big of an order his was compared to everyone else.
“You’re not gonna finish that.” Meow commented as he was scrolling his phone. He pouted his lip in response. “Nope, I’m not gonna give in to the temptation of losing.” Dandy replied, hiding away the worry.
“Losing what? I’m the one paying for your meal.” You said suddenly. “How about we just ask to box it for to-go.” You suggested. You honestly felt a little bad. He looked like a small boy who feels bad for not finishing his dinner. It was honestly kinda cute at this state.
Wait what?
“Fine!” He gave in, crossing his arms in the process. You perked up at the waitress who was walking past your table, and asked if they’re was a to-go box for a meal like Dandy’s.
Honey came in with the check, the total of Dandy’s meal itself was almost 300 yen, your own meal was around 30. Luckily, you secretly tapped Honey’s shoulder and gave the ditzy blonde a coupon for Boobies when Dandy wasn’t looking. You knew holding onto that coupon would benefit you one day.
The crew got their things together before heading out. Dandy begrudgingly holding onto his box that had his meal.
It was already midnight by the time you guys came out of the breastaurant. All of got into ship, one by one. All tired from eating. Seeing how exhausted you looked, Dandy took the liberty of stirring the ship with QT tonight. How nice.
Guess him being nice was just a thank you for putting up with him today at Boobies.
Before you could relax your eyes, Dandy shouted out:
“Whoops, forgot to get gas!” He nervously smiled through his teeth.
“ARGGHHH!!!” You, Meow, and QT loudly responded.
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