reading-hub · 3 months
Teachers Pet 🍎💋 [ part 9 ] Weekday Rescue!
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We’re back in business, babes! ✨ we finally made it ! enjoy a long cute chapter <3
[part eight]
🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅
Aizawa was currently fixated on exams and hero work. Even though he still had a hero mentor to check up on his progress out in the field, Aizawa was able to catch up with the big leagues.
Even his older peers were shocked by his maturity and professionalism.
With the help of his team, he was able to bind down a sketchy villain. He was easy to pin down, a low level goon for sure but he was quick on his feet and had super speed.
The team from his hero agency found themselves thanking the young third year for the help. Without his erasure quirk, they probably would’ve ran around in circles looking for the low tier villain till sunset.
Aizawa could only tug his scarf and muttered thanks. He still wasn’t use to receiving compliments.
“Truth be told, but I think you gotta give yourself more credit, Aizawa.” One of the masked heroes chuckled lightly.
Another one chipped in. “Yeah, I admit, I was afraid of your quirk being a danger to us but you’re a natural at using it against those villains.” They laughed nervously. “Glad you’re on our side.” A sidekick added after.
To Aizawa, it feels weird after finally receiving recognition. The last time he had this amount of support was from only one teacher…
But sadly, the semester was close to the end and his studies were more focused on hero work than ever before. That meant general education became sidelined or given not much time at all.
Aizawa got to see less and less of Miss (Y/n) as hero agencies contacted UA and scooped up promising third year students.
Yes, he knew this would happen when he applied at UA but that was before he knew he’d catch feelings for a certain teacher that was kind and caring to him for the first time.
You were the very few people that encouraged him and wanted to see him succeed. And it actually felt genuine when you said it.
It felt..nice to hear…
Maybe he’ll go visit her after field training..it is a weekday so she’ll definitely still be at UA teaching. He concluded to himself.
Patrolling around his assigned town, his mentor told him he should probably take a break.
Aizawa found himself hungry and walking to the closest convenience store nearby to grab a snack.
As he walked, two young kids approached Aizawa with a cute curiosity.
“Whoa! A hero in training!!” Aizawa had to admit, after receiving looks from adults who passed by him with some passive looks, it felt weird hearing a kid praise and gush about him.
“That costume is super cool! What’s the scarf made of?” the kid pointed directly at Aizawa's bandaged scarf. The teen was at a loss for words, he didn't expect so much attention this quick. He told Hizashi that this was the only part of being a hero he wasn't the biggest fan of. The attention and media stuff.
"It's actually a special bandage made especially for my powers." Aizawa let it slide since they were kids and were curious about a hero's costume.
"When I become a hero, I'm getting a cool scarf!"
"Whaaaat?? No fair! I called dibs!"
"Since when?" "Since now!"
The kids soon ran off, still going back and forth about hero costumes, leaving Aizawa confused and by himself again.
He strolled into the convenience store and was greeted by a friendly clerk at the register. He could use a snack for today. He sighed as he walked around the small aisle of chips. All these looked pretty good. But alas, he was short on cash, only enough for a small bag and a subway back home.
Aizawa could take what he can get. Hopefully, there's some home-cooked food waiting for him.
A bell rang as the store's door opened, Aizawa could faintly hear small heels clanking against the store tile floor.
Aizawa didn't think much of it until he heard a voice.
"Got any scratchers today?" A woman's voice perked his ears a bit. His head peeked from the aisle, viewing the women standing in front of the register as the clerk looked behind him.
Aizawa walked towards her, chips he found in hand.
"Miss (L/n)?"
She let out a small gasp and turned her heels, facing her student. "Oh! Aizawa, what a nice surprise!" She warmly smiled at the third-year student. Aizawa admitted it, he was happy to see her again. Her smile was kind and sweet, and her figure was also something he missed too--damn it! Now is not the time...
"How are hero studies going?" she asked. "I've been told third-year students are working as heroes full time now." She added.
Gosh he missed hearing your voice so much! He felt his neck feel hotter by the second seeing your pretty smile.
Aizawa did his best to look cool and unbothered, unfortunately that left him stunted with his words. He tugged at his scarf a bit and replied, “Yeah, we’re getting a lot more involved with the police and crime is getting a lot more overwhelming to patrol around towns and cities.”
Aizawa may have over exaggerated with the work stuff in order to sound busy then he was. He didn’t wanna be cottled but at the same time, wanted Miss (L/n)’s praise on how hard he’s worked…just a bit of an ego stroke…please.
His English teacher only nodded and hummed at his reply, eyes winded in shock when he mentioned the overwhelming assignments.
“Well I must say Aizawa, you seem to be holding your own, despite the circumstances.” She smiled. “Keep this up and you might surpass all the pros and adults in the near future.” She winked, teasing but encouraging the young hero. Aizawa was taken aback but humbly thanked her afterward. Definitely reminding him why he still has a small crush on you…
“Five scratches for you, miss?” The clerk spoke up, waving the lottery cards behind her. She turned her heels and attention away from the third year, she smiled and perked up, “Oh yes! Thank you sir! These will do fine.”
Aizawa walked his way back to the corner aisle where all the chips were and went straight to the fridge doors to find a cold drink to wash down his chips with.
Aizawa knew that this fantasy crush wouldn’t make sense in reality. Miss (L/n) clearly saw him as just a kid, nothing more. Although the teasing was friendly and a nice ego boost, it was just that, friendly.
It could never be.
Another bell ring chimed the store. Aizawa heard but wasn’t in view of who it was. (Y/n) was leaning by the counter, scratching her lottery tickets with a coin, taking her time.
The soles of military boots stomped down against the thin tile. The clerk perked his head and smiled.
“Welcome sir! Just browsing through or—“ A gun clocked and silence came almost immediately.
A rough scuffed voice could be heard. “Give me everything in the register.” He warned. (Y/n) gasped immediately, dropping her penny that she was using to scratch her ticket. She and along the clerk raised their hands up slowly, fear and worry on their faces.
Aizawa sharply turned, panic ensued. He immediately laid low within the small aisle. Gulping as sweat beads followed. This was not good. At least he knew the robber didn’t know he was here.
The celebration didn’t last though as his anxiety shot through the roof when he peaked his eyes through the counters and saw Miss (L/n) shaking, her standing frozen solid in fear. Crap! She’s a hostage too!
“Anything else s-sir?” The clerk muttered lowly. The robber hummed to himself.
“Get me some smokes! Actually, on second thought, some cigars.” The robber chuckled.
He gritted his teeth and brows frowned. The lowlife of robber wasn’t gonna get away…not on his watch.
Although anxiety got the better of him as he came back to reality. He couldn’t call for backup! Any communication would make too much noise and draw attention to himself. Making three hostages in the process. If was gonna prevent this robbery with no one getting hurt, he had to make his moves count!
The clerk gave the man a small package of cigars, as he did the man turned his attention to (Y/n), darkly smirking as he looked at her figure up and down. The teacher blushed and a look of discomfort followed.
“I’m taking this sexy minx with me!”
(Y/n) tried to get away but was pulled by her collar and her back was against that scumbags chest who soon chuckled darkly after. He’s hand grabbed both her wrists together and the other held a gun to her head. She gritted her teeth and struggled at his grasp.
“Let me go you, dick! You got what you wanted!” She spat, hatred and spite lingered in her words as she cursed at him.
“Nah doll, with this cash and cigars, we’re gonna have some fun together.” She was absolutely disgusted. Such scum, so greedy and pathetic that he could’ve just walked away with the money. The robber meanwhile was smitten and full of life, even after receiving a death glare from her.
“Oh don’t give me that, doll!” He teased, tightening his grip on her. She winced in pain, still eyeing him up with hate and scorn.
“I don’t see any pros here..” he laughed. “So who’s gonna stop me?”
“Nothing can! That’s what!” He answered himself confidently.
Aizawa knew that was his cue, he wiped his scarfs as far as he could, taking him by surprise!
Just then, the robber slipped on the tile, landing on his side. Unbeknownst to him as he boasted his victory, Aizawa wrapped his scarf around the robber’s ankles, pulling it caused his legs to fused and fall on his face against the tile.
Miss (L/n) quickly followed suit and elbowed the scums’ stomach to keep him down, running away as Aizawa rushed in.
Aizawa took the liberty of pinning the robber down on the cold tile as he had him all tangled up to make sure he wasn’t gonna move a single inch!
Aizawa called the police and said they were on their way. Miss (L/n) approached the clerk and ask if he was alright. Clerk nodded his head, still pretty shaken up. The teacher gently took him outside the store for some fresh air and assured him. “It’s all over, sir. The police are on their way.” She looked back and saw Aizawa still restraining the guy, and noticed how knocked out cold he was. Thank goodness.
She was immensely proud of Aizawa tonight! He handled that scum robber like a pro (no pun intended) and did his best to immediately call for back up. He was improving fast and had the marks of a future pro hero, no denying that! She never doubted Aizawa in the slightest.
After the police and some local pros came to assist the aftermath, media reporters interviewing witnesses or as many people that could be asked questions about what went down.
You opted to only report to the pros, to be honest, it was mostly you praising young Eraserhead. Police questioned and asked you if you were hurt but you assured them nothing crazy happened. You mentioned that the robber was being kind of a creep but you decided to not press charges.
Aizawa was a lot more quieter than usual, seeing all these media reporters and onlookers at the scene wasn’t what he expected to be in the middle of. He originally came for some cheap chips for lunch and few hours later, he’s being bombarded with reporters asking who he is.
He just wanted lunch…
Although he’s glad you’re safe and sound. He didn’t expect to be your savior today. It genuinely annoyed him how that criminal was treating you like an object and asking you for ‘a good time’. Pathetic.
He didn’t realize how mad he got, that he must’ve pinned down the guy a little too aggressive that he accidentally knocked him out cold when the police carried him away.
Aizawa turned his head, Miss (L/n) smiled, ear to ear, approaching him.
“You did an amazing job today, Eraserhead…” she warmly praised, winking as she said his hero name. Aizawa’s heart skipped a beat.
“Not your scene huh?” She asked simply, noting his quiet demeanor at the cameras and loud bystanders. Aizawa only sighed and shook his head.
She gasped, an idea sprung from her head. Aizawa cocked his head in confusion.
“How about we get outta here, lunch will be on me.” She flashed a smile. Young Aizawa couldn’t agree more!
Maybe patrol wasn’t so bad after all…
((To Be Continued…))
🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆 〰️ 🔆
I know the last chapter was back in 2019 but thank you for sticking by my blog regardless 🥺 to show my appreciation, I made a tag list for those that wanna support and see new chapters for this series. Comment below if you wanna be apart of the taglist as well! You all give me inspiration and motivation to keep going with this series! Thank u ! <3 (see ya in 2027! haha jkjkjk)
@lhcartoonist @bleachdeadbunny
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reading-hub · 8 months
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🔅 fem deku / fem reader 🔅 | Ikumi Midoriya headcannons
where did I get female deku their name from?
She had so much admiration for you. In her eyes, you were a beautiful ray of sunshine, so easygoing to talk with, and most of all: you were all she dreamed about.
She first met you during first year at UA. Besides Ururaka and Iida, you were one of her first classmates that actually went up and talked to her during lunchtime and praised her for how cool she looked during the sports festival.
Meanwhile Ikumi was trying her best to stay cool and compose and hopefully not have you realize that you were talking to a weirdo like her.
It didn’t help that she held a lot of insecurities. Mostly being bullied by Bakugou and his goons almost her whole life up to this point.
But you didn’t see that in her. And for once it felt nice being praised by someone that wasn’t her mom.
Your compliments and praise felt genuine. No empty words. No backhanded comments. Just a cute girl telling her how amazing her powers are.
She swore, that was the most happiest she’s ever been.
Skip to her third year in UA and her love for you has not slipped away in the slightest.
If anything it’s become even more difficult not to blush all shades of red around you.
Both of you were basically close to adult age and Ikumi found herself having not so innocent day dreams starring you and her.
Just from body language alone, almost everyone at UA knew that Ikumi had a crush on you. Besides you, all of Class 1-A teased or egged her on about confessing already!
Even her mom wasn’t an exception. “Oh hon, I already know you like girls. I’m not blind.” Ikumi could only freeze from hearing that.
She almost had a heart attack when her mom suggested she should invite her cute crush to dinner.
Ikumi’s biggest fear was that you weren’t into girls like she was. She heard how a lot guys in school casually say that they thought you were pretty or thought of asking you out.
Yeah there’s no way you’d ever go out with her. And she quickly made peace with that.
That is until Ururaka scheduled a girls night out last minute and pulled Ikumi along.
Ikumi reluctantly went, maybe she needed a day to have fun and forget about hero work, and hanging out with her close girl friends was a plus too.
Tsu picked a cute hello kitty cafe as there first destination. Ikumi felt like this is what she needed.
“Oh I invited (y/n) to come along with!” Momo sheepishly giggled. “Unfortunately Kendo was busy with her agency.” Momo frowned apologetically.
By the time the drinks that were ordered came, you made an appearance at the cafe. The green head girl almost coughed out her sweet drink the minute she made eye contact with her.
You were dressed top to bottom with a cute pink outfit. A simple button up pink slim shirt with short pink jean skirt that hugged your thighs nicely, added cute thigh high socks with some simple high top shoes.
Ikumi loved and fell in love with you all over again.
All the girls sang praises seeing your outfit, Ikumi included.
You noticed that everyone already ordered their drinks, sheepishly apologizing for being late.
The girls didn’t even bother with it. They were just happy you came along and accepted their invite on short notice.
Ururaka teased and suggested you sit next to the blushing broccoli head gal.
Ikumi could only short circuit and have her mouth dry up, barely mustering any words out.
So close. Once you sat next to her, she could smell your sweet perfume, closing her legs tightly to make sure her thighs weren’t touching yours. It was not easy considering how tiny those cafe tables were.
You, however, loved how cute she was. You could hug her from the side and she’d probably turn her rosy cheeks into full tomato red.
After having some drinks together, the girls were afraid of missing their curfew, so they called it a night.
The group walked back to their campus altogether. Tsuyu, Mina, Ururaka, and Momo were walking in front, talking amongst themselves. Meanwhile you and Ikumi were behind, silently walking close together.
Ikumi was never good a small talk, it didn’t help that the whole walk back from the cafe was silent.
“I think tonight was a really fun, don’t you?” You perked up.
Ikumi’s eyes lock, seeing your cute smile as you lighten up the mood.
“Yeah, it was!” Ikumi replied back with a faint smile
“You know, if I’m being honest,” you began “I actually don’t mind doing this again.” Ikumi couldn’t agree more with that. She’d loved to hang out with you more!
“Yeah of course!” Ikumi nodded “I’ll be sure to let Momo and Ururaka know too.”
“Maybe we can all plan out something like this again.” The green haired girl muttered after. (Y/n) quickly found herself giggling afterwards
“What’s so funny? Did I say something?” Ikumi, bless her heart, was confused.
For the first time it was (y/n) that seemed more shy. Her smile never faded, but her body language made her sheepishly pull her hair back behind her ear.
(Y/n) fully admitted. “I actually want to do the same thing still, just not with them..” She gestured the girls in front.
“But maybe just me and you.”
Ikumi’s eyes widened, her heart skipped a beat. Those words that her long time crush said repeated in her mind over and over.
Ikumi throat felt dryer at that moment.
“Like a date…?” Ikumi murmured
(Y/n) cute laugh returned once more. “Yeah sure!”
(Y/n) held Ikumi’s hand playfully. “It’s a date then!”
Ikumi.exe stopped working.
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reading-hub · 1 year
Hi Can I request Gang Orca x reader smut? The reader offers to help kugo through his tough work schedule and kugo thought that meant being professional. Only to come in the next day and sit down in his office with her wearing revealing clothing and wanting to give him a blowjob. Except the one problem she is a huge tease, most of the time when he wants to cum she doesn’t let him and other time’s she does. Finally once his day is over and it’s in the middle of the night where most people should be heading home kugo pulls her from under his desk and fucks her with everything he has. They did it on his lap sex with kugo bouncing her on his cock from his rough thrust. Kugo forgot the door was open so the people who where still there heard the moans and his deep groans also the dirty talk from the reader. Some people ended up walking as their boss fucked the hell out of his employe and kugo moaned as he came inside her shoving his cock deep in her. They calmed down and kugo says she will be his employee of the month. That’s the end!
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oh my gosh, your mind ♥️♥️♥️ (not proofread)
Kugo never thought he would hold onto a body with such intimacy and lust in another life. And yet, here you were. His drop-dead gorgeous co-worker wanted him.
It felt pleasant and rewarding to be desired for once, and in the back of his mind, Kugo was gonna milk this for what it was worth...
As much as he wanted to take the reins of pounding your inner walls right here at his desk, you just had to be an absolute tease to him!
Anytime he even came close to cumming, you pulled away with a cheeky smirk. He secretly loved your bratty attitude so he always let it slide, but not this time.
His claws grasped at your thighs and pinned you from behind on his desk. The cold wood met your bare stomach, all you could do it moan and giggle as a result.
"Mmm is my sweet Kugo getting ansty?" You purred, turning your head from behind, only to meet your gaze at a hulking man whose eyes glowed red and hooded. Your boss was getting lustful and wanted to take over.
"Oh -!" As punishment, Kugo pushed the tip of his hard cock quick and hard to show you who was in charge. Your body twitched as a result and tried to regain composure.
"Fuuuck! Yes, Kugo!" Kugo hummed in reply hearing your sweet moans for him singed. He couldn't risk hurting you with his monster size of cock, so he just pulled the tip in and out.
You hummed in delight, "Give me more, Sir Kugo!" The hero's breath hitched. God you're gonna drive him mad. Without noticing, his body trusted slowly more into your wet walls. Kugo placed both his claws beside your head, gripping the desk edges. You could feel his dress shirt and tie touch your sweaty back
"mmm that's right, go deeper my sweet Kugo.." he got you right where he wanted you, pinned and submitted beneath him.
A faint knock was heard, a muffled voice called out Kugo’s name but to no avail. Both of you were so focused on each other that you didn’t notice one the agency’s temps came in anyway.
Once the doors open, you and Kugo paused and looked at the poor temp standing there helpless. Their eyes scarred and taking in the sinful position you guys were currently in.
Kugo immediately pulled away, cursing under his breath meanwhile you sat up from his desk, hastily collecting yourself.
“I-I’m so deeply sorry, sir!” The temp profusely but fumbled the words they spoke up, backing away from the sight whilst covering their eyes, bumping into things as they left, slamming the door shut.
Kugo only relaxed his broad shoulders and collected himself, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You snickered as you slowly but surely buttoned up your shirt and collecting the rest of your clothing.
“Well,” you sighed. “Secrets out now.” Shrugging away the awkward moment seamlessly but Kugo could tell that you were embarrassed.
You slowly collected any accessories that you took off prior from your sticky ten minutes of pure ecstasy. The last thing you grabbed was your purse, slugging it over your shoulder.
Kugo came behind you, embracing your figure close and careful. He wanted to hold onto you tighter but was aware of his large size and strength that he held you delicately.
You could feel his breathing on your backside, taking in your scent. You wish these moments could last longer. Because of your busy schedules and office culture, this was all you could get.
At least that’s what you think.
You turned your heels around, facing your boss, looking past his appearance, he looked at you with soft eyes.
“I don’t want to end our arrangement all because of one slip up.” He stated. Oh. This was a surprise.
The old Orca would’ve been ashamed and distraught of the IDEA of having someone seeing such a vulnerable sight involving him. This was new. You kinda like it…
“As such,” he began, grasping your shoulders with comfort. “I’ll have to have you be moved up to a higher position so that way I’ll keep close tabs on you.”
Oh shoot. You were at a lost for words! Is this how you finally get the big promotion you’ve been nagging for all this time??? Holy—
“All I ask is to not tell anyone about this.”
“We’ve already slipped up by having one person see us. It’d be a disaster if more people found out if we keep you in this department any longer.” Kugo was never one to take risks. He cared about your safety way too much. It’s pretty sweet and admirable in your eyes.
The gentle orca held your one of your hands, keeping them close to his chest. “The choice is ultimately yours at the end of the day.” He confessed. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on you at the end of the day.
You hummed and smiled in delight, closing the space inbetween you two, embracing his broad and imposing figure.
“I would gladly stay with you.” You breathed out.
Closing your eyes and taking it all in.
“I’m here for long run, Kugo.”
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reading-hub · 2 years
Im kinda in inspo boosting mind rn
Imagine being half human and half gem like Steven Universe and have yourself plopped into the MHA world.
Bonding with Class 1A, explaining your powers to them, you even become best friends with now one of your classmates, and even dance and show your vulnerability to the point you find yourself fusing with a special classmate.
I think I’d be pretty interesting what certain characters feel after fusing with you and seeing how powerful you’re bond is with them.
Would you guys honestly read short fics about this prompt if I actually wrote it?
I honestly just need help thinking of a gem that the reader could have 😅
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reading-hub · 4 years
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Size Difference :: INASA YOARASHI ●’◡’●
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[ kinktober | day 1 ] ●’◡’●
NOTES: this is my first time writing full blown smut in over two years, so please go easy on me...
🖊 synopsis : he craved holding you onto his large arms, it made him want to protect you from all the evils in the world. He hates that he can’t bring himself to tell you all of his deepest kinks and desires. What if he ruined the last of your innocence because he told you he’d like to use your whole body as a fleshlight—??
[⚠️ The Following is Mature Content]
When you’re as tall as someone like Inasa, everyone looks like a dwarf to you. He’s used to towering over people and tilting his neck down to have a conversation with someone.
And to him, you were just the cutest. It’s not like you were petite or anything, your boyfriend was just a total hulking beefcake who loves hoisting you up as he loudly boasts about how you’re just the greatest girlfriend ever, while also embarrassing you as everyone is looking at your direction. However, deep down, you wouldn’t give up your relationship for anything.
Inasa was a gentle giant and the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
He’ll drop anything and everything just at a moments notice for you, treat you like a queen by repeatedly asking if he can carry your bags or carry....you. He hates seeing you in any kind of distress; any sign of slight frustration coming from you, he’ll make it his civic duty as a boyfriend to terminate whatever is making you sad or angry. He’ll let you cry on his shoulder for hours on end, don’t even bother thinking that you ruined his shirt, it’s not as important as you.
Although Inasa is a very headstrong and overwhelmingly forward, you often question to yourself what’s in his head. What is he truly thinking about...
Oh if only you knew.
Inasa is scared of telling you his thoughts and the things he fantasizes about. Fantasizing about you, mostly.
How short you are compared to him. The way he can tower over you, as you look up at him with those innocent doe eyes of yours definitely turns him on. How he can hold onto your whole breast with those large hands of his. Imagine the way you’re moaning and mewling on top of him as you’re bouncing on his cock, asking for more. Using you as a cocksleeve as he hoists you up and down just by using his bare hands to lift you.
He hates that he can’t bring himself to tell you all of his deepest kinks and desires. What if he ruined the last of your innocence because he told you he’d like to use your whole body as a fleshlight—
He jerked his head up in surprise. There you were standing in his doorway. Before you could get a word out, Inasa beat you to it by lifting you up. You yelped in surprise, but giggled afterwards as he spun you around.
“You’re finally home!!” He beamed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your chest close to his. “Yup!” You exclaimed as another giggle left your lips. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, so I left class early.” You explained as Inasa still held onto you, walking towards your shared bed together.
“You left class just for me?” Wind boy asked, worryingly so. “Don’t worry, I didn’t have have too much work to do.” You calmed his worries down about your education. “And besides, the professor said we could leave if we finished our work early.” You added, to reassure him.
Minutes have past as you and Inasa laid onto your shared bed, holding each other close as Inasa talked about his day in the apartment without you. Grinning from ear to ear as he told you what he made himself to eat this morning, how he finally got a hold of his former classmate Shishikura on the phone but he must’ve had bad service and hung up on Inasa immediately.
But after telling you the highs and lows of his day, the gleam on his face dropped after a while and said.
“Although, it wasn’t as fun without you.” Cue your face dropping also, as you gave him a small peck on the cheek as forgiveness for leaving him alone for almost the whole day.
He faintly smiled, accepting your kisses for him. Seeing you so lovey-dovey on him, a hint of arousel came with it...uh oh.
His breath hitched, feeling disgusted with himself. His girlfriend is trying to give him affection and his rocket decides to lift upwards now??? He hated that his body betrayed him like that!
He couldn’t help it, you were just so cute whenever you were being highly affectionate.
You took notice of how Inasa was frozen in place as you continuously gave him kisses. Your legs interlocking with his, deepening the kiss each second. A small smirk graced your lips.
Without warning, you straddled your legs between his hips. The windy boy hitched in surprise, not expecting you to top him like that, although he’d be lying if said it didn’t turn him on a little whenever you made the first move...
“I’m sorry for leaving you all alone,” you spoke softly, as your fingers made their ways towards his chest.
Biting your bottom lip a little. “Why don’t I make it up to you..” You hoped the way you put as much sultry in your voice to seem more sexy, as your hands softly caressed his neck and chest that it’ll get across to Inasa what you really wanted...
And it did. Inasa was already rock hard, and his pants were tighting up as seconds past seeing you on top of him with that cute face of yours.
“Sure...go for it!” His voice made him seem confident but he was panicking on the inside.
Your hand instantly went to unbutton his pants, but you couldn’t help but first tease his cock a little by cupping it through his jeans and underwear. Which made Inasa let out a low groan in response.
“Looks like someone’s already excited..” a small giggle escaped your lips as you worked your way unzipping the confinement. Pushing the underwear down slightly, as his cock sprang up a little. Inasa’s cock was thick, but you also liked how it wasn’t grotesquely large either.
You started by pumping his cock a few times to see your boyfriend’s reaction. As always, priceless.
He was sweating bullets just from you touching it! His whole felt like it was getting hotter and His eyes tightly shut and mouth slightly open. You gave it a few kitten licks to start off before opening as wide as you could, trying to engulf as much dick as you could in your mouth.
Inasa cursed a little in surprise. God, your mouth was just so soothingly warm and wet. His eyes half litted as he saw you bobbing your head up and down a little. His hands made their way towards your the top of your head, pushing away some of your hair to get a good view of your mouth on his dick.
He loved how much you pushed yourself to satisfy him. Looking up at him with those loving eyes as you face-fucked yourself into him. So innocent, yet so dirty. Hearing you gargling your own spit with your mouth around his cock.
You released your mouth from his cock as a small trail of spit left your mouth. Inasa was in awe with how skilled your mouth was.
“That was so good, (name)! You really didn’t—“ before he could praise you after that god-tier blowjob, you cut him off.
“We’re not done yet...” a mechivious tone preyed upon your voice. “I still haven’t made it up to you.”
You took whatever remenats of clothing you had below the waist, before making your way back to the bed, hovering over your his cock.
The heat raidating between you two that you both decided to take off and throw your clothes to the floor, becoming bare naked.
Inasa took charge by holding your waist, slowly pushing himself into you. You hummed in delight seeing him manhandle your body so easily. His arms so big and strong that they could lift you up so smoothly with no trouble.
It was kinda hot.
Asking you if you were ready. Although nervous at first, you calmed yourself down knowing his cock was already slick and lubed up with pre cum and your own spit.
You ran the tip of his member along your lower lips, making Inasa hiss as he felt the entrance of your wet cavern.
Suddenly, you pushed yourself in him, both of you hissing in unison. A low moan escaped within you as he stretched your walls pretty good with that thick cock of his. Meanwhile, Inasa took immediate charge by holding onto you, to help you balance on his cock.
Inasa gasped in awe, seeing you like this was like dream. Seeing you with those cute half-litted eyes of yours as you took in his cock so well. How hot your skin felt as he touched every inch of you. You gave him the go-ahead with moving. He complied and helped you move your hips a little.
“F-fuck that’s—HNGG!!” You continued to slowly ride him out as Inasa laid back, his hands still by your waist. You continuously bounced on his cock, while Inasa ogled the way your breasts bounced as well, making one of his hands trail towards them instantly. He knead your breast like fragile dough as you withed in delight again.
“O-oh, Ina...” you mewled out that cute nickname for him. You hips, sporadically pacing. Inasa felt your velvet walls clenching, you were close.
“Har...harder—!” You breathed out. Without a second thought, Inasa cradled your whole body and pushed you down to the mattress, forcing a missionary position.
You gasped at the sudden movement, still in a blissful state that you honestly had no idea what Inasa was doing. But you were also too horny to care. Still thrusting, he lifted you up by an inch; pulling your legs up and having them between his neck, giving him more access to your walls, pushing his cock more further in.
You couldn’t believe the stamina Inasa still had in him. And being able to lift you up so easily during intimacy was...so right.
“Ina...h-hold me..closer!” You pleaded, as he ram his hips into you, wet skin slapping was all that could overshadow your moans and pleas. But Inasa could hear you as loud and clear. His attention was all on you.
His big arms ran underneath your back, cradling your body as he pounded vigorously into you, your cute moans in sync with his hard skin slapping thrusts.
You lifted your upper up, your arms wrapped around his neck as your face buried into his large protective chest. “Ah-ah, Ina..” your breath quivered as you felt his cock pounding you in all the right places. It was pure bliss and ecstasy the way he pushed himself to go all the way you.
“I l-love you, Ina~!” You cried out
“I love you too—!” Inasa cried out after, clenching your whole body closer to his chest, making each thrust count as he felt himself getting close.
He pushed you down to the mattress, pulling out as he coated your stomach with his silky white fluids.
Your cute afterglow face would be the death of him someday. As you giggled in delight after cumming so hard.
Inasa took the liberty in cleaning you up, and tucking you back into bed. He laid along with you after, but before he could close his eyes to get some rest, you softy spoke
“You really enjoyed holding onto me a lot, huh?” Inasa froze up, oh shit you knew about his dirty kink!! Shit shit shit shit—!
You kissed his forehead. “Can you do that more often..?” You whispered all soft and cute like.
He swore you’ll be the cutest death of him someday.....
( ˘ ³˘)♥ [ T H E - E N D ] ( ˘ ³˘)♥ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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Stuckage :: Y0 SHIND0 ●’◡’●
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[ kinktober | day 6 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis : you got yourself stuck under the bed, crying out for nearby help. Shindo will happily help you out, he says but that smirk and the gleam in his eyes says different...
[⚠️ The Following is Mature Content]
All you could do was pout and squirm. You found yourself in an awkward predicament.
You were doing some spring cleaning in your room, until your clumsy butterfingers made you drop your phone under the bed.
You groaned as you begrudgingly squatted down, lifting to covers to get a good view to see where exactly your phone tumbled to. Face down, all the way at the corner of your bed, making it impossible for you to reach it arms length, great.
And now here you were, your whole top half stuck under the bed, while your whole ass was up in the air, wiggling back and forth.
You’ve cursed and grunted endlessly as you tried to push yourself out, but no avail.
Wait! You heard footsteps coming towards your room!
“Shindo! I-is that you?” You asked, seeing footsteps from underneath your bed come closer to you.
Oh right, you were in a provocative position right now...
“Sorry about this. I think I’m a little stuck and the bed frame is crushing my back a little. C-could you help me out?” You pleaded to him. Gosh, if you felt overall embarrassed about asking him this, imagine how embarrassed he is right now!
A devilish smirk curved Shindo’s lips as he laid eyes on something so amazing. His eyes couldn’t help but follow the way your ass was swaying as you so helplessly tried to squirm your way out of your little prison.
You just loved teasing him didn’t you? Even if you weren’t aware of what you were doing to him by just looking all dumb and cute with those cute little dumb doe eyes, and having the nerve to ask him if he was okay right after.
If it was up to him he’d kiss up those lips of yours till they were wet, red and plump or until you were too exhausted to even take it anymore.
Now was his chance. To destroy his girlfriend’s pussy until she was a crying and moaning mess, and have her pussy resemble an Arby’s sandwich.
He got behind you and on his knees. You grunted a little as you felt his hands on your hips suddenly. Maybe he was trying to pull you out?
Then you felt something rub up against your thigh, something...smooth...?
“S-Shindo...?” You could barely move your head without putting strain on your neck or hitting it on top of the bed frame.
Shindo roughly pulled your hips to him, as he let out a groan sigh at the feeling of your plump ass grinding into his fully hard cock.
Your head banged onto the bed frame as he roughly grinded into you clothed pussy. You bite your lip, suppressing any sinful noises. Shindo knew exactly what he was doing. Teasing and dry humping into you as a form of torture.
You felt your panties dampening with sweat and cum. You wanted so badly to rip yourself out of this bed and ride out your boyfriend’s dick till your hips felt sore.
You gasped as you felt your shorts being pulled down, feeling the cool breeze shoot through your exposed naked thighs and curved ass.
You felt your prayers being answered as Shindo made quick work to remove your panties, you complied by lifting your knees a little to get rid of the unnecessary confinement that kept you from being pounded into by Shindo.
Shindo chuckled lightly as he saw your glistening pussy at full display in front of him.
Suddenly, Shindo playfully smacked your ass cheek, earning a small yelp from you in return. He couldn’t help but lick his lips.
You had no idea what Shindo was planning on next. Due to your top half being underneath a bed, a faint darkness was all you could see. The most you could do was extend your arms and have your knees on the floors, wiggling your ass every so often.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sudden wetness of something probing your cunt. “A-ah!”
Shindo’s face was wedged up your ass, as he probed his fat wet tongue into your tight upside pussy. You found yourself riding out his tongue, as he lapped up your juices.
His thumb circling your clit, using small vibrations from his fingers to get you more stimulated for more.
Just from his tongue and vibrating fingers with the help of his quirk, you were already a hot moaning mess as you laid the side of your head on the floor, drooling on the carpet a little as a result.
“Shin...” You blissfully sighed. “Yeah, cutie?” Shindo pulled himself out of your pussy, his response playful as always, even after tongue fucking you.
“I want...more.” Your arm spread your ass cheek a little, signifying you wanted something else inside you besides his tongue...
“More what, cutie? Use that cute voice of yours.” He lightly spoke, teasing you at your most vulnerable.
You pouted. “Your d-dick, please...?” You couldn’t see Shindo’s reaction or body language to what you said, all you could do was wait.
He hummed in delight, pinching your ass and groping it fully in his hands.
“Okay, but only because you said please.” He chuckled lightly as you heard the zipper coming from his pants.
Minutes have passed, but to you it felt like hours.
Your pussy taking a rough pounding as Shindo thrusted in and out of you like you were his own personal fleshlight. No pauses, just feral raw poundings into your cunt. With protection, of course.
“O-oh~Shindo—!” Your cries muffled out by underneath of the bed, your fingers gripping into the carpet, as you felt yourself about to loose it.
“Y-yeah baby that’s it—! Oh F-Fuck~” Shindo sounded feral and desperate after each thrust, his lighthearted persona dropping as he repeatedly smacked your ass.
You felt yourself about to cum soon, Shindo coming at a close second.
Shindo gripped the sides of your hips as he set the pace more and more frantically. All you could do was sit there and take it, to which you gladly did.
Then you both came, your juices coursing through your lower lips, as Shindo quickly pulled out last minute and coated his cum all over your back and ass cheeks.
Exhausted, you dropped your knees down and laid flat onto your stomach, almost forgetting you were stuck under your bed.
Shindo zipped up his jeans, grabbing a wet cloth as he cleaned up your backside. He pulled you down from underneath your bed, and carrying you to the mattress where you happily slept in.
Hey, it looks like Shindo could’ve easily pulled you out of your bed after all.
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ T H E - E N D ] ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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Sthenolagnia :: KATSUKI BAKUG0U
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[ kinktober | day 12 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis : you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by how built Bakugou was. You would worship and kiss every inch of his muscles that he’s worked hard for all these years to become the new number one hero. Not that Bakugo was complaining, if anything you were stroking his ego dry.
[⚠️ The Following Contains Mature Content]
Bakugou just came back from the hero agency. Although it was late at night, you stayed up all night to wait for him. Even after he kept telling you over and over that you’ll mess up your sleep schedule if you keep waiting for him like this. But then you sat on his lap while he was watching tv and that shut his mouth.
Gritting his teeth, cursing at himself. Damn it! Why does my she have to be cute and make me forget what I was mad about!
You laid your head on his shoulder. The strength of his broad shoulders were impeccable. Bakugo didn’t even flinch on your added weight. Your eyes roaming around his strong biceps, he really has gotten...hunk up over the years.
You look at him in awe. You just couldn’t look away. And that black tank top of his, which tightened around his upper body, wasn’t helping either.
Your hands had a mind of its own, reaching out to stroke his forearms, your finger tips gliding through his smooth skin.
You felt a little pride run through you, seeing him built his body like this to become the new number one hero. It was like he was built by the gods themselves, and you couldn’t help but bow down to his presence. He was enchanting to look at.
Biting your lips to surpress any sinful thoughts running through your mind right now, thinking of all the things he could do by just lifting you—
“Hey, my eyes are up here, perv.” His sudden harsh tone was enough to make you jump. Cutting through your thoughts like a knife. Bakugo tediously rolled his eyes.
“You’ve been stroking my arm for almost ten minutes.” Bakugo spoke lowly. His tone was stoic, so you weren’t sure if he was shaming you or not. Although, you wouldn’t blame him. He had every right to be creeped out by you.
Your mouth felt dry, your facial expression was that similar to a deer in front of headlights. You were at a complete loss for words when it came to him.
Since day one, when you two were young teens, you found yourself fawning over the angry-cursed-in-every-sentence blonde that was Katsuki Bakugou.
You were always viewed as odd to your peers. Liked things that were unexpected of you. Your friends, looked over at you with concern as you stared over at Bakugo with the largest metaphorical heart eyes.
His seething passion, always willing to be at his 100% no matter what, those once in a blue moon wise and truthful words towards his friends when they needed it the most, and saying the right thing while incessantly yelling his lungs out. Those are things as to how you fell hard for him. His beefed up biceps just amplified those feelings, and cranked it up to 300.
“Sorry, they’ve just....grown a lot.” You gulped, pointing out his forearms, as a small sweat drop slide on your forehead after saying all that word vomit to him.
“Oh really?” He smirked at you, lifting your body a little with those strong arms of his, moving you around like you weighed nothing. You gasped as you felt his tip poked through your ass, and squirming around his lap wasn’t helping.
Bakugo gripped your face, roughly smacking his lips onto you, kissing your neck and having you lean on his shoulder. You slouched your body onto him, giving him a chance to roam his hands all over you.
You moaned into his rough butterfly kisses, letting him do whatever he wanted with you.
He released his lips away from your clavicle, pulling your face to him, as his fingers pinched and made your pucker up those juicy lips together. He collided his lips onto yours, hands behind your neck, another hand gliding their way towards your lower stomach...
You could feel Bakugo’s hand pull your shorts down, as you and him swirled your tongues together. You could only moan into his mouth as you felt his fingers push your panties to the side, dipping his finger into your wet folds.
You suddenly pulled away from his lips, exhaling harshly, letting out those sweet sinful sighs that you’ve been keeping to yourself.
Bakugo skillfully used those fingers of his, swirling them around your pussy till it was slick and wet. You arched your back into him, mewling your heart away, seeing stars as he finger fucked you into a deep blissful state.
You hummed in delight as you felt his thumb rub your clit, giving you even more mind numbing pleasure than you already had before.
Bakugo tightly wrapped his arm around you, pushing up your chest a little.
“Shit, my girlfriend is not only a closeted pervert who likes my muscles,” He grinned. You loved when he dirty talked you in your expense. “But a dirty whore who likes being fingered while I cradle her in my arms.” You cried out, his fingers were rapidly rubbing your pussy, hearing embarrassingly wet noises engulf the entirety of the room.
“Say it! Say you’re my dirty, perverted whore.” He curled his fingers into your walls, whispering hotly into your ear. You mewled once again, your mouth forming an O shape and spoke,
“A-ah! I’m....I’m your per-perverted d-dirty whorrre~~oh-!”
You were drooling from the corner of your mouth, as you rode out your orgasm, your hips riding out your high with Bakugo’s wet fingers.
“Holy fuck.” You heard Bakugo breath out.
You wanted to get up but something was stopping you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He had your whole body pinned down on the couch, holding boths your hands above your head with just one hand. You gulped, seeing his muscles tightened his grip on you. You cautiously looked below you, Bakugo’s leg immediately went in between your legs, stopping you from crossing them together.
You were in for it now...
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ [ T H E - E N D ] ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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Fingering :: SHINS0U HIT0SHI ●’◡’●
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[ kinktober | day 3 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis: Shinso just can’t seem to keep his hands off you. You told him that he can’t be sticking in his dick in crazy whenever he feels like it. However, you never mentioned anything about his FINGERS sticking in anything ~~
[⚠️ The Following is Mature Content]
Moving in together after graduation wasn’t easy.
Once the two of you graduated, Shinsou just couldn’t keep his hands off you. Not that you complained, you were more flattered then offended. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t crave the attention of your boyfriends hands roaming your clothed body.
And now with the both of you being alone together, in a small apartment, close together, your bodies maturing to young adults, it only seemed right.
But there’s the old saying of ‘too much of a good thing’....
Shinso was growing the habit of grinding into you while you did the most mundane tasks around the house. And after all the rough grinding, you would give in and let Shinsou thrust into you onto whatever flat surface you were nearby.
It was pretty hot, but this was getting out of hand...
You told Shinso that enough was enough, and he couldn’t just slip his dick inside you all willy-nilly (no pun intended), and that nothing will get done around your new home if you two hump each other like rabbits 24/7.
Like the good soon-to-be husband, Shinsou accepted your wishes, and laid off the dick slipping for a couple of days.
Then a phone call happened.
You laid stomach first onto your bed, scrolling through your phone like normal, until your phone stopped abruptly for an incoming call.
Caller ID said it was your good friend, Jirou from UA! It’s been awhile since you two last spoke to one another. You eagerly pressed the green call button.
“Hey, Jirou!” You greeted happily to her. “what’s with the sudden call, hm?”
“What’s up, thought I drop by and say hi to you. Oh, and sorry for not making it to your housewarming party last week....”
You heared her mention the party with a string of guilt in her voice. Your face soften up as a result.
“Lemme guess, hero work?”
You teased her a bit. All in good fun of course.
“Yeah, its been a pain...”
She replied, with cheeky embarrassment.
“Hey, don’t worry about it! It really wasn’t that big of a party anyways.”
You shrugged off, easing Jirou a little.
“To be honest, me and Shinso planned it last minute and it was just friends who were around the area.” You told her truthfully.
“Man, really? Oh, how have you and Shinso been since you two moved in together?”
“It’s been great! Although there’s been some obstacles along the way, the move was a lot smoother then I expected.”
Suddenly the mattress beneath you, shifted down by the sudden added weight...who could..?
Speak of the devil, you turned your head back only to see your boyfriend hunched over your backside, as he devilishly smirked down at you.
You gulped, wondering where exactly this was leading to. You turned your head back and continued talking with your friend on the phone.
The lilac boy cockily smirked behind you as his face lowered to the nape of your neck, breathing in your scent.
Your breathed hitched in surprise, as Shinsou continuesly kissed your neck.
No matter how close the phone was to your ear, you still couldn’t pay attention to what Jirou was saying anymore. Instead all your focus was now on the hot wetness of Shinso licking and biting your neck, forming small red marks.
You mouthed curses directly towards him, as Jirou asked if you were okay, hearing as how you’re not responding back and sounding as though you could barely breathe over the phone....
You say to Jirou you’re fine, nervously laughing out loud as to shrug off suspicion. Yeah, you’re not a very good lier...
Shinsou smirked as he saw you wearing only a large t-shirt and thin panties. He hummed in delight as he pushed up the hem of the shirt with ease, presenting his real prize underneath.
You felt a small wave of coldness rush through your bare back and panties, you froze up.
You sternly look at Shinsou as he seemed to enjoy your expense a little too much. His eyes met yours for a brief moment, only for you to stick your tongue out to him.
Shinsou chuckled lowly, pushing down your panties to your ankles. Now the real main event can begin.
You pouted your lip, as your boyfriend just purposely ignored you.
You tried distracting yourself by hearing what Jirou had to say, but all you could feel was the wetness of Shinsou stroking your wet folds, as he commented how soaked you were already after barely even touching you.
“I told you no ‘dicking in’ for a week!” You angrily whispered at him, your hand covering the phone speakers to prevent Jirou from hearing over the line.
Shinsou gave you another loopsided smirk, whispering in your ear, “you never said anything about fingers, hun.” You could feel his hot breath in the shell of your ear, as he continuously stroked your folds with one finger.
“Besides, you don’t want me to stop, do you?” Your breath hitched for a moment. He knew your body too well and how much it can take.
You turned your head back to the wall.
All you could do was hold back your sinful mewling by biting your lip, as you tried to talk on the phone with small ‘yes and no’s’ to hide the fact that your boyfriend was painfully teasing your holes.
Your phone call with your friend felt like a never ending conversation. Especially when you have a boyfriend who was finger fucking your tight velvety hole.
“L-Listen, Jirou, i-I’m....not feeling so well.” You wanted to surpress any pleasure in your voice, but it was proving to be a challenge in it of itself.
Shinsou was making work of your clit by rubbing it around with his thumb. His thick two fingers sliding in and out of your folds. The pure wetness of your cunt was dampened the sheets.
“Oh, okay. We’ll talk tomorrow then?” Out of nowhere, Shinsou slid a third finger inside your seeping wet hole.
“YES~!” You moaned loudly. immediately hanging up and dropping your phone on the floor.
Your head laid low onto the bed, moaning into the mattress.
“Done with your phone call?” Shinsou really liked pushing your buttons, even when he’s three fingers deep in your cunt.
He moved your limping blissful body onto your back. Now he can see that cute face of yours being finger fucked at its true glory! All for his eyes only.
Your face contorting as you squirmed and moaned in pure lust. And it was all from the work of his skilled fingers and the knowledge of your body, knowing exactly which spots made you jolt.
The wet sloshing of your gummy insides was building up. You felt like something was about to breach through your hole...
“S-shin...so~” you softly whimpered, your eyes watering up from all the pleasure given to you. Gosh, you were like an cute lust filled angel in Shinsou’s eyes. If only he had a mental camera to capture this intimate moment of you.
“Yes, my lil cutie?”
“I, hng....I feel like I-I’m g-gonna pee..” you cried out weakly. Oh no, you felt your lower lips tightening a little..!
“Heh, I think that means you’re cumming soon, sweetie.” He chuckled lightly, poking fun at your expense. You tightened your lips in frustration.
“N-no! I really think I’m gonna pee—aAAHH~~!”
You felt warm fluids gushing out of your pussy like a out of control sprinkler. Pleasure went, and embarrassment came after. Oh shit- did you actually—!
“Holy shit, you squirted..” Shinsou breathed out. He looked surprised as much as you did.
“It’s not...pee..?” You felt your face getting hot in embarrassment.
He sloppily kissed your sweaty lips, intensely. “No, not at all.” He laid his forehead onto yours, breathing in your scent again. Letting out a tired sigh.
“Looks like my fingers unlocked something in that cute pussy of yours...!”
“Sorry, baby.”
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ T H E - E N D ] ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ • 🖤 divider •
268 notes · View notes
reading-hub · 4 years
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Roleplay :: GANG 0RCA ●’◡’●
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[ kinktober | day 10 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis : who knew Office Roleplay was the perfect thing to spice up the bedroom. He, a serious but repressed horny boss. You, the cute secretary willing to help your boss with anything he needed ~
[⚠️ The Following Contains Mature Content]
Kugo was at his study. Although for the sake of roleplay, it was his office for tonight.
You stepped out, holding onto a binder filled to the brim with papers, close tightly to your chest. The attire you wore was a stereotypical white dress shirt, tight black pencil skirt, tights with a noticeable garderbelt explicitly showing.
Kugo sternly looked at the papers on his desk as you made your way to him.
“Mr. Kugo, I was able to print out those reports that you asked for.” You spoke softly, trying to get a feel of the character you portrayed as an innocent, soft-spoken but ditzy secretary.
“Hm, good. Thank you, L/N.” He said with a stoic tone. He hit the nail on head with the stern boss figure that’s for sure.
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” You inquired, innocently. Hoping Kugo would take the opportunity.
And so he did. Without skipping a beat, Kugo flicked a pen away with his finger, drop and rolling onto the carpet floor. For the sake of roleplay, you pretend you didn’t notice.
“Actually, I think I misplaced my pen somewhere around the floor.” He said. “Could you help me find it?”
“Of course! Right away, Mr. Kugo!” You agreed, hunching your back a little to find his pen. What kind of secretary would you be if you refused your boss’s wishes?
As you poked around every inch of the floor, you pretended you couldn’t find. Even though the pen was smack down in the middle of the whole study!
“Hm, you should probably get on your knees to look, maybe that’ll be easier for you?” He suggested. Playing along, you got on all fours.
Your lips curved a little, knowing full well his eyes were all on you.
He definitely was. He forgotten all about his ‘paperwork’ and had all his focus on you. The way you bent over as your skirt rides up. You must’ve picked out a pretty short skirt, as he got a nice view of your curved ass. Wait-closer inspection....
You went full commando! I—
Kugo felt his face getting steamy by what he just noticed. He cupped his bulge, his pants were getting tight, he couldn’t take it anymore!
You heard his chair squeak a little, he must’ve gotten up. Oh no whatever will you do~~
Suddenly, you felt a large palm on your back, caressing ever so lovingly. You turned your head to see your boss look at you with hungry eyes, a gleam of lust hidden behind that intensity.
“O-Oh, sorry sir, I couldn’t find your pen yet, let me just-“
“No. Don’t worry about it, you’re doing fine.” The way his voice deepened, and forgiving you for your incompetence made your heart flutter. The things he did to you by just doing the most simplest of actions...it turned you on to no end.
“You’re always fine...”
It wasn’t fair. How dare he make you drench your panties already! He’s barely touched you!
Oh wait. You’re not even wearing any…
Oops, how you forgot.
Speaking of touch...
His hands course around your back, making their way on your plump ass, pinching it. You gasped as you felt his long nails dig through sharply. “M-Mr. Ku..Kugo...I-“ you breathed out, but Kugo shushed you.
“Office hours are over, no need for formalities.” He assured. Feeling the cool breeze brush through your wet core as he pulled up your skirt higher. You never felt so small, the way he towered over you as you stayed on your knees as you felt his hot breath on you. You loved it! Dare you say, you wanted much more.
“Hm, no underwear? During work hours?” He inspected, feeling up your bare ass.
“I wanted to...impress you, s-sir..” you voice quivered, trying to play off as innocent as possible.
“Miss Y/N, you don’t mind if I go forward with my advances? Do you?” Although he didn’t refer to you by last name, he still felt the need to call you by ‘miss’. So gentleman like! You didn’t care if he was already groping your plump rear while asking if he can continue, you wanted more regardless!
“Of course not, Kugo! Ple-please touch me as much as you wish, Kugo...!” You pleaded, almost desperately. God, you wanted him inside you already!
He hummed, making his fingers travel towards your wet folds. His fingers teased your opening, painfully so. You choked up, you couldn’t take it anymore!
“Kugo....your fingers..” you moaned out. “What about them?” Playing coy, knowing full well what you meant!
“I-I want them.....insiiiide me~” a wave of pleasure shot through you, your pussy clenching nothing as you felt a something built up inside you.
Kugo realized how much you were already a quivering mess, and unable to speak words without mewling and grinding into his hand. He supposed you were slick and wet enough to prepare for him.
He got behind you, grinding and feeling his think bulge on your ass. You couldn’t be more excited for what was to come!
Feeling a bit daring, he ripped open your dress shirt from behind, buttons flying everywhere. You could feel a small wave of coldness brush through you, before Kugo placed his warm hand on your chest, kneading your breasts like dough.
You sigh softly as he felt you up, but you still had something in mind...
Kugo’s mind was on the same page, as he grinded into your slick pussy. Kugo’s cock was nothing to brush off. It was huge! Almost eight inches, it was thick and vainy, and the tip of his cock alone would have you panting and moaning. The morning afterwards made you unable to walk without limping for a few days.
Kugo grabbed what was in his pocket, a small bottle of lube. Although, you both knew from past experiences that you needed the whole bottle in order to make things more...smoother for you two.
Your ears perked up, hearing his belt buckle clash onto the carpet floor, meaning....
He squirted the bottle all over his hand, rubbing the whole tip and shaft as he swirled it around his cock, getting nice and slick.
You breathed in and out, waiting for what was to come. “I’m ready, Kugo~” You slurred at him, giving him those cute glances as you playfully wiggled your bare ass to him as a last tease before the main event.
You saw how he smirked down at you, almost a little proud of how dirty you were to him.
He clamped your ass cheeks, creating a smacking sound as you gasped harshly in response. He ran the tip around your slick pussy.
Kugo slowly pushed through the tip, you felt yourself already slick and wet from the lube alone. You cried out, feeling his thick cock stretch your velvet walls. You’d lying if you said it didn’t hurt just a little. Hoping that pain will turn into pleasure.
Kugo heard your moaning loud and clear, and saw your limitations in taking him. “Y-you can...start.” You breathed out. He started out by cautiously slowly thrusting in little by little. “O-oh, keep...going.” You voice almost cracking.
He took it slow, looking at you from behind. He loved seeing your ass in full view like this, the way your ass sucked him back in, jiggling a little as he thrusted into you. Your face turning back to him, as you looked completely submissive to him. It turned him on to no end.
He could feel himself slide in, your juices pooling out of you as Kugo kept thrusted in and out you. The sharp pain whithered away as waves of pleasure coated your body. The body feeling hot and sticky all over as Kugo used you like a fleshlight.
You knees were were starting to hurt a little, and without warning, your husband lifted up both your legs with ease, it felt like you were hovering over the floor if it weren’t for your hands still in place. Kugo’s eyes felt foggy, his stamina at the highest it’s ever been. Feeling numb, the only thing that snapped him from loosing himself was those hot, panting moans of yours.
His pace was quickening each second, as he pounded your ass relentlessly. Both of you were definitely close to cumming soon.
Kugo’s hand left an imprint on your ass, his nails digging through your skin. You felt numb by every thrust. You loved this side of Kugo, savoring every second of it. Seeing him come undone and laying his natural instincts on you.
“A-ah...fuck fuck fuck!!” You cried out, feeling his load of cum pump inside you. He pulled out as he saw your pussy gush out like a cum dumpster, coursing through as you felt a little seeping out of your hole.
Exhausted, you immediately laid out like a pancake as your holes were pooling with thick cum. You felt almost every type of bodily fluid coat your body. You were wet, sweaty, sticky, slimy, and whatever in between.
After having your brains fucked into a oblivion, your eyesight was hazy at best, as you saw a blurry dark silhouette of Kugo in your field of vision.
“Would you be interested in pursuing something like this with me again by any chance, Miss Y/N?”
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ T H E - E N D ] ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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[ kinktober | day 7 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis : it came as a shock to you after finding out your boyfriend’s secret kink. You never pegged Tetsutetsu to be someone who was willing to share. And who knew the person he was willing to put his trust in taking care of you was his friendly rival, Kirishima Enjiro.
[⚠️ The Following Contains Mature Content]
“Tetsu, are you sure about this?”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. It’ll be okay.” Your steel boyfriend reassured you again.
It’s not like this little arrangement you two made you uncomfortable. You were happy to fulfill your boyfriend’s desires, as long as it made you both happy.
You remember when Tetsutetsu told you a few nights ago. You remember playfully telling each other what your turn on’s were. After a few exchanges, you were froze in shock after hearing your boyfriend Tetsutetsu confess to you he had a secret cuckhold fetish.
It wasn’t like you were gross out or anything, everyone has their kinks and fetishes. You just never saw your boyfriend as someone who was willing to share you in the bedroom. Sure, you two teased each other at the idea of a threesome, but never the idea of Tetsu possibly watching as you got your cunt pounded into you.
You told him that there was nothing to be ashamed and that you happy to make it happen.
Fast forward to one week of preparation, as you two waited for the third party to show at your door.
You pondered to yourself who exactly Tetsu trusted enough to let them have sex with you for one night. Tetsutetsu reassured you that it was someone you two already knew well enough. Was it someone from Class 1-b? It has been awhile since Tetsu graduated and talked with anyone from UA.
Tetsu said he put a lot of thought into who he trusted you with. He knew Monema was somewhat of a loose canon and couldn’t trust when it came to you. And almost everyone in his class was either married or seeing someone already.
But then Saturday rolled in, and Tetsu came home, beaming with excitement. When you asked what was up, Tetsu told you that he found someone who was willing to participate.
Tetsu revealed it to be Kirishima. You knew Kiri, not close mind you, but well enough to call each other close acquaintances. You couldn’t help but adore him, his bright positive aura was endearing and contagious when around him. People said they weren’t surprised that you got along with him. Jokingly saying that Kiri and Tetsu were no different from each other and almost identical in every way, besides hair color of course.
You jumped up a bit after hearing the doorbell ring through the house. That was Tetsu’s cue to run towards to door.
You started to feel a little uneasy, as you heard the front door crack open, footsteps stomping the wooden tile.
“Thanks for inviting me over, man.”
“No problem, thanks for wanting to do this with us. She’s in the bedroom.”
The two came inside the bedroom, Tetsu immediately sitting by your side while Kirishima brightly smiled at you.
You lowered your head a little, paying close attention to your hands. Tetsu, concerned, wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, Y/N, if you don’t wanna do this I—“
“I’m fine, Tetsu. I’m just...worried I might mess it up somehow..” You confessed, a little ashamed of your worries. Kirishima sat on the bed right next to you also, his hands meeting yours, clasping onto one another.
Tetsu and Kirishima looked at each other and back to you. “You could never mess it up. This all of our first times trying something like this. We’ll go as slow as possible just for you.” Tetsu spoked gently, kissing your temple afterwards.
“Don’t worry, Tetsu filled me in on the rules.” Kirishima assured you, showing off a toothy sharp grin to you.
No kissing on the lips without permission, no harsh dirty talk unless you allow it first, and not too rough.
Kirishima started off by lightly pinching your thighs, as Tetsu made his way to a chair that was near the bedside.
You gently laid into the bed as Kirishima whispered things in your ear, mostly reassurance and to relax your body for him. You looked at Tetsu, who was silent but watched closely.
I think you and Tetsu knew that both of you could trust Kirishima to not take advantage of you or make you feel uneasy about intimacy with him.
Kirishima tugged the silk robe you had on, only leaving you with your matching lace bra and panties. Kirishima breathed out a curse as he looked at you in awe. Tetsu smirking in sidelines as he marveled at Kirishima’s reaction to your body. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Tetsu teased with a cheeky smirk.
Kirishima was still in awe. “Yeah...she is.” He spoke softly, feeling up every inch of your skin with tenderness and care.
The passionate crimson boy, quickly stood up as he took off his clothes as quickly as he could so he can tenderly feel you again once more.
You turned your head to your boyfriend again. Tetsu saw your soft features and reached his hand to hold yours, squeezing it, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb gently.
Tetsu asked if you were okay, you nodded as a small ‘e-hmm’ escaped in vocal delight.
Kirishima took off the last of his clothing, besides his crimson boxers. He was worried of scaring you if he went full commando without asking you.
You threw off your silky robes to the floor without a care as to where it went. You palmed Kirishima’s bulge that was sticking out, rubbing it a little as you looked up at him with those innocent doe eyes of yours. Kirishima hitched his breath, god, he can just cum at the sight of you!
“Y/N, show Kiri what that mouth is skilled for.” Tetsu chimed in. You took it as a cue to pull down Kirishima’s boxers down to his feet, pumping up his member slowly with your hand.
Pre cum spilt out of his tip, which was red and hard already from your lubed up hands. Kiri gasped and groaned as you kitten licked, swirling that hot, wet tongue of yours. Gradually engulfing as much as you could of him between your lips.
“She’s got a nice mouth, huh?” Tetsu inquired, his commentary showing how proud he was of your actions.
“Y-Yeah...she does...f-fuck-!”
His cock was getting more and more slick with spit as your mouth continued to slurp up any salty pre cum. Meanwhile your panties felt wetter as the feeling of his cock over taking your throat, making a gag reflex.
Kirishima immediately pulled your mouth off his cock, a string of spit cans between your lips and the tip of his dick.
Tetsu leaned in closer at how much of a mess you were from gargling Kirishima’s dick. The way you heavily breathed as you drooled made Tetsu’s pants tighten a little at the sight.
Kirishima laid you back down on the mattress, lifting both your legs as he got rid of your drenched panties, commenting how wet you were already. You followed along, lifting your back a little to hook off the back of your bra.
Finally getting rid of the undergarments, there you laid bare naked. Kirishima was wide eyed as he drank up every inch of your body, knowing this’ll most likely be the last time he sees it in full view.
Tetsu stood up from his chair, and sat besides the two who were holding onto each other bare naked. You turn to look at your boyfriend whose eyes were all on you, as well as Kirishima.
Tetsu sat in silence as Kirishima ran his hands around your chest, cupping your doughy tits. You hummed in delight as Kirishima tenderly groped you, staring at each other with lustful eyes.
Kirishima ran the tip of his cock between your wet folds, earning a breathless sigh from you. He slowly pushed himself into your pussy, feeling the wet warmth of your velvety insides.
“O-Oh...yes..!” You moaned, biting your bottom lip. The feeling of his cock inside you, made you instinctively wrap your arms around his shoulders.
It felt so foreign to be this close to someone that wasn’t Tetsutetsu. But for some reason, the feeling of Kirishima’s muscular back was no different from Tetsu’s. You supposed they weren’t no different, built wise as well. It was like you were still holding onto Tetsu...
Kirishima thrusted into your core, his face on the nape of your neck to breathe in your scent. Skin slapping filled the dead silence in the bedroom, as Tetsu shifted his body, laying fully clothed onto the bed, as you were being penetrated into the mattress by Kirishima.
“A-Ah T-Tetsu—!” You blurted out. A little embarrassed as you called out your boyfriend. “Yeah, sweetie, what is it?”
It was hard to say words, mostly due to the fact you were being fucked into a mattress right now and Kirishima almost going full feral.
“I’m gonna....c-cum..oh!” You could feel his cock poked your cerix, crying out and digging your nails into Kirishima’s shoulder blades.
Tetsu got closer to you, grasping onto your as you came. Kissing your forehead.
“F-fuck—!” Kirishima cried right after, having you ride out your orgasm before pulling out and coating his sticky string on your lower stomach.
Tetsu looked at you in awe, seeing what a moaning and cum filled mess you were right in front of him. Your eyes soft and faint from being fucked the shit out of, yep, you were out of it.
Kirishima got dressed a few minutes later while Tetsu cleaned you up and pampered you back to bed. Having you sleep soundly, huddling your blanket and pillow for warmth, after having your brains fucked out by Kirishima.
But before Kirishima could leave, you grabbed his hand last minute and said “feel free to come back anytime, Kiri...”
Tetsu lightheartedly shrugged and pat the crimson boy’s back. “You heard the lady! What kind of man would you be if you refused a woman’s wishes?”
Kirishima was definitely invited back for another cuck session the next day, the day after, and the day after that, and—well, you get the idea..
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ T H E - E N D ] ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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[ kinktober | day 13 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis : tonight was promised to be special. You admit that your week hasn’t been great and could use some relaxation. Kirishima says he knows just what to do! All you have to do is let go and let him take care of you.
“All I ask is for you to let go for tonight. Let me treat this body the way it should be.” His words were like a drug to you. You wanted to cry, not out of sadness, but at the sheer unbelievable joy at what this man was telling you.
Kirishima knew the right things to say at the right time.
Who knew after coming back from a long exhausting day at work, walking into your quiet dimly lite home, with your husband patiently waiting for you in your shared bedroom telling you exactly what you needed to hear tonight.
A deep tissue massage around your shoulder blades, praising you for all the hard work you’ve done, peeling off a little of your clothing while ranting off about what happened at work last night, Kirishima nodding and listening to what you had to say.
You couldn’t have asked for a better husband.
You climbed onto the bed bare naked, feeling the coolness of the bed sheets touch your skin as you laid down stomach first. Your head sank into the soft pillow, resting yourself as you shifting from side to side, patiently waiting for Kirishima’s next move.
Kirishima followed afterwards, climbing and having his front body behind you. You felt the added weight near your legs, as his knees trapped beneath you.
You let out an exhausted sigh in delight, relaxing your body to the fullest. Closing your eyes gently to let Kirishima work his magic on you.
And so he did, he started by pressing the tip of his fingers onto your back to find any tense muscles hidden underneath. The relief of tension made you groan in delight.
Your eyes faintly closed, heightening your hearing to hear Kirishima open a bottle of something above you.
Putting your full trust in Kirishima, you shifted further into your pillow, breathing in the relaxed setting. Your nose catching the scent of cherry? Strawberry? Must be the candles.
Kirishima ran up and down your backside, feeling the slick warmth of oil glistening your back, lingering his touch on your body. You hummed in delight, wanting to verbally show how much you appreciated the pampering.
You could feel his touch, his hands were gentle and light, as the oil dripped into you.
“What a treat, rubbing this beautiful body down with my hands,” Kirishima saw below as he observed the oil glistening your back, your slick backside almost shining under the dim light, in Kirishima’s eyes, you were a glowing goddess to him. Privileged enough for his eyes to witness your bare body and revel in all its glory.
Almost envious of the oil itself, as he saw it pool around your curves and dripped its way around your side breasts.
“Kiri, everything okay back there?” You asked, teasingly so.
He regained his composure, back to caressing your body once more. “Of course, everything is always better with you.” He thought the line was cheesy even for him, but it’s honestly how he felt, especially when his eyes are currently being hypnotized by your backside.
His hands roamed around until they met your ass. He picked up one of those throw pillows, and placed them underneath you so your pretty little ass was prop up.
“Fuck...this ass looks tasty!” He cursed under his breath. Biting your lip as you felt those hands of his pinch and grope you. So rough, yet so good. All this tension made you want to just pull him in and let him fuck you already!
“You know what I love about this ass?” He teasingly asked, giggling your ass cheeks with his hands. “The way it craves to be touched,”
His mouth closer to your ear, feeling his hot breath on you, as he stroked your hole with his fingers, making your body ride into them for more friction.
“The way it grinds and pushes into me when it wants more,” You gasped as he swirmed a finger inside you, little by little.
“How it giggles a little when I fuck your tight hole, and to have it suck me back in after,” Kirishima could hear you writhed and squirm underneath him. Your holes were getting wetter as he added more fingers in you, curling inside your wet walls.
“O-oh...!” You arched your ass into him, as he purged your insides. You couldn’t believe how skilled he was with those thick fingers of his as he played your like an instrument who moaned and cried continuously.
“Yeah, you like it when I fuck your ass?”
He could feel your walls clenching his fingers, you were close to cumming, “Well, who am I to keep a lady what she wants?”
He pulled out his fingers, a small whine escaping your lips. Now was his cue to fuck that cute ass of yours till you were crying and panting.
He pushed your knees up on the bed, to make sure your ass aligned with to his crouch level. His cock was already painfully rock hard at this point, he couldn’t wait any longer.
He smacked your ass cheek good as you sharply gasped.
He held his cock, rubbing the red hot tip between your wet folds, pushing himself in.
“A-ah! Kiri...” You breathed out, feeling your insides being purged, spreading your walls apart. Now you’re glad he fingered you beforehand, otherwise it would’ve hurt.
Kirishima heavily groaned above you, gripping your ass cheeks, trying to get a feel of how warm your insides were wrapped around his cock.
This was heaven. The way you moaned out, begging for more as you pressed your ass into him. He thrusted harder and harder into you, pleading with that cute voice of yours to egg him further into bliss.
Hard wet skin slapping surrounded your bedroom, and the musk of sweat and cum filled the room. “Fuck, fuck, fuck...!” He gritted his teeth, as he felt your wall clenching around his cock. “Fuck, this ass of yours is making me cum...fuck!” He wanted to praise you, to show exactly what you were doing to him. But that’s not exactly easy as its sounds.
“Kiri...I’m gonna cum..” you sighed blissfully. All Kirishima could do was grin softly, hearing your voice say his name as he pounded your ass.
“Ah!...oh..!” Both you and Kirishima came, as both your fluids swarm together inside you. You collapsed onto the bed, panting and gasping for air like fish out of water. Kirishima took the liberty of cleaning you up, and pampering you for bed.
This was the perfect way to let go stress and relax. You don’t even remember what you were so stressed out about.
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ [ T H E - E N D ] ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
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Rave Party :: IZUKU MIDORIYA ●’◡’●
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[ kinktober | day 2 ] ●’◡’●
🖊 synopsis: Midoriya is invited to a rave party. He usually never goes to college parties or events like this, unless it benefited his education. However, Kaminari said he owed him one, so here he was...
[⚠️The Following is Mature Content]
College is rough, Midoriya can attest to that.
A rave party was not something he was prepared for.
But Denki was insistent on inviting him, not taking no for an answer, saying Midoriya owned him one. And that if he goes to this one party, he won’t ever bombard him with crazy college events like this ever again.
Midoriya was hesitant but he agreed with this promphision in mind. All he had to do was go to this one party and not be bothered by Kaminari’s invitations for the whole year? Sounds simple.
Or so broccoli boy thought at first.
Midoriya didn’t know what the heck a rave party even was. Denki’s response to this was to just wear any bright neon.
Skip to nighttime and there he stood, middle of the open campus, wearing a bright green neon shirt that seemed a little too wide and loose for his liking, complimented with bright white gym shorts and his signature red sneakers.
His nerves got the better of him, parties like this just weren’t his scene.
Even his friends, Tenya and Ururaka, were confused as to why he was going. They could only tell him to not go for so long. Midoriya promised them that this was a one time thing and that he’ll be careful.
But, here he was. While he was at the entrance of the building, he was still contemplating on actually going, he could always turn back.
He wondered if he was at the right place. His mind wandering to Kaminari, who told him all about the party. Saying how crazy things get, something, girls coming up to you as they desperately grind onto your body with their own, something along those words.
Midoriya tensed up at the idea of girls pushing themselves onto men (or other women) into drying humping into one another. It just seemed so wrong, yet alluring ....
Boldly, Midoriya pushed the door wide open to quite the sight.
The whole room was booming with bass blasting music, pounding against his ear drums. A totally black light room, with deep purple lights swaying around the room, other bright sources coming from what everybody is wearing. Colorful bright neon skimpy clothing filling the room, almost in a rainbow like state.
He then took a look at himself, noticing his green t-shirt brightened ten times from normal.
It was so mesmerizing...
He’s finally made it inside. Guess he’ll try and find Kaminari, he supposed. He knew it wasn’t gonna be easy considering the pitch blackness of the whole building...
Maybe he’ll text him that he’s here and to meet him by the entrance...
Five minutes have past, and the zap boy hasn’t responded to his text. But he also wasn’t left on read either. Crap, he must have his phone on silent probably....
Midoriya shifted his feet, anxiously, leaning his back on the wall. Eyes looking around. He didn’t want to venture to find Kaminari himself, afraid he might get lost in a pitch black building he knew nothing about.
Way to party the night away. Who am I kidding, this was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have come here...
“You lost?” A muffled voice perked up, putting his self-deprecating thoughts on a hold.
His eyes looked up from the floor, only land on...a girl, standing right in front of him!!!
“I-erm! Just got here.” His eyes could help but look at what you were wearing from head to toe.
A simple white plastic mask that hid the entirety of your face, neon booty shorts that showed the curve of your thighs and ass, a very thin white t-shirt that your green neon sports bra shine right through! You put on quite the outfit.
Although he was a little bummed out he couldn’t see your face, not to mention the blacklight and purple hue all around the party also made it impossible to know your skin tone. So you were pretty much anonymous to him.
But, he also couldn’t take his eyes off you regardless.
Suddenly, his eyes wandered around the setting. Almost everyone at the party was already dry humping and sucking each other’s faces. Midoriya couldn’t help but feel nervous at what he was witnessing right now! He felt like he was doing something wrong by even watching!
Oh gosh! He forgot you were still right in front of him!
“So, um...” it was impossible to break the ice with you, when there’s people literally wall fucking each other just mere inches away!
He wondered why you wanted to engage with him of all people at this rave. Although with a mask covering the majority of your face, he knew you were definitely a pretty college girl and could probably get with any guy at this party if you wanted to. Yet, you’re still here....openly flirting with someone like him.
Did you mistake him for someone else? Nope, you would’ve left by now by his voice and wild hair color. We’re you drunk? No, the words to you spoke were pretty coherent for him to understand (even through bass dropping music) and your body wasn’t flailing around every which way, not a single stumble.
Well, he did remember Kaminari telling him that girls at these parties tended to.....oh..
“A-are you trying to seduce me..?” He cringed at what he asked you! What guy his age says a sentence so weirdly like that without trying to sound ironic??
In response, you moved your hands to his shoulders, squeezing softly. Your lips moved near his ear to whisper,
“Maybe a little...” the lust in your voice was undeniable. Midoriya gulped, he couldn’t believe this was happening! A cute girl walking up to him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, verbally confirming to him that:
Yes, she is very much attracted to him as well.
Yes, she does want to fuck him.
This felt like a wet dream come to life!!
Midoriya jolted up a little at the sudden feeling of you cupping the bulge that was sticking out his loose shorts. Midoriya couldn’t believe this was happening.
You were so bold at what you were doing, he honestly found it kind of hot the way you took control.
“Psst, can I try something weird?” You giggled in between your words. He gulped at your daring question, and was honestly curious as to where it would lead to.
“Uh, sure, let’s get weird....” Midoriya smiles sheepishly, his face feeling warmer by each second.
You hummed in delight, pushing your mask up, exposing only your mouth.
On your knees, you teased a little by pushing your fingers around the waistband of his shorts. His breath hitched a little, nerves crawled and filled his stomach, almost forgetting you two were still at a party! And you were about to give him a blowie right here in front of others??!
Well, to be fair, other guests seemed distracted by also having relations with each other. So, It wouldn’t be that weird if you two did the same.
Pushing down his shorts and boxers halfway to see your true prize right in front of your very eyes. His cock sprang to life in your hands, it was average in size but mostly thick. You couldn’t help but lick your lips a little.
Midoriya on the other hand, still couldn’t believe this was happening! He wanted to panic in excitement but he was also afraid of scaring you off by his nervous giddiness. Just play it cool... Midoriya told himself.
You started off by licking the tip, just to see his reaction. You smirked up as you felt his thighs shudder a little, and his eyes squinting tightly. You savored his reactions. You wondered if this was his first time getting a blowjob.
Midoriya praised you by combing your hair back through his fingers, it was hard for him speak words at the moment without sounding like a cute mewling mess.
Without hesitation, you tried to engulfed his whole member quickly before letting go as it hit the back of your throat. Midoriya jolted in surprise, cause he certainly didn’t expect that from you!
Midoriya threw his head back on the wall, as he felt the slick warmth of your mouth slobbering all over his cock. Anything you couldn’t put between your lips, your hands stroked the rest.
Your wet velvety tongue swirling around the tip made him feel like he was on cloud 9!!
Midoriya looked down at you with those half-litted eyes of his, as he lowly groaned by just your mouth!
He truly was at your mercy.
“A-ah! Hnng....yes—!” Midoriya tried containing any moans by biting his lips, but it was proving to get progressively more challenging to do so. Thank goodness for the loud ear drumming music, otherwise someone nearby would’ve heard what you two were doing by now....
You then took the chance by pushing your mouth further, gagging as his cock hit the back of your throat, trying your best to breathe through your nose if you wanted to keep this going.
You then felt his hands tightening his grip on your hair, he must be getting close.
“S-sorry-! I...ah-!” Awe, he tried desperately apologizing but his pure bliss of ecstasy got in the way. You couldn’t help but smirk your lips to the side a little with a cock in your mouth. You knew you picked the right cutie to rock tonight.
Without warning, you swiftly pulled your mouth away from his shaft, hearing a small whine escape his lips in return. But you had other plans for him other than a simple blowjob. And besides, he seemed like a cutie who deserved it, honestly.
You took off your thin white shirt, revealing your neon green sports bra to him.
You innocently smiled a little as Midoriya looked down at you with pure lust in his eyes. Looks like you two are on the same page with what you two really want now.
You sat up your knees a little higher, so that your chest aligned with his bare cock on the same level.
You grabbed his shaft, slapping it a little onto your chest to signal what you had in mind for him, while also teasing him.
Midoriya stroked the back of your hair gently in response for you to continue.
Midoriya couldn’t believe the sight he saw. A cute girl on her knees, her cleavage on display as she had his cock rub up against her neck and chest. Not only did he experience a blowjob, but a titjob afterwards!?! This must be heaven he’s experiencing first hand!
You had his cock in between your tits. Your bra helping the shaft to secure it in place. You drooled spit downwards to your cleavage, using it as lube.
He thrusts his cock, slick with saliva and pre-cum, easily sliding up and down between your breasts as your hands squeezed your tits together in place.
You lowered your neck down to lick the tip. Midoriya hissed in delight, gripping his fingers at nothing but the flat wall behind him.
To feel the warmth of your mouth on his cock once more, plus the valley of your breasts engulfing his shaft felt like another experience entirely! The blowjob a few minutes prior was nothing compared to this.
Midoriya felt like he might break from you continuously licking off his never-ending pre cum that was just oozing out of him.
He then laid his hand onto your shoulders, tightening his grip. You took notice and without any hesitation, you engulfed as much as you could of him in your mouth.
Soon his white fluid coated the inside of your mouth, you tried to swollow as much as you could without leaving a mess.
You opened your mouth free, thinking you drank up all of his silky fluids, only for the last of it to squirt on your cheek and chest.
“O-oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean—“ You heard him apologize profusely. Even when he just nutted on your chest, he still has the time to try and be a gentleman.
But you stopped his guilt by scooping the white remenats from her cheek and chest with your fingers, and licking away any sinful evidence, all while staring up at him.
Midoriya was at a lost of words as you stood up, face to face with the person who sucked all his white essence from him, like some kind of sexy witch.
He immediately pulled up his shorts, scared of people seeing his junk after what conspired between you two. While you put your thin shirt back on.
“That was...really g-great. U-um, thank you..!” He honestly never been in this type of situation. The whole after sex talk thing never came to his mind, but he would hate to seem disrespectful towards you after what you did for him.
Your response was a simple side smirk and a kiss on his cheek. But before Midoriya could say more, you swiftly ran off to the sea of people who were dancing and roughly grinding with each other.
Midoriya wanted to follow you behind, but you blended in easily from the crowd. And it also just didn’t seem right to him to just stalk you around the party, so he didn’t think it was worth making you uncomfortable.
But he was intrigued as to who exactly were you behind that plastic mask and luminous neon....
After a blowjob and titfuck from a cute mysterious party minx, Midoriya felt as though that was enough partying for him tonight.
Maybe he should just head back to the dorms and talk with Kaminari tomorrow morning....
He’s obviously not gonna tell charge boy his experience at the party in full detail, but maybe he can ask Kaminari about that girl he ‘bumped into’ last night...
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ T H E - E N D ] ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ • 🖤 divider •
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reading-hub · 4 years
Could I request some headcanons for Shigaraki, Dabi, and Todoroki having a wet dream about their crush and then running into them the next day?
𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗼, 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶, & 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗮
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It was a moment of weakness for him to say the least. In all honesty, he’s got it bad for you.
While everyone else has been sleeping, half-&-half was tossing and turning in his bed all throughout the night.
All this late night thoughts got him thinking, about you....and the things he wants to do that include you..
It always started off with inviting you to his dorm to study:
After what feels like hours off sexual tension between you two, he finds you on the floor, bending over on all fours to look for something in your backpack. You seem really diligent on finding whatever it is you’re looking for in there...
Your body suddenly has a mind of its own that your plump bottom was slowly inching upwards as your hand reached all the way to the bottom of your bag.
Shouto couldn’t help but look the view he was getting. Your cute ass moving around without a care and those cute fusturating noises that came from you also didn’t help.
He tried to respectfully look away at your vulnerable position, but his perverted eyes kept shifting back.
He then found himself grinding your ass. A cute little squeak came from your mouth. Looking back at him with those cute little doe eyes for reassurance to see Shouto’s lustful gaze at you.
Shouto’s breath hitches to see you comply by lifting the back of your skirt up to your waist, showing off your panties to him. Lowering your head onto the floor, to show your submission to him.
Before it could even get to main event, his mind cut him off and the next thing he knew, he was awake again..
Shouto muttered a curse before realizing it was already morning and the sun was about to rise.
Already dressed in his uniform, he stepped out of his dorm room, before he could walk towards the hallway, he spots you.
Cute, already in your uniform, holding your books to your chest, and talking to Sero..? This early before class even started?
A ping of jealousy swelled below his stomach. Just seeing you talk so openly to Sero, with the cutest smile crept onto your lips as you listened and spoke with him.
He wanted to walk past you as casually as possible, the last thing he wanted was have you see him after what he was dreaming about last night—
“Good morning, Shouto.” You spoke, turning your attention to the stoic boy, who seemed to be in a rush...
Shouto’s shoulders tensed up, but relaxed. “Good morning..” before you could reply back he was already walking away.
“Man, looks like Shouto’s got a lot on his mind today..” Sero quipped, leaning back against the wall. “I guess so...” Your face dropped a little. I hope he didn’t think I was annoying you thought.
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That cute ass smile will be the death of him someday. more like the death of his dick
He sometimes wonder how a cute piece of work like you could even associate yourself with the likes of them. Not that he was complaining. He’d sit back and watch as you and Toga were at sitting by the bar, sipping down Shirley Temples together, seeing that cute smile of yours as you nodded while Toga was gushing about all the cute boys and girls she saw at UA.
And by the end of the night, he found himself semi-hard, which was his cue to leave the base and deal with his “problem”.
After finding a much needed secluded spot away from the league, he laid down on something that seemed comfortable enough by his standards.
Taking it slow by feeling up himself through his pants, cursing under his breath knowing that this was your doing.
All cute n’ sexy. Sitting on a bar stool like the good girl you are. Why sit on a lousy stool when you could be sitting on something better. Like on his lap, where you rightfully belong.
He can picture it now: Your cute ass plop onto his thigh, his hands wandering where they please as you let him, hands holding onto your hips as you grind on him, and your cute face contorting into mixes of need and pleasure to top it all off.
You’d be so needy of him at that point. Laying your head on the nape of his neck, whispering pleas to him. Telling him you wish to go somewhere privately to fill your needs, promising him that you’ll make him feel oh so good...
The flame bastard smirks and takes you up on that offer.
There you were, beneath him. His hands beside your head, as he cages you using his body. Lowing his head to your neck as he gives you some love bites and kisses. As you softly withed under him, one of his hands makes their way towards the belt line of your lower stomach.
Feeling this, your body naturally jolted up a little in surprise. His finger tips pushed aside your underwear to make room for his fingers. Rubbing the outside to feel how wet you were. His finger slowly circling your wet gummy walls, slowly adding his thumb into the mix.
Dabi tensed up, back from reality. Muttering a curse after hearing a knock on the door. And just when it was getting to the good part!!!
There better be a good reason to interrupt his time.
Opening the door, revealing it to be Twice. God dammit.
“What is it, Twice?” His voice was that of annoyance and pissy undertones. He hoped that Twice would get the message across that it was a bad time to knock right now.
“Whoa, chill Dabi!” He said with urgency and worry. “It’s about (y/n). Shigaraki wants you to escort her back home. It seems like she drank a little too much.” He informed him. “Girl was tripping like crazy!!! She can’t even move one foot without falling flat on her face!!” He cried out dramatically after.
Dabi sighed, but he also couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Guess you found yourself drinking more than just non-alcoholic drinks tonight.
Waking towards your limping self, trying to balance yourself by holding onto the bar for dear life. Yep, you were tipsy alright.
“Alright, let’s get you home.” He pulled you towards him, his hands holding onto yours hips. “M’kay, Dabi....” dammit, even when you were drunk off your ass, you still somehow managed to be cute!
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You just HAD to enter the headquarters with the tightest pants ever.
Jet black, labeled as skinny jeans but managed to hug all your curves in the right places. God he loved when you wore those.
But only when it was during those slow days around the meet-up, and when it was just you and him in one room together. NOT for when so many people were around and the headquarters, packed with villains with hungry eyes most likely on you.
Not to mention you were so casual about it too. Not bothered by what you wore and how it affected him! Well, that’s kinda on Tomura’s part since he doesn’t say anything to you about it and just sulks in the corner silently instead.
All these people at the bar were overwhelming him. Grumbling under his breath, he dragged his feet to his private space and thought “fuck it, I’m playing some games instead” maybe jerk off a little before calling it a night altogether
Hours past since he left the meet up to go to his room instead. But even after playing video games in the dark room was getting a bit tedious for him at that point. Perhaps this was his cue to sleep it off, mentally shrugging as he finally relaxed on his creaking noise filled bed.
His vision getting hazy but then clearing up as he sees you in his subconscious. You smile, but this was no happy go lucky smile. No, that smile of yours had lustful intentions to it, and it was all for him to see. He felt his lower stomach churn that of anticipation for what was to come.
There you were, your knees straddling his hips as he sat on his bed. He saw as you teased him by slowly and painstakingly grinded on his pants. Stopping abruptly, you gasped, making Tomura jump a little in surprise. Nervous young adult hormones were surrounding his mindset. Did he do something wrong?
You lifted your hips by an inch. It appears Tomura got a little excited from your clothed grinding. You couldn’t help as a small giggle escaped your lips. Your villainous boss was such a cute little virgin. Time to reward him for his patience. Licking your lips in the process.
Tomura saw your lustful gaze after seeing his stiff...excitement poking through his pants. You spoke. “Boss, can I offer you a little favor?” Your voice was strung with heated implications, as your hands wandered to the front of his pants, verbally telling him what kind of favor you had in mind. He nodded vigorously, while trying to hide his lust filled grin.
You took no time unbuttoning his pants,(cuz let’s be real, that man doesn’t wear a belt) impatiently pulling down his pants halfway enough for his member to pop up, feeling up his shaft through his boxers as his breath hitched in surprise. Your fingers dipped inside his boxers, pulling them down, slowly, until the prize you’ve been looking for flicked upwards from the underwear confinement.
There it was. Tomura’s dick, right in front of your very eyes. Tomura saw with wonder as he saw you work the shaft, swirling your tongue around the tip as if it were a lollipop. God, your mouth was so warm and wet, he felt like all his pent up horniness for you over the years was washing away as you sucked him off.
Your head bobbing up and down, as one your hands made their way towards his balls, cupping them in your hands. Tomura saw as your eyes made contact with his. They were filled with need and want. You decided to take it one step further by pushing your mouth deeper and deeper into his dick, choking up naturally. Immediately releasing your mouth from his dick to catch your breath.
He breathed heavily as he saw your lip and chin coated with your own saliva and a little bit of his cum on your tongue. “Ready for more, boss?” You perked up.
Before he could reply, a harsh knock came barreling down. His eyes shot up, it’s daytime already? He winced at the sight of the sunlight peaking through his curtains. Hissing at the thought of getting up from his dream. A deep voice rang through the door after the knocking stopped. “Tomura, are you awake?” Yep, that was Kurogiri.
“I just came to tell you that Miss (Y/N) came to the headquarters early today.” Kurogiri soon left, hearing his footsteps fade away. Early? Like, early-early?? What time was it?
He grumbled under his breath as he made his way out of the hallway, were he saw you sitting on the ripped couch, scrolling through your phone. God, you were hot when you didn’t even try or not realize that someone was staring at you.
“Hey, boss. Had a good sleep last night?” You asked, genuine and curious. He grinned deviously through ‘father’ hiding his face. Oh if only you knew....
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reading-hub · 4 years
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— Fanboy! Izuku
pairing : fanboy izuku/pro hero reader | characters are aged up to around 20 years old because their pro heroes, obviously.
Although he never inherited a quirk to become a hero, that didn’t stop him from being a total fanboy when you became a hero yourself.
He simped for you on a daily basis. The first thing he’d do when waking up, was updating your fan site, that he made himself. From sharing fan art of you to making cute edits of your fights that were submitted to him by fans. His personal favorites were those cute gif close ups of you just standing there looking pretty. He has them saved on his phone.
In afternoon, he’d follow every stan account that worship the ground you walked on. Liked posts that were screenshots of you saving civilians or talking with other pro heroes. Running into some ship discourse in the process....
People in the comments saying that you should be the number one hero instead Dynamight, which he shamefully agrees with sorry Kacchan. Although he would be lying if he said that seeing everyone ship you with other pro heroes didn’t make him a little jealous...
Like with Dynamight, for example. You two allegedly hated the idea of talking to each other sometimes, competing each other for who gets the top spot, yet fans shipped you two as “they hate each other but also secretly fuck each other” it just didn’t make sense to him.
Maybe he just “shipped” himself with you a little too much and it was getting to his head....
Then nighttime rolled around, which was his cue to be at home, sitting by his computer, night blogging his heart away.
Spam posting and thirsting about you. Typing out all the dirty thoughts he’s had about you in his dreams.
What does (name) do after a long day of patrolling the city? He’s research plenty of times to know whether or not you’re currently in a relationship or casually seeing someone.
He feels a wave of relief after hearing you confirm verbally that you’re not seeing anyone. A selfish part of him is glad, because now he still has time.
“I mean, honestly, I don’t plan on dating a pro hero. That way I don’t have to worry about them putting their life on line the next day.” You spoke during an interview. Oh he DEFINITELY has a chance. He thought, as he pumped his fists up in the air.
He remembered fondly about the time when he met you in person. He was right around the corner where you were battling a crazed villain, threatening you with a knife. The cops surrounded him as you completely BODIED HIM in front of everyone without a sweat dripping from you.
Him and the civilians around him cheered you on afterwards as you handed the villain over to authorities.
While the cops drove off, you stayed behind as fans ran up to you, asking for a picture or autograph. Midoriya was nervous, afraid to approach you head on. You were probably busy with a large crowd and he’d hate to pile onto to it as well.
And so he waited until the sunset, everyone and their mother got a picture or autograph with you, all that was left was him.
“E-excuse me?” He spoke up. “Can you sign my notebook?” He felt so bad asking you. In his eyes, you seemed tired and wanted to leave already, but he just had to stop you. He felt like one of those annoying fans that probably harass you until you acknowledge their existence for one second.
“Of course I will! What’s your name?” To his surprise, you hid away your exhausted face with a cheery tone, a cute faint smile to top it all off.
“U-uh, Midoriya Izuku!” He politely answered. The street corner felt empty, while their were reporters left and right to cover the scene, his mind pushed them all away. It was just you and him, so close together, he was in your space.
“That’s a nice name.” You spoke up, breaking the silence. Midoriya perked up in shock. “T-thanks!” He shyly grinned, laughing nervously to break tension that wasn’t even there.
You gave back his notebook, a smile still on your face. Midoriya bowed vigorously and thanked you again for extra measure. But you sheepishly said you were happy to do so.
You bid a goodbye to him, afterwards being bombarded with a couple of reporters and press asking what went down. Midoriya eyes sparkled with joy after seeing what you wrote on his notebook...
To, Midoriya Izuku,
Your broccoli hair is cute and outta this world! Never stop being you (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Your hero, (pro hero name) !! ❤︎❤︎
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reading-hub · 5 years
GOOD BOYS OF MHA™ - First Kiss:
Ft. Midoriya, Tokoyami, Shouto, Inasa, & Shinsou
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It was few months into the relationship, shocker in all honesty.
Izuku was too much of a sweetheart to ever initiate the first move, ever!
He didn’t want to come off as a jerk and take advantage of you, so he just waited, and waited, and waited, and waited...
And waited till it was to the point where Denki or Mineta pointed it out and asked Midoriya if they even kissed yet.
To which Midoriya panicked and felt guilty as ever.
Midoriya confronted you, asking if he’s been a good enough for you.
The question itself bawked onto you. Why was he so worrisome about the status of your relationship suddenly? To which you assured him millions of times that he’s been the best. Going so far as to say he’s probably the best boyfriend of you’ve ever had.
He still didn’t buy it, mumbling to himself as to how he could make it up to you, but before he even realized, your hands placed onto both sides of his head, and kissed him.
Deku.exe has stopped working
Gaining composure, he vowed that he’d put your needs first before anything else. You sweetly kissed his freakled cheeks in response.
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This one was a bit of a stretch into the relationship.
You both were aware that you couldn’t do a lot things that most couples do. Tokoyami only felt a wave of guilt crash into him, knowing full well you could be much happier with someone who didn’t have a giant bird head.
Seeing him like this always broke your heart.
He just wanted the same experience as others do when in a relationship, and there was only so much you could do as his partner.
The first thing you did was hold onto him, like it would be the last, reassuring him that you love him, regardless of his looks.
All this sudden warmth and closeness made you daring.
Without thinking, you kissed the side of his face, thinking to be his cheek, almost near his beak.
The sudden action made Tokoyami stiff in response, wondering what came of you at that moment.
You giggled in embarrassment and cheekiness, “I guess that’s the closest thing to a kiss we’re going to get, huh?”
He hummed in reply, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
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It was at his dorm, the two of you were simply just hanging out, just enjoying each other’s company.
Shouto is a very private person, letting very few people in his inner space. But you know that he’s trying his best when working with other people, little by little.
You remember doubting yourself that Shouto could be with whoever wants, idolize by many as a heartthrob and future pro hero thanks to his quirk.
Meanwhile, you felt very plain compared to him.
All of these inner worries and frustrations within your head, you vented to Shouto about.
His heart sank hearing you say all these things about yourself, while he was totally unaware of what was going on.
He didn’t know what to say at that moment, he felt powerless to even try to tell you with words...
Next thing you know, you felt a something lift up your chin, eyes immediately on his.
Wondering what he was getting at, he kissed you. And in response, you melted into the arms of your boyfriend’s, it was almost like he healed up any doubts about yourself with just one kiss...
“Do you still think your not worth it to be my girlfriend?”
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It was a spur of the moment kind of thing.
Inasa was persistent on taking you to multiple places, as to him one date wasn’t enough. He was always wanting to making each date a memorable one.
You two went to an outdoor mall just a couple of blocks away from where you lived. Inasa being the gentleman he is, wanted to spoil you in anyway he could that day.
A little hungry? He’s already in line to order a pretzel for you before you even realize.
Feet hurting you from walking too much? He lifts you up bridel style at ease, assuring you that he can hold onto you no matter how long. Meanwhile you’re embarrassed by the amount of people at the mall staring at you two.
Later during the day, you see one of those claw machines with the stuffed animals inside.
Inasa sees your eyes wander at the machine, and knows what he must do to make his girlfriend happy.
He inserts one quarter in the tiny slot, his hand grasps onto the stick that controls the claw, careful not to make any bad moves
The claw loosely grasp any toy that was underneath it, Inasa-who was sweating bullets, tried to put all his focus on the task at hand
You froze, as you kept your eyes on the claw that was holding onto the stuffed toy by its head, praying that it doesn’t fall off.
A wave of excitement and cheer rose on you and Inasa as you saw the stuff toy go through the hole to claim your prize
You yelped in surprise, as Inasa lifted you up in celebration. You all in giddiness said “Thank you, Inasa, I could just kiss you right now!”
Out of nowhere, Inasa took you up on that offer as he held your head close to him and finally kissing you...
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You were nervous to ever initiate something as intimate as kiss, especially towards Shinsou.
Your boyfriend was a very hard person to read.
Would he liked to be kissed? Should you make the first move or him? This was overthinking was getting to you...
Shinsou saw how troubled you looked, and asked you privately what’s been going on with you
You were hesitant on telling him everything. But you were scared he would laugh at you, thinking all this worry was for a dumb kiss???
He’d definitely think less of you, wouldn’t he?
You were so caught up in your head, you didn’t realize Shinsou was leaning down, closer to you than ever.
The warmth of his lips brought you back to reality, eyes widened as you couldn’t believe how close your lips were touching each other!!!
He released, your whole body still in shock at what just happened.
“Feeling better?” The smirk on his lips just showed how proud he was to finally kissing you, and your reaction was definitely the cherry of top.
You nodded vigorously, still dumbfounded as ever, trying to pull yourself together.
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reading-hub · 5 years
Could you please do an Aizawa x student scenario (attraction and smut? ;)
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This is my guilty pleasure 😵🥴😵🥴 enjoy. The reader is 18 years old and is a third year student
〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰�� 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️
You just had to be cute....
His mind always plagued with you. It started off as innocent, a small picnic, or perhaps sharing a hotel room together, you ordering room service annnnnnd cue the royalty free music—!
But things got WAY sinful, real fast.
Now his dream wandered about how cute you’d looks wearing all white lingerie. Or perhaps if you’d be bold enough to want to have sex in the classroom for some...extra credit.
“Mr. Aizawa...?”
“Hm?” He was caught off guard, he was so enthralled with his repressed imagination that he didn’t notice you in front of him. Your eyes full of innocence and worry, the way you bit the bottom of your lip afterwards—was it ever so cute!
“There’s something I should tell you...” He closely looked how tensed you were, your body shifting back in forth out of a nervous habit. Something was on your mind...
“I feel like since it’s my last year, I might as well come clean before I regret it later on...” your tone was quivering and a string of nervous was felt in your stomach. You were obviously worried how he would take the news...
“I really...like you, Mr. Aizawa.”
Aizawa felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. You liked him??? He feel like he can easily breathe better now that you’d come out to say it first!
He just needed test her, to see if he can be sure.
“Really?” He hummed in response, getting a little closer to her.
“Yeah...” Her face felt so hot and flushed from being this close to him! She honestly didn’t expect it to go like this!
He pushed her hair back, away from her face. “What if I told you, I felt the same?” Hands trailed around her neck and arms.
“Then I guess I should’ve confessed a lot more earlier....” She felt all giddy inside, she didn’t want to wake from this amazing dream!
Aizawa just simply smirked at how cute and clever she was being. “Now that’s taken care of...” He trailed off, looking around the empty classroom. “Do you want this now, or later?”
Not completely understanding what he means, you asked for more clarification.
“Do you mean...sex?” You felt awkward asking him about this, it was so forward and sudden, yet at the same time was so hot and dirty!
“Yeah.” His voice was so deep and smooth so suddenly! It was like your teacher was a different person!
“Then, yes!” You beamed, a little too happy.
“I-I mean, I’ve never had sex so....I won’t be that good...” You stammered afterwards to let him know.
He gently grabbed your hand, caressing it ever so. “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you the basics.” He said pulling you towards the desk....
Your shirt was off, along with your panties. Meanwhile Aizawa was lowering his pants, seeing his noticeable tent poking out. You wonder if he can..fit.
You felt an immediate wet sensation on your clit. Not expecting Aizawa to go immediately down on you this quickly.
He stroked his tongue all around your wet cavern. You stiffened immediately, this was a totally new sensation for you! This was most definitely better than masterbating....
Besides tongue, you definitely felt a finger swerm in between your folds. And Aizawa really showed how experienced his fingers were, it was like he was playing you like he’s done this a million times.
This was your first time being eaten out, and he already knew all the right spots?!
You tried to hold back any moans, as you were worried of another teacher hearing you to see what’s going on. While at the same time you were being fingered and tongue fucked by Aizawa, making it hard for you to really concentrate on anything!
“Ah...A-Aizawa—!” Oh how cute you sounded saying his name. Especially moaning it out also made it much cuter...
His callous hands wandered around your thighs, caressing them softy.
You soon felt your body was spazzing out from ecstasy and pleasure all at once! You swear you might pass out from all the stimulation...
He continued lapping your juices, hungrily. The way his beard was scratching your thighs was also something pleasant to feel that made you even more likely to explode. Speaking of explode....
“Ah ~ I’m...c-cumming—!” You tried to warn Aizawa. Your body was soon numb, the last thing you could feel was your juices cascading down your pussy and inner thighs.
You were breathing heavily, your chest rising up and down. Aizawa soon popped his head up, and locked eyes with you. But something was off....
He looked at you shook as if he saw something. Did you something wrong...?
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, pushing his hair back. “You squirted...” He lightheartedly chuckled a bit.
“Is that a bad thing..?” You asked in a string of worry, lifting your head a little.
He kissed your cheek. “No, it just means I was doing something right.” He smiled cheeky.
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