#Nothing but respect for my Buki-looking compra though
Something I didn't really, something I can't understand is what they did to Diego's character, one of the things that baffle me the most.
And this is nothing against David Castañeda, the Buki-Look was awesome, and he is awesome, I really like how he acts, but I can't help but wonder how great he would have been delivering comic Diego.
Comic Diego who had a punk band with Vanya and constantly got in trouble for punching the public.
Comic Diego who activately was a Well respected hero who worked with the police, and who the inspector gave information to.
Comic Diego whose power is holding his breath and that has saved him and his knife throwing habilities out of skill and training. (not that telepatic thing they pulled in the show, really, Klaus is The one with that kind of skills and he is powerful enough to stop the moon)
Comic Diego who is angry at Vanya for "abandoning them" And is the thing that pushes Vanya to go with the Orchestra.
The Diego who has been known for saving the mayor's daughter from kidnapping in more than one ocassion ans is thanked for his help and not mentioned as a burden to the justice system.
Diego who calls Reginald "Hargreeves*
The Diego who at the age of 10 threw a knife at an alien Gustave Eiffel.
I could go on, but this is really what I remember at the moment.
I really like the series Diego, and again, I think David Castañeda is great, but what they've done with his character is so different and quite distant from the version of the comics I really liked.
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