#But anyyywaaays
Gideon at the end of Nona The Ninth strikes me as.. really odd. I know some people thought she's out of character because she's kinda mean - which I don't agree with - but honestly every time I get to that part I think: She's smarter than that.
I know fanon Gideon usually portrays her as a huge idiot and a goofball (fair enough for the most part) but she's also one hell of a skeptic and stubborn character that does NOT bend to authority easily. And let's remember The Unwanted Guest: We know that just by the nature of the Lyctor process Gideon must have picked up some stuff from Harrow as well, we even see it happen when she starts discussing basic necromancy at the end of Nona.
So, Gideon is now being sent to the ninth to kill Alecto, John's Cavalier, and take his place going forward, or at least this is what she says.
You see what I'm going at? She's smarter than that.
I am NOT saying she is acting out character by the way! But I think we don't give her motivations enough credit beyond being reckless because of grief. Gideon Nav who all her life has done nothing but hatch escape plans and NEARLY succeeded? Gideon Nav who is carrying part of Harrows soul? Gideon Nav WHO WATCHED THE EVENTS OF HARROW THE NINTH UNFOLD WITH HARROWS EYES?
I guess what I'm wondering is: What's her plan?
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sprout-battlecats · 4 days
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daistea · 2 months
ooo, here’s another question! what helps you start out a piece of writing? like what makes you go ‘oh this is how i start’ cause i have that problem a lot, especially with writing fics! or just finding the right words to start with! 💚
Honestly, this is one of the hardest things. I think everybody struggles with it!
For me, I listen to music I associate with the character I’m writing about. Or I listen to songs that fit the vibes of what I wanna write.
I do something that gets my creativity flowing, like cooking or just pacing the house lol.
Another thing you can do is identify the themes of your fic! What’s going on beneath the words? What’s the vibe? Does your story center a certain emotion? You can start with an idea that describes/exemplifies your theme.
Good examples of this are:
A Tale of Two Cities. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
The Call of Cthulhu. "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.“
Those openings give your reader a hint about what this story tackles! They set the over-arching theme.
Ooorrr you can state something shocking! I used to do this a lot. Some examples are
The Uglies. “The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit.” LOL it’s descriptive of the scene and instantly tells us what our narrator is like.
The Outsider. “Mother died today. Or maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure.” Instantly gives us insight into our narrators mental state.
- Another option is description! Whether that be description of a memory, or the present moment.
White Oleander. “The Santa Anas blew in hot from the desert, shriveling the last of the spring grass into whiskers of pale straw. Only the oleanders thrived, their delicate poisonous blooms, their dagger green leaves. We could not sleep in the hot dry nights, my mother and I.”
Night Watch. “Sam Vimes sighed when he heard the scream, but he finished shaving before he did anything about it.”
Anyyywaaay there are options! My advice would be to identify your theme, what you’re trying to say or describe. Identify your tone, and your character’s emotional state or thoughts. The end result should build suspense, anticipation. It catches the reader and makes them curious to know more.
Or just steal a line from a song you like, as I often do 🤷‍♀️
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Rainy Days"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
OCs x F!Reader
You are a young woman who also happens to be a witch- ending up with you in a college of mythical beings... {This story is gonna be silly chaos and will be aimed at my fellow bisexuals.}
Warnings: None.
Days drag on and yet go by quickly at the same time, it makes for a whirlwind of complicated emotions. You haven't encountered Sev again and if you're being honest- you're afraid to.
What is he? What are their intentions?
Perhaps you're being a bit paranoid or overly cautious but hey- better a live chicken than a dead duck, right?
Lost in your thoughts you bump into someone...
"Oh shit! Sorry."
Wait- their build seems familiar- Shit.
"Hey, it's no biggie! Clearly we're destined to meet in the worst ways possible."
Still just as chipper as he turns to face you, those baby blues twinkling in the flickering lights of the hall. Naturally you took a step back and cleared your throat.
"Uh, yeah..."
"Dude, I'm real sorry bout' scaring you when we first met. I didn't mean to- honest! I just get so used to doin' my ghostly stuff that I forget it is a bit weird for others."
He seems to be completely sincere in his apology, he truly didn't mean any harm. Something about him reminds you of an over excited puppy, too much pent up energy resulting in disaster.
"It's fine."
"Nah, nah. I should learn to be more careful- it was totally my bad. By the way- names, Cassian."
Despite his clearly outgoing nature he also seems a bit awkward, he starts to hold out his hand for a handshake then pauses and second guesses himself- simply tucking his hand back into his pants pocket... Maybe he's worried that he'll unintentionally make you uncomfortable? Who knows.
You simply offer him a slight smile in an attempt to be a bit more friendly, the guy doesn't seem all that bad at least.
He drags out the word quite a bit while shuffling his feet, baby blues now directed over towards the window. Thick stormy gray clouds are gathering in the sky above, the weather certainly isn't looking too great.
"Looks like it might rain. Do you have an umbrella?"
Fuck... That's what you forgot to grab. Of course.
Surely enough within a couple minutes there's a down pour of rain, there's no way you're going to be able to walk outside and to the other building in that.
"Would ya like to share my umbrella then, so you can get back to your room dry? Least I can do since our rocky first meeting."
You hesitate slightly but you really don't want to be a drenched rat today- so you give a small nod.
"Yeah... Thanks."
"Not a problem, dude! Let's go!"
He pops open his big ass umbrella the second you two get out the door, he ensures that you are well shielded from the rain as you both walk. He tries his best not to get too much in your personal space- which sorta sacrifices part of his right side getting him wet. You sigh and move closer in to get him to hold it over both of you.
"Don't get wet because of me."
He gets visibly awkward again and unsure of himself, offering a goofy little smile in your direction and a nod.
"Yeah, just didn't wanna... Yeah, okay."
Once you two finally reach the building you glance down at your wet shoes- but hey. At least the rest of you is dry. Your phone buzzes in your pocket with a text from your aunt, you bid a polite goodbye to, Cassian.
After heading upstairs and reaching your room, you pull out your phone to check the text, door clicking shut behind you.
'Do you want to have coffee with me this weekend?'
{Please be nice to Cassian. He's doing his best I swear. LMAO}
{@sofasoap @anna-banana27 @scar-crossedlvrs }
{More Content}
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Something I didn't really, something I can't understand is what they did to Diego's character, one of the things that baffle me the most.
And this is nothing against David Castañeda, the Buki-Look was awesome, and he is awesome, I really like how he acts, but I can't help but wonder how great he would have been delivering comic Diego.
Comic Diego who had a punk band with Vanya and constantly got in trouble for punching the public.
Comic Diego who activately was a Well respected hero who worked with the police, and who the inspector gave information to.
Comic Diego whose power is holding his breath and that has saved him and his knife throwing habilities out of skill and training. (not that telepatic thing they pulled in the show, really, Klaus is The one with that kind of skills and he is powerful enough to stop the moon)
Comic Diego who is angry at Vanya for "abandoning them" And is the thing that pushes Vanya to go with the Orchestra.
The Diego who has been known for saving the mayor's daughter from kidnapping in more than one ocassion ans is thanked for his help and not mentioned as a burden to the justice system.
Diego who calls Reginald "Hargreeves*
The Diego who at the age of 10 threw a knife at an alien Gustave Eiffel.
I could go on, but this is really what I remember at the moment.
I really like the series Diego, and again, I think David Castañeda is great, but what they've done with his character is so different and quite distant from the version of the comics I really liked.
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jishua-moved · 7 years
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Jumping into a pile of leaves + Hoshi for nonnie.
Request 🍂
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ladychlo · 2 years
I delete fics I’d written and leave the fandom for a bit, come back when Harry’s House was leaked (truly a time I’m now nostalgic for), the. I see this shit show play out on Twitter from friends who were never apart of 1D fandom but are queer and are angry. It’s….certainly a time around here huh. How are ya holding up?
Hi love! That was a blast tbh, enjoying the leaks away from media attention, just between friends it felt quite nice but then it always had to come to unnecessary drama and misinformed people, the way people handle opinions and facts on twitter scare me to be honest 😂 like self-righteous while being wrong but so bold about being rude and mean ugh, but anyway, its always about curating your own fandom experience,.,anyyywaaay I'm quite well! How about you? Hope you're having a lovely day xx
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snugglebabylink · 2 years
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your On Repeat playlist (or equivalent) on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag a few folks. 
1. Nemesis - Arch Enemy 2. Stricken - Disturbed 3. DLMD - Darren Styles & TNT 4. Knives - Bullet For My Valentine 5. I turn to you 2k20 - Empyr One & Scarlet 6. Linchpin - Fear Factory 7. Heavy Hearted - The Jungle Giants 8. Goth - Sidewalks and Skeletons 9. 30/30-150 - Stone Sour 10. Ghost Division - Sabaton
thanks for the tag @peachworthy 💖 - this list is kind of insane. I’ve been on a bit of a 00′s metal classics kick lately, but not enough that I thought that these would be the only songs that come up hahahaha oh well. the edm hardstyle is accurate though 🙈 heavy hearted and goth are both so different than those two genres though, I would recommend those two songs for some good vibes. I’m trying to justify everything haha but I shouldn’t. I listen to so many different things but go through long phases where I fixate on specific playlists but anyyywaaay~~
Tagging: @kaitlynchermack22 @ilik3y0urb00ts @mythicalshipping
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thatgirlinskullz · 3 years
The Bad Batch S01E06 Decommissioned **spoilers**
okay so um.. this one had me crying one minute and laughing the next. fml.
omega's cuteness, wrecker's babyness, the stupid droids, the throwbacks, the "guest appearances", the action, the "is there an echo in here" joke 🤣 .... it was all very solid imo.
as you know:
WRECKER IS BABY. and his fear of heights just makes him all the more lovable 💖💖💖
PLEASE for the love of the maker, please staaahppp. i can't watch him be in pain! i can't see him turn. i just can't. my heart won't take it. when he said "good soldiers follow orders" i could feel my heart break for him. no please no. i can't. he can't. he must not!!! please.
although.... he doooes seeeem fiiinee now.. idk. i'm scared.
anyway...omega is precious with that bow.. 😭
LOVED the droid throwbacks, the only thing we were missing is a Roger Roger (or maybe i just missed it idk)
also LOVED the return of the Martez sisters. i'm actually one of the very few who liked them and their arc in the clone wars so yeah.. was good to see them. especially since they're working with a "mysterious" someone... Rex? Ahsoka? Someone else?! idk. very very curious... i would think Ahoska but i doubt she shows up here.. maybe Rex cuz we know he's gonna show up.. anyway, VERY exciting.
also i am loving that the clones are working with Cid now, idk what it is about her but i like her. it's probably the voice. i like her voice. xD
that is all.
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sailorshadzter · 4 years
i had every intention of finishing the latest chapter of a stranger’s eyes that look familiar but i decided to take it in a different direction than i originally was, because... well... i love making things far more difficult than needed. ANYYYWAAAYS!! since i was planning on posting the chapter, ill just post a little sneak peek instead! 
enjoy :)
"Go on, Tormund." Jon encourages, his voice eerily calm, though a storm rages in his gray eyes.
"They said they heard the Lady Stark had not been seen outside of the castle in several weeks now." There was no saying what that meant, considering winter had finally come to Winterfell. But there was something that felt off about the fact that Lady Stark had not been seen. "Also it's said that Roose Bolton is two moons dead." That left Ramsay Bolton as Warden in the North, married to the heir of Winterfell.
Jon clenches a hand into a fist at his side. I should have never let her go to him, I should have protected her.... He slams that same fist down atop the war table, a low growl escaping him. He recalls their last moments together, back in the Vale, back beneath the weirwood trees of the godswood. This is what I must do... He had heard the rumors after that, of course, that she had only gone to the marriage to find her brothers. Jon could not blame her for that- she had lost her family, one by one, he could not fault her for wishing to be with the last remaining siblings she had by any means necessary. Even marrying a man she didn't love. I meant what I said last night... Those words... The ones he's carried with him all this time... Jon knows what he must do, what he always should have done.
"Call the men," Jon orders, calming his racing heart and his anger.
It was time to go to war.
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daazurebanana · 5 years
A story I haven’t finished part one
The chicpo was meccha fat. I mean like so fat that he probably couldn't fit in a fridge. Can I fit in a fridge?
The chicpo couldn't even fit in a nuclear-blasted fridge that transformed into a monsterous 50 inch (or is it feet?? Flippin measurements) fridge that was green and prone to temper tantrums and losing its pants. Yeeeeah that's more like it.
The chippo's cavernous mouth opened in a "BLAAAAAAAARKGHH" that sent a radious of fire-slobber globs flying at the group of students I stood with. One hit Ryan standing next to me, but luckily he was already on fire so no harm done.
Glancing at my fellow students as the flames swirled around us, our muscles tensed as one.
And then I laughed.
Ch1: Humans are idiots, but then so am I
"We're going to have a lovely garden party, and you're not invited!"
"Nobody wants to go to your stupid garden party anaynay!!" I yelled, shoving marshmallows in my mouth. I paused, then threw another handful at the TV for good measure.
"It's pronounced 'anyway', Lou," muttered my roommate's voice from behind the couch.
"Anyyywaaay" I repeated, staring at the TV, slobbering marshmallow.
Then I whipped around and stared your intruding reader's face right in the...face.
Yeah that's right, you'd better be intimidated. You think you can just mosey on in here and read my life? Well you're right because you are doing so right this moment. Good for you...weirdo.
By the way, I hate your shirt. That is by far my least favorite color.
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pockpop · 6 years
stray kids reaction to their s/o being tall and looking like a model
➵  request: hii, can you pls do a skz reaction to their s/o being tall (like 181 cm) and looking like a model? thank you and have a smiley day! 🌻
➵ genre: fluffy fluff, a hot mess as usual
➵  a/n: to be tall is a dream that is obviously not coming true for me and I’m honestly sad about it but anyyywaaay haha here you are anonniee sorry it’s late but here it is and I hope you like it!
even though the height difference is literally by an inch or so, wouldn’t be as noticeable of the height difference and woojin wouldn’t care about things like that, probably compliments your legs a lot and loves to touch them while you guys are just cuddling,
“how did I get so lucky?”
“what do you mean?”
“the love of my life, you if you haven’t caught on, is an undercover model and I’m really just waiting for the day I catch you strutting down a runway.”
“woojin, not this again,”
“okay but look! I have evidence this time!”
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ugh anyone that’s his s/o is lucky af okeey, you short, tall, long legs, short legs, brown or blue whatever, if he loves you then that’s all that really matters him and he would love to show you off
“so I may have got you an audition for Victoria’s secret,”
“you did what now?”
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you’re taller than him? big deal. he may try and act salty about it but really wouldn’t care, you’re his boo and he loves you okeey? but will honestly use your height to his advantage.
“I don’t care how tall you are, you still my baby you know that? also, could you get my Cheetos off the top shelf?”
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will be vocal about his insecurity about being smaller than you(bby changbin omg he’s so cute luv him please) and have all these deep conversations to just ease his mind. even with the height difference, you still his love, his ride or die and he’s gonna confidently stand by your side and love you endlessly, all insecurities aside.
“I’m thinking about investing in some shoe lifts, I’m sure you wouldn’t know anything about that lifestyle,”
“someone sounds salty”
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he’s around the same height so your height would be noticed but just him pouting about having to reach forward instead of down to pat your head. he is such a squish and would be the one to say you looked like a model every time he saw you. probably takes excessive amounts of pictures of you with no shame
“okay babe just one more picture!”
“I will break your phone if you don’t stop!”
“then stop being so beautiful!”
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always throwing cringy pick up lines your way, I don’t think he’d care that much about you being taller than him after he gets used to it and just accept it as another thing to love about you.
“with how good those legs look, you put Naomi Campbell to shame,”
“how dare you insult the queen?
(i’m cringing at myself look away)
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he’d love you head to toe, even if he may be secretly insecure about being shorter, he wouldn’t tell you because he wouldn’t want you to feel bad about something you couldn’t control plus his love for you would be bigger than those insecurities anyway. won’t stop him from making comments about the height difference tho
“you should share some leg with me so we can equal out here ya know in height,”
“I don’t think that’s possible,”
“why are you always crushing my dreams?”
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you tall? this boii will still adore you, your height would never compare to his love for you, he wouldn’t tease you too much about how tall you were if you expressed you didn’t like it but he would always make you feel special about you just being you
“I mean I know you look like a model and all but have you seen me?”
“seungmin, stop while you’re ahead.”
“okay but listen-“
(can I have my own seungmin? thanks)
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like we all know he’s young and definitely a shy shy bby but when it comes to his s/o and he really likes them, your height wouldn’t be a concern to him unless you or someone else pointed it out but even then he wouldn’t care because he’s infatuated and loves every single thing about you
“jeongin, every time you see me your face turns so red!”
“I know, it’s just you’re so pretty, I just don’t understand,”
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hileywwe · 6 years
1. Ship you'll always love ♥️
GOT- Jonerys: (duh like...🤣✌🏾)
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2 . Current Obsession
Star Wars- REYLO ♥️👊🏾
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3. A ship you never thought you'd like
The walking dead - Richonne 🎇✌🏾
I dunno. I just thought everyone shipped them because they wanted a friend's to lovers romance 🤣. And at the start I didn't see it at all...until the actors, fans, fan videos and Tumblr hyped it up 👀♥️ lmao. Now they are my babies.
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(also Reylo for the exact same reason 👀)
4. A ship that you like but don't anymore
Riverdale - Varchie
I dunno....they are just Hella annoying for me now lmao. All of the situations and morals surrounding this couple just erks me in a way. No offense but them kissing in every corner don't do it for me tbh 😂
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5. A ship that you think should be canon
Avengers - Captain America x Black widow
Because....come the fuck on! 🙄 I still don't understand why they ain't together yet like...it's offensive 😭.
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6. A ship you dislike
GOT- Jonsa
Because....yeah. 💀✌🏾
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7. A ship you've shipped for years
This has been the ONLY ship I've shipped for this long so 👀👊🏾🤣 yas!
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8. A ship everyone loves but you don't care about
Varchie (again) I just couldn't care less . Don't attack me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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9. Fav rare pair:
I dunno what this could mean but I guess
NOORHELM in SKAM (because I don't think hardly no one on here watched it was it's a Norwegian teen show 🤣✌🏾) bad boy meets good girl x
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(seriously though watch it! Its an amazing teen show! ♥️♥️♥️♥️)
Anyyywaaay. Im gonna tag @glitta @qualeesi @dragons-daughter-blog @daenerys1417 @akorotori @zae82
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ockinfessions · 3 years
Sooo, I kinned my own BATIM OC and anyyywaaays my friend and I have had this really long on-going BATIM RP ft. our ocs, and ohmygod I think my canon was either very similar, OR That Was Literally My Fucking Canon. what the fuck. what the actual fuck.
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stay-gold-dallycake · 6 years
Hi! Can I have a ship? I'm short, about 5 feet tall, and I'm a lil chubby (and I'm kinda touchy about that). Anyyywaaay, I love music and singing and animals! ❤️ (My personal fave is Johnny but I wanna see what u think) I'm pretty quiet, and I actually don't like chocolate (no I'm not making that up). I have a( annoying in my opinion) slight Australian accent. Btw I'm tan with dark brown hair and brownish hazel eyes! Thanks love, buh bye
I would say Ponyboy! Johnny is a close second though!
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hoppers-fox-blog · 7 years
Don't you ever just kinda, idonknow, hate people to the point where you want to stab their chest, and pull their fUcKiNg heart out. Like, "Hey, I know this might come off as rude, but I JusT KinDa wanNA Rip youR GOd DaMn eYeS OUT. So, anyyywaaays, how have you been?"
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