#Nottingham Law School
Frogmore Cottage was NOT a "WEDDING GIFT"
No matter how many times Omit & MEgain have printed otherwise, Frogmore Cottage was NOT a wedding gift.
Along with Sparry's RENT FREE Cottage, The Meghans leased a house near Soho Farmhouse in the Cotswolds; however in their envious eyes, The Meghans always deserve the same as the future Kings of England: Princes William & baby prince George----both of whom lived at Nottingham Cottage without complaint. The difference: William & Catherine WAITED. They were in true love with one another as opposed to madly lusting after some fantisists idea of "royalty."
After the rushed wedding, Sparry & bride (neither of whom had ever owned a home) were not gifted a new HOUSE from the BRF. To rectify the situation, master manipulator MEgain immediately fell megnant and hired drones to invade their Cotswolds privacy.
Spoilt Sparry immediately demanded a "safer" home close to London (and away from the fishbowl) to protect the privacy of his megnant bride. William helped secure the home renovation project at Frogmore Cottage.
According to MEgain's multiple alias accounts, she was insulted by the BRF's offer to renovate Frogmore Cottage. Perhaps she had her green eyes set on an apartment at Windsor castle or at Frogmore House. She certainly felt entitled to reside in a REAL PALACE, not another refurbished old cottage. "...no one would ever believe it."
"Our FOREVER Home"- said MEgain the LIAR
The same LIAR who strategically invited NOprah into Nottingham Cottage after the wedding so she could play the role of VICTIM. "Look at poor me: The black princess forced to reside in this poor cottage."
The same LIAR who invited Serena, hubby (pink shirt) & paparazzi to polo and into their "rented" Cotswolds diggs to gain sympathy for the plight of the poor victimized black princess whose husband was only allotted $4million/year and whose new bride was forced to live without palace servants. "...she's the most courageous person I know." -said Serena Williams
"The Royal Family Owes ME!"
I've often thought that sex with Sparry must have been an unbearable experience for MEgain. For a woman who owned nothing, to suddenly expect that she was entitled to so much for so little. All she did was enter into a rushed marriage contract with #6-----she was a foreigner and a complete stranger to the BRF. She must have loathed every minute of sexy time with #6. Someone who was so desperately distracted by the very thought of a global platform, she forgot to consider the low IQ quality of Sparry's drug addled sperm.
MEgain-If you want the world to STOP thinking of you as a ho, then stop living by pay to play principles. Make something of yourself. Go to graduate school, law school, or community college and develop a set of honorable skills, then you can engage in honorable WORK. Curate a life out of hard work instead of your quid pro quo sexual contracts for services rendered.
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova, Kallista, and Caesarus. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: Dr. Gaul informs Bellova that her rival has returned from District 12. Upon hearing this, she forms a plan to ensure that he never affects her success again.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: spoilers for TBOSAS, swearing, implications of blackmail, mentions of death, vague allusion to sexual acts
A/n: This chapter takes place a couple months before the epilogue in TBOSAS occurs.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
“That’s all for today. If you have questions for me, stay behind and ask away. Otherwise, you are dismissed.” 
Bellova gathered her books and pens, tucking them safely into her leather school bag. She nodded politely at Professor Bingley before briskly exiting the lecture hall. It was finally lunchtime, and she was positively famished, for she hadn’t had time to eat a proper breakfast. She had gotten accustomed to sleeping in over the summer break. By the time her maid woke her up for her first day of University, she only had an hour to prepare for her first class.
Over the summer, she had officially decided to pursue a career in law. Her father assured her that it was a perfect fit, saying that her academic strengths and combative attitude would make her unstoppable in the field. The idea of creating laws for the entirety of the Capitol, or even all of Panem one day, was exhilarating to her. She knew she could make the country thousands of times better if she was given the chance. 
Despite only having attended three classes so far, Bellova loved being a University student. It was much more elite than the Academy, the professors were better, and there was no uniform. She found the last aspect particularly exciting, enjoying the looks of envy and adoration she had received as she walked down the halls for the first time.
Her social life had blossomed greatly in the span of just a few months. It was solid during her Academy days, as she was one of the most popular students. But since enrolling in the University, she had gained several new companions. She still talked to some of her old friends, like Lysistrata and Persephone. She even occasionally went on dates, for she was asked out left-and-right by men and women alike. Most of them she turned down, but for those who seemed promising, she accepted their invitations. However, none of them felt like the perfect match. She didn’t let that affect her, though. 
Her education was her top priority.
She saw Persephone Price and one of her new friends, Kallista Philo, waiting for her outside of the dining hall. Ignoring the lingering stairs of some of the people passing by, she approached them quickly.
“Hello,” she said, smiling brightly. “How are you both feeling? The first day of University treating you well?”
Persephone nodded. “I love it here already. I can’t wait to start working with other people who have the same major as me.” 
Kallista, who was a year older than Persephone and Bellova, gave them both an affectionate grin. “You both will excel in your fields, I’m positive. As long as you always try your hardest, the professors will do anything in their power to help you achieve your dream career.”
“Good to know,” Bellova said. “Now, shall we get lunch? I’m practically dying of starvation.”
They made their way through the dining hall, sitting at their usual table in the corner of the room. They discussed a variety of topics, including Kallista’s brother’s annoying fiancée and Persephone’s new pet dove. 
Persephone then asked how Bellova’s date with Caesarus Nottingham went. 
Bellova winced. “It was incredibly disappointing. He talked about nothing but his mediocre accomplishments and his…bedroom skills while we ate dinner. It completely ruined my appetite.”
Kallista gagged. “Ugh. That sounds awful.”
“Oh, it was. I was tempted to abandon the date all together to humiliate him, but I was able to embarrass him enough when he leaned in for a kiss and I stepped away. I left before he could say another word.” 
The girls laughed. Bellova was ruthless when it came to almost everything, including those she went on dates with.
“Miss Reginelle.” 
A young man wearing a University identification badge approached the table. Bellova looked up from her food.
“Dr. Gaul wants to see you in her lab. She said it had to do with…reincarnation.” 
“You wanted to see me?”
The doctor grinned, setting down her surgical scissors. “Ah yes, Miss Reginelle. Come, my dear. I wanted to ask your opinion on these new mutations I’m developing.” 
Bellova sat down next to Dr. Gaul on a lab stool. The older woman set a small glass terrarium in front of them. Inside housed what looked like normal flowers. 
“Don’t let the pretty colors fool you,” Dr. Gaul said. “They can bite as lethally as the most dangerous snakes.”
Bellova briefly thought about the snakes that she had sent into the arena a year prior. The memory was unpleasant, not because of the mutts, but because of who she associated them with.
“That’s amazing,” Bellova said. “I assume these are for this year’s Games?”
She nodded. “Indeed. And, I plan on altering them so they regrow within mere minutes if they are snipped.”
“Reincarnation…” Bellova muttered.
“Precisely.” Dr. Gaul flashed her a twisted smile. “Speaking of that, I have some other news for you.”
Bellova cocked her head. “What is it?”
“A certain young Mr. Snow has returned to the Capitol.” 
Bellova briefly contemplated jumping into Dr. Gaul’s pool of sea serpents. “You’re fucking kidding.”
Dr. Gaul laughed. “I am not, Miss Reginelle.”
“Why? How? I thought he was sentenced to be a peacekeeper for the next twenty years?”
“He was. But I negotiated for him to return. He has far too much potential to be wasted in District 12. He returned less than a week ago, and is set to study under me for the rest of his time at the University.”
“Dr. Gaul,” Bellova said, trying her hardest not to scream. “He disgraced himself by cheating in the Games - in your Games. Why would you forgive such a thing?”
“Mr. Snow’s time in the districts has…transformed him. He has finally opened his eyes to the real nature of this world, and understands why our country operates the way it does.”
Bellova felt her jaw clench. “I see.” 
Dr. Gaul grabbed a pair of tweezers and dropped a small cricket into the glass enclosure that housed the flowers mutation. The flower immediately lunged towards the insect, devouring it in seconds. 
“Do you need anything else, Dr. Gaul?” Bellova asked. “My next class begins soon.”
She shook her head. “That is all. Run along, my dear. And if you see Mr. Snow, do give him a warm welcome home.”
Forcing a smile, Bellova nodded and walked out of the lab.
After leaving the building, she let out a frustrated snarl. Just a few weeks after Snow’s departure, she had realized she was beyond grateful that he was no longer in her life. She no longer had to worry about constantly one-upping him, she could just focus on herself and her happiness.
But now, he was back. 
Back to continue tormenting her. 
Was that his only life goal? To make her existence a living hell? 
‘Stop that,’ she chided herself. ‘You can’t let his presence affect you anymore. You’re a new woman now. A woman that holds too much power and status to give in to silly things like emotions.’
Of course, the idea of messing with Coriolanus again was tempting. She could expose several of his actions that would immediately tarnish any of his career plans. 
But it was wisest to keep that information to herself. 
For now, anyway.
Bellova smiled to herself. Instead of listening to Dr. Gaul’s suggestion to give Snow a “warm welcome”, she would give him the coldest shoulder possible. She would avoid him at all costs. 
He was no longer worthy of her attention. 
“Bellova! Oh, it’s so nice to see you, dear!”
Bellova whirled around, about to chew out wherever was bothering her. She was not in the mood to socialize. 
She refrained from doing so when she recognized the person approaching her was Mrs. Plinth, dressed in all black. This was uncharacteristic of her, as she usually donned bright colors. 
“Mrs. Plinth,” she greeted the older woman politely, despite wanting to tell her to leave her alone. She had decided to stop by a bakery on her way home from the University to grab a fresh pastry. She had hoped that it would lighten her mood after the unpleasant news she discovered earlier. She had not expected to run into “Ma” Plinth.
She didn’t really have anything against her, but she was still district in Bellova’s eyes. The same way her son was. She liked Sejanus most of the time, unless he was spouting on a useless tirade about the unfairness of the Capitol. But he was serving time as a Peacekeeper in 12. She had heard this from Clemensia, who heard it from Strabo Plinth himself. 
Mrs. Plinth looked her up and down, and her eyes began to fill with tears. 
“Are you alright?” Bellova asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She dabbed at her eyes with a red handkerchief, sniffling quietly. “You have grown into such a fine young woman. Ever since my family moved to the Capitol, my Sejanus adored you. He always referred to you as intelligent, and beautiful, and…” She trailed off, beginning to cry harder.
Bellova did her best not to appear uncomfortable. She didn’t like having to comfort people, it simply wasn’t in her nature. After a tense moment of silence, she asked, “Mrs. Plinth, what’s going on? Did something happen to Sejanus?”
Mrs. Plinth’s eyes widened slightly. “Has nobody told you yet?”
“Told me what?”
“H-he’s dead. Hanged in District 12 for treason against the Capitol.”
Bellova’s head spun. 
The heir to the Plinth fortune, dead.
Leaving behind two vulnerable, grieving parents. 
“What exactly was he accused of?” Bellova asked softly.
“I’m not sure. I just know that someone turned him in for traitorous conspiring. Someone who probably pretended to Sejanus’s friend just to stab him in the back,” Mrs. Plinth sobbed. “My poor boy…he deserved to die of old age after a long, prosperous life. Not in the gallows.”
Bellova pulled the hysterical woman into an awkward hug. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Plinth. If you need anything, just call, and I’ll do what I can.” 
The woman nodded. “Thank you, Bellova. Any friend of Sejanus is a friend to my family. Coriolanus, Sejanus’s best friend, has been such a great source of comfort to us. My husband formally declared him our heir just yesterday.”
Bellova barely held back a noise of disgust.
“That’s…very kind of you,” she said instead.
After Mrs. Plinth had left with a basket full of fresh bread, Bellova sat down at a small table, processing this new information.
Sejanus was dead. And he had been betrayed. 
Betrayed by someone he called a friend.
And she knew exactly who had sent him to the gallows. Undoubtedly, he did it for his own personal benefit. And now he had taken Sejanus’s place as the heir to the massive Plinth fortune.
He really was pathetic. 
As twisted as it sounded, Bellova was glad she was informed of Sejanus’s execution and why it had come about. 
It was one more thing to add to her list of blackmail against Coriolanus Snow.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @vxnilla-hxrddrugs, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! The tension within the story will only continue to build, until it finally snaps…
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The actor Michael Jayston, who has died aged 88, was a distinguished performer on stage and screen. The roles that made his name were as the doomed Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in Franklin Schaffner’s sumptuous account of the last days of the Romanovs in Nicholas and Alexandra (1971), and as Alec Guinness’s intelligence minder in John Le Carré’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy on television in 1979. He never made a song and dance about himself and perhaps as a consequence was not launched in Hollywood, as were many of his contemporaries.
Before these two parts, he had already played a key role in The Power Game on television and Henry Ireton, Cromwell’s son-in-law, in Ken Hughes’s fine Cromwell (1969), with Richard Harris in the title role and Guinness as King Charles I. And this followed five years with the Royal Shakespeare Company including a trip to Broadway in Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming, in which he replaced Michael Bryant as Teddy, the brother who returns to the US and leaves his wife in London to “take care of” his father and siblings.
Jayston, who was not flamboyantly good-looking but clearly and solidly attractive, with a steely, no-nonsense, demeanour and a steady, piercing gaze, could “do” the Pinter menace as well as anyone, and that cast – who also made the 1973 movie directed by Peter Hall – included Pinter’s then wife, Vivien Merchant, as well as Paul Rogers and Ian Holm.
Jayston had found a replacement family in the theatre. Born Michael James in Nottingham, he was the only child of Myfanwy (nee Llewelyn) and Vincent; his father died of pneumonia, following a serious accident on the rugby field, when Michael was one, and his mother died when he was a barely a teenager. He was then brought up by his grandmother and an uncle, and found himself involved in amateur theatre while doing national service in the army; he directed a production of The Happiest Days of Your Life.
He continued in amateur theatre while working for two years as a trainee accountant for the National Coal Board and in Nottingham fish market, before winning a scholarship, aged 23, to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he was five years older than everyone else on his course. He played in rep in Bangor, Northern Ireland, and at the Salisbury Playhouse before joining the Bristol Old Vic for two seasons in 1963.
At the RSC from 1965, he enjoyed good roles – Oswald in Ghosts, Bertram in All’s Well That Ends Well, Laertes to David Warner’s Hamlet – and was Demetrius in Hall’s film of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1968), with Warner as Lysander in a romantic foursome with Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren.
But his RSC associate status did not translate itself into the stardom of, say, Alan Howard, Warner, Judi Dench, Ian Richardson and others at the time. He was never fazed or underrated in this company, but his career proceeded in a somewhat nebulous fashion, and Nicholas and Alexandra, for all its success and ballyhoo, did not bring him offers from the US.
Instead, he played Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1972), a so-so British musical film version with music and lyrics by John Barry and Don Black, with Michael Crawford as the White Rabbit and Peter Sellers the March Hare. In 1979 he was a colonel in Zulu Dawn, a historically explanatory prequel to the earlier smash hit Zulu.
As an actor he seemed not to be a glory-hunter. Instead, in the 1980s, he turned in stylish and well-received leading performances in Noël Coward’s Private Lives, at the Duchess, opposite Maria Aitken (1980); as Captain von Trapp in the first major London revival of The Sound of Music at the Apollo Victoria in 1981, opposite Petula Clark; and, best of all, as Mirabell, often a thankless role, in William Gaskill’s superb 1984 revival, at Chichester and the Haymarket, of The Way of the World, by William Congreve, opposite Maggie Smith as Millamant.
Nor was he averse to taking over the leading roles in plays such as Peter Shaffer’s Equus (1973) or Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa (1992), roles first occupied in London by Alec McCowen. He rejoined the National Theatre – he had been Gratiano with Laurence Olivier and Joan Plowright in The Merchant of Venice directed by Jonathan Miller in 1974 – to play a delightful Home Counties Ratty in the return of Alan Bennett’s blissful, Edwardian The Wind in the Willows in 1994.
On television, he was a favourite side-kick of David Jason in 13 episodes of David Nobbs’s A Bit of a Do (1989) – as the solicitor Neville Badger in a series of social functions and parties across West Yorkshire – and in four episodes of The Darling Buds of May (1992) as Ernest Bristow, the brewery owner. He appeared again with Jason in a 1996 episode of Only Fools and Horses.
He figured for the first time on fan sites when he appeared in the 1986 Doctor Who season The Trial of a Time Lord as Valeyard, the prosecuting counsel. In the new millennium he passed through both EastEnders and Coronation Street before bolstering the most lurid storyline of all in Emmerdale (2007-08): he was Donald de Souza, an unpleasant old cove who fell out with his family and invited his disaffected wife to push him off a cliff on the moors in his wheelchair, but died later of a heart attack.
By now living on the south coast, Jayston gravitated easily towards Chichester as a crusty old colonel – married to Wendy Craig – in Coward’s engaging early play Easy Virtue, in 1999, and, three years later, in 2002, as a hectored husband, called Hector, to Patricia Routledge’s dotty duchess in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s translation of Jean Anouilh’s Léocadia under the title Wild Orchids.
And then, in 2007, he exuded a tough spirituality as a confessor to David Suchet’s pragmatic pope-maker in The Last Confession, an old-fashioned but gripping Vatican thriller of financial and political finagling told in flashback. Roger Crane’s play transferred from Chichester to the Haymarket and toured abroad with a fine panoply of senior British actors, Jayston included.
After another collaboration with Jason, and Warner, in the television movie Albert’s Memorial (2009), a touching tale of old war-time buddies making sure one of them is buried on the German soil where first they met, and a theatre tour in Ronald Harwood’s musicians-in-retirement Quartet in 2010 with Susannah York, Gwen Taylor and Timothy West, he made occasional television appearances in Midsomer Murders, Doctors and Casualty. Last year he provided an introduction to a re-run of Tinker Tailor on BBC Four. He seemed always to be busy, available for all seasons.
As a keen cricketer (he also played darts and chess), Jayston was a member of the MCC and the Lord’s Taverners. After moving to Brighton, he became a member of Sussex county cricket club and played for Rottingdean, where he was also president.
His first two marriages – to the actor Lynn Farleigh in 1965 and the glass engraver Heather Sneddon in 1970 – ended in divorce. From his second marriage he had two sons, Tom and Ben, and a daughter, Li-an. In 1979 he married Ann Smithson, a nurse, and they had a son, Richard, and daughter, Katie.
🔔 Michael Jayston (Michael James), actor, born 29 October 1935; died 5 February 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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chloe-doust · 4 months
Chloe Doust’s Dedication to Personal Injury and Consumer Advocacy
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Chloe Doust stands as a beacon of hope and resilience for individuals facing personal injury and consumer rights issues. As an attorney at the esteemed Gillespie Law Firm, Chloe's dedication to her clients extends across North Carolina, Alabama, and Minnesota. Her commitment to justice and unwavering support for those in need make her a standout figure in the legal community.
A Passion for Advocacy
Chloe Doust's legal career is rooted in her profound passion for helping people. Specializing in personal injury and consumer rights law, she navigates the complexities of these fields with expertise and compassion. Her firm handles an array of claims, ensuring that every client receives the attention and justice they deserve.
Expertise in Personal Injury Law
Personal injury cases often bring emotional and financial turmoil to the victims and their families. Chloe's expertise covers a broad spectrum, including automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents. She meticulously investigates each case, ensuring that every detail is accounted for to build a strong claim. Her clients find solace in her thorough approach and her relentless pursuit of fair compensation for their suffering.
Championing Consumer Rights
In addition to her personal injury practice, Chloe is a staunch advocate for consumer rights. She tackles issues such as unlawful eviction and property law claims, safeguarding her clients' rights and ensuring they are not taken advantage of by powerful entities. Whether drafting lease agreements or fighting for consumer protections, Chloe's legal acumen and dedication shine through.
Beyond the Courtroom: Supporting Small Business
When she is not in the courtroom, Chloe Doust turns her attention to her small business in South Carolina. Her experience and knowledge in international trade law, bolstered by an LLM from Nottingham School of Law in England, equip her to handle the complexities of business negotiations and day-to-day operations. Her dual role as a business owner and attorney provides a unique perspective, enriching her ability to serve her clients with a well-rounded understanding of both legal and business landscapes.
A Heart for Service
Chloe's dedication to service extends beyond her professional obligations. She volunteers at Baptist South Church, offering her legal expertise to those who might not otherwise have access to it. Her commitment to pro bono work underscores her belief in making legal services accessible to all, irrespective of their financial standing.
Free Consultations and Compassionate Care
At the core of Chloe's practice is a genuine desire to help. Her motto of offering free consultations and services whenever possible is a testament to her selflessness and dedication. She believes that everyone deserves quality legal representation, and she strives to provide that to the best of her ability.
Chloe Doust's dedication to her clients and community is inspiring. Whether navigating the intricacies of personal injury and consumer rights law, supporting her small business, or volunteering her time and expertise, Chloe's impact is profound and far-reaching. She exemplifies what it means to be a compassionate advocate, tirelessly working to ensure justice and support for those in need.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
The mother of one of the Nottingham stabbings victims has said killers can “get away with murder” after a report recommended the Government consider overhauling homicide laws.
Emma Webber said it was “abhorrent” that a murder charge against her son’s killer, Valdo Calocane, was not pursued.
A review into the case has concluded that prosecutors were right to accept a manslaughter plea from the 32-year-old on the basis of diminished responsibility.
But the report called for the Government to consider introducing three tiers of homicide which would mean that people with mental illness who kill could still be convicted of murder.
Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, along with school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, were killed by paranoid schizophrenic Calocane in a series of knife attacks in Nottingham in June last year.
Mrs Webber said the families of the victims were “disappointed but not entirely surprised”.
She added: “The overall outcome I think until the law changes in this country, a diminished responsibility charge and plea means that murderers can get away with murder.
“We’ve never disputed Calocane’s mental health problems but I would say at the moment in this country, if you commit murder and you’ve got mental health issues then it’s very unlikely that you’re actually going to be tried for murder.”
Dr Sanjoy Kumar, father of Grace, said: “I think the first question you have to ask... is can a paranoid schizophrenic commit murder in this country? Because it seems to me that you can’t and that’s impossible for us to understand.”
Calocane pleaded guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility in January and was given an indefinite hospital order.
But following concerns raised by the victim’s families, His Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Inspectorate has reviewed the decision to accept the plea.
While the report found that prosecutors were right to accept the manslaughter charge in Calocane’s case, it concluded that the Government should now consider overhauling current homicide laws. Inspectors said the Government should reconsider a recommendation made by the Law Commission in 2006 that called for three tiers of homicide to be introduced, including first degree murder, second degree murder – which would include diminished responsibility – and manslaughter.
Victims’ families felt ‘secondary’ to process
The inspectorate also concluded that the victims families should have been better supported by the CPS.
It found that the families felt “secondary” to the process and that they had not been properly consulted.
Chief Insp Anthony Rogers said: “It is unimaginable having to deal with the death of a loved one under such horrific circumstances, but having to deal with the criminal justice system at a time of heartbreak and grief adds a further dimension of challenge.
“To better support victims and increase public trust, we call on the government to consider amending the homicide law, review the support provided to victims of crime in serious cases such as this, and provide greater clarity about the role of victims in the criminal justice system.”
Stephen Parkinson, the director of Public Prosecutions at the CPS, said: “In tragic and complex circumstances such as these, the CPS has difficult decisions to make, but must always act with independence and professionalism. I believe that our team did so in this case, and with considerable dedication and commitment.”
It has previously emerged that Calocane was wanted by police at the time of the killings in relation to an assault on a police officer in September 2021, who was attempting to have him sectioned.
Calocane had been due to appear in court in August 2022 and a warrant, which was still outstanding in June 2023, had been issued for his arrest.
Following his sentencing, it also emerged that on May 5, 2023, while Calocane was working at Arvato Supply Chain Solutions, at a warehouse near East Midlands Airport, he assaulted two security guards.
The business reported the incident the same day, and Leicestershire Police attended but Calocane was no longer there.
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This day in history
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#10yrsago 3D printed guns and the law: will judges be able to think clearly about digital files when guns are involved? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/may/13/3d-printed-guns
#5yrsago White woman calls cops on black family who barbecued in Oakland Park’s barbecue area https://panthertimes.com/2018/05/02/white-privilege-used-to-fight-racially-charged-harassment-at-lake-merritt/
#5yrsago 75% of Theresa May’s £50m gift to grammar schools will go to Tory districts https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/it-looks-like-shameless-bribe-12520491  
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
Israeli forces bomb UNRWA school in Nuseirat refugee camp
Israeli forces bombed a UNRWA school in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, our colleagues on the ground report. Several Palestinians were killed or wounded in the attack, health officials said. The Gaza media office put the initial death toll at 15. The school has been housing hundreds of displaced people. The injured have been rushed to the nearby Al-Aqsa Hospital. Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud joins us live from Deir el-Balah, in central Gaza. Luigi Daniele, a Senior Lecturer in the Law of Armed Conflict, joins us from Nottingham, UK, to discuss the latest attack.
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marylmacdonaldarchive · 3 months
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'𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞
BASIC INFORMATION FULL NAME: Mary Louise Macdonald NICKNAME: Mare, M GENDER: Cisfemale SEXUALITY: Pansexual DATE OF BIRTH: 1 June AGE: 22 years old PLACE OF BIRTH: Nottingham, England OCCUPATION: Barmaiden at the Three Broomsticks, training at St. Mungo's as a mediwitch LOYALTY: (Formerly) The Order HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor
APPEARANCE FACE CLAIM: Hannah Dodd NOTABLE FEATURES: A shy smile and a heart that's worn on her sleeve BODY MODIFICATIONS: She has her ears pierced: lobes twice, helix on her left ear and tragus on her right PERSONALITY ZODIAC: Gemini MBTI ALIGMENT: ISFJ MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral CLASSICAL ELEMENT: Earth LOVE LANGUAGE: Physical touch / words of affirmation POSITIVE TRAITS: Resourceful, loyal, compassionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: Evasive, naïve, stubborn ADDITIONAL WAND TYPE: 10 inches, holly, dragon heartstring PATRONUS: Dolphin BOGGART: The death of her family/friends PARENTS: Unknown father (unknown), Margaret Macdonald (mother, alive) SIBLINGS: n/a CHILDREN: n/a SPOUSE: n/a
Mary Macdonald’s life began with a story of mystery, the result of a one-night stand. Her mother wove various tales about Mary’s father, yet never disclosed his identity. Raised by both her mother and grandmother, Mary learned the art of baking and discovered the joy of dancing in any situation from an early age.
Mary grew up as a bubbly and optimistic child, her mind filled with fairytales and dreams. At the age of eight, when she started showing signs of magic, her grandmother nearly had a heart attack, while her mother laughed and encouraged her, despite not fully understanding the phenomenon. The arrival of her Hogwarts letter made everything clear. Mary, with a natural talent for learning, was eager to embrace the unknown, even if it meant she might be at a disadvantage compared to others.
The Sorting Hat instantly placed her in Gryffindor, recognizing her natural charm and determination. Mary quickly bonded with her roommates and housemates, dismissing those who judged her for her blood status, never fully grasping their prejudice. A hopeless romantic, Mary sought the love stories she read about in novels and wore her heart on her sleeve. Though she faced heartbreak more than once, she always managed to pick herself up and keep going.
When the war began to loom on the horizon, Mary felt a sense of anxiety that she hadn’t before. People like her were being targeted. She faced comments at school and afterwards, but she didn’t allow it to deter her. As soon as she was allowed, she joined the Order of the Phoenix, determined to fight for people like her. 
The brunette dreamed of being a healer after graduating but put it on the back burner and instead chose to do various jobs while the war went on. After, she felt like she could finally breathe. Now, she finally has taken an internship at St. Mungo’s to train as a mediwitch and is a barmaiden at the Three Broomsticks in her spare time.
friends and confidants former housemates coworkers previous flings, exes, people who have broke her heart, etc (give me drama) rivals a bad influence forbidden romance (angst) literally anything and everything <3
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
The CPS report has called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first degree and second degree murder, as well as manslaughter. The mother of one of triple killer Valdo Calocane's victims has joined calls for the Government to overhaul murder laws in the wake of the Nottingham attacks. Emma Webber said it was "abhorrent" that murder charges were not pursued against her son Barnaby's killer, while the watchdog's findings drew criticism from campaigners who described them as a "missed opportunity". A review of the actions taken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) found prosecutors were right to accept a plea of manslaughter by diminished responsibility from Calocane, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. But the findings did highlight areas where the CPS could have handled the case "better". The watchdog's report, ordered by Attorney General Victoria Prentis, instead called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws, as recommended by the Law Commission nearly 20 years ago, to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first-degree and second-degree murder, as well as manslaughter. Calocane was sentenced to an indefinite hospital order for stabbing to death university students Mr Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar, both 19, as well as school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, in the early hours of June 13 last year. He admitted manslaughter by diminished responsibility as well as pleading guilty to the attempted murder of three people who were hit by a van stolen from Mr Coates. There was an outcry of anger from the victims' families after prosecutors decided not to pursue murder charges for Calocane, prompting Ms Prentis to order a review of how the CPS handled the case and ask the Court of Appeal to review the sentence. Inspectors found that if the Law Commission's 2006 recommendations on homicide charges had been accepted and implemented, "the unlawful killings in this tragic case would have been categorised as murder, albeit second-degree murder". The Chief Inspector of His Majesty's CPS Inspectorate said the families were struggling to understand how someone who knowingly went out to kill people was not charged with murder. He called for a fundamental re-think of the role of victims in the criminal justice system, suggesting that changes to the law should be a "sensible manifesto commitment" in an election year. The watchdog's report found that the CPS charging decision was correct, and the acceptance of pleas of not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter was also correct. The report acknowledged that the families felt unsupported and secondary to the whole process. The families's concerns and the public disquiet about the case highlighted aspects where further consideration is needed. Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson said that difficult decisions were made with independence and professionalism, and the report's findings would be carefully considered. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak previously promised the victims' families answers, but their calls for a public inquiry remain unanswered. Investigations into the actions of police and mental health staff continue. The families were due to meet the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) on Tuesday, which is investigating both Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire forces over their handling of the case. The families affected by Calocane's actions expressed disappointment with the outcome of the report. They felt let down by the system and were treated as secondary parties in the criminal justice process. The case exposes a disconnect between the reality of being in the system and the support available, prompting further considerations on how the Government should act. The controversy surrounding Calocane's case has sparked a call for re-evaluating the role of victims in the criminal justice system. While the families continue to seek answers, the recommendations
put forward by the watchdog raise important questions about how the criminal justice system can better address the needs of victims and provide more support to those affected by tragic events like this one.
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ahz-associates · 6 months
"Innovative Learning at Nottingham Trent University: A Bright Future Ahead" 
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Nottingham Trent University, one of the best institutions in the UK, is home to more than 28,000 students spread across its three campuses (two in Nottingham and one just outside the city). In 1843, Nottingham Trent University was founded as a college, and in 1992, it was granted university status. 93% of Nottingham Trent University students said they would suggest attending, according to the National Student Survey, and the university was named "University of the Year" by Times Higher Education in 2018.
Nottingham Trent University is more well-known for its departments of art and design, fashion, and creative arts than for being home to one of the top law schools in the UK. The university also had excellent results in the British University and College Sports divisions with its sports teams. The university will be able to carry out its ground-breaking research into cancer diagnostics and therapy thanks to the receipt of one of the biggest grants given to an establishment founded after 1992.
In Nottingham, England, Nottingham Trent University, or NTU, was founded in 1962. Over 30,000 students are enrolled at the university's campuses. The academic institution received a Gold teaching rating from the TEF and is included among the top 20 universities in the UK for student satisfaction in 2017 according to the Complete University Guide. The stunning city of Nottingham is home to the university.
International students can benefit greatly from Nottingham's vibrant cultural offerings, pleasant and creative atmosphere, hip and exciting nightlife, and abundance of green areas. Students who are interested in enrolling in Nottingham Trent University's excellent programs in architecture, law, or art and design should give it some thought. Regarding legal education, the university is among the biggest in the United Kingdom. Nottingham Trent University is well-known for winning championships in both college and university sports and for its outstanding athletic performance.
The university gained national attention for its work on cancer diagnosis and treatment when it was awarded one of the biggest grants for a 1992-founded university. Through a couple of its programs, Nottingham Trent University partners with 50 universities in 40 countries, providing students with the chance to study abroad. Furthermore, ninety-three percent of undergraduate students either continued their education beyond graduation or secured employment within six months of graduation.
Ranking and Accomplishments
The Times University Guide 2023 ranked 42nd.
The Guardian University Guide 2023 ranks 62nd.
Nottingham Trent University is the "Modern University of the Year," according to The Times and Sunday Times University Guide. It was also selected "University of the Year" for 2018 by The Times Higher Education.
Research submitted to NTU's Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy departments received ratings of either world-leading or internationally excellent, while research submitted to NTU's Engineering department received ratings of either world-leading or internationally excellent.
Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences
Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Nottingham School of Art & Design
Arts and Humanities
Nottingham Business School
Nottingham Law School
Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Fee Schedule
foreign pupils The starting fee is £13,450.
Academic Scholarship
For both international and EU students, Nottingham Trent University offers a number of competitive scholarship opportunities up to half of a few. After their acceptance into the university has been confirmed, scholarships for international students are eligible to apply for scholarships. To find out the scholarships they are eligible for, students only need to submit one scholarship application to the university.
Open to all applications for the January 2024 intake of new postgraduate students:
Scholarships for NTU Excellence and Confetti Excellence
The tuition reduction offered by the NTU and Confetti Excellence Scholarships is 50% or 25%. Undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate extraordinary academic performance and have the potential to significantly impact the university community are eligible to apply for these awards.
Scholarships from NTU Abroad
A stringent selection process is used to award the maximum amount of £2,000 in International Scholarships to students who show a strong commitment to their academic goals.
Postgraduate Scholarships by Subject and Region
NTU offers scholarships in both subject- and regional-specific categories. The awards have monetary values ranging from £4,000 to 50% of the recipient's tuition.
Facilities and Services
Students at Nottingham Trent University have access to the well regarded NTU Student Dashboard, a learning analytics platform. The teaching and learning team at the educational institution offers one-on-one assistance with learning. The institution offers workshops on study techniques, IT, academic writing, and research skills on all of its campuses. Through NOW, the university's online workplace, a variety of online learning assistance resources are also made accessible by the university. Students now have access to global learning materials because of NOW.
Students can visit the Stamp Out Stress campaign if they require further assistance during exams. The famous and award-winning libraries of Nottingham Trent University are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at both the Clifton and City campuses. The institution provides access to hundreds of books and eBooks for students to use. The academic institution also provides individual and group study areas. The university offers Wi-Fi, PCs, Microsoft Office 365, and on-demand printing to its students.
Student Life
The city where Nottingham Trent University is situated is well-known for being a thriving center of the arts, home to theaters, galleries, movie theaters, museums, and live music venues. Students may spend a safe night exploring the city thanks to the school. In actuality, the city has won nine Purple Flag honors in a row. Pryzm, Ink, and the Ocean are well-liked hangouts for students. Several live music venues can be found in the city, including the well-known Rock City, the massive Motorpoint Arena, and the eclectic Rescue Rooms, to mention a few.
Nottingham has been named a World City of Literature by UNESCO in recognition of its literary legacy, which includes Alan Sillitoe, DH Lawrence, and Lord Byron. Nottingham is also the location of a number of exhibition spaces, including the well-known Nottingham Contemporary, one of the
largest galleries of contemporary art in the UK. The National Ice Centre, the well-known Trent Bridge cricket field, the National Water Sports Centre, and two football teams are all located in the city.
Tentative weekly expenses for self-catered accommodations range from £101 to £179.
If prospective students reserve and pay their housing deposit by May 31, they will have assured accommodation at Nottingham Trent University. International students and postgraduate students have until July 30th to make arrangements for guaranteed UK accommodations. Students on different budgets can choose from a variety of housing alternatives offered by the educational institution.
With utility bills included in their housing fees, the university provides free internet access to all of its students. To assist in settling into their new accommodation, making friends, and beginning their academic career at Nottingham Trent University, new students can speak with the student reps.
Move around
Most utilities and tourist sites in the city are accessible on foot for students living on Nottingham Trent University's City and Creative campuses. The Brackenhurst Campus and the city center are separated by a distance of 22 km, or 14 miles, and 6 km, or 4 miles, respectively, from the Clifton Campus. Regular bus service inside the city connects the campuses of the educational institution.
A few distant residence halls are connected to the city by complimentary bus service for students. The City Campus of Nottingham Trent University has built its own tram system. For £39 plus a deposit, students can rent a bike to use for transportation across the university for the whole academic year.
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florasearlethirdyear · 7 months
FMP: Funding of the Arts. LO1
Week 5
Cash-strapped councils target arts, parks and leisure cuts:
Two third of councils said they were cutting services. Parks, leisure facilities, arts and culture are at the top of the list.
Another third cutting arts and culture and 1 in 10 cutting services for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
"the brunt of the cuts fall on discretionary services... but just because they're not legal requirements, doesn't mean they're not important: libraries, arts and culture, green spaces"-Jonathan Carr-West, chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit
Forsyth, A. (2024). Cash-strapped councils target arts, parks and leisure cuts. [online]. Available from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68419089 [Accessed 02/03/2024]
Cuts to local arts funding will decimate our cultural community:
In Bristol, the famous Old Vic theatre, a producer of internationally famed work, is losing local funding. Suffolk county council announced a 100% cut to arts funding, with similar warning signs from Nottingham, Birmingham, Windsor and Maidenhead. 
Businesses are having to make their own cuts in order to stay financially sustainable, often it’s the subsidised ticketing, community events and other outreach initiatives that take the brunt of the hit.
Wood, A. (2024). Cuts to local arts funding will decimate our cultural community – now and for generations to come. [online] Available from: https://www.whatsonstage.com/news/cuts-to-local-arts-funding-will-decimate-our-cultural-community-now-and-for-generations-to-come_1560783/ [Accessed 02/03/2024]
UK local council wants to cut all arts funding in latest austerity move:
Suffolk County Council wants to slash £500,000 for culture, which could put local museums at risk.
The Long Shop Museum, an industrial heritage museum in the town of Leiston, is one of the museums that might be at risk: stipend 'primarily used to ensure that the museum was properly insured, and to subsidise the costs of school visits to the museum'.
More and more UK councils are slashing arts funding—which is generally non-statutory (not mandated by law).
Harris, G. (2024). UK local council wants to cut all arts funding in latest austerity move. [online]. Available from: https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2024/01/05/uk-local-council-proposes-cutting-all-arts-funding-in-latest-austerity-move [Accessed 02/03/2024]
Lycett, Acosta and Duran Duran condemn Birmingham’s 100% arts budget cut:
Birmingham’s cultural figures from Carlos Acosta and Joe Lycett to Duran Duran and Napalm Death have criticised the 100% cut made by the city council to its arts funding which they say will “devastate” the arts ecosystem in Britain’s second city.
The council plans £300m worth of cuts over the next two years.
Bakare, L. (2024). Lycett, Acosta and Duran Duran condemn Birmingham’s 100% arts budget cut. [online] Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/23/joe-lycett-others-condemn-100-budget-cut-birmingham-arts [Accessed 02/03/2024]
I looked to the current news for funding of the arts, as it all ties into the loss of Pollock's. This is supported by the fact that The Long Shop Museum, is also under threat. My project becomes paramount at a time when arts and culture are being lost.
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evoldir · 9 months
Fwd: Other: UploadsToENA.Firewalls
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: UploadsToENA.Firewalls > Date: 15 December 2023 at 05:18:13 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > Hi, > > I’ve recently been struggling to upload data to the ENA from behind the > firewall at University of Nottingham. I believe this is a common issue > for anyone trying to submit data from behind an institutional firewall > as an exception to the firewall must be made for the ENA server by the > IT department before any submission can be made. > > After previously having a firewall exception in place that worked I > discovered recently that the ENA have changed the IP address of their > server such that the firewall exception must be amended by IT for data > to be submitted. > > It took me a long time of searching ftp connection > errors before I realised this so thought it might be > useful to others to share a link to the updated firewall configuration > (https://ift.tt/Ao0klzF) > and new details, which are on the ENA website but not particularly > obviously! > > Appendix: Configuring Your Firewall For ENA Upload > > While most users should not encounter problems in this area, it may > sometimes be necessary to configure your firewall to permit upload of > data to ENA. Users attempting to connect from an institutional network > may find that their IT services department has placed restrictions on > their ability to connect to FTP services. This information could be > useful in getting our service whitelisted. > > FTP is used in passive mode and connection will be opened to one of the > below ports: > > · 40000 > > · 50000 > > Access to port21is required for the following IP address ( > webin2.ebi.ac.uk ): > > · > > All the best, > Laura > > Dr. Laura Dean > Senior Technical Specialist (Bioinformatics) > > Room A104 (off the Frozen Ark) > School of Life Sciences > University of Nottingham > University Park > NG7 2RD > > e-mail:[email protected] > phone: 0115 951 3225 > > This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and > may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in > error, please contact the sender and delete the email and attachment. Any > views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily > reflect the views of the University of Nottingham. Email communications > with the University of Nottingham may be monitored where permitted by law. > > Laura Dean
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Choose Computer Waste for Sustainable Computer Recycling Services in Nottingham
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the need for responsible computer disposal and recycling services has never been more critical. Nottingham, being a hub of innovation and technology, generates a substantial amount of electronic waste. Computer Waste IT Recycling Nottingham takes pride in offering secure and eco-friendly computer recycling services in Nottingham, along with an unwavering commitment to IT recycling.
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In this post, we will explore the significance of computer recycling services in Nottingham and delve into the various aspects of IT recycling in Nottingham.
Importance of Computer Recycling 
Computer recycling is not just a matter of convenience; it's an environmental imperative. Disposing of old and redundant electronics improperly can have dire consequences for the environment. Such electronic equipment, when sent to landfills, releases toxic compounds, including Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium, which can be harmful to our ecosystem.
At Computer Waste IT Recycling, we understand the gravity of this situation and offer comprehensive computer disposal services in Nottingham, not only as a service but as a responsibility towards a sustainable future. By properly recycling computers and IT equipment, we aim to protect Nottingham and its surroundings from the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals.
Our Computer Recycling Nottingham Services
Our computer disposal Nottingham services offer a holistic solution for organizations, schools, universities, NHS trusts, government agencies, and non-government organizations. We provide a range of services designed to ensure a seamless and secure process:
Free Collection of IT Equipment
We understand the importance of convenience, and our team is committed to making the process easy for you. We offer a free collection of your IT equipment from your desired location.
Logistics to Our Facility
Your collected equipment is safely transported to our state-of-the-art recycling facility, where it will be processed with care.
Secure Data Destruction and Shredding
Data security is paramount. We offer secure data destruction and hard drive shredding services, including onsite data destruction, for all businesses, schools, and establishments.
Data Erasure Certificate 
To provide you with complete peace of mind, we offer a Data Erasure Certificate as proof that your sensitive data has been securely destroyed.
IT Recycling and Disposal 
Our eco-friendly IT recycling and disposal services are at the core of our commitment to a sustainable Nottingham.
Detailed Audit Report
We maintain transparency in our process by providing detailed Audit Reports, IT Asset Management, Lease Returns, and Hardware Testing results.
IT Equipment That We Recycle
At Computer Waste IT Recycling Nottingham, we cater to the recycling needs of various IT equipment, including:
Desktop PCs
CRT and TFT Monitors
Printers (MFDs, Inkjet, and Laser) and Toners
EPOS Systems
Scanners, Photocopiers, and other related IT equipment
Why Choose Computer Waste IT Recycling Nottingham?
Several reasons set Computer Waste IT Recycling apart as a reliable partner for secure computer recycling services in Nottingham:
Environmental Agency Registration
Our registration with the Environmental Agency underscores our dedication to responsible electronic waste management.
Secure Data Destruction
We offer certified data destruction services to ensure your IT security is never compromised.
WEEE Directive Compliance
We strictly adhere to the WEEE directive, ensuring that your computer disposal needs are met in accordance with the law.
Computer Waste Computer Recycling Services
Our computer Computer Waste IT Recycling Nottingham services go beyond the basic recycling process. We maximize the efficiency of our IT equipment recycling services in the following ways:
Efficient Nationwide Collection
Our collection service is spread nationwide, ensuring that no matter where you are in Nottingham, we can efficiently retrieve your old IT equipment.
Environmentally Friendly IT Recycling
We are committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the electronic waste we collect is processed with minimal impact on the environment.
Certified Services for a Wide Range of IT Equipment
We offer authorized and certified services for a wide range of IT equipment, ensuring that all your recycling needs are met.
Maximum Data Privacy
Data security is crucial. We provide safe and secure disposal services that prioritize the privacy of your sensitive data.
Value-Added Services
In addition to our computer disposal Nottingham services, we offer value-added services such as Hardware Testing, Lease Returns, and Auditing to serve you even better.
Book Your Equipment Today
At Computer Waste IT Recycling Nottingham, we make it easy for you to contribute to a sustainable future. You can easily book your equipment for computer recycling, specifying the time and place of collection that suits your needs. We understand the importance of your time and convenience, and our staff will collect your equipment as agreed upon, without any inconvenience.
Final Verdict
As the digital age continues to evolve, the responsibility for responsible computer disposal and recycling becomes increasingly essential. Computer Waste IT Recycling is your dedicated partner in ensuring that your old IT equipment is disposed of safely and sustainably. 
By choosing our computer disposal Nottingham services, you are not only making an environmentally responsible choice but also contributing to the well-being of Nottingham and its surroundings. Join us in our commitment to computer recycling services in Nottingham and IT recycling in Nottingham, and let's make a positive impact on our environment together. Contact us today to recycle your old IT equipment and embrace a sustainable future.
Cell Phone Number: 03303410785
0 notes
ecogreenitrecycling · 10 months
Choose EcoGreen for Sustainable Computer Recycling Services in Nottingham
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the need for responsible computer disposal and recycling services has never been more critical. Nottingham, being a hub of innovation and technology, generates a substantial amount of electronic waste. Ecogreen IT Recycling Nottingham takes pride in offering secure and eco-friendly computer recycling services in Nottingham, along with an unwavering commitment to IT recycling.
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In this post, we will explore the significance of computer recycling services in Nottingham and delve into the various aspects of IT recycling in Nottingham.
Importance of Computer Recycling 
Computer recycling is not just a matter of convenience; it's an environmental imperative. Disposing of old and redundant electronics improperly can have dire consequences for the environment. Such electronic equipment, when sent to landfills, releases toxic compounds, including Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium, which can be harmful to our ecosystem.
At EcoGreen IT recycling, we understand the gravity of this situation and offer comprehensive computer disposal services in Nottingham, not only as a service but as a responsibility towards a sustainable future. By properly recycling computers and IT equipment, we aim to protect Nottingham and its surroundings from the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals.
Our Computer Recycling Nottingham Services
Our computer disposal Nottingham services offer a holistic solution for organizations, schools, universities, NHS trusts, government agencies, and non-government organizations. We provide a range of services designed to ensure a seamless and secure process:
Free Collection of IT Equipment
We understand the importance of convenience, and our team is committed to making the process easy for you. We offer a free collection of your IT equipment from your desired location.
Logistics to Our Facility
Your collected equipment is safely transported to our state-of-the-art recycling facility, where it will be processed with care.
Secure Data Destruction and Shredding
Data security is paramount. We offer secure data destruction and hard drive shredding services, including onsite data destruction, for all businesses, schools, and establishments.
Data Erasure Certificate 
To provide you with complete peace of mind, we offer a Data Erasure Certificate as proof that your sensitive data has been securely destroyed.
IT Recycling and Disposal 
Our eco-friendly IT recycling and disposal services are at the core of our commitment to a sustainable Nottingham.
Detailed Audit Report
We maintain transparency in our process by providing you with detailed Audit Reports, IT Asset Management, Lease Returns, and Hardware Testing results.
IT Equipment That We Recycle
At Ecogreen IT Recycling Nottingham, we cater to the recycling needs of various IT equipment, including:
Desktop PCs
CRT and TFT Monitors
Printers (MFDs, Inkjet, and Laser) and Toners
EPOS Systems
Scanners, Photocopiers, and other related IT equipment
Why Choose Ecogreen IT Recycling Nottingham?
Several reasons setEcogreen IT Recycling apart as a reliable partner for secure computer recycling services in Nottingham:
Environmental Agency Registration
Our registration with the Environmental Agency underscores our dedication to responsible electronic waste management.
Secure Data Destruction
We offer certified data destruction services to ensure your IT security is never compromised.
WEEE Directive Compliance
We strictly adhere to the WEEE directive, ensuring that your computer disposal needs are met in accordance with the law.
EcoGreen Computer Recycling Services
Our computer Ecogreen IT Recycling Nottingham services go beyond the basic recycling process. We maximize the efficiency of our IT equipment recycling services in the following ways:
Efficient Nationwide Collection
Our collection service is spread nationwide, ensuring that no matter where you are in Nottingham, we can efficiently retrieve your old IT equipment.
Environmentally Friendly IT Recycling
We are committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the electronic waste we collect is processed with minimal impact on the environment.
Certified Services for a Wide Range of IT Equipment
We offer authorized and certified services for a wide range of IT equipment, ensuring that all your recycling needs are met.
Maximum Data Privacy
Data security is crucial. We provide safe and secure disposal services that prioritize the privacy of your sensitive data.
Value-Added Services
In addition to our computer disposal Nottingham services, we offer value-added services such as Hardware Testing, Lease Returns, and Auditing to serve you even better.
Book Your Equipment Today
At Ecogreen IT Recycling Nottingham, we make it easy for you to contribute to a sustainable future. You can easily book your equipment for computer recycling, specifying the time and place of collection that suits your needs. We understand the importance of your time and convenience, and our staff will collect your equipment as agreed upon, without any inconvenience.
Final Verdict
As the digital age continues to evolve, the responsibility for responsible computer disposal and recycling becomes increasingly important. Ecogreen IT Recycling is your dedicated partner in ensuring that your old IT equipment is disposed of safely and sustainably. 
By choosing our computer disposal Nottingham services, you are not only making an environmentally responsible choice but also contributing to the well-being of Nottingham and its surroundings. Join us in our commitment to computer recycling services in Nottingham and IT recycling in Nottingham, and let's make a positive impact on our environment together. Contact us today to recycle your old IT equipment and embrace a sustainable future.
Cell Phone Number: 033 0124 3053
0 notes
computeritdisposal · 10 months
Choose CITD for Sustainable Computer Recycling Services in Nottingham
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the need for responsible computer disposal and recycling services has never been more critical. Nottingham, being a hub of innovation and technology, generates a substantial amount of electronic waste. Computer IT Disposals takes pride in offering secure and eco-friendly computer recycling services in Nottingham, along with an unwavering commitment to IT recycling.
Tumblr media
In this post, we will explore the significance of computer recycling services in Nottingham and delve into the various aspects of IT recycling in Nottingham.
Importance of Computer Recycling 
Computer recycling is not just a matter of convenience; it's an environmental imperative. Disposing of old and redundant electronics improperly can have dire consequences for the environment. Such electronic equipment, when sent to landfills, releases toxic compounds, including Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium, which can be harmful to our ecosystem.
At Computer IT Disposals, we understand the gravity of this situation and offer comprehensive computer disposal services in Nottingham, not only as a service but as a responsibility towards a sustainable future. By properly recycling computers and IT equipment, we aim to protect Nottingham and its surroundings from the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals.
Our Computer Disposal Nottingham Services
Our computer disposal Nottingham services offer a holistic solution for organizations, schools, universities, NHS trusts, government agencies, and non-government organizations. We provide a range of services designed to ensure a seamless and secure process:
Free Collection of IT Equipment
We understand the importance of convenience, and our team is committed to making the process easy for you. We offer a free collection of your IT equipment from your desired location.
Logistics to Our Facility
Your collected equipment is safely transported to our state-of-the-art recycling facility, where it will be processed with care.
Secure Data Destruction and Shredding
Data security is paramount. We offer secure data destruction and hard drive shredding services, including onsite data destruction, for all businesses, schools, and establishments.
Data Erasure Certificate 
To provide you with complete peace of mind, we offer a Data Erasure Certificate as proof that your sensitive data has been securely destroyed.
IT Recycling and Disposal 
Our eco-friendly IT recycling and disposal services are at the core of our commitment to a sustainable Nottingham.
Detailed Audit Report
We maintain transparency in our process by providing you with detailed Audit Reports, IT Asset Management, Lease Returns, and Hardware Testing results.
IT Equipment That We Recycle
At Computer IT Disposal Nottingham, we cater to the recycling needs of various IT equipment, including:
Desktop PCs
CRT and TFT Monitors
Printers (MFDs, Inkjet, and Laser) and Toners
EPOS Systems
Scanners, Photocopiers, and other related IT equipment
Why Choose Computer IT Disposals Nottingham?
Several reasons set Computer IT Disposals apart as a reliable partner for secure computer recycling services in Nottingham:
Environmental Agency Registration
Our registration with the Environmental Agency underscores our dedication to responsible electronic waste management.
Secure Data Destruction
We offer certified data destruction services to ensure your IT security is never compromised.
WEEE Directive Compliance
We strictly adhere to the WEEE directive, ensuring that your computer disposal needs are met in accordance with the law.
CITD Computer Recycling Services
Our computer IT disposal Nottingham services go beyond the basic recycling process. We maximize the efficiency of our IT equipment recycling services in the following ways:
Efficient Nationwide Collection
Our collection service is spread nationwide, ensuring that no matter where you are in Nottingham, we can efficiently retrieve your old IT equipment.
Environmentally Friendly IT Recycling
We are committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the electronic waste we collect is processed with minimal impact on the environment.
Certified Services for a Wide Range of IT Equipment
We offer authorized and certified services for a wide range of IT equipment, ensuring that all your recycling needs are met.
Maximum Data Privacy
Data security is crucial. We provide safe and secure disposal services that prioritize the privacy of your sensitive data.
Value-Added Services
In addition to our computer disposal Nottingham services, we offer value-added services such as Hardware Testing, Lease Returns, and Auditing to serve you even better.
Book Your Equipment Today
At Computer IT Disposals Nottingham, we make it easy for you to contribute to a sustainable future. You can easily book your equipment for computer recycling, specifying the time and place of collection that suits your needs. We understand the importance of your time and convenience, and our staff will collect your equipment as agreed upon, without any inconvenience.
Final Verdict
As the digital age continues to evolve, the responsibility for responsible computer disposal and recycling becomes increasingly important. Computer IT Disposals is your dedicated partner in ensuring that your old IT equipment is disposed of safely and sustainably. 
By choosing our computer disposal Nottingham services, you are not only making an environmentally responsible choice but also contributing to the well-being of Nottingham and its surroundings. Join us in our commitment to computer recycling services in Nottingham and IT recycling in Nottingham, and let's make a positive impact on our environment together. Contact us today to recycle your old IT equipment and embrace a sustainable future.
Cell Phone Number: 03330153501
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This day in history
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I’m at the HowTheLightGetsIn festival in HAY-ON-WYE with my novel Red Team Blues. Today (May 29) at 12PM, I’m on a panel called Danger and Desire at the Frontier.
Tonight (May 29) at 7:30PM I’m at OXFORD’s Blackwell’s on with Tim Harford.
Tomorrow night (May 30) at 6:30PM, I’m at the NOTTINGHAM Waterstones with Christian Reilly.
Then it’s Manchester, London, Edinburgh, and Berlin!
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#10yrsago DIY turd-transplants https://web.archive.org/web/20130608030455/http://blogs.plos.org/publichealth/2013/05/29/why-diy-fecal-transplants-are-a-thing-and-the-fda-is-only-part-of-the-reason/
#10yrsago I Love New York people censor I Coffee Cup New York logo, want to send them a bill https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/30/nyregion/new-york-challenges-a-coffee-shop-logo.html
#10yrsago Schools and the cloud: will schools allow students to be profiled and advertised to in the course of their school-day? https://web.archive.org/web/20130603053407/http://www.safegov.org/media/48269/safegov_ponemon_uk_school_survey.pdf
#10yrsago Danish “Gangnam Style” mayors threatened with copyright lawsuit by Universal https://torrentfreak.com/universal-music-tells-gangnam-parody-mayors-pay-42000-by-tomorrow-or-else-130530/
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#10yrsago Science fiction story in the form of a Twitter bug-report https://web.archive.org/web/20130527235924/https://twitter.bug.quietbabylon.com/
#5yrsago Design fiction, speculative design, and “creepiness” https://www.wired.com/story/the-creepy-rise-of-real-companies-spawning-fictional-design/
#5yrsago The TSA has a secret enemies list of people who’ve complained about screeners https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/17/us/politics/new-watch-list-tsa-screeners-.html
#5yrsago Spectacular read: a profile of Anna Sorokin, a con-artist who convinced New York that she was a high-rolling socialite trust-funder https://www.thecut.com/article/how-anna-delvey-tricked-new-york.html
#5yrsago Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Maria death toll is 70 times higher than the official count https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1803972
#5yrsago An analysis of all those Internet of Things manifestos sparked by the slow-motion IoT catastrophe https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3173574.3173876
#5yrsago Quantifying the massive premium paid to people who work in “bullshit jobs” https://popularresistance.org/the-more-valuable-your-work-is-to-society-the-less-youll-be-paid-for-it/
#5yrsago White Americans abandoned democracy and embraced authoritarianism when they realized brown people would soon outvote them https://web.archive.org/web/20180528185731/http://svmiller.com/research/white-outgroup-intolerance-democratic-support/
#5yrsago Ad brokers are selling the fact that you visited an emergency room to ambulance-chasing lawyers https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/05/25/613127311/digital-ambulance-chasers-law-firms-send-ads-to-patients-phones-inside-ers
#5yrsago Efail: instructions for using PGP again as safely as is possible for now https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/how-turn-pgp-back-safely-possible
#5yrsago EFF on Cockygate: trademark trolls vs romance literature https://www.eff.org/takedowns/author-trademarks-cocky-earns-ire-romance-writers-everywhere
#1yrago Apple’s Cement Overshoes https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/30/80-lbs/#malicious-compliance
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Hay-on-Wye, Oxford, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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