#Nourishing Body Oil California
apple-and-bears · 12 days
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California Body Lotion Essentials: A Must-Have for Your Skin
Nourish your skin with this rich body lotion!Infused with the natural goodness of Aloe Vera juice, Sage water, and Safflower Seed Oil, this nourishing formula delivers deep hydration, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth, and refreshed. Designed to provide intense moisture, it’s perfect for everyday use to keep your skin healthy and radiant.
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Order Now: https://appleandbears.com/collections/california/products/california-body-lotion-300ml
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helenaheissner · 21 days
Trade Paperback Romance: Chapter 3
Month 2 (August)
“Okay, so, once you beat the eggs, just chop up the carrots and the bell peppers and add them to the mix,” Samantha said as she leaned back against the fridge. 
I went through the motions, hammering my cleaver down on the orange and red vegetables across the cutting board situated on my counter. The air conditioner hummed nearby, cooling the heat from the sizzling skillet of turkey sausage and the empty pan next to it slick with avocado oil.
“No, those are too chunky,” Samantha said. She reached over and took my hands by the wrist. “Hold it like this,” she said, raising my hand slightly. Her hands were soft and smooth around mine, and I flinched, but I didn’t push away. “And go for swift, fine slices, like this. If they’re not the same size, they won’t cook as fast or as evenly, and the texture will be all wrong.”
“Never thought about food texture before,” I admitted, feeling her breath on the back of my neck. She was wrapped around me, the softness of her curvy body pressing into my lean frame. I could feel her hip-dip through her dress, and the faint beginnings of her breasts were evident against my shoulder.
“I think about it a lot, honestly,” she said, her face next to mine as we looked down at the cutting board. Her cheeks weren’t quite pressing on my own, but it was inching ever closer second by second. She was warm and delicate, the floral scent of her perfume perking up my nose. “Now, slowly, evenly.”
I let her hands guide me through the motions, allowing the cleaver to carve through slices of carrots and peppers in thin, delicate chops and leaving them in small, proportional pieces. “You’ve got a real delicate touch,” I said as I turned my head and found my face, my eyes and my lips in particular, less than half an inch from hers.
She flinched, and she pulled her hands away from mine, and she pulled her body away from mine. A hollow feeling erupted within me as she retreated. Her face was redder than the peppers, and her hazel eyes were downcast even as the morning sun made them sparkle. 
“You okay?” I asked. 
“Fine, just… Just forget it. You might wanna get back to cooking, though -- give that sausage a stir.”
“Right,” I said, shaking my head and trying to put it out of my mind. Probably better this way. 
I added the veggies to the egg mixture, then poured it onto the empty skillet. The aroma went through the air, instantly making my stomach rumble and lasering my concentration on the task at hand. Better to put useless thoughts away and concentrate on what I could do.
Like learn to cook. Given all the free time I had lately, it seemed like a good thing to do. And Samantha had offered to teach me -- she’d been picking up the skill herself recently as part of her whole ‘wanting to eat healthier’ kick. Combined with everything else she was doing, it was paying massive dividends: she looked fantastic. Collar-length raven-black hair curled and tied back and framing her smooth, cute face beautifully, and a loose-fitting black dress draped over her milky body. Seriously, how someone managed to stay so pale in southern California was a mystery to me, but… 
No, no, none of that, I thought as I stirred the eggs and vegetables together. The heat was on a low setting, so the eggs would cook slowly enough for the vegetables to sauté as well. According to my new teacher, it was best to take things slow most of the time, let them simmer until they were ready so as to keep them as nourishing as possible. 
“How’s the job hunt going?” she asked as I stirred the contents of the pan. 
“Interviewed at a burger place,” I said. 
“How’d it go?”
“Well, they wanted to test me out by having me try making a burger.”
“And I accidentally set it on fire,” I grimaced. 
“Ah,” she said with a light chuckle. “Hence the sudden request for a lesson.”
“I mean, that’s part of it, yeah,” I said. 
“Oh? And what’s the other part?”
I shrugged. “Wanted to hang out with you.” 
“Aww, thanks,” she said, pacing back and forth across the kitchen. “So, you’re sure your parents won’t mind me being here?”
“I mean, they probably won’t find out,” I said, watching the egg mixture solidify. “When do I add the cheese?”
“Now,” she said. “Remember -- not too much, or it becomes a lot less healthy.”
“Right,” I said, grabbing a small fistful of grated parmesan from the small plate next to the stove. I tossed it haphazardly onto the eggs. 
“No, no, not like that,” Samantha sighed. 
“Why not?”
“It’ll get stuck on the pan, and you won’t get as much of the flavor out of it,” she said. “You need to be gentler with this stuff. Take it slower.”
“I… Dammit, you’re right,” I winced, angrily jabbing at the cheese melting on the metal with the wooden spoon. 
“Boy, what did I just say?” she deadpanned. She reached over and said, “Gimme that, I’ll try to salvage this.”
I relented, and she went about scraping the cheese off the metal and into the eggs. 
Eventually, it was done, and we had ourselves two veggie omelets with a side of turkey sausage. We sat down at my kitchen table, and I took an enormous bite of food. 
Not bad. Not great, but not bad. 
“What do you think of your food?” I asked, looking up and instantly regretting it when I saw her face contorting. “Yeesh. That bad, huh.”
“Just… Just too chewy. Must’ve let it simmer for too long,” she said, forcing another bite into her mouth and cringing again. 
“Okay, but you don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it --”
“I want to,” she said.
“Coulda fooled me.”
“It… I want to like it, I really do --”
“But it’s not quite working.”
“I was too rough, huh?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Figures. I always apply too much pressure --”
“Hey, c’mon now,” she said. “You know what you did wrong, and now you know how to improve. That matters a lot more than beating yourself up. Now, I dunno know about you, but I was raised to believe that if someone invites you into their home and feeds you, you eat every bite they put in front of you. So I’m gonna finish this plate.”
“Samantha --”
She shoved another forkful into her mouth. It was like watching someone gargle with lemon juice. 
“Is it really that bad for you?” I asked. 
“The taste itself is fine,” she said, hand covering her mouth. “It’s the mouth-feel that’s off.”
“My apologies.”
“Hey, it’s cool,” she said, still cringing. “You’ll get there.”
She chewed and swallowed, and looking at her there, doing that nonsense for me, putting up with my inept ass… I had a real friend in her. 
Now all I had to do was avoid screwing it up.
“Fuck!” I said as I fumbled the wires again. 
“Language, dear,” Mom said from across the dinner table, not bothering to look up from a patient’s chart that she’d photocopied and brought home.
“Just… try again, mijo,” Dad said, frustration boiling off of his hunched posture and gravelly voice and tapping fingers. 
Before me, standing between me and my dinner, was a simple closed-circuit involving a battery and a lightbulb. Easy. Basic stuff. The kind of thing elementary schoolers were given when they first learned about electricity. And my useless fingers and trembling hands kept fucking it up. 
All of this was compounded by my total inability to even get a freaking part-time job so I could at least have some extra money going into trade school, but I couldn’t even manage that much because I was a complete fucking failure, an utterly useless person with absolutely nothing going for me. 
“Mijo,” Dad said, “try again.”
And I did. 
“I just don’t understand why it isn’t working,” Dad said. 
“You’re the electrician.”
“And so are you.”
“Am I, though? Am I really?”
“You got any other ideas for what you’re gonna be?”
I stared at him blankly. 
“Didn’t think so,” Dad said. “Try again.”
I tied the wires around the end of the battery, and looped it around to the end of the lightbulb, silently praying that God would be so merciful as to let there be light on this one occasion. Mom and Dad had always had a pretty simple policy growing up: no dinner and no television until my homework was complete. And in this case, a very basic electrical task that I would be expected to know how to do going into my first semester, was the homework. 
 I held my breath. 
I finished the circuit. 
“AY! There we go! My boy’s got the touch!” Dad said, clapping me on the back way too hard with one hand and passing me a plate of cold pork chops and peas with the other.  
“... Yeah,” I said, “Do you mind if I heat this up?”
“Go right ahead,” Mom said, still reviewing patient charts, not even looking up. 
That was nothing new. She’d always done that. So had Dad, albeit usually in terms of reviewing manuals and magazines to keep up to date on the latest innovations. So why was it starting to bother me? 
Maybe it was because I was home more often. I didn’t really have a ton to do right now besides clean up around the house, but my inability to get a job was clearly bothering them, alongside the fact that I wasn’t very good at the thing I was going to start studying in a few weeks. And I was as frustrated as they were by all of that, but it all coalesced with them just… never really being home and not really talking to me much when they were home… into this general atmosphere of my not feeling like an actual part of my own family. 
Can’t say I was crazy about it. 
Can’t say I particularly wanted to bring it up to them, either. 
So instead I just put my food in the microwave and drummed my fingers on the counter. Our kitchen was spotless -- thanks to my efforts -- and while it was small, it housed a lot of good memories: birthday dinners, family get-togethers, holidays. 
Part of me wanted to ask why things were different now, but I already knew: I was an adult now. I didn’t feel like one -- not even remotely -- but my parents were treating me like one. 
And I guess this was what that looked like. 
“Any plans for the evening?” Dad finally said something non-work-related as I sat back down with my plate. 
“Gonna hang out with Samantha,” I said. “Mind if I borrow the car so I can pick her up at work?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Dad said. 
“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with this Samantha girl lately,” Mom said, finally looking up from her work. Of course. 
“Uh, yeah, now that you mention it, I guess I have,” I said after swallowing a mouthful of food. 
“What does she do?” Mom asked. 
“She works at the comic shop I go to,” I said. “Her uncle owns it and she helps him run the place.”
“Oh. Well, hopefully she’ll have something else lined up soon,” Mom said. “Those places don’t make much money, you know.”
I flinched. “Yes. I know.”
“Where are you taking her?” Dad asked. 
I shrugged. “Movies. Not really planning on seeing anything specific -- just gonna head over there, see what the showtimes are, grab some snacks beforehand. That kind of thing.”
“Keeping it casual -- probably for the best.”
I raised an eyebrow. “How do you mean?”
“You’ll be starting school soon, going somewhere in life. You won’t have a ton of time to date a girl with no direction.”
I squinted. “First of all, she and I aren’t dating --”
Dad rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh.”
“We’re just friends.”
“Sure you are,” Mom said in her flattest tone possible. 
“You… You guys know that men and women can just be friends, right?”
They locked eyes with each other, having some sort of silent conversation I wasn’t privy to. Finally, they both nodded, and Mom said, “I think it’s much easier said than done. But I know that we raised you to be an honest person, so if you say this girl is only a friend, we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”
“She is,” I said. She was, right? I guess I hadn’t given a ton of thought to the idea, but… She was a real cutie, I couldn’t deny that part. And I did love spending time with her, talking to her. We talked… basically every day at this point, either over the phone or through text messages if we weren’t around each other face to face. And hell, I hadn’t really told my parents this part, but I usually invited her to come over on her lunch breaks to eat with me. She gave me a cooking lesson, we’d shoot the breeze, talk about what we were reading. That kind of thing. Was I doing that to be a good friend or because…
Well, I knew why. I was doing it to make her smile. And because I liked being around her. Nothing complicated about it. Did that mean… 
Did I…
“Does she know that?” Mom asked, pulling me out of my confused haze. “Because… a girl can sometimes get the wrong idea when a boy is extra nice to her.”
“The reverse is also true,” I pointed out. “Remember in seventh grade when I thought Riley Drysdale had a crush on me because she gave me a pencil when I lost mine.”
“Vaguely,” Dad said. 
“All too well,” Mom nodded. “But you still haven’t answered the question.”
I blinked, and I thought long and hard. “I… I have no idea.”
“I see,” Mom said. “You might wanna find that out, just set the boundary now.”
“I mean, you’re assuming our son won’t catch feelings for this girl given sufficient time,” Dad said. 
An image floated across my mind’s eye: Samantha and I in a darkened movie theater, a horror movie plastered across the screen, Samantha jumping with fright, my arm slowly wrapping itself around her body, her head resting on my shoulder. 
A warm, magnetic feeling went through me, like she was really there, like I really wanted to… 
Another image appeared in my head: her face inching closer and closer to me, her lips puckered up, my lips pressing against hers… 
The warm and fuzzy feeling burst into an explosive heat, felt in every cell in my body. 
Did I like Samantha?
Could I? Was I allowed to? What were the rules here, for dating in general, for dating… 
Well, for dating a girl like her?
Didn’t feel like a question I was allowed to ask, and I somehow doubted my parents would be super knowledgeable on the subject given the complete dearth of understanding I’d been given by them. 
I scarfed the rest of my dinner, then said, “I have no idea if she sees me as anything more than a friend. And if it doesn’t come up, I’m not gonna ask, because that would make things awkward.”
“It’ll be a lot more awkward if you start --”
“Guys, enough!” I snapped. They’d been largely unwilling to talk to me for months, and now this of all things was what they wanted to pick my brain on… What the hell?
“Watch the tone, mijo,” Dad said with a stern voice as the light reflected off his glasses. 
“... Sorry, sorry --”
“Yeah, you should be!” Dad said. “You don’t talk to us like that! We raised you not to.”
“I said I’m sorry --”
“And you need some consequence for your behavior. No car tonight. Take the bus, or get a rideshare,” Dad said. 
My jaw dropped and I glared, but neither of them budged an inch. So I breathed out and said, “Fine. I’ll be back late. I’ve got my keys, so don’t wait up for me.”
“Have a nice time!” Mom said with a forced expression of cheer.  
“-- So yeah, that’s why you should read it,” I said, gesturing to the single-issue in the customer’s hand. I stood behind the counter and smiled, confident I’d done my part in bringing attention to an underselling title. 
“Okay, but like… What is it about?” the customer, a short and stocky teenage boy with nappy hair and a scrunched-up face, asked while tilting his head to the side. 
“Oh, uh,” I stumbled. Had I really not described the plot at all? Dammit. What had I even told him? “Okay, so, you see, there’s this guy, right? And he has to go on a quest to save his girlfriend, but his girlfriend gets possessed by a space ghost --”
“So it’s a horror story?”
“Well, kinda --”
“So it’s sci-fi?”
“It has sci-fi elements, yes, but it’s more of a murder mystery --”
“Nothing about that sounds mysterious.”
“But it is, because the space ghost was murdered by a space bounty hunter --”
“So how much space stuff is there?”
“A lotta space stuff,” I said. I had him on the hook -- this was good.
“I hate space stuff,” he said. 
FUCK! “I mean, there’s also a strong central love story at the heart of it --”
“I don’t really give a shit about romance,” he groaned. “You know what? Forget it. I’m gonna go somewhere else.”
“But --”
He put the comic back on the shelf of newly arrived issues. “Seriously, just forget it --”
“Hey now, let’s not jump to conclusions,” a familiar voice spoke out. The bell rang as the door closed behind Eli, and he sauntered in, grabbed the issue off the rack, and leaned on the counter. “How’s it going, friend?”
“Uh… Who are you?” the young man said. 
“Just a discerning connoisseur of comics and graphic novels, and I gotta say, you are missing out if you pass on this one,” Eli said. “You into mysteries? Horror?”
“Yeah, I like those,” the young man said. “But I don’t really go for sci-fi or romance.”
“Those are just flavors for this comic,” Eli said with a wave of his hand, locking eyes with the young man and flipping through the pages of the issue. He stopped near the middle, at the scene of the protagonist looking through a crime scene at his apartment with a crashed UFO in the background through the window. Ghostly images of suspects in the disappearance blurred in and out in sketchy, harsh images, while the vanished girlfriend loomed over the scene as a giant head. “Look at this surrealist shit -- isn’t that the wildest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“That is pretty wild,” the customer said, hand on his chin. “But what about the writing?”
“Oh, the writing is rock-solid. Very good fair-play mystery -- you can figure it out as you go if you look at the evidence hard enough, but it’s not too obvious. Legit, I thought I was onto something, but the end of the first volume threw a wrench in my theories. Like, genuinely mind-blowing stuff.”
“It’s already out in trade?”
“Two volumes are, yeah,” Eli smiled. “C’mere a sec.”
I looked at him in awe as he led the young man over to the indies shelf and grabbed two volumes off of it, and as he kept telling him more and more about until the young man was purchasing both volumes of the book AND the three uncollected issues. He waved good-bye to the customer as he left, and the customer waved back. I smiled at Eli, unable to blink, unable to take my eyes off of him. “That was amazing!”
“No, seriously, it was! You just closed a sale in under five minutes. I’d been working on that guy for a half hour and was making no progress at all. That… That was so cool!”
He flinched, his mouth opening just a crack but a dearth of words escaping from betwixt his lips. He looked down at his shoes, his feet shuffling awkwardly on the floor. It was… Honestly, it was adorable. He could shift from effortless confidence and charm to the dorkiest person I’d ever seen within seconds and it was…
Fuck, it was cute, alright? That feeling of seeing a vulnerable side to someone incredibly cool. Maybe it was reminiscent of that morning, too, when I was trying to teach him to cook. He wasn’t great at it, but he threw himself into it immediately. 
He tried. And he wasn’t afraid to fail. It was more than I could say for a lot of the people I’d met. Including myself. 
The sheer depths of the red zone into which the store had plummeted alarmed behind my eyes, and I blurted out, “Do you want a job?”
“Yes!” he exclaimed, his smile lighting up like someone had flipped a switch. Then he tilted his head. “Wait, are you allowed to do that?”
I scrunched my brow, tilted my head to the side, and shouted, “Hey, Uncle Paul!”
A labored breathing combined with a creaking of joints that pumped cortisol through my brain like a Biblical flood reached out from the stock room as Uncle Paul lumbered towards us. I really hoped he didn’t protest. He seriously needed to rest more. And yeah, taking on another employee might not be the most immediately prudent plan, but if Eli’s sales skills were what I thought they were…
“Hello, Elijah,” Uncle Paul said. “Good evening, niece. What’s going on?”
“Can Eli have a job?” I asked. 
Eli said, “I completely understand if that’s not something you guys can do right now --”
“Can you start tomorrow?” Uncle Paul said. 
Now it was my turn to blink. Huh. I’d expected that to be way harder.
“Hell yeah, I can!” Eli said, clapping his hands together. I sighed dreamily at his enthusiasm. 
“Awesome,” Uncle Paul said, rubbing his shoulder and wincing in what looked an awful lot like pain. “You start at 10 AM. That’s when we open. I’ll have your paperwork ready to go. Samantha can show you the ropes. Sound good?”
“Sounds great!”
“Told you I could make it happen,” I said, grinning and side-eyeing my new coworker. “I got connections. I’m a powerful lady, a real mover and shaker --”
“I’d expect nothing less from someone as cool as you,” Eli said, leaning against the counter and resting his cheek on his fist. 
My heart sounded inside my chest. It was then I realized I’d be spending almost every day going forward with this cute, charming, cute, thoughtful, cute, hardworking, CUTE young man. 
Perhaps things were on the up-and-up.
Hello, lovelies! Just a reminder that you can read four chapters ahead on this story by becoming a paid subscriber to my Patreon or Substack!
Also, “Love During Robot Fighting Time” is now available in its entirety, including 3 exclusive epilogue chapters (one of which is SPICY), in ebook format from Amazon and Itch, as well as paperback via Amazon!
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superbloverwhispers · 1 month
Experience Wellness and Relaxation at Carlsbad's Top Spa Resorts
Welcome to Carlsbad, California, where luxury meets relaxation at the top spa resorts in the area. If you’re looking for a rejuvenating escape from the stresses of everyday life, you’ve come to the right place. Experience wellness and relaxation like never before at Carlsbad's top spa resorts. From soothing massages to invigorating facials, these resorts offer a wide range of treatments that will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. Let’s dive into the world of ultimate pampering and discover the hidden gems that await you in Carlsbad.
Experience Wellness and Relaxation at Carlsbad's Top Spa Resorts
Indulge yourself in a world of tranquility and serenity as you step into Carlsbad's top spa resorts. These luxurious havens are designed to provide you with an unforgettable wellness experience that caters to your every need. Immerse yourself in a state of pure bliss as expert therapists work their magic, using a combination of ancient techniques and modern innovations.
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Q: How long do spa treatments usually last? A: The duration of spa treatments can vary depending on the type of treatment you choose. Massages typically last between 50-80 minutes, while facials can range from 60-90 minu
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omkarayurvedaa · 3 months
Embrace Holistic Healing with Ayurvedic Treatments in Southern California
Southern California, with its vibrant cities like Carlsbad, San Diego, San Marcos, Del Mar, Oceanside, Encinitas, Mission Viejo, and Poway, is a hub for those seeking balance and well-being. At Omkar Ayurveda, we offer a range of Ayurvedic treatments that blend ancient wisdom with modern wellness practices, helping you achieve optimal health.
Ayurvedic Consultation
Our journey begins with an Ayurvedic Consultation, where a certified Ayurvedic practitioner assesses your unique body constitution and health needs. This personalized evaluation forms the foundation of a tailored wellness plan that includes dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and herbal treatments. By understanding your Prakriti (natural constitution) and Vikriti (current state), we can address imbalances and promote overall health.
Ayurveda Therapy
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Basti in Panchakarma
As a vital component of our Panchakarma detoxification program, Basti Therapy involves the use of medicated enemas to cleanse the colon and restore balance. Basti is particularly effective for addressing digestive issues, chronic pain, and stress-related disorders. It helps to eliminate deep-seated toxins and rejuvenate the body from within.
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In the serene environments of Carlsbad, San Diego, and other Southern California cities, taking time to invest in your health is essential. Visit Omkar Ayurveda and experience the transformative power of these ancient healing practices. Start your journey to holistic wellness with us today. Follow us on Instagram today!
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newmiuz · 5 months
🌸New Miuz: Elevate Your Self-Care Experience🌸
Established in 2012, New Miuz is headquartered in the coastal haven of Newport Beach, California, USA. Our dedication is singular: to offer you natural, premium-grade products that nurture both your body and mind. Every item in our collection is meticulously crafted, rooted in the principles of aromatherapy, and endorsed by professional aromatherapists.
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🌺Transformative Holistic Products🌺
Indulge in a diverse array of holistic products meticulously designed to transform your self-care routine:
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Elevate your self-care rituals with New Miuz's scientifically formulated products, tailored to enhance your overall well-being and promote a sense of tranquility in your daily life.
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✨Craftsmanship and Ethics✨
At New Miuz, we prioritize quality craftsmanship and ethical sourcing practices:
Handmade in the USA: Our products are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans in the USA, ensuring superior quality and authenticity.
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Join us in our commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, as we strive to make a positive impact on both your well-being and the world around us.
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🚀Empowering Wellness for All🚀
At New Miuz, inclusivity and accessibility are at the heart of everything we do:
Diverse Community of Artisans: We empower a diverse community of artisans to contribute to the creation of our self-care products, fostering creativity and inclusivity.
Accessible Wellness: We believe that wellness should be accessible to everyone, regardless of background or circumstance. Our products are designed to cater to a wide range of individuals, ensuring that everyone can experience the benefits of holistic self-care.
Experience the transformative power of holistic wellness with New Miuz, where everyone is welcome to embark on their journey to well-being.
📞Contact Us📞
For any inquiries regarding our products or our company, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Our dedicated team is committed to providing prompt and helpful assistance to all your queries.
Join us in the journey to elevate your self-care experience with New Miuz. Embrace the transformative power of natural, handcrafted wellness products and discover a path to radiant well-being today.
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kavyaorganicfarm · 6 months
6 Best Organic Baby Soap
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Title: The 6 Best Organic Baby Soaps for Gentle Skincare
Introduction: When it comes to your baby's delicate skin, only the gentlest care will do. Organic baby soaps offer a natural and safe solution, free from harsh chemicals and additives that can irritate sensitive skin. In this article, we'll explore six of the best organic baby soaps that prioritize purity and gentleness for your little one's skincare routine.
Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Baby Unscented Soap: Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Baby Unscented Soap is a beloved choice among parents seeking a gentle yet effective cleansing option for their babies. Made with organic and fair-trade ingredients, this soap is free from synthetic fragrances, dyes, and preservatives. Its mild formula ensures a soothing cleanse without stripping the skin of its natural oils, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.
Earth Mama Simply Non-Scents Baby Wash: Earth Mama is renowned for its commitment to creating safe and natural products for both moms and babies. Their Simply Non-Scents Baby Wash is specially formulated for delicate infant skin, utilizing organic herbs and plant-based ingredients. Free from artificial fragrances, parabens, and sulfates, this soap gently cleanses without causing irritation or dryness. Its mild, hypoallergenic formula makes it suitable for daily use, leaving your baby's skin soft and nourished.
Babyganics Baby Shampoo + Body Wash: Babyganics Baby Shampoo + Body Wash offers a gentle 2-in-1 solution for bath time, effectively cleansing both hair and body without harsh chemicals. Formulated with plant-derived ingredients and certified organic essential oils, this soap is tear-free and dermatologist-tested for safety. It is free from sulfates, phthalates, and artificial fragrances, making it ideal for babies with sensitive skin or eczema. The gentle foaming action leaves skin clean and moisturized, while the subtle citrus scent provides a refreshing aroma.
SheaMoisture Raw Shea Chamomile & Argan Oil Baby Head-To-Toe Wash & Shampoo: SheaMoisture is renowned for its nourishing products infused with natural ingredients, and their Raw Shea Chamomile & Argan Oil Baby Wash & Shampoo is no exception. Enriched with certified organic shea butter, chamomile, and argan oil, this soap gently cleanses and moisturizes delicate skin and hair. Free from sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and mineral oil, it provides a nurturing cleanse without harsh chemicals. The soothing chamomile scent adds a calming touch to bath time, promoting relaxation for both baby and parent.
California Baby Super Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash: California Baby is dedicated to crafting gentle and hypoallergenic products suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. Their Super Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash is specially formulated for babies with allergies, eczema, or sensitive skin conditions. Made with organic and plant-based ingredients, including certified organic aloe vera and calendula extracts, this soap cleanses gently without causing irritation. It is free from common allergens, fragrances, and sulfates, making it a safe choice for daily use.
Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash: Burt's Bees is renowned for its natural and environmentally friendly products, and their Baby Shampoo & Wash is no exception. Formulated with 98.9% natural ingredients, including coconut oil and sunflower oil, this soap gently cleanses and nourishes delicate skin and hair. It is pediatrician-tested and free from phthalates, parabens, petrolatum, and SLS, ensuring a gentle and safe cleanse for your little one. The mild formula is suitable for daily use and leaves behind a subtle, honey-like fragrance.
Conclusion: When it comes to caring for your baby's skin, choosing the right soap is essential. Organic baby soaps offer a safe and gentle solution, free from harsh chemicals and additives. Whether you prefer unscented options like Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Baby Soap or soothing formulations like Earth Mama Simply Non-Scents Baby Wash, there are plenty of organic options available to meet your baby's skincare needs. By opting for organic baby soaps, you can ensure that your little one receives the gentle care they deserve, promoting healthy and happy skin from day one.
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lulufroo · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Alo Glow System Mega-C Body Wash NIB.
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cheyannemallasusa · 7 months
Natural Beauty Renewal with Cheyanne Mallas: How Bioregenerative Aesthetics Can Enhance Mom's Glow
Every mom deserves to feel radiant and confident in her own skin. However, the demands of motherhood often leave little time for self-care, leading to tired, stressed-out skin. Fortunately, advancements in bioregenerative aesthetics offer innovative solutions to rejuvenate and enhance natural beauty without invasive procedures or harsh chemicals. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative power of bioregenerative aesthetics in renewing mom's glow with the help of dermatologists like Cheyanne Mallas, providing insights into effective treatments and skincare routines tailored to busy moms. Read more about Mallas here.
Understanding Bioregenerative Aesthetics
Bioregenerative aesthetics harness the power of natural processes within the body to promote skin renewal and rejuvenation. Unlike traditional cosmetic procedures that involve invasive techniques or synthetic ingredients, bioregenerative treatments stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms to improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity. From collagen induction therapy to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, these treatments stimulate cellular regeneration and enhance skin health from within.
Moreover, bioregenerative aesthetics prioritize safety and efficacy, offering gentle yet effective solutions for addressing common skincare concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and dullness. By working with the body's natural processes, bioregenerative treatments from dermatologists like Cheyanne Mallas PA minimize the risk of adverse reactions and provide long-lasting results that enhance mom's natural beauty.
Harnessing the Power of Stem Cells
Stem cell therapy is a groundbreaking approach in bioregenerative aesthetics that leverages the regenerative potential of stem cells to rejuvenate the skin. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of transforming into various cell types, making them ideal for promoting tissue repair and regeneration. In skincare, stem cell extracts derived from plant sources or ethically sourced human stem cells are used to stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Additionally, stem cell therapy can enhance the effectiveness of other bioregenerative treatments by providing a potent boost of regenerative factors. Whether incorporated into topical serums, facial masks, or injectable treatments, stem cell-based products offer a natural and sustainable approach to skincare that resonates with environmentally conscious moms.
Nourishing the Skin with Natural Ingredients
Incorporating natural ingredients into skincare routines is essential for promoting overall skin health and vitality. Many moms are turning to plant-based skincare products rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids to nourish and replenish their skin. Ingredients such as rosehip oil, argan oil, green tea extract, and hyaluronic acid hydrate the skin, enhance elasticity, and protect against environmental stressors.
Moreover, natural skincare formulations are free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and preservatives, making them safe and gentle for sensitive skin. By prioritizing clean and sustainable skincare practices with the help of dermatologists like Cheyanne Mallas California, moms can support their skin's natural renewal processes and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion.
Embracing Holistic Wellness Practices
In addition to skincare treatments, holistic wellness practices play a crucial role in enhancing mom's glow from the inside out. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and stress management techniques help reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. When combined with bioregenerative aesthetics, these holistic approaches create a synergistic effect that enhances skin health and radiance.
Furthermore, prioritizing adequate sleep, staying hydrated, and following a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids support skin health and promote a youthful complexion. By embracing a holistic approach to wellness with the help of dermatologists like Cheyanne Mallas, moms can optimize their skin's natural regeneration processes and radiate beauty from within.
Customizing Skincare Regimens for Busy Moms
As busy moms juggle multiple responsibilities, finding time for elaborate skincare routines can be challenging. However, incorporating simple yet effective skincare habits into daily routines can make a significant difference in skin health and appearance. Opt for multi-tasking products that combine multiple skincare benefits in one, such as moisturizers with built-in SPF protection or cleansers that double as exfoliants.
Moreover, prioritize consistency over complexity when it comes to skincare. Establishing a simple and manageable routine consisting of cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection ensures that essential skincare needs are met without overwhelming time constraints. By customizing skincare regimens to fit their lifestyles, moms can achieve beautiful, glowing skin without sacrificing precious time with their families.
Seeking Professional Guidance and Support
While at-home skincare practices are essential, seeking professional guidance from qualified skincare experts is invaluable for moms looking to enhance their natural beauty. Dermatologists, estheticians, and skincare specialists can assess individual skin concerns, recommend tailored treatments, and provide personalized skincare advice.
Additionally, scheduling regular appointments for professional facials, chemical peels, or microneedling treatments allows moms to benefit from the expertise of skincare professionals and address specific skincare concerns effectively. By partnering with trusted professionals such as dermatologists like Cheyanne Mallas, moms can navigate the world of bioregenerative aesthetics with confidence and achieve optimal results in their skincare journeys.   
Bioregenerative aesthetics offer transformative solutions for enhancing mom's glow and promoting natural beauty renewal. By understanding the principles of bioregenerative skincare, harnessing the power of stem cells, nourishing the skin with natural ingredients, embracing holistic wellness practices, customizing skincare regimens, and seeking professional guidance, moms can achieve radiant, healthy skin that reflects their inner vitality and confidence. With the right combination of treatments and skincare practices, every mom can enjoy a rejuvenated complexion and embrace her beauty with grace and self-assurance.
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ajfanstore · 7 months
What Sets Mamra Almonds Apart 
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Delve into the world of Mamra almonds, a prized organic almond variety revered for its distinctive cervical shape, delicate outer coating, and rich, bitter-sweet flavour. Sourced from the lush lands of Iran, Afghanistan, and the Kashmir valley in India, Mamra almonds, also known as "Mamra badam giri," stand apart for their superior quality and unmatched nutritional value. 
While conventional almonds boast their array of health benefits, Mamra Almond take it a step further with its elevated oil content, containing up to 50% oil compared to the standard 25–30% found in California almonds. Renowned for their richness in proteins, amino acids, and essential minerals and vitamins, Mamra almonds emerge as the epitome of wholesome nutrition. 
How To Identify Finest Mamra Almonds 
Distinguishable by their pointy tips and distinctive aroma, Mamra almonds exude an unmistakable allure. Unlike their counterparts, Mamra almonds captivate the senses with their unique taste profile and exquisite texture, making them a coveted delicacy for health enthusiasts and culinary connoisseurs alike. 
Embrace the Health Benefits of Mamra Almonds 
Packed with essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, zinc, and magnesium, Mamra almonds offer a myriad of health benefits. From bolstering the immune system to combating metabolic syndrome, these nutrient-rich gems serve as a cornerstone for overall well-being and vitality. 
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Step into the world of Ajfan Store and embark on a journey of flavour and nutrition with our premium range of dry fruits. From succulent raisins to crunchy cashews, our handpicked selection promises unparalleled quality and freshness with every bite. 
Why Choose Dry Fruits  
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Let us be your partner in wellness and vitality. 
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babyproduct01 · 8 months
The 10 Best Baby Skincare Products of 2024
Introduction: Welcoming a new addition to the family brings immeasurable joy, but it also comes with the responsibility of caring for your precious little one's delicate skin. As 2024 unfolds, the baby skincare market continues to evolve, offering a plethora of options designed to keep your baby's skin soft, healthy, and happy. In this blog post, we'll explore the 10 best baby skincare products of 2024, ensuring you have the information you need to make the best choices for your little bundle of joy.
CuddlyCare Baby Shampoo and Body Wash: This gentle, tear-free formula is enriched with natural ingredients, providing a soothing bath time experience for your baby. The hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested product ensures your baby's skin stays soft and moisturized.
Burt's Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment: Protect your baby's delicate skin with this pediatrician-tested ointment. Formulated with nourishing ingredients like shea butter and lavender oil, it creates a natural barrier against diaper rash, leaving your baby's skin smooth and irritation-free.
Mustela Hydra Bebe Body Lotion: Mustela's lightweight, non-greasy lotion is perfect for everyday use. Enriched with jojoba oil and shea butter, it provides long-lasting hydration and helps maintain the skin's natural barrier.
Babyganics SPF 50+ Sunscreen: Shield your little one from harmful UV rays with this fragrance-free and mineral-based sunscreen. The water-resistant formula ensures protection during outdoor adventures, and its gentle composition is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment: A staple in many households, Aquaphor's ointment is a multipurpose wonder. It effectively soothes dry skin, chapped cheeks, and diaper rash. Its hypoallergenic and fragrance-free formula makes it a go-to choice for parents.
Earth Mama Organics Baby Face Nose & Cheek Balm: Combat dry, chapped skin during colder months with this organic balm. Gentle enough for daily use, it's packed with organic calendula and cocoa butter to soothe and moisturize your baby's delicate facial skin.
Johnson's CottonTouch Newborn Face and Body Lotion: Specifically designed for newborns, this lightweight lotion provides moisture that lasts for 24 hours. Its ultra-gentle formula, free from parabens and phthalates, is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.
California Baby Calendula Cream: This plant-based cream harnesses the power of calendula to soothe and moisturize your baby's skin. Perfect for eczema-prone skin, it's free from common allergens, making it a safe choice for all skin types.
CeraVe Baby Wash & Shampoo: Developed with dermatologists, CeraVe's baby wash and shampoo is enriched with essential ceramides to maintain the skin's natural barrier. The tear-free formula is fragrance-free and leaves your baby's skin feeling clean and soft.
Weleda White Mallow Diaper Rash Cream: Formulated with organic white mallow extract, this diaper rash cream provides gentle yet effective protection for your baby's bottom. It's fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skin, offering relief from discomfort associated with diaper rash.
Conclusion: As a parent, choosing the right skincare products for your baby is a crucial decision. The best baby skincare products of 2024 combine safety, effectiveness, and nourishing ingredients to keep your little one's skin happy and healthy. Always consult with your pediatrician before introducing new products, and enjoy the bonding moments that come with caring for your baby's delicate skin.
Get more information, Please Click Here
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kilianderson · 9 months
How Clean Products by Skin and Senses Support Healthy Skin
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Skin and Senses caters to clients who aim to achieve timeless beauty by providing a range of natural skin products. The company’s products are classified into three collections: face, body, and pregnancy. Each of the company’s product lines is carefully designed to maximize the transformative potential of the skin to help clients look their best and feel empowered.
Skin and Senses products are ideal for all skin types and safe for pregnancy use by focusing on a natural and holistic approach to skincare. Natural exfoliating products offered by Skin and Senses are formulated to renew the skin's surface, leaving it supple, vibrant, and receptive to nourishment.
The company’s natural moisturizers are meticulously designed to infuse the skin with essential nutrients, vitamins, and moisture. In addition to exfoliating and moisturizing products, specialized Skin and Senses formulations are available for targeting specific skin areas prone to aging.
Skin and Senses products provide hydration without drying, unlike some synthetic facial products that contain chemicals like phthalates and alcohol, which can cause skin dryness, breakouts, and redness, particularly for those with dry skin. Products available from Skin and Senses include oils, lotions, mists, butter, scrubs, polishes, and creams.
Made in California, Skin and Senses products are formulated with natural ingredients that provide higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants than synthetic products and are free of fillers or diluted ingredients. Products are environmentally friendly as their creation utilizes fewer resources and generates less waste. They are formulated without additives, GMOs, alcohol, artificial colors, synthetic chemicals, and phthalates, which can negatively impact health.
A cruelty-free company, Skin and Senses never tests its products on animals. Most products offered by Skin and Senses don’t contain water and, therefore, don’t need preservatives. The three of the company’s products that do have water are stabilized with a carefully selected, safe, and effective preservative.
Argan oil aids in fading stretch marks, reducing redness, encouraging new skin growth, and boosting skin elasticity. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production, acts as an antioxidant, and shields the skin from harsh conditions and premature aging. Sugar serves as an effective exfoliant, eliminating dead skin cells and impurities. Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, especially beneficial for individuals with eczema or sensitive skin.
Rosewater aids in reducing inflammation and acne and acts as an antibacterial agent to prevent breakouts and soothe skin irritations. Aloe leaf juice is abundant in antioxidants that effectively improve skin conditions like psoriasis or dermatitis while shielding and rejuvenating the skin.
Rosehip oil is ideal for hydrating and rejuvenating the skin and aids in minimizing wrinkles and fine lines. Jojoba oil is an optimal moisturizer that doesn't clog pores and is ideal for dry skin prone to breakouts. Other vital ingredients in Skin and Senses products include charcoal, green tea, cucumber, and bentonite clay.
All products offered by Skin and Senses are tested thoroughly to ensure they are safe and effective. A sample is retained from every batch of products the company produces to maintain quality. Some examples have been found to maintain their beneficial properties even three years after their creation date. Products should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, humidity, and excessive moisture to prolong shelf life.
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apple-and-bears · 16 days
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California Hand & Body Lotion
The California Hand & Body Lotion is a nourishing blend formulated with natural extracts and moisturizing oils, designed to hydrate and protect your skin.
This vegan, cruelty-free lotion is free from gluten, alcohol, and sulfates, making it ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Made in England with recyclable and reusable packaging, this lotion is gentle yet effective, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth, and refreshed with a natural, light fragrance.
Shop Now: https://leisuretrade.appleandbears.com/products/body-hand-lotion-refill-5l
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shopofthemoment · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: new Alo 𖦹 Mega C Body Wash 𖦹 Luxury Travel Size 𖦹 Yoga Bag 𖦹 Clean Sealed 𖦹.
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thebulkcart1234 · 11 months
Everything You Should Know about Organic Jojoba Oil by Jojoba Company
In an era where sustainable brands and environmental friendliness are paramount, The Bulk Cart proudly brings you the exceptional Organic Jojoba Essential Oil by The Jojoba Company. This organic essential oil stands out as a beacon of sustainability in the world of cosmetics and personal care products, thanks to its remarkable applications and eco-friendly sourcing.
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Usage and Applications of Organic Jojoba Essential Oil:
Organic Jojoba essential oil, obtained from the seeds of the Jojoba plant, offers a multitude of applications, making it a valuable addition to your skincare and wellness routines. Here's a glimpse of how this organic essential oil can be harnessed:
1. Skincare: Organic Jojoba essential oil is a cherished ingredient in various skincare formulations. Its reputation for nourishing and hydrating the skin has made it a favored choice for sustainable brands seeking natural solutions.
2. Hair care: The benefits of Organic Jojoba essential oil extend to hair care as well. It can be integrated into hair products or used independently to promote hair health and shine, enhancing its role as a sustainable supplier in the beauty industry.
3. Massage: As carrier oil, Organic Jojoba essential oil provides a smooth and luxurious base for massages, contributing to a relaxing and revitalizing experience while supporting Sustainable B2B Trade practices.
4. Aromatherapy: In the world of aromatherapy, this essential oil serves as a trusted base for diluting and diffusing other oils. Its mild scent and stability make it a prime choice for practitioners aiming to create a soothing atmosphere while adhering to environmental friendliness.
5. DIY Beauty Products: If you enjoy crafting your beauty products, Organic Jojoba essential oil is a versatile addition. It can be used in the creation of lip balms, body oils, and facial masks, aligning with the principles of sustainable brands.
6. Nail Care: For nail care routines, Organic Jojoba essential oil can be applied to cuticles and nails, helping to maintain their health and appearance.
At The Bulk Cart, we take pride in offering prompt shipping of The Jojoba Company's Organic Jojoba Essential Oil from our expansive 100,000 sq ft facility located in California. Our dedicated customer service team is available from 8 am to 4 pm Pacific time and ensures efficient communication by monitoring emails 24/7. Rest assured that your order will be handled with care and delivered promptly, allowing you to experience the remarkable qualities of The Jojoba Company's Organic Jojoba Essential Oil. Join us in promoting sustainability and make the switch to this eco-conscious essential oil for your health and beauty needs.
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omkarayurvedaa · 4 months
The Transformative Power of Ayurvedic Treatments in Southern California
In the serene locales of Carlsbad, San Diego, San Marcos, Del Mar, Oceanside, Encinitas, Mission Viejo, and Poway, Omkar Ayurveda offers a sanctuary for those seeking natural and holistic health solutions. Our certified Ayurvedic practitioners provide a wide array of treatments to restore balance and enhance vitality.
Ayurvedic Consultation
Begin your wellness journey with a thorough Ayurvedic Consultation. Our experts assess your unique body constitution, known as Prakriti, and identify any imbalances. This personalized approach ensures that the treatment plan you receive is tailored to your specific needs, encompassing diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies.
Ayurveda Massage Therapy
Experience the healing touch of Ayurveda Massage Therapy, designed to detoxify and revitalize your body. The Ayurvedic Oil Massage, or Abhyanga, utilizes warm, herb-infused oils to stimulate circulation, nourish the skin, and promote deep relaxation. This therapy is ideal for reducing stress and fostering a sense of well-being.
Shirodhara Scalp & Body Massage
For those looking to achieve mental tranquility, the Shirodhara Scalp & Body Massage offers unparalleled benefits. This treatment involves gently pouring warm oil over the forehead, helping to soothe the mind, alleviate headaches, and improve sleep quality. It’s a perfect therapy for anyone dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety.
Basti in Panchakarma
As a critical component of the Panchakarma detox regimen, Basti Therapy plays a pivotal role in eliminating toxins from the body. This therapy involves the administration of medicated enemas, which cleanse the colon and rejuvenate internal organs. Basti is highly recommended for individuals with digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and stress-related conditions.
Abhyanga Therapy
Abhyanga Therapy is a form of Ayurvedic massage that uses rhythmic strokes and warm oils to balance the body’s doshas. This therapy not only detoxifies but also provides deep relaxation, strengthens the immune system, and enhances skin health. It’s a holistic treatment that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.
Nutritional Counseling
Good nutrition is a cornerstone of Ayurveda. Our Nutritional Counseling services provide personalized dietary plans that align with your body type and health goals. Whether you aim to lose weight, manage a chronic condition, or simply improve your overall health, our counselors will guide you towards making healthier food choices.
At Omkar Ayurveda, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal health through natural and time-tested Ayurvedic practices. Embrace the power of Ayurveda in Southern California and embark on a path to holistic wellness and inner peace. Visit us today to start your transformative journey.
Follow us on Instagram.
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tipsycad147 · 11 months
All The Love: Damiana Plant Profile
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Alexis J. Cunningfolk
Today I get to introduce you to a plant friend that I met in one of my very first formal herbalism classes. I still remember the ease and laughter that talking about Damiana (Turnera diffusa) brought to the class - a feeling which encapsulates Damiana’s gift of joyful exchange. While Damiana is typically classified as an aphrodisiac and seen as an herb of sex and romance (which it is), Damiana is also a wonderful plant ally to work with when you’re trying to create connection with other folks in a shared space.
If you prefer to be able to easily print out the following profile as well as learn about other aphrodisiac and adaptogenic herbs, you’re invited to The Plant Ally Library.
I hope you enjoy meeting Damiana and getting to know this plant that acts as an “adaptogenic aphrodisiac” helping us to soften our edges while feeling sturdy in our sense of wellbeing.
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Damiana (Turnera diffusa)
Common + Folk Names : Pastorcita, yerba del pastor, hierba del venado, hierba de la pastora
Tarot Cards : The Lovers, Suit of Wands, Suit of Swords
Element : Fire, Air 
Zodiac Signs : Libra (Guardian & Remedy)
Planets : Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
Moon Phase : Full Moon
Parts used : Aboveground plant
Habitat : Native to the American Southwest, Mexico, and the West Indies.
Growing conditions : Rich to sandy soil with regular watering.
Collection : Collect when the flowers are blooming.
Flavor : Bitter, pungent
Temperature : Warm
Moisture : Dry
Tissue States : Cold (Depression), Stagnation (Damp), Relaxation (Damp) - learn more about traditional western herbalism energetics.
Constituents : Vitamin C, phosphorous, selenium, silicon, sulfur, flavonoids, essential oils, glycosides, damianin, beta-sitosterol, arbutin, tannin.
Actions : Adaptogen, antidepressant, alterative, anti-inflammatory, aperient, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cholagogue, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, stomachic, urinary tonic. 
Main Uses : An herb that has recorded use stretching back to Mayan culture, Damiana has a lot to offer in the ways of herbal healing. Damiana has long been used by the indigenous peoples of the American Southwest and Mexico, including the Yaqui, Rarámuri, and Pima Bajo, including as a tonic for stomachache, a remedy for diarrhea, infertility, inflammation, for lowering blood sugar, increasing the metabolism, and low libido.¹
Damiana was one of the first herbs I was introduced to in my first round of herbal classes in Southern California and it’s honored as an important local remedy as well as a recognizable local liqueur bottled in a distinctive Goddess-shaped bottle. While Damiana is typically presented as an aphrodisiac (which is definitely is), you’ll sometimes see the plant is categorized as an adaptogen. I was taught to use it as an adaptogenic aphrodisiac, embodying the best qualities of herbal aphrodisiacs with the nourishing and restorative qualities of an adaptogen. One of the reasons that Damiana is so effective as an aphrodisiac is that it reduces stress and stress-related complaints including ulcers, colic, indigestion, poor fertility, and low libido. In addition to helping with stress relief, the adaptogenic qualities of Damiana work to regulate the pituitary gland and increase energy. 
Damiana clears brain fog and many head-related disorders including migraines and headaches, calms the nervous system, and greatly reduces overactive mental activity. For anxiety, Damiana is indicated when anxiety creates sluggishness in the mornings and becomes increasingly worse in the evenings.² Damiana can either be stimulating or relaxing to the nervous system, depending on the needs of the body. Damiana is helpful in cases of mental agitation including OCD and anxiety as well as for cases of cognitive decline, including dementia. Herbalist Thomas Bartram recommends combining Damiana with Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and Milky Oats (Avena sativa) for dementia with accompanying indications of weakness resulting in a blend which strengthens and nourishes while providing gentle stimulation which assists in cognitive function and stability.³
The herb helps the nervous system to deliver information throughout the body and as both a brain tonic and aphrodisiac helps to line up mental and physical clarity and desire (i.e. helping to alleviate the ways we can get stuck in our heads in unhelpful ways when pursuing pleasure). While the herb has soothing energies, it is also energizing in that it invigorates the mind and body, which is another reason that Damiana is such a great aphrodisiac.
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As an aphrodisiac, Damiana also helps to improve libido, increase fertility and sperm count, and reconnect the body to the experience of orgasm. Energetically, the herb is said to help folks who want to to overcome shyness and fear of intimacy as well as the fear of being “good enough” in bed. Herbalist Karen M. Rose recommends Damiana for those recovering their pleasure after experiencing disconnection due to trauma.⁴ While it should not be used during pregnancy, the herb can be used during labor to aid in childbirth - it softens and opens up the birth canal. Damiana is also useful for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Overall, it is an excellent herb to reconnect with pleasure in your life.
In addition to use as a nervine and aphrodisiac, Damiana can help to expel excess phlegm and dry up excess mucous in cases of colds and bronchitis. The herb helps to relax the respiratory system, calming coughs and helping to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.
Topically the herbal oil (not essential oil) can be used as a lubricant in mundane and magickal rites of sex and pleasure.
Magickal Uses : Damiana is an excellent herb for love magick, especially when sexual desire is involved. Use it in sex magick and practices, especially when it comes to communicating clearly with your partners and feeling comfortable expressing your sexuality. 
The herb also aids in the development and awakening of psychic vision. Magickal herbalist Paul Beyerl notes that Damiana has an affinity with quartz crystal and he recommends storing clear quartz in your jar of Damiana as well as making an quartz crystal oil using a base of Damiana oil.⁵
The Damiana Personality : The need of a Damiana person feels so great that they have cut themselves off from it to cope. Damiana folk want sensuality and sex but the emotional labor to experience it because of the emotional baggage they carry can feel insurmountable. There can be a pattern of denying and suppressing wants and desires which then emerge in unhealthy habits in an attempt to find the pleasure they feel denied. There can also be a fear of rejection tied up with low self-esteem that makes even the smallest dismissal from a significant other feel catastrophic, further driving a wedge between their needs and desires for physical affection. Fortunately, when Damiana folk are able to get the support they need (therapeutic, nutritional, herbal, etc) and untie the emotional knots tangling up their spirit, they can and will experience pleasure again. In fact, they’ll often find that the pleasure that they imagined was unattainable is small compared to what they are able to experience in a beneficial Damiana state. For Damiana is a patient, flexible, and wildly intelligent ally when it comes to pleasure of all kinds, not just sexual, and reconnecting us to the radiant fullness of feeling.
Contraindications : Generally regarded as safe, but may interfere with iron absorption. Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Caution with diabetes medication due to Damiana’s affect on blood sugar.
Dosage : Standard dosage.
I believe that every plant contains the possibility of helping us to connect with our pleasure as a state of expanded connectivity where we feel good in ourselves.
Of course, there are plants that have a reputation for being very effective at helping us to connect with what feels good in our bodies and our relationships, including Milky Oat (Avena sativa), Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), to name just a few. Building a relationship with plant allies, returning your herbalism to an earth-centered practice, and allowing yourself to play with possibility as a path of healing can all help to name and experience your own pleasure. In other words, there are as many paths to pleasure as there are beings, and plant allies are just one of many helpful partnerships to finding those paths.
As you journey through the world of herbalism, I hope that you find those plant allies which help you connect with your deepest desires, and find a way to know your desires as things of loveliness and revelation throughout your life.
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