#Now I need to upload the comics hehehe
holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 10
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
(t/n: ** means translation may not be accurate.)
I: I’m shortening the number of pages for chapter 2, so I’m using a super large-size canvas. This can only be read on PC. I thought manga was supposed to be read on PC. I’m totally out-dated.
C: I want to read Hunter x hunter’s continuation.
I: Right? Me too.
*Referring to his drawings
I: This is Choujin X chapter 2 ver. 2 for the magazine and comic book.  (t/n: He’s speaking in eng.)
I: Ah, the webcam comment is here again. Welcome. There must be a program that automatically send spam to streams with few people at this time of the night. The account and the address must be a camouflage.
*Ishida mispronounced the word moderator, so a fan commented on that.
I: It’s because it’s been a while since I talked to people. A few days ago, I talked to that… I talked to Ms. Towada. I called her ‘that’. I talked to Ms. Towada till morning. I talked to Mr. Kunimitsu as well that day for like the whole day.
C: How did you meet Mr. Kunimitsu?
I: I met him since he was with The Cabs. After that, I really wanted him to do a song for TG no matter what, so I asked him for 100 times but got denied. After 100 times, I finally able to reach him. I was so persistent. In the end, he made the opening for Root A. I attended something like his interview privately. Then, we lightly made a promise to eat together sometime. We were able to meet up. We went to eat and went to 2 bars after that.
I: He forcibly became my friend. Hahaha. I forcibly asked him to make a song for my work. I was his fan in the first place. Now, I don’t know what to label myself.
C: Your impression of TK?
I: He’s like an alien. A unique person.
C: Please visit UK someday.
I: I want to. Are you from there? I like UK. Their culture and all. I like Henry VIII. Hahaha. The guy who executed his wives one after another. I really like him. Their history is my favourite. I wanna visit UK, France, Germany, Italy. I wanna visit them now though. Haha. I need to get jabbed 10 times.
C: Visiting Germany was fun.
I: That’s nice. Travelling is nice, isn’t it?
C: I’m happy that I’m able to see a pro drawing his work.
I: Pro? Am I one? I think of myself as an amateur. (t/n: You’re kidding?!)
*Someone commented on the Kagoshima trip they’ve been planning.
I: I wanna have Kagoshima trip too. An offline meeting with 300 people.
I: I’m glad I’m able to stream after quite a while. Now, I can upload Animal Rap videos. It’s not like I can’t just upload it.
*People suggesting Ishida to visit their places.
C: Did you read TG’s doujinshi.
I: I read them all. Who with who and what happens between them. (t/n: Hope there were no weird ones. XD)
C: You checked the doujinshi?!
I: I checked them all. I write manga so that I can read doujinshi about it. Is there such person? Perhaps, there is. There are all sorts of people in this world.
*He wanted to say something more about doujinshi, but he stopped. The fans asked him to continue.
I: To put it lightly, this isn’t a bad talk. In Naruto, do you guys know there’s the sexy-jutsu guy version? At that time, I thought to myself whether Kishimito sensei was capable of seeing such things. Isn’t the series something sacred to him?** This is bad. I’ll say up until this point.
*Someone commented that they’d keep quiet about this.
I: Please keep quite over the fact that I called Odachi sensei as Odacchi as well.
I: I’m thinking of working on the draft too. I’ve finished one chapter, so another 2 chapters to go. Around 50 pages.
C: It’s easy to drop the honorifics with people who are way above you.
I: That’s right. People like that are seen like a concept. I won’t call him this, but doesn’t everyone call Togashi sensei, Togashi?  This will happen when you respect him too much.
I: In that sense, since you guys are talking to me with respect, it means that I’m still a small fry.
C: Sometimes I say Ishida Sui.
I: Oh really? That’s nice. Thank you. I’m happy. You do say that. Just don’t say it in front of me. Hahaha. I’m a lot older than you. I’m just joking. You can just say it. I’ll kill Goubaru if he said that.
C: I love your stream. (t/n: this comment is in eng.)
I: Thank you. My super f***ing good stream. (t/n: He replied in eng.) Hahaha. You’re not allowed to say this, right? It’s a swear word. What would it be in Japanese? It’s probably a more vulgar word than I thought. I’ll be careful. I use that word quite often in Animal Rap.
C: The word is ‘Kuso’ in Japanese.
I: That’s probably the word, but the f word also means sexual intercourse, so I think it’s quite vulgar. I say the word everyday though.
*Someone commented that it’s gonna be morning soon.
I: It is! That’s good. Let’s greet the morning.
C: Are you gonna do a breakfast ASMR?
I: I’ll eat Natto, then. I’ll do Natto ASMR. It must be disgusting. Is there anyone who does Natto ASMR? Maybe there is, no matter the food. Maybe the sound of them mixing Natto sounds pleasant.
*He’s imitating the mixing sound.
I: Natto ASMR is nice… Are there any other disgusting sounds? Everything is unpleasant though.
I: The stream has passed 5 hours. How long can you guys follow me through?
*Ishida talking about various type of ASMR.
I: Will this work be done? Someday. I have to finish it. (referring to chp 2 ver 2)
I: This song is nice. It suits Choujin x. It has that idiotic feeling to it. Idiotic but feels nice. It perfectly suits my ideal.
C: What time of the day has the least people when you stream?
I: I wonder what time. Isn’t it during these kind of hours? It’s exactly now. On the other hand, there are more people during night time. If there are a lot of people, the comments pass by quickly. It’s easier to read the comments if it’s like this. This is the time people can ask for consultation.
I: Seriously, what should I do when the channel reaches 30,000 subscribers? I can just not do anything. I’ll just say thank you. With a loud voice, I’ll say thank you for the 30,000 commemoration project. This is too ridiculous. Hahaha. This is the most appropriate, right? It’s simple. You can even see how demotivated I am. It’s not like I have to be motivated for that. It’s fine if a small amount of people can enjoy that. All these idlers who can’t sleep. These Insomniac people.
C: Let’s do 10,000 punch of gratitude a day.
I: Let’s do that to Goubaru. Let’s do that to someone who isn’t related to this.
*Ishida imitating Goubaru.
G (I): “Why me?!”
I: “It’s for the 30,000 commemoration! That’s why!”
*punching noise*
I: Let’s do that.
*Ishida talking about Japanese comedian. (t/n: He really loves comedians.)
C: Do you have a night routine?
I: That’s impossible for me. I don’t have one, because it’s too messed up.
C: Routine vlog for 30,000 commemoration.
I: I really don’t have a routine. I can’t shoot myself either.
C: Make a drawn routine video.
I: That suits mangaka. But I don’t wanna draw. Hehehe. I earnestly don’t wanna draw that. I don’t wanna draw things I don’t need to.
C: I don’t know why, but chandler looks handsome.
I: Really? Is he handsome? Is he? I like Chandler.
I: His face isn’t like this isn’t? It’s supposed to be burning.
*Adjusting chandler’s face.
I: It’s supposed to be like this. I’ll fix it later.
C: Stream the sound of your routine only.
I: Is that entertaining?
C: Sneezing video.
I: Seriously, what’s up with that? What kind of fetish is that? Well, there must be people who like it.
C: Stream you drinking vodka every time money comes in in the superchat.
I: Let’s do it. It looks fun. I’ll die. I could make the headline for yahoo news.
C: Sensei, are you a human?
I: I am.  
Part 11
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avatar-mom · 4 years
The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel SDCC 2020 News
Hello Friends! This is a LONG update. I hope everyone has enough energy to get through it all.
The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel put in a proposal for Comic-Con @ Home 2020!
If chosen, we will need to produce a Zoom/digital panel for SDCC to host online. Our production will be due by mid-June (June 20th or so). GASP! That’s only 2 weeks to create/plan/organize/ and produce a digital panel! The panel will not go live until around the usual time of SDCC in July. If chosen, SDCC will announce the actual day our pre-recorded panel will go live on their channels/site. We will update you if we receive that information.
In the meantime, the proposal I submitted to Comic-Con @ Home 2020 included everything our panels are known for. Our live fan panel format always includes a Fan Artist Spotlight, comic reading with cast and crew, cosplay contest, and a Q&A. A few of these sections seem very ambitious for a virtual panel ( and honestly, might not happen…), but we are up for the challenge! Besides, this online format gives us the opportunity to invite participants from all over the world!
Now, to make the most out of the precious little time we have, I need to get started ASAP. So today (June 8th  2020), I am putting out the 1st update to the fandom. More details and updates will follow soon! Please share this message and encourage others to share and follow for updates. The planning will roll out in phases.
Phase 1: Plan/announce the possibility of a panel
Phase 2: Assemble/organize resources for all areas of the panel
Phase 3: Record/edit panel and submit to SDCC
Phase: 4 Compile/announce final votes for the winning fan favorite cosplay
Welcome to Phase 1! In this phase we are not only communicating the possibility of a panel, but we are also broadcasting a request for participants!
We need:
A Fan Artist!
The mission of the panel is to celebrate the passion of the fans. This is why we always include a fan artist in every panel. Fan art is much more than 2D drawings. We welcome sculptures, animation, textile art, mixed media art, paper art, game art, writers, musicians, metal smiths, costume makers… oh gosh! If you are not sure if your art could be considered, just email me to ask! Also, you do not have to be an amateur. The series has been around for over 15 years and has inspired so many professionals.
The fan artist who joins us should have many examples of Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra fan art. The artist should also be willing to appear on the digital panel and share how the series has inspired their craft. To apply for the Fan Artist Showcase, please email me @ [email protected], subject line, “Fan Artist Showcase”. I will respond with some questions and details.
Cosplay Contestants!
We love Avatar Cosplayers. The fandom is never afraid to try new ways of interpreting characters or engineering cosplays for challenging characters like Appa or the Water Spirit! We know that there is nothing better than seeing a cosplay live and in person, however, that’s not the world we live in right now. So, we are asking hopeful contestants to create a 1 minute video of your cosplay and send a zipped MP4 version to us via email.
If your video passes our content screening, we will assign your video a number, add your description, and then host the video on our YouTube channel for fan voting. For more information and contest instructions, click on the following link: Cosplay Contest Rules: Avatar Legacy Fan Panel. Please follow the link for more information about the process. If you submit a video, I will assume that you have read the requirements and agree to the terms of the contest. Because there is a short time frame, I ask that you contact me with questions before you submit. [email protected]
Tips for creating your cosplay video:
1. Make sure the video allows viewers to see the entire cosplay
2. Be sure to record in a well-lit area. 
3. It’s ok if your video goes under a minute, but do not go over a minute. 
4. You only have 1 minute, so use it to show not only your cosplay, but also your character’s personality. Example: If you are cosplaying the Cabbage Merchant, say something or act like the Cabbage Merchant (MY CABBAGES!!!).
5. Check out videos from our past panels to see how contestants showed off their cosplays for our panelists. 
Vote for your favorite! Voting will be open from June 8th - July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). To vote, go to The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel YouTube channel. We just updated the channel, so it’s squeaky clean and ready for contest videos. In the beginning of the contest, there may only be a few videos uploaded. We will do our best to receive, screen, and upload entries as soon as possible. Be sure to subscribe to the channel for updates.
When videos become available, browse and enjoy your fellow fans as they celebrate their wonderful cosplays. To vote for a video, click the video’s thumbs up/ “like” icon under the video. We ask that you only vote for your favorite. However, if you cannot choose, feel free to like a few more. Please try not to like them all (even though I am sure they will all have exciting merits!). If you change your mind later, you can change your vote up until July 27th at 1pm (CST). Comments on all videos will be turned off. We will stop accepting and uploading videos after we receive 35 qualifying entries. The contest ends July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). If there is a tie, we will use additional YouTube data or have a special run off to break the tie. 
Questions for the Q&A!
We know one of the best reasons to visit a panel is to ask questions of people you admire. What was their inspiration? What was their process? How do they improve their craft? Because the panel will be pre-recorded, we are asking that fans email questions after we announce the guest line up. We will be accepting questions for only a few days after that announcement. Then we will hunt through all the fan questions and pick out a handful that we feel will add to the theme and tone of the panel. If your question is chosen, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to receive a small prize. We do not have the final panel line up yet, so keep us on your radar. We will announce the line up when everything is approved and ready!
Whew... that’s it for now ;) Thank you for reading through all of that. Cross your fingers and wish us luck! We have NEVER done anything like this before. Going digital with this panel gives us the opportunity to finally realize a dream of a cosplay contest judged by panelists AND fans (something that has been difficult to do on location). Also, the fan panel’s cosplay contest can include contestants from all over the world!  If it goes well, we will definitely consider including a virtual cosplay contest component for all future fan panels.
The best part is that the panel will be available for EVERYONE that has access to the internet.  It breaks my heart every year when fans are turned away because we have a 500 capacity room, but 800 fans waited in line to enter. Thank you all so very much! You are all incredibly special to me and I am wishing you health, strength, and peace <3
p.s. if there were typos, i will fix them later. hehehe...
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The Virtue of Silence
Word Count: 1163
Warnings: None
Summary: Junkrat sets a world record by nearly ruining Valentine’s Day two entire weeks before it begins, and Ruby learns there’s just as much risk as there is reward to dating an unhinged convict with a bad case of never shutting up.
Ok so I wanted this to be a comic but I was too tired and it woulda taken too long and some other third excuse, so here’s a fic instead! I was going for a more light-hearted and silly tone, and while I don’t think I quite succeeded, I still had fun. I was also trying to write something less than 1000 words, but uh... I think it’s pretty clear I didn’t manage that. *looks off into the sun wistfully* Maybe some day...
Ruby plopped down on the couch, a bowl of spaghetti in one hand and the television remote in the other; usually she would be dining at the table across from her boyfriend, but Junkrat was out on yet another one of his heists. If she remembered correctly, he and his partner-in-crime Roadhog had ventured to Paris, but that was, unfortunately, all she knew. It was unusual for Junkrat not to share all the details of his latest schemes with her, and even though Roadhog had reassured her that he would be keeping the reckless Aussie safe, she still felt uneasy about not knowing exactly what kind of trouble the two would be getting into.
She flicked on the TV before tossing the remote aside and picking up her fork, twirling up a clump of spaghetti as a series of commercials played until at last, the program she wanted began.
“Tonight, on A Moment in Crime…”
Ruby knew that this particular show tended to keep up-to-date on criminal events, so if Junkrat and Roadhog had already finished their heist, she’d be sure to hear about it here. Sure enough, their mugshots appeared on screen, and Ruby perked her head up as she shoveled a forkful of spaghetti into her mouth.
The overdramatic narrator continued, “These notorious criminals have spread destruction and mayhem across the globe, but could the pyromaniac known as Junkrat… have his own romantic flame?”
Ruby froze mid-chew, her eyes going wide and spaghetti dangling from her mouth as she focused intently on the TV, praying that this story wouldn’t be going where she thought it might be. The screen changed to a video- with the unstable quality making it clear that it was recorded on a phone- that showed the two Junkers together at the outdoor seating of a cafe, with Junkrat in plain view and Roadhog sitting with his back to whoever was recording. Junkrat was mid-ramble about something, and as the audio cut in and Ruby heard his far-too familiar voice, she felt her blood run cold.
“-d’ya think, Hoggie? I just know that Roobs is gonna love this place!” Junkrat spoke far too loudly, not even noticing that he was being recorded. “It’s a bit posh f’me, but she’s been goin’ on about doin’ somethin’ special fer that whole Valee-Day thing, so I think I’m alright riskin’ looking like a tall poppy, long as I can get me girl ta smile!”
The audio lowered, and the narrator spoke over the video. “This footage, uploaded just hours ago, was taken at a shop outside the Cabaret Luna in Paris. The explosives-obsessed Junker seems to be discussing plans for a supposed date with an unknown person whom he refers to as ‘Rubes’. The criminal goes on to talk about methods of traveling to the city of love with this mysterious person, before the brave witness who uploaded the video is noticed. Viewers should be warned that the following footage may be frightening to some.” 
The audio of Junkrat’s voice came back in. “-wish I could be up on the bird-boat with her, but I’m pretty sure I’ve made it on the no-fly list by now, heheh, so I guess we could just meet up here.” As he kept rambling, his eyes wandered towards the recorder until he made eye contact with the camera. He had to do a double-take before he finally noticed that he and Roadhog were being filmed, and the cheery grin on his face quickly turned into an angered scowl as he stood up in his chair and stomped his boot onto the table with his fists raised. “Oi, the fuck d’ya think you’re doin’, mate?!” Junkrat quickly reached down for his frag launcher, which was placed beside the chair he had previously been sitting in.
The video became incomprehensibly shaky as the person recording began to flee, repeating “merde” between panicked breaths as Junkrat shouted for them to “get the hell back here”, and the video stopped just as an explosion went off behind the recorder. The screen freeze-framed on the last second of footage and slowly zoomed in to create a dramatic effect as the narrator spoke up again. “The uploader luckily managed to escape by running into a neighboring store, but the footage they posted gives us a startling view into the personal life of these violent criminals.” The show cut back to a still shot of Junkrat from the video just presented as the narrator continued, “Is it possible that this wanted convict is actually involved in a romantic relationship? Is there someone out there insane enough to partner themselves with a pyromaniac like Junkrat? Or is this simply the delusional ramblings of a madman?”
The show cut back to Junkrat and Roadhog’s mugshots. “As always, if you have any information about these two dangerous men, or any knowledge of the unknown person, again, referred to as ‘Rubes’ in this video, please contact us today. Remember, crime doesn’t pay, but we-”
Ruby had to shut off the television before she could hear more. She stared forward blankly, her spaghetti weakly hanging from her pursed lips as she processed what she had just seen. She didn’t even have the energy to bite down, as all her brainpower was immediately going into panicking as hard as she could. She wondered if this was how omnics felt when they short-circuited; her mind was just piling one bad thought on top of another, leading to a never-ending wave of fear washing over her. Damn that man and his big mouth…
“Oh, Roooobs!” Junkrat shouted as he burst through the front door to Ruby’s apartment, throwing down his frag gun and the sack of stolen goods in his hand as he held his arms out expectantly, waiting for his girlfriend to run from around the corner and jump right into his arms as she had always done before. Instead, he saw her slowly move out from the kitchen with her arms crossed as she leaned her shoulder against the wall.
“Welcome back, Jamison,” Ruby spoke in an alarmingly calm tone with a nearly unreadable, but clearly unhappy expression.
Junkrat immediately broke into a cold sweat at the use of his full name as Ruby stared him down. “Er…” he put his arms down just a bit, “i-is there somethin’ wrong, sweets?”
Ruby simply glared at him harder, making him panic and hunch down as he looked at the floor and nervously rubbed his hand. What the hell had he done? Did he forget to say goodbye before he left? Had he eaten the last of one of her favorite snacks and put the empty box back? Did he leave the toilet seat up?
“So,” Ruby said, “you go to any nice cafes while you were in Paris?”
Junkrat snapped his head back up as his eyes went wide. “How did you know?” 
Ruby rubbed her face and sighed. “Jamie, my dear. We need to discuss the importance of thinking before you speak…”
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 28th-April 3rd, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble   chat that occurred from March 28th, 2020 to April 3rd, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How many hours do you work on your comic per week, and how do you manager to balance that with other responsibilities?
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
heheh So we are.. cheating a bit Both me and my coworker are unemployed, and is working on hour comic, like was it a full time job. It is our passion project, and dream that we can work and live of makeing comics. In Denmark you can apply for grants from the government, but you need to have releashed a book before that is possible. We are useing the comic, to show potentional clients in the future what we can do. For now we are working on it from 09:00-17:00 ish (with a long lunch break) while applying for other kinds of grants, and also does all the things we are supposed to to get our unemplyment money, and searching for jobs, and freelance gigs, gathering the courage to start our own small company (not right now though) and yeaah time will tell
@Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS that doesn't sound like cheating to me? more like using the tools at your disposal to turn your passion into a viable career
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
hehe it feels a little like cheating! there are some debates about if it is okay or not, but we think that strengthening our skills is a good use of our time
eli [a winged tale]
Haha also not cheating! It’s great you’re using the time to chase the dream I’m curious what’s your breakdown for those time working on the comic? As for me, usually 1-2 hours a day with a bit more on the weekend if time permits. These days with the quarantine it’s about 2-3 h a day
Since I'm unemployed until who knows when I've been working on my comic between 40-50 hours a week about 6 to 7 days a week... most weeks. Some days, like update day or chore day, I hardly work on the comic or don't work on it at all. Admittedly I'm not the best at balancing drawing with other responsibilities, sometimes I get so into it that I forget about daily house chores, other weeks I do the opposite and only do house chores which makes me totally behind of comic stuff. I can't seem to find a good middle ground, it always turns into completely focusing on one or the other.
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah when I get in the zone, time flies and life gets put to the wayside
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
So I have no school or work, so the webcomic has become almost a fulltime project for me
I average about 10 hours per day working on it, not counting on chores and exercise
Another thing I worry about is the possibility of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is why I've been relentless with exercise, too
I guess it's just a combination of relentless reminders and also sheer willpower that gets me to do other responsibilities haha
@eli [a winged tale] also I know that feeling
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
So since my school had to cancel, I have to be more responsible for my online course. Sometimes I give myself 2 days off each week to work more into my upcoming webcomic but I have to switch my mind for school work, online classes. Also extra time for food. I need to get back into exercise or I feel exhausted more easily. I keep a wall schedule so that I make it a routine to write what I'll do every 3 or 5 days, to keep my active brain reminded(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I spent the majority of last year (fun)employed (partially by choice, partially not! my previous job let me go rather unceremoniously... and I needed a hiatus anyway... so it worked out) so I poured a lot more hours into that chapter of Phantomarine than I usually did. I worked on it almost every day - at least for a couple of hours, but sometimes up to a full eight-hour day. That number has dipped tremendously since I’ve gone back to work, but I’m spreading the same amount of time out in a broader way. I’m trying to get a good buffer during my hiatus, so I can work and draw in a healthy balance. I don’t have crazy overtime at my current job like I did at my last one, so that’s already a comfort. I’m confident I’ll be able to hit a good stride once the comic returns in June (edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Can’t wait Lady!!
Feather J. Fern
Two part time jobs, and school killed my comic, but I been working on getting one panel done a day, which is around 30minutes to an hour if possible.
eli [a winged tale]
My routine used to be rendering on the commute but now just once in am and once pm until this limbo time is clarified
That’s awesome Feather! It’s so rewarding when everything comes together after putting effort everyday
Feather J. Fern
Once school is done in two more weeks I will be more free to do things so I hope to get maybe two panels done in a day XD
Online school, stupid quarantine
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Due to the pandemic im mostly off school and my part time job so i spend like 4-5 hours on my comic per day. Still would like try to get a page done per day but lmao digital painting is slowwww
eli [a winged tale]
What’s everyone’s tips for breaks/stretches/balance? I feel like I certainly need to revisit these to avoid burnout and continue feeling motivated!
Feather J. Fern
Actually there was a cool manga artist who's tip was literally he only worked working hours. His mornings are free and since manga was his job, he worked form 12-6, giving him 2 hours to do other work he needs to get done, and takes morning walks and stuff.
Another person I know had "No working weekends" as a thing becuase they are a freelancer.
I personally have try to make sure I ahve a routine, and actually, stretch before drawing.
Streetch before, during a break, and then after, to keep that body nice and warmed up
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Health-wise there's this hing for your : every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. I'm not good at following this, but when I do it, it helps a lot.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Despite the current pandemic, my work-life hasn't changed much (unless you count stress getting in the way). I am currently "unemployed," but I do consider comicking my full-time job. I am also not very good at balancing work and life. Something's always gotta give. Last year, I worked at a job that basically ruined my ability to work on my comic. I worked 30-40 hours typically, ruined my sleep schedule, took work home sometimes, and was constantly exhausted. This is what resulted in my year and a half long hiatus, and it's what drove me to work like hell on my comic when I quit. Now (when I'm in the groove and not suffering from art block), I typically spend 60-70 hours on my comic and get 2-3 pages done: - 30 hours sketching (I know, ridiculous) - 5 hours filling in base colors - 20-25 hours painting - 5 hours adding text, speech bubbles, sfx, and finishing touches - 1-2 hours formatting for Webtoon I also spend some time throughout the week typing up the script, doing concept art for things coming in the future of the comic, and preparing for conventions, but I can't tell you exactly how much time.
eli [a winged tale]
Thanks for the breakdown! I’m always keen to learn from everyone and seeing how the workflow is like for different people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh don't forget to do wrist stretches!
eli [a winged tale]
Ahh formatting time is always so tedious for me!
Yes wrist exercises! Any recommendations?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
hmmm well the easiest one is literally just shaking it out
like every hour
and I also like to hold my arm out parallel, point my fingers up and using my other hand to pull the fingers back so i'm stretching the wrist
then I point the fingers down and pull on the fingers until my wrist is stretching
eli [a winged tale]
Awesome. Will be adopting those!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm pretty fast. 2-6 hours per page, depending on how detailed it is. Average of 3-4. I could probably do 2 pages/ week easily enough, but don't want to do more than that. I'm the kind of person who always needs to be doing a million different things. I need to leave time for my other hobbies and my paintings and my academics and extracurriculars. Otherwise I'd get burnt out doing one thing only
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@eli [a winged tale] So since it is both me and @Q (Wayfinders: Off Course) working, we start with working on a rough each, our goal is one step (so rough, ink, color) for two pages pr day, pr person. So in a weak the goal is four finished pages a week, and then we upload 3 pages per week. So it is divided that in the morning we start at 09:00 in the morning, maybe checking mail, being practical or whatever. Then we work until 12:00 were we eat lunch, go for a long nice walk and then we go back to work between 13:00 and 14:00 ish and then work until 17:00 when we begin to prepare dinner. Then of course breaks inbetween
Q (Wayfinders: Off Course)
It’s pretty wild to be able to dedicate your entire day to comics like that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
damn you all work fast
do you guys have any tips on how to work on a webcomic faster?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, I wish!
Still looking for those magical secrets
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) You know the 80-20 rule? You can get 80% of the result with 20% of the effort? My comic is very messy if you zoom in. I don't spend time making sure the linework or the coloring is perfectly clean. Also, I'm pretty fast at drawing figures. I used to practice figure drawing a lot by rushing to draw strangers irl before they moved, or by drawing a bunch of fast figures from the free figure drawing model websites online. I've also taken a figure drawing course (didn't even have to pay because it was part of my university! Even if you don't have that option you can probably find free life drawing sessions on Meetup or similar!) which really helped me streamline my process for drawing people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh I see! Yes, I used to take life drawing classes too! And your response makes me feel a lot better
I tend to be a bit messy with inking, and since i'm a perfectionist a lot of my time is wasted on editing/clean up
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've seen cronaj draw, and while I think the results look excellent, I think her method is a kind of inefficient. She draws like a printer, nearly finishing one detailed body part before moving on the the next. I think maybe if she drew in a more classical way, going from a gesture drawing to progressively more detailed, it might help her be faster and her poses more cohesive and dynamic. Maybe working on 1 or 5 min figures would help? Practicing things like this?
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I try to do figure practices for efficiency
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I heard that there are some online life drawing vids you can follow too
but what are your experiences with online life drawing vids versus the real thing
like is there a real difference?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
found some of my old 1 minutes
To me there's not too much difference
I've heard some people say that life drawing is either way easier or way harder though. Because of your depth perception when looking at a real person
But the bruises on my legs can attest to my horrid depth perception haha. That might be why I don't notice a difference
Actually those previous sketches might be 30 seconds? I don't remember
I would recommend you try both but right now we pretty much only have the online option haha
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I’ve done both and I think irl creates complexity with depth and the interactions with others etc is helpful but online is my go to for flexibility
I think having a process streamlined will make things more efficient. The downside is that it might feel tedious and I do switch it up from time to time for variety
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Might feel uncomfortable but that's how you know you're improving
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There is a TON of difference for me. I HAVE to look at a physical model in front of me.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Can't get better if you always do the same things
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is what my brain does.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I wonder- could drawing yourself in a mirror be a decent substitute?
If youre lucky you might also be able to ask an SO or roommate to model for you. Should probably pay them back by cooking for them or something though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Brain: sees a real model in front of me Brain: translates 3D to 2D, result: drawing Brain: sees a photo/video of a model Brain: SHIT. That's supposed to be 3D, isn't it? Brain: Translates 2D to 3D (basically re-constructing it in my head, or attempting to re-construct) so that it can translate it back to 2D Brain: BSOD
There's some online resources out there that have "3D" photos... you know, two near-identical images side by side, so if you look at it cross-eyed, it becomes 3D?
But I can't do those because I get a headache X'D
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just thinking about drawing from that makes me dizzy
eli [a winged tale]
Oh interesting!
Yeah maybe looking out the window to draw people would be the way to go...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But maybe figure drawing in VR exists?
eli [a winged tale]
Balcony figure drawings
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I live on the top floor so those are going to be some very small figures
eli [a winged tale]
For ants
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Once this coronavirus thing is over, there's lots of ways you can do gesture drawings from just random people -- bus stops, cafes, museums (I have not done this, but people who have done this report this is really good because others assume you're drawing the artworks. XD)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've done this a lot
Sometimes I've even shown people drawing of themselves if they've turned out particularly nice
They've always taken it well
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I like drawing my professors because they use hand gestures a lot when they talk
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Airport was REALLY good for finding people stuck in one pose indefinitely
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
they alwayas laugh when I show them
eli [a winged tale]
Shadow omg I do that too
Draws classmates
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah the only issue i have with drawing classmates
is that they're always doing the "i'm using my phone" pose
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Become the master of drawing people on their phones
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Maybe try drawing children on the playground?
This works better if you're a woman
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh thank jesus
I also like going to the zoo or the museum
or the aquarium if i'm feeling adventurous
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I am a University student so I also have some pretty interestng drawings of people asleep in weird poses
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I really need to start going to weekly figure drawing sessions once this is over (there's one here... 20 min drive... 8AM Saturdays )
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ditto or just go to the park and draw
and @Eightfish (Puppeteer) I've had some.....weird poses from all my profs
one guy was incredibly hard to draw; he was VERY enthusiastic about showing us knife skills
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The parks here are too spacious, to a degree where it's weird to get close enough to people
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Bring binoculars
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Don't worry ma'am I'm an artist
nothing sketchy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
(except my sketch)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
A+ pun right there
another place to go for figure drawing
I once tried drawing the men dancing in the Newsies musical
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Tried that once, but it took me out of the performance
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
same i was dazzled by dancing men
aaaaand then i abandoned sketching at all when they started throwing newspaper strips into the audience
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But they were giving you free paper!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
i'll take what i can get
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) While I agree that my method of drawing is "inefficient," I do not draw like a printer. There are videos of people drawing like a printer and it's not what I'm doing. I have done gesture drawing before, but it always looked incredibly abstract, and not quite like people, which is fine, but not what I'm going for. I treat gesture drawing like a warm-up exercise. It doesn't really do anything for my end result, but gets my drawing muscles stretched out.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Gesture drawings are definitely a good warmup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Perhaps it was an inappropriate analogy. What works for me I guess wouldn't work for everyone. I was trying to offer advice because whenever you talk about how much time you spend on art and you work life balance it's commendable but also dismaying. I hope you find something that works for you in the future
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oh god.. I sometimes work 6 hours a day. I guess thats like 30 hours a week? Crazy to think about, it's like a full job
Oooh you guys are sharing figure drawings... I swant to show some of mine
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My figure drawing usually breaks down into like, medical anatomy study. I feel like I understand body shapes better by including the muscles & bones
ABS the most important figure study
Deo101 [Millennium]
ah figure drawing? I love figure drawing ^^
I do like a lot but this kinda thing is most of it
anyways as for the question at hand, I do a lot of different things for my comics weekly. My millennium pages take me 2-6 hours i would say, but I also have patreon things I need to do so I'd say i spend 10-15 hours on it a week. for my other comic, I spend about 6 hours an update, and it updates every other week. but honestly, all of my free time goes to assorted comics. If i'm not working on school work or chatting with people, I'm working on things for patreon, potential merch, or other comics I want to start sometime.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oooh nice poses!!’
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks!! I have a ton of gesture/figure drawings but these ones are my most recent that I have saved to my computer i think
10 minutes im pretty sure. very good for speeding up
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Those look really nice, good values
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks ^^ I really hate working in charcoal honestly, it kinda always winds up hurting my body somehow, but its very quick sooooooo
My answer for the prompt question has changed a lot since I started quarantine lmao... I used to do about 10 hours of work throughout the week on my comic page (usually after work, I have an office job) but ironically it’s gotten harder while I work from home. I’ve been struggling to find time since I don’t have a separation between work and home now, and putting the boundaries up of “I’m not always available” to coworkers is difficult.
Also on figure studies: they’re a great way to practice speed. I use the concepts of figure drawings all the time.
@kayotics As someone who always works from home doing remote contract work, I have to say I think this is something a lot of people underestimate about work at home life. In that it's sometimes really difficult to establish boundaries with ppl and make them understand you aren't always available and also aren't gonna work billions of hours of overtime. So I'm sorry to hear that's affecting your comic work.
Shadowmark Productions
I work anywhere from 6-8 hours a day on comic stuff. That’s an average though. Sometimes I slack and need to pull all nighters to make up for it. Yes, I am terrible at time management. They say entrepreneurs are the only people willing to work 80 hours a week for themselves so they do not have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. I guess webcomic creators are the only people willing to work 80+ hours a week so that they can... go to work for someone else afterwards
4 days of procrastinating, 1 of procrastinating and hating myself, and 2 of actual comic drawing seems to make up my weekly comic making schedule. :p
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can only imagine how stressed I would be if I forced myself to update weekly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
This is a hard question to answer because it varies a lot depending on my energy levels. Ideally I’d spend several hours a day on comics, but realistically I draw as much as possible when I have the energy (5+ hours a day for as many days in a row as I can handle it) and then go weeks or months too tired to do comics. On average, barring any long periods of exhaustion or other interruptions from RL, I spend about 20+ hours a week making pages for my comics.
I prefer to work on my comic for about an hour ever morning and maybe 2-3 hours in the evening, that's the ideal routine for me. Right now I sadly have a lot of schoolwork to do (writing my thesis) so i might get less than 30 minutes in the morning and then feel rlly tired in the evening so I dont get as much time then either. but oh well!
I can still work for 4-5 hours on the weekends so I manage ^^(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
The whole stay-indoors order's currently completely wrecked my pattern, but before that I did between 3-4 hours a day.
Shadowmark Productions
Can’t imagine the stress of a daily or even weekly posting schedule. Hats off.
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retromissile · 6 years
Personal update (if you care haha)
Hi you wonderful people,
Recently people ask me a lot where I have been, though I've been uploading a few art pieces. Hehehe. I'm here of course, just a bit silent. ^^ My private life is quite busy atm, in a good way.
As you know, I'm currently working on a RPG Maker Wildstar fangame for my friends (and another game, which is a secret atm). It's consuming a lot of my freetime, since I have to learn some things and creating sprites takes some time, too. ^^ Also this stuff needs a script, just like comics do. I just wish my storytelling skills would be better, haha. Wildstar definitely is not dead for me and RP is still alive with my friends. :3 Prepare for more stories to come.
About Ampere: My mind slowly gets back to that topic, but maybe not in the way like it was before. There are a lot of problems with the current state of this concept. I feel like I grew out of it in most parts, but that doesn't mean it's lost. There will be changes, but the story somehow will be told in the future. ;) (And I have a sliiiight idea how I will revive it. But that's also a secret muhahahaha)
Also I'm working on my health a lot (physical and mental) and making a lot of progress there, as well. :D Currently I'm losing a lot of weight, go outside more often, move my lazy bones (got quite chubby over the past 5 years), and man, all my clothes are kind of big now. :D It looks so weird, but feels great. I also feel a lot more connected to myself again, enjoying what I like, listen to music again, reconnecting to people and my imagination is slowly coming back as well. All in all, I'd call this a huge success. :D
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Online project | #05 Roef Gerbang & 108
Round #05
Roef Gerbang  : RG
Guido Bisagni : 108
Their conversation will be presented in ways like chat record of social network
RG: Hi! Mr.Guido.My name is Cheung. I’m Meiko’s friend, so nice to meet you! Meiko said we could can make this conversation together,  so where can we start? oh, by the way, I’m a skateboarder as well!
108: Hey Cheung! How are you? Nice to meet you! I was a skateboarder! now I have 42 years old, I still have my skateboards, but it's better if I walk or I use bike :)
If you want we can start with something about skateboarding and art/stuff related to it! Like when and why you started to skate or something like that! I'm always super interested about it
RG: Yes,Mr Guido!let‘s start talk to Sk8,good choice!By the way, I’will be 39 years old till June this year!So in fact I‘m not young neither!But I still skate 2 or 3times per week,sometime 4. So I think Sk8 is good for healthy, keep ur legs strong…I mean it can also keep you feel young,I feel like I’m sort of old monster try to grab the youth power in my hand!and that's why I keep skating.. I told Meiko:“thank you for introducing a Sk8 homie in Italy!I started to go skateboarding since 2016,at that time I worked as a illustrator in Ad company,one day a project which needed to look for some reference about surf,I thought surfing is cool,but I’m not living by the sea,then I noticed skateboard…I was just wanna a board that can cursing around,but when I step on it,I addicted into it,riding stuff can‘t satisfied me anymore,then Ollie,bs/fs 180,shuvit……and my Sk8 journey turn on?How about yours?
108:(Hey, sorry yesterday I uploaded too many stories and message section went out of control)
Heheh, nice to hear that I'm not "so old" so! Anyway, the past year I met two times my old friends, we went to visit a very nice place just out from our city called Skatefarm, it's like a DIY skatepak made by great skaters. Anyway, I'm not able to skate on a skatepark and I age made me very scared about it. I was a skater mainly in the 90's and we had just the street. I started to skate around 1990 with a plastic toy skatebord of my sister than I met new people. Some of them are still some of my best friends, It was not just about learning tricks, it was a weird way of life, I spent every day of my life on a supermarket parking for many years! Crazy, after the boom in the 80's during the early 90's skateboards became very underground and crazy, we dressed xxxl all the times and we were real misfits. For sure skateboard was one of the most important thing in my life, it changed everything.We were all coming from a low/mid class and it gave us the possibility to came out from our small city situation, through it I discovered all that kind of music I still like, graffiti, art, I became a vegetarian because I red a interview with Ed Templeton when I was 17 and still I'm, so for sure, skateboarding is part of me.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1992 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1993 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
This photo is me in 1993 ? - So, I'm curious: for me skateboard was very important to know art and new kinds of culture: punk, graffiti, and than arts, video making and stuff! You came to skateboard through illustration is that right? It was a different process, let me know about that!
RG: Oh my god... ...the 90's ! The golden and glory 90's ! Mr Guido you’re the true legend ! Meiko told me before that you have been skated for very lonnnng time ! And so do you ! I really wish you can go skateboarding again in future even if only on flat ground ! I really admire that you can have awesome relationships with your guys in 90's ! Nowadays skaters in china , especially the Z generation don't connect with each other oftenly. Most of the time kids just put on ear phone and skate on their own . I do have a little friends who can skate together sometimes , but most of the time , I skate alone . But that's ok , I just yearn for the 90's and 90's people , that's all look at your photos seems like you can do flip trick... ... I still learning , to land my first Kickflip is so damn difficult..
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“See Saw” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Yeah, but actually I came to Sk8 through my last job , since then on I do put lots of illustration into it . And it is also my goal in future... I still need to make more skateboard art that can allow me to cooperate with skateboarding brands . 
I also want to make skateboarding film , this art form can also let me use my art to do something with it , I’m working my first skateboarding film in process , it’s cost me nearly 2 years...
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“Traffic Jam” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Chazslater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Sad skater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Cicollins no comply party” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Catch” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Lawson 2:00 am” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Hope my film can come out this year . last year I was planed it when I finish the film maybe take it to some skateboarding film festival but cause of coronavirus spreading to all over the world , now I don't know whether there's any skateboarding film festival will open this year?
I’m confusing now that should I save the film to next year when the world become normally and take it to festival ? or I just put it on internet this year...damn, so hard to decide!
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Roef Gerbang’s first skateboard
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Doodle on first board…
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Roef Gerbang’s first shoes for skate
This is when Cheung studied ollie,it torture a long time, and now still torturing he, so sometime he call himself ‘  “Ollie Patient”
And this is now,Cheung can only do some spin trick and basic rail/box trick
I make comic , cartoon and figural art a lot...sometimes I make animation as well, I think i don't have a abstract thinking brain,lol?
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"Three Posture People" Acrylic, Wall Post 2019
I can only feel what I see and transfer them into my art style...I found sometimes when I feel extremely tired while I still working in front of computer...my eyes already closed at that time…but my mouse still working on photoshop...and I will suddenly wake up and saw a abstract image…
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“Bear man” series product  by Roef Gerbang
I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking?
And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years?I really like this your work (the photo below) because they are looks like butterflies, very beautiful…but the rest of them are too abstract to me? I can only figure out they‘re shapes with texture…but still look fun and mystery!
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KU2 large pattern, by 108
I like this one… the patten line into a rule looks so coool!If it can be designed for shirts or trousers must be nice!Looks very high-class!
108: Wow, you are very good to skate! I'm not able to do anything anymore! hahaha, After 10 minutes my back is broken! I was able to do some filp tricks 20 years ago, I started during the "flat" times, so we were making a trick very low. The biggest problem is that in 97 I broke my wrist, and I went to the hospital after 3 months, hahah so, it's still broken. Sometimes it cause a lot of problems I can't do some kind of sports, I need the stick when I paint huge walls. I'm very very scared about it, if I fall on it I have to stop to work for months and I can't work. Anyway, I'm thinking about buying some bigger and softer wheels to ride a bit sometimes, we'll see! Here we are all inside home too.
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CORPOPARASSOTA Photography series by 108
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Maurilio Arcivescovo by 108, 2012
About your questions 
1) I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking about ?
It's not easy to reply: I think about too many things, the core of my research is the form. I like forms, everywhere, in nature, old primitive art, design, everywhere. I love textures, colors, but mainly it's about forms and lines. there two parts: irrational/irrational, planned, random, geometrical/organic... I try to find a balance or a total contrast on the two parts.
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Large wall painted by 108 in Brescia, Italy, 2019
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The work of 108 at Bunker, Turin, Italy, 2013
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The work of 108 at Barcelona, Spain, 2014
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The work of 108 at Brooklyn area, New York, America
2) And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years ?
Some works, usually canvases are made with a first sketch, than I start to work and I change it, I don't like to plan, process is important as the final product. Other works, for example the black and white lines/patterns on paper or sometimes on walls, are more like a meditation. I decide some rules and than I follow those rules, trying not to think about anything, just focus on the process. I got a lot of inspiration from eastern art and philosophy, both aesthetically and conceptually. In fact I really like the connection between west and east, not just in art.
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The work of 108 at Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2017
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The wall of 108 with nuns at Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Every year I buy the annual subscription for the museums in my region, I go maybe 7-8 times in a year to see the Eastern art museum in Torino (MAO) I'm crazy for it, there is a big Chinese section, I need to search pics and I'll show you some my favorite objects!
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Some of 108 favorite art works at the art museum in Turin (MAO)
So, skateboard is something that came from US basically, now it's a global thing, but for me too it was something exotic. What inspire you, I mean do you find inspiration inside Chinese culture too? how do you mix the two things?
RG: Sorry, Mr Guido!Reply lately…I was thinking about how to answer your question better…
Oh my god, not realize that you have been injured so badly..:(
My wrist and ankle have problems too,and I also don‘t jump stairs for years…flat ground and stage are better for me, hahaha....
For the question: to find inspiration inside Chinese culture too?
Yes, of course I am. I do inspired by Chinese culture , especially from traditional Chinese painting...the ancients they had have rich technique of expression : the line can be separated into many forms, such as dry , wet , heavy , light and so on and colors as well , for example , if you wanna painting a pine tree ,before you painting the pine needle you should paint a color first , then before the color dry , you draw line on that color can make the two parts mixed well..
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“The leader“ illustration by Roef Gerbang
I also learn how to compose and leave “white space”?or should I say“blank space”(don‘t know the description right or wrong,but in Chinese called“留白”)from Chinese traditional painting,and really help me a lot, I pay more attention on form too,learn lots of things from not only Chinese traditional painting but old asian art.
I study how to control the line‘s rhythm, draw a line when going fast or slow down;how to make your art looks more interesting, more art sense will always be the lessons.
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“Crow perched on willow tree in spring” , by Zhu Da (八大山人), Qing Dynasty
This work from famous painter of Ming Dynasty named:Zhu Da, aka. 八大山人(Ba Da Shan Ren)You can find that he got very special style to paint birds and another animals,and his art is too much different from other ancient Chinese artists
Look at these three unique tigers
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“Bee and tiger” painted by Hua Yan(1682-1756)
“Bee and tiger” this image is the detail of the painting, usually people can‘t see that bee,actually it’s on the right corner when you see the whole picture, and the tiger is not aggressive as usual, scared, the ears also fell down,bend the tail, afraid of bee‘s sting...
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Old Korean painting,unknown artist
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Painted by Yanagisawa Kien (柳泽建) Japanese painter, Edo period, 18 century
I found these art works they always pursue some kinds of weird feel,not only copy the truth but more expressive force.
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"After Party" acrylic, abandoned old skateboard, 2019
And this is also my goal, like I say more expression, more art scene. You noticed irrational, random, plan…I’m agree with you, I also like the process more than result, painting is more like adventure, like fishing, I like the view on the road more than arrival, enjoy more the fish bite the bait than cook them.
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Comic Exhibition, painting by Roef Gerbang, Hamburg, Germany 2018
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"Stranger" watercolor on paper, by Roef Gerbang, 2014 
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Yanshu book 48-hour comic production project, “Deja Vu” 2015
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"Some like it blue" Hong Kong 62 Independent Cartoonists Group Exhibition 2016
I like simple technique to describe a thing,but interesting,that‘s what I learn from the ancient artists,oh,nearly forgot,many outsider art teach me a lot as well
So let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?
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"Bs tailslide ignition" , acrylic on paper, 2017
So glad to talking with you, I‘m really enjoy the sk8 and art topic!Hope we can meet each other after coronavirus!maybe in future I‘m looking forward to that day,wish you keep pushing and have a long artistic life,Ciao!
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The "Puzzle" short story is included in the "GAME" comic compilation, published by Wild Things Press
108:Ciao Cheung! ￰ Thanks a lot for it, Chao is fine to me!!! And sorry for my late reply too!
I can say ni hao, it sounds not so different, but I'm not able to write it in chinese :(
Thanks a lot for your reply, for the artists and for the pics those tigers looks so "modern"! I'm very familiar with japanese art and culture, here, expecially my generation, we grew up with japanese cartoons on tv, manga, than music and stuff... I know that large part of japanese culture has roots in chinese culture, like zen buddhism or calligraphy, but for years it was very hard to be in contact with it., so I'm always trying to find out more about it and to understand it.
So..about your question: "Let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?"
First of all, I need to explain that I don't like labels. I mean, of course I use the word "abstract" to explain quickly what I usually do, but labels describes borders. I think in 2020 we have the possibility to explore many kinds of visual arts, many different medias... so yes, I think it's possible to tell stories with "abstract art".
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"Sogno Lucido" by 108, 2019
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"The key" by 108, 2019
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"Blue" by 108
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"the entrance of the dream" by 108
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"La Casa Park" by 108, 2019
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Tele exhibition in New York, La Casa Park.art, 2019
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The work of 108 in the Milan Triennale 2008, Italy
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Ceramic installation by 108
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Figurations, clay, by 108
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Complete figurations,  by 108
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Installation Museum of the incomprehensible Antonio Colombo 2019 Milan, Italy
I mean usually yes, my work is visually abstract but I love to put a lot of things in what I do. First of all I think that all my pieces are connected and there a lot of things inside them. Cinema (or video) is a very complete for of art: you have the image, a story, the sound... with pictures you have to put everything on a single image.
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Trollhattan Sweden 2016
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Saeio catanzaro, by 108
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Solo exhibition of 108 in Lyon, France, 2020
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Archaeological Museum books above, book made by 108, Palermo, Italy, 2019
But there is more: I work also with sounds for example and sometimes I made some videos, but what fascinates me the most about any kind of art, is when it gives you a lot (ideas, feelings) but it don't gives you everything. I need some un explained parts, some shadows where I can enter and I start to imagine and to build my own world. What I like about some "not figurative" art is this kind of mystery inside it. But it can be also a movie or a photo or a landscape or anything else! I hope you understand what I mean.
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"24 Tapes" series, made of 108
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Exr in Seoul, wall painted by 108, 2016
So, do you think is this enough? I'll search for some pictures to add to the text! 谢谢 Mr.Cheung! It was a real pleasure to talk with you! I hope, if the virus will let us travel again, to visit China in the next years finally and of course if you are around northern Italy I will be happy to meet you! Let’s keep in touch on Instagram!
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Painting on Etna Vulcano, 108
RG: Mr Guido. Those characters you showed me that from MAO are the Tomb Beast…??In Chinese called“镇墓兽”. They‘re the guardians of tomb. In Chinese culture,people think that when people died(their soul)go to the other side of the world,there’re countless ghosts,evil spirits will harm the soul. So the guardians (have human’s face,beast‘s body) they can protect the soul stay away from the demon, and keep them safety.
108: Yes exactly! There are many of them! Amazing, they looks so modern and I like so much these kind of stories.
RG: Mr Guido, I think about our last talk “labels describes borders” couple of days ago…and it make me sense,like,portrait painting,still-life painting with very realistic technique will boring for me, it’s lack of imagination, but in the other way, if the portrait, landscape painting with simple and refining technique can make me watch for a long time. it‘s super cool tho..
So in fact I’m the guy just like you who searching for the shadows as well..:)
108: I understand very well! I love portraits, landscapes and still lifes too. But I enjoy when you can find something interesting on the way they are made. I like eastern art and modern art because usually feelings are more important than hyper realistic technique.
RG: Yes, painting should involve not only technology but also emotion.
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108 (1978, Alessandria, Italy) he lives and works between Alessandria and Milan. Among the major exponents of post-graffiti in Italy, he began his artistic research with an approach to traditional graffiti. At the end of the nineties, after moving to Milan in 1997 and graduating in industrial design from the Politecnico Milan, his stylistic figure evolved formally and conceptually, so much so that he became one of the first artists to use numbers and not letters to sign his own. works. 
His abstract forms and mysterious figures begin to appear in the abandoned spaces of the streets of Milan, Berlin, London, New York and Paris. Not limiting his production, in addition to Muralism he also ventures with sculptures, sounds, paintings and installations in dozens of personal and collective exhibitions. Among the main ones are participation in 2007 at the Venice Biennale with the Walls Inside project.
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Roerf Gerbang a native of Chengdu, China, now lives and works in Shanghai and he is currently UID SH Senior Illustrator. 
A person who is a neighbor to art and skateboarding, usually like play skateboarding and painting, he love good stories, good weather, good coffee, and good wine.
108_108_108 & yiklui_cheung
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zoquatre · 7 years
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Guess who really loves MahoPre and practically fell over herself buying gay books? Opinions and general fangirling are under the cut; I won’t be taking as many pictures this time around though.
Not gonna comment on every book since that would just take forever.
In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m a pretty huge fan of suzu’s so the gems of this lot have got to be his books. He was pretty silent in the month or so prior to Rainbow Flavor so I was all ??? but it turns out he was just busy drawing all the MiraRiko bless. The third book is chalk full of amazing adult!MiraRiko 4komas. Haa-chan loves her moms but she’s becoming jaded with all their age gap play, even when they just trying to be legit (this eventually becomes more sex play BUT WHATEVER). There’s this one 4koma in particular where Riko sits in on one of Mirai’s lectures because she assured her no one would notice BUT EVERYONE NOTICES BECAUSE SHE’S WAY TOO GORGEOUS (“is that the girl Asahina-san is sharing an exchange blog with??”).
Each book does contain a short little comic (in regular comic form) that’s 100% serious and even those are absolutely delightful!!! In book 2, Haa-chan tries to prove that she can fight on her own so Riko can go back to the Magic Academy and fulfill her dream of becoming a great magician and the feels are too great... Book 1′s comic is hilarious in hindsight because Mirai promises Riko that she’ll come to the Magic World for her. And that totally didn’t happen, hehehe...
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I’m gonna lie down, MiraRiko is too good......
GOBOU’S BOOK IS FULL COLOUR MIRARIKO EVERY PAGE EVERY DAY. There are only a handful of drawings that haven’t already been uploaded on twitter/pixiv but WOW the commentary and afterword is worth it. Who doesn’t want to read the thoughts of a fellow yuri clam? lol. And ofc, the final page is the 「あなたがここにいてほしい」picture. Aaaah, how we all wish Mirai and Riko spent their high school days together, falling deeper and deeper in love... ゜・(ノД`)・゜・ I MEAN, the five year gap is all kinds of romantic and just SO BEAUTIFUL but aaaaah they could’ve also been happy growing up together without those sad lonely nights staring at an izayoi moon. ゜・(ノД`)・゜・
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I also wish I had two copies of this so I could frame them side by side. (ღ˘◡˘ღ) Why is Orangea so gay and good????
The anthology was also really aaaaaHHHH!!!! Surprise, surprise, my favourite comic was the one by suzu~ Haa-chan wants a little brother or sister but after having a go at it, it turns out two girls can’t actually have a baby. So what to do? Just transform into Topaz and make one with those yellow balls (complete with a “kin no tama” joke). The babies are basically mini Mirai and Riko and they grow up, fall in love, and want to have babies of their own. But what’s that? Two girls can’t actually have a baby? So what to do? Just transform into Topaz... etc, etc. HELP ME. 
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And Kokori’s contribution was SO GODDAMN DUMB AND ROMANTIC. They’re in love............ And Haa-chan loves her moms.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole anthology is a gem, just like it says on the tin. 13 beautiful, shining gems. (ღ˘◡˘ღ)
There’s this R18 by Tsuburakei and!! Okay, I’m not the biggest fan of R18 and this really wasn’t gonna be different—I just got it because the opening preview made me laugh (”I got Haa-chan to teach me how to do lewd stuff” “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ASKING OUR DAUGHTER??”) and MIRARIKO!!!!!!!! but it got really sweet at the end! (ღ◕◡◕ღ)
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Someone needs to stop maho at all costs. I mean, I really like their art style but they keep portraying Mirai as this one-step-from-yandere character. Both their books have real consent issues;;; Granted, I knew what I was getting into but really... Mirai taking the lead is good and all, but this is taking it a little too far imo. Apparently, they wanted to do a more upbeat MiraRiko this RF but this ended up happening again anyways. *stares into space*
I really wanted Negom’s MakoRitsu book but I sorta wanted to bundle it with a KHU book I had my eye on for forever so I waited... AND THEN I READ THERE WAS A TINY LITTLE BIT OF MANAARI AT THE VERY END (LIKE, TWO PAGES’ WORTH) AND I HIT THE “ADD TO CART” BUTTON AS FAST AS I COULD. And it really was only two pages imma gonna lie down sobbing............... In them, Alice reflects on how her feelings for Mana were always hopeless to begin with; it’s just that Mana was the one who got married first. Her situation’s exactly the same as it’s always been. AAARRRGH. YOU MIGHT BE FINE WITH THIS, ALICE, BUT I’M NOT. SOMEONE NEEDS TO GIVE THIS STORY A HAPPY ENDING, STAT.
Putting aside those two pages though, the bulk of the book was really sweet! I’m totally for this interpretation of Mako/Ritsu—seeing someone through entirely new eyes and all that. Negom also has a really nice twitter thread about this book with some neat insights, like how all the scenes she had to cut out would’ve doubled the book’s thickness.
For no reason at all, look at this ridiculous family again:
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I really can’t get over how perfect MiraRiko is. I’m just a useless yuri clam who’ll take photos of every izayoi from now until they finally reunite, what can I do but cry for ages......
I’ll be going on a little break so my askbox will be open for a little while in case anyone wants to cry about MiraRiko with me or wants to shoot any Precure-related questions my way. Rest assured that I cry about MiraRiko on a daily basis and am progressing pretty well on things starting with Miyu and ending with Rei. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Honestly, I’m pretty sure that’s my biggest priority TL-wise.
Questions regarding anything that may or may not have been promised before may go unanswered...? idk, anything that stresses me out too much. MAGICAL GIRL SHIPS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME THOUGH??? If not, I can always just rewatch Ep49 five hundred more times and cry to myself, no biggie~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i hope riko and her have a good time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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keenmanga · 7 years
What I'm up to!
Hey all! Here’s an update post I guess, but there’s also some comic previews to follow!
Recently got over another existential crisis with my comic series, Arbitrary Travels. Basically, I’m not sure if I’m being coherent enough, I need/want to improve my stories, and maaay need to take a fresh start at it. Also, very small audience as of now.
So since I’m pretty sure I have no idea how to go about improving the series, I’m going to produce a 44 page comic I may have talked about before (at least I have on twitter) and upload in parts to buy time until college.
Oh, yeah. As of this post I have just graduated high school (WOOOO! I still love you all though ^^) Come autumn I’ll be attending SVA as an Illustration major, which seems like a fair compromise between my fine art and comic goals.
Here’s my plan: according to how I broke down the updates, I’ll be in my first or second week of college by the time this comic is completed. I’m essentially going to try and get as much help and learning in as possible in those weeks - without being rude or annoying, of course.
But I hope that asking people in person will be a lot more helpful (though if any of you have any tips/suggestions, please tell me! Be honest, I need it!)
Now for you lovely people on tumblr! I’ll be posting process and preview posts on here (and twitter too, hopefully) for you to enjoy! As well as a few text posts to give some insight on the story itself, and the process (don’t worry, they’ll be shorter than this! Heheh…)
I think that’s about it for now. Time to build up my queue! Thanks for reading!
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theconfusedmaiden · 8 years
The EXO’rDium in Manila Day 2
After 1 year and 1 month, the kings are back in Manila!! Exo’rDium in Manila! The boys are back with 2 nights concert. Dated February 25, 2017 for the first day and February 26, 2017 for the second day. It was held at the Araneta Coliseum in Cubao. And guess who's freaking excited? Phixo!! Me!! EVERYBODY!!
Last year, I was in the Lowerbox B, day 2. This year, after so much "Kakuripotan" and “Iponing”,(Thank you 13th month and freelancer.ph!) I was able to purchase the VIP Seated Ticket! Costy? Yes! A LOT! But that was just some of the things that I did for them, even I can't believe it.
And so the nights of the concert came! Sadly, as in SUPER SAD AND FRUSTRATING, Zhang Yixing/Lay won't be able to attend the concerts again. It really broke my poor fangirl heart. I thought that I'll be able to see my love this time but no. Reason, the producer said it's because of his other commitments. Just goes to show how hard working my baby is! However, my guess would be because of some 'politics'. One thing is for sure, It's not his fault! Stop blaming him guys! Let's just wait for the right time that we'll be able to witness his handsomeness in person.
Going back to the concert. I really tried my best not to spazz what's happening from day 1. I promised not to open twitter but then again, I failed. hehe I really got hyped with all those videos uploaded. Guess what, the morning of Feb 26, 2017 my mom saw me smiling right after I woke up. I did it unconsciously. hehehe
My friend whom I met at last year's concert, Raine, also came with me this time. Due to traffic and slow walking people, it's already 4:30 when I got in the venue. Raine, got there first. When we got inside, the coliseum is almost full already! And the stage is sooooo much closer than I thought!! *But my phone camera make it seem like its far. Sorry. hehehe
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The concert started at exactly 5:30 pm. I sooo love the opening VCR!! They crowd got soo hyped up!! The opening VCR seemed like it lasted for 10 mins. It's soo cool. I got the "W" feeling after I saw the comic book effects on the video.
And so the concert began!! Wooooohhh!! It's only the first song but I already got tired. I shouted as much as my lungs can take! It's not just me but everyone inside. I couldn't even hear their voices because of the screams!
I didn't get to take a picture of the very first part because I forgot to when I saw them. I don't know what to do first, to capture the moment or to watch the moment. The result:
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When I finally got to see them clearly, I automatically counted the members present. I know. I know. I just wish that Lay would surprise us that night. Whatever!
The first set of songs include the remix versions of MAMA, Monster and WOLF. I love the remix versions especially the monster because of Baekhyun’s solo dance! PH EXO-Ls cheered for him all through out that part! (Byun Baekhyun!!  Byun Baekhyun!! Byun Baekhyun!!)
Here are some of the shots I took from the first set of songs. I didn’t took a lot because I’m busy fangirling. hahaha
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MENT TIME!! As usual, the screams were sooooooo freaking loud!! The members introduced themselves in english. It was so fun hearing them speak in english. They were all so excited with the concert! Chen and Kai looked so hot because of their sweat. They were all so hot nowadays!!
However, Baekhyun saw some fans got injured on the standing side. He said on his ment that when another fan got injured, they'll stop the concert. NO!! They asked everyone in the standing area to take a step backwards. Thankfully, they followed them nicely and they didn't need to ask them again.
When it's Suho's time to speak,  he was working so hard to finish his ment in english and in the middle of his speech, he paused for a short time. The crowd cheered for him louder! He's so cute! He even took a bow after the screams.
Now it's the second set of songs!! The sexy songs! LOL. They were supposed to have a rain on stage but they didn't push it through, maybe because of the space. The second stage includes White Noise, Thunder, Playboy and the most anticipated Artificial Love! But the stage is still full of their sexy body waves and godly voices.
Here are some snaps!
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Kai needs to stop winking and doing a finger heart while he’s covered with sweat. It’s a fangirl’s death!
BUT! Here's the highlight of the second set of songs. The Artificial Love crane Dance!! Woop Woop!! I managed to take a video of Baekhyun in this dance. Here it is:
Sorry for my voice. As you can hear all I got to say is ‘Oh My god’! hihihi Don't need any explanation.
I couldn't forget this VCR! It's because the very first frame is Lay's face! He's so cute! He's so handsome! He's such a boyfriend material! I love seeing them having fun by themselves. I wish they also have a time to party like that by themselves. Just having a lot of fun together.
The sang Unfair with this cute stage set up.
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They are wearing all white and their skin is so white so the result from my camera:
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Jamming Time! Chanyeol is in charge of the guitar. That curly haired giant was so hyper playing with his guitar that Suho needs to stop him for them to start. Cute! The first song they sang is the good old Hawak Kamay by Yeng Constantino. After a few lines, Suho reminisced the time when they forst sing this song. It was 4 years ago from the DKFC concert. Just about their debut year. They promised to sing a new Filipino Song when they come back next year.
Chanyeol played the acoustic versions of their songs (My Lady, My Turn to Cry, Moonlight, Call Me Baby, Love,Love,Love and Lady Luck) and just like the whole time, PH Exo-Ls sang along with them. I don't care if I got the lyrics wrong, as long as there is melody. HAHAHA! They even let us sing some parts alone. Here are some of the snaps.
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They sang What If during this part (but I’m not pretty much sure).
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When they were singing, the background shows their serious faces. I didn't forget to take a photo of Lay with the rest of the members. I take a photo everytime he appears on screen.
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Here are some of the snaps of the next stages which includes Tender Love and Love Me Right.
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The Vocal Line, D.O., Chen, Baekhyun and Suho were left to sing in the middle of the stage.  They sang One and Only and Stronger.
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Chen's voice is so lovely. He's slowly climbing up on my already ruined bias list. My heart still flatters when I hear them sing live. It's surreal.
Fun Time! Haha. The VCR for their next stage is adorable. The VCR where their heads were huge. All of them are so cute that I wanted to make them into a keychain. Hahaha But D.O. role is the cutest. He's a sleepy head!
Here’s some pics of them with their cutie cutie costumes.
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Cutie little Baekhyun dropped his little red hat. 
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I didn’t get to take too much picture with this stage because this was the time when I stared at their faces one by one. They all look like an angel. Especially Chanyeol, who all throughout this stage is so hyper! He keeps on shuffling and running around each member. I wonder how can they be so cute and handsome and hot, all at the same time. 
For the next VCR, the first frame showed ChanBaek riding a motorcycle going to the stadium. While the other members are preparing for the concert. I remember a shot of Lay while sleeping, Kai while having his hair blow dried and the beagle line being beagles. 
I thought that all they’ll do for the whole VCR but hey! There’s more! The VCR prepared by the Dance Line! (Kai, Sehun, Lay). I didn’t got to take a full video because I wasn’t prepared. Here’s some part from the VCR. I started capturing on Lay’s part. I remember this performance during one of the awards night last 2016. 
After that, the next set of stages are the, as I call it, “Handsome Stages”. All their stages for their songs like Overdose, Transformer and Lightsaber! Here are some snaps:
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I managed to take a video for the last part of their performance for Lightsaber. 
Time for their ment! And this ment is the longest! The only members left were Suho, Chen, Kai and D.O. Chanyeol, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Sehun went backstage to change costumes. They were all wearing just plain black shirt in which they all look hot. (like all the time)
This time, Suho revealed that a lot of them were injured from the first day of concert. He said it was a secret but he also said that they were all healed by how much crazy(in a good way) PH fans are. 
Here are some tiny bits that I remember from what they said. D.O. said that he discovered new Filipino food that he likes, ‘Lechon Manok’. He said he didn’t have a chance to taste the pork but he will the next time they come back. Suho also enumearte which places in the PH he wants to visit and it includes Boracay etc. (haha can’t remember). He also asked Kai about what places in the PH he thinks is popular and guess what Jongin said. “Yeogiyo” (This place) (this place is now the most popular).
The leader-nim noticed the fanproject a while ago and he asked for a sample banner. He asked some fans on the standing area for a copy. Like what happened last concert, he held it up and showed it to the members. He also asked us what does the alibata written means. Even though they can’t understand what we’re saying (Imagine thousand of fans explaining at the same time, how would you understand a thing?). They just concluded that it means I Love You. Which is quite right because the alibata written in it is “Iniirog Kita, Bes”.
This time, Baekhyun, Chanyeol Xiumin and Sehun were left on stage while the other went backstage. Baekhyun kept on talking about how crazy PH EXO-Ls are. He once again asked us to stomp our feet and so the whole coliseum sounded like a whole battalion running from somewhere. They were amazed about how passionate we are. 
The fans chanted “PHIXO” after that. We are expecting for him to remember us from the concert last year. He named us “PHIXO” last concert after seeing some fans dance from the standing area. Again, they didn’t got to understand what we’re saying. Gladly, after several minutes of chanting, Baekhyun finally understood. “Ahh, Phixo! Philippine EXO!” Finally guys! Finally!!
Now it’s time to party!! Sehun, Xiumin and Chanyeol thought us on how we’ll respond with their next song. “Katchi Katchi Hae!” (Do It Together). 
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Chanyeol asked us to stand up and just get crazy! You know it’s about to get really crazy! The song is not yet commercially released and it’s just exclusive for the EXO’rDium Concerts! It’s just like Drop That but with a different feels! The Rap Line nailed it! Everybody was on their feet, jumping cheering and getting crazy!
After that Chanyeol had his solo stage with his Electric Guitar skills! 
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Soon after, the members went out to party with us! Chen, why do you have to show up wearing a muscle tee? Don’t you know how much hot you are with your biceps?! But thank you for showing it, though. 
LET’S PARTY!! The fans partied with their songs like Full Moon, Drop That, Let Out The Beast, Lucky and Remix version of Run. Imagine partying with the boys! It’s really unforgettable and we didn’t even feel tired after all! 
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We finally got time to relax for a bit when they went off stage. It was also several minutes and we seemed to miss them already. We started chanting “E-X-O!”
It’s now the ENCORE STAGE which means the concert is about to end. NO!!! The boys came back wearing their white baseball jersey shirts! They sang Cloud 9, Growl and Lucky one! 
I love seeing them goof around while playing with the toys on stage. The one that caught their attention is the moving puppy stuffed toy. Xiumin even played with it while performing. Chen placed it on the side when they were going to dance.
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They’re in the middle of their performance but see how Chen and Xiumin look at the little moving puppy.
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And here you can see Baekhyun lying on stage. In which Chanyeol also did after their Tender Love stage.
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For these songs, they were just roaming around the stage to get close and wave to the fans. The fans threw some stuffed toys on stage and the stage became messy! Hahaha For Lucky One here’s a video a Suho getting all hyped up dancing alone! Our funny Leader everyone. And you can also see how ChanBaek danced together at the back.
Here’s how they ended their stage for Lucky one. One of my favorite pictures I’ve taken.
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Now, time for the last MENT! NOOOOOOOO!!!!
How time flies when you’re having too much fun! All of them said their thanks to us. Suho asked us to anticipate their comeback here next year! YES! YES! YES! Kai said that their 2 day concert in the PH will be unforgettable for him and the members as well. 
Baekhyun said that all of them really got crazy that night. Proof? He just sang “I Believe I can Fly” while wearing a pink butterfly wings and a cute white hat. Chanyeol played so well while wearing an Iron man Mask and he pretended to fly and run around the stage. Suho also said that when all of their fan gather in one place he can easily locate where the PH EXO-Ls are. YEP YEP YEP![Filipino fans are one of the best crowd you’ll ever see in the world! And that’s a fact, even Steve Harvey from the Ms. Universe will agree! Hahaha]
The leadernim really got curious about the banner and he maybe asked the Filipino staff backstage about it and for the last time all of the members shouted “Iniirog Kita, Bes. Manila!” We all got Bes-zoned. hahahahaha
Now it’s really their last stage. They sang Angel for the last time. The members roamed the whole stage waving to every section of the coliseum. The member who’s very diligent about waving at every fan he could is the Maknae, Sehun. I even thought that I got an eye contact with him and Kai.
All throughout the concert, we sang all of their songs, from the very first up to the last one) together with them and they even asked us some time to sing it louder! During the VCRs, we also sang their songs even if it’s just instrumental. Now, tell me how dedicated we are the whole concert! hahaha
Before saying Goodbye, they even asked for a picture together. YES!!!! I finally have a picture with them!! hahahaha (as of writing, they still haven’t uploaded the photo) Here’s how they posed for it from my perspective.
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Finally, here’s their last moment on stage:
Yes, it’s me screaming from the background. And again, sorry for my ugly voice. hahaha
I love how Chanyeol screamed “Mahal Ko Kayo!” so long! and As you heard, they promised to come back! Sehun stayed on stage until the screen closed. 
Bye boys!! I already miss you big time!! And don’t worry, I’ll be there with you again, next year! I promise! I love you guys!!
PS. I wrote this as detailed as I could because I want it to be properly documented for my future reading, when I want to reminisce the moments I had with them. 
PPS. All the photos and videos I used are all mine. The pictures are blurred and unfocused, I know, but don’t bash, my phone doesn’t have a good quality camera. 
Sharing with you my edits.
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from your forever fangirl,
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