#Now I wonder if it's a show Timmy and Poof watch together or just Timmy's old lunch box that he gave Poof
piperamitt · 7 months
Did you guys know Poof has a Crash Nebula lunch box? If not...
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Now you do.
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moonlightreal · 5 years
Winx Club Season 8/15
One person is reading these.  I’m pleased.  :-)
In which the Trix have a cute moment and the Winx wreak havoc.
15 Mission for the Prime Stars
Stella: “Not the Trix!  I was sure we got rid of them for good last time!  And why haven’t they updated their look?  Don’t they know that fashion eVOLves?”
That’s what we’re all wondering, Stella!  Wait, did the Season 8 Timeslide erase every upgrade the Trix did have?  This makes my head hurt.  
Time to fight!
Bloom: “Trix! Who freed you from your prison this time?”
And there’s Valtor, standing on a gear, his hair and coat blowing dramatically in the wind!  The man knows how to make an entrance!
Shock!  Horror!  He survived!  Oh wait, no, it’s one of Darcy’s illusions.  Is Valtor holed up in his castle again?  C’mon Valtor, you only got cool when you stopped having minions do all the work for you!
Battle is joined and the music box starts music-ing and the compass starts bouncing around in a lil hamster ball and everybody goes after it to very dramatic but also music box-y music.  Pretty cool music, I have to say.
Then the music box starts talking, saying that “only the one who can listen will get the compass.”  Of course the Trix go after the compass, diving down a trapdoor.  The Winx fly down after them, except Musa who hesitates because she hears something off about the music box’s song.  Tecna drags her away because they all have to chase the compass together I guess.
Down in another scene of floating gears there’s more fighting over the bouncing compass.  The visuals and music here are actually pretty neat.  Bloom realizes the compass is too fast for them and sends her fire dragon after it.  The dragon almost catches it but then Stormy aims a blast at Bloom and the dragon comes back to protect her.  That was neat.
They enter another room with more rube-goldberg contraptions and Tecna says, ‘We used out enchantix power to enter a new dimension.  The laws of space and time work differently here.”  Wait, that’s Tynix miniaturization not Enchantix miniaturization!  Get your powers straight!
More chasing as the compass pinballs around.  The girls do some good banter, each witch against each Winx, everybody gets namechecked and we can tell they’ve had pleeeenty of fights before this.
They enter a new room, a tilting table maze.  Where they land tips the table, causing the compass to roll.  They try to stop the compass falling down holes to who-knows-where.
Too bad!  Compass down a hole!
Only it pops up and down through random holes.
Compass down a hole again!
The Winx end up back in the room with the ballerina and music box cylinder.  The plinky thing that makes sound.  The compass falls back down the same hole and Stella laments that they have to do it all over again. Bloom says that’s all right; they know how everything works now so it should be easier.  Aisha dives towards the trapdoor to have another go, but Bloom stops her.
Bloom remembers what the voice said about listening!  Musa says the test must be here and she can tell the melody is out of tune.  She magics the cylinder and the tune shifts and things get a little sparkly.  Yay for Musa! The ballerina is turning now too.
The Trix are in the pinball room.  They catch the compass, only it’s gone and the ball it was in poofs out nasty green smoke.  Icy is confused.
The ballerina is now holding the compass!  The Winx have earned it!  It floats to Bloom.
The poor Trix are all hauling themselves out of the trapdoor.  Bloom says just leave ‘em here, she’s sure they can find their own way home!  Heh.
Back in the normal sized world Dorana, Argen and Twinkle are dozing when the Winx reappear back in their space outfits.  They say the Trix were in the music box too.
Argen says,, “If the Trix are back, that can only mean valtor.”  so either Lumens have heard of the Trix, or more likely Valtor gloated to Obscurum about how his previous minions did a much better job.
They put the compass—which grew with the Winx—in the lid of the star box and the Wishing Star’s voice speaks.  Only the one who finds the seven prime stars can call her back and make their wish come true.
Bloom’s pumped! A new adventure!
Back at Valtor’s place…
Darcy: Who’s telling Valtor? Stormy: We doing rock paper scissors?
Darcy: You tell him, icy.  You’re the boss, aren’t you?
Icy growls.
Icy heads off.
Icy: I’m the boss only when it’s convenient, huh?
The Trix are certainly overused, but when they have little moments like this, when they’re being characters rather than just swearing to finish the Winx once and for all, they’re great.
Valtor is watching the image of the fight inside the music box.  Is there anywhere he CAN’T see just by wanting to see it?  Or can he just see the Winx no matter where they are?  How does it work?  If this were Valtor mark one I’d say it was because he and Bloom both have Dragonfire he can always scry on her, and since the Winx are always together he can see them too.  Spellcheck didn’t know “scry’ either, this is clearly a dictionary for muggles.  But it… knew “muggles.” -_-
Anyway, there are seven stars to find, the Trix will have plenty more chances.  The Trix cower.  ‘And I will reward you by giving you your freedom—and immense dark power of course.  But remember, I could always give the entire reward to just one of you, if you bring me what I want.” Icy hold up her hand where Valtor’s mark is still visible.
Hmm.  So they are being held against their will, even if Valtor is giving orders they’re happy to go along with.  And we could see the fracturing of the Trix!
But for now we see Alfea!  The girls are in class with six minor fairies to round out the numbers, but they’re chatting since there’s no sign of the teacher.  I like that the minor fairies are also posed to be hangin’ out, not just sitting at their desks.  Wizgiz is late for their metamorphosymbiosis test.  Flora smells a rat, and knowing Wizgiz I bet she’s right.
Stella realizes, “What if he’s already here?”
The two dark skinned girls with purple and indigo hair (can I just fan-name them Sameerah and Karliah and it doesn’t matter which is which?) agree that Wizgiz does give unique tests.
Bloom suspects another girl of being Wizgiz since the girl is eating a rainbow cupcake which the professor likes.  Bloom calls ‘him’ out but uses magic that accidentally snatches the cupcake and squashes it into another minor fairy’s dress.
Musa realizes Wizgiz could be an inanimate object.  Stella guesses the trashcan but her revealing spell makes the can fly, dumping papers all over.  Then Musa thinks she saw a chair move and her spell makes it wobble around.  Minor fairies duck for cover.  But soon they get in on the fun, making stuff float everywhere.  I’m guessing the reveal-a-shapeshifted-professor spell has a side effect that if you cast it on a normal object, that object floats around.
Fun is had, but the teacher does not appear.  Aisha remembers that Wizgiz hates the smell of broccoli, so flora casts a cloud of that smell.  The minor fairies flee, holding their noses.  The classroom is now destroyed.
Wizgiz shows up at the door with a pile of books and is horrified.
Bloom: “We were just waiting for you, professor!”  ^^
Wizgiz flees.  The girls laugh, then Bloom suddenly looks gloomy.  She was waiting for an “emojix” from Sky, but he hasn’t texted.  She did have to run off to save the world kinda abruptly last time they hung out.
Over at Red Fountain there’s Bloom, she’s gone to surprise him after class. We see two minor specialists walk by in the same chin-covering suits, so the uniforms have upgraded for everybody!  One of them is a redhead in a purple suit, the other a white-haired guy in an ice blue suit.
Brandon and Timmy arrive and tell Bloom Sky isn’t here.  He left on a secret mission that they can’t tell her about.  “Did he tell you anything?” Timmy asks with hope.
No, Sky didn’t tell Bloom his Dad foisted Diaspro on him again.  This’ll end well. Bloom cries a little as she leaves.
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fountainpenguin · 6 years
Which Prompt...?
Hey. As you guys know, the 130 Prompts are about to go on hiatus. I anticipate this being a fairly long hiatus (a year at minimum, probably closer to a year and a half). Reason being, Knots is about to catch up to Origin and I’d like to reroute my focus there, but I’m also trying to get my original works published, and I’m just trying to cut down on fanfic time in general to reach that goal.
Now, I recently shared my tentative upload list, and you may have noticed we have two Prompts left before hiatus. One of them will be “Trying Too Hard”, which is kind of our final bit of set-up for the Gary and Betty arc before everything clicks and you realize what I’ve been doing. Very excited. That one will definitely be uploaded before the hiatus, so no worries there.
BUT, I’m not sure which of the other Prompts I should post before this extended hiatus! I have four cool options that I’ve been flipping back and forth between multiple times a day. So if one of these catches your eye and you’d love to read it sooner rather than later, send me an Ask!
“Repeat” - Cosmo and Poof alternating POV; third-person limited. Teenage Poof begs and pleads with Cosmo for permission to drive his car, and Cosmo struggles to learn how to let go.
Takes place not too long after “Shadow”, so it might be nice to have those too near each other. The original intention was for “Repeat” to mirror “Shadow” by focusing on the Cosmo / Poof relationship in parallel to the Hiccup / Anti-Wanda relationship we saw in “Shadow”. 
I’m pretty pleased with my Cosmo portrayal. We don’t get to see him in my works much, so maybe you guys would like to have this.
So much Cosmo/Wanda fluff like seriously guys it’s cotton candy.
We get to meet Dusty! I was going to hold off, but he’s cute, so???
We learn a bit about Timmy’s and Remy’s fates, which is kind of interesting, but I wonder if we’d want those after the completion of Remy’s arc and such.
I have like four different endings for this piece, so I need to choose carefully. It’s going to take a lot of work to pick the best one, and what if I regret the one I chose later? Maybe it’s better if I think about it longer? In one ending we get a glimpse of Sammy Sweetsparkle’s fate and once we go down that path there’s no reversing... Might be best to wait.
One of the endings for this piece is fluffy, one is semi-fluffy, one is semi-angsty, and one is full angsty. I know you guys don’t have a lot of context at the moment, but feel free to let me know which way you’d like to see it go. If the Prompts feel deprived of fluff and you’d like more, by all means, say so!
“You’ll Never Know” - Young Anti-Mama Cosma’s POV (Just before she becomes pregnant with Anti-Schnozmo); third-person limited. It’s just pure, unadulterated Anti-Fairy culture. We just chuck you right into the Seven Festivals and experience every single day through the eyes of a local.
The Seven Festivals are a cool part of Anti-Fairy culture that we don’t get to look at in quite this much depth during Frayed Knots. You guys might like watching the festivals play out in prose instead more than what you glimpsed in that worldbuilding post.
We get some depth about Anti-Florensa, as well as Anti-Cosmo’s dad and Anti-Bryndin when all three of them were younger.
This is a self-contained one-shot and might be a good posting choice so we’re not bringing in new plot lines just before the hiatus.
Maybe you guys need a break from Anti-Fairy culture after “First Things First” and “Shadow”? Not to mention “Watch and Learn” and Knots.
Technically everyone in this piece is a semi-canon OC. If that bothers you, you will be sad.
“Live For the Moment” - Foop/Hiccup’s POV; third-person omniscient. Foop and Hiccup, just shy of their 150,000th birthday, attend the annual Autumn Masquerade and are introduced to Anti-Coriander for the first time.
We get to meet Anti-Coriander! Since we talked about her, Foop, and Anti-Marigold a lot recently in “Temptation”, it might be nice to see her.
Some cute fluff and talk about Anti-Fairy culture, which is a fun topic. Definitely not as in-depth as “You’ll Never Know”, but there’s a bit.
We get to meet Cavatina too! Although that might be a con, not a pro. He wasn’t supposed to show up, but apparently he did. He scares me. Listen kiddo, I adore you as a toddler, but you a scary tween, man.
I was going to wait until both the Gary and Betty and the Mark and Vicky arcs were done before we transition into the Cavatina arc. I want you guys to be excited about Cavatina, and I don’t want that excitement to burn out early.
Specifically, since “Trying Too Hard” will be posted around the same time, it’s probably less complicated to make you guys wait for Cavatina, rather than trying to balance the intrigue and foreshadowing of the Gary and Betty plot arc with the Cavatina stuff.
Even more specifically, Cavatina isn’t much younger than Poof and Foop, which means that he’s in his late tweens in this Prompt. I think I might prefer to wait until you guys have seen him as a kid before we see him as an adult. Unfortunately, waiting that long means it will be ages before we get to meet Anti-Coriander... but then again, that might help build the drama. That could be fun.
“Do the Math” - My document is so drafty that POV shifts between the fragments right now. Will probably end up first-person Remy POV. Remy and Juandissimo are attending the Fairy Reunion during Season 5 and totally minding their own business when Timmy Turner is suddenly charged with the Head Pixie’s murder. Rolling his eyes, Remy sets out on a quest to prove not only that the Head Pixie is alive, but that Timmy is innocent. Not to clear his rival’s name or anything- just to show off his detective skills and eat hot dogs.
We just heard Timmy describing this event to Chloe in “This Is a Box” so it might be good for readers to get the context before they forget this event happened.
Juandissimo!!! There’s not a lot I can say without spoiling things, but some fleshing out goes down. Plus, who doesn’t like Remy?
There’s one Gary scene in this piece that I would love to get out of my system before “Trying Too Hard”, just to make you guys squirm a bit. Gary’s arc won’t suffer if we don’t, but it’s less squirm-inducing.
Didn’t....... get...... “Sentry”....... finished yet. Order... non-chronological.
The fact that Remy and Juandissimo are together again long-term will probably come up. Technically* only my blog followers really know this, and my readers don’t. Will this reveal make the Remy and Juan arc in the Prompts seem boring if we already know the ending? I sure hope not considering that I just reminded you guys about it again! I mean, since “Teacher’s Pet” exists it would be stranger if they weren’t, I guess.
Can’t... decide... what order to put my Juandissimo stuff in. Before the reveal in this piece, or after? If I reveal now, then I should be able to swing an upcoming Prompt to be more entertaining and in-depth than it currently is. I can be direct about his relationship with Cupid in the upcoming "Learn Your Place” Prompt if I post this one first, but I’ll have to skirt the subject if I flip the two and then it might not be as funny.
I’m still honing my Remy voice, and I’m worried that he isn’t quite bratty enough. Maybe I should set it aside and practice with him more first?
Like I said, I’ve been flipping between these four constantly. I just can’t decide! I still have the final say, and I know I’m being super vague about what’s to come, and so it’s hard to decide which one you’ll like the most, but if any of you would like to offer input before hiatus strikes, you’re welcome to.
Are you desperate for Cosmo/Wanda fluff? To meet Anti-Coriander and Cavatina? Juandissimo stuff? Pick your poison and let me hear it!
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mephonic · 7 years
Pain Chapter 2....
Pain Chapter 1
Seeing the Cards of Hope
Weeks passed since Timmy agreed to be Remy's maid and he was already hated it. Remy made Timmy do hard tasks, water the flower with a water bottle, sweep the floors with a makeup brush, and paint the house with a small water paint brush.
Timmy's job for today was to cut the roses, with his bare hands. "Man I hate this..."
"Hello!" Timmy turns and saw Mr. Buxaplenty standing behind him, staring at him. "Hello, Mr-"
"Jack" The man said.
"...Jack...How are you?"
Jack smiled. "Good...I see my son is making you do some task?"
Timmy looked at his hand, there were cuts covering all over his hands. "Yeah..."
"Want me to fix that for you?"
"Please?!" Jack smiled and lead Timmy inside
Through the window Remy watches Timmy walk inside, he sighs as he turns towards his desk and looks at the CD. He finds it odd that Timmy would be into something like this; throughout the years he never tried to get to know Timmy. He knew he liked Trixie and his fairies, he knew his friends, families, everything he knew Remy knew. But everything Timmy liked. His hobbies, his dreams; he didn't know. Even Timmy knew what he liked, his favorite books, movies, games; he even knew that Remy wanted to go run his own C.E.O compensation.
Remy put his hand on the CD. "where is Juandissimo?"
Meanwhile, Wanda and Cosmo went to Fairyworld to meet with the fairy council. They were held in a room with dark walls and little to no light "I wonder why we were called?...Did you and Timmy do something stupid?!"
Cosmo huffed. "Why do you think Timmy did?!"
Wanda was about to say something till she felt her hand being grab and kissed on. "Wanda your face makes my heart go on!" Juandissimo said as he keeps on kissing her hand.
"Hey!" Cosmo pushes his wife behind and growled. "Cosmo?...Shouldn't you be taking care of your baby?" He said as he smirked
Cosmo growled at his comment. "POOF! Went to fairy school and you know I can't cuz I can't change his clothes without being stuck!"
Wanda facepalms herself; as the two fought for an hour but was interrupted by the council and with them was a woman. The woman had no wings but she was still flying; her face was pale as snow, her long hair was pitch black and her eyes were white as light. She was taller than any fairy, even a human.
She was wearing a red robe that covered her whole body. She pulls out cards and places them onto a table. "Who's she?" both men asked
Wanda's eyes widen. "She's the wish watcher!"
The woman smiled. "I am...I blessed your wedding about a couple of centuries...How are you two?"
"Fine...But why are we here?"
The woman frown. "Timmy is in danger..."
Both Cosmo and Wanda gasp. "WHAT?!"
Juandissimo raises his eyebrow. "Why did you call them then? Shouldn't they be with him...And why am I here?"
" Because Remy is in trouble as well..." She turns the cards and on the card were Timmy, Remy, and Gary. "These are the cards of hope..."
"Hope?" Both three asked.
"Yes...As you see Timmy and Remy are the only ones in history to have their fairies longer than they should...These cards show their hopes, dreams...Love."
Both Wanda and Cosmo looked at Timmy's card; The card was shown when he was ten years old. Both Wanda and Cosmo smiled.
"...But something is about to happen...Timmy's future card has changed...Normally I wouldn't interfere with these types of thing but..." She places her hand on the card and what happens made both fairies gasp in horror.
Timmy was chain to a bed, with no clothes. His body was covered in cuts and bite marks, his eyes were filled with tears and sadness. The only thing that was covering him was a bloody cover. Wanda shut her eyes and turns away, Cosmo comforts her. Juandissimo just turns his head away.
The woman turns back the card. "I know its...Unsettling...But if we want to change this we need your help"
"how could this happen?!" Cosmo yelled.
"We don't know..." The woman whispers
Wanda whispered. "Did...Remy did it?"
Juandissimo snapped. "WHY?! Cause his evil? Unfriendly?! You know not ever child is like Timmy! He has a hard time enough now!"
Cosmo snapped back. "Yeah well, he's done more than you believe on! He tries to take us away! More than I can count! So what his family not around? Timmy's it isn't either! And he has it much worse than him!"
"You shut your mouth! Remy's own mother lifted him and now his father doesn't even come home!"
"So? Timmy's family still bullies and treat him like a maid!"
"STOP BOTH OF YOU!" Both men turn to the woman, the woman sighs. "Listen I understand you two don't get along but we most work together...Please?"
Both looked back; Juandissimo looked at Cosmo long and hard but both nodded.
The woman smiled. "Good...Now I want you to help them by pushing them together..Alongside Gary"
"Okay...But can't we wish this to go away?"
"We would but since Timmy and Remy are of an age where magic is harder and harder to do...Which is why this is the last wish"
"WHAT?!" Both three yelled.
"They need to leave and go...Even you stay longer than this act...Will happen" Wanda looked back at Cosmo. "But...Poof?"
"He is his own person now...he well not vanish...So what would you pick? His happiness...Or his future?"
They looked at each other; they would lose their child but at the same time they would lose them away? Juandissimo turns Remy's card and gasps.
Remy card had him laying inside a box. The box was underground, in a graveyard. He was alive and digging inside the box, his hands were bleeding and his head was covered in dirt and blood. The box was small and half his size, his legs were smashed together inside the box. His face was showing pain and suffering.
He let tears fall down. "I will do this..."
"Good" Woman said as she clapped her hands together.
"What about Gary's?!" Asked Cosmo
"I can't show him yet...But you need to find him now"
Wanda rubbed her eyes. "Who is doing this?"
"...I can't say..." Wanda's was about to yell but withdrew. The woman took the cards and lifted the three alone.
Mr. Buxaplenty cover Timmy's cuts with a bandage; the two were in the living room. Timmy looked around the room. It was white, of course. And the wall was covered with pictures of trees and plants; the rest were pictures of his family. Timmy saw one picture of Remy; he was ten or younger, he was wearing his normal suit and standing next to him was his parents but they're faces were covered in the picture.
"Sad ain't it?"
"Huh?!' Timmy turns to him. "We were never there...I feel so sad for him..."
Timmy gave a small smile. "It's okay...Just try your best..."
Mr. Buxaplenty smiled. "Thank you..."
Remy walks in the room and leans against the door. "You can go now"
"Finally" Timmy was about to leave till Mr. Buxaplenty grabs his hand. "Why not leave your shirt...I can get the maids to wash it, besides it's dirty"
Remy nodded. "his right...Besides, I hate the smell of poor people"
Timmy growled and took off his shirt and storm off, Remy rolled his eyes and followed.
Mr. Buxaplenty grabbed his shirt and took a long sniff of it, his eyes rolled back. He fell back and kept smelling it, he smiled as he watches Timmy out the window with no shirt on. He pulls out his phone and took a picture.
"I, hope to see you again...My Timmy~"
(Again not my best work!)
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miss-storytime-blog · 7 years
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Winx Club (pt.20): “Episode 7″ Practice Makes Perfect pt.3
“You guys are doing amazing!” Jackie commented. “Now, let’s start with simple spells for you to try.” 
A notification ringtone rang out loud on Jackie’s phone and everyone turned their head quickly to see the source of the noise. Jackie turned to get her phone to see what the sound was.
“What’s that?” Bloom asked looking around.
Jackie turned around to answer Bloom.
“Don’t worry, it’s just my phone.” Jackie said holding her phone up to show Bloom. “Alex sent me some spells from the Ezarian for you guys to try.” 
Jackie’s phone showed a holographic picture of the Ezarian.
“Is that the Ezarian?” Stella asked as the pointed to the picture.
“Sure is.” Jackie confirmed. “Here are the spells. Let’s try changing some objects into something else. Remember you have to rhyme with your spells.”
Jackie snapped her fingers and magically a beautiful flower appeared in her hand and let it float in mid-air.
“Flora, why don’t you go first?” Jackie suggested.
“Oh ok.” she responded.
She walked closer to Jackie. The other girls were standing together waiting for the magic to happen. 
“I’ll want you to turn this flower into a spoon.” Jackie instructed and gestured her hand to show the flower. 
“I’m not really sure how. I don’t know any spells.” Flora said.
“Don’t worry I’ll show you a spell on my phone. But remember-” Jackie said, now looking at all the girls. “when you’re casting a spell it’s important that you stay focus and confident and remember that you can do it. If you’re having trouble making a spell, stay focus and the spell will come to you.” 
Jackie looked back at Flora and put her right hand on her shoulder and said. “Flora I believe in you, you can do it.” 
Flora nodded.
Jackie showed Flora the spell on her phone, and Flora read as her eyes scurried across the image. 
“You ready?” Jackie asked.
“I’m ready Jackie!” confirmed Flora.
“Go for it!” Jackie encouraged.
“It’s past it’s prime, it’s sung it’s tune, so turn this flower into a spoon.” Flora recited as she waved her right hand up and down and pointed her index finger at the flower. Her magic colored was revealed to be a light green.
POOF! The flower in the air was now a shiny metal spoon!
“You did it Flora!” exclaimed Jackie as she ran to Flora for a hug.
The winx cheered for their best friend
“I know I did!” she hugged back. The two broke apart in their hug still holding each other’s arms. “I would’ve done it without you!” Flora cheered
Jackie faced the winx girls.
“Now who’s next!?” Jackie asked with excitement.
“I’ll go!” Stella volunteered with a jump full of excitement. 
“Hmmm. What kind of spell should you do?” Jackie wondered as she walked around in a small circle for a few seconds. 
“Oh! I know!” Jackie said as she thought of an idea like as if a lightbulb were above her head right now. 
“Stella.” Jackie said taking Stella’s hand and walking her forward in front of the winx.
“Since you like to change your boyfriend into other things.” Jackie continued. “I thought you would learn how to reverse those spells.” 
“Ok!” Stella agreed.
Jackie went back to her phone and swiped through to find the spell. 
“Ok, now let’s begin.” Before casting the spell, Jackie turned a jumping Kiko into a small little monkey with her magic.
“Stella, I want you to turn Kiko back to himself again with this spell.” Jackie instructed showing the spell to Stella on her phone. Stella bend forward to see the spell.
“Ok, I got it!” Stella started twirling her right index finger around and light orange colored magic started twirling around. “Not a gnome, or a fairy, or an elf, turn Kiko into his old self.” Stella pointed her magic toward Kiko who was now turned back into the beautiful blue bunny that he is.
Everyone cheered for Stella, especially her!😂
“Who’s next?!” Jackie asked, with a proud smile.
One by one Jackie taught the winx some spells. They practiced rhyming with spells and using their “signature gestures.” Everyone was getting pretty exhausted, so they agreed to a break. The relaxed and talked amongst each other while the specialists were still training. Aisha was looking at the specialists and saw Jacob, Riven, and Ethan practicing with targets. Jacob was shooting with an advanced bow and arrow, Riven was practicing with his boomerang. 
Aisha walked over to watch the boys a little bit closer. She saw how good Jacob was with his bow and arrow after he got a bulls-eye and shot him a compliment. 
“Jacob you’re really good with that bow and arrow.” Aisha complimented.
The other girls saw and walked where the boys were.
“Thanks.” He said with a sweet, friendly voice. 
Sky walked next to Jacob.
“Jacob’s an expert with a bow and arrow.” Sky informed. “And Ethan’s amazing with a spear.”
Ethan heard, stopped his practice for a second, and walked over where the conversation was. 
“Hey.” he greeted.
Jackie saw the bow and arrow and walked forward near Jacob and Sky.
“Mind if I try?” she asked gesturing her hand toward the bow and arrow Jacob was holding in his hand.
“Are you sure? It’s an advanced weapon. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Jacob questioned.
“Don’t worry about me.” Jackie reassured. 
Ethan put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder and looked at him signaling him to let Jackie have a go. 
“Thanks!” Jackie said with a smile as she took the weapon from Jacob’s grasp.
Jacob, Ethan, Sky, and Riven, along with the Winx moved out of the way to give space to Jackie. The rest of the specialists stopped in the middle of their training to watch Jackie.
Jackie walked toward the middle of the room.
“Morphix Targets!” she called out.
A couple targets appeared floating in the air. 
Jackie shot the arrows flawlessly, with flips and movements in between like an action movie. Finally she did a front aerial over to Jacob’s last target, (where he scored a bullseye) and took her time with this last shot. BOOM! She shot her arrow right in the middle, splitting the last one in half. 
Everyone cheered for Jackie’s fantastic performance. Claps and Cheers filled the room with delight.
“Yeah, Jackie!” Bloom cheered.
“That was awesome!” Stella hollered.
“WhooHoo! Go Jackie!” Sky cheered. 
Once the crowd calmed down, Jackie walked over to Jacob to return his bow and arrow.
“Here you go.” Jackie said handing him the weapon. “Thanks for letting me use it.” 
“It’s a pleasure.” he sweetly said. “You’re really good.” he smiled as he looked down straight into her eyes. 
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.” she complimented.
Jackie turned around to a voice.
“Jackie, where did you learn how to do that?” Aisha inquired.
“In Corvelia.” She answered. “After the attack, my parents decided to keep me safe in the castle until I was strong and ready enough to go on my mission.”
Everyone tuned into the conversation.
“I didn’t make much friends after that, but the guards taught me self-defense and how to use some weapons. My parents always say ‘Be Prepared’” she mocked with a laugh. 
Everyone laughed along.
Suddenly there was a huge boom outside on the Alfea courtyard.
Now, everyone turned around to the area window, near the source of the noise.
Timmy ran to the window to see what was going on.
“Oh no.” Timmy said in a very worried manner, as he looked through the window. He turned around to face his friends. “We’re under attack.” he announced.
TO BE CONTINUED…in the next part
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