#I used it 4 times to choose a season and got season 8 twice!
piperamitt · 7 months
Did you guys know Poof has a Crash Nebula lunch box? If not...
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Now you do.
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The first time Sisko calls him "Julian"
I'm back on my spreadsheet bs (finally, it's so nice to be back!) and I've just got to Season Three and my Siskoshir heart cannot wait until I do the main analysis to talk about Sisko calling Julian "Julian"...
Right, so far Sisko has used Julian's name twice - once in Armageddon Game (2x13) when Julian is presumed dead, to tell Dax "Find out how I can contact Julian's family."; the other is in The Abandoned (3x06) when he introduces them both to the Jem'Hadar child as "I'm Benjamin, and that's Julian."
Usually, when talking to Julian (55/64 times in the 1st and 2nd series, to be exact), he calls him Doctor, and Past Tense (3x11, 3x12) is no exception. BUT, in 3x11 he calls Julian by his name for the first time and it's clearly not just random.
On the first day as they are talking, Sisko uses "Doctor" 4 times - but on the second, when Sisko wakes him up with food, he says, "Here you go, Julian." :3 :3 :3 I leave it to you whether that is the first time he uses Julian, whether they got closer the night before as they talked, or if it's been said off-screen many times; but I think it's significant that this canonical shift happens right here.
There are three more times Sisko calls Julian by a name in Past Tense:
Later that day when Julian asks to take a look at Webb's boy, Sisko simply says "Julian." to try and stop him (it doesn't)
That evening, when Bell has just got killed, and Julian is upset that he hadn't had a medkit to save him, Sisko changes back and says, "You did all you could, Doctor." :3
When Dax has arrived and they've all caught up with each other, Sisko says "Julian, I want you to help Dax find the men who took her comm. badge and then I want you both to get away from this place."
(And of course, that's the bit when Julian replies, "Sir, obviously Jadzia has got to leave... But you're still going to need help to keep those hostages alive, and if it's all the same to you, I'll stay." Which, 🥰🥰🥰, but also Julian responding with "Sir" to it is interesting idk 🤷‍♀️)
An addition:
Sisko does not use first names very often:
at this point he has never called Nerys or Miles by their first name (tbf neither have most of the crew)
of the 8 times he has called Dax "Jadzia", 6 were from episodes where he was differentiating between her and the Dax symbiont AND her life was in danger. By contrast, he has called her "Lieutenant" 19 times, and "Dax" 51!
he even calls Odo "Constable" about 60% of the time, rather than using his name, unlike most of the crew
So I think it's actually pretty significant that here he does choose, for whatever reason, to call Julian by his first name. And it has melted my heart just that little bit more for them :3 :3 :3
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 8 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 21
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20
Bruce rolled his eyes as he listened to the board members arguing in the background over the phone while he talked to his CFO Lucius Fox. They were trying to push a vote on expanding Wayne Enterprise to Canada. Most were for it. They just couldn’t agree on where the corporate headquarters should be. The places being thrown around were Toronto, Quebec City, Halifax, and Vancouver. Bruce honestly didn’t care about where they built, but his board members fought back that it was all about location, location, location. 
Lucius sighed and said, “If it wasn’t for the fact that you pay me handsomely for this bullshit, I would have bailed on these idiots an hour ago.”
Bruce smirked and asked, “So it isn’t the box seat passes that I got you for the Giants’ games for the rest of the season?”
Lucius chuckled and said, “Oh, that definitely took the edge off.” Lucias paused for a moment and said, “What exactly do you want me to do with this stalemate they have about Canada? We tried holding a vote but ended up with equal votes for all the cities.”
Bruce rubbed his head for a moment and said, “Have one of the associates make out a proposal for the mayor of each of those respective cities. We know what we can offer in terms of job opportunities and increasing value to the city. See what the representatives can offer us in terms of tax breaks and things of that nature. Whoever offers us the best benefits is the one we go with.”
Lucius sighed and said, “This is why I wished you were here with us an hour ago. We could have ended the meeting in five minutes with an idea like that.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “I needed to be here for Damian. This is an important milestone for him.”
“Are you sure you are not using this as an excuse to get out of a board meeting? Disneyland was a weird choice, but I have seen you choose stranger places to avoid the Board.”
Bruce rolled his eyes and said, “Damian really did have a field trip for Disney. I wasn’t going to let him go by himself. The PTA already think I am an idiot and absentminded as it is….”
Lucius burst out laughing for a few minutes. 
Bruce narrowed his eyes and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Lucius’ laugh started tapering off and said, “I’m sorry. I just never thought that you of all people would care what other people think. Imagine what your opposition in your second life would think.”
Bruce gave a deadpan stare and said, “Ha, Ha. Very funny.”
Lucius chuckled and said, “You know I’m kidding right?”
Bruce smiled coyly and said, “Sure you are.”
“Anyway, how is Damian taking to Disney? I’m sure it is different to the other eclectic things he has been exposed to in his childhood.”
Bruce sighed while rubbing the back of his head. He knew going to Disney would be a very foreign concept for his youngest, but he didn’t expect him to fight him the whole way. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. It would definitely explain the looks his other three boys gave him when he mentioned their trip. Dick and Jason just bursted out laughing at the suggestion and Tim started to do research into securing Damian an attorney in case he decided to burn the theme park down in vengeance. 
Bruce shook his head and said, “Damian hasn’t taken too kindly being here. He has already pressed the panic button he has twice to try to get Tim to pick him up since he is with the Titans this week in California. When that didn’t work, he tried to ditch me to go back to the main road to hitchhike before I caught up with him.”
“Considering his other antics are you really surprised by this?”
Bruce sighed and said, “My three older boys have already indicated the same thing. I just want him to have people his age to associate with.”
Bruce looked out the corner of his eye and noticed Lena coming back with several Dole Whips.
While looking at her thoughtfully, Bruce said, “Lucius, if there isn’t anything else, I am going to have to call you back after I get back to Gotham on Monday.”
“Okay, hope things go better with Damian this weekend.”
“You and me both,” muttered Bruce under his breath as he hung up the phone. 
He quickly changed his frown to a passive smile as Lena finally walked up to him. 
Lena smiled and said while handing him a Dole Whip, “Damian and Kara wanted some. I got some for you in case you wanted one as well.”
Bruce gave her a blank stare. He knew that Kara trusted her implicitly, but he still had some nagging thoughts about her. 
Lena chuckled nervously and said, “If you don’t want it, that is fine. I can just give it to Kara. She would probably be excited at the prospect of having two more.”
Bruce let out his charming smile which took Lena off guard for a moment. 
Bruce said, “I would actually like to try some. Some of my employees have talked wonders about this so I am curious if it lives up to all the hype.”
Bruce took the cup from Lena. He began to eat. His eyebrow went up in surprise. He knew that this was similar to ice cream but this is the best ice cream that he has had in a while.
Lena smirked and said, “I take it this means that it far exceeded your expectations.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “Definitely.”
They stood in weird silence with one other. Bruce could tell that Lena kept nervously looking around. Probably wish that Kara would come back as quickly as possible. Originally, Bruce thought about keeping silent until his son and Kara came back but then saw it as an opportunity to get to know the girl. Clark hadn’t been too keen on anyone approaching Lena. Several veiled threats were made if anyone did. If asked, he could use this as an innocent run-in, although he can hear it now from Clark accusing him that it was planned. 
He sighed and said, “Kara has said that you run a children’s hospital.”
Lena smiled and let out a sigh of relief and said, “Yes. I believe in the importance of getting children the best healthcare they could as possible no matter what the cost.”
“What caused you to want to focus on children’s health though?”
Lena looked up thoughtfully and said, “My niece Ruby inspired me actually. She was sick. Most doctors thought it was a cold or at most the flu and said with just over-the-counter medicine it would go away. However, she kept getting sicker and nothing was working. We went to doctor after doctor until one actually did their research and found out what was wrong with her and got her the treatment that she needed to get well. I don’t want any family to have to go through that. Being dismissed and thinking that your concerns aren’t valid. I wanted to have doctors look into everything instead of looking at what is most common. That is when I decided to scout for the best of the best in pediatrics and start my own hospital.”
Bruce gave her an insightful look. Many had regarded Lena using her hospital for nefarious purposes, but he has seen that the commercial that Kara and Lena did a couple of weeks back had changed the discourse around it. Now, more patients have been giving reviews and it has been overall positive. It was good to know that Lena created the hospital as a way to inspire change. Bruce was about to comment as such when he heard his phone ring again. He sighed and looked down and saw that Alfred was calling. He looked at Lena sheepishly and mouthed “One moment.”
Read the rest on AO3
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emily-prentits · 6 months
tagged by @crime-wives <33
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
59! (one of which is actually not mine, but it's been passed off to me so i can write the ending. its a long story)
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
at the moment i'm a little all over! i have wips for grey's anatomy, silk comics, and the 2019 carmen sandiego reboot.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dance With Me - 326 kudos (Carmen Sandiego)
lately she's undressing for revenge - 298 kudos (Grey's Anatomy)
used to think loving meant a painful chase (but you're right here now, and I think you'll stay) - 250 kudos (Grey's Anatomy)
all the cuddles are for you - 222 kudos (Carmen Sandiego)
kissing you (again and again and again) - 199 kudos (Killing Eve)
5. do you respond to comments?
i try to! and i always get around to it eventually, unless it's a comment asking me to update etc otherwise it's not worth my time or energy.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you're gone (and I'm all alone) for sure. the first and only time i've written main character death (so far).
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhh. i don't do a lot of that. but if i had to pick from my sparse collection, i'd say You Are In Love :) short and sweet and ridiculously fluffy. my love letter to meddison <3
8. do you get hate on fics?
i don't think so! i don't write for gigantic fandoms, so the people that read my fics are usually too glad to have a new fic to nitpick my writing lmaoo. and honestly if i did i don't remember, so it clearly wasn't that important to me. shrug emoji
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yep! as for what kind... well. i'll write anything if i have a strong enough vision and motivation lol. even in my one multi, there's a vast range of stuff. i'm always open to explore!
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i don't write crossovers, personally i don't care for them, unless aus count.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope :) and if someone tries it i will make their online life a living hell :)
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah! i've co-written twice so far: burning (this is not a love story) with @which-star and it was intentional with @jackie-shitposts :))
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
thats a tough one 😭 but i'd have to go with silkcat from marvel comics. literally who is doing every dynamic so well like they do (no one is)
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh so many. SO many. including but not limited to: meddison season 18/19 neighbor au, meddison bloomington au, and are you mine? (i'm not quite yours). its exhausting having all these ideas and no motivation to write them :(
16. what are your writing strengths?
i'm told that i write complex/angsty feelings really well! and i'm glad i do lol because why is my brain like this if not to be a storyteller
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
little movements. i love them and need them. they kill me.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i'm open to it! i'm not fluent in any languages other than english, but i could probably string together some sentences in spanish if i tried (don't ask me about my latin abilities, pls and ty.)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
the 2019 carmen sandiego reboot on netflix! that show got me into writing and is also how i met my partners :)
20. favorite fic you've written?
oh boy you're making me choose 😭 i'll say that revenge is my top 1 SO FAR. second and third is tied between intrigue (hold your breath). and already yours. these three are some of the only fics i've written that i like enough to reread.
no pressure tagging: @walshies @which-star @lisascumslut78 @itsdappleagain @peridotglimmer @sucker-for-emily-prentiss and any other writers that want to! i always forget which of my mutuals write when im tagged in stuff like this. whoops
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Live Blog/My thoughts scene for scene ish for OFMD S2 Episodes 1-3
FULL SPOILERS FOR S2 EPS 1-3. Including a post credit scene for Episode 3 that includes a teaser for the episodes 4-5 and discussing scenes we haven't seen from the trailer.
My long form stuff usually gets seen by people outside of my circle so before this long post I want to preface with this-
Hi! Izzy is my favorite character. As of right now I have written just under 240k words about this guy and spent most of my time in this fandom in Izzy spaces. If that is a problem for you, this might not be the read.
But I got fed a 5 star meal and already see this season is a love letter to the fans and I am here to appreciate it. 
Please be warned. I personally think this season should have a warning on it for how it handles suicide, suicidal ideation, substance use and relationship abuse. I will be going in depth on this but handle it with respect as someone whose lived shit like this.
My first watch was without subtitles and on a big old tv screen. I I decided to miss a few things my first watch, choosing to turn off subtitles, and get surprised by dialogue and delivery(as I tend to read ahead). This watch is to confirm lines, appreciate delivery, and more. 
I have not read any meta, and this is blind before I see how all my mutuals freak out!!!!
Lines that fucked me up will be bolded. Just know I want to write an essay about them, and would given the chance. (sorry for spelling errors I watched this twice + stayed up for an extra 10 hours😅)
I liked the recap, but I don’t think it’s enough for casual viewers who watched it maybe once ALSO. That Edit of Izzy’s ‘namby-pamby crying for his boyfriend’ IMMEDIATELY into the Toe Scene got a laugh out of me, because OWW. How had we not thought of that? 
I LOVE THE DREAM SCENE. Izzy beating him fair and square, but still losing. The stab in the killing side? THE MELODRAMA. The way this confirms Stede sees Izzy as a ‘big bad’ he needs to defeat to ‘win’ Ed. Him having the most 1 dimensional view of both him, Ed, and Izzy. A view how Stede is still an idiot unable to see nuance in people. Izzy smiling? The way he mutters his last words> God I love Con O’Neill. Let’s watch him maybe die 8 separate times and call it a season. 
It also got a good laugh out of me. Did I predict that that it was a dream when the teaser came out? Yeah. Still funny as shit.
‘Can’t be worse than you moaning Ed, Oh Ed’ FUNNY AS SHIT. 
I liked the ‘customer service’ montage. Swede, you deserve all the love you get. You are in good hands.  I think Stede’s part of this episode was just to lighten the rest of it. Hello to an antagonist of this season, and narrative foil to Stede, Prince Ricky.
I know it doesn’t matter who did Ed’s back tattoo, but the irony of Ed trusting someone enough to get it done is just funny. 
(Wedding Scene) I SQUEALED WHEN WE GOT THE RETURN OF ED’S EVIL THEME. Also, calling his crew the devils ‘kids’ is so fucking funny. HELLO CLASSIC ROCK IVE NEVER HEARD OF??? Welcome to the OFMD playlist. I love the montage of ‘Ed is working everyone to death’. Izzy got to threaten an English sailor. I know he’s happy with that. 
Yes. The wedding thing was absolutely over the line. RIP Ivan, you will be missed. I can’t wait for Frenchie to break down, and congrats to all the people who wrote Frenchie as emotionally distant, you’ve won! 
THE WAY IZZY SOUNDS SO TIRED ‘Yeah. They got cake.’ ALSO. Did I miss the knife throwing scene?? Was that just for the trailer? I think it was in a past edit and they removed it.
‘Can’t do the job? Someone else will’ (Ed to Izzy)- Izzy felt that he mattered to Ed. This one line reframes their entire relationship. This fucks Izzy up. I theorize as the main reason Izzy never did anything was because Ed was his captain. But they were still friends. Close. Trusted partners.  But Izzy is still expendable. Even after all this time. He is nothing. Maybe he knows Ed is doing this so he rebels, and kills him, but maybe he doesn't. Izzy cares about loyalty... we'll see.
Yes. The Izzy scene hurts. But after watching Ep 2, this is nothing. 
‘It is your job to-to follow my fucking orders’ (Izzy to crew) THIS IS NOT HOW I THOUGHT THIS LINE WOULD BE USED. Because he knows. He knows he’s fucked, and he’s struggling to accept the fact that he’s looking down the loaded barrel. He knows that he can’t make these people listen to him, not any more. He’s alone, and now the one thing he can do(be Ed’s first mate) is about to be stripped from him. Hell, it already is.
Spanish Jackie. I love you. I love you so much. Extort those fuckers. Semi clean water and education is a big deal! Also, this season overall is a HUGE win for my fellow Pete fans. Funny bastard. 
I have thoughts about Prince boy, but they can wait until he does something.
Stede’s flaw has always been his naivety, habit of judging once and never really questioning it, and his ego. Prince is able to take advantage of it. I don’t trust him. I think he’s a spy. I also like thinking Spanish Jackie is collecting husbands to certain tasks like it’s Pokémon. Need a bartender? Customer service husband. The books? Math husband. New Swedish husband? Masseuse.
‘Because it’s fuckin’ treasure.’ Izzy. Izzy I fucking love you. God. The way he stiffens up. Knowing them not following orders means he will lose a toe. Fucking god. 
This to me confirms that Ed really wants to get Izzy to kill him in in ep 1. He will tear down every good memory they have just to get Izzy to give in. He doesn’t care about their past, he just wants to die. Izzy is a convenient violent punching bag because he can’t leave. He knows fully well that this crew doesn’t listen, and blames Izzy for a fact he can’t change. It’s fucked that he's shoving Izzy into this corner but he doesn't think there will be consequences. 
Honestly. I think Izzy knows his partner is at this edge, but he can’t do anything. This is why he gets the guts to talk back. Both here and later in front of the crew(more in a second).
The ‘you know me better than anyone has ever known me’ (Izzy to Ed) line kills me. Because it’s honest. For the rest of these episodes Izzy is so fucking honest It hurts. He can’t lie. Not to himself, not anymore. Not to Edward or the crews. He can't take advantage of any situation, or turn the tables. All he has is his words. He knows this, and yet here he is. Facing this abuse, and trying, because he wants to fix it. But he knows he’s not enough to snap Ed out. 
‘I have love for you’ (Izzy to Ed in cabin)Present tense…fucking hell. Izzy tries to pull Ed out by showing his soft center, and we can tell from Ed’s dismissive reaction that he already knows all this. But Ed isn’t talking. Izzy can’t read minds, he wants to help. I know he felt adrenaline spring through him after the confession, and with loose lips, he says just the wrong thing. HI MICROEXPRESSIONS ON CON. FUCKING AHH
‘Hang on Ed- Captain.’ (Izzy to Ed as Ed is marching out to the crew)OW. OUCH. OOF??? IZZY PANICING???? Trying to stop this???
The look on Izzy’s face when Ed holds the gun to himself is not shocked. Hurt, and he immediately closes himself off, like he genuinely thinks Ed would do it.  That’s what hurts. Also, I don’t know if hes doing a high pitch voice to imitate Izzy, but that’s my view of it. 
‘PACK IT IN' (Screamed by Izzy to Ed) THATS MY MAN!!! Stand up to Ed being shitty! GOD. Frenchie’s little head shake. Trying to warn Izzy, to tell him no :((((. But Izzy doesn’t care. He knows he’s not got too long left, so he might as well chew Ed out, to say the things everyone is thinking but are too scared to say. God, the way Ed teases the answer in front of everyone. -Say his name and I will shoot- sitting right there in his eyes, and Izzy GRINS and he says ‘Stede fuckin’ Bonnet’ and that is finally enough of an excuse for Ed to shoot. 
Look at the way Ed nods his head as Izzy says it, not even letting Izzy finish before saying it. He's done. All the other performative versions of violence, of being Blackbeard he does, I see a reason to say 'he's doing this as self hurt' but Idk. It feels like he wanted to, and now he can. So he does. The way everyone reacts hurts me. The way Ed steps over him, the way Ed pushes Frenchie into Izzy’s job. 
I know many fans, and myself before the show aired, thought the leg shooting would be too much. In all honesty. This is how I’d want it written. This entire episode has showcased Edward’s grown resentment to his friend mixed with self destructive impulses. Some might view this as being too much, but given episode 2, this is such a big fucking moment I can’t even comprehend it right now. 
Do I think Izzy’s love confession pushed Ed to this panic- ESPECIALLY after his last confession ended in Stede running away? Maybe. But I think Ed was mentally in a place where he couldn’t react with anything BUT dread. Thus making the Stede call back even worse. But I don’t know. 
That’s one end of the spectrum of how this scene can be interpreted (Ed shooting Izzy’s leg felt unjustified/uncalled for at this point in the story) now lets turn it around (The ‘Izzy deserved it’ fuck heads)
Lets be 100% clear here. 
I view Izzy turning the crew to the English was a catylist, BUT not a cause for them getting captured. Stede was wanted for murder, and would have gotten caught eventually. Hell, the fact Blackbeard was on the ship in S1 was a lucky guess that Chauncy was happy to take advantage of, that IZZY HAD TO SIGN THE ACT OF GRACE to get Ed out of.  
Can Ed hold Izzy responsible instead of taking accountability for his own actions? Yes. This episode shows that’s basically how he sees it. But we as fans are basically shown 5 different ways to view Izzy as sympathetic here. 
Now: Moving back into the episode (after 500 words of that…damn)--------------
Ricky is so dumb…. I don’t know if I love it or not.
I love ‘Susan’ (Zheng Yi Sao) but have some thoughts. I enjoy her, the way she holds herself like Ed did in episode 3, drawing that parallel. That and her Izzy narrative mirror of a first mate. Also, I hope the Swede and Spanish Jackie have a lovely season. I love them so much. 
(Yes! I got to inform the family of the history of the Queen of Pirates. I love what I do. )
One of my favorite crew scenes: Jim and Fang failing to correctly remember the story. I LOVE IT. I agree Archie, Jim trying to help Fang feel better is so fucking GOOD. Mixing the legend of the Monkey’s paw and Pinochio while cleaning up Izzy’s blood is so fucking…much. 
Hi another song I have never heard of??? (The whistle one, you will be going to the Ed Izzy divorce playlist)
Ed is pulling a Stede. Running away from every problem forgetting they dont exist. The second something tries to change he snaps. It hurts looking at Frenchie clearly trying to balance his family and Edward’s lack of empathy. I fucking love this episode, and think it’s up there for my favorites. This is a trend that will continue. 
Maybe my favorite piece of writing in ages. Can I just say they are Fucking WILD to call the Izzy/Ed episode ‘Red Flags’????? BECAUSE DEAR GOD
I watched the recap. It’s like, 3 scenes of stede, with Izzy geting shot and the final scene of Zheng Yi Sao. 
Classical song in opening: Etude No. 1, Op, 25. Going into the writing playlist. 
Buttons sleeping with his feet up, maybe to be close to the sea?
Now. I am going to use this moment to discuss a large criticism I have. The cutaways to scenes from S1. Now, do they feel fast, and awkward, yes. Should the writers trust their audience to tie the call back together? Yes. But for a casual audience I think these scenes are VERY necessary if you haven’t watched the show. I think they should be taken out, but I get why they’re there. 
‘Run From Me’ by Timber timbre THIS IS A FUCKING ED/IZZY SONG IN THE SHOW?!?!??!. WE DID IT. WE GOT 1! I don’t see any way how you could tie this is Ed/Stede. A song about the fear of hurting others and needing to always push people away. After last episode??? I fucking… I teared up on rewatch, because FUCK. It’s a scene with Ed playing with the dolls, but Izzy’s presence is right THERE. 
OMG OMG OMG- A PIRATE SHIP IS USING THE BELLS SYSTEM TO KEEP TRACK OF SHIFTS????? (Kind of? Not really? She just rang a bell. But just give me this).
Wee john & Buttons, I love you. ‘YES QUEEN!’ I CACKLED! I love the mispronouncing ‘China’ gag. 
‘I decided to take a chance on you…because’ Because they’re allies. Stede taking ‘soft’ as a compliment gives me life. 
I love that Stede is immediately like-*the vibes are off. What happened to my boy.* as soon as he sees him
Can I also say, I love that when we transition over to the Revenge, we see it from the front, sailing into frame. It’s such a good shot. 
I love that Ed is obviously in a manic period, FUCK. WHAT IF HE WAS CRYING OVER KILLING IZZY??? He wouldn't…but other than that, I can’t see specifically what he was crying about. 
‘No more booze, no more drugs, and more importantly, no more Izzy’ WHEN I TELL YOU I GASPED WHEN IT WAS REVEALED IZZY WAS KILLED THE FIRST TIME. God. Not by Ed, because Ed would never, but by FRENCHIE. No wonder they had to edit ‘Stede’ over that in the trailer… 
‘The new first mate always kills the old first mate’ - Okay, this bugs me. It’s not that the first mate is killed because ‘it’s law’. First mates were usually picked by their captain, but the Captain was democratically chosen. The first mate is loyal to the captain, as that is their job. The reason the first mate was killed when replaced was because the new Captain feared the old first mate could start a mutiny, and use the friendships built against a new person in power-
Hi secret passage :) To all the authors who also wrote them as tiny little hallways in the walls, rip. How did no one notice an extra room.
God, Izzy just knowing he’s fucked, and wanting to die now before Ed finds out is so fucking GOOD. ‘We just had him asleep’ JIM he’s a 50 year old man fading in and out of sleep due to an infection, not a toddler. I love that Izzy is just…so done. He didn’t expect the crew to help him out 🙁
God. I think my problem with Lucius in fanon was that he was always treated like he was above it all. The therapist. The loving partner. The jokester. But he has actual depth and Nathan is a brillian actor.
Hi Buttons being a sea god. I love that I wrote him as being creature adjacent ages ago. Bro can read Chinese AND got a fun magical ability. I can’t wait for that to pay off. 
THE OTHER SCENE I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT. Pissed off Ed being so fucking cheery when confronting Frenchy is so unnerving. Ed isn’t dumb. He knows. He knows the moment he caught Frenchie with that box that he was helping keep Izzy alive but he needed it confirmed. Which Frenchie did. 
(This is the point where my bro woke up so I rewatched everything with him)
Dear god. CAN WE CLEAN IZZY? Bandage that leg? ANYTHING?
‘But he’s out dick’ (Jim to Archie about Izzy and why they want to keep him alive) FUCK YEAHHHH!!! I love it, but can we not do this in front of a passed out Izzy?
Oh, the way my gut dropped the first time I saw Ed on the stairway of the secret room. Keep that man away from him.
GOD THE WAY I FUCKING GROANED WHEN OLU MOVED THE SHIPS ON THAT MAP. I am so happy the show is portraying how a flagship of a fleet works!!!
Lucius smocking to relieve stress and sooth his anxiety. All that to not think about what's happened. THAT and Pete being the ‘softer’ partner, gives me life. 
Izzy/Ed scene in the hidden room.
HI IZZY! ‘Up in leg heaven’(Ed to Izzy) Does this line read like bad fic? Yes. Good think I write fic and think it's fucking hilarious.
I fucking CHERISH this scene- 
‘I dreamt you killed me.’ ‘good for you’ (Ed to Izzy, Izzy to Ed)I FUCKING LOVE YOU IZZY- you are so tired of Ed's shit. I would put the entirety of this scene and every micro expression from Izzy if I could. ALSO ‘Eddie????’’ WHY- FUCKING- THAT WAS A FANFIC LINE AND IT'S MAKING ME SAD :0.
We are so getting a flashback next episode, aren't we? Even if we don't I'm so satisfied seeing the past closeness hinted at in these 3 episodes.
‘Clean up your own mess I’ve been doing it my whole life.’ I fucking LOVE HIM!! Even when he's suffering through an infection he won't let Ed walk all over him. Then Ed gives him his gun. LITERALLY TELLING IZZY TO STILL CLEAN UP THE MESS. 
‘I loved you…best I could.’ OH FUCK> OH FUCK!!!!! How did I MISS THAT ON MY FIRST RUN? IZZY/ED CONFIRMED???? THE FUCK???? ED ADMITS THAT HE FUCKING LOVED HIM!!! FUCKING KILL ME. ALSO PAST TENSE! That better be because he thinks Izzy is dead and not that he doesn't love him anymore :((( 
I loved Stede mentoring Lucius in talking btw. 
‘Save the rest for Pete’ (Stede to Lucius) Aw. Stede can’t be the therapist. I also love that Pete got freaked out. It makes me happy. 
I love this whole pre-storm scene. The way we can see Ed adjusting the canon into the mast to blow it down. The general storm vibes. The tension. The way it reads like the fuckery scene in ep 4 with the storm. Ed being steps ahead. But instead of Ed doing something clever he's doing something self destructive.
‘Run From Me’ start playing in the background up again when Lucius' line about being broken and learning to cope. LEADING RIGHT INTO THE STORM SCENE- AHHHH.
The way JIM STOPS ARCHIE FROM FIGHTING. Literally replicating their arc from S1.
God I fucking love this episode. So fucking much. The fact Ed/Izzy divorce has multiple suicide attempts built in makes me feel things. I wouldn’t expect anything else. 
‘I know, it’s been a day!’ (Zheng Yi Sao to Shadow guy)
I love the scene of her bargaining with the guy and think Zheng Yi Sao is going to build a pirate army to take over the Republic. She’s already taken over China. This is just for pride.
GOD I love the scene of Stede going through the ship. Mainly because it lets us see the hallway, and tells me more of the Ship's anatomy but that's not the point. 
I don't know how the Crew survived the storm, but DAMN. I'm so proud of all of them working together. We were all right to write fic like that.
Izzy just casually being devalued by Stede and how he just IMMEDIATELY looks to Frenchie. OW. FUCKING OW. Also the way Izzy said 'Bonnet' at the start of this scene makes me so happy. 
Now we’re at the scene of Stede cleaning up the knives. Leading into Izzy and Stede bitching. I love this scene mirroring the one where Izzy tells Stede to ‘plumb the depths’. Because it’s a moment where Izzy tries to be honest to Stede, but it doesn’t work. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH. Izzy holding his tongue just a bit trying to warn Stede. A person he is actively jealous of. Hell, he even takes accountability for his actions. He even tells Izzy a half truth that they didn’t kill Ed. 
IZZY IS FUCKING TRYING. BUT STEDE IS TOO STUBORN!!!! Why does Izzy always need to be the voice of reason, it’s bad for him :( He needs someone to treat him seriously. 
I love that Hornigold has all of Ed’s mannerisms from the start. That and all of Hornigolds memories are what Ed remembers about the things he hated about the man (the crab thing)
Is it sad that Ed is excited to live a normal life, but his gut(Hornigold) tells him not to be so naïve? Yeah. But I’m mad at him, so give me a day. 
I love Izzy in the jail scene. ALSO WHY IS FRENCHY LEANING THAT CLOSE TO IZZY-HELLO?? Izzy crying, closing his eyes. Not able to keep Ed safe because he still tried SO HARD to keep his body semi stable. They think he’s probably dead, and Izzy still keeps his corpse safe. EVEN AFTER ANYTHING. HE STILL LOVES HIM! :D D:
This is where the Pirate Queen isn’t fun anymore for me. I liked her, but then she threatened Olu if he said no?? I don’t like it! Especially as it seems Olu didn't get the hint.
The escape overall is very fucking sweet. Especially Izzy shushing people. I makes me happy :)- Also Buttons being a good first mate and giving orders as soon as they touch deck.  
I’M SORRY- IZZY THNAKING STEDE I saw it the first time, and freaked out, but the second?? DEAR GOD! I fucking love him. Give this man a hug. 
Also! I think the Mermaid scene is my 'Ohh Daddy' from S1. It’s a bit.. .much, I like the metaphor a lot. Eh. I don't know. I think they should have blured out Stede's face a bit with water. Reveal it's REALLY Stede when he gets closer. Hide the budget a but more or do a far away shot vs up close. Pretty but just a bit off.
ALSO: IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THE Ep 3 POST CREDIT SCENE DO-AS I’M SPOILING IT. As a person who is writing a ‘cured object’ thing for this fandom… watch this undo like, 40k of my own words. Please let Izzy be a bit of a skeptic but he generally follows the vibes cause ‘legends’ ALSO murder lesbians!! ALSO IZZY/STEDE woops, sorry, IZZY & STEDE FRIENDSHIP ARC!!!
Things I didn’t like:
Dislike how we glosses over the discussion of a poly/open relationship for Oluwande and Jim. They both thought eachother were dead, so it doesn’t give me the ick as I bet some will. But the way Jim joked about it still felt wrong.
Glossing over Lucius’ trauma a bit with the puppet joke. I found it a bit in poor taste. 
The fact Izzy is on the episode ‘cover’ for episode 3 on Max, revealing he didn’t kill himself in ep2. I forgot about it midway in, but remembered it on rewatch. Like? IDK
The lack of content warnings, I get it, but damn the suicidal ideation stuff +mania episode+ abuse hit hard. 
It went by a bit quick, but they wrote themselves in a corner. The slow building dread of Ed being a dick, vs Stede just working at Jackie's to get money. So they started when everything was falling apart. AND they need to get The Queen and the Prince established. Judging by the next few episodes, hopefully it will slow down. I prefer this to skipping those things, obviously. But I was much more interested in Ed’s side of the story than Stede's.
Things I do like/Standouts:
Hi Con O’Neill. Can you start paying rent the way you live in my head? Seriously, every scene Izzy is in he steals it. I assume people are a bit peeved that Izzy is getting more attention than Olu&Frenchie&Jim & whatever other character a person likes. But I really think they sewed it in well. Seriously, it’s heartbreaking, and everything I could have asked for. I Love Every Delivery. I see these episodes as enough to turn people slightly sympathetic if they were haters of Izzy before.
ALSO: IZZY SAVING THE CREW. Putting himself in danger FIRST so he doesn't hurt anyone? Jim immediately seeing this and trusting him in the future. I can’t wait to see friendship bloom between him and the crew. That and Izzy's own self destructive habits get broken down as he learns to respect himself outside of hierarchy and Ed. Yes, even like this I want to fuck that man.
Stede- I enjoy that he seems more comfortable with the crew. Especially Pete and Buttons. I don’t have much to say, but I hope this new Izzy training episode means he’ll learn to trust Izzy. Not too much to say, but that's a good thing! Here soon instead of Ed being the focus of the 'deal with this' stick it will go to Stede 'I'm the captain :(' Bonnet
BUTTONS OH MY GOD- My favorite head canon became canon babes!!! I love it. I’m here for it. He's having a lovely time.
ALSO FRENCHIE!!! Hi babes! I missed you being a clever badass! I'm happy Ed didn't stab you.
Them taking Ed’s issues seriously. We got hints of addiction/abusive behavior last season, but they took that and ran with it. Add that to self destrictive behavior that scales up with every scene. Plus the one line from Lucius about how some people can’t be fixed…good stuff, I like how we're handling mental health. I’m not happy with him, but we have time. Taika clearly had fun. I also see myself in his mania and self-sabotaging behavior (non violent, but still wish washy moods for my part)
That and Izzy/Ed being what it is… I believe that Ed genuinely loves Izzy the only way he can, but it’s not enough. He can’t love Izzy the way he needs. Ed needs to apologize, obviously. I won’t be able to forgive him ‘till then. I don’t think Izzy should until he’s able to pull away from him a bit. 
Let's just say I can't wait till next week when we get lesbians and one of my favorite tropes.
(@ing mutuals I know have seen it that I would love to yell with @gydima @born-on-a-beach-teach @treesofgreen BUT do feel free to shout down below!!!)
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the-dawn-star · 10 months
10 more of my possible unpopular TVDU opinions…
CW/TW: Racism mentioned, suicide as a topic in the shows. 
I know nothing about the writers of these shows, but I assume that they have made some of the bad decisions degrading the shows! I don’t know ANYTHING about the production of anything, the opinions below are solely based on what I see on screen: THESE ARE MY OPINIONS AND YOU CAN HAVE DIFFERENT ONES AND THAT’S OKAY! 
1.I hate the way Legacies changed the magic, or more like how the magic looks like. I loved the way how magic was kind of low-key in the TVD and TO but Legacies changed it to be a bit more childish. (Also, I heard that Legacies introduced Gods to the universe, and I cannot fathom how the lore got to that point.)
2. Like all of the people in the universe are horrible people and you still liking the more problematic characters are fine as long as you acknowledge that the characters are problematic. In this fandom you kind of need to pick whose problematic behavior you choose to ignore, and once again it’s fine as long as you realize that. 
3. Season 7 of TVD had so much potential and at the start I really liked the first(-ish) half of the season. The heretics were really cool and I really liked their characters but the longer the season went on the less I liked it. (The heretic girls were really nice.)
4. It’s really weird how a lot of vampire media focuses on the fact that vampires can’t have biological children. In TVD there are multiple scenes that focus on the fact that Elena being a vampire fucks her life up because she can’t have biological children. I don’t know if this is the writers telling the viewer that they don’t see non-bio parents as real parents or the writers just trying to make poorly made conflicts or something. 
5. It’s really weird, how the Mystic Falls gang is so against any of the villains killing anyone, but then are completely happy to kill like thousands of vampires just because they needed to do their own thing with the hunter’s mark and all. Like Jeremy killed so many people and they never had a moment of like “hey, us killing possibly thousands of innocent vampires because of Elena isn’t a good thing”.
6. I don’t hate Matt Donavan (at least not all the time). At first, he was an okayish character and his actions made sense because of what had happened to his loved ones and because he was a child. But I couldn’t stand him when he became a cop and started to be the number one supernatural hater. 
7. Finn’s character is tragic but no one seems to see that. The man lost two of his siblings, got turned into a vampire against his will, got locked in a box for 900 years, was ready to die and died like twice (I think). And it seems like none of his siblings really cared for him, which is stupid when the siblings whole thing is the importance of family. 
8. I’m sad that we barely see Marcel being a part of the Mikaelson family (Even in flashbacks.) I get that they had their own problems to deal with but still. I have two theories of why Marcel was treated as he was: 1. Racism 2. Writers not seeing non-biological families as real families. (It’s most likely a bit of both, in my opinion.)
9. I still don’t understand how at the end of season 8 everyone became humans again. (I have no interest in going back to watch how it happened.) 
10. TW: Suicide!! I hate the fact that TVDU sees someone commiting suicide/letting themselves to be killed as okay because “they sacrificed themselves for someone else/the greater good”.
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loserlvrss · 10 days
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ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ in which, to show my appreciation, i’m holding an event where i write 500-2,000ish words based off song lyrics .ᐟ PSA idols & prompts may only be chosen once. also, please specify which of the endings you’d like if multiple are listed on your prompt .ᐟ thank you for stoping by ♡ please understand that i do have a life outside of tumblr ( as well as attend school full time ). i am doing this for fun. it might take a couple of days / weeks to get all the asks out c: 40 slots; first come first serve until they’re all out .ᐟ no deadline.
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want to participate ? please choose a prompt from down below ⬎
1) ❝ just ‘cause we’re in love, it isn’t trust / do i wanna know the reason you’re not here, and see if i belong to you? ❞ - belong to you by josh makazo : angst without happy ending ( status ) open !
2) ❝ bathes you in spring sunshine, wipes tears dry, and says i love you twice / seasons change, say you’ll stay the same 봄 거을 겨울도. ❞ - love you twice by huh yunjin : fluff ( status ) taken !
3) ❝ so outlandish, she said fuck me ‘till i scream / couldn’t give a flyin’ fuck if i’m famous / good god she’s on the floor rollin’ her eyes at me. once i get inside she’ll wanna die with me. ❞ - die for me by chase atlantic : smut ( status ) taken !
4) ❝ started with a little bit, now i don’t know how to quit / i need you to feel alive, i need you to fill the void. ❞ - void by the neighbourhood : angst with happy ending ( status ) taken !
5) ❝ somebody let me know, why there’s trouble in paradise? ‘cause i’ve been try-trying to get by, but i lose my mind in paradise. ❞ - trouble in paradise by new hope club : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
6) ❝ untouched, xo, young lust, let’s— when we drive in your car i’m your baby, losing all my innocence in your backseat. say you love, say you love me / i write my name with lipstick on your chest. i leave a mark so you know i’m the best. ❞ - diet pepsi by addison rae : smut ( status ) taken ! fic
7) ❝ so what, you stayin’ or coming? it shouldn’t be a discussion. all of these girls, we runnin around and i still be craving your love. ❞ - choose by why don’t we : angst with happy ending ( status ) taken !
8) ❝ and if it’s better to bet on us, then i’ll double down / and are we falling in love? say yes or no. ❞ - yes or no by jung kook : fluff ( status ) open !
9) ❝ and i’m sick of waiting patiently for someone that won’t even arrive / in the back of my mind, i killed you. and i didn’t even regret it, i can’t believe that i said it. ❞ - romantic homicide by jxdn : angst without happy ending ( status ) open !
10) ❝ you’re kissing her like you almost care, but i don’t care / i know she loves you, but she’s never, ever, ever gonna fuck you like me. and i don’t love you, but i really, really, really wanna fuck you / fighting was our favorite kind of foreplay. ❞ - like me by sam short : angst with smut ( status ) open !
11) ❝ you’re killing me softly, i don’t want to lose you / you got me so in love, i’ve never been this possessive. i don’t know how to quit. ❞ - te quiero by kiss of life : fluff ( status ) taken !
12) ❝ i’ve been drinking with cupid, thinking how you’ve been / i’ve been drinking with cupid, thinking of you, babe. ❞ - drinking with cupid by voilà : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) taken !
13) ❝ love when it comes without a warning / you better lock your phone, and look at me when you’re alone / i’m the only one who does it how you like. ❞ - billie bossa nova by billie eilish : smut or suggestive ( status ) taken !
14) ❝ i read an article on the internet, told me that that's how you know you're fallin' in love / hate to be lame but i might love you. ❞ - hate to be lame by lizzie mcalpine, finneas : angsty fluff ( status ) open !
15) ❝ people asking what we do and i don’t say a thing / you could be my dirty little secret. and you could be my everything i’m needing. ❞ - tell em by sabrina carpenter : fluff ( status ) taken !
16) ❝ oh in your eyes, there’s a spark that could light up a fire / im dying to know, is it me, is it me you want? / ill blow your mind, i’ll make you feel, make you feel my love. ❞ - blow your mind by monsta x : fluff with or without smut ( status ) open !
17) ❝ i wanna be in so deep baby, floating like we’re deep inside an ocean / i’m talking with my hands, oh baby, here is my confession / baby we don’t need no reason, baby we don’t need to wait. ❞ - birthday by ten : smut ( status ) open !
18) ❝ don’t you wish it worked and we were on again? / feelings, do they ever die? / tell me what if we could start clean with no hard feelings between us, could we ever be? ❞ - sting by fletcher : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
19) ❝ with a bottle of wine for two, though i’m already drunk off you / now i’m falling heavily, recklessly. trying not to lose my sensibility, but gravity, it pulls me into you. ❞ - couple of kids by maggie lindemann : fluff ( status ) open !
20) ❝ every time we touch it’s like the last time, holding onto something when it’s not right / maybe that thing you said under your breath, you mean it. / i guess i don’t know, where we took a wrong turn, everything got harder. ❞ - mean it by gracie abrams : angst without happy ending ( status ) open !
21) ❝ how could we know, that this was a happy disaster? / usually i’m fucked up, anxious, too much, but i love you like you need me to. ❞ - imperfect for you by ariana grande : angst with happy ending ( status ) taken !
22) ❝ 모든 게 영원할 순 없으니? let's do it 'til we pass out. you ready or not? 언젠간, 모두 끝이 날 테니. i don't wanna waste our time, no / soaked in your love, 아름다운 이 순간을. ❞ - rush in 2 u by one pact : fluff ( status ) taken !
23) ❝ feel what you need, so just leave it to me / you just have to climb, baby i can make you high / it doesn’t matter if you have some flaws / can’t nobody fuck you like me, baby hold this vibe, yeah. ❞ - skyline by i.m : smut ( status ) taken !
24) ❝ but now looking back i looked at you like nobody else / and i hate that it hurts, that his car isn’t yours. ❞ - his car isn't yours by wendy : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
25) ❝ te encontré, me enamoré, en ti volé y caí / amores de noche, ajenos de día / tanto adiós nos hizo daño, y terminamos siendo extraños. ❞ - dos extraños by danna paola : angst without happy ending ( status ) open !
26) ❝ i want you to drunk text me, saying you still need me. tell me i’m not like her, i made you happier / ‘cause i’m no closer to closure. wish you weren’t sober. we’re over, but i’m not over it. ❞ - drunk text me by lexi jayde : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
27) ❝ follow me home or stay, i don’t care either way / what if i stop breathing, could i get off easy? what if we got even, for all the wrong reasons? what could it change? ❞ - even by bad omens : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
28) ❝ can you feel my heartbeat, when you hit it full speed? anywhere you take me, i’ll go / say you’re all mine. touch me under street lights. ❞ - passenger princess by nessa barrett : smut ( status ) taken !
29) ❝ i know that when it’s all done, i’ll hate you bad in the long run. but somehow it never ends, my heels on the edge of your bed again / ‘cause i know deep down that it’s never gon’ never be us, never gon’ never be more than just something that’s fucking me up. ❞ - run for the hills by tate mcrae : angst with smut ( status ) taken !
30) ❝ he’s like a poem i wish i wrote / oh god i’m gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up / i think i’m in love. ❞ - so american by olivia rodrigo : fluff ( status ) taken !
31) ❝ i don’t know your plans, i just wanna, uh, get some / fuck your ex man, i’m the man now. think i feel bad? he was fanned out. ❞ - girls by the kid laroi : smut ( status ) open !
32) ❝ what’s this new desire called? i didn’t know that much at all ‘bout love before, but now i think i’m learning. ❞ - bewitched by laufey : fluff ( status ) taken !
33) ❝ tonight, i don’t care what’s wrong or right. don’t start blowing up my line. i’d care at 11:59, but nothing counts after midnight. ❞ - perfect night by le sserafim : angst with happy ending ( status ) taken !
34) ❝ don’t ask why, but every little thing you do just drives me wild / there’s no touch or feeling, pleasure or pain, anything like the way you running through my veins. no breath or beauty, no sound or sight, that ever made me feel the way you do tonight. ❞ - eyes off you by prettymuch : fluff with or without suggestive content ( status ) taken !
35) ❝ 내 마음은 자꾸 너에게 달려가. 더 깊어지는 lovesick. 내 맘은 계속 clipping. 멈추지 못해 난 너에게로 가 / you’re the one that i want, the one that i need, don’t wanna be free. ❞ - inside out by nu’est : fluff ( status ) taken !
36) ❝ what if you’re the only one that i ever needed? what if i had stopped you when you said you were leaving, no, won’t let you go / i can’t help but wonder where your head and heart is, maybe that’s the reason why i’m scared of calling. ❞ - what if by eric nam : angsty fluff ( status ) taken !
37) ❝ bebé, volvamos pa’ aquellos tiempos. noche de travesuras allá en mi carro, mojando asientos / dime, ¿qué vas hacer cuando otro man toque tu piel? ¿pensará en mí estando con él? ❞ - mojando asientos by maluma, feid : angst with smut and happy ending ( status ) taken !
38) ❝ all of those lies i told to you, all of those highs i stole from you. it was all out of my control, but i really want you to know the truth / maybe i had to lose you, to know how good i had it, to know how good that we were, to know i’m deep in regret. now your surface is cold, now you’re burnt to the core. ❞ - on my youth by wayv : angst with happy ending ( status ) taken !
39) ❝ can you come back? wait, i don’t mean that / so far away but i still feel you everywhere / you still show up in a dream. ❞ - in a dream by troye sivan : angst with or without happy ending ( status ) open !
40) ❝ ‘cause this love is only getting stronger / but i bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us / they don’t know i’ve waited all my life just to find a love that feels this right. ❞ - they don’t know about us by one direction : fluff ( status ) taken !
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now that you have your prompt, choose an idol from the list ⬎
enhypen : lee heeseung, park sunghoon, kim sunoo, park jay, shim jake, yang jungwon, or ( no smut ) nishimura niki
stray kids : han jisung, seo changbin, yang jeongin, lee minho, kim seungmin, lee felix, hwang hyunjin or bangchan
ateez : park seonghwa, kim hongjoong, jeong yunho, jung wooyoung, choi san, choi jongho, song mingi, or kang yeosang
evnne : terazono keita, yoo seungeon, ji yunseo, lee jeonghyeon, park hanbin, ( no smut ) park jihoo or ( no smut ) moon junghyun
xdinary heroes : kim jungsu, han hyeongjun, lee jooyeon, goo gunil, oh seungmin or kwak jiseok
seventeen : hong joshua, lee jihoon, kwon soonyoung, lee seokmin, kim mingyu, boo seungkwan, lee chan, choi seungcheol, yoon jeonghan, chwe vernon, xu minghao, jeon wonwoo or wen junhui
le sserafim : kim chaewon, miyawaki sakura, huh yunjin, ( no smut ) nakamura kazuha or ( no smut ) hong eunchae
the boyz : lee sangyeon, kim younghoon, lee juyeon, choi chanhee, lee jaehyun, kim sunwoo, sohn eric, ji changmin, bae jacob, moon kevin or juhaknyeon
riize : osaki shotaro, song eunseok, park wonbin, lee sohee, jung sungchan, lee anton or hong seunghan
&team : nakakita yuma, asakura jo, koga yudai, wang yixiang, byun euijoo, murata fuma, ( no smut ) shigeta harua, ( no smut ) takayma taki or ( no smut ) hirota maki
cravity : seo woobin, koo jungmo, ham wonjin, kim taeyoung, kang minhee, park serim, allen ma, ahn seongmin, or song hyeongjun
one pact : jay chang, lee yedam, yoon jungwoo, oh seongmin or yeom taegyun
nct : lee taeyong, wong kunhang, suh johnny, kim doyoung, jeong jaehyun, xiao dejun, huang renjun, nakamoto yuta, qian kun, na jaemin, liu yangyang, chittaphon ten, lee jeno, lee haechan, lee mark, park jisung, dong sicheng, kim jungwoo or zhong chenle
trendz : lee havit, kim donghyun, lee choonghyun, cho hankook, yi taehyun, kim eunil, or jeong yechan
zerobaseone : kim jiwoong, zhang hao, shen quanrui, kim gyuvin, sung hanbin, seok matthew, kim taerae, ( no smut ) park gunwook or ( no smut ) han yujin
boynextdoor : lee sanghyuck, myung jaehyun, han dongmin, kim donghyun, park sungho or ( no smut ) kim woonhak
aespa : yu jimin, uchinaga aeri, kim minjeong or ning yizhuo
ampers&one : na kamden, ho brian, choi jiho, ( no smut ) yoon siyun, ( no smut ) choi kyrell or ( no smut ) mackiah mercer
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now that you have all your information, please send an ask here ˊˎ- and wait for it to come out !! i’ll change the status of said prompt so you know it’s been reserved for you c:
example ask / guide for if confused : ❝ hii, can i have ( insert number of prompt ) with ( insert idol name ) please? ( [ if required ] insert which prompt genre / ending you’d like ). thank you <3 ❞
.ᐟ.ᐟ sadly, if your ask does not have all the necessary information, i will most likely ignore it :( i tried to make it simple enough, but lmk if you have any questions / concerns ( *¯ ³¯*)♡
**if the slot has already been taken, for example if i'm away for a couple hours, i will reply to all the other asks containing the same prompt; excluding the first. you are free to choose a different prompt after that if you'd like !!
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u! © loserlvrss 2024 copying, translating & republishing are prohibited ! ( p.s thank you for all the support i love you all so much )
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harrystiddess · 3 months
Summary: Harry needs an abnormally large security detail and you’re put up to it, totally not wanting to get yourself involved in entitled celebrities and their inconsiderate personal requirements.
Part |
Part || (to be posted)
Warnings: None as of yet!
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It was a beautiful day today. The sun wasn’t too bright, your coffee was perfectly hot and most importantly, you only had to work half the day.
It was so going great until I reached work.
I walk in my precinct locker, get geared up. Get my holster and go to the kitchen to make myself the second coffee of the day at 8 am.
I’m loving today. I walk into the bullpen and meet Diaz and Buckley having a fight about something stupid yet again. I’m sitting on my desk at this point just going through my emails and checking case reports for any errors when Captian Nash walks over initiated my an announcement.
“Everyone. I have a last minute assignment. The officers at the Nine- Two Division had this assignment, but due to a precinct issue, the task has been forwarded to us.
Detective Y/L/N you’ll be leading this task. The task is nothing major and I know we don’t do tasks like these but I need my best detectives on these for a specific reason. There’s going to be a motorcade. Starting from the four seasons to the Campbell Arena, and then back. The Campbell arena needs two more detectives and uniformed officers for personal security of this celebrity. Y/L/N and Crew you’re on it. The name of the Celebrity can not be disclosed to anyone who’s not in the motorcade. Y/L/N and crew I want to see you in my office. Alrghty, dismiss everyone, we’ve got a lot of work to do with less personnel at hand in the precinct today. Get to work everyone, chop chop”
“Who do you think it’s gonna be?” Crew whispers to me as captain leaves.
“Honestly? I don’t give a fuck. I mean these entitled fucking celebrities can afford a whole security firm but choose to drag along police officers in every city they go to, refraining the officers from doing their actual jobs which isn’t escorting them?”
“I mean it’s a celebrity y/n come on I mean if it was lady gaga or Beyoncé I wouldn’t think twice if given an option to escort her”
“You better hope it is, if not, go goo gaga bitch” I say rolling my eyes clearly being annoyed at whatever the fuck I am ordered to do as I walk up to captain Nash’s office.
“Have a seat” captain says
“Alright, there’s no sugar coating this, it is a big global pop star that you’re taking care of today and that’s why I have put you two to this task. I don’t trust others enough to not fangirl over him.”
“Him?” I say curiously eating for him to disclose the name
“Harry Styles”
My eyes and jaw and everything verbally and visually drops. I’m going to be escorting Harry fucking Styles.
“This is a huge show and there are going to be over 70k people at the arena. Aside from the Venue’s security, he has his own security detail but he’s going to need us too considering what happened at his last show.” Nash said referring to the infamous incident where fans somehow mobbed him backstage.
“Alright. What do you need from us” I say with a straight and serious face- with the most giddiest grin and giggles with kicking feet masked behind my professional face.
Harry Styles was no joke. Even if you hadn’t Stanned him since the One Direction days, you definitely had stanned him. You freaking got 4 One Direction and 2 Harry Styles related tattoos. You were a fangirl.
But that didn’t make you any less pissed at the situation. It was your first off day after 2 months and now Harry fucking styles had ruined it.
“You would have to be inside the Arena at all times next to him” Nash said snapping me out of my thoughts.
Atleast I get a free VIP seat at a concert worth $500.
Crew knows what I’m thinking about. Crew and I went to the academy together. He knows me inside out like no one else does. I might not have a lot of best friends or not at all but crew and I are mates on a different level. He gets me. He understands me without me saying what I am thinking. And that’s special. Crew and I are special.
No, crew and I aren’t dating, we never did, unlike what everyone thinks. Crews been married for 5 years and I introduced him to Aria, his wife. So we definitely never had that relationship- ever.
Crew kicks me under the table teasing me about this whole thing. I pinch him real tight just to let him know that he needs to shut up about what he knows.
Although knowing crew, he wasn’t gonna shut up about this which he didn’t for the record- from leaving captains office to planning to arranging everything. He just had that wide smirk slapped across his face saying oh I know your deep dark secret y/n.
But I trusted him to know that he can’t speak a word about it for obvious, professional and… safety reasons. Threat being to his safety. Not Harry’s.
The motorcade is huge. One of the biggest ones I’ve been a part of in my life. 12 cars with 4 motor officers. Ofcourse, one in the centre- with Mr. Styles, crew and I.
It was ridiculous yes. Calling Harry Mr.Styles was ridiculous. Even though he wasn’t a customer, a victim or a suspect. But he was a walking ATM machine. So apparently, he was to be treated as our superior. Great.
It’s 11 in the morning, the suns up too bright and hot. And we’re at the Four seasons to pick up Har- Mr. Styles to go to ‘sound check’. There are fans swarming the place, wearing all sorts of ridiculously pretty outfits with albums and pieces of merchandise in their hands. His security had thankfully gated the area before we arrived. I stand outside the Black SUV as Harry walks out with his band and couple other security personnel. I feel him make eye contact with me As he comes and stands in front of me.
“Hi, nice to meet you” he says as he shakes my hand pausing and gently gazing over my chest.
Before I get ready to bash his head with whatever comes in my hand for that pervy gesture he says
“Y/L/N. Nice to meet you detective y/l/n”
My eyes soften, my brain going ‘see I knew he’s a gentleman’
“Nice to meet you too Mr.Styles”
“Oh no please call me Harry”
“Alright, nice to meet you Harry, but we gonna have to postpone the greetings forward, we need to leave before the fans break that bridge down”
He chuckles as he gets into the car as I close the door behind him and sit in the passengers seat.
“Alright all units to report to me and me only. All units to dispatch now, I repeat all units to dispatch now. Team alpha we are 25 minutes out” I speak into my radio before the car starts.
“Hi I’m Harry” he says extending his hand forward to crew he was seated next to him.l as Jeff his manager also introduces himself. Letting Harry know that Crew and I would be on Harry and his bands security personnel.
“Okay, that’s great, thankyou so much for helping us out today. I know it was a very last minute change and must’ve cause inconveniences. I really appreciate it” Harry added.
Whatever anger or inconvenience that I was feeling definitely blasted out of me the minute he shook my hand. And the fact that he’s exactly how the world describes him made it even harder for me to stay professional.
Upon reaching the arena we didn’t really have a lot of work to do until the gates were opened for the fans.
I walk backstage with Harry and his crew as they get settled down in the lounge area to begin setting up for the show. Crew goes to check a few things with the venue security and I stand at the door- not having anything particular to do, as Harry walks out and and invites me to come inside to sit with the rest of the band and crew instead of standing up uncomfortably.
When I walk inside I see Gemma, Anne and Niall. I look back. NIALL HORAN?? Keeping tm cool was getting harder harder by the minute.
Harry introduces me to them as his security for today. He politely orders me to take anything from the refrigerator which had everything from sparkling water to wine and ginger ale. I just took so water because I can’t drink while on duty.
We have the most randomest talks. Harry is genuinely interested in my lifestyle and how i decided that i wanted to be a cop. He genuinely just looked very curious. Which felt very nice but I can’t get distracted. I hate him. For today atleast because this entire thing is extremely stupid. Or atleast that’s what I’m trying to believe.
It was soon the time of show. I had to leave backstage with Harry so i had no idea about the crowd or hadn’t had a peek.
As the show got closer, the comms started getting busy along with me. I had to make sure everyone were in their positions and had clear instructions to report to me about anything that caught their eye or anything out of the normal.
“Alright are we ready Mr.Styles? Oh Uhm Harry I mean…”
“Yes. Yes we’re ready to go” he says chuckling
“Great okay. So there’s going to be a mic on the stage that would be tapped into our communications. So if there’s anything that feels off or feels different, please speak into that microphone. I know this might not sound like a big deal but with so many people in the same location, we want to keep things as low key as possible”
“Sounds great detective y/l/n. Thankyou so much for this”
“It’s my pleasure” I say while making polite eye contact with him which ends up being a little longer than intended from both our sides, which is broke my Niall clearing his throat.
Harry and his band go on the stage while I get positioned right below the stage where Harry can see the back of my head and possibly my ass- but I was trying not think about that because I can’t get anxious about something that’s impossible to happen.
The show goes on smoothly. Harry looking extremely scrumptious yeh entire time. I would like to think that it was my imagination but when it happened for the third time I was sure it infact is real and not a fragment of my delusions. Everytime I had eyes on the stage instead of my back, Harry would sing while looking right into my eyes, into my soul. It didn’t happen once, but thrice as far as I remember from the high of the feeling this gave me.
Being a cop has quite the pros to it. One being, being able to maintain a somber face. Which I hope to god I had throughout the day today.
The show got over, Harry was blowing kisses to the crowd as his band began to prepare to leave. I went backstage as we were instructed to leave immediately after the show ends.
There were a couple other people waiting for Harry giving him some water and a napkin, as well as photographers trying to capture the moment he kicked off the first show of his tour. I lead the group to the cars, where everyone got seated in an extreme hurry which Is just normal protocol for them by now.
“Everyone is settled. All untits dispatch to drop off. I repeat all units dispatch to the drop off”
I breathe a sigh of relief because I’d be damned if this didn’t go well under my lead.
“You were great Harry” I say smiling at him.
“Oh thankyou, it felt great. The crowd was.. amazing really”
I just gave him a smile of approval.
“Hopefully there won’t be a lot of people at the hotel”
“Ahhh well you can’t always hope in this line of work can you” he said chuckling that sparked a quite giggle as a response. I was a comfortable gaze that we held until someone one spoke on the radio about our arrival.
“Aright.. I guess this is you..” I say breathing out
I open the door for him as he walks out of the car. “Thankyou so much for you time today. I appreciate it.”
“No issues. As I said it was my pleasure.. and plus I got to attend a free concert- so it’s a win win situation” I say which make him laugh. We bid a silent goodbye as he hesitantly turns back scratching the back of his neck.
“Uh would you be.. would you be getting a few drinks with us in sometime at the bar? Uhm the band and a few other people are celebrating kicking off the tour tonight” he says waking closer to me, being visibly nervous of the untested waters he was on.
“Oh Uhm. Yeah yeah but I’d have to go and change.. can’t really walk into a bar looking like this you know” I say laughing and looking down at my uniform
“Oh yeah definitely” he says chuckling.
“Are you sure? I mean you don’t have to feel obligated to invite me because I was leading your security today”
“What! No no that’s not it at all.. u genuinely would love for you to come”
“Oh Uhm okay then I’m in!.. I can directly meet you at the bar… I don’t live too far from here”
“Oh if that’s so that I can pick you up if you don’t want a hassle”
“Oh no no that’s alright you can just text me the address of the place and I’ll meet you there”
“That sounds perfect.. I’ll see you soon then?”
“Soon” I say nodding as he turns around and walks back into his hotel. I turn around to face the car, which tells me he doesn’t know that I saw his reflection in the window when he looked back once more before entered the building.
Good god. I haven’t felt like a little child with a school girl crush in a long while. What is he doing to me I think to myself while I drive back to my place.
I get my car in the parking when I see my phone screen light up.
Unknown: Hey detective
Unknown: See you at the Brody’s Speakeasy on Langden Street soon
Me: oh hey stranger.. where’d you get my number from? Should I be worried?
Unknown: oh shit no not at all. I got it from Jeff if that’s okay. I hope I didn’t overstep
Me: no not at all! I was just messing with you
Unknown: You’re trouble aren’t you
Me: Maybe.. I guess you’ll just have to find out
Unknown: I guess I will in a few… se youu soon detective.
Me: See you soon stranger
♡ ♡ ♡
Stay Tuned For Part Two!!
Reblog, like and comment! DM if you have any prompts! Hope you guys like this
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menuandprice · 2 years
Manoli’s Pizza Company – Wailea, Maui, HI
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Happy Hour at Manoli’s Pizza Company – Wailea, Maui, HI
Updated 9/5/2022 by the Maui Happy Hours team
Happy Hour at Manoli’s Pizza Company 3pm-5pm
Happy Hour Pizza by the Slice - Cheese $4 - Pepperoni $5 - Specialty Slice $6 Happy Hour Draft Beers - Ranging from $4-$6 a pint Happy Hour Cocktails - Well Drinks $6 - House Classic Margarita $8 Happy Hour Wines by the Glass - Chardonnay $8 - Cabernet Sauvignon $8
Late Night Menu at Manoli’s 10pm-Midnight
- Chicken Wings $11 - Garlic Parmesan Fries $7 - Caesar Salad $12 - Coconut Shrimp $12 - Pizza by the Slice – Cheese $4, Pepperoni $5 - Jaxson’s Burger $21 – Crispy Maui onions, cheddar cheese, tomato, bacon marmalade, lettuce, and black pepper aioli with fries —————————— Address: 100 Wailea Ike Dr., Kihei, HI 96753 Phone: (808) 874-7499 Website About Manoli’s Pizza Company: “Treat your friends like family and your family like friends. My father, Manoli Placourakis, was born in 1925 and raised on the largest of all the Greek Islands, Crete, where the weather and water are beautiful year-round, where seafood, vegetables, and fruit are plentiful, and where the bread, cheese, and wine are all handcrafted the old fashioned way. Rhonda and I are raising our son, named after my father and born on Maui in 2004, a beautiful island with similar qualities to my father’s birthplace. This leads us to Manoli’s Pizza Company. Our fare here at Manoli’s is centered on fresh, organic, and sustainable products whenever possible in crafting all of our pizzas, salads, and even when choosing the wines on our list. Manoli’s is where healthful, flavorful foods and beverages come together in a place where friends and family meet. Mahalo – Aaron Placourakis, Son & Father According to these Manoli’s Pizza Company diners: “Excellent setting, good pizza and friendly staff at Manoli’s. The open setting on the golf course is impressive. Unbeatable value in Wailea!”Vincent F., September 2022 “Great location! Awesome happy hour and Brodie is the best!!! Mahalo! See you all soon”Jayden G., March 2022 “This has been our favorite place on Maui thus far – the ambience, the service, the food, all excellent. We absolutely loved the open concept restaurant with beautiful views of the sunset and golf course. They also had a great, basic menu with options to appease all sort of food preferences. We started with the garlic Parmesan fries which were honestly better than expected with crispy, thick cut fries, and got a variety of pizzas. The Hawaiian Honey pizza was so good with fresh, perfectly seasoned pineapple and Maui onion. Someone else in our party also got the Tree Hugger Bowl and said it was super tasty and just what she was looking for. Of course we ended the meal with the giant Holy Manoli… a cast iron skillet baked cookie with ice cream and hot fudge. No complaints there, except maybe over eating (a self-inflicted problem). We loved this place, and would definitely recommend. Beautiful area with a casual but not hole-in-the-wall place.”Sarah Q., March 2022 “We went to Manoli’s twice during our stay because it was so good! The marinara sauce is absolutely delicious and the pizza was so crispy! The portions are very large and it’s open air dining. I would highly recommend this restaurant for lunch or dinner!”BreeAnne M., March 2022 “This was our favorite place to visit so far in Maui for food! Our server, Joshua, went above & beyond. He was an overall amazing server and when he found out we were visiting, he took the time to write a few neat places to check out which was super thoughtful! The food was great, we got pizza. Prices were great too! We would highly recommend to anyone! Thank you Joshua!”Hannah S., February 2022 “Unfortunately the pizza was so good I didn’t save room for that amazing looking cookie and ice cream.”Josh H., February 2022 “Love going to Manoli’s! The restaurant is awesome and the food and drinks are great. Their gluten free pizza crust is not only the best I’ve had on the island, but it’s one of the best I’ve ever had. Thank you, Manoli’s, for having GF options!”Catie K., January 2022 Manoli’s Pizza Company is open from 11am-midnight daily with their full menu served from 3pm-9pm and delivery from 4pm-9pm. Happy hour at Manoli’s in Wailea, Maui is from 3pm-5pm and daily featuring discounted pizza by the slice, appetizers, beer, wine, and cocktails and they late night menu is served from 10pm-midnight featuring discounted food.
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whumptober · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Updated
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Welcome to Whumptober 2020! We’re doing things a little differently this year so please make sure to read the Event Info carefully. We are also excited to announce the addition of an AO3 Collection, which can be found here.
We hope you’re as excited as us to watch the Whump Community come together once again for a month of bone-crunching creativity and collaboration!
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
No 1. LET'S HANG OUT SOMETIME Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY  "Pick Who Dies" | Collars | Kidnapped
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY Manhandled | Forced to their Knees | Held at Gunpoint
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME Caged | Buried Alive | Collapsed Building
No 5. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? On the Run | Failed Escape | Rescue
No 6. PLEASE.... "Get it Out" | No More | "Stop, please"
No 7. I'VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? "Don't Say Goodbye" | Abandoned | Isolation
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD "Take Me Instead" | "Run!” | Ritual Sacrifice
No 10. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THEY BLEED Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
No 11. PSYCH 101 Defiance | Struggling | Crying
No 12. I THINK I'VE BROKEN SOMETHING Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN Possession | Magical Healing | Science Gone Wrong
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING Blackmail | Dirty Secret | Wrongfully Accused
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor's Guilt
No 20. TOTO, I HAVE A FEELING WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval
No 21. I DON'T FEEL SO WELL Chronic Pain | Hypothermia | Infection
No 22. DO THESE TACOS TASTE FUNNY TO YOU? Poisoned | Drugged | Withdrawal
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
No 24. YOU’RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE Forced Mutism | Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
No 25. I THINK I’LL JUST COLLAPSE RIGHT HERE, THANKS Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD... Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
No 27. OK, WHO HAD NATURAL DISASTERS ON THEIR 2020 BINGO CARD? Earthquake | Extreme Weather | Power Outage
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR Intubation | Emergency Room | Reluctant Bedrest
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment | Whipped | Left for Dead
Alternate Prompt List
Alt 1. Punctured
Alt 2. Falling
Alt 3. Comfort
Alt 4. Stitches
Alt 5. Stoic Whumpees
Alt 6. Altered States
Alt 7. Found Family
Alt 8. Adverse Reactions
Alt 9. Memory Loss
Alt 10. Nightmares
Alt 11. Presumed Dead
Alt. 12. Water
Alt. 13 Accidents
Alt. 14 Shot
Alt. 15 Carry/Support
Event Info
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 Official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don't have to include the exact wording into your work). Additionally, there are 3 prompts for each theme.  These are optional suggestions and can be used in conjunction with the theme, or as options/alternatives.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, and photo/video/audio edits. Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2020 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(theme number)
#bruised, #stabbed,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself, because tumblr sucks)
#nsfw, #nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober2020​ blog. They must be tagged in the order above.
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month.
Questions not addressed below can be directed to this blog as well.
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gif set or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe :)
Q. Do I have to do all 31 Days? Can I post early/late?
Participate as much or little as you like, and post whenever! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.11, #psych101). Combining prompts into one piece of work is okay, and posting late is as well so as long as it’s in October.
Q. What if I don’t understand a theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help clarify. That said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation :)
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely! That’s like shooting two whumpees with one bullet :)
Q. Can I upload/repost my whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. The archive can be accessed here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle :)
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If it just conveniently checks the boxes, then please don’t. You can, however, add new chapters answering one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, whoever you like.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes,  but it only counts once
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day's prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
Yes, but please do not use a specific prompt twice. We have also created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from [here].
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s.?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you :)
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst focus ok?
Of course!
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What's whump?
See this post
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn't whumpy at all, does that count?
No, sorry, but keep in mind that whump [see definition] is something very nuanced and different for everyone and emotional whump/angst is just as much part of it, as is physical whump and torture. So before you dismiss your idea, think about this.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we posted the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time”.
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. emeto tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want.  
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the whumptober2020 tag
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, just be sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies of whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, tags are your best friend.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 24
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23
And there's the end! Thanks to everyone who read, left comments or liked it. My longest story ever, a real pain 😅. I admit I got a little lost here and there but I enjoyed writing it. There will be more chapters but I still have to decide some things so I don't know if or when they will be published... anyway I hope you like this last one x
The situation at home is awkward. Evelyn wanted to find the right moment to talk to her brother but that moment never seemed to come. She would stare at him, spend most of her time with him and yet she couldn't get those words out of her mouth. Engrossed in her own head, she hadn't noticed that the same thing was happening on the other side. Ben had an important decision to make too, or maybe he had already made it and it was only communicating it that scared him.
And one evening Evelyn had just put Cece down but didn't want to go to bed so she slowly closed the bedroom door behind her and made her way to the living room. But in the silence of the house she changes her mind and slips into Ben's room, settling into his bed and holding him close.
He immediately sighs squeezing her back, "What are you doing?"
"Remember how many times mum nearly had a heart attack because she couldn't find me in bed and I was sleeping with you?"
"How can I forget... when you slept alone I worried" she chuckles softly before sighing.
"I miss that. Being young and not having the world on my shoulders and being able to hide in my big brother's arms and feel better immediately"
"We're grown up, but that doesn't mean you can't count on me no matter what" for a moment she thinks she might burst into tears at any second, but she takes a deep breath closing her eyes to calm herself. "Even though we'll be far apart, we'll always be there for each other. Promise me Lyn"
"Ben" for a moment she thinks he knows, but it can't be. Jack promised her that he would give her all the time she needed and at the very least give her a heads up. So she tries to turn to look at him as if she could see him in the dark, but his grip is so firm she can't so she sighs "I promise, I promise"
There's silence for a few moments in the room before Ben sighs and releases his news, the one he's been holding in for a while now. "I might be a Chelsea player next season"
Evelyn snaps to her seat as soon as she processes those words, making a fuss to lean over and turn on the light hitting Ben in the process. "WHAT? Oh sorry! Ben that's great"
"Shh don't wake Cece up" Ben pulls her down but she gets back up again, resting her elbow on the mattress and looking at him proudly.
"You know I always knew you were destined for great things"
"Fly down. I said I might, it's nothing official yet"
"Well they'd be really stupid to let you go at this point: you're talented, you're a hard worker and you've got a pretty face too which never hurts" the two giggle as Ben lightly hits Evelyn with his foot and she then sits back down, her arm almost tingling.
"Why don't you look happy B?"
"I am" he states bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his arms on them, his hands brushing against each other from time to time.
"But there's something that doesn't make you live this moment to the fullest. Is it Deb?" she asks, but he's already shaking his head.
"I'll ask her to come with me if I accept" he admits slightly embarrassed as always when it comes to his personal life, but still sharing a smile with his sister who knows what it means. And she wishes them all the best because they deserve it, and not because they are the two people who have been closest to her in the last period but because they are good together and deserve all the good things that can happen to them.
"Is that for me?" Evelyn doesn't even give him time to think about changing subject, seeing him shift awkwardly from his seat sighing slightly.
"It's just... I worry about you. And Cece. It scares me to leave you here alone, because I can't ask you to follow me. Not now that you've found some kind of normality anyway"
"Ben" his name comes out more or less as a whisper, she doesn't even know if he heard it frankly. So she clears her throat slipping towards him and moving even closer, "We said you wouldn't worry about us any more than you have to"
"How can I?" when he looks up Evelyn can clearly see his inner struggle, and her stomach clenches in a painful grip. "I know I'm not her father but I love her, I love you and I can't help but worry about you as well since we live together"
"Benjamin James Chilwell are you really thinking of not taking the chance of a lifetime for a burbler and a whiner?" Evelyn tries to keep a straight face as she nonchalantly wipes away a tear that is silently rolling down her cheek.
"Family. For my family"
"Damn it Ben" she hits him on the arm between his laughter as she thinks it's now or never, if she doesn't tell him right then it's going to get harder and harder and she'll end up telling him the day she leaves. So she takes a deep breath.
"You know it's a good thing then that Jack asked us to move in with him. And that I said yes" next thing she knows she's on her back on the mattress with Ben moving his fingers over her body making her laugh and her trying to free herself.
"I can't believe it, what a bastard! You could've told me sooner!"
"Eh what can I say... I feel a certain pleasure in seeing you struggling" she sneers still trying to catch her breath as he drops down beside her.
"I promised you Ben, this time will be different. I won't make the same mistake twice" his hand goes to intertwine with hers, "Accept that contract if you think it might be the right move for your career, Cece and I will always be there to support you even if we can't see each other every day"
"I love you"
"I'm proud of you"
"Damn it!"
"Are you okay babe?" Jack yells from the other room where he and Cece are watching TV.
"Yeah" Evelyn lets him know clenching her teeth as she glances at the dog and places the container in her hand on the table.
"You need to stop that okay? One of these days I'm going to break something. Or you can hurt yourself"
"Babe who are you talking to?" Jack walks into the kitchen confused as she rolls her eyes.
"Your dog. He always has to get in the way"
"He just wants to play" he chuckles taking the dog and giving it some attention, "Look"
"It's annoying. I almost regret when he kept his distance as soon as we got here. And no, don't look at me like that. You have to stop"
Before she can say or do anything else, Cece comes running crashing into Evelyn's legs and laughing making Evelyn sigh just looking at Jack. He chuckles giving the dog one last pat before letting him go, "He just wants to play babe"
"I want to play babe" the little one states nodding as Evelyn picks her up, eyebrows arched in surprise.
"What did you just say?" the little girl repeats smiling as Jack hides a smile with his back to the two washing his hands.
"No no. Mh-mh. I'm not babe for you, I'm mommy"
"But he calls you that!"
"He's my boyfriend, he can"
"I can too! I'm your girl" Evelyn sighs knowing she can never win that battle, while Jack can't contain himself anymore and bursts out laughing.
"This is all your fault"
"How come?"
"You're a bad influence on her"
"Nah that's not true, she loves me. You love me don't you?" the little one agrees nodding as Jack pokes her tummy.
"Oh yeah? Well since you two get along so well, you can give her a bath tonight" she handed the little girl, who immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, winking at him.
"Yay! Lots of bubbles Jack?"
"As many as you want" and as the two of them walk away discussing the big plan that is taking a bath, Evelyn looks at them smiling getting lost in her thoughts.
Although it wasn't her first move, it was certainly the heaviest of all. Both emotionally and physically. Packing up her things and watching Ben do the same felt reassuring, but as soon as she remembered the different paths they were about to take, the nostalgia came flooding in. But there wasn't enough time to dwell on everything that Cece was calling for her attention and so it was back to square one, choosing what to pack for the moment and what not to, looking after the baby, spending time with Ben before going their separate ways...
Jack had made sure she had everything she needed, to make her feel as welcome as possible. They'd taken time to get everything set up, to make his house theirs, and she'd slowly gotten used to calling it home. And she really hoped it would be the last trip for her daughter, a permanent arrangement.
And she didn't have any big problems at the moment except for that dog. She'd never had a chance to complain about it, even when they came and went from that house the animal's behaviour had always been impeccable. He and Cece made a well-matched pair and there had been times when she'd actually thought about giving them both away, but then Jack would always calm her down. Recently though, he'd started following her around, getting in her way more than once or simply resting his face on her legs when they were on the couch watching TV. Talking to Deb about it, the girl had suggested that maybe her period hormones were the cause of the animal's sudden attachment to her, a hypothesis she had immediately ruled out because, firstly, it had never happened before and, secondly, she wasn't on her period.
However, that chat had put something in her mind, something she had not yet given a chance to sink in and had not yet checked above all.
"I wanna another baby" Jack surprises her that night after a thousand stories to put Cece to bed, alone in the living room brightened by the shades of light from the screen.
She looks at him. All she can think about is his choice of words. There had been moments: the first time Cece had called him dad, the time he had referred to her as his daughter, the first time she had referred to him as daddy in such a natural way. Yet each time, having the certainty that he considers her his despite everything, is like the first time. Like he'd never done it before. "Another?"
"Yeah. I want to add another member to this family, give our daughter a sibling. Can you imagine?" Evelyn can't speak, she's visibly emotional and Jack notices this as he replaces his dreamy expression with a more concerned one.
"I don't want to push you though if you don't feel like it yet. I know I'm not her father, well at least not biologically, and I don't want you to think it's for-"
"I think I'm pregnant" she then interrupted him giving voice to that thought that had been torturing her for a couple of days and it took him a moment to process those words.
"What? That fast?" and she laughs straddling him taking his face in her hands, leaving a tender kiss on his lips.
"I'm going to be a father?" he murmurs, his eyes sparkling as his hands go to brush against what is her stomach.
"I don't know for sure yet. I still have to take a test but I'm optimistic"
"Why haven't you taken one yet?"
"I guess I was scared. Last time I was pregnant I..."
"Oh honey, listen to me. I'm not leaving you anytime soon, okay? If you're pregnant, if you're carrying my baby right now... leaving you is the last of my thoughts. Trust me"
"I know that. I just-"
"Need someone to remind you of that once in a while. And that's what I'm here for" Evelyn leans in again to kiss him before standing up and offering him her hand which he accepts without hesitation.
"Where are we going?"
"To find out the truth"
Evelyn and Jack look at each other, unable to hold back a smile as Ben enjoys Cece sitting on his lap, helping her with the slice of bread in front of her. Since they had gone their separate ways, those lunches were commonplace to spend time together and they had learned to treasure those moments.
"Uncle B" Cece lifted her head bringing a crumb to the boy's lips, "what's a little sibling?"
"Oh...well a sibling is someone you'll love dearly when mum and dad have another b- wait" Ben lifts his head looking at the two in front of him, "A sibling? Why are she asking me about a sibling? Lyn" a glance is worth a thousand words as surprised and incredulous happy expressions appear on both of their faces before they get up to hug them.
"I knew it! I knew there was something different about you today!" Ben holds Evelyn tightly to him after putting Cece down, overjoyed for his little sister and the new life that will soon fill their lives.
"The dog, he knew all along"
"You 're damn right" Evelyn chuckles at Deb's statement as the boys look at them confused as they play dumb.
"I'm sorry man, this time it's your turn to take all the whining"
"Hey! Watch your mouth" Evelyn points her finger at him as Jack hugs her from behind, one hand going to gently caress her side.
"It's true! You used to cry a lot, about everything"
"Not about everything"
"A lot" Ben insists on pointing out, as his sister sticks her tongue out.
"Eh it is a bit true" Jack puts in earning a dirty look from her trying to push him away, "but I don't care. I'm ready to experience it fully, with the good and the bad too"
Later that day everyone seems to have collapsed around the living room, everyone except the two brothers. Ben signals for Evelyn to go out into the garden and the two of them walk off without waking anyone up.
"Quite a nice day" the boy relaxes on the deck chair in the green space closing his eyes for a moment as she settles down next to him.
"You called me out here to talk about the weather?" she teases him turning her head to look at him.
"And to tell you that I'm proposing to Deb this weekend"
"Ben! I can't believe you kept this from me all day" a gasp as she smacks him on the arm.
"It's not like I could exactly yell it out" he excuses himself turning for a moment to look at the glass door, "and I couldn't tell you with Cece around"
"You're right, I forgive you" she chuckles acknowledging that the little girl could have blurted it out at any moment without meaning to and ruin everything.
"Aw my big brother" she pinches his cheek as he tries to wriggle out of it by slapping her hand away, and for a while they laugh acting like they're kids again.
"Do you remember when you showed up at my house?" sighs Ben after a moment and at her nod, he continues, "you said there would be no more chances for you to find someone. Well looking at you now you could say you were wrong"
"You want to make me say it Ben?!" she looks at him cheekly before they both burst out laughing.
"I just want to... look at us. Me almost engaged, you almost a mother of two. For being the only members of the 'Boo love by Chilwell' club, it hasn't gone so bad"
"Oh my god, shut up! I totally forgot about that! We weren't normal kids"
"We never were" and it's like they've run out of time to spend alone as the little one of the house comes in rubbing one eye claiming Jack is still asleep and doesn't want to wake up.
"Oof I really hope my children can have a relationship like ours. You are and will forever be my best friend" she says sincerely, smiling and closing her eyes for a moment before standing up as Ben leaves a kiss on her temple.
"I will always be with you"
"Hey so about what my brother said earlier..."
"There's no need, like I said I want it all"
"Yeah but I just want to say one thing" she stands up on her toes to leave a kiss on his lips and he's already with his hands on her waist bringing her down not breaking the kiss. "I can feel this time will be different. I won't cry"
"Hmm how come?"
"Because I'm happy now"
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
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Who Saved The Day? Season 5
It's been a long time but I am back with the fifth installment of Who Saved The Day? I'll be looking at every episode of buffy the vampire slayer to see who saved the day the most and in what ways. we're heading into the darkest and most complex end of the series and the number two spot is still very much up for grabs. it's getting harder and harder with time to tell who wins the point in each individual episode, and I don't think it's gonna get any easier from here friends.
At the end of season four we left it at:
Buffy: 43
Angel: 5
Giles: 5
Willow: 4
Anya: 2
Faith: 2
Oz: 2
Xander: 2
Other people who only got 1 each: 8
So season 5:
1. Buffy Vs Dracula: Buffy
Nice and straightforward. You kill Dracula twice, you get a point.
2. Real Me: Buffy
Buffy saves Dawn. Good work.
3. The Replacement: Willow
Buffy did avert the violence and stop the two Xanders from escalating things to a nasty place, so I'll hear arguments for that, but Willow actually fixed the situation and put the two Xanders back so I think she was the one who saved the day.
4. Out Of My Mind: Buffy
I really went back and forth on whether it was Buffy or the doctor here. The doctor actually solved the thing that was wrong so a big part of me thinks it was the doctor who did the procedure on Riley, but Buffy won the fight and dealt with Spike and Harmony so.... Buffy.
5. No Place Like Home: Buffy
Another 'nobody won' episode really. I don't know how to choose someone who saved the day here when... the day ended pretty badly. It was either the Monk for giving Buffy the info about Dawn before he died, or Buffy for getting herself and the Monk out of the magic box. I couldn't decide but thought that saving lives had to count as saving the day right?
6. Family: Buffy
My heart aches when I think about Family, seriously. I considered giving the point to Spike because he solved the demon thing, which exposed the Maclays and put the whole business to rest, but Buffy saying she wasn't going to let Tara be taken was more of a 'saving the day' action I think?
7. Fool For Love: Spike
I'm not certain who the day was really saved from here. Yes Riley killed some vampires but I don't think they were the main threat so killing them was more of a fun side project for Riley. I don't think we can really say Spike was the villain? At least for most of the episode. Putting this episode in its big existential context I think by giving Buffy the stories of the two past slayers and his actually fairly true (and useful for the rest of the season) insight into the slayers we can make a solid case for Spike saving the day. Am I biased in his favour? Absolutely, but it's my list! Spike's first point!
8. Shadow: Buffy
Buffy dealt with the snake and with so many other things.
9. Listening To Fear: Buffy
Dawn very much did save Joyce the first time, so there's an argument that she saved the day, but Buffy actually stabbed the thing. So Buffy.
10. Into The Woods: Buffy
Buffy (?) She certainly killed some vampires.
11. Triangle: Willow
Buffy does a lot of pummelling but Willow sends the troll away, which I would call solving the problem at its root.
12. Checkpoint: Buffy
Good speech babe, and well done for getting Giles his retroactive pay checks.
13. Blood Ties: Willow
I'm giving it to Willow and Tara here because they did the spell that transported Glory, and while Buffy's speech to Dawn was far more emotionally significant, the spell was what actually helped. I really want to give Tara a point - my beautiful girl who awoke so much of my soul deserves more than one - but Willow passing out from doing the spell implies to me that she was contributing more magical energy. If you can convince me in the replies that Tara deserves this point I will very, very gladly transfer it to her.
14. Crush: Spike (?)
I'm not happy about this one either. Much though I love him. But we've had episodes before where the person who causes the problem solves the problem and I've been strict with myself in the past about the person who saves the day only ever getting to be the person who actually does the one action that removes the biggest immediate danger. That danger was Drusilla and Spike got her off Buffy sooooooooo maybe I picked stupid rules.
15. I Was Made To Love You: Buffy
Out of every single episode of this show, this is the one where the day is the least saved. It's impossible to look at the ending of this episode and think of anything being okay. But Buffy stops April hurting anyone so, I guess.
16. The Body: Buffy
I'm a huge fan of the fact there was a vampire in this episode, keeping an element of the supernatural in the least supernatural episode this show ever did. It's one of the best decisions this script made to have a single, newborn, not very powerful vampire become a meaningful threat again in a way it hasn't been since very early season one, because the audience really believes that buffy could have been vulnerable to this when she's knocked sideways by grief and it feels menacing in a way that enormous tentacle demons never do. if we define this vampire as the threat in this episode, which it isn't really but it's the closest we've got, then it's buffy again.
17. Forever: Dawn
Dawn's first point. Go dawn, a heart-wrenching first point in a truly harrowing episode. Another example of the person who caused the problem solving the problem but we must be consistent here.
18. Intervention: Spike
This one hurts my heart. Spike's first uncontroversial point, I'd say.
19. Tough Love: Tara
I was originally going to give this point to Willow for getting her and Buffy out of the fight with Glory at the end, but I decided the bigger threat in this episode was Glory offering Tara the bargain where she could give the key up in exchange for her own safety. Tara making such a simple clear moral choice, even when she's terrified, even when she knows Glory could do anything for her, and she isn't even in a good place with Willow, is the bravest thing in this episode and no one else can possibly deserve this point.
20. Spiral: Ben
Not a good episode for day-saving. Ben did a lot more harm than good here but he got Giles' wound stabilised and no one else... saved the day. I'm not really happy about this one so please argue with me.
21. The Weight of the World: Willow
One of my favourite non-combat savings of the day. Willow going into Buffy's mind and convincing her to keep trying to save the world is one of the most interesting and significant day-savings Willow gets in one of my favourite episodes for Willow and Buffy's relationship.
22. The Gift: Buffy
There just aren't any arguments here. She saved the world. A lot.
So at the end of season five we're still very heavily biased in favour of Buffy saving the day, which I don't think is ever likely to go away, but getting more and more episodes where it isn't her with time. New appearances for a lot of the scoobies here and spike is climbing the ranks fast.
At the end of season 5 we are at:
Buffy: 54
Willow: 7
Angel and Giles: 5
Spike: 3
Anya, Faith, Oz, Tara, Xander: 2
And 9 characters including Dawn who have 1 each
Season 6 is my favourite season and also the bleakest, darkest and strangest so I am excited to see what happens to the leaderboard there.
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awed-frog · 4 years
Hello! I see that people are asking you about diets right now. I started living independently fairy recently, and I still haven't figured out an ideal way of feeding myself. Not sure if my autism plays a role here, or if it's just me being inexperienced, but would you maybe happen to have any advice for NT people regarding food? Like how I can get myself to eat enough fruits + vegetables and how I can keep from eating the same two dishes for the rest of my life (I WILL, if I don't pay attention)
Hi, thanks for the message! I’d say first of all take it easy, planning your meals + groceries is harder than people think, especially in the beginning. Just remember not to buy too much (produce will go bad, stuff like flour will develop flies) and take it easy. I can suggest a few things:
1) If you can, get good cooking appliances, especially a rice cooker or multicooker or Instant Pot, depending on where you live and what’s available. A rice cooker is a good option because they’re generally cheap, but most of them can only handle white rice, which isn’t the most nutritious meal. I finally got myself a multicooker two years ago and I’m really happy. You may have to experiment a bit in the beginning, but it halves the time you spend in the kitchen, can reheat food, and also makes things like bread and yogurt.
2) If you have a freezer, use the hell out of it. The best option for varying your meals is to always cook twice the portion and freeze half. If you don’t have a big freezer, remember that most vegan meals will also keep fairly well in the fridge for a couple of days, so you could eat your delicious meal both on Thursday night and for lunch on Saturday, which is Not Bad. You can also look up ways to freeze vegetables and fruits - I started keeping batches readily available to add to soups, stir-frys, and fruit purees/smoothies.
3) Be realistic. Like, unless you’re a Michelin cook, you’ll need some time to learn a new or complicated recipe, so start trying on a Saturday and give yourself a few tries. And if you get home really late, you probably won’t want to spend two hours in the kitchen, so either prep your meals beforehand (you can find tons of good advice online), or keep some ingredients for a quick meal (like a pesto sauce or ready-made dips).
4) Pantry, pantry, pantry. Most cookbooks will have a pantry list in the first pages, and those are the first things you need to buy. Remember that if you keep the same old recipe but swap out ingredients, you’ll magically have different dishes and you’ll get a lot of nutritional benefits because you’re eating different stuff! For instance, for a quick meal you can make hummus but use borlotti beans instead of chickpeas, or peanut butter instead of tahini. Why not? God is not watching. 
5) Change up your greens. For your produce: if you live on your own, don’t buy too much, and choose variety instead. For instance: weekly, only buy two kinds of fruits (one perishable you’ll eat first, like stone fruits or berries, and one that’ll last longer, like bananas, apples or pears) and three kinds of vegetables (one cruciferous: cauliflower or broccoli, for instance; one root: turnips or carrots or sweet potatoes; and one leafy green: spinach, Swiss chards, kale and so on), plus mushrooms (a nutritional godsend and very yummy) + onions and garlic. Add whatever salad material is in season (summer or winter greens, zucchini, beets, avocado) and you’re basically all set. By thinking in terms of categories instead of specific foods, you’ll ensure variety without too much effort.
6) Stick to easy cooking. As for meals: you don’t actually need a lot of fancy recipes. Find two or three things you like to cook, and repeat them twice or three times a week. By alternating your lunches and dinners, and swapping out ingredients a bit (one evening rice, the other barley, for instance; one lunch roasted pumpkin, the next one roasted Brussel sprouts) you can cook on autopilot while still ensuring you’re getting your nutrients and don’t get bored.
7) Cheat. If you struggle to eat your veggies, there are tricks you can use. For instance, smoothies and soups are good ways to eat tons of stuff fairly easily. If you eat cheese, it will make anything taste good - although garlic has the same effect and zero bad fats. Nutritional yeast is also something most people love. Adding finely chopped veggies to a normal tomato pasta sauce is another way of hiding a few greens without much effort. You can find a lot of recipes for ‘hidden’ fruits and veggies by looking up parenting tips - and remember that the way you cook stuff also changes the flavour considerably, so if you don’t like steamed zucchini, try roasting them, or adding them to a stir-fry, a soufflé, a savoury bread and so on.
8) No rules apply. And finally, remember you’re an adult now, and if you decide that you want to try miso soup and fried rice for breakfast, or that Friday night is ice-cream-instead-of-dinner night, that’s perfectly alright. You don’t have to cook for yourself for every single meal, or stick to your own culture and family traditions for what is acceptable to do.
Also: a slightly unethical life tip. On b-ok, you’ll find most cookbooks that exist - for free. If you need ideas, you can look up a book on Amazon, see if it looks good, then download it on b-ok. I’d suggest trying three or four recipes and if you like them - and can afford it - buying the real book to support the author. I sometimes do this because you can’t always tell at a glance if a cookbook is what you’re looking for or not, so this makes it easier to decide what to buy.
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Good luck and happy cooking!
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dreamsclock · 4 years
Just curious, do you have your own personal interpretation of the timeline/ages of the Dream SMP? I would like to hear about it!
hello anon! i got this ask and got a shiver of dream down my spine. it’s 6am, this is the first ask i see, i instantly begin the day on a bad note. /j
the canon ages genuinely fill me with the WORST fear of all time,, none of them make any sense, but here’s my interpretation on them !! :D
i refuse to accept that tommy and tubbo were nine years old in the l’manburg wars! i refuse! so instead i’m going to say that fundy, schlatt, wilbur (?) and phil’s ages are the only ones that are different from canon.
if dream turns out to be immortal or something, then him too, but i’m operating under the belief that he’s human!
fundy is younger than irl: we know this because fundy is a kid or at least pretty young in the first wars and is wilbur’s son, but i think people also say he ages in fox years (to account for how he’s an adult now) and now that he’s an adult, he ages in Human years ?? which is a good theory and accounts for a lot of the temporal contradictions we get from the characters and ccs LMAO
phil is canonically older than his real irl age! at least i’m pretty sure on that — he’s canonically wil’s father, meaning he’d have to be at least 46ish (or older), and there are constant references to him being an old man.
it would be incredibly sad, though, if they referred to him as old despite only being in his thirties because everyone around them dies young......
pretty sure schlatt is also supposed to be older !! he’s also constantly referenced to being old or near the end of his life but this might just be people threatening him in ominous ways
i’ve been putting wilbur off. i’ve been putting a lot of this off but specifically wilbur. he claimed he was born in the 80s, which, if we take the present canon time as today’s time, would make him forty.
[deep breath to calm myself down because i DESPISE the canon timeline i want to shake it]
as mr soot was ALSO the person who claimed his wife was a salmon and his mother was a literal refrigerator, i think i’ll choose to ignore this piece of canon, as that means he was doing drugs with literal teenagers, which is just so odd and raises so many questions!
......as for the timeline itself....
so tommy claimed the disk war took place over a year, and unless dream or wilbur come out to contradict this, this is what i’ll be running off of, because tommy is probably the most invested in the disk war??,, which was the main plot of the server and has been for some time, so i’ll say the disk war lasted around a year.
i’d also say hesitantly that there was a brief ‘ceasefire’ in between, with wilbur threatening to blow up l’manburg, schlatt’s dictatorship + dream disappearing for the latter half of the season: tommy seems to ‘reignite’ the disk war during his presidential speech, so i would argue that there was a period of time in between the start of the disk war and the end of it.
OVERALL? i’d say the canon timeline has been on the go for about a year and a half?? maybe longer?? maybe shorter
it’s a lot easier to say that canon runs at twice our time — our disk war lasted for round about 4-6 months, canon it lasted for about 8-12 months — but this is a VERY tentative guess :’)
i don’t think it’s been seven years in canon because that would make tommy and tubbo NINE, i don’t think it’s been four years because that would make them TWELVE: instead i’ll compromise with the not so happy middle ground of them being around fifteen at the start of all this, dream being around nineteen, wilbur being in his twenties and fundy being a child
AT THE END OF THE DAY!! :D when have we ever listened to canon except from when it suited us pls let’s never think about the canon ages or timeline and pretend all of them age at weird rates meaning they only age every two years which makes them their irl ages please the canon time/timeline scares me so much
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shadlad24 · 4 years
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
So, I decided to do this post after all. Halp. LOL Because I apparently LOVE giving myself a bunch of unnecessary work, I decided to choose two to three extra moments, per episode! SUPER halp! X’D Anyway, these are moments that didn’t make the cut for my FFLM series because: my sense of humor is a little weird, they were gonna be too much work (LOL/Siiigh), I like to highlight patterns, and I don’t like a lot of repetition. [Links to each FFLM along the bottom of the post. :)]
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Let’s start with something I originally agreed with other fans on but have since changed my mind. A lot of people didn’t like this part of “Chariots of War” because it seems so ludicrous that Xena would forget her chakram anywhere. Well, let me tell you! This lady has left her weapons behind most episodes thus far. I didn’t note it every time here (and especially didn’t bother with her whip) because that’d really overrun the post buuuuut… You’ll see. XD
1.01 Sins of the Past
Xena’s shift being so much dirtier than the little boy’s clothes though she’s high up off the ground, and he lives in smoked-out rubble.
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Yup. Xena forgot her sword (and later, her main saddlebag) at her mother’s tavern. Pft.
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Sorry these were kinda lame, but I didn’t want to re-use any more of the original fifteen points I made about this episode... Ah well. Moving on! (heh)
1.02 Chariots of War
Xena loses her sword after the chariot crash, taking up and discarding Sphaerus’s but walking off without her own. (See her front and back and both of Argo’s sides.)
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Gabrielle chewing Xena out, Xena being bummed about it, and Argo being surprised. X’D
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1.03 Dreamworker
This got me good. Gabrielle does Xena’s war cry so well here that I really thought it was Xena for a few seconds. Realizing it was GabbyWabs only made me chuckle more because she apparently can’t do it when it really counts in “The Greater Good.”
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Argo NOT being on Team Gabrielle. XD (Their feud is a little funny to me.)
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1.04 Cradle of Hope
Xena tossing aside her sword after killing Nemos. Extras even dance and celebrate right on top of it! Wut thuh?
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I decided to avoid mentioning Hope in the FFLM because Xena’s quote here is more ironic than comedic, and Gabrielle’s little face is just so sad, but I didn’t want to let it pass by entirely unremarked upon. At least GW gets to show off her oracle skills again? :’)
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1.05 The Path Not Taken
So, Xena and Gabrielle walk into a bar… Heh. No, but really, they enter this tavern for the first time ever, yet the bartender not only knows what they want, he knows that they’re coming and has their drinks waiting for them too. All Xena has to do is knock on the counter and nod to get her fire-breath alcohol/oil, and Gabrielle barely has the word “cider” out of her mouth before the guy hands it to her. Xena, like me, is duly amazed.
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Lucy, through Xena, making another timely anti-peanut statement. I just didn’t want to do the same thing twice back-to-back in the FFLM. X)
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1.06 The Reckoning
Gabrielle thinking along the same lines Xena and I did about this poor excuse for a judge.
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Me not being well-versed in ancient Greek heroes and picturing the fool who Draco killed so handily in the first episode. heh
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1.07 The Titans
I’ll let Xena explain this one. …Mostly. I can’t believe Gabrielle not only sassed the Titans such that she unashamedly put Xena and Phyleus in danger too, but also kinda got this (admittedly awful) town demolished and didn’t lift a finger to actually help anyone in the temple. Tsk tsk. XP
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So… Hyperion here can smash homes and businesses that were probably well-built and reinforced and all, but he can’t get his hand out of a stocks-cuff that was made in a single evening with scraps from those destroyed buildings. He also, inexplicably, has no use of his left hand or the power-breath that he used to knock Gabrielle over. Okie. XD
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1.08 Prometheus
Is this really a thing? I was giggling quite a bit in disbelief that severed windpipes can heal. Like, perforated is one thing; completely bisected? Yeah, I don’t think so.
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Gabrielle being incredulous upon learning that Xena has other friends, realizing what the warrior princess means, and then wondering if that could be her one day. 
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   1.09 Death in Chains
Gabrielle enjoying watching Xena kill someone for the first time, then quickly realizing that fact. Whoops.
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I found this moment really odd and then kind of hilarious. This poor dying old woman begs for water and goes ignored not only by the hospice workers, but also Talus and Gabrielle. Then Talus decides to be helpful. Gabrielle goes to the woman and lets her talk a lot (undoubtedly drying her mouth and throat even more), hears that Xena might be in danger, and then just… leaves. Talus goes with her, not having gotten water from the well after all. What a couple of jerks! XD
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1.10 Hooves & Harlots
I really don’t know why Gabrielle kept making this face as Terreis died, but it tickled my funny bone too. So, I provided alternate subs to go with it. [Did you notice how she kind of cringes when Terreis tries to hold her hand and then just lets the Amazon flop once she’s died, flinging her hand aside like, “Ew, get it off me!”? What was that all about? X”) Hm… maybe she has an aversion to dying people, and that’s why she abandoned the old lady last episode?]
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Gabrielle being a smart aleck, just like me, because Phantes’s complaint here is so ludicrous. But then you see the close-up of little hoofies in cuffs too, and, if you’re anything like me too, kinda just topple over laughing. The poor actual horse they did this to, though, man! What even?
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Gosh, this episode was chockfull of hilarity, eh? Why did this happen? Gabby, take it away!
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1.11 The Black Wolf
I laughed at this too. But now I wonder. Is Xerxes related to Caesar and/or connected to Rome or something? Because Xena does this twice around them too. In “When in Rome,” she jokes that the two guards lost playing tag with her, and in “A Good Day” she informs Pompey that if there were more guards hiding around their meeting space, then she would have had more helmets. heh Oh, Xenie. I think I know why Gabrielle’s turning out to be such a little punk ...or vice versa? Is Gabrielle actually a bit of a bad influence on Xena? XP
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So, this fight just struck me as really odd. Xena passes her sword to Flora though she (Xena) needs to battle the big boss of the episode, and… actually, is totally right. The king throws a single wide-ass punch, waits while Xena kicks the guy behind her a few times, lets himself get kicked in the face a couple of times, and then comes at her with a little piece of chain, presumably from the restraints that were intended to keep Flora in place during her execution. Sir, you have a sword! A giant sword, right there on your hip! What are you doing? Then, when Xena kicks him a final time and sends him flying, his (supposed-to-be) metal armor is no match for the splintered wood of the axe she broke earlier. …Okie. XD XD XD   *gif below*
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Xena once again leaves her chakram somewhere. …And I am now imagining this being part of Gabrielle’s maid duties: the poor kid has to go find Xena’s weapons each night and bring them back to her. I’m especially imaging the fluffball hilariously, adorably struggling to get the chakram out of things like this wall, as she did with Xena’s sword in the tree stump in “Dreamworker,” but more parallel to the floor. Cuuuute! XD
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This plus this 
*pic + GIF below*:
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1.12 Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
This scene too really made me wonder, though amused as well. Why is Gabrielle so surprised that the only city nearby, that they were headed to, is the one they find? Is she really being that loud? Is Xena goofing around with the bootlaces question? Why startle Gabrielle and then yank her into enemy territory screaming, when what you want is quiet? What’s with the trapdoor-spider soldiers? Xena’s pose throwing the chakram. XD Gabrielle mostly featherlight dance-y moves through the battlefield. XD XD XD Why is it that when Xena tells Gabrielle to stick right behind her, Gabrielle disappears? And what was with the bucket-sitting soldier? Gabrielle is like, “Oh; no, thank you!” when she sees him and turns tail. Then Xena ...follows her. “We’re goin’ this way! Now we’re goin’ that way!” But they still end up dead-ahead from where they burst out of the bushes. XD That was ridiculous and nonsensical, and I’m very confused but had lots of fun. heheheh  *gif below* [ETA: Darn! The original file was too big, so I had to remake the GIF and cut quite a few things out. :( Sorry]
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Xena’s outta-nowhere crusade to emasculate Deiphobus coming full-circle. What was that all about?
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Welp, I hope you had as much fun as I originally and then later did. Not so much in the middle with the collage-and-GIF-making and editing and redoing, but; y’know. XD Wouldn’t trade it for …Hm… Nevermind. LOL
If you missed any of the FFLMs, then please click on the corresponding number-links below. :D
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Rakan, the Charmer build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Happy day after Valentine's Day friends. I wrote this build in August, and a lot has happened to my little bird twink during that time. Along with a damn good new skin (and you know: new season) he’s become one of the more sought out supports in pro play. Also I got him to Mastery 5 at time of writing (December 13th, 2020.) Who knows: I might update this little blurb to say I got him to a higher mastery.
Sadly I don’t have a Xayah to duo queue with. But I’m always ready to be the support that you need~ 💓
Am I not magnificent? - Rakan’s title is literally “the charmer.” Of course we’re gonna need some charms.
War is in the dance - With an ability called “Battle Dance” we’ll need to be quick on our feat, dashing around our foes and popping them up with a Grand Entrance.
Nothing's fun without risk - While he may not be the best enchanter Rakan has a ton of heals and shields for both himself and his allies.
Rakan is half bird, but he doesn’t do a lot of flying which leaves Aarakocra out of the picture. He’s also incredibly chatty (holy shit have you seen how many voice lines Xayah and Rakan have?) so Kenku is definitely not an option. So when in Rome as a furry look no further than a Shifter.
All Shifters have Darkvision and their Shifting ability to gain temporary hitpoints, but everything else is determined by their subrace: to be ever quick and ever charming go for a Swiftstride. As a Swiftstride Shifter your Dexterity increases by 2 and your Charisma increases by 1. You are Graceful and have proficiency with the Acrobatics skill, and your Shifting feature lets you get down with The Quickness, moving 10 feet faster and being able to move 10 feet as a reaction if an enemy ends their turn within 5 feet of you, all while not provoking oppertunity attacks!
15; WISDOM - Rakan is all about the spirit of the wild and the subtle magic of nature. Wait Nature and Arcana are Intelligence skills? Uhhhhh... 
14; INTELLIGENCE - Rakan certainly doesn’t show that he’s smart but Nature and Arcana are Intelligence skills. That, and this is a requirement for a very particular class.
13; CHARISMA - A charmer of course needs to be charming. (Feel free to swap this with CON if you want more health but worse RP.)
12; DEXTERITY - Even if Rakan is normally shirtless this is enough for good ol’ Medium Armor thanks to our Racial stat increases.
10; CONSTITUTION - Even though Rakan plays up close and personal he’s certainly not a tank.
8; STRENGTH - You wouldn’t risk ruffling your feathers by doing heavy lifting.
While Rakan didn’t start out a rebel like Xayah he gladly joined her cause, and while a background like Entertainer might make more sense for him he’s without a doubt a Freedom Fighter now... unfortunately there’s no Freedom Fighter background so Faction Agent is the next best thing.
You get proficiency with any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability and naturally we’ll be going for Performance. You also get proficiency in Insight but we’re actually going to be replacing it with Arcana for knowledge of the magic of the wild. Additionally you can learn two languages of your choice: unfortunately Aarakocra isn’t an option but Auran (or rather Primordial) is. And to learn the ancient language of Ionia I’d recommend Sylvan.
As a vastayan rebel you can gain access to a Safe Haven for you and your allies. By using secret signs and passwords you can identify other rebels who can bring you to a safe house, give you a free place to stay, or assist you in finding information. They won’t risk their lives for you but as long as you remember the password they’ll be willing to help. You... did remember the password, right?
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as a Cleric, the king of supports. As a Cleric you get proficiency in two skills from the Cleric list: this is actually where we’ll be grabbing Insight proficiency from along with Medicine to keep Xayah safe.
Clerics get to choose their subclass at level 1 and there are obviously a lot of options to go for: Peace to bond with Xayah, War to better your battle dance, Nature or Arcana to further your connection to natural magic... Bet you wouldn’t expect the choice to be the Order Domain from Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica! (Also reprinted in Tasha’s Cauldron.) (I’ll go over why Order whenever we get abilities important to the build.)
For a start Order Clerics get proficiency in Heavy Armor as well as either Intimidation or Persuasion; Xayah’s got the scary part down so go for Persuasion, since someone’s gotta be the smooth talker! You also get Voice of Authority, letting you set up for an ally with a Grand Entrance. If you cast a spell with a spell slot and target an ally they can use their reaction to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice. You have to be able to see the enemy you want them to target, and if you target multiple allies with a spell only one of them can use their reaction to attack. But setting up for friends to cut through foes is what you do best!
Speaking of spells and set-up Clerics get access to Spellcasting! You can learn three cantrips at level 1: for a Gleaming Quill grab Sacred Flame which does Radiant damage (not Fire damage!) to a foe. If you’re getting surrounded however Word of Radiance will let you shine on your foes for more Radiant damage! And to be a good support and help your allies out of combat Guidance lets you add a d4 to ability checks.
You can also prepare a number of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your Cleric level. As an Order Domain Cleric you have Heroism and Command as part of your Domain Spells, meaning that you don’t have to prepare to be the hero and force your enemies in line. For a close range heal look no further than Cure Wounds. For a shield grab Shield of Faith to make it harder for enemies to kill your allies. And to set up for your friends grab Bless, making it easier for them to hit and survive.
Second level Clerics can Channel Divinity once per short or long rest, invoking the power of the gods to help them. All Clerics can Turn Undead, forcing undead within 30 feet to make a Wisdom save or run away from you. However Order Clerics can charm their foes with Order’s Demand. You can charm (yes charm!) anyone of your choice within 30 feet until the end of your next turn, or until they take damage. Additionally you can force them to drop whatever they’re holding so they don’t shoot Xayah!
This is one of the many abilities I wanted out of Order Domain. A big AoE charm that also stops enemies from hitting you and your friends is right up Rakan’s alley.
You can also prepare another spell and while Rakan doesn’t have a ranged heal in-game Healing Word is just too good to pass up on as an Order Cleric. Bonus action let your friend whack an enemy!
Didn’t take Rakan as the bookish type, did you? Well, he isn’t, but we need some abilities from Wizard that we can’t get elsewhere except Clockwork Sorcerer which makes even less sense for Rakan. Regardless Wizards also get Spellcasting. You learn 3 cantrips from the Wizard list: for a more direct autoattack grab Firebolt because I like having a variety of damaging cantrips, to add some pizzazz to your dance Prestidigitation will let you add a bunch of funky visual effects as you please, and for some coordination in Team Chat grab Message! "Did you notice the sky?" "It's lovely." "Not as beautiful as you."
You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Wizard level plus your Intelligence modifier, but when you multiclass into Wizard you can learn 4 spells to put in your spellbook. You can only prepare spells in your spellbook is the long-and-short of the class. Anyways: to bedazzle your foes grab Color Spray and blind them with your beauty. For a little owl companion take Find Familiar. To run when you need to Expeditious Retreat will help. And finally to detect the magic of the world take... Detect Magic...
Wizards also have Arcane Recovery, letting them recover a spell slots of a combined level equal to half their Wizard level rounded down. In short every spell slot counts the same number of “points” as the spell’s level, and you can recover a number of spell points equal to half your Wizard level. So a third level Wizard can either recover a 2nd level spell or two 1st level spells. Oh and you can’t recover spell slots past 5th level.
Second level Wizards can choose their Arcane Tradition, and to protect yourself with Fey Feathers the School of Abjuration is here for you. Along with being an Abjuration Savant (letting you learn Abjuration spells in half the time for half the cost) you have an Arcane Ward to shield you: when you cast a leveled Abjuration spell you can also create a magical ward on yourself that lasts until you finish a long rest. The ward has a hit point maximum equal to twice your Wizard level plus your Intelligence modifier. (So currently 6 HP.)
Whenever you take damage, the ward takes the damage instead. If the damage reduces the ward to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage. Whenever you cast an abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, the ward regains a number of hit points equal to twice the level of the spell.
You also learn 2 more spells so how about some Abjuration spells? Shield is a reaction Abjuration spell to protect you from melee attacks, while Absorb Elements is a reaction Abjuration spell to protect you from magic. AR and MR!
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(Artist unknown. Made for Riot Games.)
3rd level Wizards can learn second level spells but I’d actually suggest learning Alarm back at 1st level. Why Alarm? It’s an Abjuration spell you can cast as a Ritual, so you can just cast it continuously to refresh your Arcane Ward even without preparing the spell. For your other spell Mirror Image is a quick and easy way to keep the baddies from whacking you.
4th level Wizards get an Ability Score Improvement but I’m actually going to suggest the Observant feat to increase your uneven Wisdom score. Every Support’s gotta pay attention to their wards!
You can also learn another two spells along with a cantrip: take Dancing Lights to set up a stage! As for spells you’re the loud and proud sort so to make a Grand Entrance grab Knock to make way for your party! Meanwhile if you want to keep yourself and your allies safe from ranged harm Warding Wind will do just that and more, but it will also make it harder for Xayah to hit. "What the hell were you thinking?" "Back there?" "Yes." "I wasn't. I never think. Ugh... thinking."
5th level Wizards can learn third level spells so it’s time to grab our first mass charm: Hypnotic Pattern, which isn’t an Enchantment spell but in fact an Illusion spell (which will be important later.) If you want to get down with The Quickness however there’s nothing better than some good old-fashioned Haste.
6th level Abjuration Wizards can finally protect their party and their girlfriend thanks to Projected Ward, letting you use your reaction to reduce the damage an ally takes with your Arcane Ward. “Thank you honey!”
You can also learn two more spells from the Wizard spell list. Xayah need to call someone? Help her with Sending. Want to go full AP for the traditional D&D Grand Entrance? Fireball.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
We’ve spent enough time down in Nerdsville so how about some more Cleric levels? Third level Clerics can prepare second level spells like Aid to boost up your teammates with a Knight’s Vow. Speaking of Knight’s Vow Warding Bond will let you bond with Xayah so you take some damage for her.
Additionally as an Order Domain Cleric you have Hold Person and Zone of Truth innately prepared. Keep enemies at bay and let them know the truth!
4th level Clerics get an Ability Score Improvement and I’m going to suggest further increasing your Wisdom, as it’ll help us more with our Cleric abilities which will be important later.
You also learn another cantrip such as Mending to keep your outfit in check. Additionally you can prepare two new spells with your increased Wisdom: Lesser Restoration can give you or Xayah some Tenacity when needed, but I’d suggest holding off on the other slot.
5th level Clerics who use Turn Undead now Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower. It’s unlikely that you’ll be fighting CR 1/2 enemies at level 11 but hey: it’s still useful!
What’s more useful however is that you can now prepare third level spells! As an Order Cleric you have Mass Healing Word for Redemption, or Slow to... slow the enemy. Maybe you grabbed Righteous Glory? Who knows.
Regardless the important thing is your charms so grab Fast Friends to charm single targets and Incite Greed to get a whole crowd to follow your Fey Feathers!
You may be asking why we’re grabbing Enchantment Spells of all the spells that Clerics get a third level. Well for one it’s because you’re The Charmer, but more importantly...
At 6th level you become an Embodiment of the Law as an Order Domain Cleric. The law of dance that is! If you cast an Enchantment spell of first level or higher you can choose to make that spell a bonus action instead, and can do it a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain these fast charms after a long rest.
This was the main reason I went into Order Domain. Being able to quickly charm foes is textbook for Rakan, which made this subclass ideal for this build.
You can also prepare another spell at this level: Dispel Magic with Mikael's Crucible in case of any strong debuffs. Also more Abjuration spells for your shield!
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(Artwork by Yusuh on DeviantArt. You have no idea how hard it is to find solo artwork for these two.)
7th level Wizards can learn 4th level spells like Confusion; something that fills my allies whenever I take Rakan into the jungle. For your other spell I’d actually suggest hopping back to third level for Counterspell to keep your allies safe with more Abjuration. Trust me it’ll be important later.
At 8th level you get an Ability Score Improvement and despite being a Wizard we’ve kinda been ignoring Intelligence: let’s fix that with a +2 so our Ward can be stronger as can our Wizard spells.
You can also learn two new spells: more Charms? Charm Monster, so even the mighty Volibear can’t resist you. Other than that there are tons of great Wizard spells but I’m never going to say no to Dimension Door.
9th level Wizards can cast 5th level spells like Dominate Person for charms on-par with mind control! (Because it is Mind Control.) For more combative 5th level spells Synaptic Status will let you bedazzle everyone in a 20 foot radius sphere, making it harder to hit as they’re stunned by your beauty. Rakan can have some AP; as a treat.
10th level Abjuration Wizards get Improved Abjuration, letting them add their proficiency bonus to any ability check to Dispel Magic (such as with Dispel Magic or Counterspell.) If you wish you can also have Bless active on yourself for a d4 + 5 to any counterspell check. When you consider that the DC is equal to 10 plus the spell’s level and you have up to a +9 to the check it’s more than likely that you can be a Guardian against any dangerous spells!
You also get another cantrip at this level: do you already have too many cantrips? Yeah probably, but to get more props for your dance take Minor Illusion.
As for your two new Wizard spells Hold Monster is like Hold Person, but it works on Baron! And how about something to keep Zoe in her dimension? Banishment is a 4th level spell that works like a super CC that knocks an enemy out of the fight completely. You can’t attack them while they’re on another plane, but if they’re not native to the plane and spend a full minute Banished they go back to their original plane.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
11th Wizards can prepare 6th level spells. Want to keep Xayah safe from a falling temple and shadow ninjas? Globe of Invulnerability blocks all spells of one level lower than you used to cast the spell. In general. The globe surrounds you but you can dive in to protect Xayah. But what if you just want to dance? Look no further than Otto's Irresistible Dance! It’s a spell that forces everyone to dance; that’s all you need to know! But seriously read the description of your spells.
12th level Wizards get another Ability Score Improvement: seeing as we are going deep down the Wizard path it only makes sense to get a bit more Intelligence.
You can also learn 2 more spells: Contingency will let you cast a spell in case of emergency. Choose a spell of 5th level or lower that can target yourself and a trigger for the spell: when the trigger happens the spell activates. Backup plans are more of Xayah’s thing, but something like “Banish myself if I’m about to die because Xayah would kill herself if I died” is a good plan.
There are tons of other good Wizard spells; so many that I can’t choose any that would particularly fit Rakan or the build as a whole. You have a limited number of prepared spells anyways so take something you think will be useful.
13th level Wizards can prepare 7th level spells: want to do a conjoined recall? Teleport will let you and up to 8 willing creates teleport to a location, such as your fountain. There’s a table of places you can end up which I suggest looking at for the full details of the spell, because it’s a rather overwhelming spell to explain without copy-pasting the description. But because I further suffer with what spells to give you in a high leveled Wizard build how about a fancy light show? Crown of Stars lets seven stars orbit your head which you can shoot out at enemies or light up the night!
Our capstone is the 14th level of Abjuration Wizard for some much needed MR. Spell Resistance lets you resist all damage coming from spells and have advantage on all saving throws against spells!
Speaking of spells you can learn your final two but... pick for yourself this time! Xayah will love you despite all your faults, and I’m sure that you can make a choice for yourself. This is my way of saying I’m sick of picking Wizard spells.
You will see my dance - You are the master of keeping your friends safe with charms to keep fights from happening and both shields and heals to keep your allies from being hurt.
Look at me now! - You are incredibly elusive: 18 AC (Scale Mail + Shield) you can bump up with the Shield spell, a 32 HP ward to protect you and your allies, and even Shifting for Temp HP and more dodging.
You put us in a cage? I put you in the ground - And of course as a caster with full caster levels you are more than capable of putting down the hurt, especially due to the added efficiency of being able to cast two spells in a turn (well a leveled spell and a cantrip) thanks to Embodiment of the Law.
I don't have to remember the plan if you do - You are essentially mixing two spellcasters who want you to use extremely dedicated spell lists. Abjuration spells to make Abjuration Wizard work and Enchantment Spells to make Order Cleric work. Sure you don’t only need to cast Enchantment and Abjuration spells but there also aren’t that many Abjuration spells to power up your ward.
I can't die looking this good! - The vast majority of your levels being in Wizard combined with a 0 Constitution score results in a health bar that’s easily under 100. You may have advantage on all saving throws but Power Word Kill has no save.
Woo! You animals are dumb! - The other problem with mixing two full casters together is that you can’t get the best of both worlds. You aren’t getting 9th level spells in general (even if you get the slots for ‘em) and both your Wisdom and your Intelligence aren’t maxed out. Sure if you aren’t using Standard Array that isn’t an issue but you’re bound to drop something.
But if you were perfect why would you need Xayah? She completes you, and you complete her. Fight along side her and together you’ll be unstoppable. There’s nothing you can’t defeat with the power of love... But a plan would also probably be good. "I think Xayah told me to improvise. At least, that's the only part of the plan I remember."
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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