piperamitt · 2 months
Jorgen has a real obsession with pulling Timmy's teeth out. He did it in both the main series and in season 0.
Dude find a new hobby.
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
Happy Fairy New Year!🎉
Farewell year of Love, hello year of Fire!!! Happy spring!
Enjoy a Happy Peppy Gary I drew years ago:
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sims-for-semi · 1 year
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Surprisingly, it's been harder to write acknowledgements than to have written all this simfiction HAHAHA. Where to start?
I'm happy. I'm very very happy, because not only did I have the opportunity to write about something I love, but because over the course of these three years I have shared with a lot of people aaall over the world, and it has been a rewarding experience in every way. Yes, it wasn't the best novel in the world, but as I mentioned before, I was draining myself of energy as time went on, getting my college degree, starting to work and all that.
If you've been following me for a while, and I know many of you have, you'll know that this started just because I finally had a little bit of time during the pandemic to sit down and get things done. It's been three years since then and damn, it's taken me a hell of a lot longer than expected to finish. Anyway, I'm glad I set out to get it done even though I wanted to give up halfway through, because 1. I like to deliver 2. I owed it to myself. Next year I'm going to be 20 years playing The Sims, and how until then had I not been able to create a silly little story about my favorite video game characters?
One of my missions while writing everything was to be able to maintain some of the gameplay while setting up scenes and editing in Photoshop. Could it have been better? Yes, I'm sure it could. But I also know that I had as much fun as I could have had doing it all.
Simblr is such a wonderful community. I am fascinated to be able to share something I am so passionate about with you. It is a privilege for me that my posts have reached so many people. Who would have thought we were all so invested in the Goths and old, boring Pleasantview.
To wrap things up, I'm gifting you my "Pleasant Valley" so you can read it from the beginning. It's yours. It's ours.
And with the risk of forgetting some people, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart:
and also guallarauco, Piperamitt, tamagniis, da3stars, aheavenscorner, Strangetownfan21, and spookythings as well as the 20 guests that left kudos on AO3. Your support, your likes, your reblogs were FUNDAMENTAL for me to keep writing.
Gracias totales 💗
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thegeekylady52 · 1 year
thank you to @tremendouskoalachild for the tag!
last song: twin size mattress by the front bottoms
currently watching: i'm in the process of rewatching once upon a time, but I took a break and watched good omens s2
currently reading: it should have been Vicotry's Price (the last book in the Alphabet Squadron trilogy) because I just finished Shadow Fall (the second book in the trilogy) but i decided to finish The Last Command before the Ahsoka show comes out so Victory's Price will have to wait
current obsession: Good Omens, specifically Ineffable Wives
tagging @piperamitt @steepedfoxglovetea @jewishcissiekj @imageeknotanerd2 (no pressure) and everyone who wants
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onelonecritter · 4 years
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Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your kind words, and I’m glad that you liked it!!  In all honesty, I’m not quite sure if I’ll make a sequel to this creepypasta just yet, mainly because I wanted to leave the ending open for the reader’s imagination.  I will admit, the thought is tempting, though it may take a while before I get around to it.  Rest assured that if I do, it will be going up on here, for sure!
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piperamitt · 5 months
Poof when he first comes to the bakery:
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Poof after realizing what type of food is in the bakery:
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piperamitt · 7 months
Did you guys know Poof has a Crash Nebula lunch box? If not...
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Now you do.
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piperamitt · 4 months
Just watched "The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dino Dad", and I absolutely love the way 60's Crimson Chin hits the Nega chin.
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Look at him! So relaxed and hitting him with just one hand! He is the true pro of the Crimson chins.
By the way here are all the other ones (may or may not be in the order of how much I liked it)
(70's is the second best).
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piperamitt · 7 months
The food plate Dinkleberg leaves for a random stray cat :
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
13, 9, 15, 11, 5
I hope it's not too many. Repeat is my favorite fic of yours so I might have gotten a little bit carried away.
Thanks for asking! I'm glad you enjoy that one.
[Current Ask game]
130 Prompts #70 - Repeat - Read on AO3
Also contains massive Fairly OddParents show spoilers, but it's been 12 years since "Timmy's Secret Wish" so. y'know.
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13 - What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I rarely listen to music while I write; I find it too distracting. If I do listen, then I listen to one song on repeat, and I usually have to already have listened to that song a few dozen times before I start writing something, so it's tuned out, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a song anyway.
However, I might put the song on while I cook or clean. Even if I don't listen to one during the writing process, when I post a chapter announcement on Tumblr, I like including lyrics from a song I associate with a piece.
One scene in "Repeat" depicts Cosmo's failed attempt to take a child under his wing. Jorgen interfered and swept the child off- a nod to Jorgen's future attempt to rip Poof himself away in the episode "Fairly Odd Baby."
"Repeat" is full of moments where Cosmo reflects on all the times things have been taken from him - including the memories he personally scrambled with his magic just so Jorgen couldn't take them from him first - and how he empathizes deeply with Timmy's fears of having his godparents ripped away.
This leads us to the final scene of this piece, where Cosmo grants Timmy's wish to freeze time, à la the episode "Timmy's Secret Wish".
The songs I associate most with "Repeat" are "Satisfied" and "Congratulations," both from Hamilton. These are not 1:1 plot matches, but I feel like the core themes are there (like memories, regret, sacrifice, and never feeling satisfied with what you have).
Specifically, I like to imagine that if Cosmo could go back in time, he'd warn his younger self that he'd never be satisfied if he tries to push too hard or "cut corners." Be patient, live for yourself, and let things happen when they will. Don't spend unnecessary centuries pining over someone at the expense of your own health and interests.
The line "I'd say 'I'm fine' (She'd be lying)" is a good fit here... Also, "Satisfied" doesn't just reflect Cosmo's fixation on memories in this piece, but it also fits Timmy's fear of letting go.
I LOVE "Timmy's Secret Wish" as an episode and how it paints Timmy as this abused, desperate kid who clings so hard to security and safety, he chooses to sacrifice the world and his chance at personal growth just to cling on a little longer. And he knows NOW that it was wrong, but back then he was just... scared. Timmy is such a character who's full of hope and desperation...
Anyway, "At least I keep his eyes in my life" is a great line for him here. Like, yeah- bro might've successfully frozen time for 50 years, but have you considered that I love him?
No matter how many times he wins Fairy World's favor, Timmy will never be satisfied with his laurels when there's always that threat that when he turns 18, he loses Cosmo and Wanda for good. Timmy is a good, good kid. But he'll never be satisfied with what little time he has left when Jorgen is forever taunting him.
[Cnt'd under the cut]
Cosmo's friendship with Blonda is one of my favorites in my work, even though "the main cast" aren't usually my focus, so it's not that obvious. In Frayed Knots, however, Blonda teeters back and forth trying to emotionally support both Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo, not to mention Wanda and herself on top of that - during high school and then an interspecies war - and I think it's funny. She has it rough.
"Congratulations" could either be Blonda and Cosmo having an argument, but it could also be Cosmo berating himself for some of his past secrets, and telling himself that no matter what, even if things get hard for him, he "owes it to Wanda" to do his best. Cosmo has a tendency to push himself, constantly trying to "make up for his past" and refusing to "burden others" by asking for help. He deflects a lot, but these two songs cut right to his core.
9 - Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
I think "Repeat" has the most alt versions of any 'fic I've ever written. I struggled a lot with deciding whether Cosmo, Poof, or Foop was the most fitting POV character in this one. There are several cut scenes (including the scene where Poof breaks his arm at the saucerbee field). In the end, I cut a lot and stuck with Cosmo as our POV character with just small Poof snippets.
I have a lot of scraps that depict Poof and Foop racing back in time to stop Cosmo from ever buying the car that Poof crashed in the first place.
I think that would have been a fun plot to follow, but every attempt I made at it just dragged things out and felt like it was getting farther from the core idea of "Cosmo's past" / "Cosmo's secrets." It also started tangling extra worldbuilding and plot points into this, and I just didn't like what was happening to my one-shot.
tl;dr - Overall, it just felt clunky, so I cut all of that out. But here's one of the scrapped scenes from this one:
“This is so illegal, this is so illegal,” Foop chanted as he and Poof raced through the timestream corridor. “Hey, you agreed,” Poof fired back at him. “If it’s so illegal, why do the Council let you keep timekeys on hand anyway?” “I stole them from my mom when she fell asleep watching the telly with me!” Foop threw his hands into the air, still clutching his keyring in one of them. “They’re silver-level keys anyway. We can only interfere with certain dates, certain places. If the Fairy Council have put anything stronger than a silver lock on the day we want, then I can’t help you. Are you sure it’s _[date]?” Poof couldn’t help but scoff at that. “Yeah, he’s only told me like a million times.”  Foop sniffed. “I just want you to realize that the only reason I’m accompanying you is to ensure you don’t do something peanut-brained in the past that will wipe us both out of existence. I have a limited supply of timekeys, so no detours. Poof? Are we clear?” “I suppose it doesn’t have to be the same date he got the car,” Poof mused, slowing his wingbeats. Up ahead, the hallway broke into eight paths in a cross like a wagon wheel. “Any of these dates will do. We could smash it or something.” “Are you listening to me?” “Huh? Oh, sure. No detours, got it.” Poof took another step down the hall, pointing to a to where it split ahead. “Foop, check it out. That one on the left there is glowing.” Foop frowned. He placed a hand to his wand. “So it is. Let’s stay far away from it.” “We should at least take a look.” Poof crept towards the crossroads, with Foop grumbling to himself behind him. The leftmost tunnel continued to glow white. As they neared it, Poof slowed. “Wait. I can sense someone down there.” “Charming,” was his counterpart’s dry comment. Poof tasted the scents in the air. “It’s a pixie.” “A pixie,” Foop repeated, wrinkling his nose. His ears went flat. His voice slipped into a whisper. “Wait. What time period is he from?” Poof whispered back, “I dunno. Does it matter?” “If he entered the timestream corridor after the Aspen Agreement between the Pixies and the Anti-Fairies was signed, then yes, that matters to me.” Foop leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. “What’s he doing? Can you sense that?” “Maybe… He’s right at the edge of my range. Hang on a sec.” Poof closed his eyes and leaned a little closer. He tongued the tip of his nose. “I… can’t tell.” He could, however, tell when Foop rolled his eyes. “I thought you were majoring in long-distance essential sensories.” “I’m undeclared.” Poof cupped his hands around his ears. “Huh. Weird. I can’t get through the field. There’s some kind of ripple or something around him.” “Oh, goody. That’s not horrifying.” “Yeah, well, whatever that bubble shield thing around him is, it’s not letting me lock onto his magic any further than letting me know he’s a pixie. Should we risk peeking around the corner? He’s about halfway down the hall. I think he’s facing the other way.” “Try harder. And don’t let him sense you back” Poof shifted his weight between his wings. “I don’t think ‘trying harder’ will solve anything. I am trying. Do you see my eyes glowing yet? Listen, I just plain don’t have enough power to break through. Must be a more dominant gyne. Do you want to give me a little more juice and see if we can pierce that aura he’s got?” Foop smacked him (lightly) on the cheek with the back of his hand. “I’d be feeding you your own magic, snazzlebrain.” Poof shoved Foop away with his hand and turned to stare at the glowing hallway. “Maybe he can help us.” “You know what? He might. Or, maybe he’ll pat us up for timekeys, rob us blind, and leave us to spend the next couple of centuries wandering the time corridor until someone gets us out.” Foop tugged on his sleeve. “So let’s go.”
15 - What did you learn from writing this fic?
I think one of the most important things I learned was to make my endings and/or my dramatic moments more clear. I remember people thought Cosmo died at the end of this one. He doesn't (Just exhausted from using magic so he collapses), but I like the ending the way it is, so I didn't want to mess with it too much.
I'm proud of myself for choosing (correctly, I think) to cut all the things I did. This piece needed to be able to stand alone without all those other plot points hanging off it.
I did get feedback that this style of moving between the present and the past was confusing even with the divider lines, so I don't think I'll do such a heavy flashback piece again, but I do like how it worked out here. Cosmo is a character with a foggy mind in canon and I like the way I portrayed him drifting in and out of his memories.
There are also moments in this story that come from other one-shots I had. I wanted to do a whole 'fic about postpartum depression Cosmo, but it was really a downer and wasn't going anywhere. It starts with the line "He lied when Wanda asked if the baby had started kicking yet," which I incorporated into a flashback of this piece. I think I made the right choice in combining it here, when there would be fluffy moments to balance it out.
I do personally headcanon Cosmo with postpartum depression and I might write something for it specifically, but I'm happy with how this worked. I really like the moment where Wanda asks Cosmo why he's worried the baby won't like him and Cosmo says "Wanda, I don't even like me." It's one of my core ideas for Cosmo and I like it.
11 - What do you like best about this fic?
I think I did a good job writing Cosmo's voice. He is a very difficult character to capture, especially since this piece was one of my first times writing him (and I think my first from his POV?) but I'm happy with how I did it.
I love the subtle hints throughout this piece that time hasn't been frozen (Yet), and that Timmy is older and moving on. I like how upset Foop gets when Cosmo wants to go back and freeze time... He's my little paperwork prince.
I enjoy Dusty's characterization. He's a mini Cosmo with his "Yay, bottomless breakfast!" during the pancakes scene and I think he's great. I enjoy Cosmo charming Jorgen into leaving Foop alone to go do something else, which is a nod to how skillfully Cosmo distracts Jorgen in "Abracatastrophe" by confidently telling Jorgen he needs to "scramble the fairies."
I like the subtle inclusion of Sparky. He's not being annoying or in the way (Just resting in the garden), but he has a nice place to live and he still has his funky personality.
5 - What part was hardest to write?
I would say that the hardest thing about writing "Repeat" was trying to figure out what it was about and what needed to be cut. There were so many directions this could have gone, several different POVs, and several plot points. I really had to cut a lot.
I think the piece also struggles with not having Cosmo backstory context (because we haven't gotten there yet in Frayed Knots), but I still think it's effective for this story. Cosmo's backstory is marked with secrets. The reader isn't privy to the details because he doesn't want anyone to know exactly what happened in his younger years.
Trying to strike that balance of giving that impression without totally frustrating readers is difficult. I think I did okay, although I wish I were closer to revealing stuff in Knots.
I hope to write a lot more for Origin and Knots in 2024. I'd love to finish them both by next December, but that probably won't happen, so hopefully we'll get close, at least. Then my Cosmo backstory shall be revealed...
Thanks for your interest!
[Current Ask game]
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piperamitt · 7 months
Just a reminder that every time that a tornado hits Chester's home (his trailer/mobile home) in the show, Cosmo and Wanda's former godchild Sammy is responsible.
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piperamitt · 6 months
My favorite thing in "King Chang" is how uncaring Mark is about this whole situation.
Someone tried to kill his dad: You are ruining my one year anniversary on Earth! And I have a date tonight!
Mandie finally looking evil after tricking him, taking over his planet, and is about to send him and Timmy to jail: Hey! This is kinda hot!
Timmy and him arriving on Earth after escaping Mandie: Cool! I'm in time for my date with Vicky.
This isn't exactly what he said, but it's pretty close to it and is what happened. I just didn't quote it word for word.
All of those scenes are great and I love them so much, and they make the episode for me.
My second favorite thing is tiny Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof. Here have some of them for your soul. (with a happy Mandie)
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FYI: King Gripullon wanted to be a rodeo clown when he was younger.
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piperamitt · 1 year
Rare moment: I have free time and I choose to write in it.
What happened to me?!
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piperamitt · 1 year
I first want to thank @thegeekylady52 for tagging me for this. Thank you!
Last song: If we count movie songs then the answer is "I'm Just Ken" from the Barbie movie. (This song is addicting).
Currently watching: A bunch of stuff, just off the top of my head there is: A rewatch of Timeless, FOP (now I'm doing this while putting a random season and episode and reading trivia on it from the wiki), technically My Adventures With Superman (whenever an episode is released or when I try to get my friends to watch it) Avatar the Last Airbender rewatch, Every Witch Way rewatch (I'm on a nostalgic spree as you can tell), and more that I chose not to write.
Currently reading: The situation here isn't much better. I mostly read fanfiction (especially about FOP and Star Wars fanfics with Bail Organa). If we want specific stuff that I'm currently in the middle of, then we have a reread of "Come What May" by FountainPenguin, and a fic called "The Beginning" by E350 on FFN. I have also decided to reread Big Nate on a Roll (now in English), the Alexander Hamilton biography by Ron Chernow, and like always I am a minute away from rereading Leia, Princess of Alderaan for the 5th time (I think... I lost count).
Current obsession: FOP (but it's always there), Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars, the new Barbie movie, My Adventures With Superman, fanfiction, and watching and reading stuff I already read. (I know it's a lot... But in my defense, Barbie was really good, I'm watching Star Wars with my friends and one of them didn't know the Empire Strikes Back reveal, MAWS is a new show and fanfiction is fanfiction).
Tagging: @orangemagicaltree @tiger-with-an-obssesion (no pressure. I just think it's right up your alley) and everyone else who sees it.
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piperamitt · 23 days
FOP season 3 "Where is Wanda" thoughts:
I'm going to only talk about the start of the episode (up until the detective wish and the world losing it's color)
This start really highlights for me Timmy's relationship with the two adult figures in his life who are his parents in some way (The Turners by being his actual parents, and Cosmo and Wanda feeling like his parents).
First we have Cosmo and Wanda, whom Timmy ran to ask for help with a project for Parent Student Movie Night. Cosmo and Wanda were obviously very busy and had to get ready for their probation hearing with Jorgen at 9. A hearing that we know they are both very very very scared of (it's why Wanda will be sent away by Cosmo later in the episode). Yet all it took from Timmy for Wanda (she was the one who said no and shown in the scene immediately after) to melt and say yes was giving her big puppy dog eyes. and making me exclaim that he is a 100% their son
He didn't wish for them to do it.
He just asked, and they did it. It's also why it didn't break any rules. Timmy didn't wish for it, and I think the rules just say he can't wish for stuff to help him win a competition. I'm probably wrong Also he won because the principal pitied him
Principal Waxelplax: In fact your display is so lame you couldn't possible have had any help from your parents
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Timmy before what she said:
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This brings me to the next point, which is the Turners (Mr. Turner to be specific ). Originally I thought they weren't there, but then we got a shot with all of Timmy's suspects and his dad was there.
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So his parents knew about the day. His dad even came, yet Timmy asked Cosmo and Wanda for help, and his dad wasn't even in the table with him. Like this is Timmy's victory photo
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No Mr. Turner in sight .Even Francis's dad who canonically is in and out of jail helped his son, but Mr. Turner who was there didn't even stay next to him while he was presenting.
Now what's my point with all of this? My point is to say Timmy's dad clearly loves him. He came, he gave time from his day for Timmy, but when it comes to actual parenting stuff like, doing projects, Cosmo and Wanda are who Timmy goes to. Timmy also clearly loves his parents cause he told them about tonight, but still felt like he should go to Cosmo and Wanda and ask for help.
Anyway for whoever read this entire thing I want to wish you a good day and a great week!
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piperamitt · 4 days
So remember the scene in the second Jimmy Timmy Power hour where Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda held hands? Do you know who was on screen right before them (sadly not holding hands)
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Yep. Anti-Tooth fairy, and Anti-Jorgen!
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