#Nsp Cory
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Farmhand: aye. The creature started terrorizing me and my chickens a fortnight ago. Damn thing won’t stop screaming at night.
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Cory: can you make the scream?
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Farmhand:what? No. It was completely inhuman.
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LT: don’t worry sir, we’ll apprehend this creature and you’ll be able to sleep soundly soon enough.
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Some NSPSCP Cory headcanons because I have.
Cory has no parents, this fucker doesn’t even have a middle or last name
He grew up in an orphanage
He was born in the foundation but before any foundation staff could do even the slightest documentation on him, he teleported out of there and ended up at the doorstep of an orphanage
He was a very angry kid, often getting into fights with others
He and Uni were childhood best friends
Uni was also the only one Cory would get along with (beside Nick and Tommy)
Instead of being unnaturally lucky, any bad things that happen to him and deflected and inflicted onto someone else
He has horns, he just hates them so he shaves them down
This is until season four where he’s forced to grow them out properly bc shaving them into nubs is really bad for his health
He has a tail because tails are awesome
Shorter than all of Alpha Strike but after the whole scarlet king thing he grows to be 7’0 and the tallest
He’s the favorite child in both Sanna and Scarlet King’s eyes
He is the #1 enemy of General Kaige, he is tied with Bricky for this spot
Surprisingly he doesn’t fully know if Otis is dead or not
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sillykytty · 4 months
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copperstars · 25 days
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cory-fucker · 2 months
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corys-nsp-fixation · 2 days
Due to SGCBarberian's TCD series most likely coming back it's made me semi-ill over it again.
So I'm gonna share an au concept that's on and off plaguing me. [That I think is post-inspired however I think my brain made the post up since I can't find it-]
The concept started as Redstoner Ross & Doctor Ross being the same person.
And then that gave me the idea of Doctor Ross having panic attacks every now and again bc of (what he calls) "a traumatizing hallucinational episode and or hyper realistic coma"
He'd hate whenever one came up bc in his head that's vulnerability he can't have due in the moment and almost certainly hates how he is at times because of how he is.
How could they be the same person? You may ask
Well, I somewhat have an answer. I wrote the au concept a couple days ago & just started re-thinking about it since I'm ill over both redstoner & doctor Ross.
However the current concept is some sort of cruel experimentation of sorts [maybe- idk I'm still thinking about how they could be the same place- Dr. Ross himself doesn't even fully know if it was a real experience or not so there's that-]
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notatoydotcom · 5 months
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Nsp fans with the new fallout series
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getting absolutely devious with it on magma w/ my devious pal @earthscorez wehehe
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
i swear to god im not fucking making a joke here his name is actually the gayest man alive. like theres a whole joke about cory telling someone that its 2018 and you cant say that type of thing anymore only to be told ''no thats literally what he calls himself''. which. holy fuck. cory newscapepro power move of the century. only straight man i will allow to make that joke on account of Its Fucking Hilarious
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oiladgivememoney99 · 4 months
The Shy Guy, SCP Rewrite
“Horrible! I haven’t seen a mission go from Good to FUBAR since the 90s,” The General yelled at the four soldiers stood within his office: Cory, Hooper, Triana and Nikole
“But sir, that’s not fai-” Triana was cut off.
“It’s not about fairness Lieutenant, your team failed to capture the Skip, the only thing you did right was barely not dying! None of you even entered the cave before the Serpent’s Hand assault,”
“Hey, I went in!” Cory interrupted/bragged.
“I- you did? By yourself? Why?”
“Well uh… I was scouting ahead for y’know… intel and stuff,”
“Alright, that’s fair,” The General cleared his throat. “You four are being sent on a new mission, don’t fail me this time, dismissed!”
“That went not horrible… pretty shocking,” Nikole shrugged and took a swig from a flask as the four walked back to their quarters.
“Yeah, thanks for not telling The General about our hazing,” Triana thanked. “We’d probably be shot if you did,”
“Yeah, thanks for that Cory,” Hooper thanked.
“Don’t mention it guys!” Cory smiled. “So, where are we going?”
“Back to our barracks, so you can meet the rest of the team,” Triana explained. “Then we go on our next mission,” She finished as she opened the door to their barracks.
Within the barracks was two more people to meet: The first was a woman with short, blue hair hunched over a computer wearing a yellow sweater vest, and a guy with a goatee and frosted tips, wearing the same uniform as the rest of the squad; he was eating a burger near a table stacked with weapons.
“Hey Lara!” Triana calls out to the blue haired girl, who jumps in surprise, earning a chuckle from Frosted Tips Guy.
“Sup Tri,” Lara says as she turns her chair over to Triana. “You brought new people?”
“I didn’t bring them the Foundation did,” Triana sighs. “Cory, Hooper, this is Lara, our Tech Girl,” She points to Blue Hair. “And this is Scott, our Armourer,” She points to Frosted Tips Guy.
“Sup? Try not to die horribly on your first week,” Lara attempted to joke.
“U-Um, we won’t, I think… will we?” Cory panicked.
“Don’t mind her, she’s just reeeeaaaally bad at social situations,” Scott chuckled.
“I heard that…” Lara grumbles.
“See? Eavesdropping, her Mama did not raise her right at all!” Scott rolled his eyes, Lara did too, Triana briefly glared at him.
“Alright, now that you all know each other, we have a new job to do,” Triana clapped to get everyone’s attention. “SCP-096 has breached its containment in Antarctica and is rapidly approaching New England, we are going there to recontain it,”
“The Shy Guy?” Hooper asked.
“The very same,”
Cory, Hooper, Triana, Nikole and Scott were in a helicopter, flying away to wherever in New England this “Shy Guy” was.
“So uhhhh, who is this Shy Guy?” Cory sheepishly asked.
“Cory! I explained this before we got in here, did you-”
“He slept through the briefing,” Hooper added.
Triana grunted. “All you need to know is that you can’t look at its face,”
“Or it’ll tear ya limb from limb!” Scott raised his hands like a dad telling a scary story.
“And it’ll scoop out what’s left of your brain,” Nikole said. “And… I dunno eat it or something,”
“Wh-what?” Cory mumbled in genuine fear.
“You two, quit making the Private shit himself,” Triana ordered. “We’re landing.
The five stepped out into a town, or at least what remained of it; torn up buildings, houses, shops and utter silence greeted them.
“J-Jeez, 096 did all this?” Cory asked.
“I can barely believe it neither,” Hooper shuddered. “How are we gonna recontain this thing?”
“The Skip is pretty docile as long as no one sees its face,” Triana explained. “We’re gonna find it and put a bag over its head,”
“We’re gonna Guantanamo this thing,” Scott simplified, chuckling to himself.
“Speaking of Guantanamo, any volunteers for bagging duty?” Triana asked as she pulled the cloth bag from her pocket.
Everyone answered no, Nikole was more particular with her wording (She said “Fuck no,” as opposed to just no,)
Triana sighed. “Guess I have to choose, you Cory, you do it,” She handed the shaking man a bag.
“What? Why me?”
“You’re face is a camera,” Nikole interrupted. “Maybe the thing won’t think you’re lookin’ at it,”
“Kaminski!” Triana shouted. “That’s… actually not the worst idea I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth,”
“I really am the most valuable member of this team,” Nikole smirked.
“No one’s ever said that,” Triana grumbled as she shoved the bag into Cory’s hands. “C’mon, let’s get moving,”
“You don’t know that,” Nikole grumbled.
And so, they moved deeper into the town, walking past torn up buildings, destroyed lampposts, and the occasional dead body that made Cory nearly puke every time he saw one.
“Sure you don’t need some more time in training?” Nikole asked with a “helpful” tone.
“N-No, I’m fine guys,” Cory attempted to reassure, his shaking hands nearly dropping the bag in his hand.
“Well that’s good, cause I’m pretty sure it’s close,” Triana said, as sobbing and crying was heard in the distance. “Bluejay, where is the approximate location of the Skip?”
“14 Forpixel Lane, end of the street,” Lara spoke over the radio.
“Thanks ho-,” Triana cleared her throat, earning a smirk from Nikole. “Bluejay, rest of you, follow me,” Triana ordered as the soldiers ran towards the house, the sobbing got louder and louder as they got closer and closer.
Once they were at the door, the troops surrounded the door.
“Alright, men, when we enter look down; Cory, walk towards 096 as quietly as humanly possible,” She looked sternly at the blonde man. “Do, not, get, its, attention,”
“G’luck Cory,” Hooper said.
“Th-Thanks Hoop,”
Triana gently opened the door as-
“Who’s there? Who the fuck are you?” There was a man in the house, yelling at them.
Everyone’s eyes quickly darted to the floor.
“Woah dude, chill out, we aren’t here to-”
“I can’t chill out, this fucken’ thing just tore apart my- God, ‘calm down’ do you even hear yourself right now!?” The man yelled, interrupting Scott.
“Sir, stop yelling, you’re going to-”
“Get the fuck out of my house!” The man stood up, and suddenly the already ear piercing sobbing from within the house got louder, the sobbing turned into crying, and the crying turned into screaming and.
“Shit, turn around!” Triana ordered as her squad nearly broke their necks to avoid eye contact.
The man began to scream as something tore it limb from limb, he screamed and shouted as the creature babbled and cried, until there was nothing left of him to scream.
The screaming of the creature stopped, turning back into mere sobs as it sat down, its head in its hands, sitting next to the man it had just mangled.
“I-Is it over?” Cory asked.
“I think so Private, good luck in there,” Triana said.
“W-Wait, can someone else do the ba-”
“Nope, you’ll be fine, just don’t look at it,” Triana shut the door on Cory. “If you die, we’ll do our best to recover the bag… and your body,”
“O-Oh cause that makes me feel so much better,” Cory mumbled sarcastically, as he put his eye to the floor and began to tiptoe in the general direction of 096’s crying.
“Don’tcha think that’s a little cruel, LT?” Hooper commented.
“Maybe, but it was the only way to get him in the house, he’ll probably be fine,” Triana attempted to reassure.
“Ewww, I stepped in blood,” Cory loudly complaining was heard from within the house, Triana felt the hairs on her body raise.
“You sure? Cause I do not wanna be the one who has to clean up Blondie,” Nikole took a sip from her flask.
“One hundred percent Kaminski, thanks for asking,” Triana said through gritted teeth.
“Just makin’ sure, pal,” Nikole shrugged
“Why didn’t I just do accounting? At least pencil pushing means not getting my… everything ripped off by a horrible monster,” Cory whisper yelled to himself.
The horrible, gangly monster in question continued to sob even louder to itself.
“Okay now I feel kinda bad…” Cory mumbled as he tiptoed further towards the thing, keeping his head fully down looking directly at the blood of the former man that the creature had torn apart. “Alright maybe not,”
Cory took a breath and hoisted the bag over his head with two hands, lifting his face slightly as he…
looked directly at it, the creature turned around, and he looked it right in the eyes and froze, completely still and waiting for the thing to.
Do absolutely nothing? Cory’s shock became confusion as the creature went back to weeping curled up, he shoved the bag over the pale thing’s head so hard that he hit its shoulders to no reaction and practically jumped out of the house-
“Agh! Cory the Hell?” Hooper shouted as the blonde man landed head first in his chest, breathing heavily.
“Private, did you manage to contain the Skip?” Triana asked.
“Y-Yeah, the bag’s on its head, but-”
“Sounds good to me,” Nikole shrugged. “C’mon let’s head back to base… this shithole is freezing,”
“I’m kinda hungry too… I know this place that sells some of the best pretzels I’ve ever had,” Scott reminisced like that one scene in Ratatouille.
“Pretzels!?” Cory jumped off of Hooper’s chest, completely losing his train of thought about the… whatever was on his mind before.
“Schhhhhhmloney’s, right?” Lara asked over the radio as the ground crew walked towards a landing helicopter.
“Yeah! How’d you guess?”
“That place is a front for The Foundation,”
Scott and Cory both looked dejectedly at the ground, Cory with complete seriousness as opposed to the frosted tips haver’s more joking demeanour.
“Every time…” He muttered as the team entered the helicopter.
Cory was forced awake from his nap by-
“Private! Quit napping we’re back at the base!” She shouted as she shook the blonde man awake, they were the only ones in the helicopter.
“I have a name…” He mumbled as he yawned.
Triana cleared her throat as she let go of the man. “Private Crater, get back to the barracks before I kick you all the way there,” She said, sternly.
“Yes ma’am,” He instantly got up and rushed into the facility.
Triana sighed as he left, and then a few moments later she heard the door open.
“Hey Tri,” The soft voice caused the Tri in question to turn around.
“Hey Lara,”
“You didn’t come to the room, something got you stressed?” Lara said, leaning against the wall.
“Huh? No, of course not…”
“Okay something has one thousand percent got you stressed,” Lara walked towards Triana leisurely. “Is it the usual ‘Nikki being an asshole?’ Or is it something else?”
Triana let out a heavy sigh as Lara stood in front of her. “It’s the new Private,”
“His kinda annoying incompetence?” Lara turned her head curiously.
“Attentive as ever,” Triana chuckled as Lara kissed her cheek. “I’m” The Lieutenant sighed. “Just worried that his luck will run out at the worst time possible,”
“Awwww, you care about him…” Lara then realised how comically dickish that sounded. “Like you should, y’know like a good leader,” She raised her hands in-
“I know, Hun,”
“Okay phew…” Lara smacked her lips, thinking of the point she was going to make before she rudely interrupted herself. “I’d uh… recommend making it more obvious that you care about him, y’know try to ease him into this whole MTF thing,”
“I mean… I just don’t want him to think this is easy,”
“He heard some guy get torn into a puddle, Tri,” Lara chuckled. “It hasn’t been very long since the containment breach,”
“I-I know, I’ll try to be a little less shouty,”
“That’s a start,” Lara giggled as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s waist. “Maybe show him a bit more of the soft n’ squishy side of you,”
“That’s!” Triana blushed as she quickly wrapped her arms around Lara’s waste. “...Only for you, you know that,” She mumbled, smiling.
Lara giggled. “I know,” the blue haired woman smirked.
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Cory: you have to be fucking kidding me.
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I’m talking about these two scenes bc dammit I love tragic best friends
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In scene A, Cory uses the dream sheep to get access to a dream where nothing went wrong and all of his friends are happy. This dream ends up hijacked by SCP 990 and the dream versions of his friends guilt him until he’s brought to 990’s plane.
In scene B, Hooper goes for a nap (for the first time since his cyborg enhancements) and is faced with Cory, who simply says that Hooper betrayed him. Hooper doesn’t feel guilt towards this, and instead punches the glass Cory appeared in which leads him to SCP 990’s plane of existence.
VERY similar scenes on the surface, dream gets hijacked by 990, 990 decides to use guilt to bring the persons awareness to their dreaming
But there’s so much more than on the surface.
First off, let’s go over Cory’s dream
He requests a dream from the dream sheep where all of his friends are there and happy. In this alignment, we do not see Hooper. When being guilted, he shows clear remorse and attempts to rationalize his actions.
Hoopers dream is quite different.
His dream is not something he requested to have through a specific SCP, however it was still influenced by one. SCP 965 appeared in the window in Hoopers room during this dream, and upon seeing 965, he punches the glass. After the glass is broken, A dream version of Cory appears, guilting Hooper. Hooper shows no remorse, and attempts to attack Cory. This does not work and Hooper is instead given a clear access to SCP 990’s plane.
Hooper appears to not regret his actions towards Cory in any way, so why does this dream apparition of Cory appear in the first place?
You might say it was SCP 990 trying to get Hoopers attention, but why do something that Hooper feels no guilt towards?
We all know that dreams are telling of the subconscious. So I argue that this is Hooper subconsciously trying to regain a semblance of control.
Hooper feels regret, but it’s actively being suppressed by his cyborg enhancements. Of course we all know this, but the fact that Hooper was trying to fight against this says so much more.
Cory on the other hand, feels clear remorse to everyone who guilted him in his dream.
But Hooper wasn’t there.
SCP 990 didn’t even bring in Hooper to amp up the guilting, because it wouldn’t have worked.
In later episodes, Cory continuously shows that he is more angry at Hooper than he is guilty for shooting him. Hell, we never even see if Cory feels guilty about that. Yet Cory keeps trying to fix up what happened, even when he hears that Hooper’s going to die soon.
It’s called into question by Dr. Patience if Cory still sees Hooper as a friend, and we never receive a clear answer.
They are TRAGIC and I love it.
Anyways five other people in this fandom how we feeling
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sprawlingants · 5 months
hey knock knock trianna x cory shippers come get your food
(i am the only one at the dining table)
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copperstars · 2 months
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mynameisvarian · 1 year
Hello dear fans of Newscapepro Scp! I have quite the treat for ya, I'm making a little fanfiction of NSP Scp! My current plans are to start from scratch aka I try to give Cory a backstory to how he met back with Uni.
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Cory Files is my little rewrite of the entire series that revolves around Cory and I plan on making slight connections to his other old Minecraft series such as Fallout and Creepypasta. Please bare with me as the last time I binge watched every Newscapepro series was back in 2020 also note that I am not a talented person when it comes to writing as I will make regular grammar mistakes within this.
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Banner picture for the first chapter, Also know that I am a procrastinator and English is not my first language :]
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hopeful-rack5 · 1 month
Newscapepro Creepypasta rewrite update!
hey everyone i'm back with another post about Newscapepro yay :D
from the title my Creepypasta rewrite is on the docking
for one the main cast of Creepypasta is still here Tommy, Nick and Cory are all still here but i do have plans to include other newscapegang members as well... but that'll be it's own post probably.
for now i want to talk about the Creepypasta stories being used in this rewrite, because yes the Creepypasta's in this rewrite will either be change in someway or out right replaced. so let' start off with the list of creepypasta's staying... and changing.
Jeff the killer - obviously he's staying because for one "ICONICNESS" and "POPULARITY". and two is because of his importance in the story..... with that being said though I'm not using the original "Jeff The Killer" story for my basis instead I'm using the rewrite @Pastrapec made for my basis and for his chapter and character, that is to say i will still try and keep some of his original "CHRISMA" he had in the original Newscapepro Creepypasta series.
The Rake - now i know in the original NSP CP series, the rake story was in actuality a story about SCP-096, with this rewrite i have been contemplating on changing the story to actually be about "The Rake" and what it truly is you know.... but i really do like the Scp-096 story.... so I've decided this. the canon version of the second chapter will be about "The Rake" and i mean the actual Rake meanwhile i will make a non-canon chapter dedicated too the Scp-096 story that way we can have both.
The Keyhole - i haven't read the original story so this one will probably be the same as it was in the original series... maybe with a change if i check the original story out.
(anyway thats all i have for now, will provide further update later)
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