#OC Bio: Dria
mythigal1966 · 4 years
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OC Bio:   Alexandria “Dria” Ramsey
Age: 29
 Height: 5’6”
 Appearance: Brown eyes, olive skin, white hair that is very curly and used to be long, but the southern climate convinced her to cut it short.  Small breasts and wide hips.  Earlobes pierced once.  No tattoos or scars.  Dria is fond of dyeing her hair wild colors, and favors a slightly funkier style of dress than us usual in St. Martinville: harem pants, sandals and loose gauzy tank tops in the summer, hand crocheted tunics, leggings, and Doc-Martens she painted herself in the winter, for example.
Occupation:  Dria is a professional artist, and had some success in NYC before she moved to Louisiana. She still sends her work to a gallery in NYC, and travels there several times a year for shows.
 Hobbies:  She likes to bake, crochet, bellydance (her mother was a professional and taught her,) and can occasionally be persuaded to read Tarot cards for a few carefully selected individuals.  And when she does, she is frighteningly accurate.  
 Known associates:  Her cat, Dickens.  He appeared on her doorstep the day she moved to St. Martinville and made himself at home.
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(In most RPs, he is a flerkin, but for the Southerngothic AU, he is an unusually intelligent cat)
 History:  Dria grew up in a very small town in the Midwest.  When she was eighteen, her parents were killed in a car accident: her father lost control of the car and it went through the guard rail and into a lake.  Dria was in the backseat, and an off-duty firefighter managed to pull her out of the car but she was clinically dead for at least two minutes before they got her heart started again.   The experience left her with white hair, a fear of deep water, and a gift for precognition that takes the form of visions, or overwhelmingly strong hunches, occasionally dreams.   At first, the visions were rare and not terribly obtrusive, but when she moved to NYC, they started getting stronger and more frequent.  Her career flourished but she grew increasingly anxious and stressed.   By the time she met Amelia, on a vacation to Louisiana, Dria was having difficulty coping.  Amelia helped her come to terms with her talent, and the slower pace of life in Louisiana seemed to slow down the visions as well.   Dria decided to move to St. Martinville, and she’s been a resident for several years.
 Personality:  Dria is still cautious around deep water, but several years of therapy has taken the edge off her phobia.   She is quiet around most people, but that doesn’t mean she’s meek: her ability to tell people ‘no’ and to make it stick has surprised more than one person who sought to take advantage of her good nature. Her sense of humor has also caught a few people off guard.  Around people she trusts, she relaxes her guard and can be very goofy.  She is also sweet, kind, supportive, and accepting of other people’s differences. Amelia is the only one who knows about Dria’s precognitive abilities, but other people have noted that she seems to have an instinct about people’s intentions towards her. So far as her love life goes, she’s gone out with one or two of the local men, but hasn’t really clicked with anyone, so it’s never gone any further than a couple of dates.  Dria jokes with Amelia that her chastity belt is pinching her, but she also isn’t willing to settle for casual sex.  Her parents’ marriage was not a happy one, so she is doubly determined not to let loneliness persuade her to lower her standards.  She knows her worth.
 Quirks:   Dria doesn’t drink alcohol—she just doesn’t care for the taste.  She does drink Coca Cola, and occasionally coffee, but it’s more like melted coffee ice cream. When she’s upset or angry, she bakes bread, because she can take her frustrations out on the dough. She likes to buy her clothing from small businesses and artists at craft fairs, so her wardrobe is eclectic.  She only wears skirts on special occasions, and in her own home, she is usually barefoot.
@tmntsoutherngothic​ @southernblossoms​
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