imeao8 · 6 months
Really connecting in the moment is all it’s meant to be 💗💗💗
do you ever laugh with your friends and think oh this is the point. this is the point of everything
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imeao8 · 1 year
Stuck between healing and traumas
Wanting change and wanting everything to stay the same -
Or better said how it used to be
Craving a thriving future and reminiscing about the past
Why are things so hard
Or is it me?
It has to be me, I’m the common denominator right?
But even that doesn’t sound or feel right
Like I’m missing a huge chunk of the puzzle
What is it
What could it be
Trying to find the balance just right that’s truly me
So tired of the mask
I want to be free 🦋
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imeao8 · 1 year
“Be strong enough to let go, and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.”
— Unknown
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imeao8 · 1 year
Level up
Where are the ambitious people?
People trying to level up;
Start a business and network people?
Honest and loyal people?
Trying to work hard and focus through the tough times and build block by block-stage people?
Where’s my next phase level up tribe?
Calling in all my ride and die.
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imeao8 · 1 year
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imeao8 · 1 year
How did we get here?
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imeao8 · 1 year
Beep beep Where you at?
Can my forever person hurry up and find me already because it’s getting really wild out here.
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imeao8 · 1 year
You will get exactly what you sow….I don’t even have to promise you that.
I know you know it too.
You fumbled yourself and you know it.
That pain you were trying to avoid you’ll now get a thousand times worse.
Oh and don’t worry I don’t have anything to do with any of it.
You did it all yourself.
You made the choice. And I hope it’ll be one you’ll be able to live with because when you want to repent later on it’ll be way too late.
You made your choice.
Now live with it.
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imeao8 · 1 year
Was he for me?
I’ve seen him before from far away, just walking passed around the halls. I always thought he was kind of cute but never to think he would see me. You see, he was a friend of a friend and I just never thought to tangle. Years have gone by, life has happened, it hit in different ways and both just-(deep breath)
trying to keep it together in one way or another for the next generations. Then one day here comes trusted music back to the rescue. Without thinking too much I saw him just vibing with his music on and mentioned something a long the lines of “I love that for you” just sensing that pure joy that sometimes music can bring, - in him. You see, little did I know that’s how we connected. Music was life for us. We could listen to music all day. All different genres and beats. But what seem to be our favorite were songs with true life meanings behind their words. We would often trade music videos as another way of communicating to each other what we wanted to say, in a song. It might not be exactly what we wanted to say, but do you know what I mean right, yeah I understand you. But that’s the thing though,
I don’t even know you yet. And already you seem so familiar,
as if when we saw each other down the hall years before, at each glance to say, I’ll see you, but I’ll stay away for right now. I don’t want to harm you.
And it’s not even that we put each other on a pedestal. I can see that he is going through pain and you know to my surprise he sees mine, and what blew me away was that he noticed and wanted to listen. Wanted to hear me clear my chest and then after make me laugh.
And I know this may seem like nothing to many, but to me as someone who is often overlooked and seen as always, the strong one. He was someone who could actually see the cracks in my armor as he had cracks himself, he could see mine. But what was so different about him was sensing the cracks and helping me see the areas where I may be leaking. Not like many others that would sense the crack and instead cause further inflection.
He is built different.
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