verothexeno · 3 years
@tmntsoutherngothic: The world is full of symbols, a thing which has a special meaning to one person may mean something different to another.
There are some who might keep a special place in their heart for a book that reminds them of their youth. Some might cherish the full moon because it has been present on every good occasion in their life.
You, Vee, are that symbol in my life. You remind me of those cherished moments, full of hope and yearning love.
You are beautiful, gifted and kind. You never sacrifice your vibrancy, your wit and whimsy, each having enriched my life in the same way you've become attached to my heart.
Do you remember when you became what you are to me?
It seemed ridiculous to take a simple thing and attribute it to something that meant so much. It permeated every fiber of my being, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You adorn my desktop, are my screensaver. Your eyes and lips are the art I doodle in my notebooks when I should be working on formulas.
You are always there, right in the forefront of my mind; always there to  warm my heart. There is so much good that you bring to my mind and for that I shall always be grateful.
I shall always treasure you, Vee.
My literal Lovestone and my blessing. I love you.
Oh my lord, this is so beautiful 😭💜 I love it!!! Thank you!!!! You've absolutely made my day 💜
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waterstar2016 · 3 years
You're always on my mind papillon...Damn impossible to forget. Burnin' images of you find me when I'm sleepin'.  
You're in my dreams, y'know that? The need t'be with you so powerful when I'm awake, I wonder when you'll come back.
I can't stop thinkin' about you.
Last night I dreamed I walk into your house-it was already dark 'cept for a few candles an' a rain' thunderstorm. Soakin' wet in my clothes I went to you an' pulled you closer, undressin' you there in the livin' room.
In the flashin' light of the storm outside I could see your body move an' writhe with expectation...wantin' me. My clothes were soaked, coverin' every inch of your beautiful, naked body with a glistenin' moistness that begged to be touched. I could see the beads of water trickle down your stomach and thighs with each streak of lightenin'.
I couldn't help myself...I kissed you-those full lips then your neck...I slowly undress myself part of the way. I move down your bare skin  an' kiss those perfect breasts, holdin' each one in my hand as I do so. Fuck you feel so good.
Your skin is hot to the touch an' your moanin' is getting increasingly stronger. I am not able to wait any longer an' I stand up as you help me undo my pants an' slide them down. I love bein' on top of you, feelin' your arms around me an' pressin' into me as I am inside of you. The pleasure an' intensity of the moment is almost too much to bear but we're there...together...movin' an' holdin' each other joined by fierce sex and lustful emotions. 
God damn Immogene, you drive me crazy.
I feel as if I'm a teenager dealin' with the ragin' hormones. I never thought a woman could make a full grown man this hungry with a ragin' sexual appetite. I;m stunned by my own animal drive to be with you, but damn if I don't like it, too. 
Maybe I'll tell you more about it if you come back...or better yet, show you.
Dreamin' of you,
Immogene read the letter three times before setting it down. How it had made its way to her was a mystery. Her dark green eyes looked at the the sharp angular script again and sighed heavily.
It had taken more than a little effort to leave the southern town and him.
Her fingers reached out again and ran her fingers along the written words. She could feel the different indentations where the terrapin had pressed harder into the page. Feeling a definitive sharp line she looked. ‘I couldn’t help myself.’
“Raphael.” His name left her lips in a whisper that spoke of longing. Her eyes left the page once more and looked out her window. A window that faced south. Damned if she could help herself with him.
Immogene glanced at her calendar as she bit her lip. Maybe, just maybe it was soon time to follow the compass rose back to where a red banded rebel was working in his shop.
No one stirred the beat of her heart and the speed of her pulse the way he did…
@southernblossoms What a treat for the mind, heart and body this was! ❤️♥️
Love your face!
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
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Name: Aurora Yoshi
Age: 31
Physical Characteristics: Caucasian mix, tall 5’11, athletic build, violet eyes, blonde hair, mid back with a purple streak in the front,
Tattoos: Large colorful octopus on right thigh
Piercings: Two holes at bottom of each lobe
Career: Pseudonymous Artist. From an early age Aurora has found comfort in her creative side, littering the old floors of the monastery she grew up in with what chalk she was gifted from the monks that raised her. On her own now when she is not training or furthering her skills in the ancient art of ninjutsu Aurora is painting or drawing. Though her paintings are known throughout the world, no one has put her face with her artist persona. She likes to keep her personal life private and away from the limelight. To keep herself unknown, Aurora signs her paintings ‘YA’, her initials transposed. A philanthropist at heart Aurora holds an auction every year auctioning off her works to raise money for different charities, mostly for children.
Personality: A loner most of her life, Aurora is learning to trust and open up to new people in her life. She is sassy without the patience for unnecessary bullshit and toxic people. She is a good judge of character and holds onto those who mean the most to her protecting them with everything she is.
Hobbies: Ninjutsu; her twin katana, kunai, shuriken, tantos, and training to further her skills. Art; whether it be painting, drawing, learning new techniques and utilizing new mediums or welding (which is something new she is trying) On the side she teaches ninjutsu to worthy individuals and self-defense for woman. Aurora rarely partakes in alcohol but when she does, she enjoys Saki or a chilled Moscato.
Skills: Trained since she was 3 years old Aurora is a highly accomplished kunoichi, proficient in hand-to-hand combat and all common weapons of the art of ninjutsu. Her weapon of choice is the twin katana. She has been trained in pressure points and has mastered the art of mediation.
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mythigal1966 · 4 years
A Something Wicked One-Shot
Ordinarily, Dria would have stayed for the evening’s festivities.  She had especially been looking forward to dancing with Mikey. 
But Dria was tired: Tarot card readings always took more energy than she bargained for, and this particular reading had left her deeply worried and feeling like a wrung-out dishrag.  It would have been selfish in the extreme to ask Mikey to come home and have dinner with her.  She would have liked to just snuggle on the couch, eat cookies, and watch Christmas movies with him, with her cat Dickens draped like a stole around the mutant turtle’s neck.
As it was, she would have to settle for a reheated dinner, a hot shower, and maybe start a new painting.  
She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight, even with Dicken’s purring weight warming her side.
Sighing in impatience when her keys proved elusive, Dria set the bag of take out down and began rummaging in good earnest, careful not to jostle the containers of barbeque ribs.  
No luck.
Pressing her full lips together, Dria pulled out her phone, hoping the light would help.
And her gift screamed a sudden warning at the same time she heard the hoarse inhalation behind her.
In a fraction of a second, Dria’s talent showed her how to survive: fling the extra spicy hot sauce in the container in her hand into her attacker’s face, drop to the ground and roll under her car, and keep going, crawling from car to car until she reached the lights and the crowds of the celebration.  Blinded by the hot peppers in the sauce, her attacker wouldn’t be able to track or find her.
She would reach safety.  She would live.
But, with the vision came the knowledge of who would pay the price for her escape.
The choice was plain: her life, or theirs.
Not really a choice at all.  
Dria would not save her own life at the expense of someone else’s.
Hands shaking with barely controlled terror, she made herself let go of the hot sauce and turned to face her fate.
 Miles away, in Dria’s little house in St. Martinville, Dickens bolted upright out of a sound sleep, his blue-green eyes huge, the fur along his spine standing up, and his tail puffed to twice its normal size. The gray-furred feline tilted his head back and wailed, the grief-stricken sound penetrating to every corner of the small town, causing people all over to look at each other in consternation and shiver.
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room-of-torture · 4 years
"Bon matin, petite." Mikey's sleepy blue eyes flickered over Sam with keen interest, his smile playful despite the curiosity pooling beneath the surface. "What does the lady have to say about Z?"
The brunette gave an amused but curious smile at the turtle. Cocking her head at his overall vibe-he was calm, possibly because he looked sleepy, but it felt...somewhat safe to be around. “Good evening or Good morning to you, Tortuga. Seems that I’m not the only one getting ‘Z’s’ here.” She gave a light chuckle. “As for your question...the nape of my neck, the scar at the upper part of my back, my thighs-especially between them of course, and my hair are the most sensitive. Well-my partner would have to have gentle hands as well when gripping or pulling my hair...”
Sam’s chestnut eyes moved to the side for a few seconds before meeting again with the soft, tired baby blue ones across from hers. Hands stayed folded on her lap. “They receive a better response from my body when they have kind fingers. Hope that answers your question.” A pink tinting her cheeks from her answer. This overall game had them revealing so much more then she thought! First her fantasy now this.
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The boys if they chose a small animal as their pet if they can't get a dog nor cat:
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Leo would get two fancy parakeets as his pets. He isn't a big fan of four legged fuzzy critters like his other brothers do. He would give the birds japanese names which are Sake and Bao. They eventually would learn to speak, but then Raph and Mikey would try to teach them to swear and it would make Leo furious if the birds do learn to say "bitch" or "Pussy lips". He would always feed his birds every day even before patrol treating them with respect.
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For Donnie Boi here, I'd say he'd get a hamster as his small pet. Obviously he would name it Stephen named after the late Stephen Hawking. Not only he would take great care of the little creature, but he would also use it for mazes and obstacle course as his experiments testing its intellegence. He would always calculate the calories of the hamster food, and feed it the right amount of meals and treats to keep it healthy and in good shape. When the elecricity goes out, he would have the little guy run on its wheel to temporarily reactivate the lights so it would give Donnie time to fix it.
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Raph would definitely get a chinchilla. He would name it Rocky after his favorite Sylvester Stallone franchise. He would love the little critter and treat it like his own child. He would give it veggies and fruits to eat instead of the usual hay pet stores would sell. He would also give it chinchilla treats and have it sit on his head or shoulder from time to time as he walks around the lair or eats pizza. Giving it a dust bath makes him smile and he would laugh whenever it digs or rolls around in it. Mikey would try to hold or pet it but it would bite him making Raph laugh. Despite its small size, Raph would always think its like a mini version of a kangaroo since it can jump pretty high.
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Mikey Pie. For his pet, it was either between a guinea pig or a ferret. So In my opinion, he would get a Ferret and name it Slinky. Mikey wouldn't understand the rules of taking care of a ferret or any small animal so he would give it pepperoni to eat behind his brothers backs since Donnie would keep warning him giving any animal the wrong foods would get them sick. And turns out, Donnie would be right and he would nurse the little critter back to health when it's sick. Mikey would feel awful about it, but once after the ferret is better, that is when he would start playing with it. Having fun with a ferret is fun for him and playing dress up with it. Making it dance to the music always make him chuckle with glee since a ferret's spine is very twisty and lanky, he can make it do silly dance moves. He would even play video games and watch movies with it. At least Mikey wouldn't be as lonely when he has a small pet by his side.
@kokokatsworld @kawaiibunga @cowabunga-doll @the-second-circle-of-shell @greenprincess @nittleboo @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @angelcatlowyn @exovapor @tmntsoutherngothic @tmntsashabrookes
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exovapor · 3 years
Hihi! I am the anon from earlier, I decided to make this blog because, you are right! I am an adult and should do things i enjoy without others permission/validation (even if it is nice)! I can't wait to post my writings for the turtles, and I really can't wait to meet more lovely people in this community, y'all seem so sweet and nice from what i've seen from afar!! Thanks again, for answering my ask and bein cool in general <3
Welcome to the community. We look forward to your contributions!
Tagging a few people who I know like to read tmnt (not a full list...give me a break, I'm at work trying to send this out...so if you aren't tagged below introduce yourself).
@turtle-babe83 @nittleboo @tmntspidergirl @the-second-circle-of-shell @kokokatsworld @gooptello-turtle @southernblossoms @tmntsoutherngothic @hagelpaimon @shadow-ninjas @ladyofparchments
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foreignbrunette · 4 years
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15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? Thank you kindly!
Although summaries can be quite a puzzle at times. You try to make it interesting, without selling the good stuff too soon! Titles can come easily, depending on the inspiration. As for tags, I'm no master of those and I'll do admit that I mostly avoid those, unless it's for trigger warnings. I never really seek a large audience whenever I post my stuff. I guess I like the idea of me throwing a bottle in this online ocean. Whoever finds it, they may enjoy it or not.
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verothexeno · 3 years
Good morning! 20. describe your ideal kind of weather. how would you spend a day with this weather? Many thanks.
Winter being my favorite season, it’s only normal that I do love when it’s snowing outside.
Especially when it’s those chunky, yet fluffy kind of snowflakes falling softly. It’s just so fun to either be outside in such weather, or simply stay in and relax.
Otherwise, sunny summer days are ideal for my mood. It makes me feel alive and I do love to bask in the sun at some point, just to get that sweet warmth in my body. 💜
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
Blossom's smile was faint when she began writing the letter to a childhood friend, a recent rekindling of a treasured youthful relationship. When the subject of romance was broached she didn't hesitate. Unbidden, her confession poured from heart to paper, spilling from the ink pen into a jumble of passionate emotion.
"..It hasn’t been long since I've known him or since he confessed his love to me. When I met Leo, I was at that point in my life where I stopped letting people in, where I found strength and solace in being alone with only my sisters and a few friends. I was used to keeping parts of myself hidden, making broken look beautiful.
I remember telling myself before we met that I would never let someone close enough to break me. I told myself that I would never give someone the power to destroy me. I told myself that I would never fall in love so deeply, that I would never tell anyone my secrets and never show the hidden parts of myself to anyone. And I made these decisions only because I was afraid. Afraid of falling in love. Afraid of being exposed. 
But even with all these things, I still let him in. I showed him parts of myself that were meant to be hidden forever. I told him my secrets and I shared every detail of my life with him...with Leo. I told him terrifying stories about myself, moments that I carried with shame, and I started to care about him because he listened-not with judgement, but with compassion.
That was when I started to love him, and I fell for him, mon ami...I fell hard.
What I have with Leo means more to me than everything that I have ever been afraid of. He make me so happy.
Once, it terrified me, because once you’re happy it can be taken away from you...and there are moments I feel that worry all over again as we face things-forces-we don't yet understand.
But fear will not be allowed to win because we have, and we love, in the moment...Each second we breathe together, move together; every day and each night where I can touch or taste him, hear his voice encourage or command...and his smile...mon dieu that smile leaves me weak and wanting in the same breath...It makes it all worth it. It is what I will fight for every day until I move onto the next life and cherish while in the present.
Bless, I'm rambling now...best finish this up so I don't keep you from your day or me from mine any longer. 
It has been good to reconnect with you. Getting that letter regarding your new move was an unexpected lagniappe, but one that I appreciate. I'll light a candle and say a blessing for you and it beneath the waning moon. May it bring you luck and prosperity. 
Stay in touch my friend and don't be afraid to come for a visit a spell. I'd love to introduce you to St. Martinville...and Leo.
All my best,
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This was lovely @tmntsoutherngothic. This letter was so heart felt. I love this story 😍
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mythigal1966 · 4 years
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OC Bio:   Alexandria “Dria” Ramsey
Age: 29
 Height: 5’6”
 Appearance: Brown eyes, olive skin, white hair that is very curly and used to be long, but the southern climate convinced her to cut it short.  Small breasts and wide hips.  Earlobes pierced once.  No tattoos or scars.  Dria is fond of dyeing her hair wild colors, and favors a slightly funkier style of dress than us usual in St. Martinville: harem pants, sandals and loose gauzy tank tops in the summer, hand crocheted tunics, leggings, and Doc-Martens she painted herself in the winter, for example.
Occupation:  Dria is a professional artist, and had some success in NYC before she moved to Louisiana. She still sends her work to a gallery in NYC, and travels there several times a year for shows.
 Hobbies:  She likes to bake, crochet, bellydance (her mother was a professional and taught her,) and can occasionally be persuaded to read Tarot cards for a few carefully selected individuals.  And when she does, she is frighteningly accurate.  
 Known associates:  Her cat, Dickens.  He appeared on her doorstep the day she moved to St. Martinville and made himself at home.
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(In most RPs, he is a flerkin, but for the Southerngothic AU, he is an unusually intelligent cat)
 History:  Dria grew up in a very small town in the Midwest.  When she was eighteen, her parents were killed in a car accident: her father lost control of the car and it went through the guard rail and into a lake.  Dria was in the backseat, and an off-duty firefighter managed to pull her out of the car but she was clinically dead for at least two minutes before they got her heart started again.   The experience left her with white hair, a fear of deep water, and a gift for precognition that takes the form of visions, or overwhelmingly strong hunches, occasionally dreams.   At first, the visions were rare and not terribly obtrusive, but when she moved to NYC, they started getting stronger and more frequent.  Her career flourished but she grew increasingly anxious and stressed.   By the time she met Amelia, on a vacation to Louisiana, Dria was having difficulty coping.  Amelia helped her come to terms with her talent, and the slower pace of life in Louisiana seemed to slow down the visions as well.   Dria decided to move to St. Martinville, and she’s been a resident for several years.
 Personality:  Dria is still cautious around deep water, but several years of therapy has taken the edge off her phobia.   She is quiet around most people, but that doesn’t mean she’s meek: her ability to tell people ‘no’ and to make it stick has surprised more than one person who sought to take advantage of her good nature. Her sense of humor has also caught a few people off guard.  Around people she trusts, she relaxes her guard and can be very goofy.  She is also sweet, kind, supportive, and accepting of other people’s differences. Amelia is the only one who knows about Dria’s precognitive abilities, but other people have noted that she seems to have an instinct about people’s intentions towards her. So far as her love life goes, she’s gone out with one or two of the local men, but hasn’t really clicked with anyone, so it’s never gone any further than a couple of dates.  Dria jokes with Amelia that her chastity belt is pinching her, but she also isn’t willing to settle for casual sex.  Her parents’ marriage was not a happy one, so she is doubly determined not to let loneliness persuade her to lower her standards.  She knows her worth.
 Quirks:   Dria doesn’t drink alcohol—she just doesn’t care for the taste.  She does drink Coca Cola, and occasionally coffee, but it’s more like melted coffee ice cream. When she’s upset or angry, she bakes bread, because she can take her frustrations out on the dough. She likes to buy her clothing from small businesses and artists at craft fairs, so her wardrobe is eclectic.  She only wears skirts on special occasions, and in her own home, she is usually barefoot.
@tmntsoutherngothic​ @southernblossoms​
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waterstar2016 · 3 years
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@southernblossoms @tmntsoutherngothic
For the large tortue...
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What Donnie does if he sees you not feeling very well with an upset stomach feeling bloated:
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Donnie would realize you haven't come to the lair to see him for your daily fun activities together for a few days. so he goes to your apartment to check up on you. As he enters the bedroom from the window, he would hear you moaning in pain and breathing heavily. It breaks his precious terrapin heart seeing you in bed feeling ill. He would sit down on your bed and gently rub your leg. "What's wrong my precious pop tart? You don't look so good." You look up at him and you spoke in a weak tone. "My stomach.....it feels bloated and it aches....I tried taking bepto bismol, but it won't help much....I went to a family party a few days ago, and I ate too much...." this gives Donnie the opportunity to play doctor with you. He knows powdered laxatives and tea laxatives would make you feel too much pain and he doesn't want to see that. So he hatched an idea. "I'll be right back my little pumpkin. I'll make ya something that'll make ya go to the bathroom much more smoothly. I'll be back soon okay?" You nod, and he runs back to the lair. At his lab, he decides to make a liquid laxative that won't cause any stomach pain, and would help you relief your bloating as you take a number 2 at ease. He carefully adds the ingredients, and successfully finished right on time in just 30 minutes. He rushes back with the soft laxative, and pours it in a glass of water. "Here. This should help ya out with your achey tummy." He smiles as you drank it. It had a fruity after taste as you swallowed. He then goes to grab a heating blanket to keep you warm, and since you live alone, he decides to spend the night with you. He puts on an old romantic film and cuddles with you as you both watch the film. He would give you sweet kisses on your cheeks and snuggle you like a teddy bear because he loves and cares fo you dearly. The laxative would kick in making you go to the bathroom easily. As time went on overnight, your bloating started to slowly go away. You thanked him as he spoke. "Whenever you are sick, let doctor Donnie take care of ya from now on. And next time, please don't over eat. I don't want my precious pop tart to get sick." You smile at your terrapin hubby and you both snuggle together and watch the film and headed to sleep as the movie ended, until the next day when he has to go back to his family. Every day, Donnie would check up on your health and bring the first aid kit when you get injured, and would make sure you always get home safely. Sometimes he would even drive you home late at night despite of him always being the only one awake. He will always want to take care of you and he sees you like a walking talking pop tart wanting to be accepted and loved just like he does. But at least he is glad he has someone like you in his life and hopefully would want to have a bright future with you as well.
(Sorry if this is super short, but I got bored decided to do a short story anyway.)🥰
@tmntheart3 @nittleboo @tmntspidergirl @tmntsashabrookes @tmntsoutherngothic @the-second-circle-of-shell @selfless1978 @kokokatsworld @angelcatlowyn
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foreignbrunette · 3 years
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From all the way down in the Louisiana bayou, Bonne Fête, mon ami! Wishin’ you the very best on your birthday and in the year to come. Laissez les bon temps roller!
~ Blossom & Brothers
I have no words for your kindness @tmntsoutherngothic 😭 *blushing*. I want to thank to you, to Amelia, to the boys and everyone in your AU (and out there) for your amazing and comforts B-day messages! I wish I could be there to give a bear hug to each of you! 💖 Thank you so much again! Love you all 💞
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