#OC Sethsa
boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
More for the wholesome asks: 15, 23, and 30! For whoever you want to answer for!
Thanks for another ask !! I'll do Sethsa for these :3
☆ Wholesome Asks HERE ☆
15) Now you give them some life advice.
I'd tell her not to beat herself up over everything; being a Demiprince doesn't mean she has to carry the weight of the World on her shoulders.
23) Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
Sethsa likes reading when she finds books in braille, but she Loves It when people read to her!
30) What is their love language?
Giving gifts and quality time, but ESPECIALLY quality time. If Sethsa asks you to hang out with her or if she can hang out with you, that means you're one of her closest friends.
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
ooh 1-10 for Vulon and Sethsa pls 👀
Vulon n Sethsa let's GOOOOOO!!!! Thank u for the asks!! :D
☆ Wholesome Ask Meme HERE ☆
1) What is their go-to comfort food?
Vulon: Vulon's Ultimate Comfort Food is chili, though much of dunmeri cuisine comforts Vulon and reminds it of its travels through Morrowind.
Sethsa: Apple pie BABEYY. And also cinnamon apples (which is basically just apple pie filling hehe).
2) Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
Vulon: Vulon would like a very strong spiced Chai sweetened with honey
Sethsa: Hot apple cider! I don't know when I decided Sethsa loves apples but that's been in my brain about her for a While now lol
I usually prefer cold drinks but sometimes some nice, fresh coffee with creamer, milk, honey, and sugar is Exactly what I need to cheer me up. I'm also a big fan of Chai as well !
3) What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
Vulon: It quite likes its hair! It's very proud of it in fact :} I really like how determined it is to survive everything thrown at it.
Sethsa: Sethsa likes that she's quick thinking and loyal. I like that she's a secret huge softie hehehe
4) What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
Vulon: It loves that its friends have its back. That they care for it and aren't afraid to show that. I think Vulon's friends would like that it's loyal and tries it's hardest to make a positive impact on their lives somehow.
Sethsa: She'd like that they care about her (and that they don't go telling everyone she's a Nocturnal Demiprince lmao). I think they'd like how much she's willing to do to ensure they're safe.
5) What is the song you most associate to them?
Vulon: "The Wind That Shapes the Land" by Unleash the Archers
Sethsa: "Say So" by Doja Cat
6) What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
Vulon: Hardstyle and hardbass would be Vulon's favorites!
Sethsa: Sethsa would really like pop music, like top 40 hits, especially catchy dance music and love songs :3
7) What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would really enjoy?
Vulon: Oh it would LOVE !!!!!!!! Pacific Rim
Sethsa: I don't think Sethsa would be a fan of movies, she wouldn't have the attention span for them. BUT she'd like rom coms if she had to pick a genre!
8) How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
Vulon: It would be so baffled at first, then absolutely delighted and giddy and flustered. It would definitely press a few of the flowers and save them in one of its journals
Sethsa: She'd be really confused, but really appreciative. Sethsa likes flowers, especially ones that smell strong and sweet.
10) What is their favorite thing in the world?
Vulon: Can I be corny and say Lord Boethiah? Or like...spending time with them? Because that would be Vulon's favorite thing I think (or just spending time with Any of its loved ones, tbh).
Sethsa: Traveling at night! She loves the sounds of night time and how peaceful it is. Yes it can be quite dangerous but she can get around a lot easier in the night than in the day.
Thank u again for the asks! That were really fun hehehe uwu
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
7, 12, 16, 18!
Thanks for the questions ! I picked Vulon, Vyrthaal, Jo'safiir, and Sethsa for these :3 I managed to Not ramble way too much thankfully lmao ;w;
☆ Skyrim Asks HERE ☆
7) What non-combat skill do they excel at?
Vulon: Vulon is Very good at sneakin' around, and is really good at talking its way through things so its Speech Skill is very high as well :> Its also really good with restoration magic, which tends to surprise people! As for non-gameplay stuff it's really good at cooking and mending clothes (and when it dies it spends a lot of time studying various art forms and such).
Vyrthaal: Vyrthaal is also pretty sneaky but he excels the most in blacksmithing and enchanting (and while Vyr usually uses archery for combat he's also just Really Fucking Good At It and can do fancy tricks and is a good hunter bc of it + he's good at Being Sneaky). He's decent at alchemy thanks to Kili teaching him, and very skilled at restoration magic (though he also uses the sun-based restoration spells in combat). Non-gameplay he is Also very good at cooking! He's also good at Embroidery and making clothes :3
Jo'safiir: Jo'safiir is the sort to argue that all schools of magicka can be used perfectly well outside of combat Including destruction so I'm gonna say. That lmao. Non game play things: cooking AND baking (Vyr and Vulon are both 2 impatient to bake well) as well as knitting and crochet!
Sethsa: Stealth, speech, lockpicking, and illusion are my girl's best skills!! She's also very good at baking (all my ocs are good at some kind of food making/preparation can u tell lmao) and an excellent story teller!
12) Who are they closest to?
Vulon: Lord Boethiah, Serana, and Sissel. It is also close to the Dawnguard in that it fought alongside them and considers them all its siblings-in-arms and trusts them with its life in combat.
Vyrthaal: Kili, Serana, and of course his moms and their Stronghold, as well as Kili's hive!
Jo'aafiir: Ko'jiirah, Miraak, Boltu, and his entire family (though all except for Ra'sava live in Elsewyr). He also grows pretty close to his mortal biological father, Jo'iq, after a while.
Sethsa: Deathcry, Rune, Chal, Boltu, Karliah, and Brynjolf are her closest loved ones, but she cares deeply for the rest of the Guild as well! She's just not *close* to them, u kno?
16) Did they feel sympathy for any villains they came into contact with? If so, who and why?
Vulon: It did for Miraak. It saw itself in him just As it knew Miraak saw himself in it. Vulon wished it could have worked with Miraak more instead of both of them "knowing" they were fated to kill each other. It knows Miraak, for all his pride and boasting, is just as traumatized and fucked up as it is just in different ways.
Vyrthaal: Also Miraak, because he can't stand the thought of anyone forced to serve any being, Daedric or otherwise, against their will.
Jo'safiir: I don't think any, really. Like yes he's married to and loves Miraak but when he was a Villain(tm) Jo"safiir didn't feel bad for him. Miraak made his deals with Mora, sucks that he's trapped in Apocrypha, but ultimately he opened that can of worms so he should lie in it. He doesn't complain when Ko'jiirah yoinks him out tho!
Sethsa: Sethsa Also doesn't really feel bad for any villains she encounters!
18) What's their favorite armor?
Vulon: The Ebony Mail :}
Vyrthaal: The Ancient Falmer armor though he always cherishes the first set of armor he made with Marzog's help !! Unfortunately he Does grow out of it :')
Jo'aafiir: He isn't really an armor guy, he always wears mage robes! He favors the Arch Mage robes but that's bc they're sort of his "uniform," though in part bc it helps him feel closer to Savos after his death.
Sethsa: Already answered, but the Nightingale armor !
Thanks for the questions !! These r really fun hehehe :}
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
Sethsa & Kili for 59 + 42?
Thanks for the ask! These two are always very fun to think about. Hope u have a good day anon!
42) What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
Sethsa: Usually that she's mean and kind of eerie. Sethsa isn't one to worry about first impressions people have at her so she never puts in a lot of effort to make a good one.
Kili: That he's immature! He's very goofy and doesn't take things seriously when he doesn't need to, so for someone who doesn't really know him well it just makes him seem very childish.
59) What motivates them?
Sethsa: A desire to keep herself and the people she cares about safe.
Kili: The desire to do good things and leave the world a slightly better place than he found it :3
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
🩸⏰🧸 for sethsa
Sethsa my beloved !!!
🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
While Sethsa loves her mothers dearly, she doesn't believe in this. She is 100% of the belief that what matters most are your close allies (friends) and knows that blood families can sometimes be terrible and best left to rot.
⏰ - What is your OC like at timekeeping? Are they punctual, or always running late?
She's actually Very bad at keeping track of time. Deathcry has a perfect internal clock (Daedra Magick) and is the one that keeps Sethsa from being late. Not that she has many meetings, but she's absolutely the sort to accidentally stay up til 6am doing shit that Definitely Isn't Sleeping when her bedtime was 9 hours ago (:
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
I think sethsa is Dead Center on this scale actually!! She has a very harsh and cold exterior but she cares very deeply for her loved ones and isn't cruel. She's just not friendly and nice. Sethsa sees herself as the Pinnacle Of Esge almost, she'd put herself at like 2 or 3 lol.
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
🎁 for anyone :)
🎁 - What kind of gift-giver are they? Do they give thoughtful gifts? Expensive gifts? Practical gifts?
Sina: She gives very thoughtful and heartfelt gifts. Usually hand made by her, they will be something the receiver will find dear to them in some way or another. For some this means something very practical (new pair of winter boots for a traveler, a bow for a hunter, etc.) and for others this may mean something more lavish (a fancy necklace, or maybe a decorative sword). Sina may not get you many gifts for your birthday, but the gift she gets you will be something she knows that you will love and treasure for many years.
Vyrthaal: Vyr gives very heartfelt gifts. Also normally hand made (but not always), but not always practical. They will usually be related to something very important to the receiver. He also loves cooking, so on your birthday or another special, gift-giving occasion it is very likely Vyrthaal will show up with your most favorite dish, made exactly to your taste!
Kili: Kili prides himself on his alchemical mastery; you will find from him an incredibly powerful potion. It will be something very useful to you, and normally with thorough instructions on how to replicate it (hand-written by Vyrthaal or Serana). Healing potions for fighters, stamina potions for those who do a lot of traveling, stealth potions for Thieves or hunters, you name it! Whatever you do, there's a potion for it and Kili Will brew the perfect one for you.
Jo'safiir: The Arch Mage's somewhat-secret favorite hobby is knitting! From Jo'safiir you can expect any number of hand knitted items: gloves, hats, scarves, sweaters, you name it! They won't be very secret gifts however; he needs your measurements for garments and for everything he makes he'd need to make sure it wouldn't be a sensory nightmare for you, even if it's a decorative blanket to drape over the couch you never use. And like Vyrthaal he loves making food, so you're also likely to get a nice bit of home cooked food to go with it!
Sethsa: While the favor of a Demiprince (and in turn, the favor of Nocturnal) is a gift enough for many, Sethsa will give you a personal good luck charm! Always enchanted to keep the one they're made for silent and hidden, they all look like random, often useless items. A bit of scrap metal, a random pebble, you name it! These items wouldn't be something that would be picked out of your pocket and the eyes of a thief rifling through your belongings will slide right off them, but rest assured they're very powerful.
Tiika: While your Grandfather Tiika may not have many fancy materials or abilities at hand, a very common and well-loved Falmer gift is a hand woven basket! Made to be durable and last a lifetime, Tiika excels at weaving these and you can absolutely expect one of these lovely baskets from him. Each one is made with love, and represents his willingness to support and help you in any way he can any time you need it. If he knows your birthday is coming up (and he keeps track of all his grandchildrens' birthdays) he'll be certain to set aside his best mushrooms for you, or stop by with some freshly-cooked stew!
Hjorvar: Hjorvar is far from sentimental, and doesn't lead a very glamorous life, so gifts from him may be few and far between. But in his adventures he stumbles across many unique and interesting things, one of which will be sure to catch your eye. Often they're little more than pretty trinkets, but they're a clear sign that he cares for you--thus, he will protect you and come to your aid when needed. And who doesn't want a big beefy hairy Nordic werewolf to be your ride or die?
Daronan: Much like his husband, Daro isn't the Best at being sentimental and soft. But he IS Very good at practical. Whoever you are, whatever your profession or hobbies, he will be sure to make or find you something that will be well loved and well used. A skilled craftsman it's very likely his gift to you will be hand made, but if it isn't by him it would likely have been made by another member of is family if it's not something he is skilled in. And if you're a meat-eater, you get the added bonus of him getting you the best, juiciest, and tastiest cuts of meat from his most recent hunting trip!
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
👙🔥💞💐 for anyone you'd like
Hiii thank u !! :3 gonna answer for Vulon, Sethsa, and Ivrasi!
☆ Hot Sex OC Asks HERE ☆
👙 : What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?
Vulon: It wears like. Latex panties, basically. They are. Well, functional in that they keep its dick hidden! But mostly for aesthetic purposes. When it Isn't wearing fuck nasty Ebony Mail it would wear plain cotton underwear I think.
Sethsa: She is a comfort over appearance kind of gal. She'd wear soft, breathable stuff. BUT I can see her wanting to wear things with silly fun patterns, she'd 100% ask Rune to pick things out that are goofy for her to wear
Ivrasi: Ivrasi purely wears functional underwear. Really warm, definitely has several sets that are frost resist enchanted.
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Vulon: PET NAMES FOR SURE. Once Lord Boethiah called it their little snake and it almost needed to sit down and hide for a bit afterwards. It thought abt that for DAYS and any time it did became a flustered, blushing mess. 100% grabbed Serana later and was like "bestie they fucking called me their little snake I am going to die Right Now I love them so much" and she was like "dude it's 3 AM can you fucking GO to sleep. Happy for you tho"
Sethsa: "This made me think of you." Knowing people think about her and see things in the world that remind them of her makes her sooo flustered. She's really good at hiding it but wow she loves it.
Ivrasi: Honestly just Any compliments to her appearance ! She doesn't put a lot of thought or effort into looking pretty, more focused on looking intimidating and ready to Fight. So she's always taken off guard any time she's complimented on like, her hair or something hehe
💞 : Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
Already answered this for Vulon :3
Sethsa: Sethsa is pretty disinterested in sex tbh, but before dating Rune she would have been pretty casual about it with people she already knew.
Ivrasi: She would only ever have sex with someone she trusts VERY deeply, whether they were in a relationship or not. She doesn't like being vulnerable in any way if she doesn't know the person 100% is on her side.
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Vulon: Showing off!! Whether it's by showing off its skills as a Warrior, or using a particular difficult spell, or just cooking something really good, it likes showing off for people it likes (people it likes being Lord Boethiah).
Sethsa: She isn't the sort to try and woo someone. Sethsa is a Little bit of a haughty snob and thinks that, being a Demiprince, SHE is the one who needs to be courted (the literal only exception being if she was interested in a Daedric Prince Or perhaps another Demiprince).
Ivrasi: Acts Of Service would be how she'd court someone. Doing chores for ya, going and killing the bandits that stole your cow, things like that. She wants to prove that she's tough and can handle both her own shit, and the shit of anyone she's interested in.
Thanks again! These asks are REALLY fun heehehe
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
40, 35, and 6 for Sethsa and any Vyr of choice lol <3
Thanks for the questions !! I think for this one I'll do original flavor Vy and Jay bc they're fun :3
☆ Skyrim Asks HERE ☆
6) How old are they?
Sethsa: She's relatively young actually, she's the Dunmer equivalent of her early 20s
Vyr: Like 13 when Marzog finds them, nearly 15 when they start Dawnguard, and 16 when they begin the main questline (and 16 for Vyrthaal-Verse shenanigans).
Jay: Jay is the oldest of the Vyrthaals at several thousand years old, but is essentially like, 30-something!
35) Could this character wield a two handed weapon successfully?
Sethsa: Oh no. Sethsa isn't very physically strong, she wouldn't be able to get the momentum to swing a two handed weapon in a fight, let alone have the skills to do so efficiently.
Vyr: Yep! He doesn't often, but he's pretty good with greatswords :> Also. Do bows count as a 2 handed weapon? (<- real question Vyr would ask, to be a little shit).
Jay: Also yes! A great sword has always been her main weapon, and when she takes place as Jyggalag she wields his sword with ease.
40) Do they have any piercings or tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?
Sethsa: She has her ears and nipples pierced, and i can see her with a tongue piercing, but I don't think she'd get any tattoos. Maybe scarification??
Vyr: No piercings, and I don't think they'd want any tattoos. Maybe a very small sun or something, but I can't really see them having much more than that.
Jay: I think Jay should have pierced ears, she'd like earrings. As for tattoos she'd definitely want some but I don't think she would ever be able to decide on any lmao XD I think if she had to pick something to get tattooed on the spot she'd want a big ol' fancy lookin' sword on her inner forearm, maybe with a banner around it with smthn in ancient falmeri?? What she'd want it to say would probably be something goofy like "piss shit fart" but she'd tell people it's an Ancient Snow Elven Blessing or something (Vyrthur desperately trying not to laugh as she tells this to Serana).
Thanks again for asking ! :D I love these questions hehe
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
3, 4, 13, 18, 84 for sethsa :3
WOOHOO Sethsa time !! Thabk u for the questions !! 🧡🧡
☆ Skyrim Ask Meme HERE ☆
3) What factions are they a part of?
Only the Thieves Guild! None of the other factions interest her, nor would any make sense for her to be a part of.
4) Do you consider them canonically dragonborn? If so, how are they faring at their prophetic duties? If not, what made you decide to do away with that part of the vanilla story?
Nah. To be honest, Sethsa would likely never find out if she Was Dragonborn. She never does anything as dangerous as fighting a dragon, and even if she were to encounter one she would absolutely use her Plane of Oblivion (the Corridor) to escape. If somehow that's not an option for her I honestly think she'd get killed against a dragon (I am sorry Sethsa fans 😔).
IF she managed to find out she was Dragonborn though, she would crack under the pressure of it all. She's very much not a leader or a hero, so even if she could hold her own in a fight against a dragon I think in the end she would be too afraid to fight Alduin.
(Silly answer as to why I did away with that part of the game is bc she's too good to get caught sneaking across Skyrim's border lmao)
13) What questline had the biggest impact on them?
Of the major questlines she only does the Thieves Guild, but not Every part of it as she's already an established member by the time it starts for the player character. The specific part of it that impacts her the most I think is when Brynjolf, Karliah, and Boltu all go to hunt down Mercer. It's the first time she ever really relies on anyone/puts her trust in anyone and she "finishes" the questline feeling closer to the rest of the Guild, viewing them as family :')
18) What's their favorite armor?
The Nightingale Armor !! :3
Not sure which question u meant by 84? Whatever one u meant I can answer it if u wanna send another ask ! :3
thanks for the questions anon!! Answering them was really fun uwu Hope u have a good night n day !!
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
Orange, carrot, hot pepper for sethsa?
Hi, thank you so much for the ask! I fucking love any time I get to think about Sethsa hehe :3
☆ Ask Meme HERE ☆
🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
She does not, but if she did I think it would be something related to restoring the Thieves Guild to its Former Glory--though my first draft of Sethsa was going to have her as another Dragonborn (and the Champion of Mehrunes Dagon, since his was the first Daedric Quest I did in my first save file of hers, though that version of Sethsa I can absolutely see as a Champion of Boethiah AND Mephala. Either way, she was only greatly favored/"blessed" by Nocturnal, rather than her Demiprince).
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
In matters of strength and brute force, Sethsa is actually very weak. She isn't a skilled fighter in direct combat and doesn't enjoy killing; she is FAR better suited to sneaking around and knocking people out (though she Will kill, if need be). She's the stealthily member of the Guild, though that IS in part due to her being a Demiprince and therefore possessing strengths no ordinary mortal would--especially since stealth is part of her Whole Big Deal lmao. So she's got an unfair advantage in that XD She is also very crafty and clever and good at thinking outside the box, which has led to many a daring escape--though she can use her plane of Oblivion to get away in dangerous situations she actually only uses it as a Very Last Resort. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness is something she partially attributes to Mora, who's like...a very close Uncle thay babysat her every weekend lol. Sethsa also isn't very brave, preferring to run away than fight if at all possible--though this also stems from her lack of skill in direct combat. She will stand and fight if people she cares about are in danger, but usually it's them defending her unless shit's gotten REALLY bad.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Mercer Frey !! That was a man she considered family, and so was Gallus and so is Karliah. So when she saw the Thieves Guild rot around her adter Gallus's murder she grew to resent Mercer. And when Boltu uncovered the fact that Mercer killed Gallus and pinned the blame on Karliah she swore to kill him and curse him to spend his afterlife lost in her plane of Oblivion. Something she very much succeeds in doing.
Thank you again for the ask! Hope u have a good day anon !
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
1 for general, 4 and 10 for love, and 1 for domestic life for sethsa and rune :)
YES THANK U FOR ASKIGN ME ABT THEM !!!!!!!! They're SO in love it's so soft
1) Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
It was Rune!! He confessed his feelings for Sethsa, how he admired her bravery and resourcefulness and loved working with her, and Sethsa was shocked that he felt for her. She figured all the Guild saw her as Nocturnal's Daughter first and foremost, and here was Rune shyly telling her in the dead of night that he fancied her :') The pair had gone on many jobs together at this point and Sethsa loved working with Rune--he's smart and quick on his feet, and I headcanon that he's really funny and can make anyone around him laugh :) She was Incredibly flustered by it, going completely quiet and turning her face away from him, and Rune thought she was angry, but then she just grabbed his hand and squeezed it before resting her forehead against his shoulder. She was too flustered to tell him she liked him back for WEEKS even after they kissed hehe :3
4) How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Very often in the Cistern! I doubt that anyone would care so long as they still got their jobs done, and no one really questions Sethsa, but they're not like HUGE PDA people. They hold hands all the time, and Sethsa likes to lean on Rune or put her legs up on his lap, and whenever she's leaning on him he wraps an arm around her shoulders, but they don't like...sit on each other's laps and make out or anything. But they LOVE cuddling they are Inseperable in Rune's room (they do NOT hang out in Sethsa's room bc she shares it with Chal and he WILL make fun of them lmaooo).
10) Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Sethsa prefers receiving physical affection and Rune prefers receiving verbal. Good thing is, Sethsa is surprisingly good at expressing herself when it's just the two of them, and they both love cuddling :D
1) If they get married, who proposes?
OH it would definitely be Sethsa and it would definitely be spur of the moment following a narrow escape (in which Rune nearly dies, and Sethsa is reminded that unlike her, Rune is fully mortal). She grabs his hands and tells him to marry her, so she can bring his Soul to Oblivion with her, and Rune agrees on the spot.
Their wedding is very small and held in the Cistern. Miraak serves as a Priest (since he literally used to be one lol it Counts) and the celebration is absolutely Wild afterwards. It's just a raging party but Sethsa and Rune tuck themselves away in a particularly dark and quiet corner to just Be Together uwu
Thabk u so much for asking abt them I LOVE the2 of them...
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
🖊️ sethsa is baby
Send me 🖊 and a headcanon for one of my OCs and I'll tell you what I think!
Omfg 😭 That's really sweet, Sethsa is one of the last characters of mine I'd consider baby but I'm so delighted she's baby to someone!!
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
6 and 7 from the love category for kili and vyr :3
♡ Ship Ask Meme!! ♡
Thank you so much for asking abt them; ik I talk a lot abt them as kids but they have such a sweet happy domestic life together as adults and I love them 🧡
6) Who’s the big and little spoon?
They switch!! It just depends on who wants what at any given time. On average though, Kili would be the little spoon a *little* bit more often than Vyrthaal, but just barely
7) What are their favorite things to do together?
Gathering alchemy ingredients!! Once Vyr retires from the Dawnguard (not fully, he just stops working full time and is more just called on for extremely dangerous jobs) and moves into Kili's hive, the pair of them gather ingredients together. This also opens Kili up to more ingredients, as he can travel above ground with Vyr to collect things that don't grow underground!
They also just like parallel play; Kili working on his duties as the master alchemist while Vyr repairs clothing, armor, etc.! They both love the peacefulness and quiet intimacy of doing separate things together (and they're both there to lend a helping hand if needed).
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 months
Would my Skyrim OCs play Skyrim (and if yes, how would they enjoy it)?
Vyrthaal: Yes. Installs goofy goober ass mods like the one that turns Dragons into the state of Ohio. Also does incredible archery kill cams , would have compilations of them on their youtube. Also sees how far he can noclip into mountains, how much bullshit he can spawn in before his save file is unusable, etc.
Kili: No, he's too busy playing his 80,000th hour of Stardew Valley.
Jo'safiir: Would play it for a little while but be bored by the magic options. Probably would play Morrowind tho he seems like he'd enjoy it when he isn't playing Minecraft
Cyrzaan: Probably not, but that's because he wouldn't be much of a gamer. If he did tho he'd do what I did and get himself overencumbered by flowers as soon as he leaves Helgen.
Tiika: No but knows a lot about it from his grandkids lol. Sits in the room w/them while they play and actually interacts w/them about it. Like he'd ask them abt what they like to do and their OCs and stuff. Hand makes cosplays for them n stuff, that type of guy. But also "forgets" names of characters/uses names of ither characters to playfully annoy everyone lol. "Now thats Freddy Fazbear right? *pointing to Paarthurnax*"
Sina: I thonk she would like it but she'd only pick it up once in a blue moon and only play for like 3 hours at most. BUT she's played thru all the quests it's just taken her a million years lol
Adelle: Maybe?? She'd install mods that let u accept yields from opponents tho and try to kill as little as possible. Gets SO excited when she finds out you can cook and then cooks so many meals. Alchemy 100 of course; she's spent hundreds of hours making insane fuck potions from hell: potions that r worth millions and do insane shit like make you glow and increase magica regen for 10293110485 seconds while poisoning ur magica. Idk.
Vulon: that's my self insert so yea. Has so many ocs with convoluted ass backstories that r all linked. Makes new saves all the time so it can replay the same 3 quests over and over
Sethsa: Yes. Stealth 100 fights only with daggers and backstabbing. Has the Ebony Mail its the only armor she likes but she matches it w the rest of the Ebony armor. Has one character and they'd be level six billion with fucked up leveled enchantments she got thru exploits. Also. No mods no console commands she's a vanilla bitch and PRETENTIOUS about it.
Varla: also me so yeas but only when he's high and accidentally sells all his good armor bc he wants money and then gets so confused as to wear his armor is even he boots the game up while sober. Also has an insane organization system that makes ZERO sense to anyone but him and it utilizes every container in Breezehome And Lydia's bed (he killed Lydia the first time she obstructed him and her corpse is just kinda In His House Now).
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
If you don't know who any of them are then pick based on names/vibes PLEASE vote and reblog not for increased sample size or whatever the fuck but bc I need 2 know which of my little guys is most brawl-able.
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
do your ocs have favourite treats? :3
Vyrthaal would like Really sweet things, like konpeito and rock candy :) also candied flowers munch crunch :3
Kili would like gooey things like fruit gushers!! He's here for Texture !!! But he Does have a preference for sour candies!
Jo'safiir has a huge sweet tooth too!! He would like baked treats like sweet rolls, cinnamon buns, cupcakes, muffins, etc! He likes to make them himself too :3
Vulon likes spicy sweet candies! Like hard candies with spicy centers or coatings! It also REALLY likes chocolates and Will eat a whole one pound bag of them On Its Own. Lord Boethiah forbids this but They can't stop it >:3
Varla would like anything that you'd be able to dust with powdered sugar but ESPECIALLY lemon bars :) He would make really yummy ones that he offers to Seekers in Apocrypha!
Sina would like any sweet treats with honey in them! She especially likes honey nut treats I think Marzog's family would make really yummy ones :3
Sethsa likes baked treats! Apple pie is her favorite, but sometimes she'll just make the filling and eat it uwu
Ivrasi would like toffee and fudge!! Really sticky things that make ur teeth ache hehehe. She'd also like chocolate dipped fruit too!
Daro I think would Also like honey-based treats like Sina, also muffins!! He seems like a muffin kinda guy :3
Hjorvar would like fruit tarts!! He would pick the fruits off first and Then eat the tart. Ik that's really specific compared to the others but man loves his fruits!!
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