#OC: Acacia
strawborzoi · 6 months
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Took Acacia out to the meet today 🦊 ft frends
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seawing-vibes · 1 year
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Finally finished up some oc basefills!! These are surprisingly hard pfh, but fun !! In order this is Noctilu, Acacia, and General Hail! The latter two are v old ocs of mine that have been redesigned <3
Okay heres some bonus stuff!! I really liked how some of the lineart was done so here is the raw lineart for anyone interested + a speedpaint (?) of General Hail’s design process ! These guys were really fun to work on despite it taking me so long for no good reason ,,, heres some design notes on them all <3
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Noctilu has a Lancier attached to the leather holster as he is the main fisher aboard the pirate ship he is part of
Noct’s line-wing patterns arent always visible, but some nightwing seers claim that the lines help them trace future timelines. Since Noct is a Nightwing Hybrid he wonders if those claims hold any truth
Acacia is a botanist out of the Scorpion Den ! Her bag is filled with journals, loose note paper, and writing supplies.
General Hail was hard as fuck to design guh . He is purple because I want him to be <3
Although he was part of the War of Sandwing Succession, he was born without his back leg and has had a prosthetic forever! Plus he was a very skilled fighter so most of his scars were inflicted by those he let harm him for whatever reason he had in the moment
Astrolabe I gave up on trying to redesign I’m so sorry bud. Hes Married to Noctilu (they have matching earring) and is the ships cartographer / navigator, so his quiver is actually filled with maps and scrolls. He keeps his actual astrolabe and sextant in his bags.
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pearlousthetic · 1 year
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what if we were best friends and we were both boys??
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cobaltsunflower · 1 year
Tag game - In a horror movie
(does it for 3 of my girls because i love them)
Take the Quiz >here< || Play Dress up >here<
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(Camellia for sure will be terrified and confused out of her mind, but still does her best to keep things light because she always trust there to be hope at the end of the day)
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(Acacia has been through all of these shits before, blood have always been a comfort for her. But her son doesn't deserve this. Hayden shouldn't have been anywhere but safe in her arms)
Gardenia / Gamare
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(This *slaying* shits? Easy. Gardenia doesn't need to do the dirty work so much as setting them all up and observe with a glass of something nice. They didn't get dressed up for nothing after all!)
Thank you @nananarc for tagging me!!! <3
(I had a fun time playing dress up hehehehehe. And the results were fairly accurate!)
Take the Quiz >here< || Play Dress up >here<
Dragging @drexelian @reggie-trying-thier-best @gothelton @mochispresso @skellietoonz into the spiral with me in case you want to play!
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furaill · 2 years
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arrothededushka · 8 months
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inquisimer · 1 month
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siblings 😭❤️😭❤️😭
I was lucky to commission @plisuu to do this art of my Trevelyan siblings, Acacia and Drew. Look at them!! Staff work builds muscle and he would absolutely be a menace to her about it.
thank you so much sterling, I adore them and will treasure this <3
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whosectype · 8 months
couple weird questions:
Out of the 3 flora & fauna ocs, who’s the most confrontational (who’ll stand they’re ground when they pick up on something not being right/okay)
who would tried boba tea?
who’s the most introverted?
YAYA OC QUESTIONS! 1. Of the ocs I’ve shown so far folium is the one who’s the most standoff-ish, and WILL argue for themselves, (most) other people, and Tantum especially.
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Granted he was not always and through school Tantum was the more talkative one.
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2. Simon is a bit of a foodie so of COURSE he’s had boba!! He always forcibly makes his band mates try new food with him by bringing food/drinks/snacks to their practices
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Folium for sure. They LOVE concerts and will talk at a coffee shop with 1-2 close friends for AGES. But he needs time to recharge, or 10 minute periods with his headphones on not talking to anyone every hour
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branch-wdk53 · 4 days
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Unique weapon circumstances
I think aside from the OP duo (Haru & Finn), Neville, Asuka and Acacia are the most likely to dual different EGO weapons.
Maybe Velasquez as well, if it weren’t for the fact that he doesn’t like using his right arm.
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kcrev · 7 months
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– a peek into the westbrook's future.
with acacia, henry, harper, margot & jack westbrook
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acacia-may · 6 months
Can I ask what are your favourite Black Clover OC x CC ships from your mutuals? Ignore this ask if it's too much romance for you 😅
Hi there, Anon-friend! Thank you for the ask! There are a lot of really nice and well thought out OC x CC pairings in the Black Clover fandom, and I certainly have a lot of respect for everyone who takes the time, passion, and inspiration to make these OCs and their ships. Even though I'm not usually that into shipping (despite what the past few days of ship specific content on this blog might seem to imply), I have definitely enjoyed many Black Clover OC x CC pairings in the fandom, but from my Tumblr mutuals specifically, I think I've actually talked about most of my favorites as part of this ask game already. 😊
The only one of my all-time favorites that come to mind that's missing is @delicious-donna/@delirious-donna's Alina x Magna from Chasing the Sparks (AO3 Link) which is another that's probably just permanently part of my personal canon now. I personally find it very compelling because I think they're very well suited for each other. Alina is kind of this gentle and steady constant in the chaos of Magna’s life and Magna’s enthusiasm and loyalty really encourages her to build confidence and believe in herself and her abilities. They really bring out the best in each other, and it's very, very sweet. I also just adore Alina as a character (and not just because she's Finral and Langris's cousin though that is just a major bonus and I loved getting to write about their platonic cousin relationship in the story Donna requested, "Melting Snowman," and in a really fun collaboration project that unfortunately never got finished). But yes, they are wonderful and definitely an all-time favorite of mine. 💖
In terms of my other personal favorites from my Tumblr moots that I've already talked about, I'll just list them and link to the posts where I rambled about them already:
@loosesodamarble's Nacht x Josele (discussed here)
@lyranova's William x Zera (discussed here)
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare's Fuegoleon x Solara (discussed here)
@kalolasfantasyworld's Nozel x Helena (and I also really enjoy Gabriel x Vanessa, both of which are discussed in this post)
And a shout out to a new (and unexpected) favorite, @vilandel's Solid x Rosette which I just discovered during this ask game but definitely really enjoyed and rambled about here.
All of that said, shipping is very subjective and really based on very personal feelings, opinions, and preferences, as well as headcanons and perceptions of the characters. These are just the pairings that are my cup of tea and personally really compelling to me. I also only included pairings from my Tumblr moots. There are ships from friends from other places and a few from some relative strangers that I've seen floating around that I enjoy, but these are definitely my favorites from my Tumblr friends and pairings that I really think of as part of my personal canon for Black Clover and the characters' futures. Thanks for asking! 💕
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strawborzoi · 1 year
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Got some nice toned paper, so here's an Acacia
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ttsquid · 3 months
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misc fantroll artfight ref pages 👍
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art-with-austa · 2 months
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Indulging in OCs belonging @misstrashchan and I again. Acacia (left) and Draco (right). <3
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A little something for @acacia-may with Lorelei and Henry
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arrothededushka · 1 year
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