#OC: CT-2525 Quarter
wizardofrozz · 8 months
Tell Me
CT-2697 "Sawbones", CT-2525 "Quarter", CT-6116 "Kix", CT-9181 "Aiden", CT-7007 "Jax", Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and mention of Commander Fox
Word Count: ~4.6k
Warnings: war, swearing, traumatic injury, angst, verbal argument
Summary: Sawbones makes it back to Triple Zero only to have his batchmates drop a bombshell in his lap.
A/N: Okay I finally decided to post this and give a bit more information about Sawbones and his relationships with his batchmates. Aiden, the Coruscant Guard's medic, belongs to me and Quarter, the medic for the 21st Nova Corps, and Jax, the medic for the 41st Elite Corps, belong to @hetalianskywalker ❤️
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Saw stepped off the hovering gunship, grunting when his boots hit the ground. Coruscant glistened in the morning sun and Saw wrinkled his nose, even the filters in his helmet couldn’t lessen the smog hanging over the capital world. Another set of boots hit the ground beside him and he turned his head enough to catch a glimpse of Wolffe standing at his side. 
“You headin’ to the barracks?” Wolffe asked, staring out at the bustling city. 
“I guess,” Saw huffed, crossing his arms, “should probably go pay my pain in the ass little brother a visit.” Wolffe laughed under his breath, shifting his weight to bump their shoulders together, making the corner of Saw’s mouth lift in the ghost of a smile that was hidden behind his helmet. 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Wolffe sighed, his speech sounding slightly slurred with exhaustion.
“Thought Fox was older.”
“He is,” Wolffe replied, leaning more of his weight into Saw’s side, “but the 501st just landed for shore leave too.” Saw perked up at the mention of Kix’s battalion; it had been far too long since he’d seen his little brother. “If you wait a few more minutes I’ll walk with you.”
“Fine,” Saw mumbled, although he already planned on waiting. Wolffe snorted, the sound muffled by his helmet and Saw was close enough to hear the inhale that meant he was going to say something else before his comlink started to chirp. Wolffe blindly hit the button on his vambrace and Saw could hear his muffled greeting but the rest of the conversation was lost to the confines of the commander’s helmet. 
The buzz of the surrounding hangar filled the silence, allowing Saw’s mind to wander as he waited for Wolffe to finish the call. Then Wolffe suddenly stiffened, ending the call a few seconds later yet they continued to stand in silence. 
“We need to get to the barracks,” Wolffe managed through clenched teeth. 
“Why?” Instead of answering, Wolffe grabbed his arm, yanking him out into the warm sunlight and Saw had to fight the urge to pull away. “I want an answer.”
“And you’ll get one,” Wolffe snapped, finally releasing his arm. Saw ground his teeth together but kept pace with his commander, closing the distance between the hangar and the barracks in record time. They nearly ran over a group of Rex’s shinies, the five troopers stopping in their tracks to salute the higher-ranking officers but Wolffe never broke stride, barely acknowledging the troopers. The main barracks were humming with life, 501st, 104th, and Corries mingles in the halls as they went but Saw was too focused on their destination. While he never worked on Coruscant, he had spent enough time navigating the building to find Aiden that he recognized the pathway. 
Saw picked up the pace, shoving past groups of troopers with Wolffe on his heels. The medbay’s door slid open, cutting off the conversation taking place a few feet inside. Kix, Aiden, and Rex all turned at the same time but Aiden looked away first, shifting his weight anxiously as Saw stalked closer.
“Someone start talking. Now.” His voice came out harsh, cold almost, and Saw hated himself a little more when Aiden flinched. Kix leveled him with a narrow-eyed look before turning to their youngest brother, resting a hand on Aiden’s bright red shoulder bell. 
“Go finish your shift, okay?” Kix urged, offering Aiden a small smile. Aiden squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before nodding; he glanced in Saw’s direction but he wouldn’t let their eyes meet before he hurried off. Kix shifted his attention back to Saw, jerking his head toward Aiden’s office. Saw ground his teeth together but followed quietly, glancing at the medbay door when it slid open again, catching a glimpse of Rex, Wolffe, and now Fox greeting each other. When the door to Aiden’s office finally shut, Saw pulled his helmet off, sucking in a clean lungful of air. 
“Kix,” he hissed, tossing his helmet onto the nearby desk, “what the fuck is going on?” Saw turned to face his younger brother, squinting when Kix refused to meet his eyes, which only made his irritaition grow. 
“It - It’s Quarter,” Kix whispered, looking down at the floor. The anger dissipated so suddenly that it left Saw a little dizzy, his face falling until he was just staring at Kix with a wide-eyed expression. Kix didn’t meet his eyes when he spoke again. “It’s bad, Saw. He - there was an explosion.” 
“He’s dead,” Saw stated, squeezing his eyes shut. There was a deep, hollow ache building in his chest as he pictured his brother’s face. 
“He’s alive but it was close,” Kix explained, making Saw’s eyes pop open. “He’s alive but  - but he lost both legs.” 
“What? How - how did you find out?” 
“Quarter, he uh, called me,” Kix mumbled, looking up through his lashes. Saw’s nostrils flared but he managed to keep his voice steady.
“And he expected you to relay the message,” Saw growled, clenching his hands at his side. Kix flinched, looking away and Saw felt like he was missing something. 
“No, he called Aiden right after.” Saw blinked at his brother for a few seconds until the realization dawned on him. There was a good chance Jax, who was in the middle of a campaign, had received a call as well and based on Kix’s reaction, this wasn’t a brand-new development. Meaning, Saw was the last to find out, and it wasn’t even from Quarter himself. “Saw -”
“Don’t,” he barked, pointing a finger at Kix, “don’t you defend him. He didn’t even have the fucking decency to call me!” 
“Do you blame him!” Kix shouted, stepping into Saw’s personal space. The close proximity was nothing new but the venom in his brother’s voice made Saw jerk back in surprise. “When’s the last time you even spoke to him?” 
“The last time the five of us had a com call,” Saw replied immediately, his expression twisting into its usual scowl. 
“When’s the last time you spoke to him alone, jackass,” Kix corrected, stabbing a finger into his armored chest. Saw opened his mouth to answer only for it to hang open because…when was the last time he just talked to Quarter. Saw met his brother’s gaze, blinking rapidly a few times; after a few seconds, Kix’s face softened and he let out a long breath. “Not saying he was right but you two haven’t been on the best of terms for a long time, Saw.” 
Kix was right but still. Something like this was important. How could Quarter not tell him? It felt like all of the air was ripped from his lungs, forcing him to take a few shaky steps back and drop into Aiden’s chair. He rested his elbows on his knees to cradle his head, massaging his temples in a futile attempt to ward off the headache he could feel building behind his eyes. 
“That still doesn’t explain why he didn’t call me,” Saw forced out between his teeth, scrubbing at his face. “I don’t give a fuck if we’re on good terms or not, that’s something you fucking tell your brother.” The thump of boots covered up the soft sigh Kix let out and Saw’s stomach dropped when he heard tapping on the keypad beside the door, assuming Kix was leaving him with his own anger. His head snapped up when he heard the lock engage followed by the soft clink of plastoid knocking against durasteel. 
“Go on,” Kix urged, crossing his arms. 
“What?” Kix rolled his eyes as he pushed off the door, making his way across the room. Saw sat up slightly, giving Kix room to climb onto the edge of Aiden’s desk, watching his brother shift around, shoving a few styluses out from under his ass before turning his attention back to Saw.
“You get it all out now. Scream, cuss, rage until you’re blue in the face,” Kix started, his expression hardening the longer he spoke. “But it starts and ends here, we clear? You are not going to go into his hospital room and start a fight. So take it out on me, right now, and then you fucking leave it here. Got it?” Saw couldn’t help the little smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth; maybe he was rubbing off on Kix after all these years.
“Yes, sir,” Saw sassed and no matter how hard he tried, Kix had to fight the smile threatening to spread across his face. The lighthearted atmosphere didn’t last long though as Saw’s thought drifted back to Quarter and his anger came back with a vengeance.
“Talk to me,” Kix whispered, lightly tapping the toe of his boot against Saw’s shin. 
“I don’t understand him,” Saw grumbled, roughly rubbing a fist into his eye. 
“To be fair, you never really have,” Kix noted, his legs swinging slowly. 
“I can’t fucking believe him. The fucking nerve of him to leave it up to you to tell me,” Saw said, his voice low and cold. “Didn’t even have the balls to tell me himself.” 
“I know you’re pissed -”
“Fuck you,” Saw cut in, sitting up straighter. “Pissed off doesn’t even cover it. I’m fucking furious.” Kix tilted his head in that calculating way he always did and Saw felt like he was being flayed alive, a skill Kix had mastered early in their childhood.
“No,” Kix hummed, shaking his head. “You’re terrified.” Saw jerked back, arching a dark brown, attempting to act like Kix was a mile off when in reality he was hitting a little too close to home. “We were all scared, Saw, but this is different.”
“Oh yeah,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“You almost lost him without ever getting the chance to fix whatever broke between you two.” It would’ve been less painful if Kix would’ve just punched him in the face. He’d never admit it out loud and it was almost too raw to even admit to himself but if he didn’t look at it too closely, he could acknowledge that Kix wasn’t wrong. “So no, you’re not furious. You’re scared and hurt.”
“Why what?” Kix asked.
“Why didn’t he call me?” Saw hated how small he sounded, the ache in his chest bleeding into his voice. He looked up at Kix, his expression more open than it had been in a long time and he saw the wide-eyed shock on his brother’s face. “Does he truly think so little of me?” 
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Coruscant could be very boring when confined to a hospital bed. Quarter had tried to busy himself with reading or watching holofilms but nothing seemed to hold his attention for long. The Paladin was just barely visible in the atmosphere but even without being able to see the Venator from his room, Aiden had already warned him that the 104th were planetside. On the bright side, the anxiety sitting in his stomach like a rock allowed him to ignore the phantom pain wreaking havoc on his lower body. 
Quarter mindlessly scrolled through his datapad, eventually finding a few medical journals that caught his attention. He spent the next few hours skimming medical jargon until there was a soft knock at his door, a nurse with a bright smile and a tray of food waiting to be invited in. He eyed the food, poking curiously at the variety of options; staying at Coruscant General had its upsides, one being no ration bars and he made a point of at least trying the things the nurses brought him. 
He was about halfway through his meal, mindlessly feeding himself while he continued reading about a prototype upgrade for neural links to prosthetics when he heard the familiar thump of boots coming down the hall. He glanced out the window, noting that Coruscant’s sun had started to dip below the horizon, throwing breathtaking golds, pinks, and oranges across the room. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth as the boots grew closer; Kix and Aiden had promised to stop by after he got some rest. The familiar sense of home lingered as the boots stopped just outside his door and Quarter turned his head. 
His jaw dropped, eyes widening when the door slid open revealing gray and white armor, the chilling wolf skull helmet scanning the room before dropping to his seat form. This was the absolute last person he expected to see and once the reality that Saw was standing in his doorway set in, Quarter stiffened. He did not have a good feeling about what his brother had to say. 
“Saw?” he whispered. Quarter didn’t miss the way Saw’s shoulders lifted slightly. An easily recognizable blue vambrace shoved Saw forward, allowing the door to glide shut behind him. 
“Who else would it be?” Saw grumbled, awkwardly shifting his weight before finally reaching up to tug his helmet off. He looked everywhere but at Quarter and it made his heart ache. The fear and guilt battling in his chest made him want to fidget but he tried to keep still, not wanting to draw Saw’s attention. It felt like trying to hide from a predator, staying hidden long enough until the threat passed. 
However, Saw looked oddly calm, his head turned toward the window. The setting sun threw golden light over his brother’s features, highlighting the weariness in his mostly blank expression. They continued on in silence and Quarter could feel the anxiety vibrating through his bones. Couldn’t Saw just yell at him and get it over with? The chilly atmosphere was worse than his brother ripping him to shreds. 
“You know, I hate Coruscant,” Saw eventually mumbled, one of his hands absently tracing the lines of the armor covering his stomach. Quarter could only blink in confusion, the emotional whiplash making his head hurt. 
“Why?” Quarter asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Saw’s eyes flickered to him for the first time, raking over Quarter before looking back out the window. He was starting to wonder why his brother was trying to make small talk before concluding he never wanted to see Quarter again. 
“Smells like shit,” Saw grunted, his eyes narrowing slightly like he was straining to see something. “Too much life on one planet.”
“I - yeah I guess so,” Quarter replied, still feeling very lost. What the hell was Saw getting at? Was he trying to make Quarter squirm? “Saw, look I -”
“Why?” Saw cut him off, his eyes never leaving the darkening horizon. 
“Why what?” Although, the question was pointless; Quarter knew exactly what Saw was talking about. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” The inflection in Saw’s voice made Quarter stop short, squinting at his brother. Saw had a fairly low speaking voice, his words rumbling through the air like the thunder that plagued Kamino but there was something different about it now. An odd tone that Quarter couldn’t remember ever hearing from his slightly younger brother. 
“I’m - I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Quarter sighed, dropping his gaze. He tried not to focus on the way the sheet fell flatter sooner than it should. His fingers started twisting the sheet around his waist and he had to force himself to still them. “Everything happened so fast and…and I thought I’d be bothering you. You - you barely seem to tolerate me nowadays.” He lost some of his steam until his voice was barely a whisper in the silent room. It took all of his courage to look through his lashes and he almost wished he hadn’t when he found Saw staring at him, his face surprisingly slack. 
“Are you fucking dense?” Quarter bristled, his brows pinching together; he had tried to prepare for Saw’s ire but that was just nasty. Sawbones could be cruel, he’d heard the stories, but it was never aimed at their batch.
“No,” Quarter snapped, turning his head. He did his best to steel himself, waiting for what came next but the soft, defeated sigh wasn’t what he was expecting. 
“Did…” Saw paused, quietly clearing his throat, “did you really think I’d be happy to hear secondhand from Kix?” Quarter swallowed, his throat clicking as he looked down at his hands where they rested in his lap. A stray lock of hair fell into his face and he watched it sway for a moment before taking a deep breath.
“I…I wasn’t sure you’d care.” There was a pregnant pause that made his anxiety spike and he flinched when he heard Saw move but he couldn’t face his brother. A warm, familiar hand gripped his jaw, forcing him to look up at Saw’s bent form. There was a haunted look in his brother’s eyes and he could only imagine what was running through Saw’s head as they locked eyes. 
“Get outta your head and listen to me,” Saw hissed and Quarter watched his jaw flex. “You fucking scared me, do you get that? I thought you were dead and I found out from Kix. Do you understand what a kick to the face that was?” Quarter must’ve been a sight, his lips parted, eyes comically wide as he blinked at Saw’s tense expression. If Saw hadn’t had a firm grip on his face, his jaw probably would’ve dropped. 
“I - I didn’t think…” Quarter trailed off because what did he think at the time? Now, faced with the hurt he’d unintentionally inflicted on his brother, Quarter acknowledged that it was a shitty thing to do. “I - we haven’t talked in…months, Saw, I just thought…" He hated the way Saw’s eyes squeezed shut, the way his face turned away as he released Quarter’s jaw and took a step back. Saw just stared at the floor for a beat, his jaw working, chewing on his next sentence.
“You should know I give a damn about what happens to you. Period,” Saw stated but it sounded more like he was talking to himself than Quarter. “It’s my fault that you don’t.”
“It…I should take some of the blame too,” Quarter whispered. There hadn’t been some big, explosive reason behind their strained relationship. Things had just gotten harder: Quarter started to doubt himself and his place in their batch more and Saw was changing, growing bitter and angry. Then they had been shipped off, spread across the galaxy and they never found that rhythm that they had as kids. 
Saw and Quarter became strangers with a past. 
Saw huffed, bringing Quarter back to reality, and reached up to massage above his left eyebrow. Despite the tension in the air, Quarter smiled a little at the gesture, it was something Saw had done since they were kids when he got stressed. 
“Never broke that habit it seems,” Quarter noted, nodding at Saw’s raised hand when he turned at the sound of Quarter’s voice. 
“Heh, guess not.” Saw let his hand drop back to his side, glancing at Quarter out of the side of his eye. “You remember it?”
“Course,” Quarter scoffed lightheartedly, “that’s how I knew Jax was about 2 seconds away from getting punched.” Saw let out a quiet huff of laughter, the corner of his mouth twitching in his bastardized version of a smirk. And Quarter was hit with just how much he missed Saw. Yes, they spoke here and there but one of their batchmates was always around too. “I’m sorry, vod.”
“Yeah…me too,” Saw mumbled, scratching at his cheek. Quarter surprised himself with the laugh that burst from his lips but the way Saw’s smirk grew told him that his brother was hoping for that reaction.
“I see you’re still allergic to apologizing,” Quarter chuckled.
“You got the gist,” Saw grumbled but his expression was a little softer.
“One day I'll get the word sorry out of you,” Quarter teased tentatively. He was rewarded with a dark little smile from his brother that made him almost giddy.
“Maybe they’ll write on my headstone,” Saw said, his voice wavering like he was fighting laughter.
“Only if they add a disclaimer,” Quarter countered. Saw’s laugh had gotten deeper and a bit softer over the years but it still had the same lilt to it that made it so uniquely Sawbones. Their laughter tapered off and the room fell quiet again but it didn’t feel as heavy as before. “Come on, sit. Kix and Aiden will be stopping by soon.”
“Great,” Saw grumbled but he still moved around the end of Quarter’s bed, dropping into the chair at his bedside with a grunt. He kicked his feet up on the edge, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms, looking just as relaxed as he would in his own bunk. Quarter noted the way his eyes paused on the empty section of the bed for a split second.
“Comfortable?” Quarter huffed with a fond eye roll. 
“Mm thanks for asking,” Saw sighed, shuffling down in the chair a little more. “When do you get the new legs?” Quarter did his best not to wince but the question wasn’t really a surprise. Saw had always been about as subtle as a detonator going off. 
“Another day or two,” Quarter answered, searching for the remote to the little holoprojector on the opposite wall. 
“Maybe I’ll get to see you upright before I head out again," Saw mused, shifting his attention to the holo playing in the background. 
“I guess we’ll find out," Quarter sighed. He looked down at the remote in his hand before letting out a long sigh and holding it out toward Saw; his brother snatched the remote with a pleased sound in the back of his throat. “Asshole.”
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It felt odd to walk again. His body was going through the motions but there wasn’t the sensation of his feet on the ground. Quarter tried to ignore Aiden hovering at his side, even if he did appreciate his little brother’s concern. They had been working on his movement for almost three rotations and while he was still a little unsteady, Quarter could at least move around on his own. He glanced up when the medbay door opened, smiling when Kix stepped inside.
“You better not get any height advantage from those,” Kix teased, pulling his helmet off to smile at his brothers. 
“Right,” Aiden exclaimed, throwing his arms out. “He can’t be the oldest and the tallest.” Quarter rolled his eyes but a bright smile spread across his face. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Quarter huffed, half-heartedly swatting at Aiden before turning his attention to Kix again. “You heading out again?”
“Soon,” Kix answered, running a hand over the top of his shaved head. “Thought you might want to come to see Saw off.”
“I don’t know if you should walk that far,” Aiden cut in before Quarter could answer. 
“Let’s find out,” he countered, throwing an arm around his youngest brother’s shoulders to keep himself steady. Quarter didn’t need to look at Aiden to know he was rolling his eyes, especially when Kix chuckled under his breath before following them into the hallway. 
With Aiden’s help, the trip to the hangar wasn’t difficult, although it was a bit slower. He was a little taken aback by the rainbow of colors scattered around the hangar. Blue and gray armored men, with a bit of red sprinkled in, moved about, loading supplies into gunships that were heading back to their respective Venators while green and yellow-clad troopers just started to unload.
“Looks like the 327th and the 41st are back too,” Kix noted, his eyes darting around the groups of green they could see. Aiden let out a quick breath before he spoke again. 
“3, 2, -”
“He found us,” Aiden chuckled, steadying Quarter when he dropped his arm. Jax broke into a light jog, weaving around crates and troopers. He was maybe ten feet from them when an arm wrapped around his neck, forcing him to scramble to keep his feet under him. Quarter tried to hide his smirk when he realized that the arm was connected to familiar gray armor. Saw proceeded to half-drag Jax along with a hilariously deadpan expression. 
“Let go, Saw,” Jax growled, wildly flailing in the general direction of Saw’s head. When he finally released him, Jax stumbled, whipping his head around to glare at Saw even if it was hidden behind his helmet. 
“Scary,” Saw stated flatly, arching a dark brow. “But your threats to put me on my ass will have to wait. I’m loadin’ up.” Jax finally took his helmet off and the five of them just stood there for a moment, soaking up the presence of their entire batch being together in person, even if it was only for a few minutes. Jax was the first to break the silence, letting out a soft huff before throwing his arms around Saw’s shoulders. 
“Stay safe,” Jax mumbled.
“Get off me,” Saw grumbled even as he tentatively wrapped his arms around Jax’s torso. Kix stepped up next, smiling at his older brother, and Quarter couldn’t help but join in when Saw’s expression softened the tiniest bit. He did always have a soft spot for Kix.
“Talk to you soon,” Kix murmured, tilting his head forward. Saw’s jaw flexed, the muscle jumping under his skin as he leaned forward to gently bump his forehead against Kix’s. Aiden was next, standing ramrod straight in front of Saw, looking like he was going to salute him, and Quarter shook his head. 
“Cut it out, shithead,” Saw chided, roughly dragging Aiden into a hug. Quarter could hear the faint wheeze of all the air leaving Saw’s lungs and could see the little smirk on Aiden’s lips before they separated. 
And that just left Quarter. 
“Be careful,” he warned gently with a half-smile. Saw just stared at him for a moment before taking a cautious step closer. Things were starting to look up between them and they were going to put forth an effort to talk more regularly but things were still a little awkward. There was a beat of silence between them before Saw moved to cup the back of his neck, squeezing gently. Quarter relaxed under his brother’s hand and watched the way Saw’s eyes flickered around his face before resting their foreheads together.
“I’m proud of you.” It was so simple, something that would’ve been nice to hear from anyone but it held so much more weight coming from Sawbones. The brother he always seemed to be out of sync with. Quarter may be the oldest but he’d always looked up to Saw. 
Wolffe’s gruff voice cut through the hangar, yelling for Saw. Quarter lingered for a second longer even if his legs were starting to feel fatigued. Saw pulled away first, squeezing the back of his neck one last time before taking a step back. He grabbed his helmet from a nearby crate, offering the ghost of a smile at his batch of brothers.
“Behave, boys,” Saw called, offering a two-finger salute before slipping his helmet on.
“Move your ass, Bones,” Wolffe yelled from a gunship hovering nearby. 
“I’ll walk even slower now!” Saw shouted in reply, striding across the hangar. Aiden, Jax, Kix, and Quarter watched him go, laughing to themselves as they listened to the commander and his medic exchange jabs. Quarter smiled softly, his eyes following Saw’s retreating form until the gunship doors closed.
Quarter continued to watch as the gunship exited the hangar and eventually became a dot amongst others in the skylanes over Coruscant. The war and his current predicament slipped to the back of his mind for a few minutes.
Quarter had his brother back and that was all that mattered. They’d figure out whatever came next.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dukeoftheblackstar @mythical-illustrator @commander-sunshine
41 notes · View notes
hetalianskywalker · 7 months
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Reblog your assumptions for my boy Quarter- ARC-2525
8 notes · View notes
mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
15 Lines Game
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
Tagged by @alwayskote , thanks! This was a bit of a challenge because I couldn't decide on which OC I wanted to do, and then I wasn't sure if I had enough dialogue for them that encompassed the entirety of their personalities (;′⌒`)
No pressure tags: @milfcutlawquane , @lost-on-kamino , @squirrelno2 & @gaeasun
Clone Medic Sponge
"His name was Jelly." They say. "And I killed him because I asked him to come with me to the 501st…"
"She likes pats on her hind-quarters, like playing a drum… And don't give her anything even if she tries to beg, she's already been fed and she knows it."
“Not enough pay in the world to deal with you.” They snarl, bared teeth and a fire in their eye. “But I’m not about to let Rey'vod’s little stupid Ey'ika rot to death…”
“We all look alike to them! They get to have identities all of their own without having to fight tooth and nail to distinguish themselves, and we… We’re interchangeable! Just copies!” CT-2525 hated them. They hated them for it. For the unfairness of it all. “I thought he was my friend…”
“Gender identity is, in my opinion, much more important than what goes on between someone’s legs or inside their bodies. It’s who you choose to be that should precede all things. Even natural processes that would mark you in a different box.”
"He'll rest, I'll make sure of it…" Sponge huffed, a mischievous spark in those dark eyes of theirs. "If he doesn't, Beau will get him for me."
"You're both gross…" Sponge grunted in revulsion at the sight of Pitch and Coric speaking with their mouths full. "Have some manners…"
"That's why you use thick gloves when handling bitey critters and kih'vode." Sponge pointed out matter-o-factly.
“Next you’ll be telling me to sign my own decomm paperwork and deliver it to the Chancellor’s office while tap-dancing in clown shoes…”
“I can’t believe Crayfish is somehow less of a menace to society than Conch…” Sponge snorted. “I think it was better when we used to try to smother each other with a pillow. At least then whatever nonsense came out of his mouth was heavily muffled.”
"Nothing that glows in the dark is meant to be pretty." Sponge pointed out with an exasperated grunt. "It's meant to lure you to the light so that it can snag you unawares."
"Krell is sending us on suicide missions, and ignoring what viable options we have for a swifter less costly success! He's is KILLING us, and your response is to roll over and show him your belly like a dog?!"
"What else did you do Captain? Get on your knees for him? Suck his big fat Besalisk cock like the little bitch you are?!"
"Admit it, you're nothing but a sniveling coward who'd rather save his own skin than do the right thing by his vode!"
“Bitter resentment hasn’t set in yet. It’s what makes them better…” Sponge had seemed resigned to that, but not in a way that felt particularly bad. At least not from the way they’d sounded. “It’s our job now, to make sure those of us that are still so eager to hope can live freer lives than the ones we’ll surely live.”
Riot Trooper Olly Olly Oxenfree
“Is it as annoying as the ukulele you showed me last time? Or the recorder? Or the clarinet?”
“It’s… Not as indigestible as the last one…” The somber lullabies had filled him with melancholic feelings.
“If you keep thinking so hard, you’ll burn out the tiny lightbulb that lives inside your thick skull…”
“You need to take things slow Rhythm. Something will eventually pop up into that scattered brain of yours. Preferably, something he might actually find enjoyment out of… I can’t imagine what degenerate actually likes the banjo…”
“I’ve been told I’m very good at slapping away rapidly moving objects… I suppose it had to do with the fact Pretty Boy enjoyed throwing stuff at both myself and Lichtenberg during training…”
“….Rhythm, that’s a frog. Not a dog. And its eating the tablecloth…”
“My body hurts sometimes, big kriffing deal. It’d hurt from long shifts and violent altercations anyway…”
“This stupid condition is nothing special, so DON’T treat me like I’m made of KRIFFING glass…”
“I’m being pragmatic.” He rebuked bitterly. “I was going to die anyway… Every moment of my life as a cadet I knew I was going to die. Might as well make myself useful before I do…”
"The medbay is currently off-limits to anyone who is not a part of the Coruscant Guard, due to unforeseen circumstances involving both a lack of resources and equipment. If you have any injuries you may need tending to, I would suggest going to your own battalion medics, an on-planet hospital, or sucking it up and dealing with it instead of bitching about it."
“This is Cabur. She’s a shiro that I found in one of the upper floors in a public fountain…” He offered as a form of explanation. “And I’ve been looking everywhere for her. I was afraid she’d gotten lost.”
“…. You never asked.” Olly shrugged in turn.
“Turtles can’t catch rabies.” Olly pointed out calmly.
“The Phase I armour was perfectly fine…”
“I really shouldn’t be taking painting advice from a vod who put volume sliders on his own armour, only to then nearly deafen himself by playing loud music all day…”
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wizardofrozz · 23 days
Ghosts of Kamino
CT-2697 "Sawbones", Alpha-23 "Fang", mention of CT-9181 "Aiden", CT-6116 "Kix", CT-7007 "Jax", and CT-2525 "Quarter"
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: past violence, past medical procedures, angst, mention of war
A/N: I've been taken over by OC brainrot and needed to get this angst about Sawbones out of my system. There isn't any in depth detail about what happened to Saw on Kamino (that can be found here xx if you're interested) but this fic is a little on the heavy side.
Fang and Aiden are also two of my clone OCs while Jax and Quarter belong to @hetalianskywalker ❤️
Dividers were made by me 🖤
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White. It's all there is to see in every direction for miles. Sawbones spent so many years walking these halls, feeling so small in comparison. Little '97 following in formation with his brothers as they went about their day-to-day. Now, Sawbones walks through the halls of Kamino: empty, pristine, cold. If only that was how he felt inside but the long-necks made sure that wouldn't be the case.
Saw is scheduled for a training class to update his medical license but he has a few hours to kill; the last thing he wants to do on Kamino. Moving on autopilot, he doesn't even realize where he's going until he stops in front of a familiar door. The only reason he recognizes it is because of the deep gash in the door frame. Saw smiles to himself, remembering when one of the other batches that shared a space with them first got to practice with long weapons. The memory turns sour just as quickly when he remembers what followed. 
Saw lets the door slide open, pointedly not looking at the door frame as he steps inside. Most of the cadet classes are still in session, meaning the pods stretching toward the ceiling should be empty. He still remembers where their five pods are and comes to a stop in front of the tower they called home for so long. Tilting his head back he recites their numbers as his eyes follow the pods from floor to ceiling. 
The echo of soft, uncontrollable laughter fills his mind and Saw closes his eyes. Aiden's laugh used to drive the other cadets nuts but what he wouldn't give to hear his little brother laugh like that again. Or to hear Kix and Jax plotting to get into trouble. Quarter's unimpressed look when they did get in trouble. Maker, he misses his brothers. 
Letting his eyes drift open, Saw repositions his helmet on his hip and tries to fight off the inevitable. While this room holds good memories, bad memories aren't far behind. It's the paradox that is Sawbones. 
Aiden's laughter lingers here just like Saw's agonizing screams. His batch aren't the only ones scarred by his pain and a part of him is glad he hasn't come across the other batches they shared this space with. The other cadets who woke up to his hoarse sobs and his brothers' desperate attempts at soothing him. Saw didn't know what it was like when he was stuck in the medbay for days on end but he can imagine the rest of his batch weren't the most pleasant to be around. 
His throat feels tight, ash sitting on his tongue as his thoughts drift to the medical suite nearby. The room he spent long days and even longer nights wasting away in. So much of it is muddled in his head; oxygen masks, sickly gray skin covering long, cold fingers. And pain. Don't forget the pain. 
The back of Saw's neck stings and he quickly covers it, trying to rub away the feeling. It doesn't work, not really, and he almost expects to turn around to find a long-neck standing over him, empty syringe in their hand. 
There's no one there. Just the ghosts that haunt him even when he's lightyears away. They just seem more corporeal on Kamino, the home of Saw's worst nightmares.
The air feels too still without young voices echoing through the room and it starts to feel suffocating. The ringing in his ears sends a chill down his spine and he quickly turns to leave just as the door shoots open. 
Saw stumbles back a step. Relief floods his system seconds later when a familiar set of armor stands in the doorway, blue paint less pristine than the last time he saw it. The Alpha lifts his helmet off, shaking a few stray curls out of his face, and even years later, Fang looks the same as when Saw was a kid. 
There are a few more wrinkles around his eyes but at the end of the day, this is still his big brother. He's nearly as tall as Fang now but he still feels small even if he doesn't have to look up anymore. But there's the ghost of a smile on the Alpha's face, chasing some of the storm clouds away from Saw's mind. The same way Fang's presence did for so many years. 
"Thought I'd find ya here," Fang says, although he doesn't step into the room. His eyes drift around the space, looking up toward the ceiling before eventually lingering on Saw's face, and Fang's smile grows the slightest bit. 
"Been a long time since I've been in here," Saw notes, looking over his shoulder toward the tower of bunks. Not long enough if he's honest. 
"Surprised you wanted to see it again," Fang mumbles, crossing his arms, helmet dangling from one hand. 
"I didn't," Saw whispers, staring up at his old bunk. "I never wanted to come back here. Even in a body bag." 
"Why did you?" 
That made Saw pause, twisting back around to look at his older brother, the man who kept him as safe as he could and raised him along with the rest of his batch to be the men they are today. Why did he come back here?
The memory of Aiden and Jax's uncontrollable laughter comes back to him and the corner of Saw's mouth twitches. The smile isn't happy per se, more...forlorn. 
"Miss 'em. All of 'em. Can't even remember the last time I saw Kix without a blue hue." The words start spilling out and in the back of his mind, he curses Fang's uncanny ability to get him to spill his guts. "Guess I wanted to remember a time we were all together." 
"I know," Fang says, his voice soft just like when Saw was a kid, scared out of his mind. It's a comfort he's missed too. 
"Miss you too," Saw admits, dropping his eyes to the floor. 
A hand gently grabs the left side of his breastplate and Saw doesn't fight it when he's pulled through the threshold.
The hallways are bright, too bright, compared to the barracks, and Saw automatically squints. Fang throws an arm around his shoulders, a harder maneuver than the last time Fang did it years ago, and it brings a smile to Saw's face. 
"Come on, I know someone else who'd like to see your ugly ass." 
The insult shocks a laugh out of Saw and without thinking, he wraps his arm around Fang's waist, letting the older clone drag him down the hall. 
"You look just like me," Saw retorts, fighting off another laugh.
"My hair's better." 
Saw laughs again, his body bowing forward slightly but he catches the grin in Fang's face. 
The ghosts of his past still linger, waiting to drag Saw back to the brink of despair. That'll never change but that doesn't mean he's stranded alone. His brothers, younger and older, will always pull him back. They've done it his entire life and he knows they'll do it for the rest of their lives. 
And Saw loves them all a little more every time.
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@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit
@moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness
@trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @hetalianskywalker @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
@bankseys-rat @dukeoftheblackstar
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wizardofrozz · 10 months
CT-2697 Sawbones
It’s backstory time! Saw’s time on Kamino was not fun but it does shape who he ends up becoming and I thought it was finally time to put together a cohesive summary. So here we go...
warnings(!): trauma, slight medical horror, violence
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Sawbones was part of a batch of cadets that were assigned to be trained as medics together. From oldest to youngest based on CT numbers: CT-2525 “Quarter” (who belongs to @hetalianskywalker​ ), CT-2697 “Sawbones”, CT-6116 “Kix”, CT-7007 “Jax” (who Hannah and I made together lol), and CT-9181 “Aiden” (who is another one of my OCs).
When Sawbones was a cadet, around the physical age of 12, he started to suffer from debilitating migraines that were so bad that Kix would end up crammed into a pod with Saw as he sobbed, begging for the pain to stop until he finally passed out. His batch tried to keep it a secret from the Kaminoans but the pain eventually got so bad that Saw would almost pass out in the middle of training. Once it was obvious something was wrong, Saw became the subject of a long list of experiments. Eventually, Saw found out that his cerebrospinal fluid pressure was too high, which was what was causing the migraines. 
Sawbones wasn’t always the angry, harsh medic he eventually became. Saw was a very soft-spoken, curious little kid that laughed more freely than most of his batch mates. Even before his batch found out they were going to be trained as medics, he loved to learn and specifically loved science. When he started to struggle with migraines is when his batch started to notice a difference in his personality, which wasn’t a surprise. High CSF pressure can cause changes in personality.
Saw spent a lot of time being tested on as his symptoms got worse. The migraines continued to hinder his ability to train to the point that there was a good chance he wouldn’t leave Kamino. Saw had repeated spinal taps along the length of his spine and various instruments used to measure the pressure in his skull. He went through numerous brain scans, eye exams, and breathing treatments as he continued to deteriorate. It wasn’t until he had a seizure for the first time that the Kaminoans finally operated on him, removing a piece of his skull near his ear. When the surgery didn’t help, they eventually removed some of the excess fluid and created a treatment to stop the overproduction of fluid. Once he was older, Saw realized that all the things he had been put through were unnecessary, the Kaminoans could’ve fixed him and they didn’t. He was nothing more than an experiment to them. 
During these treatments, he still participated in training when possible, sticking close to his batch but he didn’t miss the looks he got. The cadets whispered about him, wondering what was wrong with him? Saw’s personality was changing and that’s where his anger really started to grow. He became cold, his curious expressions shifting to something more calloused, and he started to lash out. Most notably, when another cadet thought it would be funny to tease him and poked the back of Saw’s neck, the spot where he recently had a spinal tap. Saw didn’t even remember moving until he came back to himself, straddling the cadet with his hands around the other trooper’s throat. Kix pried him off the other cadet but that was only the beginning of some of the worrisome things Kix and the rest of their batch started to notice. 
Saw caught up in the training department once his CSF pressure was back to normal and his trainers noticed that despite being a bit behind the rest of his generation, he was an exceptional medic, having memorized the anatomy for more than a dozen species. Sawbones was also an above-average marksman, scoring within the top percentile repeatedly. Saw’s trainers eventually petitioned for him to be assigned to a battalion when the time came and the request was approved. 
It took until after joining the wolfpack that he went from CT-2697 to Sawbones. A name he earned for an extremely gruesome procedure he performed in the field as well as his tendency to perform the tasks/objectives that others may have shied away from. Sawbones may have been a medic but he also did some terrible things in the name of the Republic. 
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A/N: I plan on doing another post about Sawbones and Keda’s relationship and how they meet. I also have a SFW and NSFW alphabet done for Saw if anyone’s interested 👀
Tags: @dukeoftheblackstar​ 
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wizardofrozz · 2 years
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18+ (adult themes) - 🔞; Fluff - ☁️; Angst/Hurt - ⚡️; Comedy - 😂; Dark themes - 🖤; Horror/supernatural themes - 💀
OC Introduction (Nali)
25 days of Life Day Masterlist ☁️🔞😂
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Slavery AU ⚡️☁️🖤 (No pairing)
Rebel Heart ⚡️ (No pairing) (submission for Force Fatale Zine)
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Setting the Mood 🔞😂 (Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader)
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The Gift of Vulnerability ☁️🔞 (Commander Fox x Senator!Reader)
Crescendo ☁️ (Commander Fox x Fem!Senator!Reader) (submission for Clone Fic Exchange)
Shadow Play 🔞☁️ (Commander Fox x Fem!Senator!Reader)
Golden Hour 🔞 (Commander Fox x fem!reader)
Above Coruscant 🔞☁️ (Commander Fox x reader)
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Aftermath ⚡️☁️ (Commander Thorn x senator aid!reader)
Pictures or It Didn't Happen 🔞 (Commander Thorn x reader)
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Unnamed one-shot 🔞☁️ (Kix x OC: Nali Bosac) WIP
Eternal Embers ☁️ (Kix x reader) (Monster AU submission for Pineapple's Halloween Party)
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Always Yours 🔞⚡️(Commander Cody x fem!reader)
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Promise?  🔞 (TBB Hunter x fem!reader)
Restrained 🔞 (TBB Hunter x fem!reader)
The First of Many ☁️ (TBB Hunter x GN!reader)
Winter Adventure ☁️ (TBB Hunter x reader) (submission for Clone Fic Exchange)
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Fire and Rain ⚡️☁️ (Commander Wolffe x gn!reader)
Dancing with Wolves 🔞 (Commander Wolffe x fem!reader x OC Sawbones)
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OC Introduction: Sawbones
Backstory ⚡️
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Tell Me ⚡️ (Sawbones and CT-2525 Quarter)
Love It When You Hate Me ☁️⚡ (Sawbones x reader)
For Tonight ☁️ 🔞 (Sawbones x reader)
Worth the Credits 🔞 (Sawbones x reader)
Blue Milk Pancakes ⚡☁️ (Sawbones and Keda)
Ghosts of Kamino ⚡️
Sawbones Art
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Learning to Trust ☁️ (Ordo Skirata x reader) (Clone x reader Bingo 2023)
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Fall Into Me ☁️ (Clone Trooper Hardcase x GN!reader)
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A Holo for the Ages ☁️ (ARC Trooper Echo x reader)
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Ignite the Stars Masterlist ⚡️🖤☁️ (Darth Vader x Sith!Reader)
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