#OC: Raekii
triruntu · 1 year
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Inferno and Raekii on a midday flight. They take flights together when they get a chance to, Raekii doing his best to keep a pace that Inferno can keep as he flies much faster by default. But they enjoy spending the time together up in the sky.
Realized it’s been a while since I’ve drawn my boys so it was time to rectify that.
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triruntu · 1 year
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A pair of sketches from today, with Crusader proving to be very puppy and Raekii, mostly cause I wanted to do something with his weird hand wings.
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triruntu · 3 years
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Raekii and Inferno at the beach! They deserve a chance to relax and have fun.
It’s not often that Raekii really gets to do so. He’s able to relax and he does enjoy being around others but it’s only with Inferno that he’s able to let go. Inferno is playful by nature and while it’s taken him a while to get to this point he’ll always say it was worth it.
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triruntu · 2 years
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Raekii and Inferno booping. They’re goofy together and I love them.
the bottom three are older sketches that I’m pretty sure never made it into posts so here they are
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triruntu · 3 years
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Inferno can hold his own and is pretty resourceful when it comes to being ambushed, but Raekii’s fiercely protective nature means he’ll be safer than ever.
Raekii’s wings are far longer than average and make quite a show but his fire is even more so. It freezes over quickly after it burns making it a hassle to deal with.
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triruntu · 2 years
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Like his blue scales, the gold on Raekii’s wings is metallic and shiny. The membrane of his wings in low light is mostly black save for the lighter blue near the palms but gets the purple/blue reflective quality depending on lighting. The star sparkles remain regardless of lighting. One difference from his ref from 2019 is the black from his arm- it now just covers his thumb and two fingers and no longer the three wing fingers. 
Raekii typically walks without using his hands. Because he’s a wyvern his hands have six fingers and the three non-wing bearing ones are very flexible, double jointed in order to support his weight and be usable as functional hands. His weight rests on either the thumb and the first knuckle or the pads of each one. Can’t really use the palm of the hand without twisting the entire wing awkwardly out.
The blade on his wing is almost always present. There are two hinges on it, attached to his wing in the middle of those sections so it bends with each movement. The whole thing is soulbound so it can vanish at will.
Inferno’s wings are about an average size and span. At his default size he’s all around average, even with the fancy fan he’s got. His stripes are pretty fun and he still needed a ref like this for them.
Because Raekii’s a half wind glider hybrid his wings are abnormally long, especially compared to other wyverns. The little purple guy is one of the wyverns he was supposed to be and uh. He’s not that. Very lanky. In general what’s shown here is the range of sizes Inferno can shift to and maintain comfortably for extended times. He can go larger, and he can go smaller, but it’s very draining on him and very dangerous if he loses control of it at the wrong moment. He defaults to the middle size shown.
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triruntu · 2 years
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made some notes for myself and as a ref for a friend, both to get some thoughts straightened out and to help with some inconsistencies I’ve had.
Raekii’s ref was done in 2019 and since then I keep drawing him differently in minor ways which like, that’s fine, but I don’t want to make a new one and also he’s somehow one of the most commonly drawn of my ocs and I don’t know how that happened lmao.
He suffers from the same thing as t-rexes do where if you look at them head on they look kinda dumb but it was about time that I got something like that done because his crest is a pain from any angle except the side.
Inferno doesn’t have a lot going on but this was for his markings and his back scales.
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triruntu · 3 years
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He didn’t mean to insult you, Inferno. Raekii’s just very bad with words some days.
This wouldn’t leave me alone until I drew it.
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triruntu · 4 years
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I’ve had this done for a long while and forgot to post is, but here’s a lineup with the main crew!
Revati is the largest, as night carriers are much larger than even the largest type of wind glider (this is only his planet side size, his real size is much, much larger). Adhara is the next largest, but Split is technically longer both nose to tail because of the split end of his fan and his wings are thinner and longer (he was the smallest of the gliders at first). Blazyk is next, followed by Region (who is also the heaviest and the most defensively based one) and Stellar.
Raekii’s tiny compared to them but he’s huge compared to the rest of his original clan.
When flying together, Adhara usually leads. When they have to travel long distances Split will lead as he has finer control over the wind around them. Raekii is always behind him when they fly so he can be aided by the slipstream.
Adhara | Blazyk | Stellar | Region | Split Revati | Raekii
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triruntu · 3 years
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there’s something I want to draw but I don’t know if I can get it to work right, but I’ve never drawn out Raekii’s fire yet. it’s a very hot blue that turns to ice shortly after it hits something.
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triruntu · 3 years
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more Inferno stuff!
He’s very fun to draw and I hope to sketch out a few more things soon
The second one is the concept sketch for him, since I don’t remember his original design hardly at all that was an attempt to feel him out. The third of course is a size comparison between him and Raekii because that’s important.
Raekii, being half wind glider, has overly long wings and a tail almost out of proportion with the rest of him. It’s hard to tell around the other gliders but around a normal dragon like Inferno? He’s weird
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triruntu · 4 years
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I wanted to draw my boy Split having fun, so here he is being purble and blue with Raekii, about to gossip and relax. They’re weird, shiny birds.
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triruntu · 5 years
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grayscale fun with Raekii!
him and his dumb knife head
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triruntu · 5 years
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Got another one done, this time it’s King Raekii!
Raekii is part of the main group of wind gliders and even though he’s a wyvern, he is technically half glider.  He has some of the most thought out backstory of the bunch.
He’s a bit on the small side compared to the rest.  110 feet long, roughly 200 foot wingspan and just under 30 foot tall.  Here’s a comparison to the rest of the redone crew [profile] and [topdown], as well as a [close up on his head].
Adhara | Blazyk | Stellar | Region | Split Revati | Raekii
More under the cut!
Raekii’s a bit on the silent, serious side.  He’s fiercely protective and loyal of those he cares about and always watchful, not afraid to jump into the line of fire to help.  While he does join along with jokes and fun times, it took forever for him to warm up to it.  He’s a nice guy and sweet when he gets past the awkwardness at first.
His father is a type of desert wyvern while his mother is an ice glider, the arctic version of the default wind glider.  She couldn’t stay around but his father was more than willing to raise and protect him.  When he was first hatched, Raekii was a runt compared to others his age and was often bullied for it.  Dull blue scales and nothing remarkable except for a sweet personality, he was set to have a normal, everyday life.
Except for one teeeny, tiny detail. 
Royalty in that tribe is decided by markings instead of bloodline and an enchanted set of armor that will only be worn by who it chooses.  It’s a leadership position but not the sole one.  The specific markings needed could show up one anyone once they reach a certain age and it had failed to show up for several years after the last royal passed. 
When Raekii reached puberty with the rest of those his age, his scales started to darken, to shine, to undergo a drastic change.  See, the other wyverns just had wings, the tail spade and their legs.  They don’t have the extra of wings on their legs or the fans because Raekii’s glider side started showing then.
The markings developed on his wings while he hide away during the changes.  He was quickly swept up once it was revealed and no one knew quite what to do with something that was clearly a hybrid.  They weren’t even sure if he’d survive due to health complications.  But regardless, the armor snapped into place on him and refused to come off, instead growing with him as he got older.  He prefers to wear the collar and the wing blades, the rest can be summoned at will.
In just a few short years, Raekii accepted his position and started learning what his duties would be as he continued to grow in a different way than the rest.  But it was never meant to be, as one of the older children from his group was incredibly jealous and couldn’t believe that the runt was given this privilege that they had been set up to have.
So Raekii was framed for arson.  The tribe’s temple was burnt down and he was blamed (despite the fact that Raekii’s fire is blue and freezes over instead of burning).  He was kicked out, fled the desert and everything he knew.
Technically stole priceless artifacts and their chance of getting royalty again in the process, but eh, that’s not his problem anymore.
Raekii wandered for a long time and this is where I’m not sure where it goes.  He at one point stumbles into a large port city and gets invited onto a strange spaceship designed like a seafaring vessel- a ship run by the runaway time goddess-turned-pirate and her partner, the local grim reaper.  There’s a sizeshifting engineer on that ship that Raekii is close with.
It’s through them that he meets Adhara and her group and he’s a good fit.  What he lacks in size compared to the rest he makes up for with speed and agility.  He’s learning engineering on the side to help out on the ship but often joins the other gliders simply because he likes traveling and they travel far.
fun facts:
-[this is the only other ref of him i have on hand and it’s from 2009, done during class on paper and then fixed in ms paint. but it shows just how much larger he is from the rest of his tribe] -this is so long i’m sorry -Raekii’s inspiration is from a ceramic dragon that i got from a local fair and painted blue, black and gold.  his design hasn’t changed a lot through the years but he was really due for an update and he’s pretty now -how he manages to not stab himself in the neck with his crest, i don’t know -that second pair of wings don’t have free conscious movement, it’s like how your ring finger moves when you bend your pinky.  it’s just tied into movement of his main wings.  his wings look like space. -shiny shiny shiny.  he’ll eventually be blinding.
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triruntu · 3 years
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Say hello to Inferno!
He’s a pretty spunky guy and he works as Dia’s main engineer on her ship. Despite his name he can’t really control fire- his parents were prepared for a fire dragon and assumed he would be with his colors but nope. He’s electrical and while he can start fires he can’t control them.
His powers over electricity are pretty standard and nothing really outstanding but it’s his other ability that caught Dia’s attention.
Inferno is able to change his size at will. His normal size stands at roughly 20ft tall but he can go down to almost a foot and close to twice his normal size, though he can’t maintain either for very long. It’s very useful when dealing with tricky mechanisms that honestly shouldn’t work on a ship that can travel through time.
He spots thickened, shiny scales on his arms and legs as protection and crocodile like scales down his back and lining two rows on his tail. To protect his upper arms and his belly while he’s working Inferno has crafted himself a leather harness that doubles as a toolkit. Both it and the tools he’s made for himself can shift with him if needed.
He’s been an engineer for a while and is pretty good friends with both Dia and Zina but it’s through them that he met Raekii.
Raekii is almost his opposite personality wise. Reserved and withdrawn where Inferno is bright and cheery. It took a while but... he managed to get the exiled king to open up to him. He started out as a friend but now?
He’s in a relationship with Raekii, the red to his blue.
It’s common to see them together, with Raekii just spending time nearby while Inferno works and listening to him even though he has 0 idea what he’s talking about half the time.
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