#OC: phirun
polyg0re · 2 years
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I saw this stupid mesh crop-jacket at the mall today, and was so bent about not being able to buy it that I drew a spider about it
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kosalus · 8 months
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if you were church, i'd get on my knees
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galm1bignaturals · 7 months
How about your OC Phirun for the blorbo bingo!
oouuurrrhhhgg g g g g g
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obfuscobble · 6 years
me last night: I could draw actual good character work for these OCs or I could draw 6 different views of Phirun’s ass. guess I have my priorities straight
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polyg0re · 2 years
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polyg0re · 2 years
wtf fruity ass cyborgs
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The fella with the ponytail is Chess, the bootleg Monsoon lookin' asshole is Phirun. I've been avoiding posting these ocs for a while out of embarassment but since almost all of my recent art backlog has been them, I figured I'd bite the bullet. Will post lore about them eventually.
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polyg0re · 2 years
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And then, on the other side of the spectrum that is depicting Phirun in art:
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polyg0re · 2 years
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Just a guy doin’ dude stuff,,,
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galm1bignaturals · 2 years
Hey, so I was going through your Phirun tag (I love him) and you mentioned that he has a daughter? If you don't mind, good you tell us a bit more about her? I really like your ocs 💙
Sorry for taking so long to answer this- It took a while for me to come up with an adequate answer! I'm glad that you take interest in my characters for as little as I ever talk about them here. ^^ Putting the rest under a read more for the sake of peeps who don't wanna read
Despite having her for...months, I've yet to come up with a name for her, because I haven't decided whether or not she'd go by a name Phirun gave her, or something that her adopted parents gave her.
Phirun didn't raise her himself because he knew that he was ultimately unfit to be a parent due to his...lifestyle, to put it lightly. Only reason she was even carried to term was because he didn't have the resources to do anything about it by the time he even realized it, so as soon as she was born, she was given to a couple that he'd found prior and considered trustworthy. It was really rough for him emotionally, but he managed to come to terms with it best he could.
She's currently 22 (having been born when Phirun was about 33), living in Canada, and studying to get a degree in astronomy.
I'm still hashing it out but I'm thinking she was probably about 17-18 when they had a brief reunion because she was incredibly desperate to find out who her birth parents were. Phirun, of course, had been trying his damnest to keep himself away from her to keep her out of danger, but ultimately he was still glad to see her with the knowledge that she'd been doing okay. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I'll take literally any opportunity to talk about these bitches ong
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paradise-x-hunter · 7 years
IF YOU HAVE A CANON CHARACTER, answer in the sense of what made you want to play them, how you have come to interpret them differently.
PART ONE. what thing(s) initially inspired your character?  
When I was just starting to watch Hunter x Hunter, I really wanted to make an OC for it(cuz that’s what I usually did when it comes to shows I really like). I took a break right around the York New Arc, I’m not entirely sure why, but I did and during that time the first draft of Jordyn was being made. I wanted to make an androgynous character since all of my characters beforehand were very feminine and girlish(with the exception of about two). I also really just liked Nature so I had her come from a farming background because of that. 
PART TWO.  how has their personality developed from their first concept?
Originally Jordyn was a bit of an airhead. She preferred going with the flow and not getting herself involved with anyone unless she was intrigued by them(think a cross of Pitou and Hisoka but less murder). I was initially okay with this since I didn’t really plan to write a Fanfic centered around her nor was I really RPing with her at first. But then I kept looking over her profile and looking at the show(I was starting to watch it again after a few months) and feeling incredibly unsatisfied with her background and her personality as a whole. So I changed it, created her home country and the lore behind it, and centered a lot of her flawed personality around it and her childhood. It felt a lot better than her being indifferent towards her father being kidnapped and most likely killed and just her doing things for ‘funsies’ rather than having a real motivation and drive. 
PART THREE.  how has their appearance developed from their first incarnation?
Originally I wanted to give Jordyn more realistic proportions with a fighter’s body. She was a lot more thin and I’m sure I had her be a lot taller than 5′7′‘, even her ‘leaves’ were thinner and a lot less noticeable. She would have worn more flashy/Casino-esque garb(Like coats with long twin tails, a dress shirt underneath and dress pants) but I decided on clothes that fit more of where she comes from instead of something that’s not even remotely close to Phirun. She became a little more athletic in her build, her leaves are much bigger and more noticeable, Her clothes are more her style, and those little lines under her eyes are actually birthmarks. 
PART FOUR. what do you think most makes your character unique?
I guess her androgynous or at least her hair style could make her very unique. I have yet to come across another character that has hair close to what her’s looks like. There are many androgynous characters out there, though, so that doesn’t really count I don’t think.  Her native language, her homeland, and the ecosystem she grew up around could also be considered unique but I’m not sure whether it’s just unique to her character since it’s not really a personality trait or an ability she has. Honestly I’m not sure. 
Tagged by: @lostbluebell
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this. 
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