thesolitarywolf98 · 3 months
~Non mi allontano per dare una lezione a qualcuno. Mi allontano perché ho imparato la mia.
• thesolitarywolf98
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odioart · 6 months
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Tsukkise x Odio Berserk colorful
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Vayan a seguirme en ig: solovivesenmimente2
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tryimimis00 · 7 months
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not-happy-user · 9 months
Por qué mi ausencia no la hace sentir mal cuando a mí la suya me está matando?
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solxs · 3 months
Realmente odio demostrar mis sentimientos, me odio por ser tan sensible.
- Oríah ☁️.
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caostalgia · 4 months
Me perdí en el intento de amar el desastre que soy.
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desorden-en-letras · 1 month
Alguna vez todos fuimos tóxicos para alguien, incluso para nosotros mismos.
— Caótica.
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desorden-emocional · 2 months
Me dueles tanto…
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Prior notes: Ah yes, the first of not NSFW work and we get angst. And yes I did base it off the song how did you know? (Romeo Santos pls I need just a glimpse of you irl).
Pairing: Kuai Liang (MK1) x Gn Reader
Warnings ‼️: Angst, there will be no hate to Harumi after this
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Kuai Liang, how that name made your heart ache. Even when you first met him your heartbeat grew quick. You almost believed you were having a heart attack. Patient, honorable, strong, handsome, and kind to you. How could you not fall in love with a man like that?
You did. A love that lasted for so long it ate at you. It screamed at you to confess or try to get him attention. Your heart and mind were at war with each other. The heart said to confess while your mind said you weren’t good enough. You were hurting yourself by putting yourself down. But Kuai Liang was always bringing you back up by praising you. You were the greatest fighter, the kindest soul, the bestest of friend…
But it’s too late I fear. Your dear Kuai Liang is wedded to someone else. And it’s not you.
The two of you are now grandmasters of your own clans. He’s now the grandmaster to the Shirai Ryu with the help of his close friend and now wife, Harumi. You spent the whole wedding ceremony holding in your tears and scowls. Your clan watched you hold it in. In a way you are strong for doing that. Not letting your feelings get in the way of your best friend’s happiness.
You kept your mouth shut, being unsettlingly quiet throughout the whole thing. Not even a hint of a smile. Just a cold expression that could match the likes of Bi-Han. Kuai Liang had to come and check up on you.
“Are you alright, my friend? I’ve never seen you so serious. What’s the matter?” He asked with great concern.
You broke from your cold state to look at him. Immediately you switched up and gave him a smile. It was so fake it didn’t sit right with Kuai Liang. He knows your usual smile. One that’s so warm and could make him smile no matter what. But that wasn’t it. It worried him.
“Ah don’t worry about me, Kuai Liang. You know how it is. I’m just thinking about what my clan has to do soon, see how else we could train, stuff like that.” You made an excuse.
“Are you sure? This is unlike you. Come on, this is my wedding day. I can’t have my best friend sulking all alone.” He took your hands and tried to make you come with him. Like he wanted you to dance with him or bring you over to talk to Harumi. But you didn’t want to, you couldn’t. You snatched your hand back from Kuai Liang which shocked him.
“I am not sulking. Don’t accuse me of anything. You know I hate that.” You snapped at him.
Kuai Liang looked at you with such worry. This can’t be his best friend. Why are they doing this on his wedding day? You realized how you were acting. Cold and snapping at him.
“Kuai Liang, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” You do actually.
Before Kuai Liang could confront you on your actions, your second-in-command stepped in between you and Kuai Liang and whispered in your ear. They made it seem like there was some important matter you had to get to. Without letting you say goodbye to him your clan dragged you away, no reason or excuse for your abrupt exit.
You would have done everything and anything for Kuai Liang. You could have given him a home, a family, a good future. Why would he run to Harumi when Bi-Han betrayed him? You could have given him the same but even better. Your clan was strong and as tight as family. The Lin Kuei would be no matched against your clan who had a range of different skills. Advanced and powerful, why would he not pick you for help?
The love that you held festered into hatred. Not just for Kuai Liang, you could never fully hate him. But for Harumi. She made him happy which made you burn with jealousy. And you have to keep asking what did she do that you didn’t. You have feared no one in your life, never letting anyone intimidate you. But her, she won the war. You have to accept that. The only war that is left is the one you’re having with yourself.
She gets to be next to him through everything. Through every battle and struggle. While you are left in the background like you were of no importance to him. She can kiss him whenever she wants. On the cheek, the lips, all over his body. You burn up just thinking about it. Those should be your lips on him.
And you don’t wanna be the bad guy here. You don’t want Kuai Liang or Harumi to see you at the enemy. You simply wanted to give Kuai Liang the world and your love. Create a family with him. Have your clan’s compound be his home to come to so he can feel safe and happy. But some other woman gets the chance to play family with him.
So what are you gonna do about it? Well, nothing. You can’t and you won’t. You can’t go begging Kuai Liang for his love. You can’t beg for him to marry you instead. You recognize that Harumi has done a lot for him. It would be a shame if he threw it all away just for you. You must put your brave face on and keep going. Your clan has already seen their grandmaster suffer enough. Your second-in-command can’t take your sadness and sorrow anymore. Everybody is ready for you to move on as you should. Enough of the fake smiles reassuring them that you are fine. No more shedding tears at night which everybody could hear. And no more having outburst full of rage that you destroy something in the compound. You will keep moving but with hate in your heart instead.
Unfortunately, you will also leave Kuai Liang devastated. He will never receive another letter from you. A smile, a gift, a laugh, or a hug. The moment he put a ring on Harumi’s finger was the moment he lost his best friend. And he didn’t even know. He will be left wondering where you are. Where will you be when he needs help or even a friend to talk to. He really did try to see you again but your clan was trying to protect you. They didn’t dare let him come close to you ever again.
“Why are you keep me away? I just want to see my friend. Do you have no heart?” He asked your second-in-command.
“You are not welcomed as of now, Kuai Liang. I am sorry but you may not see our grandmaster. It is best that you leave.” Your second-in-command was firm in their statement.
“You can’t keep me away from my friend. I deserve an explanation on why I haven’t heard from them in weeks.” Kuai Liang was getting bothered by them at this point but your second-in-command barked back at him.
“You have a home and wife to return to, grandmaster. I suggest you get off these grounds right now. My grandmaster does not and should not see you.”
All Kuai Liang got after that was the doors to the compound slamming shut. He’s hurt by their words. It hurt to be turned away, to be rejected.
The funny thing is that you truly do love him. You love him so much that you start to hate. To hate means to care. And you care about him too much. Kuai Liang will never know that. Because you will take it to your grave. Unless someone will come around to cure you of your hatred.
After notes: Ah geez I’m no expert on angst. I already got depression why would I ask for more. Hopefully people like this as well. I’m not sure if I will write much for him but it won’t hurt me if I do. The reason I’m even saying that is cause I want to make fanfics of characters I feel like either don’t get enough love or I don’t see enough fanfics of. But this was an idea I had and I wanted to get this out so yeah. Whatever. Have fun? Adiós!
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odioart · 22 days
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Art: @ourboy83 Edit: Odio Anime/manga: Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
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a-differentmind · 3 months
Dicono di volere le cose semplici ma poi non sanno apprezzarle.
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tryimimis00 · 7 months
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not-happy-user · 10 months
Nadie se disculpó de cómo me trataron pero si me culparon de cómo reaccioné
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killloneliness · 4 months
Non sentirsi mai abbastanza.
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ragazzoarcano · 4 months
Se continuiamo a pensare a tutti i modi in cui gli altri ci hanno tradito, deluso, ingannato o fatto arrabbiare il nostro cuore sarà per sempre pieno di odio, impariamo a lasciare andare, ad essere felici.”
— buddha
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