neonseaslugs · 1 year
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transfemluna2003 · 1 month
Buying and playing Splatoon 2 after Splatoon 3 makes me appreciate some good changes Splatoon 3 has made.
Like being able to pay gold (oh what ever the currency is called) to upgrade gear. In Splatoon 2 since i missed all Splatfests i can only upgrade my gear with super sea snails i get from leveling up past level 30+... which sucks... though saying that it could be great if we still got a super sea snail from leveling up past level 30+ in Splatoon 3. It would give some reward from leveling up past 30+.
Soooo... Buying and playing Splatoon 2 after Splatoon 3 makes me realize some good changes they made... just followed by also realize how they could have done it better...
Playing Splatoon 2 also makes me miss Squid Beatz but that besides the point of this post...
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heinousactszx · 2 months
what would your ideal splatoon spinoff look like? specifically genre, but also any other thoughts?
so when splatoon 3 was in previews i thought that an open world exploration kind of game would be fun. and i still think there's something there, but we're in a glut of open world games right now and i don't think we really need another
so i think a 2d platformer would be perfect for the franchise. I've always said that if splatoon came out in 2002 it would have gotten a gba or ds companion game, and i don't see why we couldn't do that now. a lot of the movement, weapons, and style could translate easily to 2d. it could also be more of a puzzle-platformer, based off some of the wonkier stages in octo expansion that forced you to be creative with weapons. splatoon's hero modes have creative mechanics and enemies, in a way that feels slept on in a lot of the fandom? there's no way this wouldn't work
i also think a turn-based tactics game with squads made of different inkfish with different weapons and abilities would be a natural fight to splatoon's team based gameplay. that popular salmon run post a while back that had a mock-up of the concept is just what i was imagining. you could do it with canon characters, but i would love to get to know a bunch of original inkfish with their own personalities
but like, i will take anything. fashion game. beat-em-up. RHYTHM GAME oh my god music is so important to splatoon how is there not some fully-fleshed out rhythm game by now. not squid beatz! i want something robust! and i know i disparaged traditional rpgs earlier today but if nintendo decided to pump out splatoon: legend of the crystal squid or whatever, i would be first in line. anything
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dinomite2 · 10 months
How about an Agent 4 x Gamer! reader? Idk
Agent 4 x Gamer! reader
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I am actually a gamer myself actually in splatoon 3 I'm in s+ I use a big variety of weapons depending on different game modes but that aside here you go!
● since 4 has a small hobby of playing video games herself I would be nice for her to have a partner that loves to play video games themselves you guys both could play together
● you are a pro gamer in any kind of game you played please go easy on her she especially if she just started to play the game she not be happy at all but if she gets too cocky you know what to do ..
● please give her any kind of help when she is doing a hard level in a game she is definitely going to need It and if you don't .... let's say it'll end with a broken controller.....and a broken desk and probably a broken window and a broken.. ok I think you know what I mean by this
● If by any chance you are good at board games show her some tips like any special dice rolls, plans and and strats you have for different but beware of the power that you just gave her later on
● 4 also tries her best to take care of you and herself since you both play games VERY late like at 2:50 am kind of late so if you're playing a match late at night she'll just plug off the TV and drag yo bum back to her bed
● If somehow you are a popular streamer 4 will jus sometimes outta nowhere send you a donation or two just so you can say hi to her or she'll walk up behind you and kiss you on the cheek or behind the back while you're playing a match
● overall 4 is a great girlfriend to have and you can have fun times but be sure to take care of yourself and her .....
"Hey Y/n" 4 was looking at you all smug crossed arms and trying to act cool
4 shows a selfie of herself leaning beside a arcade machine with the score being shown on screen
" I got 260 453 points on squid beatz 2 today bet you can reach that high huh? " she said pretty proud of what score she achieved today
"Oh yeah I actually have my best score here!" you said happly pulling out your squid phone an scrolling through your gallery
"Hmph! Whatever it is it must be tiny to mi-"
you showed your score
her smile slowly faded
Your high score is 16 758 014 points....
4 fell straightforward onto the ground face purely on the floor
"Uhh 4 you good?"
And done I hope you enjoyed everyone!
Feel free to send requests!
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wybienova · 2 years
love splatoon ocs…….. ok so splatoon 1 agents and their battle squad cut me a slice of that. what’s the team’s dynamic? what gamemodes to they prefer and how well do they do? what’s the fourth guy like? :o
i was a bit stuck on this at first but i ended up just making shit up which is kinda the goal i guess tbh . still no names sorry but heres some info!
battle squad was formed back in splatoon 1 era and they still hang out now (oh god the passage of time exists). 3 plays splatterscope, 4 plays dynamo, 5 plays aerospray, and i wanna say the other teammate plays slosher.
they're best at turf but splat zones works pretty well too, and they can usually pick up after one another in ranked . 5 isn't a big fan of tower control (or ranked as a whole) but the others love it because they can be as annoying as possible with their weapons. they're pretty good at it all by this point, but weren't too bad when they started off either.
salmon run is... interesting . 3 hates it and 5 is really fucking good at it, so it's always a toss-up whether they do well or badly.
as for the last teammate, i really don't have much for her, but i came up with some things on the spot after getting this ask!
she's not an agent but that's her choice, it's a little too out of her depth for her to really want to do. but this also means that she would post things like pictures of the gang doing some intense strategy meeting with classified documents all over the table and caption it something like “when your friends are all secret agents 🙄” . the others would get worried about it needing to stay a secret or whatever but her posts don't get traction anyways . the 1 singular like is from captain cuttlefish on his social media account he doesn't know how to use
she's also a gamer . plays squid beatz all the time. she got multiple high scores on inkopolis plaza's arcade machine version, and tried to do the same for squid beatz 2 in inkopolis square. her biggest roadblock to this is 7, who is funnily enough also a gamer . WAIT maybe that's how 7 got into the squidbeak splatoon... im having ideas mid post lmao
this is so long winded and both under / over detailed . hope you're happy akjghdnfg
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3 is pretty good so far but tbh out of all the Splatoons, I'd actually say the very first one is the best. 2 and 3's special weapons aren't super great IMO (I miss Kraken SO much; that's like the only special that HASN'T returned in some way), and 3 is missing a LOT of gear that was in the first 2 (though that's being mitigated through updates). also no more minigames like Squid Jump or Squid Beatz or the amiibo challenges, either :C
3 DOES have a much better single-player than 2's base game though. also Salmon Run is fun
Oh my god you played the original on Wii U too? I'm liking you more and more. Yeah I'd agree with you, Splatoon 1 is probably the best. I honestly think it's the Wii U GamePad that does it. Squid jump, of course (Marie misses squid jump and so do I), but super jumping was just so so so much better in GamePad, it was touch and done instead of the janky thing in 2. Also, Inkstrike was another great Gamepad-based thing. Best special in the series IMO. Oh, and seekers. They were so broken and I get why they were replaced but I love them still.
Honestly? Played salmon run more than the actual main game in 2. So that's cool. Maybe I'll have to see 3's story, I am intrigued now...
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zaptap · 3 years
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ive made a few of these bingo sheets and theyre fun so i decided to make one not just for e3 but also JUST for splatoon 3 (not just for e3 but for like the whole lifetime of the game). also heres my updated list of characters id like to see in smash, ordered generally by which id like more and/or think are the most realistic
since min min got in i took out helix, and since i couldnt decide whether to add in waluigi or madeline i added another row (realistically i dont think any indies are getting in but i threw some in anyway). also i was like “oh yeah maybe theyd put in a gen viii pokemon” so i threw in hatterene since thats one of my favorites.
also as for waluigi (and shovel knight for that matter) i think it would be nice to see an assist trophy get in just to break that rule. also i remember being super surprised he wasnt in brawl (back then i thought he and wario were equally important) and even though that was based on a wrong impression ive still felt like he should be in there ever since
notes about the bingos under the cut
really is about time for those n64 games, especially now that mario is dead so theyre free to release sm64 on it. game boy games would be nice sometime too
would also make sense to include banjo-kazooie in that, nintendos had a good relationship with microsoft lately and the total absence of anything banjo-kazooie on the switch is odd since it’s a dlc character (every other one has a game on switch they can use for cross-marketing, even if joker’s took a while) and i think the best explanation for that would be that theyre holding off for the nso n64 app (this is easiest from a technical standpoint because all they have to do is make a deal to use the roms)
when are they putting octolings in mk8d
xenoblade chronicles x is one of the only wii u games left that they could port (aside from ones that wouldnt make much sense like splatoon and ssb4) so i guess that might as well happen sometime. also monolith soft might be doing something else besides helping with splatoon 3
im not ready for metroid prime 4 (im over halfway through mp2 and therefore the trilogy as a whole) but it’s been a while, they might show it and it could even come out this year
hal apparently recently hinted at a new kirby game or something
the upgraded switch is obviously going to be called the Nintendo Switch ͥ  since they already did the ds lite so theyre clearly naming everything in the family after the ds family, theres absolutely no flaw in this logic. idk if theyre showing it, but unlike 2019 they didnt say they werent showing new hardware (just that they were showing software, which could be taken as denying rumors, but they sometimes specify when certain things arent being shown)
metroid prime trilogy also might come this year. would make sense to release it before mp4 since not everyone is going to buy a wii u to get it (and at this point that doesnt get nintendo any money since they stopped making them)
where is detective pikachu 2. i hope it has the blue pikachu from that first tease they gave us in like 2014 (2013? that was a loooong time ago idk)
they said this was MOSTLY 2021 so i am absolutely getting my hopes up for splatoon 2
the two sinnoh games could likely be there
would be super cool if oddity came to switch. and almost as ironic as megalovania getting into smash
we havent seen the botw sequel for a couple years so we’re kind of due for an update on that
it’s ace attorney’s 20th anniversary this year so maybe theyre doing something. theyre already porting those games though so idk. maybe he’s getting in smash
whats with that watermelon mario render
i held off on watching a playthrough for ndrv3 on the off chance it came to switch and i could play a dangan ronpa game for real for once but it’s now been 4 years and we just passed the 10th anniversary of the series (albeit during a pandemic when i wouldnt expect them to have done anything) so it would be cool to see the series come to switch. i think if it still doesnt after this though i’ll just watch the playthrough, 4 years is long enough. amazed ive avoided spoilers this long, i still know next to nothing about the game
im about done with acnh but im still waiting on those splatoon items. and i ran out of storage in february so i need more of that too
nintendo did stuff for zelda’s 30th anniversary so i doubt theyre forgetting the 35th. maybe wwhd/tphd ports, idk
been a couple years since fire emblem, intelligent systems is probably up to something besides planning yet another paper mario spinoff
miyamoto forgot pikmin 4 in the oven 6 years ago and it got burnt to a crisp and thats why it hasnt come out yet because he had to start over
and splatoon
the inklings scared daft punk into quitting so now that theres no competition in the robot musician scene they should have a daft punk style group
i waited and waited and neither of my top two splatoon stages (flounder and d’alfonsino) came back in splatoon 2 so i hope just because splatoon 3 isnt in inkopolis doesnt mean they still wont return
would be sick as hell if there was a real hide and seek mode instead of just sticking to your own rules in private battles. havent played that since 2015 but it was super fun
show us the effects of the chaos world
i wanted mc craig to have a song in octo expansion and they didnt deliver. heres another chance
splatnet 3 baby
cant wait for nogami to do a funny 3 pose
abxy came back for splatoon 2.... am i gonna be that lucky again...?
salmon run doesnt make sense if youre friends with a smallfry but they could either change the story context (you just fight “evil” salmonids?) or replace it with an equally fun co-op mode
amiibo!!! i think i said this before but they should label them by weapons if these cephalopods dont have genders, would make more sense (the gendered ones had different weapons anyway)
returning characters!!!! would like to see everyone have a role of some kind
maybe #GearForAll wasnt successful in getting the emperor/spy/mecha gear, but perhaps theyll at least consider not making that stuff exclusive this time around
squid girl gear should be back. and they should call it a dress instead of a tunic because its a dress. and theres no gender now anyway
as ive said before... TRIPLIES!! you hold one in each hand and another in your mouth. and you can spin around like the tasmanian devil
remove splatfest tee annoyances: you should have a prompt at the end of a splatfest to pay to scrub your tee (to make sure you get the chunks) also it should be on a neutral brand so you dont end up with an overabundance of ink resistance up (or whatever else)
better online and cloud saves would certainly justify having a second splatoon game on the same console, as much as im loving that it exists
hopefully theres a global testfire again
sooner or later the workers will rise up and kill mr grizz
remember in splatoon 1 where if you had squid beatz (via the amiibo) you could “play” it in the lobby and change the music? then you were stuck listening to only bubble bath in splatoon 2? why did they take that option away they should bring it back
looking at those apartment buildings in the trailer i think it would be cool if you had your own room and could decorate it
an octavio redemption arc would be fun to see. in the manga he stole the zapfish because the octarians had an energy crisis, and in the end they worked out a deal to share the electricity
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squidshadow · 5 years
Did you see the splatfest announcement yet? FUCK that music change, wasn't expecting that. Also, can't remember what side your going for. It was Order right? Bonus question, what side would your agents be on?
oh my god yeah im YELLING kdsngkjsn dude that music was 100% the best part of oe and im still mad its not in squid beatz. i havent even decided on my team yet, bc on one hand if order wins im excited but on the other if chaos wins wouldnt that mean more salmonid stuff in splat3? i might go chaos only bc im a pearl stan but i wont be mad if the other team wins
as for my agents.... 4 is order all the way and 3 is chaos all the way. and 8 is just really torn because she cant choose what the fuck?? pearl + marina try to bribe her for like a week straight to try and get her onto their team. except 8 just doesnt know... i think shed ultimately go for chaos though if she was FORCED to choose but she might just spectate
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renplayssplatoon · 6 years
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Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Out of all the weapons I’ve used, I’ve gotten quite fond of the Splat Dualies.
I was also able to hit some personal goals...
✔️ Get at least 30 match victories.
✔️ Fully level the currently owned amiibo gear. 
✔️ Get to Lv10, minimum requirement for Ranked.
✔️ Get the gear that matches my squidsona.
On that first check, 30 victories are required to gain full access to an amiibo’s unlocks; head at zero, body at ten, shoes at 20, and Squid Beatz 2 track at 30.
As for that third check, when I do get the full game, I’m not sure if I’m gonna step into Ranked... mainly because my inability to use the motion controls. I just couldn’t find a sensitivity setting that I was comfortable with. It probably doesn’t help I’m playing in handheld mode.
And on that last check... the green zip hoodie is eventually gonna get replaced. You see I have a thing for track suits, and while there was one in Splat 1, it didn’t change with the inkling’s color (School Jersey)... I prefer green, and the Octo Expansion just so happens to have a green track suit.
Anyway, there were two things I missed out on... mainly due to personal time constraints and personal obligations...
❌ Salmon Run
❌ Make a graffiti tag (”Miiverse”-style post)
Oh well. Perhaps when I get the full game, I can rectify that.
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avephelis · 2 years
EXCITED FOR SPLATOON 3 YAYAYAYYAYA!!! i think they fixed all the issues i had with 2 (bad waiting rooms, inconvenient friend play, unskippable news sequence). and i like all the new features! pity squid beatz seems to be gone though...
idols didn't hit at first but as soon as i saw them in a news segment they grew on me. also really hoping frye is a salmonling (and not just a fucked up inkling) and we get to see that idea in the dlc (like how marina was an octoling and octo expansion introduced them to the main game).
VERY EXCITED!! yippee!!!
oh except not sure about the dabbing and tiktok dances, erm. not ageing well.
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