#OH and i love the kanata/allen dynamic
koumeowkami · 1 year
imagine a chart of different fandoms and they're all connected by similar vas
then now imagine a circle around all that and you now find yourself in the seiyuu hole. There is no escape ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
But also !! i would gladly love to hear about more of paralive from you, I really just scratched the surface of it to be honest... like after my hypmic phase I saw it as another franchise with really good music.
THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING YESTERDAY. it's like. the more you get deep into these franchises, the more dots you start connecting. as someone who's obsessed with voice acting, everytime i realize that x voice actor actually voiced a character i already knew and i absolutely had no idea i just end up staring at the wall in thought lmao (mostly trying to find any similarities among characters).
about paralive!!!! i'm very new to it and there are still some parts of the plot i don't understand (tho i hope the upcoming anime will fill these holes), but i already listened to all the groups :D it's weird coming from me, cause i literally never listen to rap ??? but yk, every group is different so you eventually end up finding something you like! the music is so good i swear, huge props to both the VAs and the producers cause some instrumentals are INSANE.
i love the characters' stories and this emphasis on trauma and stuff like that - there's so much angst in this series but since i'm so used to rejet franchises / enstars / aaside at this point nothing can hurt me anymore lol.
another thing i appreciate is the canon trans representation !! there are two trans characters (anne and aoi) and both of them are referred to with they/them pronouns in the official english translation <3
last but not least, i need to talk about my fav group :D i like pretty much everything about cozmez. first of all, their color palette! they're literally pastel colored and look so cute and soft. second, their duality. cause they LOOK cute but they can literally tear you to pieces, their music is so aggressive and dark, in some way it fits my tastes too lol. third, their story and bond. i am SO weak for twins cause everything they do brings me to tears; if you even add the fact that their past is absolutely heartbreaking, it's the perfect recipe to make me incredibly soft for them. like, i just need to protect them with my life. they deserve happiness :(
oh btw, i'm absolutely head over heels for the way kanata (the one with long hair) raps. i love raspy voices a normal amount i swear. i like nayuta's style too but damn it's hard to get used to tosshi-kun rapping 😭 still love him tho <3
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valittlecorner · 8 months
Ok guys I had a busy day but managed to watch the anime rn and OH GOOOOD THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL‼️‼️ I'm gonna be breaking it down cause oh my god. Spoilers ahead ofc
CGI parts - Oh they ATE here!!! I was absolutely worried about the CGI even if it looked cool on the trailer. They tend to look SCARY or just goofy. But THEY ABSOLUTELY DEVOURED HERE??? The little Bae song in the beginning was really good on its own but the CGI made it 10x better, the phantom illusions look really cool and actually blend together pretty well despise them being really different. Allen's phoenix kept stealing the spotlight tho😭😭. I'm really happy about them still using their existing songs instead of a brand new soundtrack like some franchises do (side eye-ing hypmic), when bang started playing I was genuinely so happy. And now I'm really looking forward to see if they animate some of my faves like Rowdiez, 4 real or Back off plsplsplspls. My finish thoughts here are: This outsold, and if we get a game with the same sort of cgi I would be so so SO happy.
Music! - They had that new Bae song, Rise Up, in the first few seconds. I dare to say it's one of the best I've heard from Bae even if it was just a little part, looking forward to a full release!! I also noticed various instrumentals playing in the bg as they introduced the groups. I was expecting to hear their songs from op show but was surprised to hear songs from random stage battle rounds. Akyr with Outsiderz, Czmz with Ain't no love and Tcw with Faith. That was a pretty cool detail ngl.... I hope to see some new songs for the others apart from Bae. That'd be pretty nice
Characters - Oh they made some intense Bae worldbuilding. We already had a pretty good grasp of their dynamic but they summarized them so well to the newcomers in just a chapter; Allen being hip-hop pilled and a bit goofy, Hajun smiley wangja, Anne in the middle messing with them both. I also really liked the detail of them being in a series of casual clothing, cause imagining everyone having to wear the amount of clothes they wear on stage on a regular basis was seriously hurting my brain. They had various outfit changes and I LOVE that. Good for the animators and charac designers cause having 3 outfit changes for Bae in a single ep was probably a hassle😭😭
Now the negative part.
Story - It is a story indeed!! Ngl, I don't like that paradevi creature at all. It's like a weird vtuber model of MikoshibaKen's fursona (THE VIBES AND COLORS ARE GIVING KENTA). I think it's pretty good for the older fans cause we already know everything, but newcomers would be really lost tbh. They speedran the beginning and gave a really quick context for Buraikan and Club Paradox cause they're only having 12 eps, I get it, but it'll still be confusing I bet. And not being able to see the context of how everyone got the invitation fully fledged out like in the VD, they missed the chance of some key characterization SPECIALLY for the twins. I think akyr and tcw were pretty straightforward but skipping when Kanata was escaping the thugs feels outright criminal, they just showed them there watching the weird creature talk shit THEY MISSED A BIG CHANCE but I still get it. 12 eps. Still frustrates me. They made everything pretty Bae centred as well, which I get cause they're the main gang, but the good thing of Voice Dramas was not having a protag and always being able to see all the povs from all the characters instead of sticking to a single group, that allowed us to know and explore everyone and their traumas individually, and that's missing in this first ep. Maybe it gets better, maybe they're pulling a hypmic having every episode centred around a different group (pretty sure it's this), but so far I was like "oh god this is really confusing". But besides that, I really like it!!!! Miren a mis gatos
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Okay that's it thanks
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koumeowkami · 1 year
ships like nayuren or kanallen make me absolutely lose my mind. the idea of a pair in which one is an energetic/friendly/hyper little shit that wants to bond with everyone through the power of [theme of the franchise], while the other is a tsundere emotionally constipated shut-in that definitely doesn't want to be bothered by the hyper kid but is still in love obsessed with them for some reason. it's just so cute and funny. not to mention that i always kin the tsundere kid so seeing them struggle everytime the other kid is around is such a pleasure <3
(and also i love seeing them finally being friends with someone, not feeling lonely anymore and discovering the love they've never felt because i am emotionally attached to these tsundere kids an abnormal amount. but that's a story for another time)
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