#OH and they were one of those annoying asami stans who wanted the show to be abt asami
sorikaied · 2 years
honestly i may have more worse blogs that i followed and ended up unfollowing after a point more than worst mutuals throughout the decade i’ve been on hellblr
#monie.txt#i think one of the notable ones was like...#this blog i followed back when rotg had just came out and i was more 'active' in the fandom and wanted some jack/toothiana content#this one blog seemed really cool abt that and ofc there was how impassioned the fandom was abt rotg getting recognition#they were also an lok fan which was cool at first...#until realizing they were really anti korra / anti mako / anti makorra#one of the more annoying 'cloudbabies' / kataang stan#literally just... found every reason to hate on lok but still watched it#grossly shipped korra amon and tarrlok#which i don't mind hero/villain ships but korra was like...17 in the first season#them shipping that had a lot of yikes undertones of like 'korra is not like aang and she needs to be punished / reprimanded'#basically the blatant issue of anti korra / anti lokers who were blatantly colorist against a character like korra#OH and they were one of those annoying asami stans who wanted the show to be abt asami#and again it is the blatant colorism of wanting the more feminine pale lead over a strong brown character#tho it was funny / sad abt how they actually didn't care for korra and asami being endgame#because they felt like asami deserved better than korra and like#despite my gripes abt the handling of their relationship and korra throughout later seasons#i would never say asami deserved better than korra#also by the time of the finale i wasn't following them but i saw their post in a tag i was lurking through cause yknow#wanted to find those juicy takes#again i'm sure there's more but that one always stood out to me... probs because of how defensive i am of korra
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zoetic-aerography · 8 years
It’s funny when people can lie and be a total dick and not ashamed of themselves and then block me just on the grounds that I challenged, not even relegated or rejected, their ship. You guys are totally successful in life aren’t you. That is why you can’t politely challenge me back. I noticed many of the Korrasami stans attack me not my arguments. And one made such a stupid argument of Mako bringing Wu to the reunion meeting (So, lemme get this Wu is a future emperor and he needs to be protected and Mako will not listen to Lin Beifong and then Wu would have successfully been kidnapped making Mako, Korra and Asami look bad and that’s okay right?)  that I didn’t know what to say. 
Firstly, I am happy KA is getting a comic. I needed that comic to answer many of my questions about KA like when did Asami become really interested in Korra and when Korra also thought of Asami more than a friend. Also, having Mike tell that they went to the spirit world to “know each other” is a stupid thing to say. That completely unhinges all the things that KA fans used to say that this is why Asami and Korra are together. Asami and Korra knew each other beforehand, as KA people say, and also I think there is some truth in it. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE TOGETHER. The fact that Bryke knows nothing about their ship was pretty apparent. Even I know more about KA without being a KA fan. And, that is telling something.
Secondly, The KA fandom should be ashamed of themselves, Literally, even if some asshole Makorra fans acted mean to some KA fans during 2012 when the show first started no one was in that emotionally, mental and physical anxiety and TRAUMA after KA fandom started bullying them. You guys are not good people. You may kid yourselves thinking you are. But you are not. Ganging up and witch burning people, making T-shirts out a meme someone even didn’t write which was redacted still the person apologised for, telling people they are not queer basically erasing Korra and Asami’s bisexuality. Who the hell do you think you guys are? This is a bloody ship like Makorra is a bloody ship. I am not gonna strip down people to nothing but bones and then shatter them because they don’t like Makorra or Zutara or any ship. This is like the epitome of being bad people. You know there is some KA fans who actually are decent and actually are annoyed how their fandom acts. They realised that they loved their ship but they also love ACTUAL, LIVING BREATHING PEOPLE. People who go through the same problems as you. People who love and get hurt as you. People who might be facing bullying in real life as you and treat tumblr as their safe place. You know some of those fans maybe closeted queer people themselves, or queer but not so vocal about it or queer and are vocal about it. Just like you. But you made a ship come before them. You basically undermined the very thing KA celebrated. At least when I DO celebrate KA I don’t forget how so many people can like it. My criticisms were aimed at writing and how Bryke handled things not people. And stop it with your catch-all homophobia argument because you guys, I have seen, are biphobic, demiphobic and acephobia. You don’t support each queer category equally. You say KA is representation then you shatter the very queer spectrum it stands for. 
Thirdly, I had to write this. I am tired of people vilifying me to the point of me being nonexistent more than ships. I exist. In different dimensions. Our ships don’t. They never will. They only exist in our heads, hearts and media. But we all have to live the everyday world. I am so tired of people dehumanising me to kingdom come. Of me getting panic attacks and feeling like I am being completely pushed outta orbit just because I didn’t completely like one ship. I loved many ships, of many orientations, since 2005 and even earlier. Even before I knew the word queer I have been shipping queerly without my consciousness knowing the words, labels and placement. And, suddenly because I only criticise not even condemn one ship I am like a demon? If I criticise I can criticise well. I criticise because I want the best representation. I want people to look at a show and feel happy and validated and for all posterity. Not like oh maybe they could have done this and that. Why should a show have so many severe failings if they are standing up for a disenfranchised minority? Why should a fandom be so damn divided? Why should people be harming themselves and others? A fandom should be a place where people can rely on each other. We go through so much every single day. No one even asks us. And sometimes that’s okay if fandom allows us to forget. Why should it not? You guys want inclusiveness on YOUR terms. That is the mainstream either/or argument. You don’t want inclusion or a safe place for everyone. You just want everyone LIKE YOU and NO ONE ELSE. This is the problem in the world today. You guys are creating NEW EXCLUSION POLITICS and NEW CATEGORIES then being done with the labeling and excluding. You guys are acting just like the people you hate. You guys are doing it within new categories. How can you just do this suffering as many of you have? Doesn’t this hurt your conscience?  Frankly, it should.
Fourthly, I am gonna always root for Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin. I will support the Krew and I will also support KA when I see it helping people. I have always done this. I will always never undermine how someone relates to a ship and how it makes them feel because it is IMPORTANT TO THEM. I criticise writing and studios because I love writing myself and I know I would do KA hella justice because even if it were not my fav ship I still knew I could not let it go off either way. Being an adult and being a person means to handle your responsibilities to the fullest even if it may be something you don’t necessarily always enjoy and necessarily always like. Frankly, this also happens when you love a ship: your OTPs can cause you frustration. This is how you learn, how you face and overcome challenges, how to grow and connect with others. I tried my level damndest to act as responsibly as I could. I wrote posts because I wanted people to debate and discuss with me, and some of you have. I did not write the posts to hurt anyone and to make them feel small. The responses I got for them were aimed at trying to humiliate me, condescend me, tried to dehumanise me and make me small. This is NOT what discourse or analysis is about. It is about trying to understand and shape better ideas and execution. I even wrote KA fanfiction, have my own KA headcanons (if people asked me they would know) and have seen Korra and Asami with other women of different fandoms. I did it because that is what I do. I have always been a polyphonic and multifarious shipper.  Yet, no one knew that about me. Just a few posts talking about KA wasn’t handled as well and poof people came at me with stakes as though I was vampire sucking the life force outta them and needed to be messed up through the heart. It completely hurts. Other people by now would have said EXTREMELY mean things back But I am not other people. I wanted to handle all of this with dignity, grace and understanding. But none of you all left much of that. What you guys left me was the option to leave. It was the “my way or the highway” at work here. And you did cast out others to the highway of desolation. Maybe, you also did this to other shippers like you. Nowadays I see the signs coming up of intra-fandom malevolence. That is also very sad and pretty callous. 
Fifthly, fandom has become like 1984. It is either what fandom brother wants or we will cull all out of you that you are driven insane enough, hopeless and helpless enough to look starry eyed, blank eyed and with tears of desperation, and consciousness gone done-down the drain and say “I love Fandom Brother.” Why should things be like that? Why should we make memes out of misquotes and redacted material? WHy should we gang up on everyone and why should we make t-shirts to humiliate others? The fandom who does this can they really say they are part of a minority? The mainstream all act like this thus people who did this are part of that slander and bullying culture. The net, just because it has no libel lawsuits and no seemingly written down codes of conduct, is not an anti-materialist space. Just because we say Cloud doesn’t mean a cloud is not layered and built on things. This is not a scenic landscape of codes and faraway data. This is a space, a bridge where you actually walk, talk and meet people. YES PEOPLE. ACTUAL LIFE FLESH AND BLOOD PEOPLE. Who go through things just as you or regardless to you go through life. Demonising someone takes away their humanity: both their bad and good. Demonising someone makes you try to take responsibility for their actions, good or bad. Demonising someone means you don’t count them human enough. Fandom should not be this. Fandom should be accepting. 
Sixthly, Fandom should stand for diversity. And should not go after people who have different ideas of diversity than you. It is easy to say people are prejudiced and discriminatory without knowing them. Actually, read and then try to understand. Fandom people can be young and not know much. Fandom people may be old and not know much. Fandom people ARE NOT ALL WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY ARE WITH THEIR SHIPS. You can criticise how they are handling something but ALL OF US SHOULDN’T GOING AROUND SAYING PEOPLE ARE MESSED UP, HOMOPHOBIC, SHOULD BE AVOIDED AND BLOCKED just because they didn’t MEET OUR EXPECTATION of “who they should have been.” We can make requests but we cannot demand unfairly. We must understand that people will take time to understand things and we should be be patient with everyone. If we can wait over 1 year to see a ship in a comic can’t we all be patient with other people? We can. And, we should.
TL; DR: Fandom should not be Fandom Brother. It should not police anyone to the point it is equivalent to a totalitarian state. It should be accepting, inclusive and loving. It should welcome all forms of diversity. It should be kind to people not shipping what they are shipping. It should be patient with others. It should be ashamed of witch burning type actions and not make memes to humiliate people, should not also do that with apparel like T-shirts. People involved in fandom should understand that being an adult and a person means taking responsibility for everything, even work that you may not necessarily enjoy and like, and being answerable to your actions. Just because it is the net and called cloud still means it has layers and materiality. It is not a dimension of non-matter we carry all that we do and say. Fandom should stop being bullies and STOP the intra-queerphobic mentality of one queerness is “more queer” than the rest (yes KA fandom looking at you). Fandom should not call out people as homophobes and other names so callously because words can destroy people’s lives and their reputations. Fandom should grow up. 
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