#because they felt like asami deserved better than korra and like
sorikaied · 2 years
honestly i may have more worse blogs that i followed and ended up unfollowing after a point more than worst mutuals throughout the decade i’ve been on hellblr
#monie.txt#i think one of the notable ones was like...#this blog i followed back when rotg had just came out and i was more 'active' in the fandom and wanted some jack/toothiana content#this one blog seemed really cool abt that and ofc there was how impassioned the fandom was abt rotg getting recognition#they were also an lok fan which was cool at first...#until realizing they were really anti korra / anti mako / anti makorra#one of the more annoying 'cloudbabies' / kataang stan#literally just... found every reason to hate on lok but still watched it#grossly shipped korra amon and tarrlok#which i don't mind hero/villain ships but korra was like...17 in the first season#them shipping that had a lot of yikes undertones of like 'korra is not like aang and she needs to be punished / reprimanded'#basically the blatant issue of anti korra / anti lokers who were blatantly colorist against a character like korra#OH and they were one of those annoying asami stans who wanted the show to be abt asami#and again it is the blatant colorism of wanting the more feminine pale lead over a strong brown character#tho it was funny / sad abt how they actually didn't care for korra and asami being endgame#because they felt like asami deserved better than korra and like#despite my gripes abt the handling of their relationship and korra throughout later seasons#i would never say asami deserved better than korra#also by the time of the finale i wasn't following them but i saw their post in a tag i was lurking through cause yknow#wanted to find those juicy takes#again i'm sure there's more but that one always stood out to me... probs because of how defensive i am of korra
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yandere-avatar · 3 months
Yandere! Team Korra Headcanons
Wishing my friend a happy birthday! <3 [Even though he's kind of a loser]
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You met Korra first, since she was the Avatar. You were smitten with her, but thought she was out of your league, so you didn't pursue
The next person you met was Bolin and he was sweet and quick to sweep you off your feet
You slowly become part of Team Avatar. You fit in well and Bolin makes it easier for you to fit in
When learning you are not a bender, Asami is quick to teach you how to defend yourself. Besides, you're dating boys who are brothers
You become very close and anyone can see it. In fact, Bolin becomes a little jealous and you both get into a fight
"Well, maybe we should break up!"
"Fine!" And then you leave, letting your words really sink into Bolin's mind. He knows he fucked up
You do eventually make up again, but you don't want to date him again
Mako didn't like you for a while, for hurting his brother's feelings, but once he spends some one on one time with you, a thought in the back of his mind appears. You were out of Bolin's league and maybe it was for the best you both broke up... Besides, he could probably treat you better anyway
He tries to get you to like him, even though he knows it's wrong
Bolin's not happy about it, but seeing you happy makes him all giddy and happy, so he let's go of his resentment. Though, he's still protective over you, so if his brother breaks your heart, he'll beat him up
Asami finds out you're dating Mako, even though you tried to hide it, because they used to date, but she seems okay with it-
Well, that's not true. You suspect she's jealous- But not because you're dating him, but because he's dating you?
She'll bring up bad things he did when she was dating him
"I just want you to have the best, because that's what you deserve and while he is my friend even after everything, I still think you deserve better"
Girl was out to ruin your relationship from the beginning
Though, Mako being Mako, he does end up fucking up the relationship on accident
He tried to apologize, but you couldn't forgive him
You found comfort in Asami, just like she wanted
You avoid dating her for a while, in fear of being a 'Homie hopper'
When you and Mako get back on better terms, you talk about it with him
He seemed okay with it, though he'd rather you be single, but he knows Asami, so you'll still be close to him, even if you date Asami
Korra was always sweet to you, but never anything that made you think she felt something special about you
You two are friends, but don't date, not until later, when she starts doubting her abilities
You're there for her and she gains an emotional attachment to you
She realizes she's in love with you, but you're dating Asami
Asami has been so good to her, just like you, so she couldn't betray Asami like that
Bolin and Korra are much more laid back and more willing to let you do as you please
You can get away with a lot more with them. Especially Bolin
Asami and Mako are stricter and restrict what you can and can't do
Mako is the strictest and you can't get anything past him
Asami wants you to like her and when realizing you get along better with Korra and Bolin, she tries to be more laid back
Though, when Korra gets hurt, you try and stay with her
She tells you no- The world needs protector, especially since she can't do it. She also doesn't want you seeing her like this. She feels weak and helpless
Korra is the only one who hides her feelings for you
The only way you find out is because she accidentally lets it slip to Asami
Asami is surprisingly open to the idea of a throuple
She knows that she can't always protect you, but Korra can. You'd always be safe if you were with Korra
They try and make you seem weaker than you are, because they all want to protect you
They know that something is wrong with them and with each other, but they find peace in that they all feel the same way for you. They love you, so who cares if other people don't understand- They do.
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buckybarnesss · 2 years
i see it kicked around a lot that mako should’ve died in the finale and i’m so tired. the mako propaganda of 2022 continues.
a sacrifice doesn’t always end in death nor does it always make a satisfying ending to a character arc. not to mention how the death would impact the other characters, how it would fit into the final episode of a show, how it ties into established themes and so forth. 
i think people conflate this with their desire for satisfying closure. there’s no need for me to go into the hurdles and set backs that the show had and why they couldn’t do a lot of what they wanted or even needed to do it for the characters.
but really the idea that mako should have died in the finale rubs me the wrong way because like what a fucking tragic downer of an ending 
bolin would’ve had to carry that for the rest of his life. the mortal representation of sunshine himself would’ve had to mourn his brother for the rest of his life and feel guilty about not being able to save him. especially when you consider mako raised him, protected him and they’d just come off a three year separation and tense reunion.
korra’s season 4 arc of overcoming her trauma and regaining confidence in herself would’ve blown up in her face. if one of her friends had died she would’ve felt unbearably guilty and questioned her decision making. especially after she’d isolated herself for three years and hadn’t reached out to mako in all that time.
the show wouldn’t have ended on a happy occasion. varrick and zhu li would not have gotten married. the show would’ve ended with mako’s funeral and that’s not the kind of ending that leaves people feeling warm and fuzzy.
the idea that people would want korra and asami to get together after their mutual ex just died is gross and wouldn’t have been well received at all. it is spiteful and reads as though mako is somehow an obstacle to korrasamai.
mako is like 22 years old and had a really hard life and you want him to die? shame on you and your cows tbh. he deserves the world damn it 
closing off his character arc as someone who has gone from being rather self-interested and only caring about his immediate circle to someone who is willing to lay down his life for others without hesitation because he’s inspired by korra and has grown just from knowing her is a better arc than just capping it off with death. 
people refuse to move beyond the stupid love triangle despite the characters themselves fully moving on from it. 
mako has never had and never needed a redemption arc. he was never a villain or evil or bad. he was a confused teenager with bad interpersonal skills due to living on the streets for a majority of his young life. y’all gotta stop thinking character growth from stupid decisions, questionable but understandable behaviors needs “redemption”. 
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Mako x Female Reader Request: Part Two
You begin your battle with Mako but as the stakes of being the bodyguard for the future king of the Earth Nation rise, you begin to wonder if you and Mako might have to call a ceasefire.
Part One Here
Part Three Here
Part Four Here
As Mako took longer and longer to return from his meeting with Lin you couldn't help but smile. You found it hilarious that Mako was now being reprimanded by Lin and figured he deserved it. The guy had known you not even a day and decided you weren't good enough. He hadn't even given you a chance and so you decided the gloves were off. If he was going to be a dickhead then so would you. 1 week later In hindsight Mako regretted telling Lin you should be dismissed right in front of you. Before you'd been largely indifferent to him but now your disdain for him was obvious and you did nothing to help him at all. You actually seemed to go out of your way to make things worse for him. There was an atmosphere any time you were in the room together. You barely even looked at him and he could feel the cold emanating from you. You only spoke to him about work and when you did it was always cold and emotionless. However you were just as peppy and talkative with everyone else and the worst part was Wu loved you! The two of you were like peas in a pod. You didn't mind his constant chattering and actually remembered the stories he told. You thought of news or things Wu might like to hear and while you didn't suck up to him you were supportive and encouraging. He'd seen Wu raving about you to Lin and Raiko. Part of him was pleased. He didn't want this job anyway so if you came along and made him look bad then why should he care? Good riddance. You were actually doing him a favour...but if he did get dismissed he knew you would claim it was because you were "better than him" and he couldn't have that. His stubbornness wouldn't let that happen.
He explained all this to Asami who listened passively until he finished. "Wow" she said and Mako nodded "I know right? She's awful!". "Not y/n, you! You're 22 how can you behave so immaturely?". Mako gaped "I'm not the immature one she is! Plus y/n is 23 so if anyone's being immature it's her". Asami smiled "This reminds me of something...but you're not going to like it". Mako sighed "go on" and Asami smirked "this is just like when you first met Korra". Mako's eyes widened "this is nothing like that! Korra was so much better than y/n". "You say that but you hated Korra when she first appeared and don't try and deny it, Bolin and Korra told me everything. How you used to make snarky comments and dismissed her before even giving her a chance...now who does that sound like?". Mako rolled his eyes "what's your point?". "My point is now Korra is one of your closest friends and once you got past your own pig-headedness you realised she was a good person worth befriending. So maybe you should bear that in mind when you next see y/n?". Mako however was too blinded by his emotion and shook his head adamantly "trust me this is different". Asami shrugged "if you say so" but she had a smug smile on her face the rest of the time. After his dinner with Asami, Mako made his way back to Wu's apartment where he'd be taking over from you shortly. When he got there it was pretty late and so Wu was asleep while you sat outside his door reading. You didn't even look up when he entered and Mako immediately felt the mood in the room drop. "You can go now if you want" he said but you shook your head and not even making eye contact replied "I have 10 minutes until my shift is over so I'm waiting 10 minutes". Mako frowned "you really think you being here an extra 10 minutes is going to mean anything?". In response, you just shrugged and Mako rolled his eye "okay whatever...you could just leave and spare me your presence but no". You lowered your book and looked at him "nothing I do is with you in mind, engreído". Mako nodded "yep I can see that and can I say, really professional". Now you rolled your eyes "says the guy who tried to get me fired on my first day, real professional". Mako shrugged "I didn't think you were up to the job and your behaviour has proved me right". "How?" you asked "I've kept Wu safe and happier than you ever did". Mako shook his head "you have to have a more professional relationship with everyone you interact with! You're too friendly with Wu and too dismissive of me. You can hate me all you want but that should never interfere with our work". You shrugged and muttered "no saber ni papa de algo" under your breath but Mako was...kind of right. You'd never have acted this way back in Zafou and there were plenty of people you didn't like back there. Mako shrugged "whatever, your ten minutes is up" and he walked away from you. You went to your private room but couldn't get what Mako said out of your head. You knew part of him was right and that was the most annoying thing. When you showed up for work the next morning the words were still buzzing around in your head. You entered the room and Mako pushed Wu's itinerary towards you. Wu had a spa treatment this morning and as this was across town Mako would be coming with you. He'd been up all night so you figured he must be pretty sleepy but he still stood as alert as ever. The three of you set off, with Wu chatting as happily as ever and you tried to keep up with him. When you exited the building Wu rushed to speak with "his fans" leaving you and Mako alone. He scanned the crowd "you keep an eye on the left side, I'll watch the right". You nodded but weren't on your game today and so that's how you missed the soldiers all closing in. Mako didn't though. "Wu get down" Mako yelled and rushed over to the prince. He turned, shielding Wu with his body and that finally made you react. You rushed towards them just in time to see a pie hit Mako. "The car!" he called to you and you nodded running ahead to open the door. You got Wu inside and then both jumped inside yelling at the driver to go. "Are you okay?" you asked and Wu nodded "just! Imagine if that pie got on my clothes!". Mako rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. Wu chattered the whole way to the spa but Mako didn't say a word. He just wiped the food off his face and got back into position. You were similarly quiet but for a different reason to Mako. You knew you could be quite a stubborn person. You argued first and considered peace afterwards but this was the first time you really regretted your actions. Some of what Mako said might've been true...despite your extensive experience you hadn't worked guarding a person before and never a prince. You'd understandably closed up when Mako tried to get you fired but your work quality hadn't been great as a result and today showed that to you. So you tried to make amends. When Wu went in for his treatment you and Mako waited in a separate room. Mako was just about to leave when you spoke up "you might've been right about a few things yesterday". Mako was so shocked to hear those words coming out of your mouth that he thought he'd misheard you "I'm sorry?". "I've been letting my grudge against you interfere with my work and it's not okay. Today I wasn't focused and when the attack happened I was ill-prepared. "If you hadn't been there...". Mako shook his head "if I hadn't been there Wu would've gotten hit in the head with a pie that's all". You sighed "but what if it hadn't been a pie? If it had been something worse and Wu got hurt because of me" you shook your head "I've been behaving unprofessionally and it's affecting my performance. It needs to stop and so I'm going to stop ignoring you. We will have a professional relationship. We don't have to be friends or engage in small talk but I will look you in the eye and nod when I enter a room. Does that all sound okay?". Mako nodded still a little in shock, you'd reacted so maturely and rationally. Two things he thought you incapable of just yesterday. He finally found his voice "that all sounds good...also I want you to know, I'm sorry for trying to get you fired. I didn't know you and it was rude of me...and unprofessional". You nodded "thank you..." and an awkward but not uncomfortable silence fell. "You must be tired" you said breaking it "you can go get some sleep if you want". Mako shook his head "I can't, well not yet. I've got to go report this to Beifong, it's the procedure if Wu experiences any threats no matter how small". You weren't aware of this and nodded "okay". Mako nodded "I'll see you later" and left. As he walked out of the room he paused at how much lighter he felt. It was sometimes fun to mess with you but also exhausting. He trusted you meant what you'd said and was again pleasantly surprised by how you admitted to being wrong. It took a lot to do that and Mako's respect for you shot up. Maybe you weren't so bad after all.
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retvenkos · 4 years
romantic at heart | m.
Legend of Korra - Mako x Reader, fluff
tw: none
word count: 4.6k
A/N: canon? who needs her? certainly not this fic. korrasami deserved to be canon earlier so i vaguely mentioned it, and mako and bolin’s apartment is the perfect setting don’t @ me.
Summary: Mako has always had bad luck when it comes to love, but with (Y/n), things feel easy. So why, then, is it so hard to admit it?
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the three times he didn’t say it, and the one time he did.
“I’m telling you guys, this is going to be great! Part Four is my favorite in The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of the South!” 
Mako shared an amused look with (Y/n) as Bolin led the way into the darkened theater, holding open the door for the group to enter. Asami and Korra passed hand in hand, and when (Y/n) walked past Bolin, they tossed a piece of popcorn at him and Bolin caught it in his mouth.
Mako brought up the rear of the group, and as they walked up to find their seats, he whispered, “How many parts are there, Bo?”
“Seven! And the Finale’s great, don’t get me wrong, but it just doesn’t have the heart that part four does.”
“That’s just because he kisses Ginger,” (Y/n) leaned in and whispered to Mako, earning an incredulous “hey!” from Bolin.
“How’d that work out, by the way?” Asami turned to the earthbender with what sounded like genuine curiosity and Bolin chuckled nervously.
“Ah, well, you know, the hearts of mover stars are fickle, so we didn’t last long… there was something about it being a publicity stunt, but that didn’t make much sense, so…”
“Well it’s her loss,” Korra elbowed Bolin in the side with a smile and he forced a chuckle.
“She doesn’t deserve you, Bo.”
“Yeah, you’re a great mover star.”
A few people in the theater shushed them, and the group settled down into their chairs, just moments before the lights dimmed further and the mover started. The disembodied voice of Varrick boomed through the speakers with a recap of the previous 3 parts of the daring adventure, and everyone fell silent, slowly getting sucked into the mover before them.
Ever since their debut, the Nuktuk movies were a success - a staple of Republic City culture - getting replayed in theatres again and again. After learning that Mako hadn’t seen Nuktuk in its entirety, Bolin called for a state of emergency and got the whole group together so they could schedule a time for a complete rewatch of the seven-part masterpiece.
Mako had been planning to make some excuse - a series of cases that Beifong put him up to, or a slew of paperwork that some higher-paid coworkers pawned off onto him. It wouldn’t be the first time he had to miss something for work, and it wouldn’t be the first attempt at lying to get out of a viewing party. Just three months ago he narrowly avoided a showing of Love amongst the Dragons by faking sickness and saying that Beifong told him to sleep all day so he could be back at work the next. Everyone but Bolin believed him, and Bolin (who didn’t want to see it either but promised Asami he would go) let it slide.
After that, Bolin was better at guessing when Mako was lying, and whenever he needed Mako’s compliance, he set (Y/n) up to the task of cajoling Mako to come along.
So far, their track record had been impeccable.
(Y/n) chuckled at something they saw on screen, and Mako turned to them. “How many cases of Vari-dye do you think Varrick sold after that product placement?” They gestured to the screen where the once blonde Ginger flagrantly mentioned her hair dye product before becoming a, well… ginger. The script was somehow able to loosely tie the product placement into the plot, but the moment earned a couple of well-earned laughs throughout the theater.
“Millions, most likely. Aren’t these movers big in Ba Sing Se?”
“As comedies,” (Y/n) muttered, leaning in, clearly trying to keep their voice down so Bolin didn’t hear. The theater around them was dark and silent, but the light reflected in (Y/n)’s eyes was full of life and mirth. Mako found himself unable to look away.
He cleared his throat, “You do have to give it to Nuktuk and his comedic timing.”
“And Juji’s heart-wrenching death and subsequent resurrection.”
Mako found himself chuckling at their lame joke, and for once, he didn’t mind. (Y/n) smiled triumphantly, as though they had accomplished something truly grand, and angled their bag of popcorn towards Mako. He took some and popped a piece in his mouth, his laughter still dying on his lips. 
“Varrick must be quite the director, to get you to laugh in a totally serious, not-a-comedy mover.”
“Varrick?” and there was just enough suggestion in Mako’s words to say all that he couldn’t, though why he couldn’t seem to get anything else out, he didn’t know.
Things were always easy with (Y/n); their smiles were soft and infectious, their tactics in getting him to open up were effortless and effective, and falling in love with them had been the most simple and uncomplicated thing in this world. It should have been with such ease that Mako told them that it was them that got him into the theater and their corny comments that made him burn inside, like a thousand dying comets that took the form of shooting stars.
But for some reason, he was stuck.
Unsurprising, really, Mako had never really had luck when it came to love and even friendship. There was always something complicating things; there were always two sides of him, fighting the other for reasons even he couldn’t fathom. Eventually, one of them would lose. Eventually, something would give. 
But until that eventuality…
“I suppose I am quite the comedian. Should I write a screenplay?” (Y/n) was speaking, but something in their demeanor was different - a little stunned - like they hadn’t considered something before and it was only now dawning on them, slowly, but comfortably. Easy. “It would have to be a sequel to Nuktuk, of course. Maybe I can introduce the grumpy, mysterious fire-bender who he’s now forced to share a quest with?”
(Y/n) nudged him in the shoulder, already rolling their eyes at their own idea. Mako looked down, suddenly interested in picking the perfect piece of popcorn. “Yeah. If you’re making it, why not?”
(Y/n) snorted and turned back to the film.
Taking the steps to his apartment two at a time, Mako fished for his keys in the pocket of his pants. Walking the beat had the potential to be more trouble than it was worth, and often Mako found himself at the gym at the end of the day, taking out his frustration the way he used to - pro-bending. Well, not so much pro-bending, anymore, seeing as they disbanded the Fire Ferrets, and dissolved the team, but it was the same training, nonetheless, and Mako had been a pro-bender so long that oftentimes, nothing felt more comfortable than the gym.
As he walked down the hall to his door - second on the right, Bolin had insisted - Mako could hear the sounds of laughter and the beeping of the oven. Despite himself, he smiled, breathing in deeply as he fiddled with the lock and opened the door.
Inside the tiny apartment, (Y/n) and Bolin were working side by side, leaning over the oven as they looked at the baked goods that lay within. The counters were a mess of cluttered ingredients and mismatched bake wear, Pabu had tracked flour across the carpet, and by every measure it was chaotic, but Mako simply leaned against the doorframe, speaking just loud enough to be heard. “Stress baking, again? Y’know, I’m really starting to regret giving you a key.”
"This was all Bolin, actually.” (Y/n) pulled the baking sheet out of the oven and set it down before turning to Mako with their usual countenance. “He told me to come over - he bought a set of mixing bowls and everything.”
“He didn’t buy more counter space?”
“Hey!” Bolin called incredulously through a mouth full of baked goods. Pabu scuttled beneath him, eating the crumbs that fell to the floor. “Counters wouldn’t fit.”
“It’s alright Bo,” (Y/n) nudged his arm with their shoulder, turning back to the task at hand. They used an old spatula to take their masterpiece off of the pan, and Bolin took two from them. 
“You have to try this batch, Mako, (Y/n)’s gotten really good at their green tea cookies.”
Mako shut the door behind him and walked over to the couch. (Y/n) met him halfway with their signature, light green cookie, Mako took it with an appreciative smile. “The secret is in the matcha. I wasn’t putting in enough before, so they didn’t taste right.”
Mako broke off a bit of the cookie, making sure to get a bit that had a white chocolate chip in it, and savored the taste. (Y/n) was watching him with one of their expectant smiles, and he nodded his head, the bittersweet flavor still lingering in his mouth. “These are your best yet.”
“High praise, coming from you.” And there was an edge of sarcasm to their voice, but their eyes were bright. Mako just looked at them for a moment, really looked at them in all of their casual beauty. (Y/n) had moved into his life so early on and so slowly that Mako didn’t know what life would be like without their casual teasing and easy grins.
And, of course, their random (but not unwelcome) bouts of stress baking.
Mako must have been staring a bit too long, because (Y/n) raised a playful eyebrow, and not too long after, Bolin broke the silence. “Uh, Pabu and I have to go, and uh... y’know, do adult stuff, with uh....”
“With Korra?” (Y/n) supplied amusedly, turning to Bolin, who was stuffing a napkin with cookies hurriedly. 
“Yeah! Y’know, Avatar stuff...” Bolin shrugged, slipping out the door, only to open it up again and grab his shoes before shoving off again.
(Y/n) scoffed and Mako sighed, calling after him. “Real smooth, Bo!” 
A muffled response called out to them, and (Y/n) laughed, walking back over to the kitchen area, where they started to put together another batch of cookies, measuring the sugar with their hands and putting it into a bowl with butter. “I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked out from noise complaints.”
Yeah, well Bolin charmed our neighbors into liking us too much to see us go.”
“His charm does go far, doesn’t it?” Mako watched and (Y/n) moved through his apartment with ease, pulling spoons out of the drawers and cleaning the dishes as they went. Their practiced movements had the surety and preciseness of someone who lived there, and the thought was enough to make Mako’s throat dry.
“So,” Mako cleared his throat and walked over to (Y/n) passing them the egg they were reaching for. “you measure everything with your hands, and yet you’re constantly insisting that baking is a science. How does that work?”
“It’s all in the weight and look of it - a full cup is a far cry from a fourth.” (Y/n) mixed the ingredients together, their brow set in concentration, “Or, at least, that’s what my mom used to say. What I will tell you—” they looked up at Mako rather suddenly, that intensity still alight within them “—is that it’s in how it feels.”
“So the weight of it.”
“Yes... but it’s more than that.” (Y/n) looked at him with their sharp eyes, as though trying to judge something. “Go wash your hands,” and they jerked their head to the side, “I’ll show you.”
Mako didn’t even hesitate to do as they said, and even though Bolin had left, he could hear his voice - a surprised “what...?” - nagging the back of his mind. It was easy to shrug off. It was (Y/n). Everything was easy when it came to them.
“Alright,” (Y/n) said, with a hint of childish excitement, as Mako slung the towel he had used to dry his hands over his shoulder. “Give me your hands.”
Their touch tickled and their fingers - dry and powdery from the flour - grazed over his, opening his palms with a gentle sort of care.
“Here is one cup or so.” (Y/n) grabbed a handful of flour, transferred it to their other hand, and skimmed some off the top before placing it in his. “Yeah, you can feel the weight, and you can see how much there is, but you have to kind of trust that what you're feeling is right, because it’s not always going to feel the same, right? When you’re tired or you’ve been baking all day, things feel different, even though they’re the same.”
“All this for flour?”
“For each cup of flour. We need two and a half.”
“I can see why Bolin asks you to do the baking.” (Y/n) chuckled and guided his hands to the mixing bowl, where Mako let the flour slip out of his fingertips like really fine sand. “But I can tell that you feel it...” the last bit of flour fell out of his hands, but Mako let his hands hover near (Y/n)’s for just a moment longer, “and that’s good enough.”
They smiled, and it has all the serenity and beauty of dawn. “I’ll make a baker of you, yet.” They added more flour to the bowl and started mixing, their gaze flicking up to Mako. “One of these days you’re going to understand the feeling of it.”
“I...” and part of Mako wanted to say that he already did, that his feelings were about the only thing he understood when it came to moments like these, but the words got caught in his throat, and he found himself unable to get them out. “I think we’ll have to do a lot more baking, then.”
Mako ran, the ground beneath his feet steady and his breathing exact. The beauty of Republic City Park surrounded him and in the early morning, when the air was just nippy enough to need a jacket, there were few people to be found. The usual groups of people practicing tai chi or playing Pai Sho weren’t out yet, and the sun was just peaking over the horizon. 
Morning runs often gave Mako a sense of clarity - there was very little he could focus on when in fast, forward motion, and everything complicated fell away. It was just him, the ground, and the fire in his veins. 
Mako slowed to a jog, and when he found an empty park bench, he sat down, wiping the sweat off of his brow. The shadows were just starting to creep away, losing to the brilliance of the sun and hiding in each recess and tiny alcove. The duck pond in front of him was warming to a crystal-like blue. Mako breathed out and tipped his head back, letting the stillness wash over him, his thoughts slowly catching up with him.
And at first, he thought it was just his feelings for (Y/n) meeting up with him once more, but then he heard the steady pounding of the pavement and there they were jogging toward him, ushering in the morning with a comfortable pace.
“Heading into work later than usual?” They stopped by the bench and Mako slid over so they’d have room to sit.
“No, Beifong told me to take a day off. I usually do paperwork today, but she handed it off to someone else.”
(Y/n) hummed in acknowledgement. “So you’re joining Asami and me for our run, then?”
“Asami and I usually go on a run, at this time. We meet here.”
“Asami told me that I should take a run since I wasn’t going into work today.”
Both of them scoffed, relaxing deeper into the metal bench. For a moment they just sat there, taking in the moment, and letting the world dawn on them, a beautiful mixture of colors - a painting slowly completing itself. Eventually, (Y/n) turned to Mako, an eyebrow raised in jest. “Do you reckon they think they’re being slick?”
“Probably - and it’ll only get worse once they get Korra on board.”
“Who’s to say they haven’t already?” The two chuckled, shaking their heads at the efforts of their friends, and (Y/n) knocked their knees together, leaning in a little closer. “It’s alright, I like spending time with you.”
“You’re gonna hate me once we finish this run, though.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to buy me some tea, afterwards.” (Y/n) stood up, stretching their arms and letting out a yawn. “To make it up to me, of course.”
Mako stifled a smile and stood, making a show of his weary sigh. “Alright” —(Y/n) rolled their eyes at him— “You drive a hard bargain.”
They started off at a slow jog, and every minute or so Mako upped the intensity until they were sprinting across Republic City Park, occasionally dodging the wayward soul taking a morning stroll. The world blurred around them, the lush foliage turning into swaths of green with the occasional pinprick of color - purple or yellow, green or blue. As they slowed down, the world became more defined, and when they came to a walk, (Y/n) pulled ahead and turned around so they could walk backwards, facing Mako with a breathless grin.
“You owe me at least a muffin to go along with that tea, after what you just pulled. I almost ran into a woman walking her toddler! Could you imagine what would have happened, had I hit her?”
Mako laughed, still coming down from his high, and (Y/n) grinned at the sound - dazzling and so bright, it put the sun to shame. “Let’s get you out of the park, then, before you start running down Pai Sho players.” 
The two fell into step beside each other, taking the path out of the park and into the busy streets. Already, Republic City was booming with life, and the two were rather quick to slip into the quiet tea shop that was just around the corner. Inside, the cafe was fairly empty, with slow music playing from the speakers. (Y/n) closed their eyes and breathed in the smell of freshly-baked muffins, and Mako was quick to look away when they caught him staring.
(Y/n) walked towards the case that held all of the baked goods, trying to read the different types they had displayed. “This is way better than trying to throw something together at my apartment.”
Mako pulled his attention away from the menu board, where he had been searching for the right type of tea. “Your apartment? You mean you actually have a place to go, other than mine?” 
“You gave me the key.”
“For emergencies.”
(Y/n) scoffed. “Well, ‘emergencies’ is in clear need of a mutual definition.”
The two ordered, and Mako paid, despite (Y/n) saying they had the money, and when their order was ready, they took a seat in the corner, next to a window that overlooked a busy intersection. (Y/n) insisted they split the muffin and gave half to Mako, and after settling into their more calm atmosphere, (Y/n) turned to Mako.
“So, what are you going to do for the rest of your day off?” (Y/n) took a sip of their tea and fixed Mako with one of those stares - the kind that saw through everything else, and somehow got down to his core. “I can’t imagine this is what you had planned.”
“Uh… I don’t know. I figured I’d go home and work on finding a lead to a case or something.”
“Even though Beifong told you to take the day off?”
“Well, I’m not at the station…” Mako trailed off, suddenly finding great interest in the rim of his cup.
“And you’re not going to work from home, either.” (Y/n) scoffed exaggeratedly, and though Mako was the most incorrigible person they’d ever met. Although, in their defense, he probably was. “Not on my watch.”
“So what, you’re going to find something for me to do all day?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
Mako watched as (Y/n) sat back in the booth, a triumphant yet challenging smile on their face, and he felt the disbelief in his chest melt into something softer. It was there, again, that urge to say something both incredibly brave and terribly stupid; that desire to put all of his feelings into words and express them more truly than anything else.
“Alright,” Mako swallowed and allowed himself a small smile. “If that’s what it takes.
✧ *:・゚
Just when Mako had admitted to (Y/n) that he was an avid reader, he couldn’t remember, but at some point, they had found out, and ever since, the two spent their lazy weekends sprawled out on his sky blue sofa, books in hand. This time, (Y/n) had come earlier than usual, and by midday, they had already finished their novel - a fast-paced murder mystery with just a bit of a redemption arc for one of the main leads. They had talked about (Y/n)’s book while walking down to the market to get the necessary fixings for dinner, and when they came back to Mako’s tiny apartment, he passed them one of his favorites to read - a historical fiction that combined elements of notable legends and recorded history to make an interesting thriller with plenty of easy-to-digest drama. 
When (Y/n) took it from him, they took one look at the summary and raised an eyebrow.  “This is one of your favorites?” Mako had tried to push down his embarrassment, stuttering out some kind of response, but had just smiled. “It’s not a bad thing, just surprising. I’m sure I’ll love it.”
And they did. For the next hour and a half, the two sat in Mako’s apartment in relative silence, reading separate novels and making the occasional exclamation of shock, betrayal, joy, and surprise. Mako had looked over at (Y/n) occasionally, trying to judge where they were in the book, and whether they were enjoying it just as much as he had, the first time.
At some point in the day, the sun filtering through the window matured into a deeper, golden shade, turning the afternoon into early evening. Mako, who had been thoroughly engrossed in his novel for the better part of the day, stood up from his couch and stretched when he noticed the change in light. Letting out a sigh, he made his way over to the kitchen area. As he started to make dinner for the both of them, Mako missed the way that (Y/n) turned to look at him from their place on the couch, a lopsided grin on their face. They still lay on the turquoise material, sitting upside down with their feet in the air, book in hand and the red couch cushion resting on their stomach, watching as Mako turned on the stove with a click of propane and a bit of fire bending. 
It wasn't long before the apartment was full of the comforting smell of Mako's cooking, and soon (Y/n) found it impossible to focus on the page before them. They opted to right themself instead and watch Mako as he finished up, adding the finishing touches to the meal before splitting what lay in the pan into two different bowls. 
He handed a bowl to (Y/n) as he settled onto the couch, both of them moving to sit cross-legged, their knees touching. (Y/n) savored the flavor of Mako's signature dish, and he gestured to the book beside them. 
"How're you liking it so far?"
"The book? It's great. Perfectly paced, in my opinion, although I wouldn't mind for a little bit more world-building. The time period is so interesting and they could lean into it a little more."
Mako nodded, satisfied with the smile on their face and the eagerness in their tone. "I figured you'd like it. There's a lot happening, but the characters are good enough to carry the story."
"That's a raving review, coming from you." (Y/n) laughed, the sound falling from their lips effortlessly. "And I can see why it's your favorite. You like a good redemption arc, don't you?"
"It's an interesting enough idea."
"A rather sweet one, too. Are you sure you're not a romantic at heart?"
Mako scoffed in response, but even so, he could feel his cheeks burning up, the nagging voice in his head (the one that told him to just confess already, or do something equally as rash) getting louder from conviction. "I think that's you."
"Oh definitely, but there's always room for one more," (Y/n) mumbled through a mouth full of noodles. "And judging by your taste in books, I'd say you already are."
"There's not even a romantic subplot!"
"The main character literally took lightning to the face for his best friend, and then proceeded to say that he’d do it all again, if it meant they could stay together. Are you telling me there isn't something there?"
“You said yourself that they’re friends!”
“C’mon, Mako,” (Y/n) deadpanned, setting aside their dinner so that they could use their hands to punctuate their speech. There was a fire in their eyes, and something restless in the way they moved - like there was something important they were trying to say. “Friendship is clearly just an excuse for them.”
“An excuse?” Mako felt his throat dry. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of their proximity, and the little space that still existed between them - like they were almost touching, and yet oceans apart. 
(Y/n)’s hands fidgeted in their lap. “Yeah, like… An easy out when you’re too afraid to go for it...or when you think you’re not enough.” Part of Mako wanted to look away, but (Y/n)’s eyes had caught his gaze too fully and the other part of him battled to stay. For the longest moment, he couldn’t move. “But they love each other - you can see it.”
There was a battle waging war inside Mako; each side fighting the other for dominance, and only one coming out on top. When he spoke, his voice was low, almost like a deep sigh. “Yeah, they love each other.”
(Y/n) smiled, their mouth moving with just the slightest tremble, and part of Mako wondered what had disrupted the ease with which they did everything, but another part of him already knew. Mako reached out and cupped their cheek, the feeling of their skin against his flooding him with courage he didn’t know he had.
“And I love you, (Y/n).” 
“About time you confessed to me.” (Y/n)’s eyes sparkled in jest before they surged forward, kissing Mako and igniting the fire in his chest. All he could think about was them and the way they blissfully invaded all of his senses, how soft their lips were, and how strong their hands were, as they wrapped around him, pulling him nearer. When they broke apart, (Y/n) rested their forehead on his. 
Then they said it, their voice a whisper that sent him tumbling over the edge, their breath fanning against his cheek.
“I love you, too.”
Mako kissed them again, craving the feeling of their lips against his, chasing after the way they made him feel - like every moment had led to this, like every battle had been worth the struggle. Time seemed to stop, and for a moment, it was as though there was no gravity, and the only thing anchoring Mako to this world was (Y/n), and their touch.
“Like I said,” (Y/n) was smiling when he pulled away, and their gaze made it easy to come back down to earth. “You’re a romantic at heart.”
Mako chuckled and (Y/n) laughed with him, the sound filling the tiny apartment with something undefined but utterly perfect. 
“Alright, so maybe I am.” Mako relented, tipping his head back. “But an epic romance doesn’t happen within that book, if that’s what you're after.”
“Well, maybe we’ll have to write a sequel of our own."
-- taglist: message me if you want to be added to a taglist!
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Let me start by saying I've never watched Legend of Korra. like, the most I've watched was any bending scenes/fights and all the Zuko and Toph clips (admittedly, I didn't watch any of the Katara clips because..well..honestly I didn't want to see her be so meek). But I've always felt kinda...bad for liking Mako since the few posts I did read made it seem like both Korra and Asami were better off without him and I didn't want to accidentally fall into the category of sympathising with a man who didn't treat women right. Even when I watched what few clips he was in -Mako seemed a little serious but not anything bad- I thought it was just because I didn't see enough of him to see why he was so bad for Korra and Asami.
And then I read your post on Mako and how he had to do anything and everything to take care of Bolin and my heart kinda broke. I don't know if this is right, but it kinda feels like Mako is being treated a bit like Katara's being treated. Like, they both fit the sibling-turned-parental-figure roles and some of the fandom seems like they can't accept that both are still teenagers who...well, still act like teenagers. seriously, I'm gonna be mad if I ever see another 'take' about how Katara is bad for acting more teenager than mother 😤. And the parallels between the non-con kisses that their respective Avatars gave them, with both Mako and Katara shouldering the blame (though in Katara's case it's more of a "she's supposed to like it! She's the Avatar's girl uwu") . It just rubs me the wrong way how neither of them get any slack for acting less than amazing when they both spent years carrying their trauma and shielding their siblings from that same hurt.
Sorry if this is bothering you or if it doesn't make sense; I'm just kinda fed up of seeing people side with the Avatar no matter what the situation was, especially when Korra and Aang were actually in the wrong *coughnon-conkisscough*
You're not bothering me at all, don't worry!
Honestly all of this makes a ton of sense, someone who's never seen the show and only has fandom's word to go on could be excused for thinking Mako's a fuckboy who was intentionally leading the girls on rather than a kid who'd been raising his baby brother alone on the streets since he was eight years old and maybe not the best at navigating personal relationships and didn't know how to deal with the fact that he had feelings for two incredible girls at the same time. That shit's hard to deal with even when you have parents and had a happy and comfortable life and are just in high school trying to get through the day, but you throw that in the mix with 'became a parent at eight years old' and 'struggled to get enough to feed his brother, nevermind himself, while they lived on the streets' and then everything that happened during the series, and it's like, cut this kid some slack maybe????
Also the comparisons with the way the fandom treats Katara are also spot on. Obviously in Katara's case there's also an added element of racialized misogyny, because she's a dark-skinned girl and the only dark-skinned girl in the main cast, so that gets added to the fact that she was also the gaang's 'mom friend' and you get fans unironically calling her a 'bitch' for -checks notes- getting reasonably upset after being pushed to her limit and losing her cool--but in Mako's case, he actually fills the same niche in the krew that Katara did in the gaang, and he gets a lot of the same treatment, which I think winds up coming at him from the opposite side of the fence so to speak. Because he's a boy, he automatically gets the blame for anything that goes wrong with the love triangle--up to and including the avatar violating his boundaries and kissing him without his consent--because Korra and especially Asami are precious girls and could do no wrong.
And the thing is that it gets kinda complicated because Korra did also get a lot of racialized misogyny flung at her by the racist&misogynistic dudebros of the fanbase who hated that a brown girl was now the avatar, but that wound up overshadowing the very real and reasonable criticisms that can be made of her character and her behavior. Especially in Book 2, where she gets angry enough at Mako for -checks notes- doing his job and not wanting to jump to conclusions that she TRASHES HIS OFFICE!!!!! IN A FIT OF RAGE!!!!!! (which of course Mako gets blamed for and a lot of fans will frame that as Korra getting 'reasonably upset' which lol no)--and the fact that this occurs in the same season as Bolin getting trapped in an explicitly toxic and abusive relationship with a Water Tribe girl (who happens to be Korra's cousin) that is played for laughs the entire fucking time makes me think that Bryke just have very troubling ideas about how it's ok for women to treat their significant others, particularly if they happen to be men.
(Although let it not be said that they didn't write toxic relationships from the other side, Varrick spends the entire series mistreating Zhu Li and then at the end he decides he's in love with her and they get married [in a very Western ceremony, incidentally], and nothing is ever mentioned of the awful way he treated her for the entire show.)
So yeah like, it really, really bothers me that Katara and Mako share similar niches in their respective teams and both of them get a whole lot of untoward hatred for -checks notes- being teenagers and having feelings and sometimes expressing them. They both deserve so much better from their respective fanbases, and I think the biggest reason Katara has a bigger and more devoted defense squad is because atla is still pretty widely regarded as the best installment of the franchise and a lot of people just don't care to even watch lok. The bulk of the lok fanbase is anti Mako and it's hard to maintain any resilience as a fandom in the face of that lmao.
But I'm always happy to talk about how much I love him and if I can only turn the tide one anon at a time then that's ok.
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Good Enough
Requested by the lovely @ravenclawprinxcess who asked for a fic about Bolin from Legend of Korra cheering up a sad reader! I really enjoy doing requests so please feel free to send them in :) I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading
Word Count: 1828
Things felt wrong from the moment you had woken up. The rain drumming down on your ceiling and a bitterness that hung in the air. When you had left your room, you had immediately regretted it. An all too familiar sadness fogged your brain, perhaps it was a good day to stay indoors wrapped up in bed pretending that the world outside was all but a bad dream. That would have been a great remedy if it weren’t for your shift at the noodle bar today. It didn’t even matter that the shift was short you knew it was going to drag by. The silence of the kitchen dragged you even further into you foul mood.
Bolin had just come into the kitchen as your eyes were getting teary from the thought of having to deal with the world today. Unaware of the shift in your mood he came up behind you and wrapped his large arms around your waist placing a gentle kiss on your neck humming contently as he did. Swaying the two of you side to side in the same way he did every morning. You turned around and wrapped your arms around him nuzzling you faces into his neck. At first, he didn’t question it until your breathing began to become ragged and he could feel your tears wetting his shirt. He held you tighter and only planned to let go when you did.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked quietly into your hair. You only shook you head in response. “That’s okay.” He adds soothingly rubbing your back. If it was possible you would have stayed in his arms all day and he would have let you. When you pulled away you saw the wet patch you had left on his clean shirt. Which made you feel even worse.
“Sorry Bolin I’ve ruined your shirt.” You say with a whimper. He shakes his head and then wipes a tear away from your face. More worried about you with your blood shot eyes and splotchy cheeks.
“It’s fine I didn’t really like it anyway. Hey, I don’t think you should go to work today, I’ll swing by and let them know you aren’t feeling up for it. I’ll bring you back some food, and we can spend the entire day in together. Between you and me I’ve been waiting for a duvet day with you for months.” He says with concern.
“Don’t you have team Avatar stuff to do today?” You ask with a sniffle looking away.
“I know they’ll be completely lost without me, but they’ll just have to manage someone more important needs me more today.”
“Not afraid they’ll replace you with Wu.” You say with a small laugh.
“If they do, I’m blaming it on you.” He replies with a joking tone.
Your manager doesn’t ask Bolin too many questions which he’s thankful for. He doesn’t quite know how to tell her what’ wrong with you because he doesn’t think that you know yourself. But he has a plan on how to cheer you up. Placing an order for all you favourite items on the menu where you work, popping into the shop next door to pick up some bath oils and your favourite tea that you had ran out of. It was all coming together; your manager had even told Bolin that you could have the week off. With a bag full of goodies that always cheered you up Bolin intended on making his way back to you immediately but before he could his friends spotted him.
“See I told you he wasn’t dead.” Korra says placing her hands on her hips.
“I didn’t say he was dead I just said we should presume he’s dead and that I would be the perfect replacement.” Wu retorted.
“Did you forget that we were supposed to meet up today?” Mako asks.
“No, I didn’t forget big brother, but something came up and I’m needed elsewhere.” Bolin answers looking at his friends feeling a little guilty that he hadn’t told them he wouldn’t be meeting them today.
“So, your girlfriend is more important than official Avatar business? I would never abandon you like that Korra.” Wu says in a teasing tone.
“Don’t listen to him,” Asami says, “Is everything alright?” she asks.
With a sigh Bolin answers, “I’m not sure to be honest, she’s been really off this past week and I’m really worried about her. I was just at the noodle bar telling her boss she wouldn’t be in.”
“While also ordering everything off the menu?” Korra sarcastically asks him, peeking into the paper bag.
“I just want to make her feel better and eating always makes me feel better.” Bolin shrugs scratching the back of his neck. “I also got her some other stuff I know she likes.” He says pointing out the extra goodies he’d picked up. “But I don’t know what’s wrong, so I don’t know how to fix it.”
Asami sighs looking at her friend before saying, “You can’t fix whatever’s wrong Bolin just be there for her. That’s what Korra does for me when I get down.” She snakes her arm around Korra’s waist which causes them both to blush as they rest their heads together.
“Yeah, Asami was there for me when I was really low, and she didn’t try to fix anything but all I really needed was her there for me.”
Bolin then looked towards his brother and Wu in case either of them had any relationship advice to pass on but they both shrugged. “Neither of us have had a healthy relationship, listen to the ladies.” Wu adds.
“Thank you, I’ll see you soon.” Bolin says making his way back to you.
When he got back to the apartment, you’d made your way back to bed and found yourself crying at the lonely Blue Jay that perked outside your window. Instead of going to you straight away he decided to plate up the food he had ordered as well as he could. He boiled a kettle of water for a pot of tea. He brought all of it into the bedroom on a tray and looked at you with a warm encouraging smile.
“Hey babe, what’re you looking at?” He asks as he set down the tray in front of you.
“That bird is all alone its so sad.” You whine, just then the bird is joined by another one and they fly away together.
“See it’s not all bad.” He says sitting next to you on the bed stroking your hair. You look up at him with puffy eyes and a snotty nose. He pulls a tissue from the tray and blows your nose for you which makes you laugh at the silliness of the action. “I got you your favourite.” He says gesturing to the tray, the sight of it makes your eyes widen.
“Thank you, Bo.” You say kissing his cheek. “You didn’t have to do all this.” You grab the cup of tea and breathe it in deeply, “You got my tea.” Your voice cracks.
“And I’ve a few other things for you but first let’s enjoy the feast.” He stretches out to lay next to you and you cuddle into his chest popping a dumpling into your mouth.
“God, I love you.”
“Are you talking to me or the dumpling?” He asks.
“Would you like the truth or what you want to hear?” You laugh. His worry minimising a little at the sound.
“You were right Wu was looking to replace me.” Bolin tells you.
“He wouldn’t stand a chance.”
Bolin looks down at you and his face softens as he places a kiss on your forehead. You look up and grin at him even though your mouth is full of food and your face still puffy from the tears. He thinks about how much he loves you and for a moment he thinks he’s going to cry but you offer him the last of your favourite dumpling.
“I love you and this dumpling so much.” He says.
The two of you take a nap after eating that much food. You snuggle into Bolin’s chest and he feels his heart explode. Knowing that after your night of restless sleep you really needed some more sleep. He rubs small circles along you back and you hum contently at the action. Bolin wakes up before you and he just takes you in, the soft rise and fall of your chest. The twitch of your nose and way you mumble to yourself. He really feels like the luckiest person in the world to be laying with you both with bellies full of food, the love that the two of you share in the apartment that you furnished together.
He slips out of the bed to get the second part of his plan to help you feel better and the small whine you let out after he’s gone almost pulls him back to your side. He sees you stretch out your arm and brush along the empty space he left. He goes to run you a bath and adds the fancy bath oils you always stare at when the two of you shop. Bolin get’s a little carried away with the romantic bath idea lighting all the candles he can find the apartment even stealing a rose from bouquet he’d bought you earlier in the week and adds some of the petals to the water. Playing the record you’d been after for weeks. And as he debates leaving you a trail of rose petals to follow, he sees that you’ve been standing in the doorway watching him with a sad smile on your face.
“Do you not like it?” he asks with concern, looking between you and the bath worried that he’s overstepped some sort of boundary.
“I love Bo, but I don’t deserve all this. I don’t deserve you.” You cry dropping your face into your hands. Before you know it, he’s right in front of you holding you face in his warm large hands lifting your face to look at him. An intensity takes over his face and you feel yourself wanting to be pulled closer to him.
“Are you crazy?” He asks in a murmur. Searching your face intensely with his glittering green eyes.
“No, but you’re too good for me.” You answer quietly.
“Why would you ever think that.” He breathes bringing your forehead to rest against his. “You are everything to me. If you ever feel like that again, please tell me. So, I can list all the reasons why you’re wrong.” He kisses you with an urgency he usually reserves. Your hands find your way to his strong back and his stay warming your face.
“You know I love it when you prove me wrong.” You say after you break apart. Both of you left breathless in the flickering light of the candles.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Let’s Go wlw! (Lin Beifong x fem! reader)
 A/N: I promise this story is more serious than the title makes it out to be lmao. Re watching LOK and seeing Lin and her character makes me go awooga. This is my first LOK fic and I hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: some sad thoughts but it gets fluffy!
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The light hurt. Its rays blinded you as you fell. The warmth kissed your skin but it sunk its teeth and that’s when it burned. When you dreamt of flying, this wasn’t what you had in mind. A flightless bird soaring through the clouds was the idea. Hell, that’s what everyone thought right? Smoke flew after you; the tendrils leaving your pure white dress. Your hair was burnt as you fell from the sky. You wondered if this was a punishment. Fate and the gods had to be laughing as their angel plummeted to her death. It was a cruel way to die, but it’s what you deserved right?
Katara had tried to help recover your memories. Once you recovered from crashing into the water and almost drowning, you had been brought to her. Apparently the sky had opened up and spat you out. The white dress you wore had been scavenged and hung on the wall next to your hospital bed. It looked weightless; it was strapless and every time you walked it flowed after you. A symbol was embroidered on it. A symbol from the heavens. Though, you couldn’t remember a single thing. Just what was I sent here for?
The fire crackled around the group. Korra and her friends set marshmallows over sticks, cooking them with its flames. The flames felt familiar somehow. Tenzin and his family were there, too. Tonight was a celebration. Amon had escaped but at least the city was safe. For now, anyway. There was a bad feeling in your gut, one you couldn’t shake away. Chief Beifong sat next to you. She looked pleased as she sat there with the rest of you. Her bending was back again thanks to Korra. Chief Beifong wasn’t one to seem pleased let alone happy, but tonight she seemed contempt. The thought made you chuckle. Her gray brow raised in your direction almost as if she were prompting you to speak your mind. For once, she seemed at peace. With herself and the people around you. A vast difference from the first time you met her. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The room you sat in was cold and dark. The table was metal and your wrists were cuffed to it. An older woman stood before you. Her hair was gray and her face strong. Her green eyes were cold as her gaze sharpened into you. There were two small scars on the side of her face. God, she was pretty. Next to her was a man. He was peculiar;a light blue arrow facing downward on his forehead and a brown pointy beard on his chin. He wore orange robes with a red looking shaw pinned over it. He was bald and at first glance looked pretty scary. But compared to the woman’s cold eyes and hard demeanor, there was a soft gaze in his eyes. Patience and kindness radiated from him. “I-I don’t know,” you sputtered, trying not to shrink away from her gaze. You felt like an animal being prodded and examined at. The woman sighed and her lips set into a frown. She seemed tired from the dark circles around her eyes and the paleness of her skin. You had the urge to reach out and touch her. The urge was strong but you didn’t understand. You didn’t know this woman. “I’ll ask again and one more time,” she hissed. You jumped as her palms slammed down onto the table. The woman’s green eyes turned into slits as she glared at you. “Who are you?” You weren’t sure how long you’d been in this dangy dark room. For the past few days you’d been in a hospital bed scared out of your mind. The looks of disgust and the distrustful glares sent your way hurt. Your eyesight started to go blurry. A tear fell from your eye and you sniffled. Lip quivered and the lump in your throat wanted to claw its way out. “Chief Beifong,” a voice said softly. The man beside her finally spoke. The woman’s gaze seemed to soften ever so slightly at your distress. Only for a second before her face turned blank. It was better than a death glare though. “I-I don’t know who I am,” you replied softly. “I’m sorry if I hurt anyone. I don’t remember anything at all. Just t-the light.” They stared at you. The man seemed more concerned while the woman mulled over your answer. “You’re not supposed to be here, are you?” The man’s voice was careful, almost like he was afraid you’d break. You shook your head. Your fists clenched and unclenched as you tried steading yourself. “I think I was supposed to die.”
You felt like an outcast. Tenzin had his family, Korra had Tenzin and her friends. Bolin had Mako and Mako had Asami. It was a circle of one big family, one you didn’t feel a part of. Tenzin tried to make you feel welcome as you worked to recover your memories. You could only gather bits and pieces but never the full picture. Everytime you tried you’d hear chanting and this big bright light. One time, you did see thousands of eyes all different shapes and sizes staring back at you. You woke up in Tenzin’s arms with light shooting out of your body. You stopped trying after that.
Bolin and the kids had sticky marshmallow pieces on their lips. Chief Beifong looked disgusted at the sight. You quietly giggled to yourself. A ghost of a smirk was on her lips at your amusement. Chief Beifong was known for being stern and harsh. Her cold demeanor had struck you at first. After the interrogation, you stayed out of her way. Though, she seemed softer with you than the others. Sure, she was still cold and distant but the little things Chief Beifong did for you didn’t go unnoticed. The soft gazes and the patience she held for you spoke louder. Even though she wasn’t chief anymore it still felt wrong to address her by her first name. You felt like you hadn’t earned it yet. Names have power, especially Chief Beifong’s. Being a respected figure and a good bender helped with the power she held. But it was the way she stayed strong throughout the bad and the good that made you admire her. Chief Beifong didn’t take shit from anybody, not even Tenzin. But, she still cared. She still cared about the city and its people. The past few months had been insane because of Amon but you and Chief Beifong’s relationship seemed stronger. “A budding friendship,” Tenzin remarked one night after the kids were asleep. It was raining that night; you couldn’t sleep from the visions of eyes peering down at you. The both of you shared a pot of tea. If it was a friendship, then what were these new feelings?
Everyone was asleep. The grass crunched softly underneath your sandals as you stood outside. Korra threw a concerned glance at you before she went to bed. You were always timid and well reserved, but she could tell there was something going on. You shook her off and gave her a reassuring smile before you snuck out. The grass felt soft as you sat in it. Your white dress pooled around you and the gold arm bracelets on both of your arms glimmered in the moon. The quiet night felt peaceful and comforting. The feelings you had for the older woman seemed to be getting stronger. Your heart fluttered and your tongue became tied every time you saw Chief Beifong. Sometimes the two of you would run into each other and have a morning chat. But lately, you have been avoiding her. She didn’t seem to care;if she did you knew she would’ve said something by now. “I take it you couldn’t sleep.” Speak of the devil. Chief Beifong stood behind you. She looked tired; the dark bags under her eyes were more prominent now. She wore a white tank top and some black harem pants. It was weird to see Chief Beifong in something so casual. “Something like that,” you replied, softly. The grass spot beside you flattened as she sat down next to you. The pace of your heart quickened. She was sitting so close that her warmth radiated off of her. “Are you alright, Chief Beifong?” She scoffed, “How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Lin.” You froze; she sounded annoyed with you. Dread tore at your gut at the thought of her being upset with you. “Sorry L-lin,” you whispered, eyes down trying to avert her gaze. The woman beside you let out a sigh. “It’s alright. I shouldn’t have sounded so harsh.” Looking up at her, you tilted your head.
 The sight made your heart flutter. The moon’s soft ray’s shone lightly on her skin. Her green eyes twinkled as she sat there. You began to love the moon and its presence more than the sun and under it, Lin looked beautiful. Her eyes moved to the corner of her eye. Your cheeks flushed once she caught you staring. The corner of Lin’s lips quivered a bit, almost as if she were fighting a smile. “It’s alright,” you replied softly. Your hands were folded into your lap. Lin thought the dress always looked great on you but now did you look like an angel. It billowed and laid around you as you kneeled there. “I’m sorry if I offended you, Ch-, Lin,” you said sternly, correcting yourself. “It wasn’t my intention. I felt like I hadn’t earned the sentiment of calling you by your first name.” Lin’s brow arched, out of interest of surprise, she didn’t know. After everything the both of you and the rest of the group had been through, she had thought you knew. You were always soft spoken and rather timid, but she realized now you felt like an outcast. Even with Tenzin, who treated you like his own daughter. Lin had always appreciated your soft nature and your respect to everyone around you. But now, Lin finally understood. You felt just like her. An outcast, the black sheep.“Don’t apologize,” Lin said after collecting your thoughts, “You meant no harm. I appreciate the thought.” Your heart warmed at her words. Lin was a strong woman. She was confrontational which scared the shit out of you but you also admired her for her bravery. Her courage to protect those she cared about. Even now Lin still cared about Tenzin and his family after they split up. The tips of your brows furrowed in irritation and a surge of anger spread through you. The snide looks and sometimes remarks Pema gave Lin had always stood out to you. Lin seemed to brush them off with a stone cold look but you wondered if even she had her breaking points. Even shields break.
“Can I ask you something,” Lin asked as the two of you stared at the moon together. Normally people didn’t come to you for advice or ask anything personal about you but you agreed nonetheless. You were a bit surprised, in fact. “Every time someone asks about your past or the things that you know you dodge the question. You isolate yourself from the rest of the group and put everyone’s weight on your shoulders. Why?” Silence. Lin watched you from her peripheral view. Your brows furrowed together as you mulled over her question. Why? “I’m not sure,” you whispered. The sadness and the loss you felt was evident in your tone. “I don’t know who I am. I still don’t. I have hints and clues but...they’re not a solid answer.” Lin hummed, “So you’ve given up?” Her questions were ones you asked yourself. They taunted you at every corner and their laughter was loud. Sometimes it was too much. The silence. It felt like you had sunken into the depths of the cold water around Republic city again. Every answer tried to scream at you but they were muffled by the water. The slowness of it all made you tired as you tried dragging yourself out of it. “In a way I suppose. Last time I tried I almost hurt Tenzin,” you muttered. “After that I didn’t feel useful anymore. I can’t do anything but put up a force field. The least I can do is try to take on the weight others can’t carry.” 
Your brightness reminded Lin of an angel. Even with her harshness and her steel cutting words you always treated her kindly. An angel sent from heaven. She looked over when she heard you steady yourself from the ground. The tall and strong stance you held never wavered. “It was nice talking to you Lin,” you smiled softly at her. “I hope you can rest soon.” The underlying message made Lin feel calm. Even if she wasn’t strong enough to pull herself out of the powerful tides of her mind you’d be there watching over her. Just like a guardian angel. The thought made her chuckle. Her eyes widened at the soft feeling of your lips on her cheek. Lin’s pale cheeks turned pink and her heart pounded wildly. You smelt like roses and your hand was soft as you steadied yourself on her shoulder. A wave of disappointment washed over her once your soft lips pulled away from her cold cheek. The loving warmth you gave left her quickly and the cold swept over her instead. As quickly as you came, all your warmth left with it. She was up on her feet quickly. Before she could stop herself, her hands encircled your wrist. Lin’s hand tugged, making your figure turn to her. The concern in your eyes wavered as you looked into her strong gaze. The vulnerability in them was bare. You liked her. God, how did she not notice. Lin was sharp and observant but for some reason you fell through the cracks. You had hidden yourself from her view; the shadows of your affections were clever. They hid will and stayed that way. You shifted your feet at her stare. She snapped out of it and pulled you to her. The tips of your ears and cheeks burned red as her chest brushed against yours. Lin felt something she didn’t think she’d feel again. A want, the need to be surrounded by your presence. She ached for your comfort and your love. She wanted you. 
You gulped nervously. Lin’s piercing green eyes searched for something. But what was she searching for? Weren’t your intentions obvious? A little squeak left your lips as her pink ones touched yours. A huff of laughter escaped her lips. Lin was soft; her hands calloused from years of work and bending. You liked them. They were a bit tough but still soft like her. Your eyes fluttered shut as you placed her hands on your shoulder lightly. Lin’s hands were gentle as they cradled your face. Both of your hearts were pounding fast. You sighed, allowing Lin to swipe her tongue gently across yours. A soft smack left both of your lips once she pulled away. Lin smelt like leather and earth. You couldn’t get enough of it.
Lin pulled away quickly. You swallowed nervously and your heart sank. Did I do something wrong? As if reading your thoughts, Lin reached her hand to stroke your cheek. Her thumb brushed across it gently. You nuzzled her palm and gave it a soft kiss. She hummed. “Make sure to be ready by nine,” Lin said, a rare smile gracing her lips. Your brows furrowed, confusion evident on your face. “Do we have a mission?” She chuckled, “No we don’t. Tomorrow I’m taking you out to breakfast.” You lit up, a grin stretched across your face. “Alright,” you responded enthusiastically. Lin laughed, intertwining her hand with yours. Things started to look better. Finally, she had you.
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Soulmates? A Korrasami Secret Santa Gift
@gaymergal I hope you enjoy this. It’s the first bit that I’ve written of the two of them but I really tried for you!
Soulmates were a tricky thing. Honestly. Not everyone had one, they were a rare spiritual blessing, and Asami Sato didn’t believe in them. If soulmates really existed then everyone should have one and relationships shouldn’t be such hell. If soulmates were real, she would have found her own after all the hell she had gone through in her life. From the loss of her mother, to the betrayal of her father, then to the loss of him. 
All the while, she was trying to navigate her own relationships and feelings. In her teens things had been all the more complicated, with dating Mako, then breaking up with Mako only for him to date their friend Korra, only for Korra and he to break up. Then she tried dating Mako again, only for it all to end up in disaster. If soulmates were real, why did things like that happen?
Luckily now, at twenty-seven, it mattered little. She was running her family business, being the youngest CEO and world renowned inventor in Republic City. Not to mention she, Mako, Korra and Bolin had all stayed friends despite the terrible things that had happened to them. That was the real magic in all of this, not some mythical idea of a soulmate. 
“Ms. Sato, please look straight ahead and not at your phone.” The doctor asked with a sigh, his pen light catching the shine of her green eyes as she jerked back to him. 
“Sorry Doctor Trejo, I just… My friends are supposed to be meeting right now and they’re wondering where I am.” Asami frowned, following his finger as he finished his exam. 
“Well, I am going to be honest with you Ms. Sato, I recommend a quiet night in. You’ve had another dizzy spell and fainted. You refuse to have another CAT scan done, but this is happening more frequently. And you’ve said this is partnered with visions, now?” Doctor Trejo asked, shaking his bald head. “You need rest.” 
“Alright doctor, thank you for your honesty.” Rising up she placed a hand against his back to guide him out of her office. Shaking his hand on the way out she thanked him with a smile, before immediately turning to grab her phone. 
If she were being honest, she should stay home, she should probably tell her friends what was going on as well. But she didn’t know exactly what was going on. When she was younger she had always felt phantom pains, her mother always playfully accusing some unknown “soulmate”. Yet now as she was older, dizzy spells and visions seemed to accompany this phantom pain. How did you explain that to your friends when it was suspected you had a tumor that couldn’t be found? She’d tried doctors, healers and mystics. 
Doctors of modern medicine had told her it was likely a tumor they couldn’t find. Healers had accused a soulmate bond, which was a crock, and mystics were just… not helpful. 
‘Sorry guys, I can’t go out today - AS’ She sent to their group message, a smile on her features when messages started rolling in from her friends. Though the one that made her smile the most was from Korra. 
‘Don’t worry, we’ll come to you. K’ 
Settled at home the last thing Asami expected was only Korra to show up. She had said they would be coming, but perhaps the boys had been busy? 
“Korra, do you need any help?” She found herself asking as she tucked her hair behind her ear, her green gaze trailing after Korra as the woman carried bag after bag into her home. 
“Nope!” Came the cheery pop from the other woman as she finally closed the door. “You said you didn’t feel good. So I decided to make a traditional Southern Water Tribe soup for you.” Korra grinned, turning to give her friend a tight hug. 
“I’m not sure soup is going to fix what is going on Korra.” Came the bland response, though Asami was smiling. 
“Have you ever had water tribe soup before?” Korra asked with a know-it-all tone. 
“Well no but -” 
“Then you don’t know if it’s going to help or not.” The short haired woman snorted, tapping Asami on the nose with a playfully smile before she made her way towards the kitchen. 
Watching her go Asami shook her head, her hands going to her hips as she closed the front door. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why it was just Korra here, but she was thankful for it. It was sure to be a quiet and - 
“Uh… Asami? Do you have -” 
Letting out a laugh Asami took off towards the kitchen so she could help Korra before a fire broke out. The last thing she needed was for the fire department to be called out. Together the two women worked, Asami chopping anything and everything that was needed while Korra worked on actually making the soup. 
At the end of it, it was delicious. And Asami could admit her head felt much better. At least, until she felt Korra’s pressing stare. “You know - I was feeling much better until I felt your cool blue eyes boring holes into my head.” Putting her spoon down she linked her fingers under her chin, making a bit of a face at the other. 
“Well I’m worried about you!” Korra finally exploded, setting her own spoon down and throwing her arms up. “You never bail on us. And you never not tell me about what’s going on.” 
“Double negatives are not your strong suit.” Asami mocked, hoping to distract her friend. How was she meant to explain that she had visions that shook her to the core? How was she supposed to tell her that doctors believed she had a tumor of all things? 
“Asami, I am being serious here. You know I’m your emergency contact right? Like, you made that decision yourself. And here we are. With questions between the both of us.” Korra motioned between them, making a bit of a face. “If I wanted to be in your business, I could be, but I would rather you be honest with me.” 
Heaving a sigh Asami tucked her hair behind her ear, poking at her soup sadly, as she eyed her friend curiously. Did she tell her the truth? Why wouldn’t she? She had a lot to explain. “Korra… You know that I keep things to myself. And I made you my medical power of attorney because I trust you, not because I thought you were a snoop.” 
When Korra sent her a sheepish expression, her hand automatically lifting to rub the back of her neck in her age-old nervous habit. “Well I didn’t mean to snoop. I got a call to remind you about an appointment you had that you missed. Rather than leaving me here guessing the worst, you could just tell me the truth and we could work through it together.” She offered with a soft smile, her hand reaching for Asami’s. 
“You make it so hard to be mad at you.” Awkward as it was, Asami knew her friend deserved the truth. So she sighed, giving her hand a squeeze before rising up. Holding up a finger for silence when Korra went to question them she went to the bar in the corner of the dining room, grabbing two glasses and a bottle before going back to the table. 
Sitting down again she poured them each two fingers, despite knowing Korra didn’t usually drink anything other than a beer every now and then, and set the glass bottle aside. “Alright, you want to know what’s going on, I will tell you. But if the boys find out about this, I will strangle you. I mean it.” 
“You don’t mean it, but okay.” The Avatar cut in, her head shaking slightly as she grabbed the drink. If Asami prepared it, it meant she’d likely need it. 
“Truth is… I’ve been seeing healers, and mystics and doctors, all trying to figure out what is wrong with me.” Asami began, her long fingers twirling around the lip of the glass that was in front of her. “And none of them can really tell me what was wrong with me. - “ 
“Well mystics never give a straight answer ‘Sami. I can take you to Katara!” 
“I need you would offer, and no thank you. I’ve seen healers here in Republic City. I have also seen the best doctors money can pay for. And well… the thing that makes the most sense is a tumor.” She finally admitted, tossing back her drink before setting it down with a little too much force. 
“I’m sorry…. Did you say a tumor?” Korra demanded before holding up a finger much in the same way Asami had. Tossing the far too expensive liquor down her throat she winced, setting the glass down gently before turning to take her friend’s, her love’s, hands. “Why the hell wouldn’t you tell us Asami? Why wouldn’t you tell me? Katara is the best healer in the world. I’m the Avatar for Raava’s sake! Surely something can be done to help you.” 
“Oh Korra, don’t cry for me.” Reaching out Asami wiped a tear she was sure the bender didn’t know she had shed, a soft smile on her lips. “I don’t need healers. They say there is nothing there. But I have these… painful headaches. They rock me to my core. And now they are affecting my vision.” As she explained Korra reached for her, gripping the sides of her face ever so gently. “Korra?” 
“Asami, this is serious. If you’re this affected by something you’re supposed to tell your friends so we can support you.” Calloused fingers a tad rough against her smooth skin Asami yelped when she was suddenly pulled into a hug. “I’m so worried about you.” 
It didn’t even occur to Korra that she had obscure visions of what her soulmate was doing and she hadn’t told her friends before. She knew Asami didn’t believe in soulmates and talking to Mako about this sort of thing was just awkward after the breakup. Bolin would likely understand, but the two of them got side tracked so easily when they were together that it was almost pointless to try and talk to him.
“Oh Korra, don’t worry about me. You know how determined I am. I’m not going to let something like this stop me.” The genius promised, her arms wrapping around her friend to soothe her. Korra simply burrowed close, hiding her face in Asami’s neck. 
“I’m always going to worry about you Asami. Always.” She promised, hugging onto her tightly. 
That night had ended with coffee and a vastly unfair snowball fight in the front yard. As Asami had to remind her friend numerous times, using your bending in a friendly snowball fight was cheating. Especially when she had no jacket and no cover to hide behind. But overall, it had ended in good fun. The play had been enough to convince Korra that it was alright to leave Asami alone, that she wasn’t going to keel over at any moment. 
Which was what brought her to the situation at hand. She had lied to Korra, and said she would stop working out but… working out helped her think. It really did! And it was just a basic run on the treadmill while she went through the tedious November report. Only to be interrupted by a sudden flash of pain that dropped her to her knees. Which of course resulted in her being thrown off the treadmill with a nasty scrape to her knee and a bump to her forehead. Laying in a heap on the ground her treadmill was still going as she was plagued by the painful visions. Running, why were they running? Away from or - After someone! “NO!” Asami called out, though her vision was blurry as she pushed herself up. Stumbling to her front door she paid no mind to the priceless vase she knocked over, or the blood she smeared on her wall. She had to help, had to do something!
“Korra!” Bursting out her front door she didn’t even make it to the stairs before she collapsed onto her snow covered porch. Her head was throbbing from the smack on the stupid machine, leaving her aching and wobbly. A fireball was thrown followed by an air blast, sirens could be heard in the distance. Asami was panicking. This was the first time her visions had given her anything useful. But she just knew those bending styles. She knew her best friend’s fighting style. Just as she knew she was working with the police to track down the members of the Triad once again. 
“Korra…” Asami’s voice was soft, weak, as the blood from her forehead dripped into the snow. The last thought she had before passing out was that Korra wouldn’t be such a bad soulmate to have. 
Beep… Beep… Beep.... It was that steady beep that finally woke her up, her lashes fluttering open as she fought to remember what had happened. Squinting against the bright light Asami weakly lifted her hand, which was what alerted the other’s to her waking up. 
“Asami! Oh Asami we were so worried!” Bolin was the first to appear in her vision as he leaned over her. “Try not to move too much. You’re all bandaged up.” He doted, patting her shoulder gently. 
“Bolin, don’t crowd her face.” Mako’s voice was gruff as he pulled his brother back, giving him a firm look to stay back. “Glad you’re awake though, ‘Sami.” 
“Asami…” Korra’s voice was ever so soft, and that was what drew the woman’s attention to her right. “What the hell were you doing? I’ve been trying to figure it out since finding you and this is just.. I can only come up with Bolin level stupidity for answers.” 
Now that, that set her teeth on edge. “Oh… So you’re assuming I was doing something stupid?” The genius asked, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly as her anger rose. “You know that’s really rude.” 
“Well it’s rude to leave your bloody and bruised body to be found in the snow by your friends. You made Bolin cry. We thought someone had robbed you! Did… Were you robbed?” Voice having risen to show her anger Korra did her best to tone it down as she asked if the other was attacked in some way. 
“No, just… no. I fell off my treadmill and hit my head pretty hard.” At least, that was the last thing she really remembered. “I… I… mistepped, and went flying.” 
“Your knee, elbow and head were all banged up. You hit your head pretty hard because you fell face first. You’re pretty scratched up Asami.” Korra explained as gently as she could, her hand reaching out for Asami’s. As their fingers linked a soft smile touched each of their features, and Asami’s heart monitor, embarrassingly enough, spiked just a bit. 
“Well, you know me guys. If I am going to do something I have to go all in.” Asami snorted, making her friends laugh which did wonders to relieve the tension in the room. “I’m guessing I have a concussion?” 
“Actually Ms. Sato, you do not.” Her doctor chose that moment to talk in, his head shaking slightly as he sent her a frown. 
“Dr. Trejo, good to see you,” The injured CEO gave a slight smile from her place in bed, desperately trying to ignore the hand that pushed her back down when she tried to sit up. 
“I wish I could say it was better circumstances. Would you care to discuss this in private?” The doctor asked, holding open the door when she nodded. 
“Sorry guys - “ 
“Asami no -” 
“What’s going on?”
“Bolin, let’s go. Korra?” Mako stood at Asami’s silent plea, ready to wrangle his brother and best friend out of the room if need be. 
“Asami, I want to stay.” Korra insisted, taking her hand in silent plea. And unfortunately, or fortunately, it worked. 
“Korra… You could stay. But someone has to take care of the boys.” Asami whispered, sounding far too tired to be okay. “I’ll tell you all about it. I promise. I just need to talk to my doctor.” 
“Come on Korra, give her some privacy.” Mako beckoned, having already pushed Bolin out the door. 
“Fine, but you better tell me everything.” Rising up Korra kissed her friend’s forehead before following after Bolin and Mako, letting the door close behind them. The moment they were alone Doctor Trejo gave Asami a dull look, tucking his clipboard under his arm as he moved to stand at her bedside. “Ms. Sato, we need to discuss this seriously. Honestly, I am concerned about you. Before, you hadn’t injured himself, so it wasn’t an issue. But you’ve injured yourself. I think we need to perform more tests, and you need to take this more seriously.” 
“I… believe you are right.” Asami murmured, a soft sigh leaving her. “What are you thinking?” 
“Since we could find nothing on your original CAT scans, or your MRIs, we may want to consider exploratory surgery.” The doctor stated gravely, only to nearly jump out of his damn skin when the door burst open. 
“Did you say exploratory surgery?!” Korra demanded, uselessly held back by Bolin and Mako. Hands going to her hips she shoved the boys off of her, moving to Asami’s side. “That is crazy. I may not know a lot about practical medicine but I know a lot about healing. And that is ridiculous.” 
“Korra! You can’t just barge in here.” Asami frowned, looking over at the other as she came close. “We were having a serious discussion.” 
“Exactly, and I am coming in here to be serious. Let me take you to Katara, please. Asami, please?” Kneeling beside the other she reached out a hand to grasp Asami’s, giving it a tight squeeze. “Sometimes, you need a true healer. Not a doctor.” 
“No offense.” Bolin added quickly, though the doctor cut him a dull look. 
Looking between the lot of them Asami sighed, her head falling back to rest against her pillow. “Fine Korra. We can go see Katara. But then you will butt out.” 
“Oh, I’ll never butt out. But I’ll try to calm down.” Pressing a sweet kiss to the back of her hand Korra shook her head, clinging desperately to her. She had been listening at the door, obviously, and panicked at the thought of surgery. Especially an unnecessary one. At least unnecessary in her opinion. 
“Korra, you exhaust me. Doctor Trejo, I am so sorry. But, I’ll be in touch.” Asami promised, smiling slightly when she felt the kisses that trailed up her arm. Almost as if Korra just needed the reassurance that she was okay. 
When the doctor took his leave she smiled slightly, her free hand lifting to pet Korra’s hair back gently. “Korra, I will be alright.” 
“You will be, as soon as I get you to Katara.” Korra murmured against her shoulder, her voice soft as she rested against her. 
“Anyone care to catch the rest of us up?” Mako found himself asking as he closed the door after the doctor. “I mean, we just watched Korra nearly break down a door to get to you.” 
“Well…” Asami frowned slightly, her hand still stroking Korra’s hair. “There is a chance that I have a tumor. At least according to doctors. But healers that I have been too… They say that nothing is wrong with me.” She was fudging, just a little. After all, why mention something she didn’t believe in. “Obviously, something is going on.” Though… her thoughts drifted to the punch she had seen thrown in her vision. To the bending styles, the different elements… And thought of the woman beside her. There was only one person she knew who could do this, and that was the Avatar. 
“A chance you… have a tumor?” Bolin asked, a frown on his features as he moved to sit on the very edge of her bed. “Asami, that is something so serious.” 
“Don’t worry, we will get this taken care of.” Korra hummed, finally rising up from the other’s side. After all, it was embarrassing to still be kneeling beside Asami. They were friends, just friends, no matter her want to be more. Just friends was enough. It had to be. “We’ll get you to Katara and see exactly what is going on.” 
“Looks like you and I are taking a trip to the South Pole, are we taking Naga?” Asami asked with a smile. 
“That was such a long trip.” Asami murmured softly, offering a warm smile when Korra lifted her off of Naga’s back. “Thank you though.” Kissing her cheek gently before she pulled away. “So here to see Katara?” 
“And my parents.” Korra smiled, wrapping arm around her friend. She hadn’t left Asami’s side since her getting out of the hospital. That had been a week ago, and she was worried as hell. Asami had been acting strange, from the odd glances to the constant chewing on her nails. Asami never chewed on her nails unless she was nervous. What did she have to be nervous about?
“Oh, that sounds exciting.” Her thumb lifted to her mouth nervously as she chewed on her nail, which earned her a lick from Naga. Nearly jumping out of her skin Asami’s gaze jumped over to the polardog as she wiped the slobber off of her face. “Well, thank you for the concern Naga. I’m fine. I promise.” 
“You aren’t fine, which is why we are here.” Korra gave Asami a squeeze, her gaze moving over her from the corner of her eye. Something more was going on here, she just had to figure out what. 
“Korra, you’ve returned home.” Katara’s voice was soft as she stepped out of her home. “Welcome, both of you. Please, come in. Naga, I am afraid after the last incident you will need to stay out here.” Giving the polardog a firm look the elder spread arms to welcome them before turning to lead them into her home. 
Once they were all settled with tea the water bending master spoke to the two young women. “So I understand that something is wrong, but I do not understand what exactly. Korra told me something about visions?” She prompted gently. 
“Well… I do not know if they are visions. My doctor says they are hallucinations. A healer I saw said they were well… that they were... “ Asami tried to admit it, but her cheeks flushed and she stared down into her tea. 
“They were soulmate visions.” Katara supplied, making Asami look up quickly. “Yes I’m aware that you do not believe in soulmates. Korra has told me as much. But Ms. Sato, I must tell you, sometimes the most obvious answer is the truth.” 
“But! That doesn’t make any sense. The person I’m seeing in the visions… I know them. And have for a while. Why would this just start so suddenly?” Asami attempted to deny, even while discussing such a nonsense matter. 
“You see someone in your visions? You never told me that before.” Korra frowned as she spoke to the other. 
“Well I mean… I haven’t always. It’s normally just what they are doing that I see. At first I thought it was myself doing things. But that didn’t make sense. Just like this doesn’t. I am a woman of science. Soulmates are nonsense.” Stating it firmly, as if trying to reassure herself more than anything, Asami shifted forward to set her tea down on the coffee table between them. 
“Soulmates are very real young lady. I know because Aang and I were soulmates. Just as you and Korra are.” Katara spoke calmly, never missing a beat as she sipped her tea. 
“What?” Asami gasped, her face flushing. 
“Katara!” Korra yelped the woman’s name, the tips of her ears going red in the same way that Aang’s used to. 
“What? It does not take much to see the way you care about one another. The love between you is clear. I think the people missing it were the two of you.” The master huffed, setting her tea down to speak to them properly. “I am far too old to play games with the likes of you. And I will not lie for your comfort. The truth is, soulmates are as real as you and I. As real as the two of you. What I believe you are experiencing is called Soulmate visions. It is rare that it happens in today's world. But, it can happen. Just as it has with the two of you. Korra, you have been seeing things yourself, have you not?” 
“I mean, yes I have. But I don’t know of who. I just sort of… see things? Often paperwork and well manicured hands.” Korra grumbled, feeling embarrassed that her mentor would even suggest such a thing. They were best friends! Not soulmates. Asami had never even indicated liking… Did she like…? 
“This… This is ridiculous. I came here for help, not to be made a mockery of.” Rising up Asami didn’t even so much as say goodbye as she took her leave, ready to get herself back to Republic City if need be. 
“Asami, Asami wait!” Sending the elder woman a look, who simply shrugged as she picked up her tea again, Korra rose up and took off after the other. “‘Sami, seriously, just wait!” When her friend didn’t stop she used her bending, creating a wall of ice to stop her. 
“That is cheating Korra, we’ve discussed this!” Asami snapped, rounding to face her with a finger pointed against her chest. “And I am not sticking around here just to have some crazy old lady tell me that soulmates exist when they don’t.” 
“How do you know they don’t? And Katara isn’t crazy!” Korra defended, ignoring the finger poking into her chest. “She’s elderly, and knows what she is talking about.” 
“Just because she’s old doesn’t mean she knows anything. I am a literal genius. If soulmates were provable, I would have proven them!” Throwing her arms up Asami glared at her friend, her heart pounding. This couldn’t be real. Because if it was real then it was Korra, and that would ruin everything. Statistically, they didn’t stand a chance. She’d run the numbers once. 
“Soulmates aren’t something that can be proved or disproved! They just are. Sure, the cases of them are sporadic, but they happen! Like Aang and Katara, or Kyoshi and Rangi!” 
“So you’re saying the Avatar statically always has a soulmate?” Asami challenged, causing Korra to flush. 
“What I am trying to say is, not everything is statistics!” Korra shot back, uncaring of the fact that they were arguing in the middle of their village. Her hot temper was something well known. “Sometimes it’s about feelings. Soulmates are about feelings!” 
“Feelings aren’t logical! Feelings get you hurt and why would anyone want that?” 
“Why wouldn’t you want that? Sure… You can get hurt. But it’s better than feeling nothing. Asami… Don’t you feel anything?” The avatar found herself asking, her shoulders slumping slightly. 
“Of course I feel things. I feel a lot of things. But that doesn’t mean I want to. It doesn’t mean I haven’t felt pain.” Shaking her head Asami ran her hands through her hair, trying to calm herself before she let out a sigh. “I don’t think we are getting anywhere with this argument.” 
“Well I’m not about to stop talking about it now. Katara said we are soulmates. Do you believe that? Have your visions been about me?” Korra asked, trying to keep her voice gentle in the face of Asami’s dismissal. She didn’t want to stop this conversation. She wanted to get to the bottom of it all. 
“I mean, not everyone can bend more than one element. And that was my last vision. But that doesn’t mean we are soulmates.” 
“How does it not? There are studies about this Asami. Do you… Do you not want us to be soulmates?” Korra found herself asking, having already accepted the idea the moment Katara said it. If Asami was her soulmate she would sing across her lifetimes and rejoice. It would be a proud moment. Not something to be afraid of. Yet Asami seemed afraid. And she wanted to fix it. 
“No! No, it isn’t that. It’s just… Korra you don’t really believe in this do you? What if… What if it ruins everything? You’re my best friend. I can’t risk losing that.” Shaking her head Asami reached out and took Korra by the hand, holding it between them. “You’re… everything Korra. Losing you would be like losing a part of myself.” 
“I hate to be the one to tell you Asami, but that’s love.” Without further thought the brash avatar leaned close, their foreheads bumping gently together. “This… this is love.” With that she did it, she moved in and kissed her best friend. 
This… This was just the beginning for the two of them. The avatar and her genius. Korra and Asami. The best friends, finally becoming more. 
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arislary · 4 years
Let’s talk about Zuko, Katara, and Aang. 
Recently I heard someone tell me that I obviously didn’t watch the show to think that Zutara should have happened. But I think it’s the other way around. Again this is not to feed the ship war or hate on Aang, because it would be fucked up to hate on him, you can love Zutara and Aang, I have had to learn this. But some serious questions are at play here. 
Zuko was their enemy, you would expect him to be a villain and do villainy things, so when people use the fact that Zuko kidnapped Katara as a reason as to why Zutara shouldn’t have happened, I really do not see the correlation. Enemies-to allies-to friends-to lovers has always been a trope. Are we just going to forget all about that? Are we going to pretend that people can’t have a redemption? That people can’t learn from their toxic behavior and change? Why are we holding that over Zuko when even Katara and the rest of the gang forgave Zuko? Uncle Iroh would definitely have something to say if we can’t forgive Zuko for learned behavior from his own abusers. 
Now this part may piss a few people off, but Aang’s behavior towards Katara reminds me of the ‘Nice Guy’ who just can’t take the word no. I am not saying that Aang is completely like this, he was still a child, but to see the fact that he didn’t respect Katara’s request for space and would kiss her, or would use an upcoming battle to kiss her, seems very sketch to me. I wouldn’t appreciate being kissed in either setting. One were my space is being invaded and another where I feel almost guilty that this boy is going off to fight and could die. Getting feelings because someone has saved you or feeling like you own them happens more often than you think. (I promise I’m not trying to invalidate Katara’s feelings for Aang), but it just felt like the writer’s wanted to make sure the hero would end up with the girl, or that the ‘Nice Guy’ can win sometimes. 
On top of that, it really makes me feel weird at the fact that a 14 year old girl would get with a 12 year old boy. And yes I am saying 12 because he has the mindset of a child even if he’s been alive for 112 years. I have heard people say I would pick a powerful bender too, but how disrespectful to Katara to make her seem like a gold digger for chosing the person who was the most powerful, would that not invalidate their own argument? Why would you want Aang to end up with someone that just picks him because he’s the Avatar, he deserves someone that would love him no matter what. I’m just using them as an example, but Asami loved Korra without her bending. So I am imploring that people stop using that argument because it just seems wrong and fucked up. 
Katara and Aang’s relationship was very much like a brother-sister one. Examples of Katara’s jealousy of other girls speaking to Aang, makes sense for a protective older sister. I absolutely hate any girl that flirts with my brother, because I never think anyone is good enough or I think they have bad intentions. So yes it is accurate for a sister to not want other girls around her brother. Katara could see that when they traveled to Kyoshi Island and all of the girls wanting to spend time with Aangy. Again this not hating on Aang, but for Katara for much of the show, she saw him as a little brother and she really did not have to share Aang really ever, it is natural for her to feel protective on top of the fact that he is the freaking Avatar, literally anyone could be a threat to him. 
Zuko and Katara make sense to me. I’m not saying they were perfect, but they grew together. They were stubborn as hell, but they recognized their faults and grew up. They both suffered and took their suffering for healing and to be better, it just took Zuko a while longer to learn, but that’s okay. The way they fought together was so natural. In the episode of the Southern Raiders, they have never fought together or been on a mission together, but the first one they go on it was just kismet. They used their bending in such a way together. A fluid motion. It was like they were one. They were both so powerful and even more powerful together. They are push and pull to me.
It’s been 15 years since I first started shipping Zutara and I will never get over them not happening. I truly believe they were soulmates, not just as lovers, but in every sense of the word. From friendship, to partners, to being confidants. They risked their lives for one another and it was literally a few episodes after Katara forgave Zuko. Zuko literally took a bolt of lightning for her and I truly believe he would do it again. I could say so much more about the relationship Zuko and Katara had, from the correlation of the song ‘Secret Tunnels’, to the suffering they faced from the Fire Nation, to them having a want/desire to help those in need, to Katara being one of the only people besides Uncle Iroh to have touched Zuko’s scar (something extremely vulnerable for him), there is just a lot to unpack from their relationship and I will never forgive the writers for not giving them to us. 
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captain-azoren · 4 years
Legend of Korra books 3 & 4
Finished rewatching books 3 and 4 of Korra. Here on my thoughts on them and the series as a whole after seeing it again after so many years.
I think books 3 and 4 are pretty solid. Aside from a few flaws, I think 3 is the overall best with the best pacing. I think a big issue with book 2 was that it was trying and failing to juggle a very big cast and multiple subplots that made it feel like a mess. That’s not an issue with 3 or 4, where every character has a relevant purpose and plot threads come together more naturally. 
4 does this a little bit worse as I think the plot kind of starts and stops a couple of times, but it’s not terrible. Kuvira’s build up as a villain is very shaky when compared to Amon and Zaheer, but still better than Unalaq’s arc going down the drain. It really does seem like the worst parts of her villainy are told and not shown (those being the reeducation camps and slave labor). I think they could have shown at least one of these camps instead of just seeing the escapees that Varrick and Bolin meet.
I still think the Red Lotus are the best antagonists in LoK just for having the best arc overall. They had Amon’s intrigue, stayed consistent in their motivations like Kuvira, and they have the most dimensions overall just from the little bits of interaction we see of them. What’s more, they didn’t disappoint me in the end.
The Colossus I didn’t mind or find out of place. It just doesn’t bother me when the show has had Koizilla and giant drills in AtLA. I can understand how the mechanics of it work as well. I didn’t feel like my suspension of disbelief was broken considering everything else. I think fans who dislike it are more bothered by it breaking the setting further away from fantasy and into sci-fi.One question though, why does a spirit energy canon need a rifled barrel?
Mako is a much better character in 3 and 4 because he’s finally allowed to be someone other than a love interest. His interactions with Bolin can be really fun and it’s kind of a shame how often they’re separated. I also noticed on a rewatch that he does make a good detective, having good perception and coming up with ideas. It’s better than the pro-bender he started out as and probably his best strength. 
I think I actually like Mako now whereas before he was the most forgettable, and I think he deserves some looking into. A lot of the hate comes from him being put into really tough spots where he just can’t win. Mako goes from being extremely aloof to being a loyal but beleaguered straight man to the group.
Raiko I feel similarly to Mako. I think he’s another guy who keeps getting put into tough spots with no easy solution. He doesn’t really deserve hate either, and honestly probably made the best decisions he could as a president (I know from experience how bad they can be...) Him being hated and voted out in the comics seem like Bryke was over correcting, something they seem to do a lot.
Suyin I have mixed feelings on. She really does seem like someone Bryke really wanted fans to like and agree with, but they shilled her a bit too much and at the expense of Lin. Su’s apology to Lin at the end of their dispute felt kind of half-hearted, and despite being justified, the whole thing is framed as Lin being the one in the wrong, stuck in the past, unable to move on after Su had changed. We don’t see Su change though, and Su keeps acting like what she did wasn’t that big a deal, so it falls flat.
What’s more, Su continues being a big presence into book 4, and I think I have to agree with Kuvira that Su should have at least done something to help the EK out. It really does make Su come off as kind of a cowardly hypocrite who’s so afraid of looking like a dictator that she doesn’t even try to help. She doesn’t want to be treated like royalty or an authoritarian, but if you look at Zaofu the place is already set up like a small kingdom, with the Beifongs being the divine bloodline descended from Toph, the strongest bender to ever live. Su is a queen in all but name, and if she was so afraid of looking like a dictator she could have just given up the power like Kuvira was supposed to have done. Su just rubs me the wrong way from start to finish, and it’s partly because the show doesn’t challenge her or make her change. It just expects us to see her as being right, and she just isn’t.
Bolin being a lava bender I remember being really excited for, because it was something I predicted when I first saw it years ago. I don’t have a problem with how he discovered it. It’s not the best way I’d like see someone discover a new power, but I think it’s better than when Korra finally got airbending (though that didn’t bother me too much either). It just kind of made sense to me and finally gave something else to stand out besides comic relief.
The air kids got better in 3 and 4 too. Meelo got less annoying, Jinora was more fleshed out, and I actually really like Ikki in book 4.
Now Korra and Asami. I think Korra is maybe at her most static in book 3, but her arc in book 4 is the most interesting as she had to build herself back up. I don’t agree with some of the things that are just told to the viewer, like how she needed to learn from her enemies. At the finale Korra says she had to suffer to learn compassion, but it’s not like Korra wasn’t a compassionate person already. Korra’s arc seemed more centered on dealing with trauma and finding her purpose in a world that seemed hellbent on telling her she wasn’t needed. I don’t know if that was some kind of meta commentary, but it does work.
I do like Korra’s overall development from where she was in book 1. If I had to put it into words, I think her story is about trying to fulfill a role that she’s been groomed for her whole life, trying to live up to expectations, pushed into doing what others want her to do, failing those things, then finding the strength and resolve to achieve success on her own terms, even if it’s not what everyone wants. Korra gradually learns to stop being a tool for world leaders to use to keep order or power. It’s not always done well, but it’s there.
It’s nice to see her and Asami be friends after the love triangle stuff. It’s kind of surprising, but they didn’t really interact all that much in the first two books all things considered. Asami doesn’t change a whole lot throughout the series, but her reconnecting with her dad at the end felt satisfying.
I’ll be honest, I never really saw Korrasami happening and didn’t view much of their interactions as being romantic in nature. I think only the letter writing and their reunion seems a little shippy, but not very obvious. That said, I can buy the two of them finally realizing they might be attracted to each other at the finale, as a beginning to their relationship. The real problem is that shippers and even Bryke overhyped this moment up as it being ENDGAME rather than treating it as what is was, a spark of attraction. Korra and Asami aren’t in love yet, they’re just going on their first official date.
I do like them being together though. It seems a lot healthier than other potential relationships, and let’s be real here; Asami NEEDED something to make her happy because holy shit has she be through a lot by the end of the series. Dumped by Mako twice, almost lost her company and lost her dad after she forgave him. Give the poor rich girl a break.
So, final thoughts on the series as a whole; it’s not as good as AtLA, but that’s mostly on the execution. LoK was messy and had issues, but it did eventually smooth things out after a lot of course correcting. There are things I don’t like, but not enough for me to write it off, and it has plenty of strengths that make it deserving of a watch if you keep an open mind. 
I remember ThunderCats 2011 getting a lot of flak too, and that’s one of my favorite shows ever despite its glaring flaws, so I really can’t work up the energy to trash LoK. I know plenty of people can connect to it even if I don’t, at least not fully, and I honestly do believe that overall LoK’s strengths outweigh its flaws, even if it can be inconsistent and unpolished.
LoK may take place in the same world as AtLA, but it is a very fundamentally different series, and beyond a few very core basics of storytelling I think it’s a little unfair to compare the two. It’s not the masterpiece it could have been, but at the end I still enjoyed it. I might have more thoughts later, but these are what I have for now.
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riceccakes · 4 years
Earth, Wind, and Coffee: Chapter Four Analysis
and now the last chapter of the fic! i really had so much fun writing these analyses so i hope you’ve enjoyed too :))
i’ve got a lot to say about this last chapter too so be prepared for a long one. lets get to it, shall we?
some fun stuff before we start!
before changing the direction of the story, the last chapter of the fic was going to be Chapter 3: The Meeting, A Well Deserved Jab, and a Good Night’s Rest
so, The Meeting was going to happen, korrasami was gonna come back together and instead of the krew outing during this chapter’s A Well Deserved Jab, korrasami was gonna go out on a date. korra still would punch iroh, korra never ‘moved in’ with asami, it was just gonna be a fluffy section. A Good Night’s Rest was actually going to feature hiroshi going to asami’s apartment while korra was over and being like “who the fuck is this” and korra was gonna be upset asami didn’t tell her dad about them (as, in the og timeline, they would be dating at this point) they’d have a convo working this out, a little like how korra said she’d never understand how asami and hiroshi don’t have a great relationship in A Much Needed Conversation. korra would then go to hiroshi’s office and make that whole speech and still ask asami to go the south. this is a v summed up version, one that when i made it, i was happy with. having published what i did, i much enjoy that ending more than this one :)
i wanted a way to show that korra likes asami (obviously, this is a korrasami fic) but of course, asami spent most of this only wishing korra liked her
mako asking out korra was a late edition, one i actually really like. mako’s role in the fic is pretty minor, sorry to those of you who really love him and maybe wanted more from him. however, i am a really big fan of the fact that in lok, even after all the stupid love triangle shit, mako was able to be good friends with korrasami, so i still wanted to capture that. he’s not at all upset when korra turns him down, but rather super happy for the fact that korrasami feel the same way about each other. an even later edition to this point is the bedroom scene when korra asks asami to wait for her, i’ll mention more about this scene later cause i really love it.
and we in gooooo: (i usually try to write these following the sections of the chapter but for this analysis, im gonna go topic by topic within each section)
literary devices (diction, figurative language, etc.):
There have been better days than this one. Days where Korra blows up Asami’s phone with funny Instagram posts she finds while Asami’s at school, days where she invites Mako and Bolin over and the four of them play board games, days where Korra asks if they can go out for a walk and she excitedly explores the area around Asami’s apartment. There have been worse days than this one. Days where Korra won’t get out of bed, days where Korra won’t speak, days where Korra won’t even look at Asami and she has to see that glossed over gaze gawk out the glass window.
back again, just quoting my favorite sections. and this one, yall, this one. the mirrored writing style, the ending with alliteration, how easily it describes a passage of time i mean come on. when i wrote this i was like “yyyyaaaasssss” and i won’t deny it. the “glossed over gaze gawk out the glass window” is obvious in alliteration, one that just sounds so good, it rolls off the tongue. but, there’s actually also another one, one that’s a bit more hidden “she excitedly explores the area around Asami’s apartment” note how these both end the descriptions of korra’s bad/good days respectively, as a sort of way to frame which parts of the sentence correspond with the good days and bad days. now, going onto korra’s days, three examples of good days, three examples of bad days (that’s technically six different days right there, and it doesn’t even have to be in succession.) what i also love about this info into korra’s days is how it shows a passage of time without having to be like “it’s been a few weeks” or “after some time/a while” it doesn’t stick out, at least not to me, it’s not a jarring way to say, “hey, in the story now, time has passed since last chapter!” idk, i just am really proud of this paragraph and i wanted to point it out in its own section :)
Asami will never, ever say she’s happy that the Red Lotus attack happened, but, it’s what brought Korra to her. It’s what brought more friends to her, it’s what brought her to see her father isn’t as great and almighty as she’d grown up to believe. How could she ever thank something so horrible for bringing about all these life changing things in her life?
this sort of, existential section, was something i came up with on the toilet. (tmi? im not gonna apologize tho, this is a behind the scenes explanation of my writing and some of my best writing happens on the toilet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) any who, i didn’t want to leave any loose ends and, up until this chapter, i don’t really think i showed how asami felt about the attack and the situation and what’s happened after. also, asami being the perfectionist and analyst she is, i know she’d reflect on everything that’s happened to her in the span of about six months (give or take) and even more so, reflect on what’s happened with korra in the time they’ve known each other. it was a bit painful to write this section, it’s that sort of mentality that’s like “some horrible, horrible shit happened, but really, really good things came out of it. so, should i still hate all that horrible stuff or should i just appreciate the good things that came out of it?” (i’ve been debating this for years now with something personal and to this day, i’m not sure. i’m not sure if i’m more thankful for it all happening because of the few good moments it brought or if i wish none of it happened for the chance at some alternate reality of good things happening. anyways, i digress)
Kuvira stays silent for a moment, “When Hiroshi reaches out to you, tell him everything you said to me. Tell him everything you said when we were in your apartment after the presentation. He needs to know how you feel, he needs to know how he’s made you feel for years. Hiroshi can’t change if he doesn’t know what’s wrong and you want him to change, don’t you?”
Asami grips the steering wheel, staring at the red light in front of her. Her foot slowly pulses on and off the break, inching forward, waiting for the signal.
“I do.”
She feels the pit of her stomach churn, wondering if she could ever say all of it to her father. Kuvira isn’t wrong, she wants her father to change, but not in every way. Not in the business sense, not in the ambition sense, but rather, she wants a father, she wants to feel like the man she calls Dad really deserves the title. It pains her to say he hasn’t. The light turns green and Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal.
“So then you’ll tell him?”
For just a moment, her Satomobile doesn’t move but with a sharp, deep breath, Asami steps on the pedal. “I will.”
back again with our car metaphor/symbol thing! i really do love this idea of using the Satomobile as a way to show the relationship between hiroshi and asami, and how asami handles that relationship. this is from A Much Needed Conversation, some time after asami’s returned to future industries, calling kuvira in reluctant hope of knowing what her father is doing. they talk about asami telling hiroshi all this important stuff, stuff that asami’s been hesitant to bring up at all. (only after a breaking point did she finally let it out) this section has a mix of it all, diction, metaphor, along with some suspense by using line breaks. 
Her foot slowly pulses on and off the break, inching forward, waiting for the signal. / “I do.” - here’s a good example of suspense. (it continues through the rest of the excerpt) so, here was have asami, absolutely scared shitless, as she always is with her father and this subject of her life in relation to him. except, now with their time apart and what happened with the meeting, asami’s kind of got this “fuck it, whatever” mentality that goes a few different ways. “fuck it, whatever” my dad totally turned on me and was an asshole, i don’t care. “fuck it, whatever” we cut off ties, i can do whatever i want. “fuck it, whatever” i might very well do whatever it takes to get my dad back because i miss him but im also super scared as per usual. “fuck it, whatever” im not the one who needs to do anything to get him back so i won’t even think about it. there’s just a lot for asami to unpack here and in the setting of her father’s legacy, it’s even more for her. 
She feels the pit of her stomach churn...The light turns green and Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal. - more suspense. the light is green, green means go, but asami is waiting, thinking, hesitating. this also relates to the line earlier “waiting for the signal” well, this is the signal, the green light means go. but also, kuvira telling asami to tell hiroshi everything is also the signal to go, it’s like the push for asami to do it. she sees the signal, it’s go time, and yet “Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal” asami is still nervous, still scared to have this conversation with her father because she just doesn’t know what’s going to happen.
“So then you’ll tell him?” / For just a moment, her Satomobile doesn’t move but with a sharp, deep breath, Asami steps on the pedal. “I will.” - this mirrors just a few lines earlier. when kuvira asks asami to tell hiroshi everything while she’s waiting for the green light, her dialogue has a line break. for dramatic effect purposes, but also to show a sense of firmness. it’s by itself, it doesn’t need to be supported; asami really, truly means this. however here, her dialogue tag is connected to the narration its related to. even while asami confirms she’ll do this, that she’ll talk to her father, it’s hesitant, it takes a moment for her to say yes. 
what i really love is how much can be covered in such few lines. i’m not sure you all saw this when reading, ive always been very into reading/writing analysis, so i’m always looking at everything with a fine tooth comb; in my own writing, it’s no different. if you didn’t see this before, i hope learning it now gives you a different perspective if you ever choose to read my fic again :)
content (typing up loose ends, leaving breadcrumbs, additional info):
lets talk about korra
a lot happens for our girl in this last chapter. i’ll try to be concise, i tend to kind of ramble. i think what’s kind of cool, and i didn’t realize this beforehand, is that theres a speech from korra in each section. in A Well Deserved Jab, we see korra’s first time speaking at the support group meeting and what i really like about this is there’s no real big event that’s happened for her to finally be able to go up there. i feel like there’s always this one, life altering moment in stories when people need to deal with trauma or just work up the courage to do something, but in our case, it’s not like that. it’s the time and the care that’s slowly been working and helping korra for her to feel ready. it’s been a culminating process for her to get to go up there and for whatever reason, korra felt ready. let’s go a little into this speech
we finally learn more about the attack. we learn why korra’s always been picking at her wrists, the memory of the zip ties are still strong and she scratches at hopes of making the feeling go away. we also hear more about korra losing control that night, which in turn made her want to control everything with her life after the event. (lil fun-ish note while we talk about some deep stuff right now, last chapter’s first paragraph, about korra enjoying pour over coffees, was a purposeful choice. when doing pour overs, you have direct and absolute control over the coffee and how you make it, which gives korra a greater sense of comfort, because she knows she’s in charge when doing this.) my favorite part about this whole speech is right before the tail end of it, where korra says “sometimes surprises are better than plans” it was never in her plan to meet someone and find comfort and support and love and grow with it. (my headcanon is that korra just wanted to mull this over alone, sort of like in book four after the canon red lotus attack.) instead, korra met asami and the two clicked and korra could see a light at the end of her tunnel she thought would be pitch black forever. i really enjoyed getting to write this for korra.
korra’s second speech takes place in A Much Needed Conversation. another scene from the fic i wrote beforehand, i think somewhere between finishing chapter two and mulling over the decision to make the fic longer. this was sort of my cathartic, “lets yell at hiroshi for being sucky” moment. a lot of points are brought up here, all of which i believe are valid. it poses the simple, yet ever complicated question of “why?” i’ll get into hiroshi’s response in a later section, but what i’ll highlight about this speech is korra’s statement, “Now, I know that I don’t need to be saying any of this, because Asami can more than hold her own in any conversation, but I am doing this because you are hurting the woman I love, and I will not just let that happen.” its a declaration of love, love that i know is deeper than just romance but also deeper than just friendship. it’s admiration for asami being so strong, admiration for asami being so powerful and smart, korra says more about it in the speech. i tried it make so that korra wasn’t trying to control this situation with asami’s father, but rather, this was korra’s attempt at getting them to try and work something out. korra wants what’s best for asami, she wants her to get everything she wants. korra knows asami wants a better father and the most korra feels she can do is slap hiroshi (with her words) across the face and get him to realize that’s what asami wants.
korra’s third and final speech opens A Good Night’s Rest. we get just a little more about that night, i actually wrote this speech out loud. i just sort of put myself in korra’s place and started talking. my intent with this opening was to give more insight into how korra feels about asami. this is also a call back to the beginning of the chapter, about waking up asami if korra ever needs her. i took this action as a solidifying definition for asami to know “yeah, korra really does love me.” sure, in the last section, korra sort of did say it, but actions still speak louder than words. a lot of this final chapter was just showing how much korra has grown, i think i achieved that.
before we move on, i just wanted to say a lil bit about the bedroom scene where korra asks asami to wait for her. it’s a small confession that i think just says so much. another time here to show that romantic korrasami will happen, but it’s also just insight into korra and her thoughts about romancing asami. she wants it too, so badly that she almost gets into it before she’s ready. did i psych you guys out like asami, who thought she was finally going to kiss korra? it’s all in the lines, “I’m almost there...I know I am, Asami. I’ll be there soon, I need to be better. I need to be better for you.” and now, after thinking about it, i almost wasn’t gonna word it like this. what korra’s saying here is that her progression is only being done so that she can be good for asami, which, i didn’t want to convey. however, sometimes, that’s just how people think; they think, “if i have to do something, i gotta do it for someone else.” and so that’s what i’ve done with korra here, it’s just this mentality that she’s growing out of. it’s okay to have this thought process, good even, but not for every single thing you do. and i wanted korra to know that, which is why i love asami’s response, “I think you’re already great.” it’s just to remind korra, yes you can get better, you will get better. but not for asami, but for yourself, because asami already loves you the way you are.
breadcrumbs; that’s all i’ve really done so far with kuvopal is put lil breadcrumbs everywhere for the people who like the idea of the relationship to grasp at. is that mean of me? maybe, but i really love kuvira and opal as a couple so i wanted to keep hinting and hinting and hopefully getting you readers interested too. kuvopal has been sprinkled in since chapter two and i wanted to leave the readers with just a little ounce of hope
asami’s official introduction with opal heavily involves bolin, enough to the point where the two kiss each other on the cheek. now, of course, after reading the chapter, you know bolin and opal aren’t dating, but i wanted to stress you out a lil bit xD asami is weary of mentioning kuvira, so there’s not much we really get to see about how opal feels. opal may have wanted to talk when asami mentioned kuvira just before korra asked about spring break, but she didn’t. why didn’t she say anything? do you think she’s wanted to talk about kuvira? what about her major, child services and the foster care system, do you think kuvira influenced that, being she essentially was fostered by the beifongs? do you think we’ll ever find answers? *wink*
so obviously, we don’t like iroh. if there’s anyone in this story who doesn’t get a happy ending or a second chance, it’s him because he’s the worst. i realized we hadn’t seen too much of iroh in the previous chapters and this being the last one, i needed to really show just how not cool iroh is. the soccer game is very clearly an indication of just how conceded and rude he is. after the game, his conversation with asami is bad. he’s being invasive and inconsiderate of asami and he doesn’t care. same with at the restaurant. so, of course i wanted iroh to get his comeuppance and we have that by korra punching him.
going off of this, i didn’t want it to feel like iroh got a one and done kind of deal. he was incredibly awful to asami and his “friends” and i didn’t want this behavior to be taken lightly. so, i chose to make iroh just basically lose everything :) he loses his friends, possibly his job, i just KNOW izumi is disappointed as fuck that he’s acted like this and uncle iroh is rolling over in his grave that someone of his own blood would be like this. i wanted to address iroh in his own category because i just wanted you all to know that he is the only character not getting off easy. i really hope that how iroh’s situation turned out is good, as in, he got what he deserves.
hiroshi was an interesting character to go about in the final chapter. obviously, throughout the fic so far, hiroshi hasn’t been a standout father or boss. if i haven’t said it before, i’ll say it now: i always wanted hiroshi to have a second chance, ie, i wanted hiroshi to try to be better. for one, asami deserves it. she deserves a good parent who’s there for her and isn’t just obsessed with his job and the glory and empire he’s built up for himself. another reason, i believe everyone (within reason, *cough cough* not iroh *cough*) deserves a second chance. at the very least one more try, to be better, and if they’re actively trying, they’re doing better.
so hiroshi gets a bit of a wake up call from not only korra, after she so passionately scolded him in the name of her love for asami, but hiroshi also got one from asami directly. take your pick as to which conversation sparked hiroshi to call her to say goodnight. it’s an effort, and asami even says it herself, that after a while, the juice of it ran out. but kuvira said it too, it’s a start. what im trying to highlight is that no one is perfect and their ways of trying to change themself isn’t going to be perfect either.
and the kicker is hiroshi going to the south, without any other reason than to see asami. hiroshi only ever travels for future industries related business, but here he goes, without kuvira, to the south to see asami. i want to keep highlighting, asami says this is just the start. she hasn’t yet fully forgiven him, but she’s giving him the chance to be forgiven. that’s what i want to make most apparent on the topic of hiroshi and asami’s relationship: hiroshi is not getting off easy. but he’s trying, and in the words of the good place, that is what matters isn’t if people are good or bad, what matters is if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday. hiroshi, in this action, coming to the south, is trying to be a better father that day than all the days before. offering up the job offer from tonraq is hiroshi trying to be a better boss that day than the day before. staying in the south to spend real, quality time with his daughter is hiroshi trying to be better that day than every day before that.
it’s all in the trying.
honorable mentions:
in the og timeline, back when korrasami was going to be a confirmed couple in the fic, after returning from the south, asami was going to go to the cafe at one in the morning while korra was working and korra was going to make her an avatar. i liked the full circle aspect at the time but really, i much prefer what i’ve posted over that og timeline.
anything i would’ve wanted to change?
i think, overall, i maybe would’ve wanted to divide chapters up differently. as i continued writing, the three sections definitely could’ve supported themselves as singular chapters. especially this final chapter, which was almost 20k words. but, in the end, i am so proud of this fic and of myself for following through and finishing it.
i lost a bit of steam towards the end of this analysis, i’ve actually had this in my drafts for almost two months. but, i think what i wanted to say, i did, and as always, if you have any comments or questions, or just wanna talk to me, do it ! i love any and all commentary on my writing :)) 
thanks for reading the analysis if you did x
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aceavatar · 4 years
Mako x Reader (Asami x Reader, Korra x Reader, Asami x Korra)
Warnings: none?
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“I can’t believe that Korra and Asami are getting married today.” Bolin says, straightening his tie.
“Me neither.” Mako and I mutter at the same time.
“Is it weird for you, y/n?” Bolin asks.
“Uhhh...” I say, scratching my neck.
“Be quiet, y/n!” Asami whispered.
I nodded, clasping my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t giggle.
“Girls!!! Get back here this instant!” Our teacher scolded.
Asami and I were standing on the toilet, in the stall so our teacher couldn’t see our feet.
“You two are gonna be in big trouble.” She said, leaving the bathroom.
Once the door shut, Asami and I giggled.
“We got her, huh y/n?” She said, smiling at me.
“Sure did.” I grinned, hopping off the toilet. “Where are we going to go now?”
“Home?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah!” I grinned.
We climbed out of a window, and sprinted back to Asami’s mansion for the rest of the afternoon.
“How come I always have the most fun with you, y/n?” Asami said absentmindedly.
We were both seated in pajamas on a couch in the living room, painting our nails.
“I dunno.” I said, blowing on my right hand.
“Do you like it here?” Asami asked.
“Of course. I’m so grateful you and your dad took me in.” I smiled.
Her father needed a distraction after he lost his wife, so he picked up a kid from off the street and gave her a home. I happened to be that kind
“Good.” She smiled. She then reached out her arms and did little grabby hands.
I giggled and set my nail polish down and moved into her arms. She held me tight and sighed, our legs tangling together.
“I like you, Asami.” I said happily.
“I like you too, y/n.” She said.
Even though we were only fourteen, we thought we’d marry each other. We planned our wedding and everything. It went well, until her father found out.
“What in the spirits are you two doing?!” A male voice boomed through the room.
We were only cuddling in my bed, nothing bad. We were basically kids.
“I’m comforting her, dad. She misses her family.” Asami snapped a lie at her father.
“I know feelings when I see them.” He growled.
I sat there silently, looking at Asami.
“You!” He pointed at me.
I snapped my head towards him and met his furious piercing eyes.
“You made my baby girl like this!” He screamed, making my heart hurt. “You’re not welcome here. Get out. I never want to see you again.”
“Kind of? I mean I’m happy that my childhood best friend is happy.” I shrug, sipping tea.
“Yeah I get that, but what about Korra?” Bolin asked bluntly.
I spit out my tea.
“We’re fine...”
After I got kicked out of the Sato mansion, I sought refuge elsewhere.
I ended up going to the small island by the city to become an Air Acolyte.
At 14, when I found myself at the shore of the island, I shaved my head, wore air nation clothes, and joined the beautiful culture.
I befriended Pema, Tenzin, and Jinora. Meelo developed quite the crush on me, and Ikki and I found ourselves wandering the island in the late morning.
Two peaceful years went by, then she came.
“Y/n’s room is over there. She’s one of our favorite Air Acolytes.” I hear Ikki’s voice.
I smile a little at the compliment and step out to see who’s there. It ended up being none other than the avatar.
“Hi! You’re y/n, right?” She asked, smiling at you, blushing a tad.
“Yes. It is nice to meet you, Avatar Korra.” I bowed.
“The pleasure is all mine.” She smiled at me.
That was the moment she fell for me.
She snuck me out to a pro bending match (which I didn’t really enjoy), but it was nice to do something with her. At the end of the match when we arrived back on the island, she kissed me good night.
We became really close. I comforted her after her airbending training and we hung out together in our free time. I even showed her how to meditate.
I found myself being her rebound. She kissed Mako and all of that drama, she came back to me.
To my horror, Asami was back in the picture.
I ended up avoiding her little “team avatar” until I simply couldn’t any more.
Seeing Asami again was a little weird, especially because she was dating one of the pro benders we met.
When Korra ended up dating Mako, it got strange.
That was when I befriended Bolin. He was kind, and he didn’t try to get with me. He was my buddy, and I loved him (platonically).
After Korra and Mako broke up, Korra came back to me.
I kinda got angry and rejected her, telling her to go do Asami or something, just because I didn’t want to be a backup.
She understood, but somewhat resented me for not being there romantically.
“I mean we haven’t spoken in a while but ya know. We’re okay.”
“Good!” Bolin says, smiling and hugging me. “You two ready for this?”
“Yeah.” Mako says, sighing a little bit.
“Great! I’m gonna find Opal. See you when it starts!” Bolin kisses me on the cheek and hugs Mako, then runs off.
“How are you?” I ask Mako.
“I’m okay.” He smiles gently. “I’m glad they ended up together.”
“Me too.”
The ceremony finally started, and Bolin, Opal, Mako, and I are in our seats.
It’s beautiful, and both girls looked absolutely stunning.
Korra’s dress ended up being a pale, almost white, blue color, while Asami’s was plain white.
I smiled up at them.
A warm gentle hand held mine. I look away from the brides and smile at the firebending boy. He smiles back at me contently.
I sat on the edge of the island, my feet kicking the water. I had just found out I gained airbending after the spirit world and the human world combined and I had an existential crisis.
I felt like I wasn’t worthy of the art I had studied for so long. That I would hurt myself and/or others around me. That I’d never be able to be happy.
I heard footsteps behind me.
“Go away, Bolin. Jokes won’t help this time.” I mutter.
“Uh, I’m not Bolin.”
You sighed and allowed the person to come sit next to you.
“Hey Mako.” I said, not even looking at him.
“Hey, y/n. What’s wrong?”
“Why do you care?” I snapped, crossing my arms.
“I just do, okay?” He snapped back.
I smiled a little bit. “Just a bit of a crisis.” I laughed.
“Do-uh, do you wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asked shyly.
“I’m an air bender. I’m not worthy of the ability, though. I’m a nobody who ruins lives.”
“Woah, what?” He asked. “An air bender? That’s amazing!”
“I guess.”
“You’re an acolyte, literally nobody else deserves to airbend than you.” He said, patting my back soothingly.
“Thanks, Mako.” I smiled and met his eyes. They were kind.
It hit me at that moment that I never really met Mako. Or knew him. I had only heard about him from Korra and Bolin, been somewhat alongside him in some fights, but nothing personal.
“What’re you out here for?” I asked.
“Just needed a break.”
“From what?”
He looked at me.
“If you don’t mind me asking.” I rushed.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t know you, but I feel like I can talk with you freely.” He said, blushing a tad.
“You can. I don’t judge.” I smile.
“Okay, well, I just haven’t ever been able to keep a relationship.” He frowned. “I lost my parents, and I only have my brother left. We’re obviously okay, but I’ve dated and ruined my relationships.”
“Hey. I’m sure it’s not all your fault.” I said, scooting closer to him.
“I’m too unlovable. I’m just, I don’t know. I can’t get it right.”
“I get that.” I chuckle. “I was a rebound for years.”
“Ouch.” He said.
“Yeah. It was actually your fault a couple times.” I joked.
“Wait, what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
I gave him an ‘are you serious? are you really this blind?’ look.
“You really don’t know?”
“Korra.” I laughed. “Anything went wrong, she was at my door.”
“No way,” he gasped.
“Yeah. Honestly when she picked you over me, I was flabbergasted.” I joked.
“I never would have guessed.” Mako laughed.
“Yeah.” I smiled at him, bumping shoulders. “I’m glad I ended my involvement with her.”
“Yeah, me too. I still love her, just, ya know,” he started.
“Not like that.” We both said at the same time, nodding and laughing.
After the ceremony, the party started.
Mako and Opal chat while Bolin and I stuff our faces.
After we eat, Opal and I start to dance together. We became close after Bolin kept gushing to me about Toph’s beautiful granddaughter.
“Y/n?” Mako calls.
“Better go.” Opal smiles at me, giving me a hug.
I smile and jog over to my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. (I was surprised I was attracted to guys, too. You’re not the only one.)
“Hey. Thought I lost you.” He jokes, holding my hand gently.
“I’m always here.” I say, hugging him.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n!” A voice says, making us pull apart.
“Asami!” I say, hugging my old friend. “Congratulations! It’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you. It’s good to see you too.” She smiles.
“The dress looks familiar.” I say, nodding at the dress. It’s just like the one I said she should wear for our wedding.
“Yeah, well a genius told me I’d look good in it. So I tried it and I fell in love with it.” She jokes, smiling at me.
I laugh. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you, y/n. I’m really happy for you, too. I’ve never seen Mako so happy.” She nods towards Mako, who’s refilling his fruity drink.
“I’m glad he’s happy.” I smile absentmindedly.
“Y/n!” Korra shouts, nearly tackling me with her hug. “I’m so glad you made it!”
“Me too! Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thanks! Oh hey Mako!” Korra says as Mako walks up to us.
“Hi you guys. Congratulations.” He says genuinely with a smile.
“Thanks Mako.” They both say.
“So, when’s your wedding, huh?” Korra asks, nodding towards Mako and I.
“I-uh, um” Mako stutters.
“Well, sorry to say, but you just missed it. It was yesterday.” I joke, making a face and nodding.
“Wow, I’m so offended. You didn’t invite both of your ex girlfriends to your private wedding.” Asami says, putting her hand to her heart in mock offense.
We all laugh.
“I’m really glad our relationships didn’t work out.” Korra says.
“Yeah, thanks both of you for breaking up with Mako. I wouldn’t have known I like guys if it weren’t for y’all.” I joke.
After a while of talking and laughing between the four of you, you and Mako move to the edge of the party.
“What a nice night it’s been.” I say, looking at the small pink flowers growing from the ground.
“Yeah. I’m glad it wasn’t as awkward as we worried.” Mako says.
“Me too.” I laugh.
We fall into a comfortable silence, looking up at the stars and just being together for a moment.
“I love you, y/n.” Mako says quietly.
“I love you too, Mako.” I say back, turning to kiss him gently.
Thank goodness for the messy love squares/triangles that were formed when we were teenagers.
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Imagine coming out to your boyfriend Bolin as asexual and him being completely understanding and supportive
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Being rich kids both Prince Wu and Asami loved throwing big parties as an excuse to get the gang together again and this time it was Asami’s turn. Her house (if you could call it a house) was decorated extravagantly and filled with all the friends you’d made over the years. The cute part was the gang would always gravitate together no matter how big the party was and tonight was no exception...well apart from Bolin, he’d been cornered by the Biefongs but you knew they’d release him eventually. Meanwhile you all chatted and caught up on what you’d missed in the months you’d been apart. “How are you and Korra?” you asked Asami and she smiled blushing “we’re prefect, she’s perfect, i’m so happy”. Asami blushed as Korra beside her smirked and you grinned as Asami pushed her. Korra smiled adoringly at Asami before turning the question to you “What about you and Bolin, how are you two?” she asked and you smiled “we’re great! I know it’s only been 4 months but it’s been perfect so far!”. Asami and Korra both smiled “that’s great y/n! You two really deserve each other, you’re both so kind and adorable”. You blushed and went to thank her when Wu spoke. “Not to mention what a hot couple you make! I don’t know how you get anything done when you’re alone together”. You paused confused “what?”. Wu smiled “I was just making a joke y/n about you and Bolin being a physically attractive couple...I was just being crude” he clarified but you were still confused. “He was talking about your sex life with my little brother” Mako said angrily and Wu looked away from the fire bender’s glare. You immediately felt uncomfortable, your throat went dry and your heart raced. You’d been fine until that comment and now you felt like you were hiding something. You smiled along with the others and waited a few minutes until you could excuse yourself without looking suspicious. “Sorry I’m not feeling great I need some air” you said rushing away. You walked outside Asami’s house and breathed in the night air. Everyone just assumed you’d been physical together but you hadn’t. That didn’t bother you in the slightest, you loved Bolin so much, you just didn’t express yourself physically and Bolin hadn’t pushed you to, so it had been fine. But when other people made comments or had expectations about your relationship it worried you and made you realise just how much your sexuality differed from the norm and made you question your relationship. If others were making assumptions about your sex life surely Bolin was too and wondering why you hadn’t ever initiated anything with him. You should’ve told Bolin before you started dating you were asexual you supposed, but you hadn’t been sure before and honestly hadn’t even noticed the lack of sex in your relationship until Wu made his comment. To you your relationship was full but maybe Bolin didn’t see it that way and that worried you. It wasn’t like you’d lied to Bolin, you’d both been happy so you felt no need to discuss the intricate details of your relationship and considering Bolin seemed content you’d been happy to leave it but now you knew you couldn’t do that much longer. Bolin might be unhappy with how your relationship was and because you hadn’t asked you didn’t know. Given how much Bolin didn’t like to upset people that could be a real possability. You knew he was too sweet to pressure you by asking but that didn’t mean you should just ignore him and leave him in the dark. You should tell him and as much as that terrified you it had to be done.
You found Bolin with the Beifong twins and managed to catch his attention right away. “Y/n” he smiled “are you okay? Mako said you seemed pale earlier”. “Kind of but can we talk? There’s something I need to tell you”. Bolin nodded “of course” and took your hand leading you into a side room which was empty. He shut the door and turned to you. He could tell you were nervous so didn’t push you and just waited. “I’m asexual” you said simply and Bolin frowned “you’re what?”. You coughed the explanation all prepared in your head “I’m asexual, that means I do not experience sexual attraction to other people, I can feel romantic attraction and can function sexually from a biological perspective but I do not desire or feel the need for sexual intimacy with others”. You finished your definition and Bolin nodded along “okay so...what does that mean for us, do you, still like me?”. You nodded your head “of course! I still experience romantic desire and attraction and I am attracted to you romantically just not sexually”. Bolin nodded his head still processing it all “So you like me, you’re interested in me and you’re happy for this relationship to progress just not sexually?”. You nodded your head hating the awkwardness and were aprehensive of Bolin’s reaction. “I don’t experience sexual feelings so for me sex is not necessarily enjoyable or needed in a relationship but I wanted to tell you incase sex is something you need in a relationship and if it is, that’s okay! It just means we’re not compatible”. Bolin could see your body language and how nervous you looked and cautiously, giving you time to move away if you wanted to, put his hand over yours. “Y/n I don’t need to be physical with you to know I love you, I know sex is a way some people show their love but that doesn’t have to be us, I love you and I am happy not pushing our physical activites further”. Your eyes shot to Bolin’s and you searched his face to see if he was being honest “are you sure because Bolin this won’t work if you’re not. This isn’t some phase I’ll grow out of and if sex is something you need then we shouldn’t be together for the sake of it”. Bolin shook his head “I’m not lying y/n and i understand this is who you are and I love it about you too. This isn’t something i’m giving up for you, I’m not losing anything because I have you! Having you is the best thing in my life and I don’t need anything more from you than you’ve already given me”. You smiled and didn’t even realise you were crying until Bolin wiped your tears away “y/n did I say something wrong?”. “No” you smiled “you did the opposite”. Bolin grinned and hugged you. You wrapped yourself in the hug feeling so safe and loved in Bolin’s arms. You felt whole and secure, you felt validated. You pulled away and smiled at Bolin “thank you” you sighed. Bolin shook his head “you don’t need to thank me, i’m not doing anything nobel or worthy of appreciation, i love you and we have decided this works for us, that is all, no gratitude required” Bolin said simply and you nodded taking his hand again. “Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me” Bolin said soflty “I’m pleased you felt like you could confide in me about this”. You nodded “well I love you i wanted you to know”. Bolin always physically brightenned when you told him you loved him and now was no different. Bolin grinned happily and kissed your hand. “I love you too y/n, so much”. You smiled and nodded resting your head against his “I know and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world”. “Well we should put on the lottery becase I feel like the luckiest boy in the world” Bolin retorted and you laughed outloud. Bolin grinned seeing you smile and looked at you carefully “are you ready to go back to the party or do you want more time?”. “No” you said wiping your face “I’m okay, i feel a lot better even though i’m sure my makeups run, do I look okay?”. Bolin looked at you and grinned “you look beautiful”. You blushed and took Bolin’s hand stepping back into the party.
My first asexual fanfiction!!! I was so happy to write something from an asexual pov and chose Bolin because I think he’s one of the most open minded characters on the show (and he is my dream man but anyway...). 
Side note  - this is not to say this is how every asexual relationship/person dating an asexual individual has to act or feel! I am asexual and this is something from expereince I know works for me but that doesn’t mean I speak for the whole community so please don’t pidgeon hole anyone whose asexual as having to be this way. I just thought it would be nice to see some ace reperesentation and to portray asexual relationships in a positive happy light and to show asexuals can be in loving romantic relationships!!!
Also I hope this isn’t necessary but no asexual hate is welcome or will be tolerated here. Being asexual is beautiful and valid and we deserve treating as such! :)
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Under Pressure 12|15
Chapter 12
Battleship Zhu Li
You’re at home as you start packing a bag when Lin steps in the room “you seem excited to get out of here?” she leans against the doorframe with her arms folded “are you not coming?” you look over at her and stop for a second before going to your closet to grab a thick enough coat. She shakes her head “I want to but Raiko needs the city prepped in case the war comes to the city. I have to stay and go over any possible evacuation routes and civilian safety. Keep the city safe”. You drop your coat on the bed “I can stay and help you with that. Korra has more than enough help.” you step around the bed and walk towards her. She looks away contemplating your offer before looking back at you “no, you should go. They might need a metal bender.” You look at her and nod understandingly “if you’re okay with it” Lin hesitantly reaches over and plants her palm on your chest not feeling the armor “you’re not going without your armor are you?”
You just blink “uh…” She huffs “don’t be ridiculous. Metal bender without metal armor” she pushes you back “I got other stuff!” you exclaim as you run out the bedroom heading to the garage as you unlock the cabinet and bend on your brace and sleeves and return. Lin is standing where you left her as her eyebrow raises now it’s your turn to stand under the doorframe and lift your sleeve and show her your metal forearm sleeve, it’s similar to Korra’s wrappings except yours is metallic, it reminds you of the one Suyin wears, giving you protection and the ability to bend out a dagger if needed when in close combat. “I also fashioned my own set of cables” you point towards your back and turn around, showing off the back brace. It’s just like how Lin wear’s hers, the cable spooled on her back and the stringed along the forearm. In basic terms, you basically made an exoskeleton version of the police’s armor. “It’s not much but it’ll make do its purpose.” Lin looks over at your back brace and sleeves “where did you get these?” you smirk proudly “Get it?! I built it! It’s a y/n exclusive. Ever since Amon I didn’t want to have to fight without the cables, so I built my own without having to use the police’s property.”  Lin smirks “Asami?” and you chuckle “she had the materials, but I did the design and manufactured them. What does Chief Beifong think?” you raise your eyebrow as you playfully start flexing your arms and back. She checks you out and smiles “impressive but I still say you would be better with armor” you grin and zip up your bag “if I didn’t know any better I would say Lin Beifong is a worry wart and overprotective” Lin rolls her eyes and groans “negative” you smile as you put your bag aside noticing the time, 1:00 AM. “you want to stay the night? It’s pretty late” you bend the back brace and sleeves off setting them beside the bag. Lin watches you an contemplates whether or not to then sighs “fine, but I’m staying on the couch” she rolls her eyes and walks to the couch. You’re not about to fight her on this if you do decide to offer your bed you think she would just end up getting up and going back to her place. So it’s better not to press her, this is at least some progress in the right direction. You let Lin shower first though, you set your alarm and tell Lin goodnight laying in your bed.
After a couple minutes you start dozing off laying on your side. About an hour you’re of light sleep, you hear footsteps coming towards you then a weight settling down beside you. You smile a bit not opening your eyes or turning over, but you mumble “what happened, did you hear noises?” you mumble as you smirk.
“your couch is uncomfortable” Lin grumbles as she shifts and lays on her back. You lightly chuckle “goodnight” as you yawn then go back to sleep.
Lin looked at the ceiling of the living room as she laid on the couch. She couldn’t sleep not because the bed wasn’t comfortable, but she couldn’t stop debating whether or not to just muster up the courage and stop her stubbornness to just go lay on the bed. y/n isn’t coming back until Raava knows when, not until Unalaq is defeated. It could be days or weeks; this is practically the last time you’ll see her until she comes back. Knowing yourself, you’re going to be replaying this scene over in your head wondering why you didn’t get in bed with y/n. Lin curse under her breath as she get up and quietly walks over to the bed then lays down on the bed. Hopefully y/n is asleep. Please be asleep. y/n asked her what happened, and Lin tries to come up with an excuse “your couch is uncomfortable” Lin grumbles as she fluffs the pillow and lays on her back. y/n tells you goodnight and goes back to sleep. Lin looks over to you and starts laying on her side then scoots over and lays behind, spooning you and puts an arm over your waist, laying her head above yours.
Your body seems to relax under her touch as you sleep, sinking further into the bed and you let out a sigh. Falling into a deeper sleep which Lin takes notice as she too finally closes her eyes and falls asleep. You wake up a couple of hours in the middle of the night feeling a tug on your waist. Looking down your attention is on Lin’s arm wrapped around you, a soft smile appears on your lips. Putting your hand over hers, sliding your fingers between hers you pull her hand up your lips and softly kiss each finger. Her fingertips are callused from her work, yet her hand is soft then add another soft kiss on her palm before resting her hand back down near your abdomen. You’re going to miss these kinds of nights where you get to sleep next to Lin. Nights where even though your days are filled with stress, fights, and chaos in the city you were happy with the woman beside you. Sleep takes over once again.
The alarm blares loudly as you press the snooze button and stir in bed groaning no wanting to wake up at 5 in the morning. “wake up or you’re going to be late” Lin grumbles not wanting to close her eyes and you scoot aside so you can turn on your back causing Lin’s arm to wrap around you. “why am I waking this early again” you mumble not opening your eyes either. “Stop…. Unalaq” Lin slowly mumbles as she falls back asleep. You open your eyes and turn your head to look at Lin and smile before you slowly get up and slide out the bed and start to get dressed as quiet as possible to let Lin sleep. While you dress you keep glancing over at Lin and watch how peaceful she looks, your heart filling up and your stomach fluttering. You pack your brace and sleeves in the bag and zip it up, then sit beside Lin putting your hand over her body and gently shake her awake “I’m heading out. You’re welcome to stay whenever. I’ll trust you’ll lock up after you leave” you gently speak to you then you hesitantly lean down and softly kiss her scarred cheek, then whisper softly “don’t get too bruised up and I’ll try to do the same”. You sit up and reach over at your nightstand and write down something before setting the notepad down. Lin woke up when she felt your lips on her cheek and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she feels your breath on her cheek when you whisper. Then hears the sound of a pen scribbling down on paper but doesn’t move while you get up gathering your stuff and start walking out. Lin turns over “y/n, don’t get yourself killed.” She softly speaks and you turn your head over your shoulder to look back at her. You’re really going to leave with just a kiss on the cheek?! You drop your bag and walk back to Lin and lean down kissing her deeply “Only if you don’t. I would never live with myself if I didn’t kiss you if something were to happen.” You kiss her again before forcing yourself to step back, grab your bag, kissing your fingers and send her a kiss before turning away and head out. Lin waits until she hears the front door close to turn over and look at what you were scribbling about. She reaches over to the nightstand grabbing the notepad and reads what’s on the paper.
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"no matter what happens between us. I'm never quitting on you. I'll always love and protect you, Lin Beifong. yours, y/n." Lin looks down and notices a postscript "P.S. Yes, I know...it's mushy" Lin chuckles at the postscript figured you would have known she would have that exact thought. A smile creeps up on Lin’s face as she turns back onto her side looking at your writing. She settles the paper down on the bed in front of her as she grabs your pillow and pulls it close to her chest hugging it. Lin exhales deeply closing her eyes and allows a tear to creep down her cheek. She opens her eyes once again and looks at the note her eyes resting on the word ‘yours’ as lays another hour in your bed.
“I know I came up with the time, but no one had to listen to me” huff out as you board the ship helping Asami with her bags setting them in the bunks provided in the ship before walking over to the Captain’s deck to review the route to take and start the ship. Soon you take off and are now on route to head on to the south pole. You look back and watch the Republic City skyline slowly disappear a slight pang in your heart as you’re leaving Lin behind, but you both have jobs to do to help the world. You and Asami both walk back to one of the rooms and you drop on your bed while Asami sits on her. You turn your head over to her and pout, “yuan for your thoughts?” as you turn on your side propping your head up with your arm. Asami shakes her head and stands back up walking over to her bag and you sit up “I’m sorry about the whole Mako thing…”. Asami stops and turns around “he’s a jerk” you can clearly tell that she is angered by his infidelity. “yeah, but it’s mature of you to put your relationship aside to help Korra despite Mako being a little wuss,” You stand up and walk over to Asami putting a hand on her shoulder “not many people would do that. You deserve better”. Asami gives you a soft smile thanking you for your words “how are you and Beifong? Mako mentioned she suspended you from the force…did that effect outside of work?” she looks at you and you remove your hand as you walk back to your bed and sit down. Asami following you but sits on her bed instead as you sigh “uh—yeah, after the bust in his apartment Beifong decided to search my place too thinking I was involved since Mako was incriminated. We had this big blow up of a discussion in my bedroom while she searched. She was calling me by just my name…” you looked down at the floor searching for the words “but Beifong usually calls you Lieutenant or adds your name after your title, “she remarked. A laugh escapes your lips “yeah, precisely. When she said my name… I knew this wasn’t a conversation between two colleagues anymore but between two friends? Girlfriends? I don’t know…. people. She was furious, calling me foolish for trusting Mako and believing him. It being inappropriate to go behind her back and undermining her authority. I lied and completely broke her trust… she…she broke things off with me.” you look up at Asami whose face softens when you catch her up on what she missed of her friend, “but Mako was right. You were right. It’s fixed between the two of you, right?” she looks at you hoping there is some good news in the love department between the two of you. you sigh and shrug “I don’t know, I got my job back, no longer suspended. She slept over so that’s a good sign, I think. She probably feels guilty but is too headstrong to admit it.” You laugh “I did say goodbye with a kiss… so there’s that” you run your hand to the back of your neck and rub it softly. “relationships are hard, especially now. Now doesn’t seem to be the right time for one. You know with trying to help the Avatar save the world from impending doom” you quip and laugh trying to lighten the mood.  Asami laughs softly then stands up “I’m going to the captain’s desk and try looking for any transmissions from the radio…” you stop her “you’ll be fine, Sami?” you ask, and she gives you a soft nod before walking out the room.
A deep exhale escapes your lips as your ears are filled with the clash of waves hitting the side of the ship, the aroma of saltwater reaches up to your nose while you’re bending a piece of meteorite in the palm of your hand molding it into different figures. Leaning against the railing, our ear perks up when you hear footsteps approaching you causing your head to tilt in that direction of the noise and see Bolin, you lean off the railing, “hey Bolin, how’s it going?” you mold the meteorite into a shape that resembles a silhouette of Pabu. “Hey, y/n! —woah that’s so cool, looks like Pabu?!” his eyes widen as you hand him the piece so he can review it. “yeah” you chuckle a bit as you notice him furrow his eyebrows while he looks at the little metallic piece “everything okay, Bolin?” Bolin looks up and smiles nodding gently “uh…yeah, all good” he hands you back the meteorite as he watches you bend it back to its original state with ease before putting it back in your pocket. You look back at Bolin who looks like he’s conflicting on whether to ask you something and you frown a bit, “you sure you’re good you look like a cat-owl has your tongue” which causes to knock out of his thoughts before he sighs “it’s just I think metalbending is sooooo cool, ever since I’ve read about how Toph Beifong created it I tried to learn but…. I never succeeded.” He looks down leaning against the railing with his head down and you smile softly “well I could teach you if you want” you smile more bumping his shoulder with your own just to see him smile brightly, his eyes filling with excitement and hope “really?!” he jumps up. You shrug “well I’m not the best teacher but there’s no harm in trying” you look down sliding your hand in your pocket and take the meteorite back out then grab Bolin’s hand and open it placing the space rock on his palm.
“oh, so we’re doing this right now…okay” Bolin comments as he starts gets nervous. You shake your head trying to calm him down as you walk him away from the railing just in case he throws the rock overboard. “no need to be nervous, you’ll be fine. Just try to breathe and relax” you squeeze his should reassuringly as he nods and closes his eyes as he breathes and relaxes. As you watch you start to speak to him calmly “Open your mind, you will see that all the elements are one. Four parts of the same whole. Metal is only a form of unprocessed earth that it has been purified and refined. To metalbend, you’re concentrating on finding the trace amounts of “unpurified” raw earth that is still present in the metal, once you target those pieces, you use it to bend the metal itself” you pace around him with your arms around your back as you look at him taking your words in then stand in front of him. “Now, try to bed the metal, focus on the pieces of earth still trapped inside.” You look at his face seeing him straining as he concentrates on the meteorite after a few minutes he gasp out a breath. “Don’t strain yourself, Bolin. Take a few minutes and try again” Bolin nods and gives you a small smile and shakes off his nervous feelings before he tries again and after another 10 minutes he sighs and looks down “it’s no use. I can’t do it…. Maybe I’m not meant to metalbend” his voice pained with defeat as he gives you back the meteorite. You frown and comfort him giving him a hug “hey, don’t give up. Like I said I’m not a very good teacher. Maybe when we get back to Republic City, Chief Beifong can teach you or even Su…”
“Su?” Bolin steps back confused “who’s Su?”
“Beifong’s…. sister”
“Su has a sister?!”
“yeah…. No one better to teach you than one of the daughters of the original metalbender.” You smile folding your arms
“what about Toph Beifong?”
“hmm? Oh I don’t know… I’ve seen Toph once but never really met her. Who knows where she’s at, probably out enjoying retirement or something”
“oh, Cool”
“um, but just in case it should be better not mention this to anyone. I don’t think Chief would want to find out that you know about her personal life. I wouldn’t want you or me to get the wrath of Chief Beifong.”
“yeah…. Chief Beifong is a badass but she terrifies me”
“Exactly, she would probably get us throw in jail or worse, murder us and have it look accidental” you pat him on the shoulder and smile but Bolin’s face seems to lose color. “it’s a joke, Bolin. Relax. Or maybe it isn’t…” you put your finger on your chin thinking about it.
“We’ll just act surprised if its brought up” you shrug “I’m going to find something to eat”
Bolin wakes up from his little fear thoughts “Ok, I’m going to explore the ship and see what I find. You never know what’ll you find in a Varrick ship”. You turn around and start walking away when Bolin calls out to you “hey y/n” you turn your head back over your shoulder “yeah?” he rubs the back of his neck “thanks for trying to teach me. It means a lot” he sheepishly smiles before walking away. You frown a bit sad at yourself that you weren’t able to help Bolin, but you hope it doesn’t break his spirit to keep trying.
Everyone went to bed, you offered to drive the ship and man the controls. Asami offered to stay up with you but she’s been handing all the driving since the morning and you told her it would be best for her to rest. It’s so late at night that you look out at the now pitch black waters. It’s so dark out in front of you feel a weird ominous feeling yet strange sense of calm. You look around at the Captain’s deck and look at the radio, your start to wonder if you would be able to pick up a signal back to Republic City. You take a seat at the table bringing the receiver to your ear as you start turning the knob to and start trying any frequency. “Battleship Zhu Li to com center, do you read me” you try your best with your lingo and try to hear for any feedback from the other end as you try to fumble with the settles. Soon after ten minutes you start to hear a voice “Com center to Battleship Zhu Li. We read you, over” you hear, and you sigh with relief finally able to pick something up. “Glad to hear you command center, can you patch a channel between the Zhu Li to Republic City’s Chief of Police, over” you request the operator “Roger that, Is everything okay out there in the open waters?, over”
“everything is smooth sailing so far, over”  
“copy that, patching you through”
“appreciate it”
There is some static and soon it seems to settle, and you bring yourself down and talk softly “Chief Beifong?” you call out but don’t hear anything. You start to think maybe the signal died and was about to put the receiver back before you hear static and a voice “Lieutenant y/n, is that you?!” she sounds surprised to hear you and you chuckle softly “surprised to hear from me, chief?”
“how did you even get patched to me”
“I have my ways”
“is there anyone with you?” Lin asks reluctantly and you wonder why she’s asking but after a couple of seconds you press on the button to respond  
“No, everyone is resting. I’m manning the ship. What about you?”
“Sent everyone home to do the same. Stayed to work on paperwork.”
Your fingers jitter on the receiver before you talk again “You know I never fought plenty of people, never dark spirit-- or any spirit for that matter-- so I don’t know what to expect, but on the off chance anything happens…”
“the only thing that is going to happen is that monster being taken down”
“ha, that’s very optimistic, coming from you, Lin”
You hear a small laugh come from her “All I know is if you were to die. I’ll bring you back from wherever you are, just to kill you myself.”
Now it’s you that’s laughing “I wouldn’t have it any other way”
There is another comfortable silence between the two of you which causes to ask if you’re still there or did the signal die.
“I’m still here honey” you say without thinking but you realize what you said. Lin hasn’t responded back “sorry, it slipped out”
“it’s okay… at least…you’re still here”
“I know we didn’t get to talk about us before I left but…”
“just come back to me alive, y’n”
“I will. I’ll come back to you however many times you’ll allow me” your heart races as Lin’s words come back to me causes your stomach to flutter with butterflies.
“Alive” she retorts sternly
“Of course alive, Lin”
You wait a couple of seconds “I…I wish you were here beside me” you confess to Lin. You wished you were beside her curled up in bed holding her or being in her arms.
“I wish you were here with me, but what are we to do. You left to help the Avatar.” She quipped at you causing you roll to your eyes and smile “You were invited to come along, but you wouldn’t leave your precious city”
“Someone had to make sure it doesn’t get destroyed so we’ll still have a place to live”
“There are other places babe”
“Not like Republic City”
“That’s true” you agree, there is not a place anywhere else in the world like Republic City.
You and Lin continue on your conversation throughout the late hours of the night trying to help each other forget of the stress of the dangers in the night. It wasn’t until you notice a silver of sunlight starting to creep up on the horizon that you notice morning is starting. A few minutes later you hear a little snore coming from Lin’s transmission and you smile realizing she fell asleep. “I love you” you whisper into the receiver before ending the transmission on the private channel. A rub your eyes then cheeks as you smile feeling better and filled with motivation to take Unalaq down and end the war. A couple of hours later Asami comes to relieves you and you thank her going back to your bunk to sleep for a couple of hours.
“okay, I think I’m done sparing…. try hitting that hay filled dummy over there instead” you grumble as you push yourself off ground Korra offering a hand which you take and rub your shoulder. “I didn’t rough you up too much did I?” Korra smirked and you laugh “not at all, don’t want to hurt you before we even make it to the South Pole” you rebutted and smirk folding your arms. “oh ha ha very funny” Korra furrows as Tenzin advises Korra to keep training and she nods working on her airbending skills while you stand beside Tenzin to watch Korra. You glance at Tenzin and frown a bit “I’m sorry to hear about your daughter, Tenzin. I’m optimistic that she’ll pull through and get her back safely,” you speak softly as you continue watching Korra. Tenzin looks down sadden “Thank you, y/n. I’m worried for Jinora I hope she can stay strong for a little while more. This is all my fault…”
“It’s not your fault, Tenzin. It’s heartbreaking as a parent to see your child hurt and feeling hopeless, but you must stay strong for her. I know we all came along to help Korra but we’re for just the same reasons for you. Who is with Jinora now?”  
Tears form at the corner of Tenzin’s eyes, but he quickly composes himself “Thank you, y/n. That means a lot, and Kya is with her now circulating the energy flow in Jinora’s body.” You nod understanding as both of you go back to watching Korra. “I’m gonna join Bumi and Oogi up above” you bend a cable out and scale up the ship doing a flip and land beside Bumi petting Oogi before taking a seat beside Bumi listening to Bumi play his flute. Bumi turns to you “so you a friend of the Korra?” Bumi takes a small break from playing and you shrug “yeah, I think we’ve established a friendship it started off rocky since she destroyed several shops on her first day in the city. Quite the entrance”
“nothing like a big entrance for an Avatar” Bumi and you exchange a laugh
“Actually, I’m close friends with Asami and I work as a Lieutenant with Chief Beifong in Republic City” you lean back against Oogi.
“well well quite a title for a young fighter”
“Hey! I’m 27, a hard worker and very ambitious.” You smirk looking down to keep watching Korra practice though an amused face creeps up on you when you see Bolin in a weird purple coat thing.
“oh so you’re another ruler stickler like Tenzin and a hardass like Linny” he gruff as he fiddles with his flute and you shake your head and laugh out loud “Linny? I thought she didn’t like being called that” your eyes widen when you said that and dart to Bumi your cheeks blushing coming up with an excuse “I—uh-- accidentally called her that and she practically chewed my ass on the training ground”
Bumi eyes you but shrugs it off and laughs hearing that you almost got bodied by Lin “She’s not here to stop me” you sigh of relief before laughing again “no, not at all, I just got reinstated last night. When I got suspended for going behind Beifong’s back when Mako and I were doing the investigation that led to Varrick.
“oh, it takes some real guts to go behind Linny. I don’t think even Tenzin would do something like that. He’s too much of a chicken to try!” He smiles mischievously as he yelled that last part enough for Tenzin to hear.
“I heard that, Bumi!” Tenzin yelled back. You and Bumi look at each other and laugh
“oh we made the airhead angry” Bumi teased as you quietly chuckle “We should stop the teasing for now, unless you want to be knocked overboard by one of his air punches.”
Bumi huffs and leans over to you and smirks “ha, Tenzin doesn’t scare me” before he leans back to his side and goes back to playing his flute.
Tenzin seems rather annoyed by the teasing you and Bumi caused, which wasn’t helping his feelings about Jinora. He used his frustrations and directed it to give Korra direction in her training. “Unalaq will be waiting for you. you’ll need all of your avatar power to stop him.”
“I’m going to close the spirit portals, lock Vaatu in for another 10,000 years, and make Unalaq wish he’d was never born!” Korra sends a large fire punch to the hay dummy that knocks it’s head off in the direction towards Mako
“wow Hayward didn’t stand a chance” you muttered which Bumi heard and made him cackle “Hayward?! Nice” you smile and laugh along with him. Bumi laughs seems infectious it could be his kid like spirit always trying to keep the spirits up in the group. It helps especially when we’re about to face a crazy power hungry water tribe chief preventing an impending doom.  
You hear a door open and you scoot over to the edge to see who it is and see it’s Kya. You keep having a nagging feeling that you know Kya from somewhere, but you brush it off. “As soon as we reach the southern water tribe….”
“we should probably make our way down, need a hand?” you look at Bumi “nah I got it. I don’t need special bending to get down”
you smirk “I wasn’t going to bend”
“you never mentioned your name”
“it’s y/n” you smile
“well y/n, here’s to some crazy adventures”
you give him a salute before you scoot forward and start sliding down the wall landing beside Kya. Kya startles a bit not hearing you come down, you mouth out a sorry, she smiles softly before giving her attention back to Tenzin ”..we’ll blast through the blockade at the main port. Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses and around the portal, and enter the spirit world.”
“woah, since when does my little brother want to crash or blast through anything?” Kya brings her hands up in the air as she looks at her Tenzin.
“yeah… don’t airbenders usually take more of a defensive approach?” you look at Tenzin confused while you cross your arms.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to save my daughter.” Tenzin raises his voice.
“We all want to save Jinora, but I think your plan might be a tad overaggressive, seeing as there are only eight of us and one ship.” Bumi comments on Tenzin’s plan which you agree with Bumi it’s too much of an aggressive approach which can be reckless. Tenzin turns over to Bumi crossing his arms “Really? And what do you suggest?”
“An attack like this calls for strategy. I remember when I was surrounded by pirates in the hurricane straits. We managed to capture them all with just a feather, two eggs, and a barrel of molasses.” Bumi goes off telling a crazy war story to which Tenzin interrupts him “I don’t want to hear any of your crazy stories now! This is serious.” Bumi stops and pouts crossing his arms looking away. Kya looks at you confused of who you are, and you glance at her “sorry, I’m y/n. we never gotten the chance to formally meet.” You extend a hand and shake Kya’s hand “yeah, I saw you at the Glacier Spirits festival then that whole spirit attack. I’m Kya, Tenzin’s cool older sister, but I’m sure you knew that” you smile and nod your head as you look at her eyes. That necklace look oddly familiar. I think I've seen those eyes before too “yeah, I’ve heard a few things” which causes Kya to raise an eyebrow “oh? If you heard it from Tenzin, it’s a lie unless it was something nice then it was true” she smiles as she nudges her little brother, but you shake your head laughing softly “All good things, don’t worry” your attention is diverted when you hear footsteps coming behind you and turn around to see Asami “Hey Sami, were you able to contact the South Pole?”
“Are we almost there?” Bolin cuts in and he and Mako joins the group
“Almost. But I just picked up a distress signal from the southern troops. There’s a problem.”
9 notes · View notes
helihi · 4 years
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty: Spop season 5
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I’ve stopped screaming, and I took the time to rewatch season 5 with my little brother. So, here are my thoughts:
The Good
Horde Prime - The cult™ : I really dig the aesthetics, that combo of religious fanatics + fascism hit good. The crew did a good job at portraying Horde Prime as the ultimate villain of the show. He was engaging to watch and his ideology was pretty clear. The way they played with the hive mind concept was really fun, and it was Horde Prime’s biggest strength. He was also a very good manipulator, successfully playing with Glimmer and Adora. He was unsuccessful with Catra because she had already hit her lowest point.
Entrapta: honestly, she was the most hilarious character this season. Not only was she engaging to watch and listen to, I felt really connected to her this season. The fight with Mermista hit really good and it hurt, but you could see her trying her best. I love how open she is and how accepting of everyone and everything. I’m glad we got to see so much of her this season.
Scorpia: baby, she only deserves good things in life. When she got mind control, you could see how fucking powerful she is, but luckily for us, we got to see her shine independently before that. Her interactions with Swift Wind, Perfuma, and Double Trouble made her shine. She’s smart, talented, and without an evil bone in her body. I’m happy she can move on from Catra and find love and friendship. (I hope she reconnects with Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle in the future too)
Mermista: babe, you were always mood. She has been consistently funny, her get ups and plans are so entertaining to watch, but also: her relationship with Sea Hawk is great! They are definitely made for each other. I’m sad she was mine controlled for the other half of the season, but I’m happy we got to see a lot of her before. (Also she burned someone’s ship OMG GANGSTER SUIT)
Sea Hawk: happy to see him back. He was funny as always, and I’m happy he got his moment with Mermista at the end. 
Perfuma: “ADORA, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?” “A TANK” “NO!” Her relationship with Scorpia is so good! I wish we could’ve seen more.
Netossa: I was one of those who was sad to know the 2 canon lesbians of the show were just background characters. I am so incredibly happy to see her shine this season! SHE SAID MY WIFE. She is the queen of the roasts and I stan.
Spinnerella: Dude, I didn’t know you were this powerful what the fuck. Also, your wife is super cute and she draws like Noelle.
Emotional Support Cat: Bro, I love Melog’s design. I think it was a really clever way to have Catra express her feelings and process them out loud for the audience by giving Catra a supernatural cat.
New She-ra design: I see the subtle reference to Bow, Glimmer and Catra in the design. Honestly, Adora looks 100% more badass.
Not Hordak: I really wish he had picked a name from himself. Aside from Entrapta, this might be the other hilarious character of the season. He goes through his individualization process in a healthier way than Hordak and showcases that the clones can be different from Horde Prime and rehabilitated. I wonder how he will feel about Hordak? But we got no epilogue so idk I guess.
Darla: I can’t believe they named the ship, but I love it.
The Best Friends Squad: I swear to god, when Bow, then Glimmer and then Catra interrupted Adora’s train of thought, I knew we were going to have a great dynamic. The way their characters play of each other is hilarious. Bow, who usually has the only braincell, is cautious and a total dad; Adora is the dumb jock with the heart of gold that gets herself into trouble; Glimmer is the chaotic enchantress with no patience; and finally Catra who’s got all her walls up, but gets shit done. I want a show of them together going on misions and almost dying in the process, thank you.
Catra Redemption: You wanted it, and here you have it! I was cheering for Catra this whole season while proclaiming I’d die for her (which I had only reserved for Scopia previously). Though things may be a little rushed, Catra takes her time to process things, and goes back and forth a couple of times. She deflects, lies, and runs away, but in the end she opens up and rushes back.
In general, the season was packed with content. I was never bored through any episodes and I honestly laughed outloud while watching it alone and later with my brother. There were moments when we paused the episode to discuss what had just happened or to process new information. This makes me feel even more weird about the bland season 2/3 division.
The Bad
Okay so, let me make this clear: I will never attack a ship or anyone who supports it. In this blog we multiship like adults and respect other people’s OTPs.
That being said, while this season was long and packed with content, it also felt rushed when it came to the relationships of the main cast
Glimmer - Catra: The prison episodes had barely any interactions between both of them. I wish they’ve had had more time to talk and to connect. There were Glitra moments that make me feel happy, and my brother was for a moment convinced that they could be canon. They are foils of each other after season 4. The conversation they had, where they realize they had a lot of things in common could’ve been a catalyst for both of them to grow and heal. However, Catra has her change of heart really soon and saves Glimmer, which prevents any deep interactions between them in the future. Aside from the jokes, Catra must be with Adora, and Glimmer must be with Bow, so everything else gets dropped.
Glimmer - Adora: The conflict between them after Angela’s “death” was one of the main plot points of last season. When they reunite again, their issues are solved in a couple of minutes and then brushed off. They really don’t have big interactions after that, which feels completely OOC and empty.
Glimmer - Bow: I wasn’t the only one who felt the sharp turn of their relationship. In previous seasons, it was really platonic, but as soon as they see each other again you know they are going to end up together. The camera zoomed on them, Bow was always holding her protectively, the way they looked at each other change. Since Glimmer is not allowed to have intimate moments with anyone else, it kinda dulls everything up. Don’t get me wrong, I love some best friends to lovers, but in this case it felt rushed for me. If I pinpoint the moment things turned romantic for them, it’s the first time they interact in person this season. It didn’t feel organic (contrast with a ship like Korrasami, where you can point at the moment Asami realized she had feelings for Korra, and then later when Korra’s attitude towards Asami changes after the time skip).
Adora - Catra: Honey, we all knew this was going to be end game, and I love the fact that Catra is dealing with her feelings and Adora acknowledges that. However, after the end of season 3, I’d have expected things to progress a little slower. Catra did put some resistance with the chip scene, but even afterwards, what would’ve been better paced with more episodes, was condensed in a few. Don’t get me wrong. I love that Catra redemption, but I’d have loved a better pacing.
BTW for anyone interested: I ship Glitradora, so any of the 3 ships ending up canon were good for me, and I liked Bow/Glimmer, just preferred them as bffs.
There’s a list of characters that barely show up that could’ve had more screentime:
Huntara: barely appears at all. She’s seen fighting, but there are no references to her or a storyline with her.
Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle: briefly shown. The gay couple of the century have adopted the baby demon and are now the best dads in the desert. Lonnie is their braincell.
Double Trouble: at least they had a scene and lines, but I feel like they could’ve been more involved after they were discovered by Scopria, especially since they escaped with Sea Hawk and Perfuma.
The Star Siblings: idk man, they were part of a whole episode and then faded into the background. It was a glorified cameo for an episode where Glimmer and Bow fight.
Glimmer’s Aunt: sorry but I was asking “where the hell is she?” until she finally showed up late. She barely had any purpose.
The Dirty
Hey, guys, girls, and nonbinary pals, can we sit down and talk about redemptions?
IDK about you, but just because a show is aimed at kids you shouldn’t “redeem” all the villains. This trend bothers me specially when it touches on abuse or totalitarian leaders.
Shadow Weaver was an abuser until the end. She shouldn’t have had a heroic sacrifice, and her “I’m proud of you” line was bitter for me. I’ve said before I was raised in an abusive household and I don’t think it’s healthy to tell children that you can change your abuser or that you can expect them to change without therapy. I’m glad Shadow Weaver died, but I wish her death wasn’t in any way shape or form considered a “redemption”. A heroic act of sacrifice doesn’t erase all the pain she cause and the years of trauma Catra and Adora have had to endure.
Hordak. HEY HEY ETRAPDAK SHIPPERS DON’T COME FOR ME! I was weirded up by the ship until I realized Etrapta is in her late 20s. I’m happy they found each other but I think it’d be better if Hordak had to redeem himself through a life of service to Etheria. He can't erase the horrible things he has done, but with the help of Entrapta and others, he could give back to the community he ruined. Since we don’t have an epilogue, we just see him reuniting with Entrapta at the end and that’s it.
ALSO SOMEONE GIVE MICAH A HAIR TIE. My man, you are not in a hostile island anymore, go rock a dad bun or a dad ponytail!
How do you guys feel about it?
I’m here looking at cute GIFs of Catra and that kiss scene on repeat. I want a Rogelio poster, he was my boy.
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