themostsanebug · 5 months
So when Jack found them their actual body was mostly rotten.
Bear gave them a mostly robotic body after that + made blueprints of them :3
They mainly wear stuff that covers most of their skin because otherwise you can see their joints welp
He was used to work there for about two weeks before harry was hired, where they were promptly thrown into the back room and left there until their battery died.
Shortly before bear burnt down harry charged them again :D (he just wanted some help at his job tbf)
And after that they kinda went on to make the hotel
I’m so silly.
that is actually so cool :0
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ilikemesometaetaes · 1 year
ohhh myy godddd hii baby how have you been??? How’s life treating you?? What have you been up to? ITS NEARLY CHRISTMASSS AND 2023 IS ON ITS WAY IT FEELS LIKE A CENTURY HAS PASSED SINCE I LAST SPOKE TO YOU :(
I’ve just read through your new fic and I LOVE IT SO MUCH THE WHOLE IDEA IS SO INTERESTING honestly I’m hooked. How do you manage to come up with such artistic ideas and phrase it in beautiful ways?? You’re an amazing writer I’ve never doubted that wow.
My apologies for being so inactive, life has just thrown so many things my way but I’m still here hahaha.
Did you keep up with the World Cup? Any particular team you were supporting? It (like every time basically) did not come home ahh :( This is the first time I’ve actually become interested in football and it has now (unfortunately) led me down a dangerous path of playing FIFA (disappointing, I know). All I can say tho as much as I understand the basic rules of football the men in this World Cup. Oh my. That’s all I can say haha
AND JIN IS IN THE MILITARY!!! honestly I never expected that the day would come so fast and soon all the rest of the boys will be going too 😭
Honestly though I truly do hope you’ve been well, you’re looking after yourself, eating and sleeping fine. ily stay safe ♥️♥️♥️ xx
Hi there, beloved anon. How I’ve missed you!
I’m okay! I’m an officer now 😎 been learning how to lead my people in school and I’m excited to see how I can contribute to the military once I actually begin duty. Some things are hard to grasp, but I love a challenge.
You’re right! It feels like ages since I’ve interacted with people on here. Any cool plans for Christmas? I’m finally going to see my family. I haven’t seen them in months because of my schedule now, but I’ve come to accept it as part of the job.
Thank you for reading my work after such a lengthy, unannounced hiatus. My life got so busy so fast that it took me off guard haha. But you stuck by me regardless. I voiced to my girlfriend that I was nervous about how it would do after such a long absence, but she was there to reassure me (like she always does, love you baby) and she put me at ease because she also read through the story. She puts up with me so often and I’m so thankful to her as my main inspirational crutch. Her and @ressjeon allow me to bounce ideas off them all the time- and they even unknowingly give me ideas. I can’t stress how integral they are to my development process.
I was mildly into the World Cup. I was rooting for Belgium and once they were out, I was rooting for anyone playing against France.
Because fuck Mbappe.
As someone in the military, it’s exciting to see Jin in uniform! It’s so exhilarating to see him take on this next step in his life. I hope he’s enjoying himself and gaining the lessons learned in a military environment, away from the pressures of being a global superstar.
I’ve been trying my best, anon. How about you? Have you been doing all of those things too?
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rhaaclaws · 2 years
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ohhh myy godddd look at this little guy I'm gonna go crazy
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petramcbiteybite · 2 years
Hello. I am Nagito Komeadeha
In order to become real. I need your credit card information
Will you help me?
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onlyswan · 1 month
Ohhh myy godddd im late to the party!!!!!!!! Congratulations artieeeee I'm soooo proud of you. muah muah muah pat pat. I hope your happy with yourself and satisfied, you deserve everything
My results are also coming next week so wish me good luck hehehehehe .
love you muah muah
🥰🥰🥰 kisses and head pats those are definitely what i work hard for <33333 THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY
goodluck with your results :") love you too kisskiss
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enbyboiwonder · 3 months
Switched to playing Dark Alliance I for a bit, since 1) I’m nearly finished with it, and 2) I have never once finished this game before. I’m not sure I ever even made it to Act III.
Ohhh myy godddd I hate those giant full-plate automatons with the double spinning weapons. I’ll take the gold ones that spew poison out of their chests any day. I don’t know how many times I’ve died because I accidentally let them get too close. I think I’m gonna switch back to the second game for a while…
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ghoul-hasadeadline · 2 years
dear diary
OHHH MYY GODDDD!!! stupid stupid stupid stupid
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soundofsilver · 4 years
i have 16 hours to write this essay 😭😭😭
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nitensalis · 6 years
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my brother didn’t even get two full hours of happiness here 
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nyarados · 6 years
I'm screaming ohhh myy godddd
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themadburnish · 6 years
ohhh myy godddd
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springatito-moved · 2 years
i associate the castle builders by la dispute very heavily with c!sapnap and im not sure how accurate it is or not
So build a home for your family, and build a castle for your friends Now set their beds with sheets and blankets Keep them safe until the end
My friends, I'm only flesh and bone But I won't let you die alone
im gonna lose it ohhh myy godddd yes very csapnap
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bourbonheartbreak · 6 years
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matteandblack · 6 years
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maeqan · 6 years
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